2 minute read
Fire/Evacuation Procedures
1. Alarm sounds – students and faculty exit to the field QUICKLY AND QUIETLY.
2. If a student is injured and cannot safely navigate the stairs ask them to go to the front gate and check-in with the Associate Principal. Teachers should notify the field by showing a red card.
3. Close doors & windows securely. Leave all bags behind to facilitate leaving and moving quickly.
4. Students and teachers should move briskly through these routes:
• 8th floor: Science classrooms, Choir proceed to the back stairway (A) then directly onto the field. Romance Languages and Chinese classrooms proceed to the central stairway through the atrium to the long stairway that comes up from the field.
• 7th floor: Band rooms, Rooms 702-706 proceed to the back stairway (A) then directly to field. Rooms 707-715 proceed via the central stairway through the atrium to the long stairway that comes up from the field. Rooms 716 and 717 should proceed to the 5th floor down the side stairway closest to those rooms, past the main office and on to the long stairway.
• 6th floor: Rooms 601-604 proceed to the back stairway (A) then directly to field. Rooms 605-615 proceed via the central stairways, through the atrium to the long stairway that comes up from the field. Rooms 616 and 617, should proceed to the 5th floor down the side stairway closest to those rooms, past the main office and on to the long stairway.
• 5th floor: Auditorium and Classroom 502, exit via back stairway (A).
• Cafeteria: proceed past the Dragon Shop and down the central stairway to the field
• Nurse’s Office – proceed out the front gate and down the sidewalk towards Pak Pat Shan Road.
• P.E. Dept., Athletics Dept: proceed to the farthest side of the long stairway (closest to Tai Tam Gardens) then descend to the field.
• Library: students leave through the central stairway to the field.
• Rooms 101-105: proceed to the back stairway then directly onto the field.
• Students/faculty on crutches or injured meet at the front gate and check in with nurse and office staff (stay on sidewalk).
• Everyone using the long stairway to the field should use both sets of stairs to avoid bottlenecks.
5. Admin and counselors check their areas of responsibility.
6. On the field:
• Pastoral Care/Homeroom Group (PCHG) teachers line up alphabetically by grade along the sideline closest to the HS building, with grade 12 closest to the Baseball homebase and 9 closest to the Middle School.
• Students line up by PCHG perpendicular to the sideline section of the field.
• PCHG teachers take attendance and signal office staff with a RED card if missing someone or GREEN if all are present.
• Students should sit in single file line in front of teacher as soon as possible.
• Main Office secretaries and Athletics Office assistants will come to the teacher and take any missing names to cross-reference with the daily absence report.
• Names to be checked against the absentee list prepared by the attendance officer.
• Await the return signal from an administrator on the field.
Core Values
We believe that:
• Diversity enriches community and strengthens society.
• Life-long learning is vital for individuals to thrive in and contribute to a changing society.
• Society progresses when individuals strive for excellence and seek challenge.
• Learning thrives in the presence of shared high expectations and mutually respectful relationships.
• Integrity is essential to trust and credibility.
• Each human life has value and purpose.
• Dialogue about Christianity and other religions is valuable for personal growth and development of spiritual identity.
• Together, parents, faculty, staff and students create the conditions for children’s success and a healthy lifestyle.