12 minute read
三十過後 狂舞無悔
A Madman’s Rave
個人情感是私密的,但某些心理狀態卻能互通。獨立舞蹈人毛維,曾經以舞蹈劇場《當打之年》探討 面對三十歲關口,那種堅強背後的脆弱 ; 如今三十有二,他走過連番人生低潮,掙脫一身荊棘,以新 作《狂人派對》以狂為題,給自己帶來一場重生的浴火,而「狂」並非指狂妄傲慢,而是一種無可再 輸、搏盡無悔的覺悟。
Our personal feelings are among our most private possessions, but some states of mind are shared. Mao Wei, an independent dance artist, explored the vulnerability that lies beneath a strong façade with the dance theatre performance The Formidable Year, when he reached 30. Now at the prime age of 32, Mao, who has triumphed over some dark days in life, rises from the ashes with his new production, Dance Me to the End of Night, a creation infused with madness and featuring performers who dance like no one’s watching. Such madness does not stem from arrogance, but instead from an awareness that there is nothing left to lose, and the fight must go on.
千帆過盡 重新啟航 毛維自小精於中國舞,十七、 八歲時憑全額獎學金由湖南來 港,於香港演藝學院主修現代 舞及編舞,畢業後在香港發 展,由舞者慢慢成為編舞。 看似一帆風順,但人生總是無 常: 近年他經歷婚姻觸礁、事 業挫敗,加上一位他很敬重的 前輩離世——谷底裏,他只剩下 跳舞,每當獨自在排舞室內隨 機播放音樂起舞,他才感覺到 自己活着。
這些經歷啟發了他創作舞蹈劇 場《狂人派對》:「『狂』不是 說狂妄,而是沒甚麼可再輸, 衝過去吧」。
舞蹈劇場對毛維來說是新嘗 試,他認為《狂》的七位舞者 可以有具體角色,也可以不, 亦希望盡量純粹用身體來表達 狀態,「語言太具象,舞蹈魅力 是一種感受,透過行為來讓觀
眾感受角色在經歷怎樣的情緒 轉變,是行為產生意義,而非 說出來」。
雖然這是一場七人之舞,但狂 人最終是孤獨的,毛維剖白, 奮力向前說到底都是為了證明 給別人看「自己是可以的」, 所以這場舞最終其實是一個人 的派對。
暴力美學 直面現實殘酷 狂人之舞,伴隨着憤怒的情緒 與狂暴的動作。以往毛維的舞 蹈曾被形容為「暴力美學」,例 如以往的表演中,舞者會被猛 烈拉扯頭髮,又曾出現兩個舞 者撕咬一塊血淋淋的生豬肉, 「觀眾看起來我們像快死,但其 實是沒事的。這過程的重點不 是暴力,而是真實的反應。我 要刺激觀眾視覺,他們才會思 考『爲甚麽』,我會用一種好真 實而殘酷的方式,激發人思考 真實情況」。
這次舞蹈劇場,由陳泰然擔任 戲劇構作。他說雖然未必所有 觀眾都如毛維那樣,經歷過大 起大跌,但他會思考: 毛維的 經歷會否是自己在另一個平衡 時空的可能性?「大家在婚姻 上面對的問題,跟現實世界有 何關係?那不只是他們兩個人 的事,而是整體社會狀況。現 代人的生活模式如何令我們有 壓力」。他認為三十歲只是表 癥,最重要是作為創作人,能 捉住這表徵並切入社會狀態。
Sail again after a thousand journeys
Trained in Chinese dance from childhood, Mao Wei came to Hong Kong from Hunan at the age of 18 on a full scholarship to study contemporary dance and choreography at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Upon graduation, he launched his career in Hong Kong, evolving from a dancer into a choreographer. Despite a smooth start to a flourishing career, his life took an unexpected turn in recent years. With his marriage on the rocks and his career hitting a low point, his frustrations were made even worse by the sudden passing of a well-respected mentor. After hitting rock bottom, all Mao had left was dance, and he only felt alive when he was dancing impromptu to music, alone in the studio.
These experiences inspired him to create Dance Me to the End of Night. “This sense of ‘madness’ in itself does not mean arrogance, but that when there is nothing left to lose.”
Dance theatre is, after all, something new for Mao. He thinks less about whether each dancer portrays a role in Dance Me to the End of Night and more about how they express their state of mind purely with their bodies. “Words are too concrete. The charm of dance lies in the expression of sentiments, not with words, but with movements that generate meaning. This way, the audience can feel the emotional transformation experienced by each character through physical movements.”
