Fort Conservation Proposal Portfolio (B.Architecture - Thesis)

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Design Dissertation


B. Architecture

Institution Name:

Rizvi College Of Architecture, Mumbai

Project Name:

Theorizing Heritage

Project Period:

Sept 2016 - August 2017

Proposal done by,

Name : Hitesh Raut contact : +91 9004962006 Email ID : Submitted on Date : 26th February, 2020

SYNOPSIS This project concerns the development of the forts in Maharashtra. The main aim of this reserach is to preserve our past and conserve it for our future generation. The first phase, the Research, deals with basic aspects of the project, such as the definitions, an analysis of the present condition of the forts. The second phase, concept development, concerns the problems of the mindset of people and how tackle it through spreading awareness, comingout of interviews and observation. In addition, the values and the vision of the new project are defined and the final concept is selected. The third phase, fort development, introduces the more technical aspects of the project and ends with the final prposal.


Abstract Background Project Introdcution How people mindset differ (showcasing through comic characters)

5. Aim of the project 6. Design strategies and concept 7. Mapping of the Bassein Fort 8. 9. 10. 11.

Design Proposal Entrance Avenue Area De Atividade (Activity Space) Area De Exposicao (Exhibition Spcae)

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(Point 9 to 11 includes detail architectural drawings of proposed areas)

12. Local Architectural Context 13. Imaginary view of the Bassein Fort (Post Proposal)

14. Conclusion 15. Further scope of the studies 16. CD data

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ABSTRACT Heritage awareness is a crucial part of any heritage conservation and management. The creation of awareness is time consuming and it requires commitment and loca support. It is often the most recognizable component of a heritage management. One of the effective ways to build and maintain respect for heritage is through a selection of activities that raise public awareness and increase participation of the local community.The success of heritage conservation initiatives is achieved through support of people and authorities. Over a period of time these heritages have been ignored thus leading to deterioration of the sturucture.It has become the need of the day to take initiative and atleast protect precious heritages in our surrounding. The city of Mumbai has vast number of heritages in both the city and its suburbs. These are protected and looked after by Archeologica survey of India(ASI).The site selected is Bessein fort the Vasai fort. An awareness centre would help revive the importance of the fort built by Sultan Bahadur Shah of Gujarat, in 1532. The main aim is to conserve the existing fort remains and create an awareness centre that would contribute to its conservation. Utilizing the best practices from the case study and implementing new ideas can catapult the Bessein fort into an ideal heritage location. This study traces the evolution of the heritage concept and then evaluates how this concept can be used to benefit the existing fort.


“India is my country, I love my country & I am proud of its rich & Varied heritage… I pledge my devotion to my country…" Remember the national pledge, we pledged in school every morning? For almost 10 years, every morning we promised devotion to our country through this pledge. We feel proud of our country, of our democracy, of the diversity in India. Do we really follow our constitution? Do we keep the promise we made to our country? Think again… We all are developing for the betterment of our future generations. India’s strength lies in its YOUTH. For the country to be in better hands, the country’s youth must be educated. It is also very important the citizens be aware of India’s rich and varied history and heritage. Taking pride in our history, we should respect our ancestors who gave us a precious and unique heritage.


India being a diverse and multilingual country, every state has its own culture, language and history. Every culture and religion has its uniqueness which makes it different from the rest. People from different states must preserve their own history so that it helps India to preserve its history as a whole. Can we as responsible citizens ever take an initiative? When the time comes, very few people come forward to fight for the preservation of our country’s heritage. We strive for a better living but in the process, forget about our duties and responsibilities as a citizen towards preserving historical monuments which were known for its strength and power. We need to care for them like our own. Do we really take pride in our heritage? Then why is it called as GOVERNMENT PROPERTY? Why can’t it be taken care of as OUR PROPERTY? Let’s contribute our effort for OUR NATION.

PROJECT INTRODUCTION "India is not an underdeveloped country, but rather, in the context of its history and cultural heritage, a highly developed one in an advanced state of decay."

- The Great Indian novel.

The Indian heritage is result of the development of the people of India in the social economical political and cultural fields over a period of thousands of years. It exhibits the glory of our country. “India is a vast country; it contains multitudes.”

