HKMUN 2012 Information Booklet

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Table of Contents Welcome address by Secretary General ..................................................................................................... 3 Welcome address by Deputy Secretary General ........................................................................................ 4 Welcome address by President of the Security Council ........................................................................... 5 Welcome address by President of the General Assembly ......................................................................... 5 General Assembly ....................................................................................................................................... 6 This year’s issues ........................................................................................................................................ 7 GA Commitee 1 COUNTRY ALLOCATION ................................................................................................. 8 GA Commitee 2 COUNTRY ALLOCATION ................................................................................................. 9 GA Committee 3 COUNTRY ALLOCATION ............................................................................................ 10 Security Council ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Security Council COUNTRY ALLOCATION ............................................................................................ 12 Timetable for Caucusing ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Note on Caucusing .................................................................................................................................. 14 Meet the Student board .......................................................................................................................... 15


Welcome delegates, advisors, and guests, Welcome to HKMUN 2012. In the coming year, the Student Board and I hope to build upon the many achievements and successes of previous conferences – with an outlook to raise both the profile and the level of debate for the next session to come. At the last conference, we embraced the addition of the Security Council with ready minds and sharp tongues, in the spirit of expanding our reach and developing HKMUN into a larger, more challenging affair. With similar intentions, we have adjusted this year’s General Assembly to facilitate greater depth in our debates, and to foster a sense of inclusiveness unseen at previous conferences. I hope that we can make HKMUN more accessible to all, whilst maintaining a high level of analysis and critical discussion that has made our sessions so memorable in past years. This year, both Mira and I, in our roles as Secretary-Generals, will expand our presences through advising both the Security Council and General Assembly. We hope to guide discussions and to facilitate consensus building across all committees and session chambers. I hope our expertise will be useful in giving both direction and purpose to each debate, allowing delegates to reach their full potential as future policy-makers of tomorrow. While HKMUN does have a lighter side, we must avoid the temptation to address these pressing issues in isolation from reality. The progress we make here will hopefully act as stepping-stones in addressing serious issues in our future careers, whatever and wherever they may be. To appropriately solve these complex challenges, we must first understand their origins and the obstacles they face before being solved. As many of you enjoy the rush of constructing resolutions and delivering statements, remember that these are real, unyielding issues we face today, and that a greater familiarity with them will no doubt hasten the formulation of their much-needed answers. Global cooperation is integral in this endeavor; pursuing worldwide problems with worldwide solutions is no longer simply an option, but an imperative. While our family of nations can often seem petty, irrational, and spiteful – we must still endure to work collaboratively and to press for urgent reform. Reconciling our differences, reaching compromises, and extending an open hand is what will determine your progress, and your success, at this conference. I urge all nations and delegates to challenge themselves in this undertaking, to push their boundaries and predispositions - whilst staying true to themselves and their nations. I hope you will all persevere to the best of your potential. All the best of luck,

Kyle Bryce-­‐Borthwick -­‐ West Island School Secretary-­‐General


Dear delegates, From an early age, I have always been inspired by the work of diplomats and intergovernmental officials. Their dedication for the betterment of mankind has always been a driving force for my passion for MUN. I’ve always kept this idea in mind whenever I’ve attended Model United Nations conferences. Although this idea has not always been definite in every debate that I’ve attended, I do believe that at each conference, simply understanding a challenging issue is one step forward towards solving it. At HKMUN, I believe we accomplish this particularly well – simulating and maneuvering our resolutions around a minefield of international spats, prejudices, and injustices. In my unique capacity, I will work to ensure that this tradition continues to expand. The new changes to this year’s conference, I believe, will stand true to this testament. By advancing the depth and level of analysis of this year’s debate, delegates will surely be more prepared to achieve their delegation’s aims and perform to the best of their potentials. The addition of the Security Council last year offered me a similar opportunity, and I do hope that many of you will benefit from these new changes as much as I did at the last conference. I bid you all the best of successes,

Secretary General, Kyle Bryce-Borthwick (West Island School)

