r&reds" do Ko-33004/99
T,h,e 6az,
of 3l ndio
crftrfirrt rfirftrd PT]BLISIIEDBY AUTIIORITY
fr. lsl1 No. 1511
r$ fffi,
, q;T 25, 2012,/eilre4, 1934
eTfu€q{rfriltrffifrrqTrqRqq sTRrq.fir T{ Rd,
l l ET, 2ol2
q+ilfiffi w{Ercfi* IT|qfr}4 trndlqilqrffi fwq{rqR,r(( ffi "eTfucT sr$q{urq{ t{frq{ur* tdq q.d{r) frt+qrr, 2012,, rF,T gTfeTFqq, qR\ ( srsTrdRrq) . q. g.efr. ,gz-9rFftm'zzot z.-erFg-mqrfrq ?ffiffi RrqtT
lslr (roai or sz) of qRr ro Sq emr 11 d eTerq-Bdqf{r 23 of sqqm (1)d ci-a.fd'l-{G GTqfrYrRf,d npn o+ffi rrqarTeieil{ ffi d ftfrei'r d fr\ lil{d rfichrqof 3ID-q"-qT fuqzn 10srrrwr,1ee2Fr-EtBrfsEdFd ft-'qq}or nq}-qo-C gS,erurcrRru gq qTfr.a*rr*"=".d d (n-fi-ffi ereilGtT, inq q Cn-o vrqeret) d fun'il nenfrrqfrsnerq}Gil{qTfuaffieraa-q d sl{ q qiR.-d$qelTsT d qlrfii d ulreroi gq frfteToT d frq rpdfl) fr'frqq, zoroqcr 3z-3/frfuo/zoto fuqToro qrd, 2010gfrt tfukR" darTqrrfl d Rrqq{ HCqTes ii ftql6 oz erho, 2o1ooi q-fiTRI-d fuq frffi + uD-mqqq Grfu-dqn_ftq n-f,ffi (3I.il-dRIq) fuTfufud fr-fr-'qqq-{rfr t , -zttoC,zorr.
1. Tiftrq qrt, trd.,i{flt *t
[PenrItr-Sec. 41
{{{arH\ 6 q]q41 d gl frFr+di o\ s'iTrdplq(ftpqft-glilq\ of ilffi qIg'TTI si-j{eilrrVq fifrerur d fu qq-{r) frfrqq, 2012a.dt r;i ildp-ffi €{a{BII rR '41'l i ErTfrf{qq of trm z(iv) it qRrTrRdat
dii r
i {rqq{ q s-{-decilqn of dffts € rgo dii t
2. qfu{lqt( sftRq-q tgaz d ffqqrqTd 3T8ft{ ( i ) "frftd' t sTfttrdqftqq A-{r sFTraRlq
' gTI{I erfr-q d 4 et lgso "Gnmrr"q\ ffiEitdq sTId=T sftfr'qq GIT{rq er1art cildT" effi-fo t ; rarrfrf, "freqR--€rrdq "qftqq" t sTfu-dqrrfi=q f,offi Rren_qnqqsTHF?rl tgaz at qrtl 3 d sT*fq{erfrf, "srfu-dffi-fr"q a-6ffi RIeTrqRq-E"eifu}-ot. ;
(i i )
(iii) (iv)
d ilf,-ffi fuiTq/flo-ffi q-€nq,
*gq-r{ sIr*,T Rfrfr) frrqF-eT-c'rq -#r q}fr-d qTtrd ftiffi d
derr a-fiffi
' rqT{/ilfi-frqt1-
3ilBRq-qtgso of T" F) d s{fi{ qRrr{ nelTTfifiqtl rs^F{/d-dtfr-+t of qemcTdeT[s{d rTrf,m\ ffii FrS ffi d cil-d,ff,qaTrfua ,oqrffi fr'qFT,
1e56oT qry 2(q) dsrT12 oilq}q (q${ft) 3TfuR=qq cn-JErq ffisraq s d eTqerTq\ " d 3Teftqe-qg-d -{t-cq3Tfufrqq d €il-<=|f,cft-d {rwq frqTq, d ildFffi qftg{r ner dnffi qd/n-s-ft9 gfGtrTflcFI{/dq s{ol{ gt-{I lrrfq-qrfq q{ frtd fi Hqtrrd d cn-f,tfd q}R-fl d a-6-ffi qRs-{ derr do-ftot frxfi ffisTdq {s^d/a-od-fi f+wq t qT{go-dT.qrw GTrq}-sfl, "66-ffi fuTm" i\ eTtrfd Efrffi, fis)ffi, e6r.rFr,,M ft eil$gdf, o-anyq Rry eftq t-fr fr el-q o-td-mqsTalcll Mi, ffi d-q q-{sTq-qRqq d qqrqaft ql-drr{ q 3{Brqfrd @-i,dd Rra"r 3il-{eilq frqpT r} i ; siq fr on ffiqrdq Rre{"relr-q,/GTarqT
$l[{f, tfi'l {IEItlTl : ef$qf(q
tqFr III-qfs 4l
qlqo-in, T{R 3il-q}-q-fl, qF" t srftid gfrffi, ffiffi, ,ffi eil't er-ggzmo-ar G frrfl cil{ t-S fr erq @Ttro-q GTetcn ear-+r;r, Mi, ffi dq {r{cn-f{qR{E d q{qaf t qrq.H t GrWa 6i, q Gil-{qilq &^-ar\ t ; ei-q/sramryiltr q a-n ffiqroq d fueroT RrHoT