India has an extraordinary, vast and diverse pool of cultural heritage and ancient monuments in the form of buildings and other archaeological sites and remains. The sheer number of these historic heritages is astounding. And the fact that these monuments are the reminiscence of the living witnesses of the golden historic era of over a thousand years and of the pre-independence battles, they carry a special and a well-deserved respect in the eyes of the Indians. They are the epitome of courage, stand testimony to the evolution and are a symbol of cultural expressions. It has become a necessity in today’s world that we preserve these monuments and showcase the future generations as the contributions or achievements of our ancestors.

Here the question arises whether

‘’Are we really making an effort to conserve these important assets?”

A question we should pester upon. Every civilised city has learnt the art of conversation with its past, and is the richer for it. Conservation builds on historic assets to reap today’s tourism dividends. It restores the soul of the city, tells stories, reinforces roots and retains a character that has taken decades to build. It’s a little like spending time with your grandmother. Would you kill her to buy yourself a vial of Botox? There comes a moment in time when each great city in the world must make a choice between the new and the old, between preservation and development. Every city must decide the future of their past. And, despite the towering high-rises and cutting-edge innovations in architecture, these iconic cities remain their historic landmarks with the prime tourist areas located in the historic districts, reinforcing the fact that ‘City needs to preserve its heritage to keep its soul alive.’

Today, we have a well-structured regulation in place and many award-winning restoration projects, but what seems most lacking, is the political will and administrative backing to support a holistic heritage policy.

The idea is to understand that our historic stock is an asset, not a liability and merely requires innovative financial mechanisms to make it economically sustainable. Tax breaks for restoration of private buildings and financial tools for restoring heritage would ensure a greater public involvement in restoration and a trend towards innovative adaptive reuse of heritage properties rather than demolition and reconstruction. It takes immense leadership and political vision to successfully embark on a city’s revival. Ensuring that one realm does not completely obviate the other, a sound policy framework and action plan is necessary, but more important is a political vision to back that plan. Why should we conserve our HISTORY? • History helps us understand the world. • History tells us who we are. • History helps understand cultures. • History helps us judge wisely. • History helps understand change. • History helps us become good citizen. • History helps us learn various world events. • History is interesting. • History makes us a better student.

History repeats itself.




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This is what we imbibes on the inoncent minds of youth. It is our responsibilty that we care for our heritage & preserve them for the future.



AIM OF THE PROJECT To re-use heritage structure and make every citizen take pride in their past.



The various fort atrractions have to be easily accessible from the proposed halts.The spaces should be easily accessible by foot to save time. This would help tourist to explore the plcae without any difficulty.


The aim is to create a promenade than provide wider roads. Creating walkways help tourist traverse the spaces.Trees planted along the promenade would act as a natural shading as well as increase green cover.


The aim is to promote pedestrian walkways and reduce vehicular traffic.


The proposed built form must have visual connectivity with the fort precinct. Thus, it would fulfil the main aim of historical awareness through it.


In order to build the proposed built form it is necessary to restore the existing ruins. The proposed structure has an identical form but different function than the existing structure. Similar materials would used to built the new structure.




Interaction between the localites and the tourist is one of the objectives behind this proposal. It would provide the localites a platform to showcase their culture and talent. The factor which can be a prototype for the development of the entire fort should be treated important.






DESIGN PROPOSAL Zoning of the proposed layout is divided into three parts as below: 1) Entrance Avenue The first space has been reserved for administrative purposes and archaic gallery, situated near the main entrance adjoining the municipal road. 2) Area De Atividade (Activity Space) The second space is for visitors and for the betterment of the existing fort precinct. It is located near the citadel. 3) Area De Exposicao (Exibihtion Space) The third space is a community gathering space for the interaction of the visitors and the localities.




Asain Palmyra




Bottle Palm

Types of plantation inside the Fort precinct


4 View of the pathways connecting various halts in the journey with installations depiciting the history of the forts along this pathways.


1 Tourists can commence their journey at this spot by walking along the promenade



2 View of the seating at the begining of the journey near Franciscan Church

3 View of the pathways connecting to St. Paul’s Church & along with seating spaces

ENTRANCE AVENUE Vicinal to the main fort entrance. The entrance avenue commences the journey of the Vasai fort precinct.The avenue would have a Security check in and checkout. Provision for security cabin and rest room for tourist guides have been made here. It would also serve as the drop of point for tourist buses and private vehicles. Parking space for 3 mini buses and a waiting area has been provided for tourist. Tourist guides available as per people’s convenience.


