Share my hiv treatment ways and psychological activity the days of fighting with hiv positive

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Share My HIV Treatment Ways and Psychological activity: The days of fighting with HIV-positive

Share my 3 years’ HIV treatment ways and the activity in my heart to you. Just tell you: We still have a long way to go, never give up! Details of my condition: I've been positive for about 3 years and during the first year it was the most un-happy and difficult year I've experienced. Before catching it I really knew nothing about the virus, only the social stigmas of it. It's an ongoing joke for people who haven't had to deal with it.

I had a one night stand with a girl I knew for about an hour who actually had approached me. I had a gut feeling that it might not be a good decision but told myself to just do it! She's hot! and I have a condom...

I didn't know that herpes is a skin to skin infection until it was too late and that condoms are basically useless.

My first breakout was stopped quickly cause I had a really bad fever and went to the doctor. I thought I had been bitten by a spider since I had worn a condom and the outbreak wasn't on my genitals but farther up on my pelvis and very small. They asked if I was sexually active with more than one partner and I said yes and they immediately starting testing me for herpes/everything else.

I didn't go in with any notion that I might of caught and STD so it was shocking to hear the nurse call out for a herpes test. I admit I almost passed out! : )

Well the outbreak went away quickly due to valtrex and I thought "well this isn't toooooo bad..."

About a month later a small areatrend on my hand started to flare up. (remember it's skin to skin) I realized I was f****ed. I had unknowingly exposed my hands to it.

To make a long story short, it has not been easy but I've grown as a person and have come to accept the facts of my situation. I have to say that I am lucky that herpes is the worst thing in my life, and the worst tragedy I've ever had to endure. It was a harsh learning experience but I could have ended up with multiple STDs and possibly the BIG ONE. Also after doing a lot of world traveling and seeing conditions in other parts of the world I know that I'm very lucky to have the privileged life I do here in this country and that many people would probably trade shoes if they could. Drugs I take & Dosages: Daily suppresive thearapy Zorifax (acyclovir) Efficacy: It's OK. I'm not using valtrex anymore due to insurance coverage. I miss Valtex!!! Side effects: none that I'm aware of Other types of treatments: I don't burn myself out as much as possible, don't drink too often or too much when I do. Try to get good rest. Positive attitude, and good support from people I've met along the way.

I probably should eat better though.....

Advice to other members: So if anyone actually reads this I just want to say that things will be ok in time. Life will go on and things will slowly become normal again. Everyone's body handles the virus differently. I've talked to enough people on this site and have heard different levels of severity. Some people don't get breakouts or at least not noticeable ones after the first time, some other people's immune systems have a lot more difficulty suppressing it (i.e me)

Just keep your chin up, don't let it stop you from doing what you want or feel like you have to change your life around (unless it involves having irresponsible sex. I wish the person who gave it to me would have at least TOLD me she was positive before we did it!)

More Information: Everyone's condition is different, so the drugs I mentioned are not sure useful to you. You can check more HIV/Herpes treatment stories by using , a review site for top 5 HIV dating sites on the web. There are more than 1,000,000 users who have Herpes/HIV, or other STDs like you.

By Keeponoliver29, Fairfield, California, United States

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