Song of Myself by Oak Class

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Song of Myself by Oak Class Hither Green School November 2009

Introduction As part of a unit on autobiographical writing, Oak Class studied extracts from Walt Whitman’s 1855 classic book-length poem Leaves of Grass, in which Whitman describes all aspects of himself, his life and life itself. The children quickly understood the joyous, celebratory tone of Whitman’s poem, his ability to observe and listen closely to the world around him, and his belief that everyone and everything around him had an influence on the person he was.

They were not daunted by the complexity of Whitman’s language. Indeed, many of the children have harnessed this style, and have written complex poems of their own. The poems are philosophical, surprising, and often moving. They demonstrate the children’s awareness of the world around them, and their growing understanding of how they might use language in interesting ways to communicate their understanding. Kate Ling November 2009

Song of Myself by Precious Chidinma 1. I amaze myself And I am so happy and joyful. I lie down at the seaside. I can hear the waves waving, Seagulls talking, children shouting. I can see the light blue sky. And every possibility you have, I have too. I can smell the sea, hot as The smoke of my own Breath, splash on my face. Have you ever thought about a mermaid? Have you ever wondered what animals say to each other? Have you ever wondered if snakes can talk? 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen …. to the footsteps of children …. the whistle of children talking …. The clatter, bang! …. The echo of children shouting. I can hear the banging noise Of a screetching door. I can hear the singing of birds erupt. I can hear the faint tones of the trees. I can feel the faint sound of the table. I can feel the ring on my hand. I think I can hear the rattle Of the rainwater. I think I can feel the wind Coming onto me, but this indeed Is relaxation.

3. My family. My big brother. He is At basketball today. My little brother is at playgroup today. My dad, he is going to Lewisham library today. My teacher, Miss Matthews, is helping Adrianna today. Miss Nutt is helping Joy today. Mrs Robb is teaching her class today. Miss Paterson is sitting in her office today. My friends, Morgan, Michelle, they are doing their work. The postman, he passes mail on most every day. My mum, she cooks at home.

Song of Myself by Alan Makarenko 1. I’m so pleased to be myself. Everything I do, you will follow me. I am on a sandy beach in Egypt. I can hear the whales. I can smell the sea and I can feel the rocks and the sand. I can see mountains of sand. They are standing still as statues. I can hear birds singing, and whales talking to each other, waves crashing against the rocks. I can see the sun shining like gold. I am feeling lazy and relaxed. Have you ever wondered if animals talk to each other? Have you ever wondered how aeroplanes fly? 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I can hear distant children ‌. Echo of teachers talking I can hear the echo of footsteps I can hear the refrain of a football being kicked I can hear the bustle of an aeroplane I can hear the whirr of children learning I can hear the cry of the wind I can hear the faint tones of cars I can hear the sound of rubber I can hear the echo of birds singing I can hear the whistling of a keyboard I can hear the echo of children reading 3. My mum is baking a cake at home in the kitchen. My cousin is playing his new game on the computer. My friend Tanaka is talking to Che and laughing quietly. My granddad is fixing the house.

Song of Myself by Laman Stewart 1. I enjoy myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to everyone. I was sitting down on the sandy beach waiting for the crab to come up so I could catch it without killing it. I saw a jellyfish on land so I got up and pushed out, let it free, and some fishes as well. I loafe and invite my friends, And lean and loafe at my fabulousness. I feel calm and happy that there is no noise there at all and the sound is quiet and fantastic: Crabs clapping Dogs going in the water And people playing music Crabs moving Sun shining Cool breeze Waves going to sea Shy, calm, nervously cool, and relaxing Salty sea, sun cream How many moons are there? Is there any life on Mars? Do aliens exist? Is the sun hotter than a volcano? 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I can hear the sounds or screech noises with the wind coming through the window and a quiet sound coming from outside. The sound is so peaceful and it will never ever end. I can hear the footsteps coming everywhere by the playground; kids playing at the park. A lady sings. Doors bang at houses; children crying at home.

3. My mum taking someone’s temperature. My sister doing her literacy. My dad working and doing some paperwork. Robert doing hard work with his maths. Samuel getting in trouble. Miss Nutt is helping Alan with writing. Mr Anderson is calling the buddies to help at playtime. The Chinese guy is going to his car and driving away. Joy is saying why did it have to be her?