Tourist can commence their journey either by going to the first spot that is Porta Do Terra (Land gate) or by walking along the pedestrian walkway that leads to the 3 bastions. The wall top presents the tourist an enticing view of the entire fort and its surrounding. Ideo Locator is displayed along the walkways. Purpose and Activity: a) Easy access for visitors thus showcasing the historic events and importance of the precinct. b) Used for administrative purposes and meetings of the ASI authorities. c) The key ideology of the project would be displayed here.

1 2 4 3


5 View of seatings near St. Paul’s

Church for tourists.

Key Plan Vasai Fort Precinct



Purpose and Activity: a) This space contains visitor’s parking, guestrooms, shopsand cafeteria. b) Also, open performance spaces like stage, performance area, and multiuse area are provided which can be used by everyone. c) Small scale market and interaction space, community space have also been provided.


Key Plan Vasai Fort Precinct

PLAN AT THE Area De Atividade (Activity Space)

AREA DE ATIVIDADE (Activity Space)

In accord to the studies and documentation executed on the fort precinct this halt is very necessary for tourist and localites. The 2nd most important aim of this project is to increase the interaction between tourist and localities.


Extension for the ASI office has also been provided for proper functioning of government/legal work by authority. Also, to provide the authorities with an affable working environment and storage space.

Various amenities like Toilets, drinking water, cafeteria, can be provided for the tourist which are unavailable at present. Also, changing rooms and rest rooms for can be provided for tourist and government authorities. Additional activities spaces like workshop spaces, performance area, food stalls, handicraft shops, archaic gallery have also been provided here.


PLAN AT THE Area De Exposicao (Exhibtion Space)

Key Plan Vasai Fort Precinct


AREA DE EXPOSICAO (Exhibition Space)

This is the concluding spot in the proposed design located between St. Joseph’s Cathedral and Porta di Mar (Sea Gate). This space has been proposed for the localites to display culture, tradition, historical importance and their talent to the tourist. This would benefit the localites culturally, traditionally and economically. Purpose and Activity: a)This space would help the localities gain more appreciation for their culture. b) It would provide them with a platform to interact with the visitors coming to the fort. c) Selling spaces for goods would help in economic sustainability.




LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONTEXT Site is surrounded by settlements, work space of the residents, school, religious places and common gathering space for community. All the structures differ in its structural elements and use. Settlements have G+ 1 residential structure and narrow 3m wide streets which act as common space between two houses and it typically looks like gaothans bungalows sharing one common wall.


Religious spaces like Hindu temples, Christian and Portuguese churches have their own unique features, form the inside & outside. School and hermitage are ground structures with slopping roof. Renovation work is in progress for the exterior facades of these structures.


Key Plan Vasai Fort Precinct


6 View of a proposed semi-open space near main citadel. 7

View of St.Joseph’s Church & Proposed spaces for the tourist.

CONCLUSION Economical/political factors and Mindset of people is responsible for the deteriorating conditions of the fort. We need to take an initiative and contribute towards helping the government and the responsible authorities conserve these forts. Policies and acts need to be made to preserve this heritage. We must preserve our past for the future. It may be modified in its use but it must regain its historical importance. We must stop blaming each other for the deterioration of these structures. Instead come forward by ourselves with new skills and ideas. Gather people with similar mindset and support and create awareness among the masses.


FURTHER SCOPE OF STUDIES After studying all relevant data and mapping things which are connected to each other can state that condition is becoming worst day by day. We need to find permanent solution for all these problems which can be proposed by adding change of use of a structure but for that we need to complete the process of restoration which is taken by government bodies. Drafting a modified policy or new policy to state government for better use of fthe ort. Start advertising and publishing about proposed work using social media, newspapers, and articles and creating awareness about project for contribution from all sides. Make union and organisation active from each state by giving one common agenda which will help this project at larger scale. Allow artist, historian and many other activist to participate in this project so that it helps project to see in broader perspective and from each angle of society.



The CD contains data, photographs, case studies, documentation work that has been used during the process but not presented in the portfolio.

To view CD data click/copy below link:

Content of CD: a) Photograph of Vasai Fort & Precinct b) Field and documentation work c) Detail thesis report and a special report on history of the Bassein fort. d) Hand done Design proposal panel 6x4 feet e) Physical model of the proposal f) Portfolio work pdf file


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