UBS Hong Kong Open 2010 Programme

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Graeme McDowell

Rory McIlroy

Noh Seung-yul

Grégory Bourdy

18-21 November, 2010 The Hong Kong Golf Club 2010年11月18日至21日 粉嶺香港哥爾夫球會



















18 8 9

25mm (Minimum Size)

EurAsia Golf Ltd The UBS Hong Kong Open official souvenir programme is published on behalf of EurAsia Golf Ltd by:



Inside your official souvenir programme


Times International Creation 謹代表EurAsia Golf Ltd出版 《瑞銀香港公開賽》記念場刊。


Alex Jenkins ART DIRECTOR美術總監


Hole-by-hole guide 球洞介紹



Terence Jenkins


McLaughlin (HKGA editorial on pages 22-25 and Player Profiles); European Tour; Alex Jenkins (course shots on pages 54-79) Empics. McLaughlin (第22 至25頁青少年球員照) ;European Tour; Alex Jenkins (第54至 79頁球場照) ;Empics 提供。 攝影:Charles

Printed in Hong Kong

COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2010 EurAsia Golf Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of transmitted in any form without permission from the individual copyright owners. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by EurAsia Golf Ltd or Times International Creation


Player Profiles 球員介紹 Welcome Messages 致辭......................... UBS and golf 瑞銀與高爾夫................

05 18

HKGA junior golf HKGA青少年高爾夫........ Course map 球場地圖.....................

22 85



Welcome Message


Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region I congratulate the Hong Kong Golf Association on hosting the UBS Hong Kong Open Championship 2010. Celebrating its 52nd edition this year, the Hong Kong Open has established itself as the city’s signature annual golf event. It is one of the most eagerly anticipated tournaments for both golf players and fans. This year’s event will welcome 144 top golfers from 28 countries and regions, and attract some 30,000 spectators and over 200 media representatives. As a key event on the Asian Tour and the lead up tournament to the season-ending Dubai World Championship on the European Tour, the competition in the Hong Kong Open is bound to be keen as players seek to improve their world rankings. I wish all the players a successful tournament and our visitors a most enjoyable stay in Asia’s world city.

香港高爾夫球總會舉辦瑞銀香港 高爾夫球公開賽2010,可喜可賀。 香港高爾夫球公開賽舉辦至 今,已踏入第52屆。這項比賽一直 是香港高爾夫球壇最矚目的年度盛 事,也是球手和球迷熱切期待的賽 事。本屆賽事共有144位來自28個 國家和地區的頂尖高爾夫球好手參 加,預計會吸引約3萬名球迷入場觀 賽、200多名傳媒代表到場採訪。 香港高爾夫球公開賽是亞洲 巡迴賽的焦點賽事,也為歐洲巡迴 賽季末大賽——杜拜世界錦標賽 揭開序幕。賽事勢必精采緊湊,球 手將全力以赴爭取更佳世界排名。 謹此歡迎各位蒞臨亞洲 國際都會,祝願所有參賽球手 成績美滿、旅客暢聚香江。


Donald Tsang Chief Executive



Welcome Message


Major Sports Committee It gives me great pleasure to congratulate the UBS Hong Kong Open Championship 2010 for being recognised as a “M” Mark event for the sixth consecutive year. This reinforces the status of the UBS Hong Kong Open in both the local and international sports community. Being one of the most heritagerich golf tournaments in Asia and the oldest professional sporting event in Hong Kong, the UBS Hong Kong Open has become an annual tradition in the international golfing calendar. Sanctioned by both the Asian and European Tours, this annual event continues to attract world-class golfers to take part in the competition. Top golfers will also give their best in the UBS Hong Kong Open to improve their world ranking – many thrilling moments are guaranteed! I wish the UBS Hong Kong Open Championship 2010 every success and all the participants an enjoyable stay in Hong Kong.

我對瑞銀香港公開賽連續六年成為 香港“M”品牌活動感到非常榮幸, 特此致賀。這大大加強瑞銀香港公 開賽在本土和國際體壇上的地位。 瑞銀香港公開賽是亞洲最具傳 統的高爾夫球錦標賽之一,亦是 香港歷史最久的職業體壇盛事, 每年定必列入國際高爾夫球賽程 中。這賽事已被歐巡賽與亞巡賽 共同認可,每年不斷吸引眾多世 界級球手來港作賽,竭盡所能, 望能提升其世界排名,賽事保證 精彩刺激,讓觀眾目不暇給! 我謹祝2010年瑞銀香港公 開賽舉辦成功,和所有前來 參與的人士暢聚香江。

大型體育活動事務委員會主席 胡曉明

Herman Hu Shao-ming Chairman



Welcome Message


UBS AG On behalf of UBS it gives me great pleasure to welcome all of the players and spectators to the beautiful Hong Kong Golf Club for the 2010 UBS Hong Kong Open. The historic UBS Hong Kong Open has the proud distinction of being Hong Kong’s oldest international sporting event and is one of the few tournaments in world golf that has been played at the same course every year since its inception in 1959. This year, the UBS Hong Kong Open has again attracted many of the premier players in the world for what will become the customary thrilling competition for the historic title. Amongst the stars competing this week are Ryder Cup heroes Rory McIlroy - returning to try and capture the title after finishing runner-up in both 2008 and 2009 - and Graeme McDowell, current holder of the US Open title. Asian stars like China's Liang Wenchong and Korea's Noh Seung-yul will also be in the hunt. The world-class golf on offer will be paired with world-class hospitality and entertainment with a raft of activities for the entire family. I hope you will have time over the tournament to visit the UBS Hong Kong Open Information Centre and UBS Game Improvement Zone to enjoy some of the activities on offer. UBS is proud to support the Hong Kong Open and Asian golf. So, on behalf of our team, I wish the players the best of luck over the coming days and the galleries the best of times as we enjoy another exciting UBS Hong Kong Open.

我很高興代表瑞銀歡迎各位球員和 觀眾,來到這美麗的香港高爾夫球 會,參與2010瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開 賽。瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽是本地 歷史悠久的國際體育賽事。自1959 年開辦以來,一直以粉嶺的高爾夫球 會作為賽場,是一個極少數的賽事能 從開辦至今都選址同一球場進行。 2010年,瑞銀香港高爾夫球 公開賽吸引了多位世界頂尖球 手競逐這個傳統大賽錦標。 這幾位頂尖球手包括早前出戰 萊德杯的麥爾萊(Rory Mcllroy),這名 2008及09年的香港高爾夫球公開賽 亞軍,再次來港全力爭奪冠軍寶座。 應屆美國公開賽盟主麥道維(Graeme McDowell)亦屬爭標熱門,連同擁有 半個主場之利的亞洲頂級球手如中 國的梁文沖和南韓的盧乘烈,今屆比 賽星光熠熠,勢必有一番龍爭虎鬥。 超凡的高爾夫球賽事,應與卓越 的招待和適合一家大小的娛樂融為 一體。各位可在賽事期間到瑞銀香 港高爾夫球公開賽的資訊中心和瑞 銀高球技術提昇區,享受精采活動。 瑞銀很榮幸成為支持香港高 爾夫球公開賽及亞洲高爾夫球運動 的一份子。我謹代表我們的團隊, 預祝所有球員在未來數天的「2010 瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽」中取 得佳績,並祝各位觀眾盡情享受精 采的瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽。

Kathryn Shih CEO, Wealth Management, Asia Pacific

瑞銀財富管理亞太區行政總裁 施許怡敏





OMEGA BOUTIQUE Central Queen‘s Rd C • Connaught Rd C Causeway Bay Lan Fong Rd • Percival St Russell St • Great George St • Sogo Tsimshatsui Canton Rd • K11 Art Mall HK Int'l Airport Macao The Venetian® • Grand Lapa Hotel • Macao Landmark Enquiry +852 2504 0266 +853 2870 1998

Welcome Message


Hong Kong Golf Association On behalf of the Hong Kong Golf Association, I am delighted to welcome you to the 2010 UBS Hong Kong Open, an event that has provided so many wonderful memories over the years. The Championship is Hong Kong's oldest professional sporting event and the HKGA is very proud of the history and tradition surrounding it. Indeed, it is with great satisfaction that we have seen it grow into a worldclass tournament over the past five decades. We are extremely grateful for the support of UBS, whose commitment to the Championship since 2005 has enabled us to attract some of the world's best players to Fanling. There's little doubt that Hong Kong's ever-growing golfing population will enjoy watching their skills over what promises to be four days of exciting and intense competition. It is also my expectation that the Open will provide inspiration to the SAR's younger generation of golfers. Local junior golf is an important focus for the HKGA and we are blessed with an increasing number of talented youngsters, who I'm sure all dream of one day playing in this magnificent Championship. I would like to thank the Captain and the Committee of the Hong Kong Golf Club and its members for again hosting the Open and my heartfelt thanks also to the hundreds of volunteers who give up their time each year to assist in the running of the tournament. To all those involved in the UBS Hong Kong Open I wish you every success.

本人謹代表香港高爾夫球總會歡 迎各位參加二零一零年瑞銀香港 高爾夫球公開賽。過去歷屆賽事相 信都為大家帶來了難忘的回憶。 這個錦標賽是香港歷史最悠久 的職業體育運動賽事,香港高爾夫 球總會更為這項賽事的歷史和傳統 感到自豪。事實上,眼見這個比賽 從五十年前開始演變成為世界性的 賽事,我們實在感到非常滿足。 我們非常感謝瑞銀的支持。自二 零零五年開始,瑞銀對這個錦標賽 的參與和贊助,令我們能夠吸引世界 一流的高爾夫球手來到粉嶺比賽。 我們相信,隨著愛好高爾夫球 的香港人愈來愈多,他們定會欣賞 這些高手在四天激烈緊湊的賽事中 的表現。本人也相信,這個公開賽 能吸引更多香港新一代喜愛高爾夫 球運動。香港高爾夫球總會十分著 重本地年輕球手,而我們也十分幸 運有愈來愈多年輕的、有潛質的球 手加入。我深信他們也夢想有一天 能在這個盛大的錦標賽中揮桿。 本人亦要向再次主辦本次公開 賽的香港哥爾夫球會的會長、委員 會和各成員致謝,更要由衷感謝數 以百計的義工。他們每年都花時間 協助這項錦標賽進行,實在難得。 本人謹願所有參加瑞銀香港高 爾夫球公開賽的選手取得佳績。

Ning Li President

香港高爾夫球總會會長 李寧


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Welcome Message


Hong Kong Golf Club On behalf of The Hong Kong Golf Club I'm delighted to extend a very warm welcome to all who are attending this, the 52nd Hong Kong Open. The Members of The Hong Kong Golf Club are very proud of the rich tradition and history that surrounds the Hong Kong Open and it is with great satisfaction and pride that we have seen it grow in stature and now occupy a key date in the Race to Dubai. We are once again extremely grateful to our title sponsors UBS for their continuing commitment and support which has enabled us to attract some of the world’s finest golf professionals. This year we are also very pleased to welcome the European Tour in their capacity of organizers of the event, bringing with them their worldwide experience and expertise to enhance this great tournament. My sincere gratitude goes to everyone involved in the tournament for their valiant efforts in making this event such a continued success. Finally, I'm certain we'll once again witness some spectacular golf on the fairways and greens of The Hong Kong Golf Club and I wish everyone


an enjoyable and memorable experience at this year’s tournament.


熱烈歡迎大家出席第五十二 屆香港高爾夫球公開賽。 對於香港高爾夫球公開賽的悠 久歷史及深厚傳統,本會會友一向引 以為榮,對於公開賽現在發展成為 杜拜追逐賽中的一項重要賽事,地 位顯赫,會友更深感欣悅和自豪。 我們再次感謝賽事冠名贊助 商瑞銀一直以來對賽事的承諾 和支持,使賽事能夠吸引一些世 界上最優秀的職業球手參加。 今年,我們很高興歡迎歐 洲巡迴賽組織來港作為公開 賽舉辦機構,它們的環球經驗 及專長將令賽事生色不少。 對各方人士不遺餘力,為賽事 續締佳續,我在此衷心致謝。 我熱切期待見證在香港哥爾 夫球會的球道及果嶺上展開一項 為大家帶來愉快和難忘的體驗。

香港高爾夫球總會會長 長安

John Ball Captain


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Welcome Message


European Tour The 2010 edition of the UBS Hong Kong Open marks the start of a new era for this prestigious and historic tournament, as for the first time the event will be promoted by EurAsia Golf Ltd, the joint venture between The European Tour and the Asian Tour. Since our first co-sanctioned event, the 1999 Malaysian Open, the partnership between the Tours has strengthened with every passing year, and our new joint venture will serve to reinforce that partnership. It is fitting that this week should mark the starting point for EurAsia Golf Ltd, as the UBS Hong Kong Open holds a truly special place in Asian sporting folklore as the longest-running sporting event in Hong Kong. Since its inception in 1959 the tournament, which became part of The European Tour International Schedule in 2002, has produced an impressive roll call of champions including nine different Major Champions who between them have amassed 25 Major titles. The world-class field assembled at the superb Hong Kong Golf Club includes US Open Champion Graeme McDowell, with the tournament providing the last opportunity for the players to book their places in the season-ending Dubai World Championship next week, when the winner of The 2010 Race to Dubai will be determined. Once again UBS, title sponsors of the event since 2005, have to be heartily applauded, as the prize fund has more than doubled in size during the course of their five-year sponsorship, from US$1.2 million in the 2006 season to the US$2.5 million figure which will be on offer this year. We must also thank our co-sanctioning partners at the Hong Kong Golf Association, as well as all the members and staff at Hong Kong Golf Club for their generosity in allowing us to use their course. Hong Kong is one of the world’s most vibrant cities, and I have no doubt our Members and those of the Asian Tour will provide a fitting spectacle.

瑞銀香港公開賽一直是歷史悠久,最富聲 望的錦標賽。2010年度賽事更標誌著一 個新紀元開始,這賽事首次由歐巡賽和 亞巡賽的合資企業EurAsia Golf Ltd推廣。 自從1999年的馬來西亞公開 賽(Malaysian Open)成為我們認可 賽事後,每年歐亞巡賽一直合作無 間,關係愈來愈緊密,我們新成立的 合資企業正好加強這合作關係。 今周,藉著瑞銀香港公開賽既是 亞洲體壇傳統盛事,亦是香港歷史最 悠久的體育運動節目的來臨,最是適 合EurAsia Golf Ltd揭幕的好時機。 1959年香港公開賽首次舉辦,2002年 成為歐巡賽國際賽站之一,這裡出現過九 名大賽冠軍球員(Major Champions),共 同擁有累積多達二十五項大賽冠軍名銜。 今周世界頂級球手雲集優雅的香港 哥爾夫球會,包括今年美國公開賽冠軍 麥道爾(Graeme McDowell)也前來作 賽,他們很多都是為憑在此最後機會, 爭取進入下周歐巡賽季煞科戰杜拜世界 錦標賽(Dubai World Championship) 一席位,到時「2010奔向杜拜賽」(2010 Race to Dubai)冠軍亦會誕生。 我得一再衷心感謝從2005年開始 一直冠名贊助是次賽事的瑞銀集團, 五年間總獎金從2006年的一百二十萬 美元增加至今年的二百五十萬美元。 我們亦一定要感激所有香港高爾夫 球總會(Hong Kong Golf Association)的 合作夥伴,和香港哥爾夫球會的會員和 工作人員,慷慨讓我們用他們的球場。 香港是全球最具活力城市之一,毋 庸置疑,我相信我們的會員和亞巡賽的會 員定能合力泡製一幕精彩絕倫的好戲。

George O’Grady CBE Chief Executive

歐洲巡迴賽行政總裁 George O’Grady CBE


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Welcome Message


Asian Tour The UBS Hong Kong Open marks a truly special week on golf’s international calendar, especially the Asian Tour. Inaugurated in 1959, the Open is one of the longest running and most prestigious championships in Asia where it embodies the great stature of the game in this expansive region. Its list of champions represents the Who’s Who of world golf and all players dream of hoisting the glistening champion’s trophy every year. This week marks a new and wonderful milestone as the Asian Tour and European Tour, through EurAsia Golf Ltd, our innovative partnership aimed at invigorating the game globally, will promote the Hong Kong Open for the first time. On behalf of the Asian Tour’s talented players, I would like to extend our fullest appreciation to UBS whose title sponsorship has over the years elevated the stature of the Hong Kong Open. I would also like to offer our sincere thanks to the Hong Kong Golf Association and Hong Kong Golf Club whose commitment and passion to promote the game is exemplary. As the official regional sanctioning body for professional golf, the Asian Tour continues to develop the game at the highest level and our success has been very much due to the support that we have received from Corporate Asia. We thank you for embracing our vision to develop and promote professional golf across Asia. Enjoy a great week at the UBS Hong Kong Open.