Song of Myself by Iysha Johnson 1. I am sitting on a Jamaican beach as I watch over the beautiful sea. Birds singing. I am relaxed And happy. I can hear Little people Playing. Have you ever thought about living on a Jamaican beach listening to the nice birds singing every morning? Have you ever wanted to go to Jamaica for a holiday, to get away from everything? Come with me and I will tell you what to do. I know that once you die you will go to heaven. 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen to the little children working. I see leaves scattering along the street.

Song of Myself by Joy Dim 1. I am overjoyed by myself, overjoyed By you. Birds are singing, Dogs are barking, happy, joyful. A warm breeze, leaves falling, butterfly flying. Have you held the wind in your hand? Do you breathe oxygen? 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I can hear the whistle of air breezing on me. I can hear the loud laugh of leaves falling. I can feel the ring of silver and metal …. The sound of the footsteps walking across ….. I think I feel the wind and sun falling on me …. But this indeed is relaxation. 3. Miss Byham straightening the penguins on the display in her classroom …. Miss Bailey helping other children with their work …. Mum travelling to Nigeria to go and see my brother, sitting waiting in the airport …. Dad gone to his friend’s house …. Baby brother shaking his rattle …. Grandmother. She is in Heaven. She died. Parents gone shopping …. Children gone to school …. Other people gone shopping for clothes, shopping for food to cook ….

Song of Myself by Chaunte Walker 1. I cherish myself. We can share that moment together. I sit on a Jamaican beach. I feel stiff, as if cement had been poured over me. I’m observing the grains of sand running through my toes. As I sit I hear my voice, echoes and echoes. I can feel the beating of my heart And the blood, and the air passing Through my lungs. I feel myself lift, rising to the sun. I can see people screaming and playing but I can’t really hear it. Have you felt so proud to know the meaning of life? Have you noticed what life is worth? Have you thought about what will happen when the earth’s gone? Have you ever wondered about whether there is life after death? Stay with me. Stay. I know all the answers. I know about life after death. I can also tell you where the animals came from. 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I can hear the sound of the water gurgling through the radiator …. Also echoing voices coming from down the stairs …. The wind making a swirling noise …. Other things – the plates and pans clattering …. The scraping of people dragging their feet and the leaves clattering and crunching as people step past the click of a laptop and mouse ….

Song of Myself by Daeshawn Peart 1. It’s brilliant to be me And what I do you should do. For every second I spend with myself, you should too. I am sitting in the café looking at my cup of tea. I don’t know if I can drink this. The sounds around me are loud; Cars beeping their horns. That reminds me when I had my first car. I used to beep the horn when I was in traffic. I feel very sad because I had a car crash in Northern California. I can tell you how the world started and Where people came from. I can tell you how cars were made and how houses were built. Who am I? What am I doing? Have you practiced so long to read? Have you practiced your tennis skills or any other sport? Have you joined a club? Have you assumed the world would die out without water? 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I can hear taps dripping in the back of the centre café. You could almost hear the dripping coming from it. I can hear the aeroplane roaring across the light blue sky. The cooks were sizzling some bacon in the frying pan.

Song of Myself by Toni Wilson 1. I worship myself. Where I live, you live And where I go, you go. My soul, my soul loafes at my ease, On this sandy beach, observing the grains of sand; Eagles flying around; The cold wind blowing; No noise echoing in the air; No one to be seen; The sea darker than ever; My heart beating like a pump; The sand as stiff as an old built pavement, My arms sinking in. Have you ever counted the length of the earth? Have you ever wondered how many stars there are? Have you ever sailed to every country? Have you ever attempted to read or write a book? I can tell you how animals evolved. I can tell you all the answers to the questions of the universe. I can tell you where every alien came from. I can tell you every word in every language. I can tell you how life and death started. I can tell you every name of every country. I can tell you about every war in every country. 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen And tune what I hear and let the sounds be a part of me. I hear the children shouting at the tops of their voices; The leaves dropping swiftly, the ring of an aeroplane Flying in the air, the whirr of papers crunching, and the scraping of the chairs echoing in the air. I hear a football being kicked as the cold wind blows

The cry of a door being closed. I hear the bustle of office workers working. The steam of a whistle being blown, the loud laugh Of a train approaching. I hear the faint tone of an outsider gossiping away, The joy of a child waiting for lunch. I hear the sounds of our lives. This indeed is part of me! 3. Mum is watching Home and Away and drinking tea or hot chocolate. Dad is getting ready for work. Gran might be making soup, going to bingo or shopping for food. Auntie Nicola is serving lunch on a plane. Auntie Sherie is serving a customer with new earrings. Uncle Aston is promoting his latest album and recovering from his performance yesterday. Teachers are teaching others new things, helping them learn. Friends are working, learning, and talking about their work. The traffic warden is making someone’s life a misery. Others are rushing to work, pushing to get to the station. The shopkeeper is selling things at expensive prices.

