Annual Report - LQC 2022-2023

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CONTENT 1. Overview


2. Key Figures


3. Programme Highlights


a. Co-curricular Learning i. CCL Discovery Series ii. Adventure Education iii. National Security Education b. Community Engagement Programme i. HKBU Skilled Volunteer Cadre ii. Community Engagement Organisers: Positive Ageing Learners Programme (CEOs-PAL) iii. Dreamer Lab Award iv. Green Quest Local Project Internship v. PLUS+ Ambassador Programme vi. PUNCH for Your Health - Thai-Boxing Training and Service Programme vii. HKBU Community Service Week viii. General Education Courses c. Global Vision Programme i. HKBU Model United Nations Club ii. Ten Thousand People's Scheme iii. HKBU Backpacker Learning iv. Serve-cation d. Leadership Programme i. HKBU High Table Dinners ii. HKBU Leadership & Character Enhancement Programme e. Cultural Literacy 4. Student Partners


i. University YMCA ii. ICAC Ambassador Programme iii. Wofoo Leadership Network 5. Donors and Partners



Developing Students’ Potentials and Leadership Attributes In line with the mission of the University to provide a higher education that develops and sustains the integrity of the whole person, and its values of strong commitment to both academic excellence and community service, the Leadership Qualities Centre (LQC) aims to empower HKBU students to become committed global and local citizens, assume active roles to face and resolve global challenges and to become proactive contributors in local community. LQC has continued to gear up to provide our students vibrant, innovative and stimulating experiential learning activities. A total of 395 student development activities including 127 co-curricular learning (CCL) activities were offered with 9,853 attendances to equip students with well balanced Graduate Attributes. There was an increase of 118% in the total number of CCL activities in 2022-23 comparing to 2021-22. A total of 20 CCL activities with 959 attendances were organised under CCL Discovery Series to provide a solid foundation for Whole Person Education. Adventure Education was newly introduced to provide students thrilling adventured-based training events to embrace challenges with a positive mindset and collaborate with one another with team spirit. A total of 72 students received the trainings and gave an average satisfaction rating at 4.8 out of 5. Leadership programmes including The High Table Dinner series, Leadership and Character Enhancement Programme 2022 and Outward Bound were rolled out to develop students’ perspectives and equip them with leadership skills. Positive feedback from student participants was received, with an overall rate of 4.45 out of 5.

National Security Education National Security Law Education was continuously offered in this year to introduce the importance of national security law to students and cultivate their sense of law-abidingness. 19 sessions of National Security Law Education Lecture had been held in 2022-23 with 2,659 attendances. As at 31 July 2023, 2,581 undergraduate students from 2021/22 cohort and 1,513 undergraduate students from 2022/23 cohort fulfilled the NSLE requirement, accounting for 96% and 54% of the population from respective cohort. The Advisory Committee on National Security Education was established to give strategic direction and advice on National Security Law Education for students.

Cultural Literacy Between 1 September 2022 and 30 August 2023, LIVE organised 20 events and attracted over 2,000 participants. Additionally, 345 new members had been recruited for the LIVE Friends programme and over 150 students had been enrolled in the "LIVE buddy" programme, which provided students with job opportunities in Art Administration.

Community Engagement A total of 10,274 service hours and 6,224 beneficiaries were recorded with service targets ranging from underprivileged children to the elderly. There was an increase of 71% in the total number of service hours in 2022-23 comparing to 2021-22. HKBU Skilled Volunteer Cadre was first launched in this year. 92 students contributed a total of 2,503 hours of service to benefit 1,083 service beneficiaries. Feedback from students was very encouraging with overall rating of 4.47 out of 5.

Outbound Learning after the Pandemic We resumed outbound study and service trips this year to provide students with the opportunities to get overseas exposure. A total of 529 student attendances recorded in our outbound learning programmes such as HKBU Backpacker Learning Programme, Serve-cation, Ten Thousand People’s Scheme and HKBU Model United Nations Club. Feedback from students were positive with overall rating of 4.42 out of 5.

Partnership Special thanks to the strategic partners including Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, Wofoo Social Enterprises and ICAC to continue supporting our university students in organising a variety of activities promoting strong adaptability, creative insights, passion for serving society, integrity and responsible citizenship.