Although there are seven dancers in Dance Me to the End of Night, the madman always ends up
撰文:陳詠恩,香港藝術節編輯 原文刊登於香港藝術節 2023 年之《閲藝》 雜誌 alone. Mao confesses that at the end of the day, he was motivated by a desire to prove to others that “I can still make it", which is why this dance is ultimately a one-man party.
Face the brutality of reality through aestheticising violence
The dance of the madman is accompanied by raging fury and forceful moves. Mao’s dancing was once described as “aestheticising violence”— for example, a dancer’s hair was pulled in one performance, and two dancers once bit into a bloody slab of pork and tore it to pieces on stage. “From the audience’s perspective, we seemed to be standing on the verge of death, but we were fine. The point of such processes is not violence, but [provoking] real reactions. I must provoke the audience visually to make them contemplate why. I resort to real and brutal ways to stimulate people’s thoughts about the real situation.”
Chan Tai-yin was appointed dramaturge for this dance theatre production. Knowing that not all audience members have been through ups and downs like Mao led him to ponder whether Chan would be in Mao’s shoes in another life, among the myriad possibilities in parallel universes?
“What’s the connection between the difficulties in people’s marriages and the real world? Those difficulties not only concern the two of them, but the entire society. It’s all about how the modern way of living stresses us out,” says Chan. To him, reaching the age of 30 is merely symbolic—what’s more important is how creative people can tap into the social conditions that lie beneath the surface.
張景喻畢業於香港演藝學院, 主修現代舞。她於 2020 至 2022 期間曾任城市當代舞蹈團舞 者。除現代舞專業培訓外,她 亦接受了不同舞種訓練,包括 嘻哈舞、爵士舞、芭蕾舞和中 國舞,並為各類型演唱會及音 樂影片作演出和編舞。在就讀 演藝學院期間獲多項獎學金, 包括「葛量洪獎學金 2018 」、 「香港特別行政區政府獎學基金 (外展體驗獎)18/19 」、「張學 友獎學金 18/19 」和「舞蹈學院 獎學金 19/20 」,並獲獎學金到 法國、西班牙作學習和交流。 張景喻亦曾與多位知名編舞家 合作,當中包括黎海寧、克里 斯蒂娜.麥珊尼、郭瑞文、 域.盧甸及麥麗娜等。
Cheung King-yu graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Contemporary Dance. She was a dancer with the City Contemporary Dance Company from 2020-22. Trained in hiphop, jazz, ballet, and Chinese dance, Cheung has performed and choreographed for numerous concerts and music videos. During her time at the Academy, she was awarded various scholarships, including a Grantham Scholarship in 2018, the HKSAR Government Fund’s Reaching Out Awards 2018/19, the Jacky Cheung Scholarship 2018/19 and the Contemporary Dance Faculty Scholarship 2019/20. She has worked with a number of acclaimed choreographers such as Helen Lai, Christina Mertzani, Kuik Swee Boon, Rick Nodine and Lelia McMillan.
許嘉俊在 2022 年取得⾹港中 文 大 學 文 化管理碩 士 ,並於 2014 年以 級榮譽畢業於香港演藝 學院。他先後加入香港芭蕾舞 團、丹麥舞蹈劇場和德國烏茲 堡舞蹈劇場擔任獨舞員。
許嘉俊現為 自 由 身 創作者、舞 者、編舞、舞蹈錄像導演和攝 影師,亦有參與藝術行政工作。
其近期表演創作、舞蹈錄像 拍攝及攝影作品包括:《彼 岸》( 2021 )及《我,人一個》
( 2021 )多媒體錄像展覧(城市 當代舞蹈團委託作品)等。
Kenneth Hui Ka-chun is a dance artist and creator working in multiple disciplines. In 2014, Hui completed his professional dance training at The Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts with First-Class Honours. After graduation, Hui started his professional career with the Hong Kong Ballet. Later, he joined the Danish Dance Theater (Denmark) and Mainfranken Theater Würzburg (Germany).
Back in Hong Kong since 2020, he has been working as a freelance performer, choreographer, dance video director and photographer. His recent work includes Beyond the Veil (2021) and Me, a Man, a video exhibition commissioned by the City Contemporary Dance Company (2021). Hui received his Master’s degree in Cultural Management from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2022.