Dear delegates, It is not easy to stand behind a podium with fifty eyes staring back at you, trying to speak eloquently while obliterating the counter argument, presented in the awkward form of ’POI’. I can clearly remember the first time I was placed in such a situation, trying to harness the courage and adrenaline that the task demands. While at first a bit intimidating, this same adrenaline rush and the pride that comes from taking on the role of a U.N. delegate has become my favorite part of MUN. Over the course of this year’s HKMUM you will be faced with exciting and challenging situations that will become the most memorable moments of the conference. However, in the midst of thrilling debate, I ask you all to remember the reason to why we’re here today. To me, MUN is about like-minded individuals who are interested in the issues that shape our world coming together. The responsibility of each delegation is to depict its countries views as accurately as possible and through diplomatic relations try to find solutions to some of the most pressing issues today. As Deputy Secretary General this year, I hope to offer guidance and support to all delegations. I hope to keep debate as factual as possible and encourage diplomacy throughout the conference. Apart from abiding by the procedures of MUN I encourage all delegates to actively take part in debate, be inquisitive and build relationships that will last far beyond this conference. I look forward to hearing riveting speeches and thought provoking POIs. I wish you all the best of luck for the conference, welcome to HKMUN 2012.

Deputy Secretary General, Mira Naseer (Hong Kong International School)


Dear delegates of the Security Council, Welcome to HKMUN 2012! My name is Resa Ng and I will be serving as your President of the Security Council. In short, my MUN experiences can be summarized as such: I participated in HKMUN in 2010 as a delegate of Canada, I was best delegate as the delegate of U.S.A in Beijing MUN 2011’s General Assembly 1 and was selected to serve as Deputy Assistant President of the International Court of Justice in Seoul MUN 2011. I still remember my very first MUN. I had a hard time getting myself to speak up on the issue of food security. So my first conference didn’t go well. But I soon came to realize, in further MUN conferences, that behind a country’s flag, you foster your own identity in any conference. At Beijing MUN, that was what I achieved, I strengthened my country’s influence on the issues at hand, where I main submitted a resolution on weapons of mass destruction and attempted to protect Israel and other countries that align with my interests. I prepared materials meticulously and systematically to create the most convincing case for my arguments, my hard work paid off. I admit that I had the advantage as the delegate of U.S.A, but that didn’t stop other countries from fighting for their cause, it was even harder for me because my fellow P5 members were inactive! China was quiet, France hid himself behind his notes, and Russia and the UK were nowhere to be found… The country you get matters, they represent the views of a population on our planet, convince the people around you that what you’re saying is of concern, because that's how its done in reality. Some countries have to fight hard to get their ideas across. Delegates, communicate your country’s best interest, don’t hide behind laptops and notes, ENGAGE with other delegates. On that note, welcome and I look forward to yet another memorable conference!

President of Security Council, Resa Ng (Chinese International School)

Dear delegates of the General Assembly, Welcome to your role as a delegate to the HKMUN General Assembly. My name is Colin Diersing and I will be serving as your President of the General Assembly. I am looking forward to working with you to make this as exciting and engaging a debate as possible. With the combination of small committees and the large GA, we hope to provide an environment that is engaging for all delegates, from the experienced MUNer to the brand new. I am particularly excited to be helping out during this period of growth for the General Assembly this year and hope you will all take full advantage of the new opportunities it provides for in depth debate. This is the second year of significant growth for HKMUN and we hope this expansion will prove just as beneficial as last year’s. Previously, I have served as chair of simulations of the Security Council, discussing the split of North and South Sudan, and the Disarmament and International Security Committee, regarding the future of Cyber-warfare. As a delegate to HKMUN last year, I debated the emergency topic and the topic regarding Small Island Developing States. I found debate at HKMUN to be a lively and exciting experience. As always, MUN provided an opportunity to enhance public speaking skills, develop an understanding of one of the world’s most important organizations, delve deeper into pressing world issues, and meet other engaged students from around Hong Kong. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that the quality of the debate depends entirely on your preparation and involvement. I hope you will fully embrace the opportunity for a dynamic and informed debate and prepare fully for all of your topics. Please do not hesitate to approach me or your chairs with any specific questions you may have. We are here to help you make the most of your HKMUN experience.