(vii) o-rd-m-q tr{errRd zn-{fi t aqr Ec-d Gffid ilf,-fi-+t frrerrd qrqq-fi-qGTercrT
eT.fr,ftr+ dq srox qRq-(d qsqef t qrG..ft tqft er"qrrreilqqn-R-d fr efi-qqqTgnTilfi-ffi rr{srrye}Rn @t ' (viii) "6*6ur6u" t errnnRrqGfqfuqq1e87of eTrtlz qfi sqElirr(s) q qfuiltra ffierc-q erft.fo t t 3. 3.1
3.2 3.3
ffii of ao-+O vrqerynerrqrfrf, ffia.aq dR-a o1 .d gm qifud qqqfg, rfle-nq/fr-S M-qrc{-q,zql'q fr-rqfusTdqq-Rq-E qRqq d a-q-qttf, {.Gii{Vf,.www.aicte-india.org tft sq?rcI fttriRd q-inqq qRqqflqr frfrHE GMq q Grq-dts znt'i I sq-trdnftftq-q 3.1q s-fufu.o {iln of ETdaift fr furiRd nsq ti qRE-{oi nrgd of qrq=frt qfi ilfi-fi-+l sqaild nen qrfro ffisrdq ffii CR-d zhl r-$ q t ci ,ft, il+-ffi riqerd/ffi ,zq-.q ffierazil qRw gr{TfterfR-dEfr G ftf} e-o qrfud q"-flq qRq-Eo} n*go € o-{d d, n q.Rq-{Erqrfr qri q-rfr ffi fi ffiq lrgrcrdT eiq ftffi erq ecrTqof rrsrq-drd fuq qra q-fr fi I qRqEt-ift qffi @1pn, qrq-S .fr cTd E-fi-ft-frr:-serrcr) d fr-s-€ sfuf, elfr oii o-{ str
rrofi tr 3.4
qRq-{ qft t{ft flfi-ffi qrqereirt q-q|ff, Gtq-id'q qRrrrqi o\ s{-d ErtTsqgffi rrq-S qri qIFft eilcr-wffrmtr iE, fq {fiznT{ q|-Gr deillgrefqr rr-q|fd rr{cDn nen lmildq sqilq srr-q}Tei ,fr
qRqq +1 a-6-ry*1qflerror} ner flfra frvofteldq d sq d €ilft-d wweiiTffi gnr fi .r$ ffii,/qsq ffii qn-o-ffi 6T {reilqq osi netTsq-d dnr trEFrof qri qrfr d-qrffi ften + q-+di d rJRtran-fi-{"i*g vr-or frfterpTor qr+-ftt r q-Rq-E rg-q|foMd€ililq d srq-frR€rfr wE znqi sT sfud scrcfr rEFT6-{i d qeqq at t-{ft d-fi-ffi ii{errcr}neil qTfr.d ffiilf,q + sq q q}f*d qiqereri/ffi ffi-qmq),zw.q ffi S qFr GG-fterffio +q-r{rfd q{ rmTRTdo-tft, ci
penr m-Src. +1
FrqfRda-6ffi Riar d qqol@r 3T5{e{uT
a qrlds trL\-ff -fi il'+..E'*,i,r.l.* *4q1"Rt @T3r-Jqmq tuq lr qtr'qmrzqr+o\ZfiRru\ H -*:;;
'ffiC *ta-offi^*Tt1T;s^,Rffi*H,J qltq(rq<qrqu's':#;'fr'ffi qRq-{ q\B-a qiqq.3il 4 $ ry{Rry "G.r, q.{nr{ o.4"TffT* d-q ts, -,ftrg 'ffi16"
H.il-il'.ffi #-."]
ilS'T dsl-r q]-{d q q-qB.-atrsrqq Gn-g_{1-q
frorqZsffi oi fr tft t F.i.+. fr. ani*m,qqs-qHq tf{dTqqrll t4t r62| rzlerst'l
ALL|NDIAcoUNc|LFoRTEGHN|GALEDUGAT|oN NOTIFIGATION NewDelhi'the11thJune'2012 of Educatiol (lnformationfor Maintenance ,,Alllndiacouncil forTech-nical Entitiesof universities) tl::hnicat ii"p"J* Gonduct standardsand 2012.'' "r Regulations,
F.No.S.o.37.3/LegaV20|2.-Inexerciseofitspowersconfenedundersub.section(1)ofSect (AICTE) Act' Arl India council for Technical Education read withsection 10 and Seltion l l of the by the of rechnical Institutions and universities notified lgs'(szoF lggT), and Rules for inspection rgg2 and in supersessionof the AICTE of India.vide Notification lui.a 10thAugust, Governmegrt Institutions, Departments of the Universities (Information and conduct of Inspection of rechnical as lJniversity and Universities and institutions declared and Institutions declaretJas Deemed to be dated notified vide Notification No. 3'o'37lLegall}}l} deemedto be University) Regurations20r0 cou^cil India No. g3 dated April T, 2010, All India l6rh March 2010 as published in the Gazetteof the following regulations:for TechnicalEducationmake^s
