AI-poweredIoTbased CookingAssistant Hiteshi created a cutting-edge mobile app for food processing that enables users to operate their electronic cooking appliances such as mixers food processors and microwaves from their Andr id tablet Th d d f d pr i d ti t h l gy i g f t gyefficient and secure cooking. In addition to allowing users to prepare delectable dishes with the help of a cookbook this app also streamlines the cooking experience by offering numerous ipe pti U ily t l th i ki g d i d k th i d i d di h i straightforward and hassle-free manner by following the tablets step-by-step instructions
Ab Ab #F65A31 #E00041 #CC7CC8 #D2D2D2 #444040 Font 'Barlow Condensed' Regular - Medium - Semibold - Bold Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J Z X C V B N M D F G H J K Y W E D V B N M U I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Goals Develop a high-end AI-powered kitchen appliance that is connected via IoT to a web-based platform T pr id with i t d ffi i t y t pe t th i ele t i ki g appli th gh th i A d id t bl t Provide a wide range of recipe options to users through the app, making it easier to cook Cooking automation for adjusting the temperature cooking time etc Feature List 1 Multilingual Supports 16 languages) 2.Controls electronic devices used in cooking 3 Recipe audio guide and Set up alarms 4 Ingredient recognition through visual analysis and RFID technology 5 Natural language processing to interpret user commands 6 IoT connectivity of the cooking appliance and application User Experience Ensur th ppli i y t d d t d The appliance's touch sc ee display was designed with a simple and intuitive interface Built-in recipes were with clear instructions and simple steps. The appliance was connect d t I T pl tf allowing users to access its features remotely Results Challengesfacedby Client Hit hi t f d l h ll ge d i g th d l pm t period. Developing a high-end AI-powered kitchen appliance required a significant investment in research and development The team also faced challenges in integrating the IoT technology and web-based platform with the appliance to ensure seamless connectivity Additionally designing a platform with advanced features while ensuring ease of use for customers was also a challenge. SolutionsproposedbyHiteshi To overcome the challenges faced by the team Hiteshi invested in extensive research and development to ensure that the product was technologically advanced and met customer needs The team worked on integrating IoT technology with the appliance to ensure seamless connectivity and enable users to contr l th ppli t ly i th b-b d pl tf Fi lly th t k d d l pi g b iltin r cip d t ti t pe t t l t k ki g m i t d ffi i t f Testimonials A client is e t l i d with Hit hi tti dg mobile app f d p g pp operat l t i ki li f Andr id t bl t gy gy ki Th i l de kbo k d n recipe options making cooking streamlined and hassle-free The client lo th t ightf d a d e j y bl ki g experience that the app provides sales@hiteshi com +91-6269090901 www hiteshi com Contact Us hiteshi com The launch of the high-end AI-powered platform by Hiteshi has been successful The platform has received positive feedback from customers due to its advanced features which have made cooking more convenient and efficient The products unique design including a touchscreen display and a po erf l motor has also contrib ted to its s ccess