President of General Assembly, Colin Diersing (Li Po Chun United World College)


General Assembly The UN General Assembly is one of the main organs of the UN and comprises all the member states, there are 192 members states in the UN, but we will only be entertaining approximately 35 countries in HKMUN General Assembly this year. The UN is mainly involved in making the budget of the UN, appointing non-permanent members to the Security Council and making recommendations to the UN about its various organs and agencies. These recommendations are called General Assembly resolution, voting in the general assembly takes place on a number of matters, all the general assembly are passed with two thirds majority and each nation has one vote only. The GA can make recommendations on all matters except peace and security, which is the domain of the Security Council. HKMUN chairpersons will be writing specific chair reports and these reports will be made available online through These reports will be on the topics of debate in both the GA and the SC; delegations will be able to utilize these reports as introductory notes to caucusing for the issue. This year the HKMUN format has been redesigned to replicate the dynamic and varied work of the General Assembly and its various committees. The first day of the conference will be spent simulating three of the General Assembly's most exciting committees. Delegates will have an opportunity to engage in intense debate and gain understanding of the work of a specific committee. Delegates are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the smaller general assemblies to engage in focused debate and create detailed resolutions. Each committee will discuss two issues, which will represent the range of different topics with which each committee deals. The second day, all three committees will combine to simulate the workings of the larger General Assembly plenary session; only 2 members of each country will be allowed to take the debate floor at any time. The morning will be spent debating the most engaging and well-written resolution from the previous day, and the afternoon will be spent debating an emergency topic. We hope that this new combination will provide a dynamic and educational conference and we encourage you to take full advantage of the many new opportunities for high-level debate. We encourage you to research your topics and country thoroughly, take advantage of the excellent reports put together by chairs, participate actively in debate, and cultivate relationships with other engaged students. In short, please take full advantage of all HKMUN has to offer.


This year’s issues Special Political and Decolonization Committee • •

A roadmap towards peace between Israel and Palestine: the path forward The Question of Self-Determination: Recognition of Kosovo, Tibet, and Taiwan

Economic and Financial Committee • •

The question of policies and regulations concerning genetic patents The role of the UN in promoting Responsible Macroeconomic Governance

Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee • •

Implementing of the Convention on the prohibition of the use of stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel mines and on their destruction. Treatment of domestic migrant workers

Security Council • • • •

The situation in Iraq The situation at the Horn of Africa Issue 3:Soon to be released Emergency Issue: To be released on the day of the caucus


Special Political and Decolonization Committee Country Allocation

Country Argentina Australia Brazil China DPRK France Germany India Indonesia Iraq Israel Italy Japan Kenya Mexico Nigeria Norway Pakistan Philippines PLO Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Somalia South Korea Spain Tibet Turkey UK USA Western Sahara Zimbabwe

School ICS KCCIS Chinese International School West Island School Yew Chung School South Island School Renaissance College Island School ICHK DGS Heep Yunn School St. Paul’s CDNIS La Salle College American International School KCCIS St. Stephen’s Girls’ College CDNIS Elsa High School AISHK GSIS Discovery College HKIS AISHK St. Joseph’s College American International School Elsa High School AISHK French International School HKIS LPCUWC AISHK St. Stephen’s Girls’ College


Economic and Financial Committee Country Allocation Country Afghanistan Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China France Germany Greece India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kenya Mexico Nigeria Norway Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Somalia Spain Switzerland Turkey UAE UK US Zimbabwe

School VSA ICS KCCIS Chinese International School ICHK West Island School South Island School Renaissance College French International School Island School ICHK KGV DGS ICS Heep Yunn School St. Paul’s CDNIS La Salle College American International School KCCIS St. Stephen’s Girls’ College GSIS Discovery College AISHK St. Joseph’s College Elsa High School Discovery College French International School St. Paul’s HKIS LPCUWC St. Stephen’s Girls’ College


Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee Country Allocation

Country Afghanistan Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China DPRK France Germany Greece India Indonesia Iran Ireland Italy Japan Kenya Nigeria Norway Pakistan Philippines Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore South Korea Switzerland UAE UK USA Zimbabwe

