3 minute read
Counseling Seminar Program
u Complete a pre- and post-fitness test. u Attend all meetings, checkpoints and interviews. u Complete a final reflective paper and summary. u Train a minimum of 48 hours over the quarter. u Participate in the program with honesty and integrity.
The student will be assigned a PE Teacher who will be responsible for grading their journals and awarding a final grade. Teachers will interview the students to ensure that they are on task and striving towards their goals.
Counseling Seminar is part of a yearlong Wellness Block at HKIS. In their Wellness Block, students will develop their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being through Physical Education, Counseling Seminar, and Spiritual Exploration courses.
Grade 9 Seminar: Transitions to High School
Required in Grade 9
Home Learning: Light
Course Description This course is designed to ease the academic and emotional transition from middle to high school. Grade 9 Seminar prepares students for the expectations and challenges of high school life. The importance of developing independence, self-motivated learning and emotional awareness will be highlighted, including identifying personal values, character strengths, and both personal and academic goals. Students will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with their community counselors during seminar time.
Learning Outcomes Students will: u Develop skills to build their emotional intelligence. u Understand the academic expectations for high school, i.e. self-motivated learning, being responsible for and owning their learning. u Understand the importance of developing strong study and time management skills. u Explore strategies that will assist them in becoming successful and healthy high school students.
This class is designed to follow a large group guidance structure. Students receive a grade of Successful Completion contingent on attendance, reflections, structured learning activities and discussions.
Grade 10 Seminar: Positive Psychology
Required in Grade 10
Home Learning: Light
Course Description Students will explore all aspects of well-being: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment, and Health. The course is designed to stimulate self-reflection and discussion around personal beliefs, values and growth. Students will also apply what they’ve learned about themselves to explore potential futures that fit their strengths, interests, and personality.
Learning Outcomes Students will: u Understand the tenets of positive psychology. u Students will learn about the mental health continuum and resources to help themselves or others, and reflect on their own experiences. u Explore and apply the pillars of well-being (positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplishment, and health). u Students will identify and share unique cultural influences which inform their values. u Apply learning to envision potential futures via a career research project.
This class is designed to follow a large group guidance structure. Students receive a grade of Successful Completion contingent on personal reflections, structured learning activities, a career research project, and discussions.
Grade 11 Seminar: College and Career
Required in Grade 11
Home Learning: Light
Course Description This course explores post-secondary possibilities and integrates these options with students’ own interests, skills and talents.
Learning Outcomes Students will: u Explore college, career, and other post-secondary options. u Understand and implement steps in career/college research and planning. u Learn strategies to manage stress and expectations related to the college search and selection process. u Identify digital and human resources at HKIS and in the community. u Begin individual work with their community counselors.
This class is designed to follow a large group guidance structure. Students will receive a grade of Successful Completion contingent on attendance, reflections, structured learning activities and discussions.
Grade 12 Seminar: Transitions
Required in Grade 12
Home Learning: Light
Course Description This course aims to prepare G12 students for the transition to life beyond high school. Students will reflect on, summarize and draw from their high school experiences as they navigate the college application process. Students will anticipate the changes and challenges ahead, and develop the skills to manage and enjoy the challenges of college life or independent living.