Key Figures


Co-curricular Learning Programme CCL Discovery Series Sep 2022 - Mar 2023 | 959 HKBU students

LQC organised 20 CCL activities to provide a solid foundation for Whole Person Education which nurtures and fosters the development of the seven core graduate attributes among students. These activities covered a wide range of themes, including civic values, skills and knowledge, personal growth, community service, and global insights and experiences. Our workshops and seminars covered diverse topics, such as Central Market Tour, The Beauty of Cantonese Opera, Handbook for Stand Up Comedy, and How Much Do You Know about Weed? Through these activities, our students had opportunities to develop their communication skills, expand their civic values, and engage in whole-person development.

Adventure Education Oct 2022 - May 2023 | 72 HKBU students

Through participating in adventure activities in group settings, students were able to embrace challenges with a positive mindset, collaborate with one another to achieve a common goal and step out of their comfort zones to excel. A total of four adventure-based training events were held in collaboration with Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong and Civil Aid Service. Based on post-event surveys, students gave an average rating of 4.21 out of 5 for the development of their teamwork skills.

National Security Education Sep 2022 - Apr 2023 | 2,659 HKBU students

The Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (NSL) was enacted on July 1, 2020. In order to introduce national security laws and concepts to students, LQC organised 19 sessions of the National Law Security Education Seminar with 2,659 attendance from Sep 2022 to Apr 2023.


Community Engagement Programme HKBU Skilled Volunteer Cadre Sep 2022 - Aug 2023 | 92 HKBU students | 2,503 service hours | 1,083 service beneficiaries

HKBU Skilled Volunteer Cadre aims to equip students with essential skills for serving the community, and nurture students with caring spirits and civic responsibility. It also encourages students to contribute to the society continuously using the skills learnt. Through the programme, 92 students were able to learn 6 different core skills, including balloon twisting, hair-dressing, kayaking, knitting, letter counselling with Japanese Nagomi Pastel Art, and tutoring for children's multi-media literacy. They delivered innovative services with totally 2,503 service hours to 1,083 service beneficiaries. By addressing the needs of the community, students developed empathetic minds with keen concern to the society.

TSANG SUET YING CINDY "Hair dressing has always been my interest since my grandma stayed in the carehouse. This course provided a concentrated 4-week course covering from long to short hair by the founder of Cut4Love. The organisation recruited volunteer hairdressers for community services from time to time in different districts offering a platform to apply my knowledge and skills into practice. I was so grateful to attend this course from BU and have unlocked this new skill to serve people in need."

TAM KA YAN KIMI "The experience was amazing and I learnt a lot about knitting. It was fun during the service time and I enjoyed it. I also gained the basic crochet skills after joining the skilled volunteer cadre."

Community Engagement Organisers: Positive Ageing Learners Programme (CEOs-PAL) Oct 2022 - Apr 2023 | 57 HKBU students | 948 service hours

CEOs PAL aims to provide a platform for inter-generation and intra-generation interactions and engage with the community. In the programme, seniors and students worked in teams to learn about positive ageing and became lifelong learners. Within six months, nearly 70 students and elderly worked in Buddy Teams and engaged in community services to promote positive ageing for 948 hours. About 170 care packs and 50 requests on home improvement were completed which improved the quality of life of 86 frail elderly in the neighbourhood.

LIU QIANYI "As a mainland student, it was a good chance to know the living situation of the elderly in Hong Kong and I found that many of them need care and love. Even though the living condition of the elderly was not good enough, he remained positive and talked to us in a friendly way. I appreciated this opportunity to cooperate with an elderly buddy to become a positive ageing learner."


Dreamer Lab Award Sep - Jun 2023 | 2 Teams of Awardees |

Dreamer Lab Award serves as a platform for students to pursue their dreams that would promote personal growth and the betterment of local community. With high autonomy, it encourages students to have innovative ideas on social sectors and launch creative action plans, which could raise social awareness of certain issues. Two teams of awardees - "Riceing Up" and "Filipino Workers in HK" realised their dreams to serve the local community. "Riceing Up": To promote healthy lifestyle to the public, two students from the School of Chinese Medicine published health-related magazines and designed recipes integrating concepts from Chinese Medicine. They also held booth in HKBU and organise seminar to elderly to introduce different health advices. "Filipino Workers in HK": A student organised several local trips for filipino workers by herself, to increase their sense of belongings of Hong Kong.