Song of Myself by Rowell Burrell 1. I am happy to be me, Sitting in the park staring up into the blue Sky. I can hear screaming; the swings squeaking as they move; footsteps crunching on the ground; cars driving past; bicycle bells ringing as they ride past; aeroplanes swifting through the sky, gliding, making swoosh sounds. How did everything get colour? Why are planets shaped as a sphere? 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I hear myself letting sounds travel towards me. I hear talking about learning from kids, and teachers discussing; doors swinging open and closed; birds’ wings flapping past us; footsteps trembling on the ground; footballs being kicked around.

Song of Myself by Cise Turhan 1. I can’t believe how fantastic I am. Everything I do, you follow me. I’m swimming in the clear blue water in Cyprus. I can smell the salty water that’s around me and I can hear the slightest beautiful baby-blue drop of water from Cyprus. I can see people having a play on the side near the creamy sand that has a brown chair, and people are laying on it. Have you ever wondered when the world would ever end? Have you ever wondered if a dog can talk like us? 2. I hear kids whispering the answers to sums. As I walk I’m just going to listen. I can hear The aeroplane like a white ball going past me. I can hear cars breezing by me. I can hear children laughing and chatting. I can hear the door creaking, like a creak from the floor …. Trees and leaves were swiftly moving across the floor. The sound I can hear is a gentle footstep with trainers. I can hear the cars trying to park inside the car park. The front door of Hither Green School was shaking. I can the gossip of flames from adults. I can hear the cry of fire, The whirr of children learning, I can hear these sounds altogether. The sounds altogether make me feel confused. I can hear all of those cars, children …. I can hear everything.

3. Brother is playing X Box until 11:00 just for today …. My uncle is working in the restaurant cooking nice food …. My cousins are near the beautiful sunny beach in Cyprus …. My auntie is in her massive house looking after Daisy …. Uncle’s wife is at Tescos, working …. Dad is watching TV …. Ayse is working and talking about the work to me …. Miss Matthews is working with Adrianna, quietly.

Song of Myself by Iysha Johnson 1. I am sitting on a Jamaican beach as I watch over the beautiful sea. Birds singing. I am relaxed And happy. I can hear Little people Playing. Have you ever thought about living on a Jamaican beach listening to the nice birds singing every morning? Have you ever wanted to go to Jamaica for a holiday, to get away from everything? Come with me and I will tell you what to do. I know that once you die you will go to heaven. 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen to the little children working. I see leaves scattering along the street.

Song of Myself by Morgan Brett 1. I love myself, and everything I love, you should love. I am in Mexico, the sandiest, the calmest and most quiet beach in Mexico. The sun is out, but not baking hot. I can hear Seagulls Children having fun Funfair rides Songs Calm sea going Back and forth Sand rattling Wind blowing I feel Happy Excited Blown away Joyful Energetic Graceful Have you ever wondered where every seagull flies to? Have you ever wondered where the sea starts, and where it ends? How deep do you think sand goes? How do you feel about your life? Stay with me. I will explain where seagulls fly to. I’ll tell you where the sea starts and ends. I’ll tell you how deep sand is. I’ll tell you about your life. 2. I will do nothing but listen. All the sounds I hear will become part of me.

