Monthly Brief 2023/03 EN

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Think Tank Wrap Up Meeting and the Next Steps

TheThink Tank on Reinventing Hong Kong’s International Insurance Hub met on 17 March 2023 to finalize the detailed industry proposal. Thanks to the Think Tank members’ valuable insights from diverse perspectives, the proposal will define a path forward to address the most pressing challenges facing our industry today.

It will recommend short-, medium- and long-term initiatives to support the industry development goals outlined in the Budget Speech 2023-24 and the Development Roadmap for the Insurance Sector in Hong Kong. We will suitably engage the Administration, our regulator and the relevant stakeholders to create a strategy for reinforcing Hong Kong’s role as an international insurance and risk management centre.

CIES – Proposal to Include More Insurance Products

In the Budget 2023-24, the Financial Secretary announced the revival of the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (CIES), aiming to attract more new capital to Hong Kong and improve the talent pool. We fully support this initiative, which enables Hong Kong to keep pace with international development and bring great benefits to the economy. To enrich the product offerings of the CIES, the Life Insurance Council (LIC) has submitted a proposal to recommend retaining ILAS as the permissible investment asset and suggest a wider array of insurance products denominated in both HKD and RMB for the consideration of the Government

On 24 March 2023, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) announced that ILAS will continue to be one of the eligible collective investment schemes under the CIES and assets denominated in RMB will also be considered. We welcome the announcement and stand ready to discuss with the Administration on the implementation details of the CIES to provide more viable options for all CIES entrants to plan their investments in Hong Kong.

Gender Equality and Inclusion

Sustainability Reporting and SME Questionnaire

On13 March 2023, at the above joint seminar, the Chairman of Task Force on Green Insurance Mr Eric Hui joined the panel discussion to share the benefits of sustainability reporting and how the insurance industry has proactively addressed the climate disclosure.

In addition to the joint seminar, our HKFI Members were also invited to join two workshops on SME questionnaire organized by the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group (CASG) for technical guidance and case demonstration in responding to the questionnaire. We will keep track of the development of the questionnaire, which serves as one of the tools to support disclosure requirements in the financial sector.

To focus on the social aspect on the ESG agenda, we conducted a survey on gender equality among all Members in January 2023 and issued a media release on 8 March 2023 to announce the findings – 21% of insurance companies’ CEO are female, which exceeds the percentage of female C-suite and senior leadership in other financial sectors in Hong Kong and is very much on par with the more developed countries. HKFI’s Governing Committee (GC) and Secretariat also set an example of gender inclusion of female C-suite and senior leadership

While we are proud to embrace gender equality and celebrate more women in leadership positions, we are also aware of the room for improvement in the space of gender diversity. In this light, we have recommended some possible measures to ensure sustainable progress towards gender equality. For details, please check out the media release at our website.

Issue No.309 Mar 2023

Hong Kong is ready to welcome visitors from the Mainland and overseas to explore this wonderful city of ours!

Supporting the ‘Hello Hong Kong’ publicity campaign, the HKFI is launching a video from an insurance perspective. Featuring a series of selfie clips from our councilors and friends of the industry, we hope to showcase the vibrancy and uniqueness of Hong Kong to our friends and business associates from close and afar and invite them to come and experience Hong Kong's unique blend of culture, business-friendly environment and world-class amenities for business development. Help spread the message and share this video with your friends and associates through your networks!

To put our words into action, the HKFI is hosting the East Asian Insurance Congress 2024 Conference in Hong Kong between 24 and 27 September 2024. Mark this in your diary now as this will be the event you do not want to miss. If you are interested in supporting this biennial event as sponsor, please contact Ms Cristal Tam, Project Director of the EAIC 2024 Conference, at

Hong Kong, as The International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) Asia Hub, formed a delegation of six to join the conference in Hamburg and actively participated in various technical committees and forums. Taking the chance, we also held a breakfast meeting to deepen our engagement with the IUMI President Mr Frédéric Denèfle and Secretary-General Mr Lars Lange.