今周上演的瑞銀香港公開賽,尤 其對亞洲巡迴賽來說,毋庸置 疑是項國際高爾夫球盛事。 香港公開賽自1959年開始, 一直以來被譽為橫跨亞洲區最 悠久及最具聲望的錦標賽。 賽事歷屆冠軍均是世界高 球名人榜中非凡之輩,每年來港 參賽球員也夢寐以求,能以高 舉這閃爍生輝的獎盃為榮。 今周,亞洲賽和歐洲巡迴賽聯手 再創一新里程,首次透過我們的合作 夥伴EurAsia Golf Ltd全力推廣香港 公開賽,務求發揚全球高爾夫文化。 我謹代表亞洲巡迴賽全體優 秀球員,衷心感謝冠名贊助商瑞銀 集團多年來鼎力支持,瑞銀香港公 開賽的舉世地位得以與日俱增。 我亦非常感激香港高爾夫球 總會和香港哥爾夫球會的承諾 和熱誠,於推廣及籌辦此賽事過 程中,樹立起一個至臻典範。 亞巡賽作為一個職業高爾夫 官方認可機構,我們義無反悔繼 續為發展及提高區內高爾夫球水 平努力,我們的成功有賴亞洲區 內各大企業多年來鼎力支持,感激 各位支持推廣亞洲職業高爾夫。 祝賀大家享受瑞銀香 港公開賽愉快的一周

Kyi Hla Han Executive Chairman

亞洲巡迴賽常務主席 奇拉漢


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瑞銀香港 高爾夫球 公開賽展 開新一頁 隨著更多世界頂級高爾夫球手 落實參與2010瑞銀香港高爾 夫球公開賽,瑞銀財富管理亞 太區行政總裁施許怡敏女士 已急不及待希望盡快見證今 周在粉嶺舉行的香港高爾夫 球公開賽踏入新的里程碑。 瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽 ﹣這個全港最具歷史的國際級 體育盛事得以持續發揚光大, 實在有賴於瑞銀一直以來的大 力支持。瑞銀自2005年開始成 為賽事冠名贊助商後,不斷提 高賽事獎金,今年的總獎金高 達250萬美元,相比瑞銀首屆贊 助賽事時的獎金高出2.5倍。 豐厚的賽事獎金,悠久 的歷史和亞洲區內資歷第三 高的賽事,這三大要素令瑞銀 香港高爾夫球公開賽每年都 能吸引很多歐洲和亞洲頂尖

UBS: A new era for the Hong Kong Open

球手雲集香港,爭奪錦標。 香港高爾夫球公開賽自 1959年開辦以來,一直以粉 嶺的香港哥爾夫球會作為賽 場,是除了在美國奧古斯塔舉 行的美國大師賽以外,另一 個極少數的賽事能從開辦至 今都選址在同一球場進行。 香港高爾夫球公開賽開


With a star-studded field confirmed for the 2010 UBS Hong Kong Open, Kathryn Shih, CEO of Wealth Management for UBS Asia Pacific can’t wait to tee off a new era of the Hong Kong Open. The support of UBS has been a key factor in the consistent growth of the Open – Hong Kong’s oldest international sports

event. Since UBS first came on board as title sponsor in 2005, its involvement has coincided with an increase in the tournament prize purse which, this year, stands at US$ 2.5 million, more than double the amount on offer when UBS first sponsored the event. The increased purse and the prestigious history of the UBS Hong Kong Open,

辦以來,己創下不少紀錄, 當中有九位香港公開賽錦 標得主,均為大滿貫賽事的 冠軍人物。這班殿堂級球手 包括諾曼(Greg Norman)、夏 靈頓(Padraig Harrington)、屈 臣 (Tom Watson)、 湯臣(Peter Thompson)、蒙哥馬利(Colin Montgomerie)、謙蒙尼斯 (Miguel Angel Jiménez)和奧拉 沙保(José María Olazábal)。 2010瑞銀香港高爾夫球公 開賽,承諾為大家帶來多位萊 德盃的明星球手來港獻技,當 中麥道維(Graeme McDowell) 及麥爾萊(Rory McIlroy)將會 再次聯同萊德盃歐洲隊教練 蒙哥馬利來港挑戰衛冕冠軍 的布圭迪(Grégory Bourdy), 其 他星級球手還有兩屆香港高 爾夫球公開賽冠軍謙蒙尼斯 Fan favourite Rory McIlroy narrowly missed out on his first UBS Hong Kong Open title in 2009

以及多位亞洲頂級好手。 施許怡敏女士說:「我 們十分榮幸與香港高爾夫球

Asia’s third oldest national open, have contributed to attracting many of the European and Asian Tour’s top stars back to Hong Kong for another tilt at the title. The Hong Kong Open is one of the select few international golf events, alongside the US Masters in Augusta, which has been played at the same club since its inception. In Hong Kong, the tournament has taken place at the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling since its inception in 1959. The Hong Kong Open also boasts a rich history of champions with nine players having the unique distinction of winning both a golf Major and the Hong Kong title. Among the pantheon of golfing greats to have won in Hong Kong are Greg Norman,

Padraig Harrington, Tom Watson, Peter Thompson, Colin Montgomerie, Miguel Angel Jiménez, and José María Olazábal. The 2010 UBS Hong Kong Open promises more of the same as Ryder Cup stars, Graeme McDowell and Rory McIlroy along with their Ryder Cup Captain, Colin Montgomerie, have all confirmed to play alongside defending champion, Grégory Bourdy, this November. Other star players joining the field include Miguel Angel Jiménez, who has two Hong Kong Open titles to his credit already, as well as Asian Tour Order of Merit leader Noh Seung-yul of Korea, Thailand's Thongchai Jaidee and fan favourite Liang Wen-chong of China. “We are extremely proud of our

總會長久合作,香港高爾夫 球公開賽一直是亞洲高爾夫 球壇的重點賽事,多年來已 建立良好口碑,我們都十分 期待球手及觀眾的來臨。」 施女士續說:「今年已有 多位世界頂尖球手決定參賽, 包括兩位萊德盃球星麥爾萊 及麥道維, 相信觀眾一定很 期待看兩位前隊友,在香港倒 戈相向,除此以外更精彩的是 大家還會看到他們與萊德盃 教練蒙哥馬利的師徒大戰。 瑞銀一直支持香港高爾夫 球的其中一個重要素是這個賽 事為公司提供很好的機會與現 有客戶建立更緊密的關係。 UBS HONG KONG OPEN

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「能為客戶提供獨一無二 的娛樂體驗及享受,是我們贊 助這項賽事的重要因素之一, 而毫無疑問香港高爾夫球公 開賽亦為瑞銀帶來強勁的品 牌效益,提高知名度,同時亦 為我們的客戶提供前所未有 的體驗。」施女士堅定地說。 賽事期間,瑞銀的尊貴 客戶有機會與專業高爾夫球 手進行高爾夫球技術交流, 甚至與頂尖球手共晉晚餐。 施女士補充說:「透過國際 傳媒的廣泛報導,將香港的賽事 和球場帶到世界各地觀眾面前, 有助建立正面的品牌形象。另外 透過廣告宣傳,將瑞銀的商標帶 到亞洲各地,提高公眾認知度。 今年,香港高爾夫球公開賽與 瑞銀的新品牌推廣項目同時進 行,進一步增強品牌的價值。」 瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽

Grégory Bourdy pitches to the 18th hole on his way to victory last year.

在每年球星集首香江的光芒背 後,瑞銀致力透過賽事提高香 港形象,無論在香港或其他地 方吸引更多人關注及參與高爾 夫球。多年來瑞銀 Pavilion被喻 為亞洲區高爾夫球賽事中最出 色的招待場所之一,亦成為瑞銀 客戶欣賞賽事的集中地,當然 瑞銀亦全力將香港高爾夫球公 開賽打造成全城皆愛的活動。 「贊助賽事讓我們與本 地社區更緊密結合。從與社 區合作伙伴共同努力、公司員 工義務地在幕後默默工作, 合力確保賽事能順利進行,這 一切都能展現出瑞銀的團隊 精神及對工作的專注投入,這 些都是瑞銀能在亞洲取得成 功的重要元素。」施女士說。


longstanding partnership with the Hong Kong Golf Association and look forward to welcoming players and spectators to this year’s Open which shows no signs of relinquishing its reputation as a marquee tournament in Asia’s golfing calendar,” said Shih. “We have an all-star field confirmed for this year’s UBS Hong Kong Open including Ryder Cup stars, McIlroy and McDowell. I am confident that the galleries will be full to the rafters to see these two former teammates go head to head in Hong Kong. We may even have the opportunity to see them face off against their Ryder Cup Captain, Colin Montgomerie, which adds a unique

dimension to the excitement,” Shih added. Key to UBS’s continued commitment to the Hong Kong Open are the premier opportunities it offers the firm to engage its existing clients and establish new relationships. “The opportunity for UBS to create a programme of unique client entertaining experiences is the crucial component of all of our sponsorships and the Hong Kong Open undoubtedly provides UBS with a powerful platform from which to increase brand awareness and, at the same time, offer an unparalleled experience for our clients,” confirmed Shih. During the event premier UBS clients

have the opportunity to go head to head with a golf professional in the Pro-Am tournament enjoy exclusive coaching clinics and even private dining experiences with leading players. “From a brand perspective, the presence of the international media beams images from the Hong Kong Golf Club course to a global audience. An advertising programme that takes UBS’s logo across Asia supplements these broadcasts. This year, the UBS Hong Kong Open coincides with the firm’s new global branding campaign, which will amplify the brand value even further,” added Shih. But behind the glamour of the world’s top players making their annual pilgrimage to Hong Kong for the Open lies a deeprooted commitment by UBS to help raise the profile of Hong Kong and to attract new audiences to golf in Hong Kong and beyond. Over the years the UBS Pavilion, which is widely regarded as one of the finest hospitality venues in Asian golf, has become a centerpiece for UBS’s clients onevent, but UBS has also gone out of its way to ensure that the UBS Hong Kong Open offers something for everyone. “Sponsorship of the Hong Kong Open offers us an important opportunity to strengthen our ties with the local community. From working with our community partners through to our employees volunteering for behind-the-scenes roles to ensure the event runs smoothly, the UBS Hong Kong Open is a great way for UBS to demonstrate its teamwork and commitment – two keys to the firm’s success in Asia,” said Shih. In the past UBS has gone to great lengths to involve long-term community affairs partners like the Hong Kong Special Olympics

association. In 2009, UBS hosted a group of athletes from Hong Kong’s Special Olympic golf team for a unique clinic with two of golf’s leading professional players, providing them with a rare opportunity to gain guidance from the world’s best in the game. Through its sponsorship, UBS is also at the forefront of spreading golf’s roots further in the community with its emphasis on hosting activities for the entire family. This year, it will unveil a new set of experiences aimed at engaging local audiences. “We take pride in not resting on our laurels and the sponsorship team has been working tirelessly over the past 12 months to ensure that this year’s tournament breaks new boundaries,” confirmed Shih. “We continue to work closely with the Asian Tour and the Hong Kong Golf Association and, for the first time, with the European Tour, to broaden the appeal of the Open and of golf in Hong Kong and Asia.” That will come as exciting news for Asian golf fans and bodes well for the setting of many new milestones for the Hong Kong Open as it enters its second half-century.

在過去,瑞銀與社區服務 團體有很長久的合作關係,如香 港特殊奧運會。 2009年,瑞銀 為香港特殊奧運的高爾夫球代 表隊提供難得機會,邀請兩位 世界級球手指導他們高球技巧, 舉辦一次獨一無二的訓練班。 瑞銀透過贊助賽事向社區 及大眾推廣高爾夫球,更特別舉 辦活動給家庭成員一齊參與,而 今年亦會有一系列適合一家大小 的活動去吸引更多本地觀眾。 施女士表示:「在過去一年, 我們的贊助項目團隊十分努力, 積極為賽事帶來新的突破,我 為他們付出的努力感到自豪。」 「我們會繼續與亞洲巡迴賽 及香港高爾夫球總會緊密合作, 更首度與歐洲巡迴賽聯手,將瑞 銀香港高爾夫球公開賽及高爾夫 球運動,普及香港及整個亞洲。」 另一個令亞洲高爾夫球 迷及球壇振奮的好消息是瑞 銀香港高爾夫球公開賽舉辦 至今已有51年歷史,創下跨 越半世紀的歷史里程碑。

US Open champion Graeme McDowell in action at the Hong Kong Golf Club


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力量與 Strength 深度 and depth By Alex Jenkins / HK Golfer 上兩屆瑞銀香港公開賽令人 最難忘的當然是林文堂(Lin Wen-tang)和布圭迪(Grégory Bourdy)的精彩表演,力壓麥 萊爾(Rory McIlroy)奪得在他 們職業生涯上最重大的勝利; 而在同一球場上兩次賽事中, 本地青少年高爾夫球員發揮 出的強勢,令人刮目相看,香 港高爾夫球總會的青少年高 爾夫球發展計劃應記一功。 2008年,十四歲的黑純一 (Jason Hak)在賽馬會滘西洲 球場舉行的選拔賽中連續打 出兩場七十桿,憑此佳績奪得 參加瑞銀香港公開賽一席位。 他臨場演出風麾現場觀眾, 成為在歐巡賽中晉級的最年 輕球手,打破加西亞(Sergio Garcia)十三年前創下的記錄。 當時全球報章體育版爭相報 道,一向處之泰然的黑純一旋 即在國際媒體間炙手可熱。 十二個月後,在尖沙咀出 生,現居佛羅里達州的年輕黑純 一接受瑞銀隆重邀請再來港參 賽,他重施故技,再以兩輪分別 為70桿和67桿的成績晉級。如 果還有人懷疑黑純一的作戰能 力,只要看看他去年在這場總獎 金二百五十萬美元的賽事中打出 只落後今天新晉世界排名第一 位的韋士活(Lee Westwood)兩 桿之微的成績,理應不攻而破。