I hear the sound of footsteps going on and on. I hear the cry of children laughing. I hear the sweet sound of footballs being kicked around. I hear the faint tones of water being poured. I hear the refrain of a pram being pushed. I hear the loud sounds of chairs banging. I hear the cry of telephones ringing again and again. I hear the echo of a teacher laughing, The calm sounds of leaves swishing like dancers. I hear cars go by every minute, The echo of office ladies talking, The clack of high heels ‌. This is indeed my music! 3. I will tell you about my family. Mum is working in the school I learn in, working with Year 2. Dad is working in Tescos, lifting heavy packages. Aaron sits in bed, or works. Ryan is at school, working. Granddad is eating soup, but unfortunately I cannot tell you about my other two nans or my granddad. My cousins are at school in Thamesmead, or at this school. My friend Michelle is working. So are my friends Cise, Yasmin and Andre. I have friend round the co-operative and my friends in the corner shop. We all call it the corner shop because it is round the corner of our road.

Song of Myself by Ayse Yildirim 1. I really love how I am and I love who I am. I am in Turkey on the beach eating ice cream. The sand looks like gold and the sky is shining blue. The clouds are soft and white. The sea is cold as ice, freezing my feet. I feel lonely with no one next to me. I can hear the birds flying around the beach. What about you? Do you feel lonely? Like me, as I go farther into the sea, my feet get colder and colder. Have you ever thought about yourself, like what you like best? Have you ever wondered what kind of person you are? Because I have. I am a person who likes being lazy and observing the birds singing. And I feel really happy how I am. Are you? I can see the trees and leaves waving towards me. I feel the wind blowing at my face. The sun is shining, as though I found lots of gold, which makes me feel happy, and excited for no reason. The birds are singing and the wind is blowing and the sun is shining. It’s like it is a special day for me today. 2. I hear the refrain of children playing at football. I feel the wind blowing to me. I hear the echo of the cars. I hear the noise of a helicopter. I smell the beautiful food in the dinner hall. I hear the gentle footsteps. I hear the door opening and closing. I see adults and teachers talking, And also I see pictures of people. I see the lovely books. I see the big buildings. I see shops with lots of nice things. I see the beautiful trees with leaves. I see houses. I see the boys and girls playing out in the playground, beautifully. I can here everything which is also relaxing. 3. My cousin is playing PS3 loudly every day. Miss Nutt is talking to Alan sensibly.

Miss Bert is looking at the dictionary carefully. Miss Matthews is talking to Adrianna quietly. Cise is writing and talking to me. I am writing happily. Laitan is talking gently to Christina. My dad is working tiredly, with my uncle sensibly. My auntie is shopping joyfully. My auntie is doing dishes normally. My baby cousin is sleeping quietly.

Song of Myself by Taishan Shockness-Williams 1. I have a brilliant life. I am the smartest boy in the world, and I can make you as smart as me. I am playing in the Emirates Stadium and I can hear the fans cheering. I am feeling excited because I’m about to play against Tottenham in the premier league. I feel nervous, anxious and I also feel scared. I can hear the fans screaming my name, I hear the ref blowing the whistle and my team mates shouting “We are going to win!” 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I could hear the teacher and the children learning. I could also hear footsteps, and dinner ladies preparing the lunch.

Song of Myself by Michelle Chewe 1. I love myself so much that you’ll know what I know and I will assure you that I am neater than you. I walk towards the shopping centre. I’m feeling happy Because I’m going to fill my wardrobe with fancy clothes. I am feeling very excited to shop until I drop. 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen and listen to what is in my head …. And let the sound surround me. I hear footsteps croaking up and down …. The children banging on wooden poles …. Children laughing, shouting. I hear the faint tones of upset children; I hear the clack of teachers’ high heels; I hear the angry base of children arguing; I hear the loud laughs of happy children; I can hear the whistle of children’s squeaky trainers; I hear the whirr of children working; I can hear the refrain of tired teachers; I hear the sound of the telephone ringing; I hear the echo of children shouting in the dining hall; I can hear the bell ringing for class; The bustle of busy builders; The cry of a bruised child. I hear the sounds all together …. This indeed is an orchestra. 3. Every day on my way to school I see my dad off to his friend’s house to paint…. My mum at home with my baby sister …. Hariah crawling in the dining room …. Tre working in the classroom …. Nicky looking after her dogs …. Sam planting flowers in his garden …. Zena doing literacy…. Chloe doing maths …. Morgan talking to Rochelle …. Cise writing in her literacy folder …. Toni rubbing out her work …. Precious writing her poem …. The dustbin man is sweeping the street ….