KEUNG WING SHAN & TO HOK YAU "When organising booth and seminar, we were required to coordinate with different parties. Also, we had to create all the content for the activities by ourselves. This was our first time in holding booth and seminar, it was inevitable for us to feel confused in some situations. Fortunately, all activities were organised successfully. We gained some experiences in event planning through this programme."

Green Quest Local Project Internship Oct 2022 - April 2023 | 10 HKBU students | 321 service hours

Green Quest Local Project internship encourages students to initiate green community projects under the guidance of professional supervisors from the Asia Youth Alpine Mentors Programme (AYAMP), Ecobus (Hong Kong) Environmental Foundation and Hong Kong Institute of Planners. Three project teams were formed. Two of the teams raised awareness of over 150 students on Leave No Trace hiking and green actions against plastic pollution through their projects. The last project team, with their vision to build a age-friendly community, reviewed the "Elderly-friendly Design Guidelines" of Architectural Services Department of HKSAR Government and cited Kowloon Bay Park and Playground as a case study to create a prototype for age-friendly public spaces. The team used professional 3D design software for the first time and created 30 pieces of design drawings. Their efforts were acknowledged by the Architectural Services Department with a positive reply.


PLUS+ Ambassador Programme Oct 2022 - Feb 2023 | 27 HKBU students | 65 service beneficiaries

PLUS+ Ambassador Programme aims to train students on the values of life and build character strengths. Through designing and delivering community service day and self-care tools, students practice important soft skills such as leadership, problem-solving and communication skills. 27 students completed the training on positive psychology and life education. In four service days, 65 beneficiaries were reached, around 1,800 sets of cards and other self-care tools were disseminated to hall residents. MA PO YING "Before the programme, it was difficult for me to do colour scheme matching and printing of the self-care tools. After learning from the design professional, I develop more confidence in selecting appealing colours and encouraging words for the postcard design."

DAUD MARIAM "Since there was a lot of teamwork in this project, I had a boost in confidence to help generate more ideas for the team. The project also helped me develop insights into critical thinking that I can use to better my emotional state as well as that of the people surrounding me. It made me reflect upon my priorities in life to be in a better place mentally and emotionally."

PUNCH for Your Health - Thai-Boxing Training and Service Programme Oct 2022 - Apr 2023 | 22 HKBU students | 363 service hours

PUNCH for Your Health - Thai-Boxing Training and Service Programme encourages students to strengthen their physical and mental resilience during the Thai-boxing training. In the service sessions with underprivileged groups, students can demonstrate care for others. 22 HKBU students learnt Thai boxing and provided training on boxing skills and personal development to 41 primary and secondary school students of underprivileged groups. Both HKBU students and participants from the underprivileged groups improved their physical and mental health during the pandemic through the programme. KWOK ON YI "Teaching Thai-boxing skills to underprivileged students can also provide valuable insights into personal development. Working with students who may not have access to the same resources and opportunities can help develop empathy and compassion, as well as a sense of responsibility to give back to the community. Additionally, teaching others can help develop leadership skills and the ability to effectively communicate complex concepts in a clear and concise manner."


HKBU Community Service Week Feb - May 2023 | 65 HKBU students | 932 service beneficiaries

HKBU Community Service Week aims to provide opportunities for HKBU students to apply skills and knowledge learnt in serving the underprivileged. Students would also show care and concern to the people in need by delivering service. A service fair and service day were organised with cooperation with NGOs to increase students' awareness towards underprivileged groups. For the service fair, 700 attendees visited our experiential booths and charity sales. For the service day, 65 students designed and provided services to more than 200 service beneficiaries based on their needs. During the service, students learnt to appreciate the strengths of the disadvantaged groups through interactions with them.

LI YUN "I think I must cherish university life more. It is because some subdivided households who have financial difficulties, university education including tuition fees and expenses cost them a lot of money. So, if we can attend and learn in university, it is lucky and happy. We should dedicate ourselves to the society."

