ࠗಋɩ͚ᚊᅥ྆ Hong Kong Sinfonietta “The Hong Kong Sinfonietta is superb.” Time Out Hong Kong Ε່ࡼܞാ၀ๅؿეኒɎc Έᅥະۗღኬτߎcࠑݚᅹܖe ܱࢌˀం
“A splendid ensemble with captivating musicality.” Nordwest-Zeitung
ࠗಋʼʝɠᗴɻcʋτɺʭԎ̰ኊc Ϥࠗಋɩ͚ᚊᅥ྆ܰԯɻȹѕ৪ؿ˒cೕઈ˿ॶֲe 01۪
目錄 Contents
「香港小交響樂團扎根於古典音樂傳統, 發展出富有現代人精神的音韻樂思,且演奏手法新穎, 令樂迷對古典音樂的發展前景,抱有積極樂觀的希望。」 《東周刊》
“The Hong Kong Sinfonietta continued to sparkle with its diverse and creative programming.” South China Morning Post
D E S I G N : H O N D E S I G N & A S S O C I AT E S
香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
節目指南 Programme index
音樂總監葉詠詩談 2018/2019 樂季 Music Director Yip Wing-sie on the 2018/2019 season
首席客席指揮:柏鵬 Principal Guest Conductor: Christoph Poppen
駐團藝術家:高世章 HKS Artist Associate: Leon Ko
本樂季首演作品 Premières in 2018/2019
本樂季客席藝術家 Guest artists in 2018/2019
音樂會介紹 Concert programmes HKS「酷」熱音樂節 HKS Cool Summer Festival
16 23-28
票務資訊 Ticketing information
香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta
鳴謝 Acknowledgements
支持香港小交響樂團捐助表格 Donation form
香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall
香港灣仔譚臣道98號運盛大廈3樓 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG
電話 Tel: (852) 2836 3336 傳真 Fax: (852) 2783 9819 enquiries@hksinfonietta.org
節目指南 Programme Index 日期 Date
2018 四月 April 10.4.2018 星期二 Tue
28.4.2018 星期六 Sat
節目 Programme
頁 Page
統營音樂節樂團亞洲巡演 Tongyeong Festival Orchestra Asia Tour 最愛小提琴:伯恩斯坦小夜曲 Midori & Eschenbach
浦羅哥菲夫第三鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Michail Lifits Plays Prokofiev No 3
法國五月藝術節 Le French May Arts Festival 貝多芬第三鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: François-Frédéric Guy Plays Beethoven
法國五月藝術節 Le French May Arts Festival 沃爾頓中提琴協奏曲 Adrien La Marca Plays Walton Viola Concerto
幼兒愛音樂 Good Music for Kids (3-6 years old)
五月 May
25.5.2018 星期五 Fri 六月 June
2.6.2018 星期六 Sat
16-18.6.2018 星期六至一 Sat-Mon 七月 July
7 & 8.7.2018 星期六及日 Sat & Sun
《古典音樂知多少》 :莫扎特小提琴協奏曲 Know Your Classical Music: Mozart Violin Concertos
日期 Date
節目 Programme
HKS「酷」熱音樂節 HKS Cool Summer Festival 20-22.7.2018 高世章的神奇電影畫布 星期五至日 Fri-Sun
頁 Page
The Amazing Filmphony
八月 August
3-5.8.2018 星期五至日 Fri-Sun
10-12.8.2018 星期五至日 Fri-Sun
18.8.2018 星期六 Sat
最HIT電影古典名曲 Sounds Great! Classical Music in Movies
觸執毛 Chochukmo Reflection
香港小交響樂團.周末爵士夜 Symphonic Jazz with Georg Breinschmid & Friends
麥米蘭與蕭斯達高維契 MacMillan & Shostakovich
小提琴的藝術 Ilya Gringolts.The Art of the Violin
薩克斯管大師須川展也 Nobuya Sugawa.The Art of the Saxophone
九月 September
8.9.2018 星期六 Sat
22.9.2018 星期六 Sat 十月 October
13.10.2018 星期六 Sat 十一月 November
10.11.2018 星期六 Sat
24.11.2018 星期六 Sat
《最愛大提琴》:聖桑大提琴協奏曲 Cellomania: Harriet Krijgh Plays Saint-Saëns 莫扎特單簧管協奏曲 Great Clarinet Concertos: Raphaël Sévère Plays Mozart
32 33
十二月 December
1.12.2018 星期六 Sat
《最愛大提琴》:杜蒂耶大提琴協奏曲 Cellomania: Nicolas Altstaedt Plays Dutilleux
日期 Date
2019 一月 January 11-13.1.2019 星期五至日 Fri-Sun
19.1.2019 星期六 Sat
25-27.1.2019 星期五至日 Fri-Sun