While the last two UBS Hong Kong Opens will forever be remembered for the brilliant performances of Lin Wen-tang and Grégory Bourdy in holding off Rory McIlroy to claim the biggest victories of their careers, the two events have also put the strength of local junior golf – and the success of the Hong Kong Golf Association's junior development programme – into sharp perspective. In 2008, 14-year-old Jason Hak thrilled the galleries by becoming the youngest ever player to make the cut at a European Tour event. Hak, who earned a berth into the field after winning the UBS Hong Kong Open qualifying tournament at The Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau the week before, fired consecutive rounds of 70 to make it through to the weekend play and beat the record set by Sergio Garcia 13 years earlier. The achievement made the sports pages of newspapers around the world and left the normally laid-back Hak somewhat bewildered by all the press attention. 12 months later on and the youngster was up to his old tricks. After receiving a much-deserved invitation from UBS to compete in the championship for a second time, the Tsim Sha Tsui-

born, Florida-based junior went out and carded rounds of 70 and 67 to comfortably make the cut once again. If there were any doubts over his abilities these were well and truly extinguished as Hak finished the US$2.5 million event only two shots behind current world number one Lee Westwood. While Hak has lead the local charge at his home Open in recent times, he is by no means the only talented young golfer with a bright future ahead of him. 18-year-old Steven Lam, who qualified for both the 2008 and 2009 editions of the UBS Hong Kong Open, has matured into a very solid all-round player, his excellent level-par round on the first day of the recent World Amateur Team Championship in Argentina proving he can mix it with the very best; while Terrence Ng, who made the cut in October's prestigious Asian Amateur Championship, is growing in confidence with every tournament he plays. But it has been the emergence of Liu Lok-tin over the past year that has arguably been the most impressive. The long-hitting 17-year-old has enjoyed a breakthrough season in 2010. After capturing the China Junior Open title on Hainan Island in February, Liu put in a scintillating display at the Montrose

Liu Lok-tin captured two of Hong Kong's biggest amateur events in a brilliant 2010 season

近來,黑純一在他家居 佛羅里達州舉行的公開賽頻 頻報捷,一致公認為唯一最 具天份年輕高爾夫球員,前途 實無可限量。至於今年十八 歲,在2008年和2009年成功 透過選拔賽參加過兩屆瑞銀 香港公開賽的林子豐(Steven Lam),球技已趨成熟,打法全 面,看他最近在阿根廷舉行的 世界業餘隊際錦標賽(World Amateur Team Championship) 中第一天打出標準桿(levelpar)的精彩表現,證明他與 世界各地最頂尖球手同場角 逐,迎刃有餘。而隊友伍城峰 (Terrence Ng),他剛在十月 的亞洲業餘錦標賽晉級,明顯 看出他對未來大賽信心大增。 而在剛過去的一年中,最 令人留下深刻印象的,可以說 是廖樂天(Liu Lok-tin)的冒 起。2010年,可謂是這十七歲 重炮手廖樂天突破的一年。繼 二月他在海南島中國青少年 公開賽(China Junior Open) 中掄元,之後在粉嶺香港業餘 錦標賽(Montrose Fine Wines Hong Kong Close Amateur Championship)以領先十桿大 距離勝出,盡顯其天才橫溢。 七個月後,他再在富濃厚本地 色彩的清水灣球場贏得香港業 餘錦標賽(Hong Kong Open Amateur Championship) 冠軍,成為相隔二十一年首 名香港球員獲得此殊榮。在 香港高爾夫歷史上,能在同 一年包攬Hong Kong Close 和Hong Kong Open業餘賽 雙冠軍,確是史無前例。 事實上,以上述任何一項 冠軍廖樂天已夠資格參加今 周賽事,可惜他不得不放棄出 UBS HONG KONG OPEN

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Steven Lam (left) has matured well as a player and will represent Hong Kong, alongside teammates Jason Hak and Liu Lok-tin, at the Asian Games in Guangzhou in mid-November; Shinchi Mizuno (right) played magnificently during the UBS Hong Kong Open qualifying event to make it into the field with the professionals this week.

Fine Wines Hong Kong Close Amateur Championship at Fanling to win the tournament by a mammoth 10 shots. Seven months later, Liu became the first local golfer in 21 years to win the Hong Kong Open Amateur Championship when he held off a strong cosmopolitan field at Clearwater Bay. Liu's remarkable "double" is thought to be unprecedented in the history of Hong Kong golf. While both wins would have qualified Liu for a spot among the pros in this week's field, he has had to relinquish the opportunity because, like Hak and Lam, Liu will be representing Hong Kong at the Asian Games in Guangzhou, which is taking place at the same time. Liu, who hails from Sheung Shui and plays regularly at the Hong Kong Golf Club, is naturally disappointed about not being able to compete at both events but is determined to make his Hong Kong Open debut in 2011.

One Hong Kong junior who will be at Fanling, however, and who underlines the current strength and depth of local golf, is Shinichi Mizuno, who battled through the rigours of UBS Hong Kong Open qualifying to earn one of the five coveted spots on offer (the other four went to HKPGA professionals). The 17-year-old, who was born in Nagoya, Japan but calls Hong Kong home, will be making his first appearance in a professional event and can't wait to get started. "I'm really excited and looking forward to playing," said Mizuno, a scratch golfer who first picked up a golf club only five years ago. "My first priority is to go out and have fun, but if I can overcome my nerves and play well then making the cut would be a huge goal to achieve. To play in the UBS Hong Kong Open has been a dream of mine for a long time, so I'm going to be trying my hardest to do well. I really can't wait."

賽權,因為他和黑純一與及林 子豐一併被選入代表香港隊,赴 戰同期在廣州舉行的亞運會。 廖樂天可說是「上水甘露」,他 從小在上水家居附近的香港哥 爾夫球會打球,當然對今年未 能同時參加這兩地重要賽事感 到失望。他決定明年再接再厲, 為首次亮相香港公開賽努力。 然而,今周亮相香港公開 賽,將會是另一實力非凡的本 地年青球手Shinichi Mizuno,他 在瑞銀香港公開賽選拔賽中拿 中珍貴的第五席參賽資格(其 餘四席均由香港職業高爾夫球 員包辦)。Mizuno在日本名古 屋出生,視香港為家。他非常 期待今周首次參加職業賽。 「我真的很興奮能夠打 這比賽,」五年前才首次執起 高爾夫球桿的Mizuno說:「我 首要任務是能在球場找到樂 趣,如果我能鎮定下來好好地 打,能夠晉級已算是達到我最 大的目標了。我一直夢想可以 打瑞銀香港公開賽,我一定會 全力以赴,我來不及等了。」 UBS HONG KONG OPEN

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邁進潔 粢豐盛 的一年 2010年確實是亞洲巡迴賽豐盛 的一年,計有剛和多個環球電 視台簽約,新合作夥伴加盟, 新一輪錦標賽落實和歷屆冠軍 的支持等皆值得舉杯慶賀。 包括在馬來西亞、新加 坡、中華台北和印度等地舉行 的眾多新賽事已正式列入直 播節目表,還有久違了四年的 緬甸公開賽也獲得新贊助支 持重返亞洲巡迴賽賽程表。 當然,今周舉行的瑞銀香 港公開賽乃是其中最權威,亦 最具代表性的賽事。總獎金罕 見高達二百五十萬美元,象徵 亞洲巡迴賽日益茁壯,對世界 一級球手更具吸引力,亦反映 出亞洲高球發展速度驚人。 亞洲巡迴賽作為亞洲賽事 認可機構,一直獲得贊助商鼎 力支持,現已有六大跨國公司 應允成為巡迴賽合作夥伴。 與此同時,傚法美國的國家 巡迴賽(Nationwide Tour)及歐洲 挑戰巡迴賽(European Challenge Tour)的亞洲發展巡迴賽(The Asian Development Tour)經已起 步,成功在緬甸、馬來西亞、印尼 和中華台北舉辦了五場賽事。 參賽球員中,以亞洲巡迴 賽現役第一球手泰國通差賈 第(Thongchai Jaidee)和大放 異采的南韓年輕球員盧乘烈 (Noh Seung-yul)領先群雄。


Tour de force From freshly inked global television deals to toasting to new partners and welcoming new tournaments and historic champions, the Asian Tour has truly enjoyed a spectacular 2010 season thus far. A multitude of deals were sealed with leading TV broadcasters around the globe while four new events in Malaysia, Singapore, Chinese Taipei and India were introduced onto the schedule. In addition, the Myanmar Open also made a welcome return after a four-year lapse with a new title sponsor in place. Ultimately, one of the jewels in the crown is this week’s UBS Hong Kong Open. With a staggering prize fund of US$2.5 million on offer, the prestigious championship embodies the unique appeal and strength of the Asian Tour and its massive growth of golf across Asia. Sponsors continue to throw their support behind the Asian Tour, which is the official sanctioning body for tournament golf in Asia, with six major multi-national companies taking up Tour Partnerships. The Asian Development Tour, designed along the lines of the Nationwide Tour in the United States and European Challenge Tour, also

took off with five events staged successfully in Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia and Chinese Taipei. Inside the ropes, Asian Tour players remain in the forefront with reigning Asian Tour number one Thongchai Jaidee of Thailand and Korean teen phenom Noh Seung-yul leading the way. Noh, 19, was victorious in Malaysia’s national Open in March where he defeated countryman K.J. Choi with a courageous birdie on the 72nd hole, a victory which put him within reach of golf history where he is bidding to become the youngest Asian Tour number one. “That’s my goal, I’m trying hard to achieve it,” said Noh, who also played in all four rounds of the US Open and PGA Championship. Chinese star Liang Wen-chong also flew Asia’s flag proudly at the PGA Championship at Whistling Straits where a course record 64 in the third round saw him finish an impressive tied eighth in the year’s fourth and final major. Danny Chia also wrote a small slice of history by becoming the first Malaysian to make the halfway cut at the British Open at St Andrews. First-time winners were aplenty in 2010 with Sweden’s Rikard

Siddikur became a hero in his homeland by becoming the first Bangladeshi to win on the Asian Tour

年僅十九歲的盧乘烈 ( Noh Seung-yul ),今年三月在馬來西亞公 開賽中憑著大無畏精神勇擒一隻難 度極高的小鳥,擊敗同胞崔京周( K.J. Choi )。盧乘烈成為亞洲巡迴賽歷 史上最年輕第一球手,指日可待。 盧乘烈說:「這是我的目 標,我正努力朝這方向去做。」 今年,盧乘烈在美國公開賽 和美國PGA錦標賽同樣完成四天 賽事。另外,中國球員梁文沖亦 於在呼嘯峽(Whistling Straits)舉 行的美國PGA錦標賽中為亞洲爭 光。梁文沖在第三輪打出場地記 錄64桿,最終在今年第四場亦是 最後一場的大滿貫賽場中以並 列第八位完成,令人非常難忘。 那邊廂,在聖安德魯球場舉辦 的英國公開賽中,謝志榮(Danny Chia)亦創下歷史一點滴,成為首 名打入決賽的馬來西亞球員。 2010年度,眾多球手破繭而 出,首嚐冠軍滋味的計有在印度 公開賽(SAIL Open in India)中 勝出的瑞典球手嘉爾拔(Rikard Karlberg)、Handa新加坡精英賽 (Handa Singapore Classic)揭幕賽 的南非球手加馬士(Peter Karmis) 和在蒲甘航空緬甸公開賽(Air Bagan Myanmar Open)及皇后盃 (Queen's Cup)掄元的日本球手 平冢哲二(Tetsuji Hiratsuka)。 說到本季亞洲巡迴賽故 事,不能不提孟加拉球手斯迪喀 (Siddikur)。藉藉無名的斯迪喀 在達卡出生卑微,替人檢球贏取 學費,接觸到第一枝球桿,只是 一條金屬棒縛上一塊似是七號 鐵桿頭,他就此踏上高爾夫球不

Karlberg enjoying success at the SAIL Open in India, South African Peter Karmis winning the inaugural Handa Singapore Classic and Japan’s Tetsuji

Hiratsuka winning the Air Bagan Myanmar Open and Queen’s Cup. But one of the stories of the season must surely belong to the

歸路。在汶萊公開賽加洞賽時 擊敗南非球員古加(Jbe Kruger) 後,馬上成為民族英雄,起碼對 孟加拉人來說,斯迪喀的名字 掛在高爾夫球上是永垂不朽。 UBS HONG KONG OPEN

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Danny Chia played all four rounds at the Open Championship at St Andrews, becoming the first Malaysian to ever do so

unheralded Bangladeshi, Siddikur. Born into humble beginnings in

Taiwan Masters later in the season. “I hope to inspire more people

「我實在是太興奮了。我是 第一個孟加拉球員能夠參加亞

Dhaka, Siddikur worked as a ball boy

to take up the game of golf in


to fund his studies before eventually

Bangladesh. This is a good victory for


getting hooked to the game where

me and my country,” said Siddikur.

his first club was a makeshift 7-iron head stuck on a metal rod. He achieved golfing immortality, at

More records were established when Thai amateur Atiwit Janewattananond became the youngest player at 14

其實斯迪喀在季末曾有機 會再下一城,只不過在台灣大師 賽(Mercuries Taiwan Masters) 在加洞賽階段不敵而已。 斯迪喀續說:「我很想在孟

least in his home country of Bangladesh,

years and 71 days to make the halfway


when he became the first man from

cut at the season-opening Asian Tour


his country to win on the Asian Tour

International in Bangkok while on the


when he defeated Jbe Kruger of South

opposite spectrum, Asian legend Hsieh

域(Atiwit Janewattananond)

Africa in a play-off at the Brunei Open.

Min-nan of Chinese Taipei, winner of


the Hong Kong Open in 1977, emerged


Bangladeshi to play on the Asian

as the oldest golfer at the age of 70


Tour and in the two years that I’m

years and 53 days to make the halfway

on Tour, I have won a tournament. It

cut at the Mercuries Taiwan Masters.

“It is very exciting. I’m the first

is unbelievable,” said Siddikur, who

Indeed, these achievements

missed adding a second title when

would mark a memorable 2010

he lost in a play-off at the Mercuries

season on the Asian Tour.

稚齡在泰國舉辦的亞洲巡迴 賽首仗Asian Tour International 晉級,而謝敏男則以70歲53日 高齡打進台灣大師賽決賽。 毋庸置疑,2010年季亞洲巡 迴賽卓然有成,確實令人難忘。 UBS HONG KONG OPEN

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Lu Liang-huan of Chinese Tapei won the inaugural Hong Kong Open in 1959 - and again in 1974.

UBS HONG KONG OPEN PAST WINNERS 2009 Grégory Bourdy FRA 2008 Lin Wen Tang TPE 2007 Miguel Angel Jiménez ESP 2006 José Manuel Lara ESP 2005 Colin Montgomerie SCO 2004 Miguel Angel Jiménez ESP 2003 Padraig Harrington IRL 2002 Fredrik Jacobson SWE 2001 José María Olazábal ESP 2000 Simon Dyson ENG 1999 Patrik Sjoland SWE 1998 Kang Wook Soon KOR 1997 Frank Nobilo NZL 1996 Rodrigo Cuello PHI 1995 Gary Webb USA 1994 David Frost RSA 1993 Brain Watts USA 1992 Tom Watson USA 1991 Bernhard Langer GER 1990 Ken Green USA 1989 Brain Claar USA 1988 Hsieh Chin Sheng TPE 1987 Ian Woosnam WAL 1986 Seichi Kanai JPN 1985 Mark Aebli USA 1984 Bill Brask USA 1983 Greg Norman AUS 1982 Kurt Cox USA 1981 Chen Yze Ming TPE 1980 Kuo Chi Hsiung TPE 1979 Greg Norman AUS 1978 Hsieh Yong Yo TPE 1977 Hsieh Min Nan TPE 1976 Ho Ming Ching TPE 1975 Hsieh Yong Yo TPE 1974 Lu Liang Huan TPE 1973 Frank Phillips AUS 1972 Walter Godfrey NZL 1971 Orville Moody USA 1970 Isao Katsumata JPN 1969 Teruo Sugihara JPN 1968 Randall Vines AUS 1967 Peter Thomson AUS 1966 Frank Phillips AUS 1965 Peter Thomson AUS 1964 Hsieh Yong Yo TPE 1963 Hsieh Yong Yo TPE 1962 Len Woodward AUS 1961 Kel Nagle AUS 1960 Peter Thomson AUS 1959 Lu Liang Huan TPE Denotes a Major champion


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Rory McIlroy


Northern Ireland 北愛爾蘭 Date of birth: May 4, 1989 出生日期:1989年5月4日

Residence: Holywood, Northern Ireland 居住地:北愛爾蘭 Holywood 市

Turned pro: 2007 加入職業賽年份:2007

Official world ranking: 9 世界排名:9

Global superstar Rory McIlroy returns to the UBS Hong Kong Open following back-to-


back near misses at Fanling. A brilliant ballstriker with an effortless swing, the former world number one amateur lost out to Lin Wen-tang at the 2008 edition following a thrilling play-off before again falling just short a year later as Grégory Bourdy held on. Since losing out to the Frenchman, the 21-yearold tousled-haired sensation justified his decision to take up a PGA Tour card – a move he actually confirmed at last year’s Hong Kong Open – with victory at the Quail Hollow Championship in Charlotte following a spectacular course record final round 10-under-par 62, which made him the youngest winner on that tour since Tiger Woods. Later in the summer, the 2009 Dubai Desert Classic champion matched the lowest single round score in major history by carding a stellar 63 over the Old Course at St Andrews on day one of The Open Championship, before eventually settling for third place, a result the Ulsterman would later equal at the US PGA. Big-hitting McIlroy, who took his first step up the golfing ladder after recording a 40-yard drive at the age of two, won two points on his Ryder Cup debut at Celtic Manor, including a crucial half with Stewart Cink in Monday's singles.