L. Short'fitle, Application and Commencement l . l T h e s e r e g u l a t i o n s m a y b e c a | l e d A I C T E ( I n f o r m a t i o n f o r M a i n t e n a n c e o 2012'" fStandards Regulations, Universities) of Entities rechnical of and conduct of Inspection as definedin Clause2(iv) at these |,2 They shall apply to technicalentities Regulations' offrcial from the date of their publicationin the 1.3 They shall come into force with effect Gazette'
qKfl t51 WqFt : elflslf(ol
Iqrrr m-â&#x201A;Ź!-s 4]
Definitions ..Prescribecl" lneansprescribedby the council in any of its Regulation/Notification of theAICTEAct' 1987; undertheprovisions issuecl undersection4 ' meansthe universityGrantscommissionestablished (ii) ..Commission,, Act' 1956; of theUniversityGrantsCommission underSection Educationestabrished (iii) ..council,,meansAll tndiacouncil For Technicar Act, 1987; Education 3 of theAll IncliaCouncilfor Technical
2. (i)
)epartments/ Technical Schools and aq
l*1. unA Technical Campuses of the rnder Section 3 of the University Grants (I.JGC)Act, 1956' Conrmission 'fechnical Campusesof Private .l'cch*ic,,ttJepart,nent/Tiechnical Schoolsand C. of and ulder the provisionof UGC (Establishment tI'ivc:rsiricsestahlished 2003 Regulations' in PrivateLJniversities) o{'standarcls Maintcrrilrrcr D. Technical Department/Technical Schools and Technical Campuses of State . Universities declared under concerned State Act under the provisions of section2(f) and 12B of the UGC Act, 1956. E. Technical Department/ Technical Schoolsand Technical Campus of any other University declared under any of the provision of State / Central Government from time to time. ,.Technical Department" means the teaching. and research department of the University engaged in teaching and/or research in engineering technology, architecture, town planning, management,pharmacy and applied arts and crafts and subh other programme or areasas the Central Government may, in consultation with the Council, by notificationin the Official Gazette; (vi) {Technical School" meansthe teachingand researchschool of the University engaged in teaching and/or research in engineering technology, architecture, town planning, management,pharmacy and applied arts and crafts and such other programme or areas as the Central Governmentmay, in consultationwith the Council, by notification in
