香港小交響樂團 周日音樂會 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Sunday Concert
波動空間:伍宇烈 舞蹈工作坊 Space Travelling with Yuri Ng
室樂一小時 Chamber Concert: Relaxin’ After Work
李嘉齡鋼琴獨奏會: 過去不想演奏的音樂 Colleen Lee Piano Recital: “Music I didn’t want to play”
盧思泓笙獨奏會: 獨笙子 Loo Sze-wang Sheng Recital
C E 3pm
C 7pm
一舖清唱 無伴奏合唱 作曲家試驗場 Yat Po Singers: A Cappella Composers’ Workshop
一舖清唱 無伴奏合唱劇場 : 《石堅》 A Cappella Theatre (Yat Po Singers): Rock Hard
無名四重奏:解構 波動空間:伍宇烈 德伏扎克鋼琴四重奏 舞蹈工作坊 Anonymous Quartet: Space Travelling with Deconstructing Yuri Ng Dvořák’s Piano Quartet
二十世紀聲音拼圖 Chamber Concert: Sounds of the 20th Century
完全銅管樂(一) All About Brass 1
完全銅管樂(二) All About Brass 2
with HKS Brass x The Declassified
with The Declassified
溫逸朗結他獨奏會 Francis Wan Guitar Recital: My Opus One
中文 Chinese 英語 English
更多節目詳情 Full programme details available at:
座位有限,先到先得。Seats are limited. First come first served. 各節目約長1小時。 (除特別註明之節目外) All programmes are around one hour long. (unless otherwise stated)
節目查詢 Programme enquiries: 2836 3336 │ 場地查詢 Venue enquiries: 2284 4877│
Design: Pearl Law Illustration
入場年齡:六歲或以上 Admission age: 6 or above
1/F Cornwall House, TaiKoo Place, Island East
(港鐵鰂魚涌站A出口或上落客區:太古坊濠豐大廈地下) (MTR Quarry Bay Station Exit A or car drop-off point at G/F, Oxford House, TaiKoo Place) 鋼琴贊助 Pianos sponsored by
香港小交響樂團保留更改節目及表演者之權利 Hong Kong Sinfonietta reserves the right to change the programme and artists
WORK IN 在音樂和藝術創作範疇裡,Work in Progress可以指創作中的新作 品、綵排中的新製作,亦可理解為發展中的藝術形式、進行中的藝 術交流、或成長中的明日之星。繼過去兩年在ArtisTree 贏盡口碑 的創新節目,香港小交響樂團今年以Work in Progress為主題,在 這個破格的場地舉辦一連串的音樂會和工作坊,一眾藝術家(包括 音樂總監葉詠詩、樂團成員、駐團藝術家、客席演奏家等)不但會 為觀眾帶來精彩的演出,更會以不同形式讓大家走近一步,以新角 度觀賞音樂。
Artists grow. One artwork brings forth the next. Two art-forms cross paths and spawn new ideas. In the collective history of humanity, art-making is an ongoing, interactive work in progress that does not come to a stop. During this third residency of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta at ArtisTree, we hope to take you beyond the usual concert experience, and give you a glimpse of this interesting “progress”. You will see artists at different stages of their career who will share their personal stories, a literal work in progress by Artist Associate / choreographer Yuri Ng that crosses art-forms, collaborative processes between our brass players and musicians from the USA, and an a cappella theatre that speaks about the past and future of this city. You can also make your own progress in music appreciation through our guided concerts, and really get inside art by joining Yuri’s dance workshops. We have invited many local artists to join us in this residency. Talents are core to art-making and they need a platform to grow and flourish. The Hong Kong Sinfonietta ArtisTree residency is such a platform and together with your support, we will build a cultural tomorrow.
香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta (音樂總監 Music Director: 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie) 香港小交響樂團是香港的旗艦樂團之一,每年演出約100場次,經常與國際知名音樂家及藝團合作,曾出訪意大 利、法國、波蘭、南美、日本、北京等地。在傳統音樂會以外亦致力舉辦教育音樂會、嶄新的跨界藝術創作、灌錄 唱片,以不同形式與0-100歲的觀眾分享古典音樂的樂趣。 One of Hong Kong’s flagship orchestras, Hong Kong Sinfonietta performs year-round with around 100 performances at home and abroad. The orchestra has collaborated with an illustrious array of international artists and groups and has brought quality orchestral music closer to the community through its innovative programmes.