際超級巨星麥爾萊今年重返香 江,再度亮相瑞銀香港高爾夫球 的前世界業餘冠軍優秀擊球手, 於2008年在驚心動魄的加洞賽 階段被林文堂擊敗,翌年再被法 國球手布圭迪力壓未能得逞。 今年才二十一歲,滿頭髦髮的 麥爾萊去年來港前已決定加入美 巡賽,他無懼失意於粉嶺,很快 便在美國夏洛特市(Charlotte)舉 行的鵪鶉谷錦標賽(Quail Hollow Championship)中最後一輪打出 破場地記錄低標準桿10桿62桿 奪取首個美巡賽冠軍,令他成為 老虎之後美巡賽最年輕球員。 挾2009年杜拜沙漠精英賽冠 軍,麥爾萊於今年夏季在聖安德 魯斯老球場舉行的英國公開賽首 輪打出63桿,平了大賽歷史上單一 輪最少桿數紀錄,最後屈居季軍。 接著這北愛爾蘭人再闖美國PGA 錦標賽,以同樣季軍成績完成。 重炮手麥爾萊兩歲開始學球, 當時他已可發球遠至40碼。今年他 首次亮相萊德盃,在威爾士凱爾特 莊園替歐洲隊勇奪兩分,包括在最 後一天單人對抗賽中從美國球員辛 克身上搶回極具關鍵性的半分。


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Graeme McDowell


Northern Ireland 北愛爾蘭 Date of birth: July 30, 1979 出生日期:1979年7月30日

Residence: Portrush, Northern Ireland 居住地:北愛爾蘭 Portrush 市

Turned pro: 2002 加入職業賽年份:2002

Official world ranking: 10 世界排名:10

Graeme McDowell can join an elite club of major champions who have also won the UBS Hong Kong Open with victory at Fanling this week. To say that 2010 has been a banner year for the likeable Ulsterman would be something of an understatement. After triumphing at the Celtic Manor Wales Open in June (for his fifth European Tour victory) "GMAC" claimed the biggest win of his career just two weeks later at Pebble Beach when he magnificently held off the likes of Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson and Ernie Els to win the US Open. In doing so he became the first European since Tony Jacklin in 1970 to claim America's national title. The sharply dressed Portrush ace would return to the Twenty Ten Course at Celtic Manor four months later to help win the Ryder Cup for Europe with a vital victory over Hunter Mahan in Monday’s singles to add to the one and a half points obtained alongside close friend Rory McIlroy. A hugely successful amateur, McDowell won the Haskins Award in 2002 for most outstanding collegiate golfer in the United States after winning six times during his time at the University of Alabama. Once among the paid ranks, McDowell made an instant impact, winning the Scandinavian Masters in just his fourth start.

本周,麥道爾絕對有可能成為 歷屆大滿貫冠軍精英在粉嶺奪 瑞銀香港公開賽冠軍新一員。 說2010年是這討人喜愛的北 愛爾蘭人滿載而歸的一年也許還 有點保守。他今年六月在凱爾特 莊園奪過威爾斯公開賽冠軍(亦 是他在歐巡賽上第五冠),GMAC 宣稱那是他職業生涯中最大的勝 利;然而兩周後,他在圓石灘上 再發力,搗破老虎活士、米克遜 和艾斯的美夢,戰無不殆地獵獲 美國公開賽冠軍,成為繼1970年 積連(Tony Jacklin)後首名歐洲 球手在美國土地榮登此殊銜。 衣著奪目耀眼的北愛爾蘭 人四個月後重返凱爾特莊園的 「2010球場」為歐洲隊效力,在 「周一萊德盃」單人對抗賽一役 中智擒馬漢,奪得生死攸關寶貴 的一分,聯同他親蜜戰友麥爾萊 的半分,為歐洲隊捧盃功臣之一。 麥道爾在打業餘賽時的表 現已令人刮目相看,2002年在阿 拉巴馬州大學贏過六次冠軍後 即獲美國頒發最傑出大學高球 員Haskins獎;轉打職業賽才四 場,北歐大師賽(Scandinavian Masters)冠軍盃便手到拿來。


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Ian Poulter


England 英國 Date of birth: January 10, 1976 出生日期:1976年1月10日

Residence: Milton Keynes, England 居住地:英國米頓凱堅斯市

Turned pro: 1994 加入職業賽年份:1994

Official world ranking: 15 世界排名:15

Among the most stylish – and most passionate – professional golfers of recent times, Ian Poulter returns to the UBS Hong Kong Open after a season that saw him win his first World Golf Championship title – the WGC Match Play, where he defeated fellow Englishman Paul Casey in the 36-hole final – and perform so brilliantly for Europe in their Ryder Cup win at Celtic Manor. Starting his career as an assistant pro and golf shop manager at a public course in Hertfordshire, Poulter's rise to become one of the world's greatest players is nothing short of phenomenal. After a season on the Challenge Tour, Poulter earned his full European Tour card in 2000 and made an instant hit by winning the Italian Open. He was named the Sir Henry Cotton Rookie of the Year as a result. The 34-year-old has 11 career titles to his name – including a win at last year's Singapore Open – and has played in three Ryder Cups. Dividing his time between the European and PGA tours (he has homes on both sides of Atlantic), Poulter is a lifelong fan of Arsenal Football Club and has proved his popularity with the golfing public by having over one million followers on Twitter, the social networking website. At last year's UBS Hong Kong Open, Poulter fired a final-round 64 to finish the event in a tie for fifth, five shots behind winner Grégory Bourdy.

要選出近年最時髦、最熱情的職業 高爾夫球員肯定非保爾特莫屬。今 年,保爾特在WGC比洞賽(WGC Match Play)36洞決賽中擊敗同胞 卡西(Paul Casey),首嚐世界高球 錦標賽冠軍(WGC Match Play)滋 味,並且在威爾斯凱爾特莊園(Celtic Manor)舉行的萊德盃代表歐洲隊 出賽表現出色,今周重返瑞銀香港 高爾夫球公開賽,實大有可為。 保爾特的高爾夫生涯是從他在英 國赫德福郡(Hertfordshire)的一個公眾 球場當助教和專賣店經理做起。他能 冒起成為世界上最偉大高爾夫球員之 一,所經的路絕對不平凡。保爾特在挑 戰巡迴賽(Challenge Tour)中打了一賽 季後,2000年,首獲歐巡賽參賽資格, 立即在意大利公開賽(Italian Open)勝 出,一鳴驚人。當年更獲最佳新人獎(Sir Henry Cotton Rookie of the Year)。 保爾特今年三十四歲,擁有十一 個職業冠軍名銜,包括去年新加坡 公開賽(Singapore Open)冠軍,曾 三次入選萊德盃隊。他喜愛穿梭歐 巡和美巡賽事之間(他在大西洋兩 岸均有住所),並且是阿仙奴足球會 長期忠實擁躉;至於他自己的受歡迎 程度,不言而喻,他網上微博已有超 過一百萬的球迷隨從已說明一切。 去年他在瑞銀香港公開賽最後 一輪打出64桿,只落後冠軍布圭迪 (Grégory Bourdy)5桿並列第五位。


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Miguel Angel Jiménez


Spain 西班牙 Date of birth: January 5, 1964 出生日期:1964年1月5日

Residence: Malaga, Spain 居住地:西班牙 Malaga 市

Turned pro: 1982 加入職業賽年份:1982

Official world ranking: 26 世界排名:26

One of the golf's most colourful and charismatic characters, Miguel Angel Jiménez is also one of the most successful players in the history of the UBS Hong Kong Open, with two championship titles to his name. A regular visitor to Fanling – a course he ranks as one of his favourites – the man from Malaga achieved his first Hong Kong success in 2004 after outlasting South Africa's James Kingston on a dramatic final day. Three years later, the "Mechanic" – as he is known as by his peers – became only the sixth man to win the title for a second time when he secured a gutsy come-from-behind victory over Robert Karlsson thanks to a final round of 67. Known the world over for his penchant for fine cigars and vintage Rioja, the ponytailed Jiménez comes to Hong Kong on the back of a remarkable run of form. After capturing the Omega Dubai Desert Classic in February, the 46-yearold earned his place in Europe's Ryder Cup team with wins at the Alstom Open de France and the Omega European Masters – making him the first player in four years to win three times in a single season on the European Tour. October's Ryder Cup – which marked Jiménez 's fourth appearance in the biennial team event – also proved to be a highlight, with the Spaniard earning two points out of a possible three, including a memorable 4 and 3 victory over Bubba Watson in the final-day singles.

公認為高球壇上最具魅力兼多姿 多采的西班牙名將謙蒙尼斯,不 愧亦是瑞銀香港公開賽歷史上最 成功球手之一。他是粉嶺常客,今 年挾兩屆冠軍之名重返福地。 猶記得2004年他在最後一天以 雷霆萬鈞之勢擊敗南非球手京士頓 (James Kingston)在香港首嚐冠軍滋 味;三年後,這位被譽為「球場機器」的 西班牙球手重施故技,在最後一輪狂風 掃落葉式打出67桿從後追上,置卡爾 遜(Robert Karlsson)於死地,成為歷年 來能奪得兩次冠軍的六名球手之一。 謙蒙尼斯的扎馬尾辮形象深入 民間,亦以嗜抽高檔雪茄和品嚐里奧 哈葡萄酒(Rioja)聞名於高球壇,今年 他以最好狀態重臨粉嶺角逐中原。 年屆四十六歲的謙蒙尼斯,今年 二月繼在歐米茄杜拜精英賽(Omega Dubai Desert Classic)勝出,再囊括法國 公開賽(Open de France and the Omega European Masters)及歐洲大師賽 (Omega European Masters)兩大賽事 冠軍,成為四年來首名能在同一歐巡賽 賽季內贏得三場賽事的球員,亦順理成 章賺得代表歐洲隊出賽萊德盃資格。 今年十月,是謙蒙尼斯二十年來 第四度踏萊德盃征程,更替歐洲隊取 得全分三分之中兩分,大放異彩,尤 以單人對抗賽中以四分剩三洞擊敗 屈臣(Bubba Watson)令人難忘。


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Yang Yong-eun


South Korea 南韓 Date of birth: January 15, 1972 出生日期:1972年1月15日

Residence: Dallas, Texas, USA 居住地:美國德薩斯州達拉斯市

Turned pro: 1996 加入職業賽年份:1996

Official world ranking: 37 世界排名:37

Asia's first Major champion, Yang Yong-eun followed up his sensational 2009 season – when he won twice on the PGA Tour, including that historic US PGA Championship victory over Tiger Woods at Hazeltine – with a solid 2010. After making his UBS Hong Kong Open debut last year (where he finished 29th after making a bright start), the Dallas-based Korean claimed victory at the China Open in Suzhou in April for his third European Tour win. On the other side of the Pond, the 38-year-old, who turned pro in 1996, has recorded two top-10s, including a third-place finish at the Phoenix Open. Born on the island of Jeju and widely known in his homeland by the nickname "Son of the Wind" in recognition of his blustery birthplace, Yang calls himself an "average Joe" from a humble family who aspired to be a body builder and once dreamed of owning his own gym. But a knee injury in his teens forced him to reconsider that particular career path, and at 19, he took a job collecting golf balls at a local driving range to make money. Showing remarkable natural ability, Yang became a teaching pro before setting his sights on becoming a tournament player. A keen fisherman, Yang counts Hong Kong as one of his favourite cities and will be hoping to net the UBS Hong Kong Open Championship on a course that suits his steady all-round game.

梁容銀最轟動的是在2009年, 歷史性地在黑澤汀球場擊敗老 虎活士,贏得美國PGA錦標賽 (US PGA Championship)冠軍, 成為首名亞洲人在大賽中稱王, 隨後他在美巡賽中再贏多一仗, 2010年的成績也非常可取。 現居達拉斯市的南韓球手梁容 銀,去年首次亮相瑞銀香港公開賽 (初段非常凌厲,最終排名第二十九 位),之後在蘇州舉行的中國公開賽 (China Open)上奪得他第三個歐巡 賽冠軍。在大西洋彼岸,三十八歲的 梁容銀從1996年開始轉打職業賽, 兩次打入前十名包括一次在鳳凰城公 開賽(Phoenix Open)奪得第三名。 梁容銀生於濟州島,家鄉人暱 稱他為「風之子」,因為濟州以風大 見稱。他自詡只是一個普通人,來自 一個農民家庭,立志健身,曾夢想擁 有屬於自己的健身室。但一次膝傷 令他不得不重新考慮自己的前路。 於是為了賺錢,十九歲時便到附近 的練習場替人檢球。憑著天賦非凡 天分當起高球教練來,繼而便瞄準 成為職業高爾夫球員目標進發。 梁容銀熱愛釣魚,香港是 他最喜愛的城市之一,以他全 面及穩定的打法,粉嶺球場非 常適合他,他當然渴望在此地 網羅瑞銀香港公開賽冠軍。


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Liang Wen-chong


China 中國 Date of birth: August 2, 1978 出生日期:1978年8月2日

Residence: Zhongshan, China 居住地:中國廣東省中山市三鄉鎮

Turned pro: 1999 加入職業賽年份:1999

Official world ranking: 65 世界排名:65

被視為中國高爾夫天之驕子梁文沖, 今年他在大滿貫賽事中打出他個人 最佳成績,再闖瑞銀香港公開賽。 現年三十二歲的梁文沖,穿梭歐 巡、亞巡及日巡賽,今年在美國PGA 錦標賽上拿得並列第八位,只差三 桿便可躋身與該賽冠軍凱梅 (Martin Kaymer)和屈臣(Bubba Watson)在 加洞賽階段爭奪冠軍。他在那周中 最突出的表現無疑是他第三輪在戴 爾(Pete Dye)設計以「高懲罰性」 見稱的呼嘯峽(Whistling Straits)球 場打出64桿,破了該場地記錄。 梁文沖和其他大部分中國球手不 同,他很遲學打球。十四歲還在求學 時,被中國第一所高爾夫球會中山溫 泉羅致,他的高球天分馬上被發掘出 來。1999年他以業餘資格在中國公開 賽拿到第四名便開始轉打職業賽。 憑著他凌厲可靠的發球和卓 越的短桿,2007年梁文沖登上亞 洲巡迴賽獎金王寶座,同年更在新 加坡大師賽(Singapore Masters) 中奪得他首個歐巡賽冠軍。當年 他慷慨捐出冠軍獎金183,000美元 作推動中國高爾夫發展之用。 在高爾夫球場上,身為兩子 之父的梁文沖是最受歡迎的職 業球員之一。過去連續四年,他 在瑞銀香港公開賽的成績都是 保持在前十五名之內,今周日他 的表現肯定有過之而無不及。


China’s favourite golfing son, Liang Wen-chong enters the UBS Hong Kong Open on a high after recording his best ever performance in a major championship. The 32-year-old, who plies his trade on the European, Asian and Japan tours, finished in a tie for eighth at the US PGA Championship in August, just three shots shy of a play-off between Bubba Watson and eventual champion Martin Kaymer. The highlight of his week was undoubtedly his magnificent 64 in the third round, which set a new course record at the extremely penal Pete Dye-designed Whistling Straits layout. Unlike the majority of his peers, Liang was a late starter to the game. Plucked from school at the age of 14 by Chung Shan Hot Spring, China’s first golf club, he showed an instant talent and turned pro after an impressive fourth place at the 1999 China Open while still an amateur. A reliable driver with an excellent short game, Liang claimed the Asian Tour Order of Merit title in 2007 and has one European Tour victory – the Singapore Masters – to his credit. On that occasion, Liang graciously donated his winnings of over US$183,000 towards the development of golf in China. One of the most likeable professionals in golf, the father of two has finished in the top 15 at the UBS Hong Kong Open for the last four years running and will surely be in the frame once again on Sunday.