General Education Courses Sept 2022 - Apr 2023 | xx HKBU students | 59 service beneficiaries

In collaboration with the School of Chinese Medicine and Department of Religion and Philosophy, two General Education Courses, namely Paths to Service Leadership in Health Services were organised to enable students to apply knowledge in Chinese medicine and basic concepts in counselling into practice by serving and interacting with the elderly. A total of 59 elderly persons from 3 different elderly centres were served. 12 service proposals were initiated and put into practice by the students, to improve the physical and mental well-being of the elderly during the pandemic.


Global Vision Programme HKBU Model United Nations Club Sep 2022 - Aug 2023 | 7 executive committee members

HKBU MUN Club is an authentic simulation of the United Nations (UN) committee structure, where students assume the roles of United Nations member states to discuss and develop resolutions for issues of international scope and importance. The experience provides students with a fruitful journey of diplomacy, compromises, knowledge, learning, and friendships. Throughout the years, 7 ExCos organised orientation night, 3 training session, simulation and 4 preconference training. Students were given the opportunity to discuss current international affairs ad the role of United Nations at these events. This was the first overseas conference after the COVID. The ExCos and 7 members were selected to attend Harvard World Model United Nations 2023 in Paris on Mar, 2023. LEE CHI KIN KEN "One can get into the ever-growing world of MUN (Model United Nations) with trainings and simulations provided by the club, as well as the precious opportunity to attend overseas international MUN conferences, an unforgettable experience that will no doubt further develop one’s MUN career and other competencies in life. "

Ten Thousand People's Scheme Sep 2022 - Aug 2023 | 110 HKBU students

The Ten Thousand People's Scheme seeks to promote exchanges between higher learning institutions in Mainland China and Hong Kong and also to enhance their students’ understanding of the country. It will provide students with experiential learning opportunities such as short courses, research projects, internships, academic competitions, service-learning activities and visits in China. HKBU received 52 programme invitations from 18 institutions in China and received a total of 238 student applications. After application screening, a total of 124 applications were submitted to host institutions for consideration and over 89% applications were successfully admitted.


WONG HO LAAM "I was very glad when I was informed that I had been admitted in this programme successfully as I am really interested in Nanjing, one of the ancient capital of China, and looking forward to seeing different historical heritages and cultural relics. Under the elaborate and careful preparation of the teacher of the Nanjing University, almost every detail of the trip and all the participants have been taken care. Not only could I learn a lot of history of Nanjing and China by visiting so many museums showing different cultural relics, but I could also meet a lot of new friends coming form other universities in Hong Kong, Nanjing, Macao and Taiwan. It was definitely a unforgettable and meaningful trip to me."

HKBU Backpacker Learning 2021-22 Sep 2022 - Aug 2023 | 4 teams | 12 HKBU students

Self initiation and planning are the keys of this programme for which students can have better ownership and responsibility over the trips. It provides alternative learning opportunities for students to explore the world. Students were exposed to planned and unplanned learning opportunities which help them improving problem-solving, team communication, time and budget management during the excursion. A Total of 4 winning teams were subsidised to plan and begin their backpacker learning journeys in this year.

Boy's Journey in Sweden: Three students to investigate the difference in lifestyle and rate of happiness between Sweden and Hong Kong.

WeFours: Four students to visit Climate Change Conference and make documentary film on Heat Wave in United Kingdom and Hong Kong.

Two students to investigate ecotourism in Okinawa of Japan.

Three students analysed happiness in the Netherlands.

Serve-cation May 2023 - Aug 2023 | 39 HKBU students

"Serve-cation" offers a series of pre-trip workshops and preparatory meetings to equip students with necessary skills and knowledge for the overseas exposure. Students were provided experiential learning opportunities guided by local residents and provided with opportunities to serve the local community in Bali, Indonesia and Chiangmai, Thailand. Bali, Indonesia: 19 students joined 4-day Bali trip and served a total of 238 hours. They planted 200 pcs of baby mangroves, cleaned beaches, visited and distributed stationary to nearly 90 elementary students in Bali. Chiangmai, Thailand: 20 students joined 6-day Chiangmai trip and served a total of 577 hours. The students designed three teaching plans by using brain-based learning approach. Volunteer teaching was provided to more than 76 students in Chiangmai.