姜凱翎名字中的「凱」字意指 凱旋歸來,寓意她在未知領域 裏堅定地開墾自己的道路。
她於香港土生土長,在 2019 年 從香港演藝學院轉讀北方現代 舞學院,並以一級榮譽畢業。
2022 年,姜凱翎自薩爾斯堡 實驗舞蹈學院畢業,表演由約 斯.貝克構思及導演的《火滅》 中的單人選段,為學院生涯暫 時畫上句號。她亦曾作特定場 合的單人表演,於法國南部的 Bas Cros 工作室作為客席藝術 家演出。歐洲之行後,她的研 究項目《 206 之 54 》獲選加入 香港藝術中心為期四個月的駐
The Cantonese word “Hoi” in Keung Hoi-ling’s name means “triumph returns”, which also describes her unswerving determination to carve her own path in an unknown landscape.
Keung was born and raised in Hong Kong, then transferred from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts to the Northern School of Contemporary Dance in the UK in 2019 and graduated with First-Class Honours
She graduated again from the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in 2022 and performed a solo excerpt from Put Out The Flame, conceived and directed by Jos Baker, as the ending note for her studying journal for now She also performed some sitespecific solos at the L’atelier du Bas Cros in southern France as an invited guest artist To finish off her Europe journey, her on-going research project “54 of 206” was awarded a four-month research residency at the Hong Kong Arts Centre
生於香港,畢業於香港演藝學 院,主修現代舞、副修編舞。
曾獲蔡永善醫生伉儷紀念獎學 金、勉旃獎學金,更獲城市當 代舞團頒授獎學金,曾參與北 京舞蹈雙週。於第 46 屆全港 公開舞蹈比賽中贏得金獎,並 取得英國皇家舞蹈學院芭蕾舞 A2 級別。
黎芷欣曾參與不同劇場演出, 包括香港舞蹈聯盟「舞蹈新鮮 人」系列 2022《數位世界絕對 的 0 與 1 》、綠葉劇團《 HACK 》 及香港馬戲團《阿努比斯》。
Born in Hong Kong, Ruby Lai Tsz-yan graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Contemporary Dance and minoring in Choreography. She was the recipient of the Dr. & Mrs. George Choa Memorial
Scholarship and the Second Chance Scholarship. She also received a scholarship from the City Contemporary Dance Company to join the Beijing Dance Festival. She won a Gold Award at the 46th Hong Kong Open Dance Contest and passed the ballet examination (Advanced 2) at the Royal Academy of Dance in London.
She performed in the New Force in Motion Series 2022 performance 01 Waiting staged by the Hong Kong Dance Alliance, HACK by Theatre de la Feuille and Avoubic by the Hong Kong Circus.
李拓坤畢業於廣州市藝術學 校,以全額獎學金於 2014 年自 香港演藝學院畢業。2016 年加 入香港舞蹈團,之後與香港文 化舞劇團、TS CREW 等團隊一 起合作演出,也曾和伊斯米. 伊沃、楊春江、毛維、楊浩 等藝術家合作,並演出過多部 作品。曾代表香港和澳門政府 前往紐約和里斯本進行文化交 流。2019 年獲邀為澳門「在地」 藝術節作品《卡》編舞,隨後獲 邀參加香港藝術節@大館拍攝 舞蹈影像《卡》。2021 年與洪 強合作為香港圖書館節 X 新視 野藝術節《 SEE 字進入》編排 並演出作品《行》,2022 年獲得 《文聯杯》專業邀請賽亞軍。李 拓坤現為香港演藝學院客席教 師及明愛馬鞍山中學舞蹈教師。
Tamanoir Immersive Studio
丘愷頌 Heidi Yau
Tamanoir Immersive Studio
曾景輝於 2019 年獲香港舞蹈年 奬提名「傑出男舞蹈員演出」, 並於 2022 年提名「白朗唐新晉 編舞」; 2019 年發表作品《無眼 睇》,隨即獲邀於兩個本地藝術 節重演,及後再獲意大利及台 灣的舞蹈節邀請演出。
曾景輝畢業於香港演藝學院舞 蹈學院,主修當代舞,2013 至 2019 年擔任城市當代舞蹈團全 職舞者,隨舞團前往多個國家 及地區,同時活躍於本地製作。
Terry Tsang King-fai
Labora-Terry Arts,以舞蹈視覺 捕捉身體瞬間,同時藉由鏡頭 返照自身的舞蹈創作,重新展 開對身體的探索與叩問。
Terry Tsang King-fai was nominated in the categories of Outstanding Performance by Male Dancer in 2019 and Tom Brown Emerging Choreographer in 2022 at the Hong Kong Dance Awards. After premiering his signature work Mo Ngaan Tai in 2019, he received invitations from two local festivals, and overseas festivals in Italy and Taiwan.