Noh Seung-yul


South Korea 南韓 Date of birth: May 29, 1991 出生日期:1991年5月29日

Residence: Gangwon-do, Korea 居住地:南韓江原道

Turned pro: 2007 加入職業賽年份:2007

Official world ranking: 66 世界排名:66

One of the most exciting young prospects in golf, 19-year-old Noh Seung-yul will be making his debut at the UBS Hong Kong Open and can become the youngest ever winner of the history-rich event with victory this week. The big-hitting teen, who averages more than 300 yards off the tee, looks odds on to win the Asian Tour Order of Merit title after a brilliant season that saw him notch his first cosanctioned event victory at the Malaysian Open in March. The win was made all the more impressive as he withstood a charge by his compatriot and hero K.J. Choi on a dramatic final day. Born and raised in the northeast Korean province of Gangwon-do, Noh started hitting balls on the beach near his home at the age of seven. A supremely talented ball-striker, Noh claims his mental strength is his biggest asset, which will be crucial if he can get into the hunt on the back-nine on Sunday. "It'll be my first time competing in the UBS Hong Kong Open and I'm looking forward to it," said Noh, who won his first Asian Tour event at the 2008 Midea China Classic. "One of my goals for the remainder of the year is to break into the world’s top-50 and a strong result in Hong Kong will help me to achieve this."

年僅十九歲的南韓球星盧承烈 今年首次亮相瑞銀香港高爾 夫球公開賽,今周他極有可能 成為歷屆最年輕冠軍球手。 這位年輕力壯的重發球手一般可 以打出超過三百碼。今年三月, 他在馬來西亞公開賽(Malaysian Open)最後一輪中,以一桿超水 準切球上果嶺壓倒他的同胞民 族英雄崔京周(K.J. Choi)掄元。 該賽事為歐巡賽和亞巡賽共同 認可,憑此勝仗盧承烈有望榮 登今年季亞巡賽獎金王寶座。 盧承烈極具高球天分,七 歲已在他家鄉江原道附近的沙 灘學打球。他承認他的強項是 心理質素,料他如能在今周日 賽程下九洞中脫穎而出,他的 優質心理肯定是決勝因素。 2008年,盧承烈在中國美的 精英賽(Midea China Classic)奪 得他首個亞巡賽冠軍。「這是我 首次來港作賽,」盧承烈說:「在 今年賽季餘下的日子,我的目 標是打入世界排名榜前五十名, 如果能在瑞銀香港公開賽打到 優越成績對我的幫助很大。」


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Thongchai Jaidee


Thailand 泰國 Date of birth: November, 8 1969 出生日期:1969年11月8日

Residence: Lopburi, Thailand 居住地:泰國洛布里市

Turned pro: 1999 加入職業賽年份:1999

Official world ranking: 85 世界排名:85

It has been a case of so close and yet so far for Thailand’s Thongchai Jaidee at the UBS Hong Kong Open. A second-place finish in 2006 and a third in 2007 have taught the 40-year-old the lay of the land and he has been itching to add the title to the 12 he has collected over a decade in the pro ranks. Famously, the Thai righthander hadn’t picked up a club until he was 16 – and he didn’t turn pro until he was 30 after spending years in the Thai Army. But Thongchai has been more than making up for lost time ever since. A record three Asian Order of Merit titles – the most recent in 2009 – has established Thongchai as the region’s leading money winner. And he has made his mark on the global game too, becoming the first Thai to win an event on the European Tour (the 2004 Malaysian Open, which he successfully defended) and only the second Thai to ever play the Masters when he took on Augusta in 2006. By playing that event Thongchai become the first Thai to ever compete in all four Majors. Thongchai comes to Hong Kong this year in a rich run of form, having notched up five top-10 finishes this season, including a third at the Omega Dubai Desert Classic.

瑞銀香港公開賽冠軍盃,對通差 贊第可說是:這麼近、那麼遠! 四十歲的贊第,打了十多年職 業賽,十二鼎冠軍盃盡是囊中物。他 嚐過2006年香港公開賽亞軍,拿過 2007年的季軍,受過教訓,料已對粉 嶺球場地勢瞭如指掌,但始終與冠 軍無緣,贊第心癢難耐,可想而知。 眾所周知,贊第年滿十六歲 才初次執起球桿,三十歲在泰國陸 軍隊服役多年後才轉打職業賽。自 此以後,他在球場上屢創佳績,證 明他當兵日子裡並無虛度時光。 通差是三屆亞巡賽獎金王 (Asian Order of Merit)記錄保持 者,最近一屆為2009年,公認是 地區內贏得獎金最多的球員。 在全球賽事中,2004年通差贊 第在歐巡賽之一的馬來西亞公開賽 ( Malaysian Open) 勝出,成為首名贏 得該賽事的泰國球員(翌年更成功衛 冕)。2006年參加美國大師賽(The Masters),亦成為第二名競逐大師賽 的泰國人,憑此同時成為首名涉足過 四場大滿貫賽事唯一的泰國球員。 今賽季通差打出五次前十名 佳績包括歐米茄杜拜沙漠精英賽 (Omega Dubai Desert Classic)季 軍,今年以最佳狀態重臨香江。


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Grégory Bourdy


France 法國 Date of birth: April 25, 1982 出生日期:1982年4月25日

Residence: Bordeaux, France 居住地:法國波爾多

Turned pro: 2003 加入職業賽年份:2003

Official world ranking: 96 世界排名:96

Who could forget Grégory Bourdy's gutsy victory at last year's UBS Hong Kong Open? Having taken the lead after a brilliant third-round of 63, many expected the likeable Frenchman to squander his advantage to a charging Rory McIlroy on the last day. But to his immense credit, the then 27-yearold held his nerve superbly over Fanling's Composite Course, carding a solid 67 to claim the third European Tour victory of his career. And as is custom among the French players on tour, he was immediately drenched in champagne by his compatriots, including Raphael Jacquelin (who finished in a tie for fifth) and Christian Cevaer (29th). Born and raised in the southern city of Bordeaux, Bourdy took to the game at the age of four and reached a handicap of plus one before turning professional in 2003. After a shaky start to his European Tour career (Bourdy has been through the rigours of qualifying school on four occasions) he claimed his first victory at the 2007 Mallorca Classic. With wins in 2008 (Estoril Open de Portugal) and in Hong Kong in 2009, the Frenchman could become one of only a handful of players to have claimed a victory in each of the past four seasons with a repeat performance at the Hong Kong Golf Club. The odds are not in his favour however: the only player to win backto-back Hong Kong Opens was Chinese Taipei's Hsieh Yong-yo in 1963 and 1964.

去年,布圭迪狂風掃落葉式勇奪瑞銀 香港高爾夫球公開賽冠軍,記憶猶新。 布圭迪在第三輪時打出驚人 的63桿獨佔鼇頭,當時很多人以為 他的領先優勢定必在最後一輪被 來勢洶洶的麥爾萊(Rory McIlroy) 淹沒,誰料到這位當年二十七歲的 法國球手無畏無懼,再度征服粉 嶺這合成球場,交出驕人的67桿 成績,奪取在他職業生涯中第三個 歐巡賽冠軍。法國式凱旋傳統當 然少不免的了,他並列第五位的戰 友積奇連(Raphael Jacquelin)和 二十九位的施華(Christian Cevaer) 馬上趨前向他濺射香檳。 布圭迪在法國波爾多南部 出生,四歲開始學球,2003年 以差點一水平轉打職業賽。 開始時,布圭迪經歷過一段 極不穩定的歐巡賽生涯(他曾四 次幾乎連參賽資格也不保,飽受折 磨),直至2007年在馬略卡精英賽 (Mallorca Classic)勝出後才鬆一 口氣。再到2008年葡萄牙公開賽 (Estoril Open de Portugal)和2009 年在香港報捷,這法國人才成為屈 指可數,近四年賽季中每季也有冠 軍進賬的球員之一。然而,今年他 重返香港哥爾夫球場衛冕,機會並 不樂觀;畢竟,香港公開賽歷史上 能成功衛冕的只有一人,就是1963 至1964年度中華台北的謝永郁。


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Darren Clarke


Northern Ireland 北愛爾蘭 Date of birth: August 14, 1968 出生日期:1968年8月14日

Residence: Portrush, Northern Ireland 居住地:英國Portrush市

Turned pro: 1990 加入職業賽年份:1990

Official world ranking: 99 世界排名:99

二十年來,戴倫卡拉卡一直 對高爾夫全心全意的投入, 奠定了他在高球壇上穩如 泰山、最受歡迎的地位。 生於北愛爾蘭,現年42歲 的卡拉卡,代表訓練有素一代高 球精英,早年於各著名愛爾蘭 球場學藝,及後獲Wake Forest University獎學金赴美國深造。 卡拉卡不愧能把兩地所學 融會貫通,砥礪琢磨。他曾拿過 12次歐巡賽冠軍包括富豪大師 賽 (1998)和寶馬亞洲公開賽, 當然還有2000年世界比洞錦標 賽(除老虎活士外大獲全勝)和 在2003年USPGA巡迴賽的世界 錦標邀請賽上亦勇奪冠軍。 卡拉卡堅不可擋的表現, 屢次替歐洲隊在萊德盃賽事 中力抗美國隊。從2000年至 2002年間,他的世界排名保 持前十名內長達42周之久。


Darren Clarke's unmistakable passion for the game of golf has over the past two decades firmly established him as one of the world's most popular players. Born in Northern Ireland, the now 42-year-old is another of the game's elite to have enjoyed a truly global golfing education, first on the famed courses of his homeland and later on scholarship at Wake Forest University in the United States. And Clarke has put all that experience to good use. There have been 12 titles collected on the European Tour – including the Volvo Masters (1998) and the BMW Asian Open (2008) – and there's been the 2000 WGC-Match Play Championship (defeating none other than Tiger Woods) and the 2003 WGC Invitational on the PGA Tour. There has also been Clarke's rock-solid performances for Europe in their Ryder Cup battles with the Americans and a span of 42 weeks between 2000 and 2002 when he was ranked inside the world's top 10. While Clarke has enjoyed a solid season with two second-place finishes on the European Tour in 2010 – at the Joburg Open and more recently at the Scottish Open – the highlight of his year came at the Ryder Cup, where he was one of Colin Montgomerie's vice-captains. The big Ulsterman is a regular visitor to the UBS Hong Kong Open and finished last year's event in a tie for 11th after ending the tournament with three successive rounds of 67.

José Manuel Lara


Spain 西班牙 Date of birth: May 21, 1977 出生日期:1977年5月21日

Residence: Valencia, Spain 居住地:西班牙巴倫西亞(Valencia)市

Turned pro: 1997 加入職業賽年份:1997

Official world ranking: 224 世界排名:224

José Manuel Lara will be looking to repeat his 2006 UBS Hong Kong Open win at Fanling this week having emerged from the shadows of a slump that threatened to derail his successful playing career. Four years ago, the Spaniard overcame Juvic Pagunsan following a remarkable finalday duel at the Hong Kong Golf Club to claim his maiden European Tour title. Leading by three heading into the last round, the 33-year-old held his nerve and carded a solid 69 to take the championship by a shot from the gutsy – and up until that point, unheralded – Filipino. Fast forward to 2010 and Lara was facing the prospect of losing his tour card having missed nine cuts in a row. But a fourth place at the KLM Open in September boosted the likeable Lara's fortunes and the following week at the Austrian GolfOpen he staged a fabulous fight back to record a final-round 64 and then defeat England's David Lynn in a nail-biting play-off for his second tour victory. A close friend of compatriots Sergio Garcia and Miguel Angel Jiménez, Lara began his golfing life as a ten-year-old caddying for his father, Manuel. After representing Spain at boys, youths and finally full senior level, the Valencia-born Lara turned pro at the age of 20 with a handicap of plus 4.

今周,2006年瑞銀香港高爾夫 球公開賽冠軍萊拉前來粉嶺, 目的只有一個,就是希望重溫 美夢,藉此希望他在江河日下 的職業生涯中重振雄風。 四年前,這三十三歲西班牙球 手在香港哥爾夫球會以三桿領先優 勢進入最後一天比賽,一鼓作氣打 出清脆清利落的69桿,千鈞一髮以 一桿擊敗當時還是藉藉無名的菲 律賓球手披根山(Juvic Pagunsan), 奪得他個人第一個歐巡賽冠軍。 轉眼到了2010年,萊拉連續九 場賽事被淘汰,連出賽資格也危在 旦夕。可幸到了九月,他在荷蘭皇家 航空公開賽(KLM Open)中拿到第 四名,力挽狂瀾於既倒;繼而再接 再厲,在接下來的一周,萊拉再在戰 澳洲公開賽(Austrian GolfOpen), 他極地反擊,在最後一輪打出64 桿,上演一幕扣人心弦的加洞賽, 最終擊敗英國球手大衛連(David Lynn),取得他歐巡賽第二次冠軍。 加西亞(Sergio Garcia)和謙 蒙尼斯(Miguel Angel Jiménez) 均是萊拉的同胞兼密友。萊拉十 歲時當爸爸曼紐爾(Manuel)球 僮,並展開他的高爾夫生涯。這巴 倫西亞小子代表過西班牙少年組 和青年組南征北伐,二十歲時以四 差點成績正式成為職業球員。


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Lin Wen-tang


Chinese Taipei 中華台北 Date of birth: June 28, 1974 出生日期:1974年5月28日

Residence: Hsinchu City, Chinese Taipei 居住地:中華台北新竹市

Turned pro: 1996 加入職業賽年份:1996

Official world ranking: 281 世界排名:281

前年,林文堂的一記樹底救球上果 嶺絕技,可以說得上是瑞銀香港高 爾夫球公開賽歷史上最佳的一桿; 今年他再度現身粉嶺球場上,觀眾 肯定對他不離不棄,大力支持。 2008年適逢為香港高爾夫球公開 賽五十周年記念年,林文堂於驚濤駭 浪加洞賽階段中擊敗北愛小子麥爾萊 (Rory McIlroy)和意大利球手F 莫利納利 (Francesco Molinari),繼十年前南韓球 手姜旭淳(Kang Wook-soon)後成為奪 得此賽事首名亞洲球手。當年林文堂進 入第一「突然死亡」洞時刻,從粉嶺球場 著名的par 4第十八洞發球到球道左邊樹 底,觀眾以為他必定大勢已去之際,他不 慌不忙拿出一枝八號鐵桿打出一記有如 神助的第二桿,但見小球凌空清脆穿越 樹旁,直飛至果嶺離旗桿三呎停下,這 救命小鳥追平麥爾萊不弱的三桿進洞。 兩球手不得不再較高下,這位台北一流 球手再接再厲,在接下來同一洞中,第 二桿幾乎已把球放進洞內,一桿了斷麥 爾萊,奪得他職業生涯上最高榮譽。 林文堂更憑是次勝利,在該年獎金 王榜上攀登高至第二位,亦在該年季賽 事中打入世界排名最高五十名內。 之後,三十六歲的林文堂兼顧分 別在亞巡賽和歐巡賽中作戰,雖然排 名下滑,但以他最近在馬來西亞柔佛 瀑布公開賽(Iskandar Johor Open)中 只落敗於夏靈頓(Padraig Harrington) 手下奪季的狀態來看,林文堂今年重 回香港哥爾夫球會依然信心十足。


Provider of arguably the greatest shot in UBS Hong Kong Open history, Lin Wentang can once again be assured of tremendous support from the Fanling galleries. In 2008 – on the occasion of the championship's 50th anniversary – Lin became the first Asian winner of the tournament since Kang Wook-soon 10 years earlier following a monumental play-off with Northern Ireland's Rory McIlroy and Francesco Molinari of Italy. Seemingly out of contention after pulling his tee shot on the first hole of sudden-death – Fanling's famous par-4 18th – Lin produced a simply breathtaking 8-iron shot that sailed unhindered through the trees that flank the left side of the fairway and stopped within three feet of the pin. The ensuing birdie matched McIlroy's own fine three and the Chinese Taipei ace then sealed the biggest win of his career by nearly holing his wedge when the pair played the hole for a second time. The win helped Lin to finish second on that year's Asian Tour Order of Merit and end the season inside the top 50 ranked players in the world. Since then, the 36-year-old has divided his playing schedule between the Asian and European tours and although he has slipped down the rankings, a fine showing at the recent Iskandar Johor Open, where he finished third behind eventual champion Padraig Harrington, means he'll be heading to the Hong Kong Golf Club full of confidence.