Song of Myself by Che Stott 1. I’m enjoying doing nothing but loafing around and looking at the different styles of graffiti, practicing my 360, all alone, no one but myself to keep me company. I can feel the adrenalin pumping through my body and my heart trying to break through my chest. Listening to my wheels scrape along the floor is like a soothing sound. I know the answer to the universe. I know how the earth began. I know what the answer to life is. 2. I think I will do nothing but listen to the sounds I hear …. I hear the nothingness of silence …. Then broken By the rushing footsteps down the stairs. I hear cars whizzing past …. And the hard wind Rustling against the leaves; teachers talking like there Was no tomorrow. Then there is silence, which is Once again broken by a large aeroplane overhead. Now there are footsteps again but it sounds Like metal stairs this time …. Now keys singing in a lock. All the sounds together make me feel alive. 3. Nathan, Ben and Camara all at school learning something new and exciting …. My dad cooking the special in Russia where the writing is gibberish …. And walking down the street is headphones dude, listening to his unheard music …. Then down the road is the local, where Mr. Patel sells all kinds of sweets and treats, And right next door my mum feeds the ravenous guineas pigs, Which squeak away all day and night. In North London my grandma is gardening away at some strange, otherworldly plant.

Song of Myself by Tanaka Mafikeni 1. I am enjoying myself. What I do, you shall do. I am standing in the centre of a basketball court, wondering what to do next. I look at the net, the spaces between. I attempt to shoot in the net. I miss. Immediately I drop down to the ground. I feel the ball drop on top of me. I could feel my heart, my heart, making a hole in my chest. I hear the sound of bikes nearby. Do you believe in witchcraft? Have you thought about life after death? I know how life came to be like this. Stay with me. I will tell you the secret to eternal life. 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I hear the faint tones of the chefs getting ready for the lunch rush …. I hear the echo of phones ringing …. The cry of a leaf blower …. The whistle of cars going by …. The whirr of children playing football …. I hear the sound of pens dropping …. The scraping of chairs moving …. I hear the teacher pronounce it’s time for guided reading …. The whisper of people breathing. I hear the bang of doors being shut, And the crunching of leaves being stepped on. I feel that this is my music, a part of me …. This indeed is what makes me. 3. My mum is sleeping. The bishop is in his office doing some paperwork. His wife is at home taking care of the baby. The nursery carer is playing with the nursery people. Miss Gorbutt is typing something.

Song of Myself by Rochelle Reader 1. I love myself And I love you too. I am laying on a hot Jamaican beach. I can feel the golden sand running through my toes. I can hear people talking and drinking their juice. I smell the water. Happy, shouting, exciting …. I can tell you how the world started. I feel happy. I can hear shouting. I feel exciting. I can tell you how the world started. I can hear screaming, the water moving. How is life like death? How do people move? I feel scared, isolated. Have you ever thought that the world was going to crash? Feel like your head was going to die? Stay with me. I will explain everything to you. Where I was and where I am. 2. I am just going to listen to everything. I hear children playing, footsteps, a football, an aeroplane flying up in the air; children reading a story to their teacher. I hear trees blowing in the wind. I hear cars driving on the road. I hear leaves on the floor. I hear telephones ringing. I hear people talking. I hear people on the computers. I hear chairs scraping on the floor. I hear teachers shouting because of children. I hear children lining up for dinner. It’s all going in my head round and around. This indeed is music. 3. My aunt goes to bingo at 10.15am …. My grandmother is making dinner …. Granddad is going to golf, which is fun, at 1pm …. Abbie is trying to concentrate, but Adim keeps talking to her …. Grace is writing and talking …. Mum is doing her hair …. Dad is looking after the babies …. The neighbour is painting his door …. The bin man is taking out the bins …. The lady in Tescos is checking out the goods …. The market man is screaming buy some fruit ….