二十世紀聲音拼圖 Sounds of the 20th Century
室樂一小時 Relaxin’ After Work [12.9 三 Wed 7pm] James Cuddeford Debussy Beethoven
[19.9 三 Wed 7pm] Isang Yun Folke Rabe Bartók
Double Shadow (world première) Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp Serenade in D for Flute, Violin and Viola, Op 25
演出者:高橋真珠(小提琴)、劉琛彥(中提琴)、葉紹羲(中提琴)、 永井雅美(低音大提琴)、上杉晃代(長笛)、陳子俊*(長笛)、 小山理惠子(敲擊)、黃士倫(豎琴) Performers: Matama Takahashi (violin), Lau Sum-yin (viola),Yip Siu-hay (viola), Masami Nagai (double bass), Akiyo Uesugi (flute), Brian Chan* (flute), Rieko Koyama (percussion), Ann Huang (harp)
Monolog for solo bassoon Basta for solo trombone Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion
演出者:秦慶生(巴松管)、韋健思(長號)、朱偉恆(鋼琴)、查海倫*(鋼琴)、 村本曉洋(敲擊)、小山理惠子(敲擊) Performers: Chin Hing-sang (bassoon), Jonathan Watkins (trombone), Alan Chu (piano), Helen Cha* (piano), Akihiro Muramoto (percussion), Rieko Koyama (percussion)
*客席樂師 Guest performer
香港小交響樂團周日音樂會 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Sunday Concert
雷史碧基 拉威爾 Respighi Ravel
第三套古歌謠與舞曲 《波萊羅》 Ancient Airs and Dances, Suite III Boléro
完全銅管樂(一) All About Brass 1 with HKS Brass x The Declassified [25.9 二 Tue 7pm]
完全銅管樂(二) All About Brass 2 with The Declassified [26.9 三 Wed 7pm]
[9.9 日 Sun 3pm] An orchestral concert which includes a sneak-peek of a real “work in progress”! Come and see how Yuri Ng works with the musicians in preparation of the orchestra’s upcoming crossover production Ravel the Time Traveller.
Explore the wonderful sound world of the glitzy, mighty brass instruments in these two fun-filled interactive concerts! The first concert features larger ensemble works, while the second features smaller chamber works.
Renowned for their engaging interactive performances, The Declassified is an exciting collective of musicians based in the USA, formed by the alumni of The Academy, a programme of Carnegie Hall, The Juilliard School and the Weill Music Institute.
“Dynamic” “Categories be damned” The New York Times
(reviewing performances by Ensemble ACJW featuring Alumni of The Academy)
演出/主持: 美國組合「The Declassified」四位銅管樂手 (25.9 & 26.9) 及 香港小交響樂團銅管樂師 (主要在25.9音樂會演出)
音樂總監/指揮/主持 Music Director/Conductor/Presenter 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie
© Yvonne Chan
樂團除了演奏動聽的管弦舞 曲,著名編舞家伍宇烈還會親 身上陣,即席與樂師排練一個 即將上演的節目。至於伍宇烈 會安排樂師做甚麼,就留待觀 眾親自發掘!
導演/主持 Stage Direction/Presenter 伍宇烈 Yuri Ng 駐團藝術家 Artist Associate 2011-2013
在這兩場精心設計的音樂會 中,表演者將帶您發掘銅管樂 的精彩世界! 第一場音樂會, 樂團銅管樂組將與來自美國的 「The Declassified」銅管樂手對 對碰,演奏以十多人合奏曲目 為主,第二場則為小組演出, 由「The Declassified」主力擔綱。
Performed and presented by: Four brass musicians of The Declassified (25.9 & 26.9) & Hong Kong Sinfonietta brass players (mainly on 25.9)
Alma Maria Liebrecht (圓號 horn)
Paul Murphy (小號 trumpet)
Nathan Botts (小號 trumpet)
Richard Harris (長號 trombone)
波動空間:伍宇烈舞蹈工作坊 Space Travelling with Yuri Ng
李嘉齡 鋼琴獨奏會: 過去不想演奏的音樂 Colleen Lee Piano Recital: “Music I didn’t want to play”
[10.9 & 17.9 一 Mon 7pm]
盧思泓 笙獨奏會: 獨笙子 Loo Sze-wang Sheng Recital
[14.9 五 Fri 7pm] 音樂家的喜好會隨時間、閱歷改 變。李嘉齡將演奏多首樂曲,並 分享所想。 Prize-winning pianist Colleen Lee performs works she didn’t want to play earlier in her career, and shares how her taste in music has changed over time.
溫逸朗 結他獨奏會 Francis Wan Guitar Recital: My Opus One [15.9 六 Sat 7pm]
中國樂器笙有千年歷史 , 盧思泓選演古今笙曲多首,並細 訴作為笙演奏家的孤獨旅程。 Hong Kong’s foremost sheng player Loo Sze-wang performs a mix of traditional and contemporary works.
A workshop with Artist Associate / renowned choreographer Yuri Ng to challenge your flexibility and inflexibility of time and space. A perfect warm-up for the orchestra’s Ravel the Time Traveller on 2 & 3 November.
由 數1 -2 -3 開 始 , 隨 著 小 軍鼓 打 出的《波萊羅》節奏,駐團藝術 家/著名編舞家伍宇烈讓大家一步 步用眼用耳用身體用氣重新認識 所在的時空,誘發身體的音樂細 胞。 ( 工 作 坊 為 樂 團 11月2-3日 《 拉威爾 1875 vs 拉威爾 2012 》 演出之熱身活動。)
溫逸朗十三歲遇上古典結他,複 雜的和弦叫他著迷,從此踏上音 樂之路。這位剛推出首張個人大 碟《Opus One》的結他新星將演 奏多首西班牙、南美古典結他樂 曲,並分享他的閱歷。 Francis Wan plays Spanish and South American classical guitar pieces and talks about his musical journey.