Colin Montgomerie


Scotland 蘇格蘭 Date of birth: June 23, 1963 出生日期:1963年6月23日

Residence: Perthshire, Scotland 居住地:蘇格蘭 Perthshire 市

Turned pro: 1987 加入職業賽年份:1987

Official world ranking: 408 世界排名:408

Eight-time European Tour Order of Merit champion Colin Montgomerie returns to Hong Kong on the back of captaining Europe's winning Ryder Cup team at Celtic Manor, a result the Scot describes as "the best moment of my career." Monty – as he is known to his legions of fans around the world – has fond memories of Fanling. Since first playing the course as a member of Scotland's Eisenhower Trophy team in 1984, the 47-year-old has been a regular visitor to the UBS Hong Kong Open, the highlight of his travels being his victory in 2005, which came following James Kingston's dramatic final-hole meltdown. At his peak, Monty was arguably the greatest driver of a golf ball in the game. Reaching a career-high of number two in the world rankings, the Scot famously came close to winning both the US Open and the US PGA Championship on numerous occasions; his failure to do so left him saddled with the tag as the best player to have never won a major. Despite not having won on tour since 2007, Monty thinks his love of the Composite Course at the Hong Kong Golf Club means he has a very realistic chance of ending his title drought. "I always look forward to playing in Hong Kong and I think this will be an opportunity to win the event again," he said of his chances this year. "You have to work the ball at Fanling and that suits me more than the long, modern courses."

八屆歐巡賽獎金王蒙哥馬利重臨 香江。這位率領歐洲隊在威爾斯凱 爾特莊園,剛從美國人手中搶回今 年萊德盃的隊長一聲長嘆「這是我 職業生涯中最美好的時刻」後,馬 不停蹄來到他並不陌生的粉嶺球 場,亦必然勾起他美好的回憶。 現年四十七歲,球迷暱稱他 Monty的蒙哥馬利,擁躉遍佈全球。 1984年他代表艾森豪盃隊首次到港 作賽,之後亦是瑞銀香港公開賽的常 客。最惹人注目的一屆定當是2005 年莫屬,當年他力壓京士頓(James Kingston)至最後一洞勇奪桂冠。 他處於最顛峰時,一度被稱為高 爾夫球最偉大的發球手。這說法雖具 點爭議性,但在他世界排名攀升至第 二位期間,這蘇格蘭球星幾乎有力囊 括多次美國公開賽和美國PGA錦標 賽冠軍,可惜每次也是功虧一簣,無 奈被冠上一個廣為人樂道,「從未沾 指過大滿貫冠軍的最佳球手」之名。 儘管他自從2007年之後再沒在歐 巡賽捧盃,然而他依舊非常鍾情香港 哥爾夫球會的複合球場,他寄望那裡 極可能是脫離他的「冠軍荒」之地。 「我一直期待在香港比賽,我 相信可以在此地再下一城,」他被問 及今年奪標機會多大時說:「在粉 嶺我得以多下功夫,而且比起那些 新一代長距離的球場更適合我。」


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John Daly


USA 美國 Date of birth: April 28, 1966 出生日期:1966年4月28日

Residence: Dardanelle, Arkansas, USA 居住地:美國阿肯色州Dardanelle市

Turned pro: 1987 加入職業賽年份:1987

Official world ranking: 553 世界排名:553

One of golf's biggest draws, two-time Major champion John Daly will be hoping to replicate the form he showed the last time he appeared in the UBS Hong Kong Open. At the 2008 edition of the event, the big-hitting American fired a majestic 62 in the final round. A course record had been on the cards after the Arkansas native played the first 12 holes in eight-under, but he had to settle for a for a share of 15th spot after parring every hole of the closing stretch. Loved by millions of golf fans around the world for his Everyman persona , it's fair to say that Daly has had a rollercoaster career. In 1991, the then unknown 25-year-old stunned his fellow professionals by winning the US PGA Championship at Crooked Stick. The victory was all the more miraculous as he only gained entry to the event after Nick Price pulled out and wasn't able to play a practice round. Four years later, Daly claimed the biggest title at the grandest venue of them all – the Open Championship, where he defeated Constantino Rocca in a play-off at St Andrews. Renowned for his vast length and sublime short game, the 44-year-old is one of the most naturally gifted players of his generation – and thanks to a recent strict weight-loss regime, cuts a remarkably slimmer figure on the golf course these days.

高爾夫球壇上最具爭議性的人物 非兩屆大賽冠軍戴利莫屬。今年 戴利捲土會來,希望能以最佳狀 態示人。這名重發球手在2008年 瑞銀香港公開賽最後一輪中甫 開始,便在首十二個洞已打出低 標準桿8桿,之後每洞都平標準 桿,最終以62桿創下場地記錄,四 天總成績排名並列第十五位。 戴利形象鮮明,人見人愛,擁躉 遍布全球,而說到他的職業生涯, 用大起大落來形容應是最中肯的 了。1991年,當時二十六歲還未為人 識的戴利石破天驚在Crooked Stick 球場贏得美國PGA錦標賽(US PGA Championship)冠軍。更不可思議的 是當年戴利有資格參賽只是因為派 斯(Nick Price)退出,他臨時補上, 連打一輪練習賽的機會也沒有。 四年後,他在聖安德魯斯擊 敗羅加(Constantino Rocca),登 上最高榮譽的英國公開賽寶座。 今年四十四歲,以發球超遠 和卓越短桿技巧聞名於世的戴 利,是最賦高球天分一代佼佼 者。他最近致力認真減肥,可望在 球場上以顯著苗條身段示人。


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The Championship Course By Dominique Boulet Measuring just 6,699 yards, the par-70 Composite Course at Fanling may be considered short by modern standards, but that doesn't make it a pushover by any stretch of the imagination. As Hong Kong Golf Club member and Asian Tour commentator Dominique Boulet (PICTURED RIGHT) explains.



No. 1 Par 4 / 468 yards / 428 metres


• 2009 Open scoring average: 4.27


• Difficulty ranking: 2

萬不要對號入座,就此便以為容易打。現在就 讓香港哥爾夫球會會員兼亞洲巡迴賽評述員 Dominique Boulet(圖左)向大家細說一下。

Maybe one of the toughest opening holes in tournament golf, this is as a par 5 for the club members but plays as a long par 4 during the UBS Hong Kong Open. The drive is crucial. With a narrow left-to-right sloping fairway, many players opt for a three-wood from the tee. It is imperative to avoid the bunker on the left side, which has claimed many victims over the years. The second shot, too, has its difficulties. Unless you’re in perfect shape down the right side of the fairway, the approach to the green has to be hit over the trees which flank the entire left side. A water hazard short and right of the green shouldn’t really be in play, but the greenside bunker most certainly is. Any player at the Open is delighted to start with a par at the first.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 28 Pars: 268 Bogeys: 106 Doubles: 16

這個可能是高爾夫球錦標賽上難度最高的開球洞之一。平日粉嶺 會員打球是個標準五桿洞,瑞銀香港公開賽上則是個長標準四桿 洞。發球事關重大。球道由左至右傾斜,很多球手選用三號木發 球,必須避過左邊多年來殺人如麻的沙坑。第二桿也有難度。除非 發球落點正中球道右方,不然直攻果嶺必須飛越全包左邊球道的 樹林。果嶺前右的水障礙當它透明也可,但果嶺旁的沙坑一定不 能掉以輕心。任何球員公開比賽第一洞便打帕定是好開始。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:4.27,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:28 帕:268 柏忌:106 雙柏忌:16


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No. 2 Par 3 / 149 yards / 136 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 2.99 • Difficulty ranking: 9

This is a lovely short par 3 that plays a lot trickier than it looks. With a long but fairly narrow raised green, any wayward shot to the left or short will leave an extremely difficult chip or bunker shot. Normally an 8- or 9-iron for the pros, a solid tee shot should lead to a good birdie opportunity but, because the organizers generally like to ‘tuck’ the pins here, players are advised to aim for the centre of the green every time. Players going flag hunting risk running into trouble.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 69 Pars: 289 Bogeys: 54 Doubles: 6 這是個有趣的標準三桿洞,只看表面很容易被它騙倒。升起的果嶺長且頗 窄,發球一旦偏右或短了,就算不跌落沙坑第二桿切起來也要大費周章。 職業球員通常選用8或9鐵,球發得好的話應有大好機會 擒鳥,但賽會一般喜歡把旗桿插在隱蔽處。奉勸球手每 次都應瞄準果嶺中央,追旗一族只會自找麻煩。

2009年在這洞平均桿數為:2.99,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:69 帕:289 柏忌:54 雙柏忌:6


No. 3 Par 5 / 551 yards / 504 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 4.71 • Difficulty ranking: 17

The first of only two par 5s on the course, the 3rd is a good opportunity to get into red numbers. Many players opt to use an iron or three-wood off the elevated tee (from where you can see the tower blocks of Sheung Shui), which makes this a true three-shot hole. The aggressive player who hits driver will have the option of going for the green in two, but it’s not a particularly straightforward second shot. The green sits diagonally to the player and with the water on the left very much in play, it takes a brave man to try to thread his fairway wood or long iron on to the front right portion of the putting surface. Not a “gimme” birdie, but certainly a hole where players will look to pick up shots. This is also one of the best viewing spots on the course. Spectators standing behind the green can also watch the action on the 18th green and see players tee off on the fourth. How it played in 2009 Eagles: 4 Birdies: 156 Pars: 224 Bogeys: 28 Doubles: 6 這是全場只得兩個標準五桿洞的第一個,大好機會打到低標準桿進入紅字成 績。站在升高了的發球台上(可望到上水的高樓大廈),很多球員選用一枝鐵 桿或三號木發球,當正是一個三桿上果嶺的洞來打。用一號木發球的進取球員 不難有機會兩桿上果嶺,但第二桿不一定保證好打。果嶺斜向對著球手,左邊 的水塘絕非開玩笑,球員一定需要夠勇氣才敢用球道木或長鐵把球轉落果嶺 前右方。這一定不是個輕鬆的推桿(gimme),但這洞肯定讓球手嘗到甜頭。 這洞亦是場內最佳觀景點之一。觀眾大可站在果嶺後方, 同時可以看到第十八洞果嶺及第四洞發球的戰況。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:4.71,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:4 小鳥:156 帕:224 柏忌:28 雙柏忌:6


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No. 4 Par 4 / 288 yards / 263 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 3.85 • Difficulty ranking: 16

A short, blind par 4, this hole is potentially drivable – although that option is only recommended if the conditions are soft; when the course is playing hard and fast, as it usually does during the UBS Hong Kong Open, the very real danger of a driver or three-wood shot bounding into trouble means the majority of pros will lay up short of the fairway bunkers with a five- or six-iron and wedge it on from there. The green is cleverly designed and is long but narrow, which can bring the three greenside bunkers into play. However, given the hole’s length and the players’ skills with the short irons, they’ll be disappointed if they don’t birdie this hole at least twice over the four days. How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 108 Pars: 269 Bogeys: 37 Doubles: 4 這是個看不穿的短標準四桿「障視」(從發球 台上看不到旗桿)洞,基本上可用一號木發球,如果當天球道是軟的話; 不然,遇到硬且快的球道,瑞銀香港公開賽比賽期間大多如此,用一號或 三號木發球會帶一定危險性和麻煩,所以絕大多數球手選擇保險一點,第 一桿用5鐵或6鐵,先把球送到球道沙坑前安全地帶,再切一桿上果嶺。 果嶺設計得很精明,很長但窄,而且還把果嶺旁的三個沙 坑的威脅性計算入內。然而,長果嶺加上球手短鐵技巧得宜,如 球員在這洞四天比賽中也拿不到最少兩隻小鳥理應失望。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:3.85,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:108 帕:269 柏忌:37 雙柏忌:4


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No. 5 Par 3 / 192 yards / 176 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 3.13 • Difficulty ranking: 3

The fifth is perhaps the best short hole on the course – and certainly the most difficult. Played across a valley to a raised green, most of the pros will be hitting a five- or six-iron from the tee. It’s not so much the length of the hole but the size and the firmness of the green that causes most of the problems here. The small putting surface features two tiers and when the pin is cut on the lower front portion it makes getting within birdie range extremely taxing. Any tee shot that misses the green translates into a very tough up and down. This is especially the case from the front right bunkers, which are two of the deepest on the course. Any pro playing this hole in level par for the week will be ahead of the majority of the field.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 46 Pars: 276 Bogeys: 92 Doubles: 4

第五洞也許是全場短洞中最精彩的一個,但肯定亦是最難的。大 多數球手選用5號或6號鐵越過低谷飛上升高了的果嶺。打過去的 距離不是問題,這洞的難題出在果嶺範圍很小和其硬度。小小的 果嶺分上下兩層,當旗桿插在下層前方時,把球落在小鳥射程內非 常考功夫。如果發球上不到果嶺,就不得不面對非常吃力的一切 一推,特別是不要忘記果嶺前右方還有兩個全場最深的沙坑。 誰能今周在此洞全程打帕一定是在上游領先大多球員。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:3.13,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:46 帕:276 柏忌:92 雙柏忌:4


No. 6 Par 4 / 436 yards / 399 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 4.08 • Difficulty ranking: 6

This is a beautiful par 4 with a mountain backdrop. Bunkers in front and to the side of the landing area provide a visually defined tee shot, although the longer hitters should be able to fly them all if the wind is helping. The approach is what really tests the players, as the green is narrow and slightly raised. Anything missing it will leave a very difficult chip shot. Another factor: the swirling wind here – and we’re on one of the highest points on the course – can lead to a lot of indecision when it comes to club selection. A personal favourite of mine, the sixth is a real classic.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 64 Pars: 267 Bogeys: 78 Doubles: 9