Leadership Development Programme HKBU High Table Dinners Jan - May 2023 | 288 HKBU students

The High Table Dinner series aims to enrich students’ knowledge of a wide variety of social, cultural, economic and technological issues. It also broadens students’ horizons and encourages them to explore and reflect on the value and meaning of life. Renowned professionals from different sectors and public figures were invited to deliver keynote speeches at the dinners. The event attracted the attendance of more than 300 students, guests, alumni and friends of HKBU joined the series of High Table Dinner.

POE AUDRIS "Felt great that we had the opportunity to join High Table Dinner in HKBU, as it brought students from different backgrounds and specialty together. I enjoyed having intellectual exchange with others without phones interrupted."

HKBU Leadership & Character Enhancement Programme Oct - Dec 2022 | 187 HKBU and secondary students

To nurture future leaders with leadership skills, professional knowledge and righteous qualities, a bespoke programme for youth leaders, namely “Leadership & Character Enhancement Programme” was launched. University and secondary students jointly began a journey to excellence through professional trainings and thrilling learning experience under this Programme. Around 190 university and secondary students joined this Programme and the programme was able to deepen their understanding of various professions and nurture them with righteous values, team management and event planning skills. 96.8% of HKBU students agreed that the programme increased their overall leadership skills.

LIU CHUN HANG "It inspired me that everyone could be a leader and there would be so many kinds of a leader. Throughout the Programme, I was able to identify others' character strengths and their potentials of being a leader."


Cultural Literacy Moon Party 9 Sep 2022 | 500 HKBU students

Approximately 500 participants gathered to celebrate the MidAutumn Festival, where they engaged in traditional handicraftmaking, played riddles and lanterns, and enjoyed mooncakes and festival fruits. This event provided a platform for students, alumni, and staff to showcase their talents and creativity by performing on stage or holding craft stalls. Of the 301 students who completed the survey, 95.7% reported having fun and would recommend this party to others.

General Zhou Yu Duk Duk Chang 5 Oct 2022 | 72 HKBU students


A total of 72 participants attended the 50-minute cross-disciplinary performance presented by the One Table Two Chairs Charitable Foundation. The performance seamlessly integrated martial arts scenes and operatic songs from Cantonese opera into an exciting and inspirational drama story. The event was further enriched by a fruitful post-performance discussion between the directors and students, which added another highlight to the event.


Star Talk: How to be a Good Stage Actor? 6 Oct 2022 | 141 HKBU students

In collaboration with the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, we coorganised an engaging talk with the renowned artist, Mr. Anthony Wong. The discussion provided an in-depth exploration of his experiences as an actor on stage and in the movie industry, and 141 students participated in the event. According to the survey results, out of the 107 students who responded, 96.3% agreed or strongly agreed that the talk had deepened their understanding and awareness of the topic and had enhanced their personal growth.

Solo Dance: My Life on the Fringe 10 Nov 2022 | 20 HKBU students


BEYOND Bollywood presented a unique solo play at the Korean International Environmental Theatre Festival, exploring the themes of diversity and nature, and raising awareness towards environmental protection and animal conservation. The play featured Mr. Uday Sathala, who led 20 participants in experiencing various Indian dance styles, from traditional to contemporary, to tell the stories of Hong Kong, Tai Po, and Hyderabad. The cross-cultural performance showcased the beauty of Indian dance, while also promoting environmental awareness and conservation efforts.


Star Talk: How to be a Good Stage Playwright? 10 Nov 2022 | 39 HKBU students

Co-organised with the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, Ms. Chong Mui Ngam, a famous playwright for Hong Kong drama, shared her experience with 39 students on how to find inspiration and develop a successful career in script writing. The talk provided valuable insights into the creative process and practical tips for aspiring writers.


《告別》movie screening & discussion

16 Nov 2022 | 14 HKBU students

A recording of a captivating conversation between two friends during the Covid time that explored a range of topics, including theatre, love, miracles, and fate was shown. 14 participants joined and generated some interesting insights with the movie director Mr. Tang Shu-wing.