Song of Myself by Adrianna Droszcz 1. I love myself. Everything I know, you know too. I am lying on a sandy beach dipping my toes in blue water. I can see birds and fish on the water and they are fighting for survival, and I can see wonderful blue sky. I would feel happy and relaxed so I am in a good mood. I can hear the sound of water splashing, the birds singing and a fish diving in and out of the water. 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I can hear a lot of speaking from children, footsteps, trees whisking loudly, people doing PE….. I can hear cars on the road, dripping on the computer …. The moan of an aeroplane in the sky …. The loud rustle of children talking …. The clack of teachers typing …. Faint tones of car engines …. The clapping of children kicking a football …. The scrunching of paper …. I hear the swish of wheels turning on a buggy …. The tapping of water dripping …. I hear the music …. This indeed is joyful. 3. Mum is preparing dinner …. Dad is carefully painting the house walls at work …. Claudia is conducting a science experiment …. Marita is changing a nappy …. Nan cooks biscuits all day long…. Grandpa visits his elderly father …. The lady who lives in my flat is glued to the TV …. The taxi driver is driving around London …. The headteacher is quickly typing a letter …. Chloe pretends to be a witch from Macbeth …. Abbie thinks hard about her poem …. Rochelle is being distracted by Adim …. Tallulah learns and chants her times tables over and over again …. Victoria bounces a ball around the basketball court …. Veronika paints flowers in her art lesson ….

Song of Myself by Ilirian Berisha 1. I’m brilliant today. I love myself. I’m lazing around the pool, shimmering with my feet. On the beach it feels like freedom. Brilliant. I can hear the ocean with dolphins. I was beautiful. The sky was blue, sun was like a torch. Who called this planet “earth”? Did dragons exist? Who did the language? 2. I hear footsteps walking and books falling from the people learning…. I hear the refrain of teachers talking …. I hear the ring of an alarm clock …. I hear the echo of cars …. I hear the cheering of children playing football …. I hear the cry of a baby …. I hear the whistle of a retiree …. I hear the sound of day and night …. I hear the whirr of children learning …. I hear fires of fireworks exploding …. I hear the echo of a bird singing …. I hear the siren of a police car …. I hear a lot of people cheering for a football team …. I hear the ring of a policeman answering the phone …. Where are these noises coming from? 3. Miss Matthews is teaching learning at Hither Green School to Oak class …. Dad is at his work, building a house …. My sister is doing PE now in the playground …. Uncle is working at his new job selling pizza …. Uncle is staying at home …. Alan is doing his work …. Auntie is going shopping, buying food …. Mum is doing her work at Lewisham …. Grandma is working at the hospital …. My cousin is at school learning …. My neighbour is in Turkey having a holiday ….

Song of Myself by Adim Uwaje 1. I feel warm because of the fire. I hear birds singing. It feels so peaceful. I don’t feel lonely because my friends are here. Have you ever wondered who was the first person on earth? Have you ever wondered how the world began? Have you ever wondered who your ancestors are? 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. Anything I hear, it goes into me. I hear a sound of teachers walking past. I hear the sound of an aeroplane flying over. I hear the sound of clacking plates. Sounds of slamming doors. I hear the sound of phones. I hear the sounds of leaves pushing past. The sound of a cry. I hear all this from nature. 3. The teacher is teaching and dad is sleeping. The twins are at school, pastor is preaching. The mum is cooking, the uncle is getting married. The dustbin man is searching the dustbins. The little boy is at school. Tanaka and Che are messing around. The library man is reading a book. Grace is writing a poem.

Song of Myself by Nicky Dolan 1. I am happy to be me because I am a gifted child because of all the learning I have done. I am telling you, reader, do what I have done. I am at my football ground sitting in the canteen waiting for my football match to start and goosebumps are going down my arms and legs because of the weather. I felt all the goosebumps going up my arms and legs and me eating a hot dog. I could see youngsters playing football and the only thing I could hear was children cheering when they scored. I know the first film that ever went into the cinema. I went to Old Trafford, the Manchester United Stadium, to watch Chelsea v. Man. U. 2. I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I can hear aeroplanes flying over my mansion. Kids playing, talking and moaning. I hear the faint tone of children talking. The clack of footsteps. I hear the echo of shouting. The ring of a whistle. I hear the rustle of a ball. The cry of children moaning. I hear the sound of a door. The bustle of buses. I hear the loud laugh of children playing. The angry base of friendship. I hear the scamper of puppies, The refrain of scooters and bikes. I hear everything that I can do. Indeed it is music.

3. Mum checking people’s houses …. Dad driving people around …. David doing maths …. Nan working in Argos …. Granddad cleaning the area …. Eva Celeste is sleeping …. Jamie is at his far away secondary school ….

