Resolution and Vetting guide

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Guidelines for HKMUN Resolutions (applicable for all committees, GA and SC) • Submit all resolutions in Times New Roman 12pt font. • Do NOT number lines or pages. • Nothing should be bold. • The resolution should be single spaced, with a line-space between each clause. • Acronyms and abbreviation are written out in full the first time they are used. • Preambulatory clauses are not numbered. Each operative clause IS numbered. The sub-clauses begin with a., b., c., etc.; sub-sub-clauses begin with i., ii., iii., etc. • Resolutions approved by the chair will have a header in the following format: Forum-Issue #-Resolution # (e.g. GA 1-3-1). Only when the resolution has been approved by the approval panel, add the “A” in front of the header. A resolution approved by an advisor should have a heading that looks like this: A-GA 1-3-1. • Resolutions must be submitted to the President or Committee Chairperson/Rapporteur on a flash drive. • As the chairpersons/presidents will be using Macs, the preferred word processing program is pages or word A FLASH DRIVE WILL STILL BE REQUIRED FOR TRANSFER TO THE MAIN SYSTEM. A SAMPLE RESOLUTION HAS BEEN PROVIDED. IT IS TO BE USED AS A FORMAT TEMPLATE ONLY.

This resolution guide is credited to SEOMUN Resolution and vetting guide.

A-GA 1-3-1

FORUM: General Assembly 1 QUESTION OF: The Elimination of Child Labor and use of Child Soldiers MAIN-SUBMITTED BY: Malawi CO-SUBMITTED BY: Canada, France, Estonia, Kosovo, United States of America, Costa Rica, Jamaica, F.Y.O.R. Macedonia, Republic of Korea, People’s Republic of China, United Kingdom, Germany, Nepal THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Noting with deep concern the increasing use of children for economic and military activities when they ought to be in school, Deploring the instances of child abuse in all forms which often accompany child labor and the use of child soldiers, Recognizing the principles laid out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) (1990), 1. Urges all member states to strive vigorously to stamp out child labor by methods such as but not limited to: a. passing laws that make it a criminal offense to employ a child under the age 12, b. limiting employment of youths aged 13-17 to less than 20 hours per week, c. making parents liable if their children are employed illegally by: i. having them pay fines, ii. stripping them of parental rights in cases of repeated offenses; 2. Encourages all member states to eliminate the use of child soldiers by vigorously pursuing all those who recruit child soldiers, defined as those under the age of 18 who are engage actively or in supportive capacities in combat, and charging them under existing kidnapping laws; 3. Calls upon the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to increase public awareness of the problem by means of including methods such as but not limited to: a. the development of educational materials for use in schools, for free distribution in print form, and for posting online by: i. requesting aid from aforementioned NGOs b. the production of a number of television public service announcements on the issue, c. the commissioning of a number of advertising posters.

*Mac Users - For Text and Number Indent: Inspector -> Text -> List A-GA 1-3-1

Resa Ng 14/11/11 8:57 PM Comment [1]: 2 spaces Resa Ng 14/11/11 8:58 PM Comment [2]: Preambulatory clauses begin with present participle. They should also be italicized and capitalized.

Resa Ng 14/11/11 8:58 PM Comment [3]: Each pre-­‐ambulatory clause ends in a comma.

Resa Ng 14/11/11 8:58 PM Comment [4]: Operative clause initial verbs are underlined and capitalized Resa Ng 14/11/11 9:00 PM Comment [5]: An operative clause ends with a colon Resa Ng 14/11/11 9:00 PM Comment [6]: Sub-­‐clauses and sub-­‐sub-­‐ clauses are not capitalized Resa Ng 14/11/11 9:00 PM Comment [7]: Operative clauses ends in a semi-­‐colon. Notice the correct use of colons and commas within the clause

Resa Ng 14/11/11 9:01 PM Comment [8]: For Operative AND Sub-­‐ clauses: Number Indent: 0.25, Text indent: 0.25 Resa Ng 14/11/11 9:01 PM Comment [9]: For sub-­‐sub-­‐clauses: Number indent: 0.5, Text indent: 0.5 Resa Ng 14/11/11 9:02 PM Comment [10]: This is the only period in the resolution, which is, in effect, a single sentence.

2) Amendments A written statement that adds, deletes or revises an operative clause in a draft resolution. A friendly amendment is a change to the draft resolution that all sponsors agree with. After the amendment is signed by all of the draft resolution’s sponsors and approved by the committee president/chair, it will be automatically incorporated into the resolution. An unfriendly amendment is a change that some or all of the draft resolution’s sponsors do not support and must be voted upon by the committee. There must be 20% of support from the committee in order to introduce the amendment.

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