School VSA ICS KCCIS Chinese International School ICHK West Island School Yew Chung School South Island School Renaissance College French International School Island School ICHK KGV ICS St. Paul’s CDNIS La Salle College KCCIS St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Canadian International Elsa High School GSIS Discovery College AISHK American International School Discovery College St. Paul’s HKIS LPCUWC St. Stephen’s Girls’ College


Security Council The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the principal organs of the United Nations and is charged with the maintenance of international peace and security. Its powers, outlined In the United Nations Charter, include the establishment of peacekeeping operations, the establishment of international sanctions, and the authorization of military action. Its powers are exercised through United Nations Security Council resolutions. There are 15 members of the Security Council, consisting of five veto-wielding permanent members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) including 10 elected non-permanent members with two-year terms. Non-members are routinely invited to take part when they are parties to disputes being considered. The UN’s role in international collective security is defined by the UN Charter, which gives the Security Council the power to: • • • • •

Investigate any situation threatening international peace; Recommend procedures for peaceful resolution of a dispute; Call upon other member nations to completely or partially interrupt economic relations as well as sea, air, postal, and radio communications, or to sever diplomatic relations; Enforce its decisions militarily, or by any means necessary; Avoid conflict and maintain focus on cooperation.

This year, with the second implementation of the HKMUN Security Council, we will first be discussing issues regarding the horn of Africa and the situation in Iraq. These issues are separate and isolated from the issues of the GA. All delegates will be expected to participate in the drafting of resolutions for all the topics, the caucuses are designed to allow delegates to fully involve themselves in the caucusing, following on, the best resolutions will be debated during the conference. All delegates in the Security Council will be involved in two full days of intensive debating, 3 issues and their chair report will be made available before the February conference, the 4th issue (emergency issue) will be released on the 2nd day of the conference.






Afghanistan Brazil Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) France Germany India Iraq Iran Israel Kenya Somalia The People’s Republic of China Russia

Victoria Shanghai Academy CIS

United Kingdom USA

Yew Chung School South Island Renaissance College Island School DGS KGV Heep Yunn School La Salle St Joseph College

West Island School GSIS HKIS LPC


Time Tables: HKMUN Caucus Schedule Renaissance College – January 14, 2012 9:30 – 9:45 – Welcome, Introduction to HKMUN structure

General Assembly Committees: 9:45 – 10:15 10:15 10:20 – 10:45 10:45 – 12:15 12:20 12:30

Introduction to resolution writing, rules and procedure GA committees break to separate rooms Introduction to topic, position papers Lobbying and resolution writing Committees reconvenes Dismissed

Security Council: 9:45 9:45 – 11:45 11:45 – 12:15 12:15 – 2:15 2:15 2:30

Security Council adjourns to separate room Topic 1 position papers, lobbying and resolution writing Lunch break Topic 2 position papers, lobbying and resolution writing Security Council reconvenes Dismissed

HKMUN Caucus Schedule Victoria Shanghai Academy – February 15, 2012

1:30-­‐4:00 4:00-­‐4:30 4:30

GA 1

GA 2

GA 3

Feedback and discussion on resolutions for topics 1 and 2 Selection of resolutions for debate All delegates dismissed

SC Lobbying: Issue 3 Resolution on Issue 3 due

*It is vital that all delegations arrive promptly during caucus days for caucusing.

*The conference schedule will be released during the second caucus, this timetable is also tentative, and it is at the discretion of the chairpersons on the allocation of time


Caucusing Over the course of a few months prior to conference, delegates will meet in order to caucus. Caucusing, or informal debate, is an important part of Model United Nations because it provides an opportunity for delegates to collaborate, negotiate and formulate draft resolutions. During caucuses Chairs may also address delegates on procedure and the general expectations for the conference. All delegates are expected to be present without fail.

The main focus of each of the caucuses is to meet with delegations of other countries, combine ideas, negotiate positions and finally produce a draft resolution for submission. For delegates who are in the General Assembly this resolution will then be sent to the appropriate Committee Chair to be vetted. In the case of Security Council delegation, draft resolutions produced during caucuses should be sent directly to the Security Council Chairs.

Caucusing procedure is generally quite informal, unless moderated by the Chair. During this time delegates are also encouraged to build relationships will ally delegations that will better serve them during debate. It also expected that several opposing resolutions will emerge on one topic and the chairs will then decide the resolution for debate.