After graduating from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Contemporary Dance, Tsang served as a fulltime dancer with the City Contemporary Dance Company from 2013-19. With the company, he toured different countries and regions, while also remaining active locally.
Recently he established LaboraTerry Arts, specialising in dance photography. Intensifying his exploration of creation and the human body, his choreography and photography have served as inspiration for each other.
蘇善誼 Ainsley So
蘇善誼畢業於英國中央演講和 戲劇學院,主修舞台及服裝設 計。近年舞台及服裝設計作品 包括中英劇團《留守太平間》、 三角關係劇團《無法誠實的我 們》及聲蜚合唱節《婚岔路》。
服裝設計作品包括中英劇團 《唐吉訶德》、《解憂雜貨店》; 香港話劇團《叛侶》及《病 房》等。
Ainsley So is a graduate of the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London. Her recent set and costume design credits include Chung Ying Theatre Company’s Alive in the Mortuary; Tang Shuwing Theatre Studio’s Nothing is Known and Shakespeare in Our Time: The Rape of Lucrece; Trinity Theatre’s Still You and SingFest’s The Thunder Bay Her recent costume design credits include Chung Ying Theatre Company’s Man of La Mancha, The Miracles of The Namiya General Store and
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery; Trinity Theatre’s Table for Two and Dustykid on Stage; the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre’s Speaking in Tongues and The Ward; West Kowloon Cultural District’s The Battle; W Theatre’s Laboratory of Lungg and the New Vision Arts Festival's experimental multimedia production Guan Yu's Ride of 1,000 Miles.
羅文偉畢業於香港演藝學院, 主修燈光設計及劇場導演。他 於 2017 年加入城市當代舞蹈團 擔任駐團燈光設計師,多年來 參與大量劇場創作,並涉獵劇 場編導、燈光設計、舞台設計 和錄像設計。
Lawmanray (Raymond Law) graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Lighting Design. He is now studying for his Master’s in Theatre Directing at the HKAPA. Law joined the City Contemporary Dance Company as Resident Lighting Designer in 2017. He has participated in theatre art for many years, and has served as a director of lighting design, set design and video design.
崔展鴻曾為慈山寺、Boston ALEA III 室樂團及香港芭蕾舞 團《香港酷——悟了個空》撰寫 原創音樂。近年積極參與電影 配樂製作,曾為芬蘭導演米卡 ‧考里斯麥基電影《程大師》 (2019) 監製片尾曲。其配樂作 品包括《再見 UFO 》(2019)及 陳果電影《鬼同你住》(2021)。
曾獲邀參加 EUROPAfest 及多 個亞洲音樂節,演奏其個人原 創作品,同時活躍於流行音樂 製作及演出。
他又獲美國音樂家學院頒授傑 出風格獎,及後赴加州大學洛 杉磯分校修讀電影配樂。他畢 業於伯克利音樂學院作曲系, 並考獲獎學金。
Tsui Chin-hung is a composer and guitarist He has studied music from different cultures and has worked as a composer for various media He was appointed as a composer for Tsz Shan
Monastery, the Boston ALEA III Contemporary Music Ensemble and the Hong Kong Ballet’s Empty Awakening
His recent appointments as music director and composer led to him creating original film scores for the Hong Kong feature films Ciao UFO (2019), Coffin Homes (2021) and Over My Dead Body (2023).
Tsui has performed his original works at EUROPAfest and various Asian music festivals. Besides leading his own group, he has performed with many renowned artists including Coco Lee, Kay Tse, Ivana Wong and Jude Chiu
He majored in Composition at the Berklee College of Music, where he was admitted on a scholarship
演出並遠赴泰國和廣州作文化 交流表演。2008 年開始接觸舞 台工作,並在 2017 至 2019 年任 職城市當代舞蹈團舞台監督。 現為自由身的舞台工作者。曾 合作團體包括彭秀慧製作、大 館,W 創作社、䓤動派、香港 舞蹈聯盟和城市當代舞蹈團等。
From 2003-08, Jason Ma participated in the WuDaoQingNian programme organised by the City Contemporary Dance Company several times. During the programme, he performed in various corners of the community and went on cultural exchanges in Thailand and Guangzhou. In 2008, he began engaging with stage work and entered the performing arts industry. From 2017-19, he was the Stage Manager of the CCDC, and he is now a freelance stage worker. He has collaborated with organisations such as Kearen Pang Production, Tai Kwun, W Theatre, Greensco, the Hong Kong Dance Alliance, the CCDC, the CCDC Dance Centre, Unlock Dancing Plaza, McMuiMui Dansemble, Siu Lung Fung Dance Theater, and the Little Trout Children’s Choir.