這是個漂亮的背山標準四桿洞。看著球道前邊一個和左右兩邊的沙坑, 多少也知道發球落點的理想範圍,當然重炮手可以隨風把球送得更遠。 其實真正考驗球手的是看他們怎樣攻果嶺,因為果嶺窄而 且有點升高。錯失果嶺將要面對高難度切球。還有另一個外在 因素:就是我們是站在全場最高點之一,這裡的旋疾風可會令 我們選桿時優柔寡斷。我個人至愛是最傳統的6號鐵。

2009年在這洞平均桿數為:4.08,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:64 帕:267 柏忌:78 雙柏忌:9


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No. 7 Par 4 / 380 yards / 348 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 3.94 • Difficulty ranking: 10

For the first time at the UBS Hong Kong Open, the 380-yard 7th has been designated as the Emirates A380 Hole in honour of the airline’s super-jumbo, with prizes on offer to the professionals who can excel here. The entire hole is flanked by lovely soft-bark gum trees, which provides a visually stunning tee shot and approach. Because of the width of the fairway, most players will hit a long iron or hybrid off the tee, although anything pulled off the tee brings the fairway bunkers – and ditch beyond – into play. Even from the fairway, players must ensure their second shots are short of the hole location, as this is one of the most pitched greens on the course. Despite its length, a par on the 7th is never bad.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 80 Pars: 291 Bogeys: 41 Doubles: 6

瑞銀香港公開賽首次稱這第七洞為「阿聯酋A380洞」,以示慶祝其機隊中的 「空中巨無霸」一飛沖天。此洞設有額外獎品,獎勵打得優異成績的職業球手。 這洞全被「百千層」橡樹包圍,發球和攻果嶺時視覺效果甚佳。球道夠 闊,很多球員愛用長鐵或合金桿發球,無懼多個球道沙坑和往前的溝渠。就算 在球道上揮第二桿,球手一定知道要打短些,因為這是全場最快落斜的果嶺 之一。不要理會這洞距離是長是短,在第七洞打個帕從來不見得是件壞事。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:3.94,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:80 帕:291 柏忌:41 雙柏忌:6


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No. 8 Par 3 / 188 yards / 172 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 3.11 • Difficulty ranking: 4

Like the 5th, this is another very good par 3, which is suggested by the scoring average. Featuring a fairly long but narrow green, players are delighted to find the putting surface in one shot – because anything missing the green results in an extremely difficult up-and-down. The most common miss here is short, although underclubbing here will often result in the ball running back down the steeply banked slope at the front of the green, which leaves a tricky chip. A birdie here is a bonus.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 70 Pars: 250 Bogeys: 81 Doubles: 17

看看統計數字便知道,這洞像第五洞,也是一個令人非常滿意的 標準三桿洞。 特徵是一個相當長和窄的果嶺,能一桿上果嶺是值 得高興的;不然,錯失了機會要一切一推是件極度困難的事情。 然而,上不到果嶺的原因大多是打短了,雖然在這裡用短些桿經 常可以借助果嶺前的斜坡,讓球乖巧地溜前,但太短的話,切上 果嶺一定要懂點訣竅。在這洞打到小鳥可當是種額外獎勵。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:3.11,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:70 帕:250 柏忌:81 雙柏忌:17


| 65

No. 9 Par 4 / 493 yards / 451 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 4.38 • Difficulty ranking: 1

Consistently the most difficult hole on the course, the ninth is a sweeping dogleg left that many players will attack with a three-wood off the tee because of the very well placed fairway bunkers. However, this tends to result in a very lengthy second shot, one which must be played to an unreceptive and narrow green. Players hitting driver here had better be accurate; anything apart from the perfect tee shot here will mean playing from the trees that line the fairway or the sand. Normally a par 5 for the members, this is the type of hole that can ruin many a good round in very short order. Four 4s on the ninth during the week will put any player way ahead of the field average.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 1 Birdies: 19 Pars: 235 Bogeys: 150 Doubles: 13

第九洞一直是全場難度最高的一個左狗腿洞。很多球員用三號木發球, 目的好讓避開好幾個久候著你的球道沙坑。然而,打第二桿時要求距 離便遠了,之後還要攻上又窄又不歡迎你的果嶺更加大難度。如改用 一號木發球,一有不慎,便非要在球道兩旁樹叢或沙坑中救球不可。 平日粉嶺會員打球時這是個標準五桿洞,這種洞隨時糟蹋一輪大好 成績。能夠四天都在這第九洞打帕的球員,成績必達平均水平之上。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:4.38,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:1 小鳥:19 帕: 235 柏忌:150 雙柏忌:13


| 67

No. 10 Par 4 / 367 yards / 336 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 3.91 • Difficulty ranking: 13

The start of the back nine offers a short par 4 with a generous fairway. Because of its length, the players will definitely be looking to start the homeward stretch with a birdie, but it is uncanny how many pros seem to find trouble here, many coming to grief in the ditch that guards the front of the green. The 10th is a great example of how the Composite Course has withstood the test of time. At only 367 yards it might look like a pushover, but players letting down their guard here do so at their peril.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 97 Pars: 279 Bogeys: 27 Doubles: 15

踏進後九,第一個是很短的標準四桿洞,迎接你的是一條 對你毫無保留的球道。這長長的球道,定會令球手在這歸 途上興起打小鳥念頭;但不可不知,多少球員離奇地就在保 衛著果嶺前的溝渠,陰「溝」翻船,望門興嘆不已。 這正好證明這個在複合球場中的第十洞經得起時間的考驗。雖然只 有367碼,表面看來非常容易打,若球員一放下警覺性隨時自食其果。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:3.91,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:97 帕:279 柏忌:27 雙柏忌:15


No. 11 Par 4 / 466 yards / 426 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 4.07 • Difficulty ranking: 7

The 11th is a good, strong straightaway par 4, and one of the best driving holes on the course. It's imperative to hit the fairway here as the green - which is the longest on the course at nearly 100 feet - repels shots coming out of the rough. Out of Bounds down both sides of the hole seriously punishes wayward drivers, and while the landing area is generous, longer hitters have the advantage because the hole often plays into the wind. The hole was ranked as the seventh hardest at last year's UBS Hong Kong Open.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 43 Pars: 310 Bogeys: 57 Doubles: 8

第十一洞是直接簡單的標準四桿洞,亦是全場最合適讓你全 力發球洞之一。但球必須落到球道中央,不然,從長草區打出 來的球在這長達一百呎、全場最長的果嶺上也停不住。 球道兩旁皆OB,嚴懲左右飄忽發球手。同時,打這 洞時大多順風,球道亦闊敞,對重炮手有利。去年瑞銀香 港公開賽中這洞被列為第七難度最高的一洞。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:4.07,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:43 帕:310 柏忌:57 雙柏忌:8


| 69

No. 12 Par 3 / 144 yards / 132 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 2.89 • Difficulty ranking: 14

A hole that has only been used in recent editions of the UBS Hong Kong Open, the 12th features a small green protected by a pond at the front and a tiny – but potentially deadly – pot bunker on the right. While players are only coming in with wedges and nine-irons from the slightly elevated tee, the size of the putting surface and the swirling Fanling wind can make this a tricky proposition. Not that England's Simon Griffiths found the hole too taxing at the 2008 event. The Asian Tour stalwart’s tee shot in the first round took two hops on the green before disappearing into the bottom of the cup. As a result of his efforts, Griffiths took home a 1kg bar of gold – courtesy of sponsors UBS – worth US$24,000.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 1 Birdies: 88 Pars: 290 Bogeys: 34 Doubles: 5

瑞銀香港公開賽最近才採用這第十二洞。這洞的特點是它的一個小果 嶺,前面被一水塘攔著,右面小小的一個壺形深沙坑,亦可致命。 球員多數只帶著短桿和9鐵上發球台,看著這小果嶺, 一陣粉嶺旋風吹來,定必躑躅不安,費煞思量。 在2008年,這洞對英國球員Simon Griffiths卻起不到阻嚇作用。這位亞 巡賽中堅份子,在第一輪一發球便把球送上果嶺,跳了兩跳便彈進洞內。 獎品是一公斤純金磚一塊,由贊助商瑞士銀行送出,價值二萬四千美元。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:2.89,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:1 小鳥:88 帕: 290 柏忌:34 雙柏忌:5


| 71

No. 13 Par 5 / 529 yards /484 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 4.38 • Difficulty ranking: 18

The second of only two par 5s on the Composite Course – and the one that all the pros are looking to birdie. Reachable by the vast majority of the field, the wide fairway and relatively short yardage here means that many eagles will be landed, but only if the fairway bunkers are avoided. While all the players at the UBS Hong Kong Open look to the 13th to pick up a shot, the massive double green – which is shared with the 17th – can lead to plenty of long putts. Regardless, anyone not penciling a four on the scorecard will be desperately disappointed. The easiest hole on the course, and with good reason.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 23 Birdies: 226 Pars: 158 Bogeys: 10 Doubles: 1

這是全場只得兩個標準五桿洞中的第二個,而且是職業球員寄以 厚望,在此擒鳥。絕大多數球手更趁這洞闊敞的球道和碼數比較 短,有利他們擒鷹,當然,他們首先要避開那些球道沙坑。 全部球手也希望在此洞嘗到甜頭。這裡和第十七洞共用的連體果嶺 上,料可見到很多長推桿在此上演。無論如何,未能在記分卡填上4 字的球手一定會十分失望。有理由相信,這是全場最易打的洞。

2009年在這洞平均桿數為:4.38,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:23 小鳥:226 帕:158 柏忌:10 雙柏忌:1


No. 14 Par 4 / 395 yards / 361 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 3.94 • Difficulty ranking: 10

The 14th is a lovely par 4 which forces players to hit their drives with a soft draw. Modern technology has made the fairway bunker – at around 240 yards from the tee – obsolete, but the second shot – which is played to a tiny raised green – demands precision and touch. A large, deep bunker protects the front half of the putting surface, while a grassy bank to the left makes getting up and down a tough proposition. Despite this, however, most pros who get a good drive away will be looking to score under par here during the week.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 87 Pars: 273 Bogeys: 53 Doubles: 5

第十四洞是一個精彩的標準四桿洞,逼球手不得不發個稍稍左曲 球。而球手大多用上現代科技製造出來的球桿,發球愈來愈遠,已可視 設在約240碼附近的球道沙坑為無物,但第二個沙坑放在升高了的小果 嶺前,那便得要求準繩度和球員敏銳的手感。再有一個又大又深的沙 坑和左邊大片長草叢,一前一後包圍著果嶺,加添一切一推的難度。 然而,儘管如此,今周,能開得一記好球的大多數 職業球員,在此洞應可取得低標準桿成績。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:3.94,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:87 帕:273 柏忌:53 雙柏忌:5


| 73

The Finer Things in Life

10/F., Sing Tao News Corporation Building, 3 Tung Wong Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong Tel: +852 3181 3630 Fax: +852 2305 1765

No. 15 Par 4 / 426 yards / 390 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 4.01 • Difficulty ranking: 8

This is undoubtedly one of the best holes on the course – and also one of the most beautiful. A ditch runs diagonally across the fairway from 260-280 yards from the tee, which makes a fairway wood or hybrid club the option for many pros. The best line is hard down the right side, which makes the approach shot a little shorter. Always a difficult second shot to judge, the green, while flat and relatively large, is raised, making distance control all the more tricky. Although the club’s members are generally delighted to card a par here, many of the pros will depart the green with red on their card.

How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 61 Pars: 296 Bogeys: 57 Doubles: 4

毋庸置疑,這是全場最佳、亦這最美麗之一洞。在260至280碼處,一條長 長溝渠斜斜地劃破球道,令很多球手可不考慮一下選用球道木或合金桿 發球。最佳落點當些是在右方,那末,第二桿上果嶺時的距離便短些。 第二桿總是很難判斷,果嶺雖然又平且頗大,但 果嶺是升高的,要控制到距離,亦頗費思良。 雖然粉嶺球會會員在這洞打帕大多已心滿意足,但 許多職業球手離果嶺時總會有一個標準桿落袋。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:4.01,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:61 帕:296 柏忌:57 雙柏忌:4


| 75

No. 16 Par 4 / 411 yards / 376 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 3.94 • Difficulty ranking: 10

The tee shot on this slightly downhill dogleg hole right is blind – and many first-time players at the UBS Hong Kong Open often have difficulty picking the correct line. You really can’t see much from the tee at all – trees, shrubbery and a hill mask the fairway beyond. Ideally, you need to hit a nice high fade, keeping as close to the right hand trees as possible. Good drives will catch the down slope of what is actually a pretty wide landing area, leaving only a wedge or nine-iron approach. Left off the tee here is definitely not the place to be. The rough down that side is some of the thickest on the course. Likewise, too far right and you’ll be blocked out by yet more large trees. Troublesome pin positions on the back-to-front sloping green include the back right and left locations. Many of the birdies made at this hole will come when the hole is cut on the front portion of the putting surface. How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 65 Pars: 313 Bogeys: 38 Doubles: 2

在這一個右狗腿下坡洞,站在發球台上看不見果嶺,一大片樹木 和灌木林遮蓋著前邊的球道,根本上你能看得見的不多,初次參加 瑞銀香港公開賽球員要找出正確的開球線,多是苦無頭緒。 最理想是打一個高右曲球,盡可能貼著右邊的樹木落地。成功 的話,球是應該順勢下坡滾到一塊其實是很廣闊的空地上著陸, 然後用切桿或9鐵便可上果嶺了。千萬不要向左發球,那裡的長草 是全場最密的。同樣地,太右你亦會被更多大樹居中擋撓。 在這從後向前傾斜的果嶺上,旗桿通常插在後右和後左最棘手 的位置上。在這洞打小鳥大多是球洞放在果嶺前端時才能做到。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:3.94,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:65 帕:313 柏忌:38 雙柏忌:2


No. 17 Par 4 / 406 yards / 371 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 3.89 • Difficulty ranking: 14

The fairway on the 17th is generous, but the pros can’t hit driver off the tee here because of the ditch that crosses the fairway at the 290 yard mark. While it’s never really a long shot in, the approach is always tricky to judge because the green sits above the player, meaning the bottom of the flagstick is hidden. This can lead to a lot of head scratching when it comes to club selection. The very large putting surface – the 17th and 13th share a double green, which is something of a rareity in Asian golf – features plenty of subtle breaks and allows a variety of pin positions. Given the hole’s length and wide landing area, the pros will be looking to pick up a shot here before heading to the famous 18th. How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 74 Pars: 317 Bogeys: 26 Doubles: 1

這第十七洞球道對球手極之寬宏,但球員卻不能全程 發球,因為在球道290碼處橫躺著一水溝。 第二桿雖然不須打得太遠,但因為果嶺是升高了,球員看 到旗桿也判斷不到球洞正確所在碼數,選桿時費煞思量。 果嶺面積特大,因為這是和第十三洞共用的連體果嶺, 在亞洲球場 十分少見。應注意的是,果嶺上暗藏著不少 難以捉摸的破折位,旗桿 亦有很多不同位置插法。 這洞距離不遠,加上果嶺闊大著陸容易,職業球手應可 在此再下一城,邁向遐邇聞名的粉嶺第十八洞進發。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:3.89,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:74 帕:317 柏忌:26 雙柏忌:1


| 77


No. 18 Par 4 / 410 yards / 375 metres • 2009 Open scoring average: 4.11 • Difficulty ranking: 4