節目 Programme
頁 Page
《我的音樂日記》 :麥萊叔叔玩轉音樂嘉年華 Good Music for Kids: The Best Party in the Whole Wide World
《最愛小提琴》:曾宇謙的布拉姆斯 Great Violin Concertos: Tseng Yu-chien Plays Brahms
寶寶愛音樂 Good Music for Babies
小號巨星納卡里亞科夫 Sergei Nakariakov.The Art of the Trumpet
青少年管弦樂隊指南 The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra
貝多芬第四鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Martin Helmchen Plays Beethoven No 4
二月 February
16.2.2019 星期六 Sat 三月 March
1 & 2.3.2019 星期五及六 Fri & Sat
30.3.2019 星期六 Sat
「樂聚」室樂系列 Encounter – Chamber concert series 香港小交響樂團除了在音樂廳演奏管弦樂,過去十年間亦積極以不同形式推廣室 樂,為觀眾送上不少室樂經典以及甚少在香港聽到的當代作品。無論是在大會堂 大堂的免費午間音樂會、藝穗會的黃昏音樂會或是在 ArtisTree 的駐場計劃,都 廣受歡迎。新樂季樂團將繼續舉辦不同的室樂系列,並同時開拓新的表演場地和 合作夥伴。 In addition to giving orchestral concerts in the concert hall, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has been a keen promoter of chamber music in the past decade. Thousands of audience have listened to great works as well as rarely-heard gems in the repertoire in our chamber concert series such as Good Music This Lunch in the foyer of the City Hall, UpClose Encounters, Hong Kong Sinfonietta ArtisTree Residency, Good Music@The Fringe and Beyond Good Music@The Fringe, and Chamber Gems at universities. This season we will continue with some of these series and explore new venues suitable for chamber music. Watch for updates on www.HKSL.org!
Proudly Sponsors
Good Music This Lunch 午間音樂會 1.5.2018 12.6.2018 24.7.2018 14.8.2018 11.9.2018 9.10.2018 13.11.2018 4.12.2018 8.1.2019 19.2.2019 19.3.2019 星期二 Tue 12:45pm 香港大會堂低座大堂 HK City Hall Foyer 免費入場 Free admission 詳情 Details: www.HKSL.org
香港小交響樂團於香港大會堂定期舉行的午間音樂會,以 音樂洗滌心靈,讓大家在忙碌的一天中,趁著午餐時間輕 鬆一下,一邊享用午餐,一邊欣賞美妙的室樂演奏。 Pop on over to our ever-popular lunchtime chamber concerts and make the most out of your lunch break! W ith Hong Kong Sinfonietta to help refresh your mind and soul, you will definitely feel re-energized afterwards! Admission is free, so bring your lunch along, sit back and enjoy.
冠名贊助 Title Sponsor
鋼琴贊助 Piano sponsored by
樂聚 Encounter 5
音樂總監談 2018/2019 樂季 Music Director on the 2018/2019 season
必須如此? 有研究指出,現代的成年人每天要下大約35,000個決定!假如 這是真的話,這個數字必定不僅包含了我們深思熟慮、仔細考 量的選擇,還包括一些我們在不為意的情況下做了的決定。 1826年的秋天,貝多芬在創作他最後一首弦樂四重奏(作品 135)的後期,顯然也陷入某種創作困局中。他在第四樂章開 首寫下了標題「艱難的決定」,並以「必須如此?」和「必須如 此!必須如此!」標示樂章中兩個主要段落(沉重的和快板)。 不論他面對的困局是甚麼,貝多芬必定在分秒間權衡了優點及 缺點 — 因為在他提出「必須如此?」不久,即寫下充滿信心 和喜樂的「必須如此!必須如此!」。 我首次碰上這首弦樂四重奏的時候,還在倫敦唸書。記得當時 我嘗試找出貝多芬在苦惱甚麼,後來又如何解決困難。但日子 慢慢過去,我對他的困惑並不感興趣,反而對他找到「正確答 案」的強大信念和隨之而來的充沛創作力感到愈來愈好奇。 隨著年月增長,我漸漸發覺隨心而下的決定是最好的。因為, 那往往會是「正確的」決定。也許這是貝多芬下決定的邏輯 — 當您相信「必須如此」 ,那決定自然會是「應當如此」。
在香港這個商業掛帥的社會,音樂家的路並不容易走。當我們 面對日常所需也愈來愈難負擔的時候,只要您不計較代價,立 志要走這條路,路,會漸漸變得平坦。更重要的是,因為您相 信您所走的路,您會活得更開心。 希望我們這樂季的音樂會能令您想起香港小交響樂團台上台下 同人的信念;他們包括樂團的樂師及行政人員、所有讓音樂會 能順利進行的新知舊雨 — 委約作曲家、眾多香港首演作品的 出版商、參與演出的獨奏家、各位指揮名家、才華綻放的新人 及其獨具慧眼的經理人、各類型互動和室樂音樂會的合作夥 伴,以及芭蕾、歌劇等跨界別演出的夥伴機構,當然還少不了 信賴我們的支持者。 我們是否還要做這麼多?必須如此? 必須如此!必須如此!