Song of Myself by Maleak Black 1. I’m so pleased to be me. What I think, you do too. As I sit on top of the falls, the water rushing down as I watch it closely and my toes just freeze. I’m stiff as stone. I become warm quickly. I see shells as I listen to the sea rush. Have you ever wondered where fish come from? Have you ever wondered why sharks and whales don’t get along? 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. What’s outside is inside me and it comes closer. I can hear footsteps and chatting everywhere. I can hear teachers teaching and children learning. I can hear doors closing. I can hear the bustle of the ladies. I can hear cars moving swiftly. I hear the whirr of workmen working. I hear children moaning. I hear door slamming in the corridor where Year 4 are reading. I hear the clack of loud footsteps going up and down the stairs are hallway. I hear laughing in the hallway and the classrooms. I hear teachers talking to other teachers.

I hear people whispering. I can hear a dog barking from behind a large black gate. I can hear the scamper of small children. 3. Dad painting a shop in the West End …. Grandma watching Countdown and making noodles …. Travis doing free running with his class …. Jim sleeping until noon with the TV on …. Granddad on the allotment digging and putting seeds in the soil …. My sister helping customers shop in John Lewis on Oxford Street …. Mum in the hairdressers doing people’s hair while talking …. Darren doing chemistry at secondary school …. Mikihan working in America in Harvard Connecticut …. Tyrece playing on the Xbox 360 …. Tara doing maths on the calculator …. Uncle Earl plasters a black wall …. The checkout lady is checking the change.

Song of Myself by Christina Falade 1. I worship my personality. I fall into the embrace of sweet-smelling, beautiful meadows. I loafe at my happiness. I feel my soul arrive, so we share this free moment together And I watch the calming amber and pink wonder into the sky. It feels as if the flowers hug me. The thud of my pulse …. The inspiration of calmness …. The passing of imagination through my mind …. The smell of honey-making bees …. Have you ever wondered what’s deep inside you? Do you wonder what is thought of you? Have you thought of where animals come from? What is heaven like?

2. I’ll do nothing for a long time but listen And let people’s words sink into my soul. I hear the children talk as they work, The footsteps of them as they run Then a loud yell for doing the wrong thing. I think I’ll do nothing but listen for now And let the natural sounds dive and splash Into my personality. I hear the voices of teachers …. The hustle and bustle of cardboard boxes. The leaves skid, meanwhile they are talking to the wind …. The squeaks of talkative children …. I hear the cars drone into the city …. The fast ticking bikes …. The echoes of alarms ringing into my ear …. And the wind breathing softly into my face …. The pitter and patter of tiny footsteps. Edward spoke, and I knew I was me. 3. The woman behind the till at H&M is preparing the clothes …. The electrician sits in the cellar fiddling with wires …. The priest gets ready for a weekday service …. Aberdeen is working at maths problems …. The postman is delivering Gucci shoes to my house …. The man next door plants flowers in his garden …. Mum is buying presents …. Tyler is rising up from bed …. Ella is cheerleading, flexing away …. Nan is sewing a dress, watching a nature show …. Mr Newberry’s looking at Ferraris to buy …. Auntie Laura sings a song, playing guitar ….

Song of Myself by Laitan Kaleosho 1. I praise myself. I slip into the sight of warm sea over the field of hot orange. I loafe in comfort and cherish my happiness. My emotions of warmth and comfort still remain. I feel safe and filled with life. Breathless and wordless, I speak in the presence of your beautiful face. I hear sounds of waves and swaying leaves and the beating of my heart as blood pumps in my lungs and touches my ears. I will tell you what is out of space. I can tell you where heaven is and who made God. Stay with me and you will get the answers to all your questions. 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I hear footsteps, children screaming, Plates and bowls smashing, Laughing children. I can hear the whistle of wind rustling …. The cry of gates screeching …. The sound of smashing plates and teachers screaming …. I hear the faint engine of cars racing on the main road …. The ring of busy office telephones startles my unexpected heart …. I can hear elderly aged wood creaking as angry teachers march across lunch halls …. I hear the snigger of a laughing child …. The buzz of belched whispers. 3. My mother lies on her bed, tired and asleep…. My sister writes at the desk she works at as a crowd of children chat and laugh …. The woman called Julie delivers our post on her third day of work …. The couple next door take their children to school …. The ice cream man puts on his best smile even though he hates his job …. The shopkeeper yells and shouts at teens as they draw on his windows …. The guy across the street begs and begs as he sleeps on the road …