客席演奏: 朱偉恆(鋼琴)、 邱丹青(箏)、潘雅詩(揚琴)、 謝子聰(敲擊) Guest performers: Alan Chu (piano), Chiu Tan-ching (zheng), Pan Ya-sze (yangqin), Eddy Tse Tsz-chung (percussion)
工作坊參加者毋須跳舞經驗,請穿舒適之便服或運動服裝。 No dance experience required. Come in comfortable clothes or sports outfit.
無名四重奏:解構德伏扎克鋼琴四重奏 Anonymous Quartet: Deconstructing Dvořák’s Piano Quartet
© Sky Lip
「音色流麗,技巧到家。」 《信報》
[28.9 五 Fri 7pm]
李嘉齡 Colleen Lee
盧思泓 Loo Sze-wang
駐團藝術家 Artist Associate 2010/2011
駐團藝術家 Artist Associate 2012/2013
一舖清唱 ──無伴奏合唱劇場 A Cappella Theatre by Yat Po Singers
《石堅》 Rock Hard (2012精裝版首演 Première of 2012 Tour edition)
2009 年CASH金帆音樂獎「最佳正統音樂作品」 2009 CASH Golden Sail Music Award – Best Serious Music Composition
一舖清唱 : 無伴奏合唱作曲家試驗場 A Cappella Composers’ Workshop
2010年上海世博演出項目 An event of Shanghai World Expo 2010
[16.9 日 Sun 3pm]
溫逸朗 Francis Wan
[22.9 六 Sat 7:30pm]
無名四重奏演奏德伏扎克著名的 第二鋼琴四重奏,並分享此曲的 創作過程和精彩之處。 Anonymous Quartet performs Dvořák’s famous Piano Quartet No 2 and reveals the secret behind the success of this work.
音樂創作 Music: 伍卓賢 Ng Cheuk-yin (駐團藝術家 Artist Associate 2006-2008) 合唱指導 Choral Director: 趙伯承 Patrick Chiu 舞台指導及設計 Stage Director/Designer: 伍宇烈Yuri Ng 合唱演出 Chorus: 陳智謙 Chan Chi-him Raoul*、何文曦 Ho Man-hei Joseph、 劉兆康 Lau Siu-hong Samuel*、 李思陽 Lee Sze-yeung Gabriel、 曾浩鋒 Tsang Ho-fung Ronald*、黃峻傑 Wong Chun-kit Keith*、 黃浩進 Wong Ho-cheun Gilbert *一舖清唱駐團藝人 Resident Artists, Yat Po Singers 客席單簧管演奏 Guest Clarinettist: 梁志承 Leung Chi-shing 客席舞者 Guest Dancer: 梅卓燕 Mui Cheuk-yin
[21.9 五 Fri 7:30pm] 一舖清唱演繹四位本地作曲家 (許家臻、林蘭芝、梁智軒、楊 嘉輝[駐團藝術家2008/2009])的 無伴奏合唱作品,並由作曲家即 場向觀眾講解創作意念。 (全部作品於2012年由一舖清唱委約,費用由「CASH音樂 基金」贊助。 The composers’ works are commissioned by Yat Po Singers in 2012 with sponsorship from CASH Music Fund.)
約長1.5小時 Duration: 1.5 hours
This workshop presents four creative small-scale a cappella theatre works which focus on sound instead of lyrics to express ideas. The works will be performed by Yat Po Singers, and the composers (Ernest Hui, Lam Lan-chee, Leung Chi-hin and Samson Young [Artist Associate 2008/2009]) will talk about their creative processes.
© Yvonne Chan
© Leo Yu
一舖清唱聯合藝術總監 Co-Artistic Directors,Yat Po Singers:
一舖清唱為香港第一個專業無伴奏合唱劇團,專注發展原創 音樂劇目及推廣本地原創音樂。
無名四重奏 Anonymous Quartet
Rock Hard by Yat Po Singers is an original a cappella musical created as a “retrospective” of Hong Kong, retracing the city’s history through legends told by the older generations while looking forward to the future.
theatre company in Hong Kong which focuses on developing original theatrical works.
一舖清唱獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的躍進資助 Yat Po Singers is financially supported by the Springboard Grant under the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
梅卓燕 Mui Cheuk-yin
© Jimmy Luk
The Anonymous Quartet: Gallant Ho Ka-leung (violin), William Lane (viola), Anna Kwan Ton-an (cello) and Sheryl Lee (piano)
一舖清唱的《石堅》是以嶄新角 度審視香港歷史,將本土民間傳 說大玩特玩,對這小島城鄉作一 次百感交集的回望與盼望。
© Gary Fu
© Nathaniel Chan
Yat Po Singers is the first professional a cappella choral 無名四重奏: 何珈樑(小提琴)、凌藝廉(中提琴)、 關統安(大提琴)、李明哲(鋼琴)
伍卓賢 Ng Cheuk-yin
趙伯承 Patrick Chiu
伍宇烈 Yuri Ng