香港小交響樂團音樂總監 葉詠詩
According to recent studies, modern day adults make about 35,000 decisions a day! If this was true, this figure must include all the “decisions” that we are not aware of as well as the complicated ones which require us to analyse and delve into our knowledge base. Beethoven was in some kind of a dilemma in the Autumn of 1826 while he was finishing his final string quartet (Op 135). He wrote the following words at the beginning of the 4th movement: “Der schwer gefasste Entschluss” (the difficult decision). He also used the words “Muss es sein?” and “Es muss sein! Es muss sein!” to signify the two sections (Grave and Allegro) in the movement. Whatever Beethoven’s dilemma was, he seemed to have weighed out the pros and cons in about a minute, as his doubt (“Must it be?”) vanished as soon as the confident joy and clarity of the confirmation of action ensued (“It must be! It must be!”). I first came across this string quartet as a student in London many decades ago – and I remember trying to find out what it was that bothered Beethoven – and how he resolved his problem. As the years went by, I became less and less interested in “what” he was worried about or “how” he obtained an answer – but became more intrigued by his powerful conviction of “the right answer”, and the exuberance which apparently followed.
when you are convinced that this is the road you wish to take, whatever the cost, it will become easier, and most importantly, because you are doing something you believe, you will be happier on this life journey. I hope all of our concerts this year will remind you of the convictions of the musicians and administrators of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, on and off the stage, plus all our friends, old and new, making our concerts and projects possible: the composers we commission, the publishers behind the special Hong Kong premières, the soloists performing the old favourites and those who break new grounds, the maestros conducting the orchestra, the budding talents and their insightful managers, the presenters and curators of interactive concerts, our chamber concerts, our cross-genre adventures with fellow art groups, our ballet and opera partners, all the supporters who believe in us, and so on… Do we have to continue to do so much? Muss es sein? Es muss sein! Es muss sein!
Over the years, I learnt that it was always a good idea to listen to your heart when making a decision. And more often than not, that would turn out to be the “right answer”. Perhaps this was also Beethoven's decision rationale – that when you believe that “it MUST be”, “it WILL be”. The road of a musician is not an easy one, especially in a commercially-driven place like Hong Kong, where even basic living gets more and more unaffordable by the day. However,
Yip Wing-sie Music Director, Hong Kong Sinfonietta
首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor
柏鵬 Christoph Poppen
德國指揮家柏鵬自2015/2016樂季起出任香港 小交響樂團首席客席指揮,迄今除了在「相約 大師柏鵬」系列中指揮樂團演奏不少德奧以至 現代和跨界作品外,還率領樂團到德國及葡萄 牙演出,並於年初舉行的第一屆香港國際指揮 大賽擔任評審團聯合主席。 這樂季大師將為香港觀眾獻上四套精彩節目, 當中包括炙手可熱的德國作曲家韋特文的兩首 香港首演,以及聯同四位與他甚有淵源的獨奏 家演出多首經典協奏曲,如與他的學生、柏林 愛樂樂團首席本迪斯-巴格利在《古典音樂知多 少》「增值」系列中,演奏和講解莫扎特的小 提琴協奏曲。
Renowned German conductor Christoph Poppen began his tenure as Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s Principal Guest Conductor in 2015/2016. Since then, he has taken the orchestra on many musical journeys, in Hong Kong and in Europe, through Classical and Romantic masterpieces as well as new and crossover works. In 2018/2019, he will premiere two works by Jörg Widmann in Hong Kong and conduct four exquisite programmes, including Know Your Mozart Violin Concertos that features his former student, Berlin Philharmonic Concertmaster Noah Bendix-Balgley.