馬志恆於 2003 至 2008 年期間多 次參加城市當代舞蹈團的「舞 蹈青年」計劃,進行社區巡迴
The Hong Kong Arts Festival would like to thank the following for their generous support:
Hong Kong Arts Festival Foundation Patrons
首席創始贊助人 Lead Founding Patrons
陳俊豪先生 Mr Thomas Chan
黃廷方慈善基金 Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation
電訊盈科 PCCW
九龍倉集團 The Wharf Group
主要創始贊助人 Major Founding Patrons
萬通保險國際有限公司 YF Life Insurance International Ltd
眾安銀行 ZA BANK
創始贊助人 Founding Patrons
陳煒文博士, JP Dr Raymond Chan, JP
丹斯里拿督邱達昌 Tan Sri Dato’ David Chiu
曹其鋒先生 Mr Silas Chou
霍建寧先生及霍何綺華女士 Mr and Mrs Canning and Eliza Fok
馮氏基金有限公司 E.M. Fung Foundation Limited
何超瓊女士, SBS , JP Ms Pansy Ho, SBS, JP
科勁國際(控股)有限公司 King’s Flair International (Holdings) Limited
梁婉玲博士 Dr Elina Leung
孫漢明博士 Dr Stephen Suen
包陪麗女士, BBS 及渡伸一郎先生 Ms Cissy Pao, BBS and Mr Shinichiro Watari
其他贊助人 Other Patrons
羅嘉瑞基金 KS & Feili Lo Foundation
孫大倫博士, BBS , JP Dr Dennis T L Sun, BBS, JP
Sponsors of the Hong Kong Arts Festival 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner
鑽石席 – 宴桌 Diamond Table Sponsors 香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司 上海商業銀行
洪祖杭博士, GBM , GBS , JP
鄭慕智博士, GBM , GBS , JP James Houghton 先生, 黃穎灝先生及梅慶堯先生 雍景欣女士
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Shanghai Commercial Bank
Dr the Hon Albert Hung Chao-hong, GBM, GBS, JP
Dr the Hon Moses Mo-chi Cheng, GBM, GBS, JP
Mr James Houghton, Mr Isaac Wong & Mr Arthur Mui
Ms Jingxin Yong
鑽石席 – 宴位 Diamond Seat Sponsors 呂元祥博士及夫人
譚允芝女士, SBS , SC , JP 龐維新先生及夫人 崇光(香港)百貨有限公司
黃金席 – 宴桌 Gold Table Sponsors 鄭阮培恩女士, 吳來盛先生及夫人 中美國際集團有限公司
華國強先生夫人 太古地產有限公司 卡地亞
黃金席 – 宴位 Gold Seat Sponsors 何苗春暉女士
Janana Suleymanli Pasha 女士 鄭惠貞女士
Dr and Mrs Ronald Lu
Ms Winnie Tam Wan-chi, SBS, SC, JP
Mr and Mrs Wilson Pong
Sogo Hong Kong Company Limited
Mrs Betty Cheng, Mr and Mrs Emil Ng
Chung Mei International Holdings Limited
Mr Granger and Mrs Miriam Hwa
Swire Properties Limited
Ms Joanna Hotung
Mrs Lavina Lim
Mrs Fina Cheng
Ms Janana Suleymanli Pasha
Ms Margaret Cheng
Mr Zhang Liping
The Hong Kong Arts Festival would like to thank the following for their generous support:
贊助舍計劃會員 Patron’s Club Members
鉑金會員 Platinum Member
Kerry Holdings Limited
黃金會員 Gold Member 怡和集團
The Jardine Matheson Group
其他支持機構 Other Supporters
Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao
實物支持機構 In - kind Supporters
大亞國際集團 Altaya Group
香港愉景灣酒店 Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong
香港君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
虎豹樂圃 Haw Par Music
藝術節捐助計劃 Festival Donation Scheme
HK$140,000 或以上 OR ABOVE
孫大倫博士, BBS , JP Dr Dennis T L Sun , BBS , JP
HK$70,000 – HK$139,999
瑞安集團 Shui On Group
Dr Patrick Tong
文藝女士 Ms Wen Yi
HK$30,000 – HK$69,999
無名氏 Anonymous
陳求德醫生及夫人 Dr & Mrs KT Chan