TheInsurance Claims Complaints Panel (ICCP) held a media conference on 21 March 2023 to announce the claims complaints statistics for 2022 and highlight the deliberation results of some cases. In total, 607 cases were received during 2022, accounting for 18.6% increase compared with 2021. Amongst the 359 claim-related cases closed, 89 complainants received from insurers a total claims compensation of HK$8.16m.

One of the key focuses of the media coverage relates to the Covid-19 related claims. A survey conducted among insurers showed that the industry had paid for about 50,000 Covid-19 related claims in the past 3 years and the compensation amount was approximately HK$800 million.

A special vote of thanks to the ICCP Chairman Mr Michael Tsui and his fellow Members Ms Vanessa Lau, Ms Orchis Li, Mr Lars Nielsen and Mr Jonathan Yau for serving the industry and the insuring public over the years.

LIC InsurTech Task Force Chairman Mr Alfred Cheung was invited to deliver an Opening Remarks on ‘How to Build an Insurer Ready for the Future’ at the InsureTech Connect (ITC) Asia RoadshowHong Kong on 30 March 2023. His sharing on the upcoming trend on embracing new technologies and building new ecosystem was well received.

“Hello Hong Kong”
EAIC 2024 Hong Kong Conference IUMI Spring Conference 2023 Hello from the HKFI! Media Conference of the ICCP Speaking at the ITC Asia Roadshow - Hong Kong

People Development

Talent is the key to success and insurance is no exception. In this regard, we have been proactively attracting and nurturing talents for our industry through various initiatives.

ETDP 2023/2024 is now open for nomination

The HKFI has launched an industry mentorship program in 2021 to ensure the wealth of knowledge of our insurance veterans can be retained in our industry and their business wisdom and profound experience can be passed down to the younger generation. The programme also aims at nurturing the talents for the sustainable development of our industry.

After two years of successful implementation, the 2023 cohort is now open for nomination. Member Companies are welcome to nominate high potential staff members to join this programme as mentees or recommend retired industry veterans to be mentors. For details and enrollment, please refer to the circular (Circular No.:Mv019/23) or visit the website at

The HKFI has launched the above initiative to connect insurers with the universities faculties graduates majoring in insurance related subjects in Hong Kong. The Job Referral Initiative aims at, on the one hand, facilitating university graduates to embark on a professional journey in insurance and on the other hand assisting insurance companies to recruit young talents (Circular No.: Mv020/23).

Sharing on InsurTech Development with University Students

To provide the younger generation with a new perspective about insurance, we have stepped up our engagement with universities during the past month. HKFI Chief Executive Ms Selina Lau addressed the Lingnan University’s InsurTech Symposium and spoke to Hang Seng University’s undergraduates on HKFI’s industry-wide InsurTech development. Club 2028 member Mr Lawrence Chong also delivered a career talk titled “New Frontier of Career in Insurance – InsurTech” at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Visit from CII CE and Potential Collaborations

The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) Chief Executive (CE) Mr Alan Vallance and its Membership & Engagement Director Ms Azlina Bulmer visited the HKFI on 16 March 2023. We had fruitful exchange on industry development, training and education, consumer protection and potential collaborations.

Annual Reception 2023

Afterthree years of COVID-19 pandemic, we are thrilled to host the HKFI Annual Reception at the Hong Kong Club again on 24 April 2023!

This year, we are pleased to have Mr Stephen Yiu, Chairman of Insurance Authority, to be our Guest-of-Honour. We look forward to catching up with you and friends from our industry!

Membership News

Change of Authorized Representative

General Insurance Member:

Asia-Pacific Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. – Mr Pang Kwok Keung

Concord Insurance Company Limited – Mr Michael Han Kam Leung

Euler Hermes – Mr Paul Flanagan

Life Insurance Member: Fubon Life Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited – Ms Patricia Wong

HKMC Annuity Limited – Mr Sunny Yung Wai Sun

HKFI Membership

As at 31 Mar 2023, the HKFI has 81 General Insurance Members and 54 Life Insurance Members.

University Graduates Job Referral Initiative

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