柏鵬 Christoph Poppen • • • • • • • •
Principal Conductor, Cologne Chamber Orchestra Artistic Director, Marvão International Music Festival, Portugal Professor of Violin & Chamber Music, Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Munich Music Director, Deutsche Radio Philharmonie (2007–2011) Artistic Director, Munich Chamber Orchestra (1995–2006) Artistic Director, ARD International Music Competition (2001–2005) President, Hanns Eisler Hochschule für Musik, Berlin (1996–2000) 1st Violin & Co-founder, Cherubini Quartett
駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate
高世章 Leon Ko 香港小交響樂團本樂季邀得本地著名音樂劇及電影作曲家 高世章為駐團藝術家,與樂團和音樂總監葉詠詩緊密合作, 為音樂創造新的可能性。 高世章為紐約大學音樂劇創作碩士,憑粵語音樂劇《四川好 人》、 《白蛇新傳》、 《頂頭鎚》、 《一屋寶貝》及《大殉情》六度 獲香港戲劇協會舞台劇獎最佳音樂創作及最佳曲詞獎,其《如 果.愛》電影音樂先後獲金馬獎、香港電影金像獎、亞太影展 及香港金紫荊的最佳歌曲及音樂獎。2013年,他憑電影《大上 海》主題曲「定風波」獲第32屆香港電影金像獎最佳原創電影 歌曲;參與電影《投名狀》配樂獲提名金馬獎及香港金像獎最 佳原創電影音樂。其他配樂作品包括《老港正傳》、《大魔術 師》、 《魔警》、 《親愛的》及《捉妖記》等,亦曾為任白基金的 《帝女花》、 《再世紅梅記》及《蝶影紅梨記》譜寫新音樂。 繼2014及2016年兩度與香港小交響樂團合作演出《一屋寶貝》 音樂廳,高世章這樂季將與樂團推出《一屋寶貝》音樂廳錄 音,並為樂團暑期的 HKS「酷」熱音樂節打響頭炮,首次將他 的電影音樂送上交響樂舞台。 Following our successful collaborations in The Passage Beyond In Concert in 2014 and 2016, award-winning composer Leon Ko joins Hong Kong Sinfonietta this season as our new Artist Associate. Widely recognized as the pre-eminent composer of Cantonese musicals – which have already won him six awards at the Hong Kong Theatre Awards, Ko is also a prolific film composer whose film scores have garnered a Golden Horse Award in Taiwan and a Hong Kong Film Award. In addition, his new music for classic Cantonese operas has also won critical acclaim. Apart from seeing to the release of The Passage Beyond In Concert CD, Ko will work with Music Director Yip Wing-sie and the orchestra this season in a new production that features his film music. First launched in 2006, the HKS Artist Associate Scheme aims to provide a platform for intensive collaboration with an individual artist or group from different arts disciplines during (and beyond) the season, when new ideas and initiatives are explored to expand beyond the horizon of classical music.
本樂季首演作品 Premières in 2018/2019
香港 Hong Kong
法國 France
英國 United Kingdom
瑞士 Switzerland
陳啟揚 Chan Kai-young
馬塞 Pierre-Yves Macé
麥米蘭 James MacMillan
賈雷爾 Michael Jarrell
《逆流 1》 Contre-flux 1 – Muzak Codex for Orchestra
《枯榮之間》 Times of Prospering and Perishing for Orchestra 28.4.2018
小廣板 (2017) Larghetto for Orchestra (2017) 亞洲首演 Asian première p19
世界首演 world première
世界首演 world première
由香港小交響樂團委約,費用由香港作曲家 及作詞家協會轄下的「CASH 音樂基金」贊助 Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta with sponsorship from CASH Music Fund
由香港小交響樂團及巴黎室樂團聯合委約 Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta & Orchestre de Chambre de Paris
《女巫高狄的自白》(1990) The Confession of Isobel Gowdie (1990)
亞洲首演 Asian première
香港首演 Hong Kong première
《雲與霧》(2016) Des Nuages et des Brouillards (2016)
「至少可讓本地觀眾親身領略到,在當今最高層次上的現代音樂會是甚麼模樣。」 《信報》
日本 Japan
土耳其 Turkey
德國 Germany
香港 Hong Kong
細川俊夫 Toshio Hosokawa
塞伊 Fazıl Say
韋特文 Jörg Widmann
許敖山 Steve Hui
《開花 II》(2011) Blossoming II (2011) 13.10.2018 香港首演 Hong Kong première
薩克斯管與樂隊敘事曲, 作品 67 (2016) Ballad for Alto Saxophone & Orchestra, Op 67 (2016) 13.10.2018 香港首演 Hong Kong première
《伊卡洛斯的哀嘆》(1999) Ikarische Klage (1999) 10.11.2018