Song of Myself by Abbie Thompson 1. I worship myself, And what I think, you should think. An empty Spanish beach. The sand swishes at my feet. I lay down and hear the sea appearing in my ear. Relaxed, calm, not a care in the world, Sleepy, the sea splashing all over the place, The sun burning the sand. What can you hear on the beach? Have you ever wondered when the world began? I know what goes on on Mars. Have you ever wondered where fish come from? 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen. I hear the footsteps of Elvis Presley, The drop of water running through the crying pipes, The echo of laughing babies. I hear the loud laugh of a ring phone, The sound of day and night. I hear disjointed friendship. I hear the chorus of a concert, The sound of people speaking at a debate. I hear the whirr of children learning together, The clack of trees swishing closely together. I hear gossiping all about me. All I hear is a part of me. 3. Every day I go to school I see a lady Walking her dog and I say good morning. My auntie is feeding Sidney at 11am.

My mum’s at home tidying up the house every day. Jack is rehearsing his play for Christmas Day. Munch is doing a literacy assessment. Amy is out shopping all day long. Woo is at work at her husband’s company, fixing cars. Katie is getting ready to go to lunch. Michael is at home playing computer games. James is at work …. He is a chef, cooking for people …. Lisa is working at Toys R Us on the Old Kent Road …. Alvien is doing cycle training with Year 6 ….

Song of Myself by Grace Ennis 1. I congratulate myself And what I know I want you to know. I lie and loafe on the warm comfort of my towel that spreads out over my sunbed as I observe the sweet sunset play with its shine on the tip of my sunglasses. I admire the smooth turquoise Caribbean Sea from my fabulous five star hotel, on the edge of the great Jamaican capital, Kingston. A few kisses and deep hugs and then I’m alone, my lips struck still by the loneliness inside. The sea, turquoise, expanded, wide, the hustle and bustle of the afternoon carnival rush, the sound of the loud jammu and rap ringing through the streets, hear my heart rate fading yet pacing with every lively breath, the sniff of ready made saltfish and chicken with a heap of ackee and rice, the Ginger Rum smell tantalising your tastebuds. Have you assumed the expanded space in the universe? Have you assumed the rare micro plankton? Have you assumed the whale of blue, gentle king of the sea? Come with me and you shall be exhalted for knowledge as you leave my courts with the answers of the world.

Stay with me and be loved, smart and clever, by all those who ask to share your knowledge. 2. I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen And take in the sounds as they become a vital part of me. I hear the teacher’s orders being echoed thoroughly around the classroom. I hear the quiet hum of radiators peacefully as they bellow through corridors. I hear the rumbling engine of a plane zoom above me. I hear the clatter of plates and pans and the faint humming of the kitchen’s everyday tools. I hear the scraping of people’s soles on the concrete floor as the football rolls across the playground. The faint movement and noise of speech echoes throughout the class and through the door and spreads through the hallways. I hear the echo of the quiet mumble at reading time, the faint movement and speech as it deserts the classrooms and conquers the hallways. I hear the scraping of people’s soles as they anxiously try to scan their brains for useful and interesting words. The rustle of plastic cups is a refrain through the staffroom at lunchtime. The cry of the recess bell …. I hear the click clack of busy teachers typing up next week’s homework. I hear the refrain of day and night …. It is a marvellous day …. and this indeed is knowledge! 3. Pastor Guthrie loafes around and enjoys his retirement with an episode of Songs of Praise. Pastor Phillip vainly walks about trying to find something to help with in the church Toni peacefully tries to carry on doing her poem of people, as Precious’s table out loud discuss their poems. Ciara does her literacy whilst talking to her friends opposite and beside her. Rochelle sits awkwardly, but is surprisingly still able to have done 23 lines.

Mum sits at her desk trying to get to grips with a patient whilst mutlitasking. Dad’s on the computer surfing the web. Grandma’s in the kitchen cooking soup for Miss Brown and me. Jeffrey’s at secondary school trying to get on with his work but the girls keep chatting. Siobhan’s at university trying to finish off her revision. Reuben is at nursery mucking about with his buddies. The lady in heels from up the hill is clip-clopping down the hill. The lady who looks like my auntie is going through her handbag whilst on the phone. The dustbin man is busy sweeping the remains into the dustbin bag whilst heaving it onto the van. All of these and more, I am.

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