the Official Gazette; (vii) .,TechnicalInstitutien" meansa constituerfrinstitution of the University which offers coursesor programmeiof technicaleducation,and shall include such other institutions as the Central Governmentmay, in consultationwith the Council, b-ynotification in the Official Gazette,declareas technicalinstitutions; (viii),.University" means a University defined under sub-section(i) of Section 2 of the AICTE Act. 1987.
3. Deemed 3.1 The technicalentitiesof the Universitiesand technicalinstitutionsdeclaredas to be L;piversity/ PrivateUniversity / StateUniversity shall upload such information, at as desiredby the Council, in the format prescribedon the web portal of the Council URL : www.aicte-india.org.at suchan intervalsas specifiedby the Council.
[Panr III-Src. 4]
3.2 The information referred to in Regulation3.l.above may also be submittedas hard copy to the Council in the prescribedformat. 3 . 3 The technicalentitiesof the Universitiesand technicalinstitutionsdeclaredas Deemed to be University / Private University i State Universities, who shall not submit the infonnation to the Council by the date prescribedby the Council, shall not be entitled for any financial or any other kind of assistancefrom the Council. Council may take any suchaction as it may deem fit againstdefaultingtechnicalentities. 3 . 4 The Council shall also report its finding in respect of the technical entities of 'the universitiesto the Central and/or State Government concernedand the University Grarnts Commissionfor neoessary actionasdqemednecessary." 3 . 5 The (louncil nray causean inspectionof the technicalentitiesof the Universitiesand technicalirrstitutionsdcclaredas Deemedto be University/ PrivateUniversity/ State Universities, to verify the information furnished by them and to ascertain the standardsof technicaleducation. 3 . 6 The Council after giving due opportunity to the concerned University to explain its position shall publish the names of such technical entities of the Universities and technical institutions declaredas Deemed to be University / Private University / State Universities on its official website, who in its opinion are not maintaining the standardsof technical education as prescribedby the Council and/or not following the norms/standardsipolicies laid down by the Council from time to time for maintaining the standardsof the technical education. 3.7 The Council shall also report, its findings along with its recommendationsin respectof the technical entities of the universities and institutions declared as Deemed to be University to the Central and/or State Government concemed, the University Grants Commission and the relevant accreditation bodies/agenciesin lndia for necessary action at their end.
Dr.K. P.ISAAC,MemberSecy. IADW. lltI4| 162112lExty.l
Printedby the Manager,Governmentof lndia Press,Ring Road, Mayapuri,New Delhi-110064 Delhi-l10054' and Publishedby theController of Publications,