香港首演 Hong Kong première
音樂會序曲《朝氣蓬勃的》 ( 2013 版本)
Con Brio – Concert Overture for Orchestra (2013 version) 19.1.2019
《吱吱嘶嘶轟轟隆隆》 Crackle, Hiss, Hum, and Rumble p38
世界首演 world première 由香港小交響樂團委約 Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta
亞洲首演 Asian première
小號協奏曲《荒謬》(2002) ad absurdum – Concerto for Trumpet & Small Orchestra (2002) 16.2.2019
香港首演 Hong Kong première
ЃԈfၐ Roberto Forés Veses 13.10.2018
׳ฑਥ Ken Lam
ሳК Roderick Dunk
ோϝᙬ James MacMillan
ּࣟਅ David Greilsammer 1.12.2018
ஹዷ࣍ Ray Chan 11-13.1.2019
˺С Gabor Kali
ฟཽʼ Ariel Zuckermann
ቭҁജ Jason Lai
ਜ਼ဦ Teresa Cheung
ϴʱႠ Christoph Eschenbach
ܞ Conductors
本樂季客席藝術家一覽 Guest Artists in 2018/2019
ၐּऋढ़ Florian Willeitner
7 & 8.7.2018
ټᔪӞ Ben Kim
ࡌۖʩ Antoni Donchev
̯ ʱࣟС Noah Bendix-Balgley
ɭࢄɖ Nobuya Sugawa 13.10.2018
К୧ཽ Harriet Krijgh
ࠏဍ Raphaël Sévère
ࣟ׳ঢ়ऋ Ilya Gringolts
ּfဍ˺ Adrien La Marca
̠ፆ࢟ഒऋ Georg Breinschmid
㸲ΛԈ Midori
̥࣍ François-Frédéric Guy
1 & 2.3.2019
Сও Michail Lifits
ּ໊༠ Antoine Glatard
ң̠ፆѴ Alexander Liebreich
ዟۗࡼ Soloists
ढ़˺Ԉԓޫʩ Sergei Nakariakov 16.2.2019
Ⴀճ Martin Helmchen 30.3.2019
౦Χᑞ Tseng Yu-chien 19.1.2019
ځဍ༠ᄨ Nicolas Altstaedt
ᘩਨˉ Chochukmo 10-12.8.2018
ᅥඅ Band
ਜ਼ਝዷ Margaret Cheung 20-22.7.2018
ሲзዓ Jordan Cheng 20-22.7.2018
ோഠ Alasdair Malloy
ٹᚭౣ Lynn Yau
1 & 2.3.2019
˚ܛ Presenters
ჳ࿘ᔔ Rick Lau 20-22.7.2018 14
ใԿў Jarita Wan 20-22.7.2018
Concert programmes
統營音樂節樂團亞洲巡演* Tongyeong Festival Orchestra Asia Tour* 韓國 Korea
巡演節目包括 Programmes include
伯恩斯坦 小夜曲(源自柏拉圖《對話錄之饗宴篇》 )(1954) 陳銀淑 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》 :猜謎及遊戲 (2017)(亞洲首演) 德伏扎克 E小調第九交響曲,作品95, 「自新世界」 蓋希文 F大調鋼琴協奏曲 里姆 第二鋼琴協奏曲 (2014)(亞洲首演) 尹伊桑 《銅鈸》(1960) Bernstein Serenade (after Plato’s Symposium) (1954) Unsuk Chin Alice in Wonderland: Puzzles and Games (2017) (Asian première) Dvořák Symphony No 9 in E minor, Op 95, “From the New World” Gershwin Piano Concerto in F Wolfgang Rihm Piano Concerto No 2 (2014) (Asian première) Isang Yun Bara (1960)
統營音樂廳 Tongyeong Concert Hall
香港 Hong Kong
10.4.2018 文化中心音樂廳 Cultural Centre Concert Hall
日本 Japan
石川縣立音樂堂音樂廳 Ishikawa Ongakudo Concert Hall, Kanazawa 指揮 Conductor
艾森巴赫 Christoph Eschenbach 小提琴 Violin
Midori (6, 8 &10.4.2018) 鋼琴 Piano
巴圖 Tzimon Barto (6, 7 & 13.4.2018) 女高音 Soprano
Sumi Hwang (7.4.2018)
16 海外演出 Tours
Christoph Eschenbach
韓國統營音樂廳 Tongyeong Concert Hall, Korea
Sumi Hwang Tzimon Barto
* 2018 統營音樂節樂團成員來自: 香港小交響樂團、韓國統營國際音樂節合奏團、日本金澤交響樂團、德國 NDR 交響樂團及康斯坦茨愛樂樂團、瑞士蘇黎世愛樂樂團 及聖加侖交響樂團、澳洲墨爾本交響樂團及悉尼交響樂團、波羅的室樂團,以及英國皇家愛樂樂團 * The 2018 Tongyeong Festival Orchestra consists of musicians from Hong Kong Sinfonietta; Ensemble TIMF (Korea); Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa (Japan); NDR Sinfonieorchester, Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz (Germany); Philharmonia Zürich, Sinfonieorchester St Gallen (Switzerland); Melbourne Symphony, Sydney Symphony (Australia); Kremerata Baltica (The Baltic States); Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (United Kingdom)
海外演出 Tours 17
浦羅哥菲夫第三鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Michail Lifits Plays Prokofiev No 3 28.4.2018 陳啟揚 《枯榮之間》 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $420 $280 $160 門票於城市售票網發售 Tickets available at URBTIX 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor
葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie
(世界首演) 由香港小交響樂團委約
浦羅哥菲夫 白遼士 Chan Kai-young
C大調第三鋼琴協奏曲,作品26 《幻想交響曲》,作品14 Times of Prospering and Perishing for Orchestra (world première) Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta
Prokofiev Berlioz
Piano Concerto No 3 in C, Op 26 Symphonie Fantastique, Op 14
鋼琴 Piano
利費茨 Michail Lifits • 1st Prize, Busoni International Piano Competition 2009
★★★★★★ © YVONNE CHAN
Piano News
“An exhilarating affinity for colours!” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Michail Lifits
Yip Wing-sie
“His finely calibrated touch, evenness and the beauty of his sound, reminded one of Michelangeli.” Il Giornale di Vicenza
Yip Wing-sie
18 欣賞 Appreciate
合辦 Co-presenter
貝多芬第三鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: François-Frédéric Guy Plays Beethoven
25.5.2018 ★★★★★ BBC Music Magazine
“He is a highly persuasive Beethovenian.” Gramophone
“The performer and instrument were one.”
星期五 Fri 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $420 $280 $160 門票於城市售票網發售 Tickets available at URBTIX
The Washington Post
指揮 Conductor
卡利 Gabor Kali
• 1st Prize & Orchestra Prize, 1st Hong Kong International Conducting Competition 2018 • Assistant Music Director & Principal Conductor, Staatstheater Nürnberg, Germany 鋼琴 Piano
紀弗朗 François-Frédéric Guy
François-Frédéric Guy
《逆流 1》(世界首演) 由香港小交響樂團及巴黎室樂團聯合委約
柴可夫斯基 G大調第四組曲,作品61,「莫扎特風格曲」 貝多芬 C 小調第三鋼琴協奏曲,作品37 Pierre-Yves Macé Contre-flux 1 – Muzak Codex for Orchestra (world première) Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta & Orchestre de Chambre de Paris
Tchaikovsky Beethoven
鳴謝 Acknowledgement
Gabor Kali
Suite No 4 in G, Op 61, “Mozartiana” Piano Concerto No 3 in C minor, Op 37
支持單位 With support from
獨家贊助 Exclusive Sponsor
康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department
欣賞 Appreciate
合辦 Co-presenter
沃爾頓中提琴協奏曲 Adrien La Marca Plays Walton Viola Concerto
2.6.2018 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380 $260 $150
“A new hero of the viola.” Concertclassic
“Adrien La Marca’s sweetly lyrical viola-playing made the most profound impression – A truly pure talent.” The Financial Times
門票於城市售票網發售 Tickets available at URBTIX 指揮 Conductor
林敬基 Ken Lam • Music Director, Charleston Symphony Orchestra • Music Director, Illinois Symphony Orchestra • Resident Conductor, Brevard Music Center 中提琴 Viola
拉.馬爾卡 Adrien La Marca
Adrien La Marca
• Revelation Instrumental Soloist of the Year, Victoires de la Musique Classique 2014 • Best Interpretation of the Walton Concerto, International William Primrose Competition 2012
安魂曲 (1957) 中提琴協奏曲 D大調第二交響曲,作品43
Toru Takemitsu Walton Sibelius
Requiem (1957) Viola Concerto Symphony No 2 in D, Op 43
Ken Lam
“A beautiful balanced, bracing performance.” 支持單位 With support from
20 欣賞 Appreciate
The New York Times
武滿徹 沃爾頓 西貝遼士
幼兒愛音樂 Good Music for Kids (3-6 years old)
星期六 Sat 2:30pm & 5:30pm
星期日 Sun 2:30pm & 5:30pm
18.6.2018 星期一 Mon 2:30pm
指揮張碧珊再次與大小朋友暢遊音樂國度,讓多首經典名曲美妙 的音樂節拍與旋律,刺激小朋友的想像力,感受音樂的樂趣,投 入無窮的音樂宇宙。 Take a splash and enjoy the summer heat with classical music! Join conductor Teresa Cheung and Hong Kong Sinfonietta on a musical journey in a concert specially tailored for children aged 3-6! Programme includes dance music by Bizet, Copland and Offenbach, as well as light classics by Leroy Anderson.
