May 2012 Museum Log Newsletter

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May 2012

exhibition content, cafés, possible purchases, signage and merchandising, meetings with contractors, trustees, potential donors, actual donors . . . . the list goes on. A busy time, but also a most rewarding one for everyone involved. Long held dreams taking shape, new ones emerging, hidden talents coming to the surface and people stretching themselves – this is all part of a normal week at the moment! Most importantly, the museum is taking shape. The staff and collections will be completely relocated by the end of August; the displays for Galleries 1 to 4 are ready for fabrication; and funding requests continue to be dispatched from the desk of the Chairman. By the end of September, the museum’s new library will be open to researchers (we are already on line) and several new key staff positions filled. There is still a long way to go but we have certainly reached the ‘end of the beginning’. The museum remains extremely grateful to its donors and friends who have made this possible – and for the confidence of the Hong Government in supporting the project. Every effort is being made to ensure Pier 8 is transformed into a truly world class learning facility for the people of Hong Kong and the several million tourists who arrive in the city each year. I will strive to keep you informed . . . . between meetings.

From the Director! There is nothing like a deadline to focus the mind and the extended Hong Kong Maritime Museum team has plenty of those. Daily meeting, weekly meeting, meetings about

Museum Director Richard Wesley at Pier 8


Catalina Chor and Dr. Stephen Davies welcome the 100,000th visitor to the museum

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! Farewell!Stanley!

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The Hong Kong Maritime Museum in Stanley will close its doors on Monday, 4th June. Since its opening by the Hong Kong Government’s Chief Executive, Donald Tsang on 8th September 2005, over 287,000 paying visitors have been admitted.

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The development of the museum was spearheaded by Mr. Anthony Hardy (Wallem Group), Tan Sri Frank Tsao Wen-king (IMC Group), Mr. K.L. Tam (Goldstar Shipping), and Mr. M. H. Liang (Island Navigation Co.), all of whom retain a close association with the project. The museum’s first paid Director was Dr. Stephen Davies. Over a few short years, the maritime museum developed a reputation as a Hong Kong ‘must see’ attraction for tourists and residents alike. Likewise, 2



the growth of its collections, scholarly activity and temporary exhibitions created a strong regional reputation among all those interested in ships and the sea.


Based on this track record and the undeniable need for a comprehensive maritime museum in Hong Kong (the current Stanley museum has only two galleries), the Hong Kong shipping industry and the government have combined resources to enable the creation of the new seventeen gallery facility at Pier 8. Current Museum Director, Richard Wesley, speaking for all those associated with Stanley stated: ‘closure of the museum on 4th June will be simultaneously a sad and exciting day . . . . a day full of memories of past events but also full of promise for the challenges ahead’.

(1823! –! 1901)

During June and July, staff will be relocating the museum’s collections and office facilities to the lower level of Pier 8. Telephone numbers and contact details will remain the same.


 ! Li Hongzhang comes to life Through a generous donation from China Merchants, the Hong Kong Maritime Museum has been able to commission a life size bronze sculpture of the leading late Qing dynasty statesman and moderniser, Li Hongzhang (1823 – 1901) who was closely associated with the development of modern Chinese maritime and naval resources. The commissioned sculpture will have a prominent location in the K.H. and K.W. Koo Gallery, Protecting and Assisting the Mariner. Li Hong Zhang in clay prior to the finalization of design 3

The museum has been fortunate to obtain the services of one of China’s leading sculptors, Wu Shaoxiang, to undertake this task. On the basis of research undertaken by the museum, the Koo family and the sculptor himself, a clay model of Li Hongzhang has been prepared prior to the casting process. After some consideration, it was decided to present this historical figure at a time when he was at the height of his power, aged 60. It is anticipated the work will be delivered to the museum by midDecember. Nearby in the gallery will be a display featuring Philo McGiffin, an American naval officer recruited by Li Hongzhang to assist the Chinese Government with the modernisation of their forces. 