In this informal caucus delegates may utilize microphones that are available at the venue to call upon other delegations and organize resolution writing. However, it is preferable that this done though the chairs, who will be present through out the caucus. The Chairs are also available at this time to answer any questions about procedure or debate in general.

A more formal form of caucusing may also occur during the actual debate, known as a moderated caucus. In this case delegates will present speeches, moderated by the chair, but will not be able to raise points of information.


Meet the Student board Dear Delegates, Advisors, and Guests, As returning delegates and advisors will know, the HKMUN Student Board of Directors is an innovation began last year to enable those most involved with HKMUN – the students themselves – to organize all parts of the conference. My name is Sauman Cheng and it is my honor to serve as the Chairman of the HKMUN Student Board this year. As chairman, my tasks include leading Student Board meetings, coordinating the various responsibilities of the Board, and representing the Board as a whole. To give a bit of my background: I am senior at Hong Kong International School, and since last year, I have had the opportunity to lead the MUN Club at HKIS. I have participated in HKMUN the past three years, and most recently represented South Korea in the Security Council. This year, the Board brings together students from six different schools, and aside from our SecretaryGeneral, Deputy Secretary-General, and Presidents of the General Assembly and Security Council, includes the Director of the Press Corp, the Director of ICT, the Director of Banquet Logistics, and the Communications Director. We all hope to fulfill our roles to the best of our capacity, and bring everyone the most memorable HKMUN yet. In closing, I would like to thank, on behalf of the Board, Mr. Wheeler, our HKMUN advisor, who has worked tirelessly alongside us to help turn our vision into a reality. We would also like to extend our thanks to the English Schools Foundation for their generosity and invaluable assistance, as well as West Island School, GSIS, Renaissance College and Victoria Shanghai Academy for supporting HKMUN by providing the venues for our caucuses and the culminating conference. Without further adieu, I take great pleasure in introducing to you the HKMUN 2012 Student Board of Directors.

Sauman Cheng Chairman, HKMUN Student Board of Directors Chairman, HKMUN Student Board of Directors

Hello delegates, and welcome to this year’s HKMUN conference! My name is Isabelle Rowland, and I am the Communications Chair on the Student Board of this year’s Hong Kong Model United Nations conference. As a sophomore, I have had several years experience at conferences such as HKMUN, IASAS MUN, and Harvard MUN. Being the Communications Chair, I have been responsible for the scores of emails sent out and the abundance of information communicated to students and teacher advisors. I am sure all this preparation will culminate in a conference that promises to be an unforgettable MUN!

Director of Communications, Isabelle Rowland (Hong Kong International School)

The Press Corps is the committee that ties all the others together, I’m honored to be able to capture the moments of your MUN experience, this year, we’re considering to implement a proper announcement system through the internet, where you will be getting live updates from the GA and the SC. Please enjoy this year’s MUN conference and do the best you can to make it a simulation of the actual MUN, after all, that is why we’re all here.

Director of Press Corps, Lorraine Leung (Chinese International School)


Hello there! My name is Chantelle Suen and I am honored to act as your Dinner Chair this year. As a second year Mun-er, I am delighted to be able to join the student board. And to be in charge of a great tradition of HKMUN- the dinner. I assure you that the dinner celebrations will be relaxing and a time for you to exchange experiences with fellow delegates. After all the hard work and heated debates, It would be a time where your brain could finally take some rest and simply enjoy what we will have prepared for you. Hopefully together we all, could have a fruitful HKMUN 2012!

Director of Banquet Logistics, Chantelle Suen (Heep Yunn School)

Hello delegates, I never thought that I would be able to join the student board, let alone be the head of the ICT department. Upon hearing of the role I was nominated for, I grasped the opportunity to work in the field that I love. I represent my school in such a significant role, allowing KCCIS to grow and expand its horizons. I will be able to work towards completing the conference and ensure that technology doesn’t fail us when we need it most during caucuses. Lastly from this position, I will be still be able to observe the intense debates of the General Assembly, which I something I’ve thoroughly enjoyed throughout my MUN experience.

Director of ICT, Polo Or (Kiangsu-Chekiang International School)



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