香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre $360, $260 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 21.4.2018 適合三歲或以上大小朋友 For ages 3+ 音樂會約長1小時15分鐘,不設中場休息 Approximately 1 hr 15 mins with no intermission 英語演出 In English
指揮/主持 Conductor/Presenter
張碧珊 Teresa Cheung
• Music Director & Conductor, Altoona Symphony Orchestra, USA • Resident Conductor, American Symphony Orchestra (2004-2012) • Assistant Conductor, Bard Music Festival (2004-2012)
增值 Learn 21
《古典音樂知多少》:莫扎特小提琴協奏曲 Know Your Classical Music: Mozart Violin Concertos 7.7.2018 星期六 Sat 7:30pm
“An artist of great intellectual capacity.” The Strad
星期日 Sun 3pm
“A strong, pure tone and complete assurance.”
香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $340 $220 $140
The New York Times
“A truly gifted musician with the technical goods and artistic depth.”
英語講解 In English
The Herald-Times
票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 5.5.2018 首席客席指揮/主持 Principal Guest Conductor/Presenter
柏鵬 Christoph Poppen 小提琴/主持 Violin/Presenter
本迪斯-巴格利 Noah Bendix-Balgley
Noah Bendix-Balgley
Christoph Poppen
22 增值 Learn
全莫扎特作品 All-Mozart programme 弦樂小夜曲,K525(選段) 降B大調第一小提琴協奏曲,K207(選段) D大調第四小提琴協奏曲,K218(選段) G大調第三小提琴協奏曲,K216(選段) A大調第五小提琴協奏曲,K219,「土耳其」 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, K525 (excerpt) Violin Concerto No 1 in B-flat, K207 (excerpt) Violin Concerto No 4 in D, K218 (excerpt) Violin Concerto No 3 in G, K216 (excerpt) Violin Concerto No 5 in A, K219, “Turkish”
• First Concertmaster, Berlin Philharmonic
票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 19.5.2018 每次購買音樂節兩套不同節目可獲正價門票九折優惠;三套節目八五折;四套節目八折 10% discount on standard tickets for each purchase of 2 different concerts; 15% discount for 3 concerts and 20% discount for 4 concerts at HKS Cool Summer Festival
高世章的神奇電影畫布 The Amazing Filmphony 20.7.2018 星期五 Fri 8pm
21.7.2018 星期六 Sat 8pm
“If the s tage is my home, t h e n the s creen is definitely my vacatio n. The Amaz ing Filmphony is where you would go on honeymoon. ” Leon Ko
22.7.2018 星期日 Sun 3pm
香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380 $260 $150 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 19.5.2018 音樂 Music
高世章 Leon Ko (駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2018/2019) 舞台 Staging
香港小交響樂團本樂季的駐團藝術家高世章是穿梭電影、音樂劇及不同舞台製作的著名作 曲家。他將聯同樂團及音樂總監葉詠詩,將音樂廳幻化為他的神奇電影畫布,為HKS「酷」 熱音樂節揭開序幕!著名電影樂章包括《如果.愛》、 《投名狀》、 《大魔術師》、 《魔警》、 《脫皮爸爸》、 《捉妖記》等,將成為段段交響樂章,加上四位主唱出色演繹,讓觀眾沉浸於 歌聲與音符的美妙空間,現場感受電影音樂的張力與創意。 The HKS Cool Summer Festival opens with a rare treat! HKS Artist Associate Leon Ko will be painting on his magical music canvas works from movies such as Perhaps Love, The Warlords and Monster Hunt, turning them into a theatrical symphony for singers and orchestra! His awardwinning scores and songs, led by Yip Wing-sie and sung by four of our favourite darlings of the stage, will take the audience through an emotional and unforgettable soundscape journey.