《神探福邇,字摩斯》Drama Performance 24 Nov - 4 Dec 2022 | 6 HKBU students

Partnered with Theatre Space, six participants watched this local drama production, followed by a backstage tour with a knowledgeable guide.


"Aesthetics and the Body" Talk 18 Nov 2022

"Aesthetics and the Body" Talk is the first part of a drama project “Love in Idleness” for university students. Mr. Ata Wong (physical-theatre performer and instructor) and Mr. Stephen Fan (renowned fashion designer) brought new perspectives and inspirations from daily clothing to stage costume to students.

He He She She III, Interactive Ethnodrama Performance 11 Jan 2023 | 45 HKBU students

The ADDOIL Workshop presented an interactive performance based on real stories collected from the LGBT+ community and funded by the Equal Opportunities Commission. Given the importance of this topic to students in the Department of Social Work, we invited them to attend. In total, 45 students - including some from other departments - participated in the event. The ensuing in-depth discussion was so successful that it even ran over by 30 minutes. All 30 students who responded to the survey expressed that the event had improved their understanding of the LGBT+ community, enhanced their awareness, and increased their respect for the community.


Arts Fair: Lunchtime I'm in Love 14 Feb 2023 | 900 HKBU students

"Co-organised with the Unit for Students with Special Educational Needs (USSEN), a Valentine's Day event that brought together over 900 participants to share in joy, laughter, and love. The event featured 20 craft stalls and art workshops, which were hosted by talented students, staff, alumni from HKBU and social enterprises. In addition, there were nine live music and dance performances that added to the festive atmosphere. The event provided an excellent opportunity for attendees to connect with one another, experience inclusiveness and diversity, and learn from individuals with special needs. Very positive responses were received from participants. Out of 321 students, 92% and 91% agreed or strongly agreed that the fair had enriched their appreciation in different art forms and promoted their respect for cultural diversity respectively. A vast number of staff / alumni participated in the fair. Out of the 158 respondents to our survey, 96% and 92% agreed or strongly agreed that the fair had enriched their appreciation in different art forms and promoted their respect for cultural diversity respectively. These results demonstrate the fair's success in achieving its goals of fostering cultural awareness and appreciation among our community.

Star Chat: Made in Hong Kong: Chinese Opera and Modern Drama 13 Mar 2023 | 112 HKBU students

Professor Fredric Mao shared his philosophy and experience in theatre production, highlighting the integration of various theatric forms and techniques from Chinese opera and modern drama to create a unique "Hong Kong Style" that appeals to younger audiences. The session was attended by 112 students on-site, including the secondary students we had invited, and was also broadcast to the Great Bay Area.


Theatre Alchemy: Pre-stage performance + Sharing 15 Mar 2023 | 42 HKBU students

The Alice Theatre Laboratory presented a surrealism journey led by Mr. Andrew Chan, the director of the production. The event was attended by 42 students who not only watched a 30-minute pre-stage showcase but also experienced their body with the space to understand the concept and elements of surrealism through different artworks and films. The in-depth discussion was so engaging that it even overrun for 30 minutes. According to a survey conducted after the event, 100% of the students found that the event had deepened their understanding and awareness of the concept and elements of surrealism.

Post-pandemic Dialogue: A Physician & A Journalist 25 Apr 2023 | 344 HKBU students

As part of the "Post Pandemic!" theme for 2022-23, this event was one of three that aimed to close the theme. The event saw 344 participants engage in a post-pandemic dialogue between Dr. Luk Che Chung, a Hong Kong physician and hospital administrator, and Ms. Jiang Xue, an independent investigative journalist in the US. Both speakers shared their experiences during the pandemic and emphasized the importance of facing the future in a positive way.


Poetic Microscope 27 Mar 2023 & 21 Apr 2023 - 23 May 2023 | 74 HKBU students

This transdisciplinary and educational project, co-organised by Dr. Patrick Yue from the Department of Biology and Dr. Michael Whittle from the School of Creative Arts, provided participants with a unique perspective on biology. The project was specially designed for 74 students from the Cell Biology course, who used cell images under the microscope to create their artwork and write a creative description. The artwork was exhibited along the Li Promenade, providing viewers with a new perspective on science. Over 350 visitors participated in the exhibition and voted for their favourite images. The participating students found the project interesting as it allowed them to discover cells from a new perspective, while visitors found the exhibition beautiful and informative.