What can I say? Maybe the one of the best finishing holes in all of golf - and the drama that has unfolded over the years is testament to that. The tee shot will have all the players in contention come Sunday quaking in their softspikes. Any shots missed left or right will mean a sideways chip back to the fairway – unless, of course, you're Lin Wen-tang or Rory McIlroy, whose escapes during the playoff in 2008 still beggar belief. If you do find the narrow fairway off the tee, the job is far from over, with a second shot over water to a green guarded by bunkers at the front, back and right. The 18th always provides a grandstand finish, so be sure to get a good position in order to catch all the action. How it played in 2009 Eagles: 0 Birdies: 66 Pars: 259 Bogeys: 76 Doubles: 17 真是無話可說,這洞也許稱得上是世界高爾夫比賽中最完美的結局洞之一。 多年來,在瑞銀香港公開賽上演過的無數次戲劇性結局,大可說明一切。 星期天,還要把握最後機會拚命博勝的球員踏上此發球台時,難免 有點心慌腳軟,因為一有差池,球飛左或飛右,便要多打一桿先把球放 回球道;除非你是林文堂或是麥爾萊,在2008年加洞賽時他們在此直 攻果嶺,逃出新天,到今天還是令人難以置信,非筆墨可以形容的。 如果發球能落正這窄窄球道上,請勿過早開心,還未打完呢,因為要看看第 二桿能不能飛越水塘,落到這個被前面、後方及右邊沙坑嚴謹守衛著的果嶺上。 最引人入勝的結局,永遠是在第十八洞看台附近上演,各位觀 眾切要覓個理想觀看位置,不要錯過這裡精彩刺激的每一刻。 2009年在這洞平均桿數為:4.11,由以下紀錄組成: 老鷹:0 小鳥:66 帕:259 柏忌:76 雙柏忌:17


| 79

Major year: Martin Kaymer (US PGA Champion), Colin Montgomerie (Europe's Ryder Cup Captain) and Graeme McDowell (US Open Champion) pose with their trophies at St Andrews

2010 European Tour Winners DATE




PRIZE MONEY (Euros) 998,200

Dec 10-13, 2009

Alfred Dunhil Championship

Leopard Creek CC

Pablo Martin ESP

Dec 17-20, 2009

South African Open Championship

Pearl Valley Golf Estates

Richie Ramsey SCO

Jan 7-10, 2010

Africa Open

East London GC

Charl Schwartzel RSA


Jan 14-17, 2010

Joburg Open

Royal Johannesburg and Kensington GC

Charl Schwartzel RSA


Jan 21-24, 2010

Abu Dhabi Golf Championship

Abu Dhabi GC

Martin Kaymer GER


Jan 28-31, 2010

Commercialbank Qatar Masters presented by Dolphin Energy

Doha GC

Robert Karlsson SWE


Feb 4-7, 2010

Omega Dubai Desert Classic

Emirates GC

Miguel Angel Jiménez ESP


Feb 11-14, 2010

Avantha Masters

DLF Golf & Country Club

Andrew Dodt AUS


Feb 17-21, 2010

WGC – Accenture Match Play Championship

The Gallery GC

Ian Poulter ENG


Mar 4-7, 2010

Maybank Malaysian Open

Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club

Seung-yul Noh KOR


Mar 11-14, 2010

WGC – CA Championship

Doral Golf Resort & Spa

Ernie Els RSA


Mar 18-21, 2010

Trophée Hassan II

Royal Golf Dar Es Salam

Rhys Davies WAL


Mar 25-28, 2010

Open de Andalucia de Golf

Parador de Málaga Golf

Louis Oosthuizen RSA


Apr 8-11, 2010


Augusta National

Phil Mickelson USA


Apr 8-11, 2010

Madeira Islands Open BPI – Portugal

Porto Santo Golfe

James Morrison ENG









Apr 15-18, 2010

Volvo China Open

Suzhou Jinji Lake GC

Y.E Yang KOR


Apr 22-25, 2010

Ballantine's Championship

Pinx GC

Marcus Fraser AUS


Apr 29-May 2, 2010

Open de España

Real Club de Golf de Sevilla

Alvaro Quiros

2,038,766 1,289,820

May 6-9, 2010

BMW Italian Open

Royal Park I Roveri

Fredrik Andersson Hed SWE

May 13-16, 2010

Iberdrola Open Cala Millor Mallorca

Pula GC

Peter Hanson SWE

May 20-23, 2010


Wentworth Club

Simon Khan ENG


May 27-30, 2010

Madrid Masters

Real Sociedad Hipica Española Club de Campo

Luke Donald ENG


Jun 3-6, 2010

The Celtic Manor Wales Open

The Celtic Manor Resort

Graeme McDowell NIR


Jun 10-13, 2010

Estoril Open de Portugal

Penha Longa GC

Thomas Björn DEN


Jun 17-20, 2010


Pebble Beach Golf Links

Graeme McDowell NIR


Jun 17-20, 2010

Saint–Omer Open presented by Neuflize OBC

Aa Saint Omer GC

Martin Wiegele AUS

Jun 24-27, 2010

BMW International Open

Golfclub München Eichenried

David Horsey ENG

2,017,955 3,040,392



Jul 1-4, 2010

Alstom Open de France

Le Golf National

Miguel Angel Jiménez ESP

Jul 8-11, 2010

The Barclays Scottish Open

Loch Lomond GC

Edoardo Molinari ITA


Jul 15-18, 2010


Old Course, St. Andrews

Louis Oosthuizen RSA


Jul 22-25, 2010

Nordea Scandinavian Masters

Bro Hof Slott GC

Richard S Johnson SWE


Jul 29-Aug 1, 2010

3 Irish Open

Killarney Golf & Fishing Club

Ross Fisher ENG


Aug 5-8, 2010

WGC – Bridgestone Invitational

Firestone CC

Hunter Mahan USA


Aug 12-15, 2010


Whistling Straits

Martin Kaymer GER


Aug 19-22, 2010

Czech Open 2010

Prosper Golf Resort

Peter Hanson SWE


Aug 26-29, 2010

Johnnie Walker Championship at Gleneagles

The Gleneagles Hotel

Edoardo Molinari ITA

1,683,378 2,000,000 1,821,516

Sep 2-5, 2010

Omega European Masters


Miguel Angel Jiménez ESP

Sep 9-12, 2010

KLM Open

Hilversumsche GC

Martin Kaymer GER

Sep 16-19, 2010

Austrian Golf Open presented by Botarin

Diamond CC

José Manuel Lara ESP

Sep 23-26, 2010

Vivendi Cup 2010

Golf de Joyenval

John Parry ENG

Oct 1-4, 2010


The Celtic Manor Resort

Europe 14 1/2 - 13 1/2

Oct 7-10, 2010

Alfred Dunhil Links Championship

Old Course St. Andrews, Carnoustie and Kingsbarns

Martin Kaymer GER


Oct 14-17, 2010

Portugal Masters

Oceãnico Victoria Golf Course

Richard Green AUS


Oct 21-24, 2010

Castelló Masters Costa Azahar

Club de Campo del Mediterráneo

Matteo Manassero ITA


Oct 28-31, 2010

Andalucia Valderrama Masters

Club de Golf Valderrama

Graeme McDowell NIR


Nov 4-7, 2010

WGC – HSBC Champions

Sheshan International GC

Francesco Molinari ITA


Nov 11-14, 2010

Barclays Singapore Open

The Tanjong & The Serapong, Sentosa GC

D - Ian Poulter ENG


Nov 18-21, 2010


Hong Kong GC, Fanling

D - Grégory Bourdy FRA


Nov 25-28, 2010

Dubai World Championship presented by DP World

Jumeirah Golf Estates

D - Lee Westwood ENG


750,000 1,250,000


| 81

2010 Asian Tour Winners DATE




Feb 4-7, 2010

Asian Tour International

Suwan Golf & Country Club

Gaganjeet Bhullar IND

Feb 11-14, 2010

Avantha Masters *

DLF Golf & Country Club

Andrew Dodt AUS

Feb 17-21, 2010

WGC – Accenture Match Play Championship

Ritz-Carlton GC

Ian Poulter ENG

Mar 4-7, 2010

Maybank Malaysia Open *

Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club

Seung-yul Noh KOR

Mar 10-11, 2010

British Open International Final Qualifying Asia

Saujana Golf & Country Club


Mar 11-14, 2010

WGC-CA Championship

TPC Blue Monster at Doral

Ernie Els RSA

Mar 30- Apr 2, 2010

Sail Open

Delhi Golf Club

Rikard Karlberg SWE

Apr 8-11, 2010

Air Bagan Myanmar Open presented by IBTC

Pun Hlaing Golf Club

Tetsuji Hiratsuka JAP

Apr 8-11, 2010

The Masters Tournament

Augusta National Golf Club

Phil Mickelson USA

Apr 22-25, 2010

Ballantine's Championship *

Pinx GC

Marcus Fraser AUS

Jun 17-20, 2010

Queen's Cup

Santiburi Samui Country Club

Tetsuji Hiratsuka JAP

Jun 17-20, 2010

US Open

Pebble Beach Golf Links

Graeme McDowell NIR

Jul 15-18, 2010

British Open

St. Andrews Lins (Old Course)

Louis Oosthuizen RSA

Jul 29- Aug 1, 2010

Brunei Oopen

Empire Hotel & CC

Siddikur BAN

Aug 4-7, 2010

Worldwide Holdings Selangor Masters

Seri Selangor GC

Angelo Que PHI

Aug 5-8, 2010

WGC – Bridgestone Invitational

Firestone CC

Hunter Mahan USA

Aug 12-15, 2010

PGA Championship

Whistling Straits

Martin Kaymer GER

Sep 2-5, 2010

Omega European Masters *

Crans-sur-Sierre, Crans Montana

Miguel Angel Jiménez ESP

Sep 9-12, 2010

Handa Singapore Classic

Orchid CC

Peter Karmis RSA

Sep 16-19, 2010

Yeangder Tournament Players Championship

Linkou International Golf & Country Club

Thaworn Wiratchant THA

Sep 23-26, 2010

Asia-Pacific Panasonic Open #

Rokko Kokusai GC

Brendan Jones AUS

Sep 30- Oct 3, 2010

Mercuries Taiwan Masters

Taiwan Golf & Country Club

Pariya Junhasavasdikul THA

Oct 14-17, 2010

Iskander Johor Open

Horizon Hills GCC

Padraig Harrington IRL

Oct 28-31, 2010

CIMB Asia Pacific Classic **

The Mines Resort & GC

Ben Crane USA

Nov 4-7, 2010

WGC-HSBC Champions

Sheshan International GC

Francesco Molinari ITA

Nov 11-14, 2010

Barclays Singapore Open *

Sentosa GC

D - Ian Poulter ENG

Nov 18-21, 2010


Hong Kong GC

D - Grégory Bourdy FRA

Nov 25-28, 2010

King's Cup

Singha Park Khon Kaen GC

D - Chan Yih-chin TPE

Dec 2-5, 2010

Hero Honda Indian Open

Delhi Golf Club

D - C. Muniyappa IND

Dec 9-12, 2010

Johnnie Walker Cambodian Open

Phokeethra CC

D - Marcus Both AUS

Dec 16-19, 2010

Black Mountain Masters

Black Mountain GC

D - Johan Edfors SWE

* Denotes co-sanctioned event between Asian and European Tours / # Denotes co-sanctioned event between Asian and Japan Golf Tours ** Denotes co-sanctioned event between Asian and PGA Tours


Asian Tour Order of Merit After WGC-Champions PRIZE MONEY (US DOLLARS) 300,000 2,100,000 8,500,000 2,000,000 0 8,500,000 300,000 300,000 7,000,000 2,900,000 300,000 7,500,000 7,000,000 300,000 365,000 8,500,000 7,500,000 2,800,000 400,000 300,000 1,700,000 500,000 1,250,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 2,500,000 300,000 1,250,000 300,000 600,000

POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

PLAYER Noh Seung-yul (KOR) Marcus Fraser (AUS) Andrew Dodt (AUS) Tetsuji Hiratsuka (JPN) Thaworn Wiratchant (THA) Kiradech Aphibarnrat (THA) Mardan Mamat (SIN) Pariya Junhasavasdikul (THA) Rhys Davies (WAL) Siddikur (BAN) Thongchai Jaidee (THA) Angelo Que (PHI) Jason Knutzon (USA) Gaganjeet Bhullar (IND) Peter Karmis (RSA) Scott Barr (AUS) Chang Yih-shin (TPE) Chinnarat Phadungsil (THA) Daisuke Maruyama (JPN) Jbe Kruger (RSA) Lin Wen-tang (TPE) Rahil Gangjee (IND) Prayad Marksaeng (THA) Lee Sung (KOR) Lu Wei-chih (TPE) Hideto Tanihara (JPN) Scott Hend (AUS) Lam Chih Bing (SIN) Chapchai Nirat (THA) Kim Dae-hun (KOR) Rick Kulacz (AUS) Juvic Pagunsan (PHI) Liang Wen-chong (CHN) Darren Beck (AUS) Rikard Karlberg (SWE) Mars Pucay (PHI) Adam Blyth (AUS) Danny Chia (MAS) S.S.P. Chowrasia (IND) Kwanchai Tannin (THA) Hwang In-choon (KOR) Mark Foster (ENG) Chawalit Plaphol (THA) Shiv Kapur (IND) Ben Leong (MAS) Chris Rodgers (ENG) Anthony Kang (USA) Unho Park (AUS) David Gleeson (AUS) Jyoti Randhawa (IND)

EARNINGS (US$) 801,986 558,776 393,041 218,878 207,007 199,285 187,032 177,304 159,156 140,100 138,119 132,771 130,227 119,049 116,171 115,473 113,035 104,919 103,215 102,040 101,179 100,843 98,385 98,357 86,147 85,529 83,886 83,553 80,615 79,981 74,920 73,765 71,644 60,870 58,932 57,798 57,613 56,800 56,613 55,391 54,390 53,702 52,159 49,844 49,568 48,703 48,061 47,474 43,707 43,410

PLAYED 8 6 7 7 15 10 14 10 6 11 6 12 11 12 11 14 13 14 3 11 9 11 10 13 8 9 12 14 9 4 4 12 5 12 10 13 12 15 6 14 6 4 10 5 15 11 6 14 12 5


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• Test your skills at the UBS Long Putt Challenge • Have a complimentary lesson in the UBS Game Improvement Zone • Go for glory at the Emirates Hole-In-One Challenge • Don't miss the BMW Junior Test Drive Zone • Get in the swing at the UPS Eco Simulator 84 | UBS HONG KONG OPEN

Free shuttle bus services 免費穿梭巴士服務

Pick-up points上車地點

The UBS Hong Kong Open shuttle operates from Sheung Shui KCR station to the Hong Kong Golf Club. Departures are every half hour from 07:00 to 18:00 Thursday and Friday and every 15 minutes from 08:00 to 19:30 on Saturday and Sunday.

1. Admiralty: Drake Street 香港金鐘德立街

瑞銀香港公開賽提供穿梭巴士服務由港鐵上水站 往返香港哥爾夫球會。星期四、五兩天由早上七時至下午 六時每30分鐘一班,星期六、日每15分鐘一班。 In addition, a free shuttle bus to the Hong Kong Golf Club will operate on Saturday and Sunday from Admiralty and Kowloon Tong. 星期六、日兩天加開由香港金鐘及九龍塘往返香港哥爾夫球會班次。

2. Kowloon Tong: Somerset Road 九龍塘森麻實道 Departure Times • From Admiralty and Kowloon Tong: 香港金鐘及九龍塘開出: 09:15; 10:15; 10:45; 11:15; 12:15 • From Hong Kong Golf Club: 由香港哥爾夫球會開出: 16:15; 17:15; 17:45; 18:15 UBS HONG KONG OPEN

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EurAsia Golf Ltd extends its thanks to:

(Minimum Size)

The organizers are proud to be associated with the following companies: 能與以下公司合作,各主辦商感到非常榮幸:

• Major Sports Events Committee of the Sports Commission • BrandHK • Hong Kong Golf Association • The Hong Kong Golf Club • Hong Kong Tourism Board And to the following for their generous support:


75% Black








• International Herald Tribune OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER

• Next Magazine OFFICIAL


• RTHK OFFICIAL RADIO STATION • The Peak OFFICIAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE Special thanks to all volunteers, members and staff of the Hong Kong Golf Club.


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