Staff member Fiona Mak recording the action on Victoria Harbour

The!Sea!Matters!to!Me!1!Video!Series! ! The!Hong!Kong!Maritime!Museum! (HKMM)!is!pleased!to!announce!the! launch!of!a!new!video!series!called! ‘The!Sea!Matters!to!Me’.!This!series! was!made!possible!through!the! museum’s!collaboration!with!the! Worcester!Polytechnic!Institute!in! spring!2012,!when!four!students!


captured!photographs!and!film! footage!about!Hong!Kong’s!vibrant! maritime!community.! ! The!aim!of!the!series!is!to!draw! attention!to!the!people!who!work!in! the!maritime!sector!who!have!such! great!stories!to!tell,!not!only!about! their!everyday!work!and!its! connection!with!the!sea,!but!also! about!the!importance!of!the!sea!to!all! of!us,!as!individuals!and!communities.!!! ! The!videos!tie!in!to!topics!featured!in! the!new!galleries!that!will!open!to!the! public!at!Pier!8!in!2013.!Themes! covered!include!marine!conservation,! shipbuilding,!transportation!and! leisure.! ! The!first!video!is!called!‘Crossing!the! Star’!and!highlights!the!work!of!the! Star!Ferry.!HKMM’s!team!was!granted! exclusive!access!both!to!Star!Ferry! employees!and!areas!not!usually!open! to!the!public,!such!as!the!bridge!of!the! Silver'Star.!!It!is!an!opportunity!to!go! behindPthePscenes!and!see!the! organization!and!effort!that!goes!into! creating!the!smooth!operation!of!the! service!that!takes!people!from!one! side!of!Victoria!Harbour!to!the!other.! ! All!the!videos!will!be!available!on!the! museum’s!new!website!in!the!Explore! section.!We!hope!you!enjoy!them.! ! ! !

! RCI " ” RCI artwork of Oriental Falcon

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! ! Hong!Kong!Government!shipyard!from! Gujarat,!India!by!Wilhelmsen!Ships! Service!Hong!Kong.!This!arrangement! was!made!possible!through!the!direct! involvement!of!the!Norwegian! Embassy!in!Beijing and!the!Norwegian! Minister!of!Trade!and!Industry.! ! During!the!month!of!May!a!team!of! contractors!have!been!restoring!the! anchor,!which!has!20!links!of!chain,!is! 7m!long!in!the!shank,!4.45m!across! the!flukes!and!1.13m!thick.!Work! carried!out!has!included!rust!removal! and!repainting!to!its!original!red! colour.!Once!completed!the!anchor! will!be!on!display!at!the!entrance!to! the!dockyard!complex!for!the!next!two! years.! ! The!HKMM!will!continue!discussions! with!the!HK!Government!and! supporters!to!determine!an! appropriate!final!location!for!this!last! remaining!piece!of!the!Jahre!Viking!/! Seawise!Giant!and!the!form!which! associated!landscaping!should!take.! ! Museum!Chairman,!Mr.!Anthony! Hardy!and!Museum!Director!Mr.! Richard!Wesley!recently!inspected! progress!on!the!project.!A!short!film! on!the!project!is!being!prepared!for! promotional!and!educational!purposes! by!local!production!company!APV! under!the!direction!of!Mr.!Chris! Slaughter.! ! ! ! GROUND FLOOR, MURRAY HOUSE, STANLEY PLAZA, STANLEY, HONG KONG


! Pressure cleaning of anchor

! Jahre!Viking!Anchor!one!stage!closer! to!Central! The!36Pton!anchor!belonging!to!the! superPtanker!Jahre!Viking!/!Seawise! Giant,!once!the!world!largest!ship,!is! onePstep!closer!to!a!final!resting!place! on!the!Hong!Kong!waterfront!near!Pier! 8.!Purchased!by!an!anonymous!donor! for!the!Museum!in!2010,!this!massive! symbol!of!the!city’s!maritime! commerce!was!transported!to!the!! !

! Museum Director Richard Wesley and Chairman Anthony Hardy

TEL: (852) 2813-2322 FAX: (852) 2813 8033 E-MAIL: WEB SITE:


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