Interactive Art Project: Colour – from inner self to outer worldst 24 Apr 2023 - 8 May 2023| 46 HKBU students

In collaboration with Dr. Kingsley Ng from the School of Creative Arts, 46 Arts Tech students co-created ten interactive artworks that were exhibited at the iCafe. The exhibition aimed to lead everyone back into the outer world after the pandemic. Not only did the exhibition provide an opportunity for the students to integrate their knowledge in Arts-Tech and co-create the exhibition, but it also trained them as docents to share their concepts and artwork with the participants. Over 180 visitors attended the exhibition and voted for their favourite artworks.


Hong Kong Summer Series: Discovering Khalsa Diwan Sikh Temple 30 May 2023 | 20 HKBU students

During the summer break, three workshops were organised, with 20 students enrolling in a visit to the Khalsa Diwan Sikh Temple. The visit provided the students with a deeper understanding of the Sikh culture, religion, history, food, and other traditions of the Sikh community in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Summer Series: Experiencing Tattoo Culture 3 Jun 2023 | 10 HKBU students

Ten students successfully enrolled in the workshop (the second workshop of the Hong Kong Summer Series) where they had the opportunity to meet and share with local tattoo artists Ali and Sam from Inbloom Tattoo. The workshop provided an in-depth understanding of the evolution of Tattoo culture in Hong Kong and its history. Under the guidance of the instructors, students also had the chance to experiment with tattooing on silicone using professional tattoo tools to create their artwork.


Hong Kong Summer Series: HK Illustrator X Sketching: Kowloon Walled City Park 3 Jun 2023

Ten students participated in the third activity of the Hong Kong Summer Series, where they had the opportunity to meet and learn from local illustrator Wai Wai about her journey as a Hong Kong illustrator. The students were also accompanied by Wai Wai to Kowloon Walled City Park to practice the sketching techniques they had learnt and create memorable sketches.

International Symposium on Affective Anthropocene: Contextualizing Feelings and Environments under Climate Change 1 - 2 Jun 2023 | 150 HKBU students

Collaborated with The Anthropocene and Contemporary Chinese Cultures Consortium, around 150 participants had joined the symposium. As in previous years, LIVE played a key role in promoting the event to students and providing various administrative support.


Cultural Event Management Workshop 19 Jun - 10 Jul 2023 | 33 HKBU students

"Led by Mr. Louis Yu, MH (Director of Hong Kong Art School) and Ms. Claire Lo (Founder of the Market Fairish), this four-day workshop provided 33 students with hands-on knowledge and skills in organizing cultural and arts events. Participants, including local, non-local, and mainland students, were divided into four groups based on their preferred genres, and each group developed a proposal that included objectives, a master schedule, marketing and promotion strategies, risk management plans, budgeting, and evaluation. During the final session, the proposals were presented, and 17 students expressed their interest in joining LIVE as a Buddy to put their proposals into action with the support of LIVE. Moving forward, starting from AY2023-24, LIVE will fully adopt the OBTL/ADRI approach in organizing events. To measure the impact of our programmes and activities on the BU and external community, we will use various assessment and data collection methods to gather feedback from students and other stakeholders. This feedback will provide us with sufficient information to review and improve our offerings. The resulting report will be structured according to different categories and outcomes.


Student Partners University YMCA Feb 2022 - Mar 2023 | 11 Executive Committee members

As student association affiliated to the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, University YMCA aims to shape youths into future leaders with strong adaptability, creative insights and passion for serving the society through an array of distinguished learning experiences. 11 Student ExCos organised various programmes throughout the year, including core series programmes focusing on social service, community engagement and global vision providing total 20 CCL units and achieving a total of 635 attendances. Around 1,335 service beneficiaries and 1,759 service hours accumulated throughout the year.



I am delighted to be a part of the University YMCA's student executive committee. This role enables me to plan various programmes, which were not previously organised on such a large scale.