Ms Leung Wai Yee Candice
馬美域女士 Ms Yvette Therese Ma
Dr Stephen Suen
楊傳亮先生, BBS , JP Mr Charles Yang , BBS , JP
HK$12,000 – HK$29,999
無名氏 ( 2 ) Anonymous ( 2 )
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey & Helen Chan
Mr Edmond Huang
Dr Peter and Nancy Thompson
Dr Sabrina Tsao
曹延洲醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Tsao Yen - Chow
Mrs Linda Wang
Mr & Mrs YS Wong
純銀會員 Silver Members 太古集團慈善信託基金
The Swire Group Charitable Trust
Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited
Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong and Macau
香港故宮文化博物館 Hong Kong Palace Museum
文陳妙蘭女士 Mrs Christina Man
信興集團 Shun Hing Group
HK$6,000 – HK$11,999
無名氏( 3 ) Anonymous ( 3 )
Dr Gillian Choa
Ms Ho Man Fung Edith
Mrs Schmitt Ling Jane
文娛慈善基金 The Elementary Charitable Foundation
Ms Isabel Yiu
Mr Vernon Zhang
HK$3,000 – HK$5,999
無名氏( 2 ) Anonymous ( 2 )
Jose Manuel Sevilla and Julie Bisaillon
Mrs Anson Chan
鍾雅妍博士 Dr Fiona Chung
Ms Zoe Ho
Ms Li Lian Khoo
Dr Alfred Lau
Apple Lee
李芸輝博士 Dr Lee Wan Fai Walter
Savita Leung
Mr Gary Ma
Mrs Lily Ma
Dr Michael Mak
Dr & Mrs Joseph Pang
San Miguel Brewery Hong Kong Ltd .
Mr A . Smith
The Brandon Centre Limited
Mr Wong Yick Kam
姚曼儀女士 Ms Enoch Yiu
朱玉迎女士 Ms Zhu Yuying
Student Ticket Scheme
HK$140,000 或以上 OR ABOVE
無名氏( 2 ) Anonymous ( 2 )
CYMA Charity Fund Ltd
HK$70,000 – HK$139,999
Mrs Purviz R Shroff , MH and
Late Mr Rusy M Shroff , BBS , MBE
田家炳基金會 Tin Ka Ping Foundation
芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation
HK$30,000 – HK$69,999
Mr Roger and Mrs Lina Lui
Dr Stephen Suen
HK$12,000 – HK$29,999
Ms Cheng Wai Ching Margaret
Dr Chung See Yuen
天智合規顧問 CompliancePlus Consulting
Mr & Mrs Kenneth & Nelly Fung
C H Mak
Mr & Mrs Kenneth Quinn
曹延洲醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Tsao Yen - Chow
HK$6,000 – HK$11,999
無名氏 ( 2 ) Anonymous ( 2 )
新作捐助計劃 New Works Scheme
HK$12,000 – HK$29,999
無名氏 Anonymous
劉仰澤先生 Mr Lau Yeung Chak
HK$6,000 – HK$11,999
凌霄志醫生 Dr Tony Ling
區燊耀先生 Mr Au Son Yiu
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey & Helen Chan
Dr Chan Wan Tung
Mr & Mrs Norman Chui
Mrs Margaret Hamilton
Miss Jenny Hodgson
Mr Iain Bruce
麥禮和醫生 Dr Mak Lai Wo
Mr Vernon Zhang
HK$3,000 – HK$5,999
無名氏 ( 3 ) Anonymous ( 3 )
Mr & Mrs Herbert Au - Yeung
Cynthia Cheng & Aaron Chan
Ms Kit Fung Cheung
Dr Alan Chiang
馮兆林先生太太 Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam
Ms Maureen Leung
Ms Regina Lo
Ms Janice Ritchie
Mrs Anna Chan Sheh
Mr So Kin Man
文娛慈善基金 The Elementary Charitable Foundation
余德銘先生 Mr Desmond Yu
Mr Vernon Zhang
HK$3,000 – HK$5,999
無名氏 Anonymous
Ms Judith Ling
Ms So Wing Yin
網上藝術教育捐助計劃 Digital Arts Education Scheme
HK$3,000 – HK$5,999
無名氏 Anonymous
HK CT Alumni Association