I am glad to be the Student Executive Committee member of the University YMCA. Never have I expected that in the University YMCA, one could learn a variety of unique skills and participate in exciting activities, such as designing promotional materials in Canva, being a leading group member of the International Youth Conference 2023, meeting individuals from varied backgrounds and sharing the same aspirations. In addition, participating in the Uni-Y Programme, including the long-term social service series and JointUniversity Orientation Camp OC Team, these events are great opportunities for me to create and achieve my selfworth.

Initially, I found it challenging to get started with the programme and was unsure about what steps to take. Thankfully, my advisor and other committee members provided their guidance and suggestions. Our daily tasks included preparing materials and designing programmes details, which helped me enhance my organisational skills and problem solving skills. Effective communication with the committee members and helpers was also crucial but challenging. Without clear communication, we couldn't come up with innovative ideas or execute them well. Teamwork was the cornerstone of our success, and although we faced some difficulties, I was happy to have made friends with the committee members and grateful for their support. The smooth running of our programme would not be possible without the contribution of every committee member.

University YMCA encourages me to start from the origin and better use the new ideas from the new century to respond to the community concerning issues. By planning diversified programmes and serving the needy in the community, I can contribute my knowledge to society and be a responsible and socially accountable global citizen who cares for the underprivileged and raises awareness of social issues. Being the Student Executive Committee member of the University YMCA is one of the right choices for my University life. Thanks for giving these unforgettable memories and also enormous support from Leadership Qualities Centre.


ICAC Ambassador Programme Oct 2022 - Jun 2023 | 8 HKBU Committee members

As a collaboration of ICAC and tertiary institutions, ICAC Ambassador Programme enlists the creativity and efforts of university students in the promotion of integrity. A total of 8 HKBU students were selected as ICAC Ambassadors in this year. Through joint-university leadership training, committee members were equipped with skills of communication and team collaboration. Amid the resurgence of pandemic, online quiz challenges and social media promotion were advocated to enrich fellows’ understanding of anticorruption laws, personal integrity and ethical pitfalls on campus.

Wofoo Leaders' Network Sep 2022 - Aug 2023 | 7 Executive Committee members

Wofoo Leadership Network (WLN) aims to promote the idea of “Responsible Citizenship” and build a harmonious and caring society. 7 HKBU students were selected as the Executive Committee Members in 2022-2023. This year was the first year that the WLN annual dinner was held after the COVID. Six ExCo members attended and networked with the advisor and other University ExCo members.


Donors and Partners (in alphabetical order) Animal Social Enterprise Association for Engineering and Medical Volunteer Services Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing Language and Culture University Central Market Centre for Community Cultural Development China Three Gorges University Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong Christian Action Civil Aid Service Hong Kong ComHome Social Housing Platform Community CareAge Foundation Concern for Grassroots Livelihood Alliance Cut for Love Association Limited Direction Association For The Handicapped Eldpathy Elite Thai Boxing and Fitness Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong Fair Energy Campaign Fu Hong Society Best Buddies Hong Kong Fudan University Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Harbin Institute of Technology HKAYP Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Ho Ping Neighbourhood Centre for Senior Citizens (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) Home and Youth Affairs Bureau Hong Kong Housing Society Hong Kong Playground Association Hong Kong Unison Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) Huazhong University of Science and Technology Kowloon City Baptist Church Neighbourhood Elderly Centre Lanzhou University Media 21, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Minzu University of China Nanjing University Narcotics Division, Security Bureau New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Interactive Farm Northeast Normal University Oji Bali Outward Bound Hong Kong Peking University Principal Chan Free Tutorial World Providence Foundation Renmin University of China Sensational Sprouts Cantonese Opera Association


Donors and Partners (in alphabetical order) Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shaoguan University Soochow University Southwest University St. James' Settlement The Abm Hong Kong Swatow Baptist Church Community Service Association Limited The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK) The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups The Hong Kong Society for the Aged The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council - Shamshuipo District Elderly Community Centre Tin Ka Ping Foundation VolTra Hong Kong Wofoo Social Entreprises World Green Organisation Wuhan University Yan Chai Hospital Madam Lo Lee Pui Ching Memorial Workshop Yan Oi Tong Woo Chung District Elderly Community Centre YMCA of Chiangmai YMCA of Hong Kong



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