伍宇烈 Yuri Ng (駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2011-2013) 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor
Margaret Cheung
葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 演唱 Singers
溫卓妍 張國穎 鄭君熾 劉榮豐
Jarita Wan Margaret Cheung Jordan Cheng Rick Lau Jarita Wan
Rick Lau
24 減壓 Relax
Leon Ko
Yip Wing-sie
Jordan Cheng
減壓 Relax 25
最 HIT 電影古典名曲 Sounds Great! Classical Music in Movies 3.8.2018 星期五 Fri 8pm
4.8.2018 星期六 Sat 8pm
5.8.2018 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380 $260 $150 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 19.5.2018 指揮 Conductor
黎志華 Jason Lai (駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2009-2011) • Associate Conductor, Singapore Symphony Orchestra • Associate Conductor, Hong Kong Sinfonietta (2013/2014) • Associate Professor & Principal Conductor, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music 單簧管 Clarinet
方曉佳 Fong Hiu-kai Johnny 成功的電影不能沒有出色的配樂,您知道很多著名的電影 配樂都會用上古典音樂嗎?指揮黎志華再度與香港小交響 樂團合作,精選多首電影中的古典名曲,包括華格納的 「女武神之騎」 (《現代啟示錄》),李察.史特勞斯的《查 拉圖斯特拉如是說》 (《2001太空漫遊》),還有柴可夫斯基 和莫扎特等作曲家的名曲,當然不少得電影配樂一代宗師 約翰.威廉斯的《星球大戰》組曲,保證樂迷戲迷都能從 中獲得震撼和感動! Feeling adventurous or seeking some thrills? How about romance or comedy thrown into the mix? Maybe there is a feeling of grief or melancholy? With just a clever choice of classical music in a movie, audiences can experience the lives of on-screen characters! With conductor Jason Lai and Hong Kong Sinfonietta playing excerpts of classical masterpieces ranging from Richard Strauss’s Also Sprach Zarathustra, Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries, Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A, Tchaikovsky’s Romeo & Juliet Fantasy Overture to John Williams’ Star Wars, it is time for some movie magic!
26 減壓 Relax
星期日 Sun 3pm
Jason Lai
觸執毛 Chochukmo Reflection 10.8.2018 星期五 Fri 8pm
11.8.2018 星期六 Sat 8pm
12.8.2018 星期日 Sun 8pm
香港文化中心劇場 HK Cultural Centre Studio Theatre $380 $280
票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 19.5.2018
風格奇峰突出的獨立樂隊觸執毛,成軍10年,堅持不懈開拓音樂版圖。今年,觸執毛與香港小交響樂團攜手呈獻名 為「Reflection」的跨界演出,透過上、下兩部分別以弦樂與管樂引領的曲目,讓樂迷墮進情緒能量迥異的音樂氛 圍;終在經歷明鏡止水與激昂暴烈的境界過後,領略一靜一動,猶如一陰一陽 — 兩者相生而非對立。世間萬物皆 以一體兩面的方式呈現,彷彿鏡像反映中的「主、次」與「虛、實」互動,因彼此的存在而完整,因結合而圓滿。 First time ever, local indie rock band Chochukmo collaborates with Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians, curating a crossdisciplinary performance titles “Reflection”. The 5-piece band will join force with the strings and brass of the orchestra, bringing the audience an eccentric musical experience of tranquility and turbulence, stillness and motion.
減壓 Relax 27
香港小交響樂團.周末爵士夜 Symphonic Jazz with Georg Breinschmid & Friends 18.8.2018 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380 $260 $150
“With a Monty Python sense of humour, Breinschmid is collaborating with the symphony orchestra to push the boundaries of classical music.” Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung
Georg Breinschmid
鄧克 Roderick Dunk 低音大提琴 Double Bass
布賴恩舒密特 Georg Breinschmid
“If you’re looking for the most influential and important jazz-musician within the Austrian music world, then at the top of the list you would find the name, Georg Breinschmid.” Austrian Music Export
票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 19.5.2018 指揮 Conductor
“When Georg Breinschmid is on stage, you know you are in for a show.”
小提琴 Violin
維拉特納 Florian Willeitner 鋼琴 Piano
巴托克 《羅馬尼亞民族舞曲》(含即興演奏) 比才/Tscho Theissing 《卡門幻想曲》 伯恩斯坦 《小鎮上》:三首舞蹈間奏 及多首布賴恩舒密特之爵士作品 Bartók Romanian Folk Dances (with Improvisations) Bizet/Tscho Theissing Carmen Fantasy Bernstein On the Town: Three Dance Episodes and works for jazz trio & orchestra by Georg Breinschmid
Florian Willeitner
唐契夫 Antoni Donchev
Roderick Dunk
Antoni Donchev
28 減壓 Relax
麥米蘭與蕭斯達高維契 MacMillan & Shostakovich 8.9.2018 “A strong and innovative interpretation of the first rank.”
Ruhr Nachrichten
“Sparks were flying from the keyboard. Substantially gifted.” The Baltimore Sun
星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380 $260 $150 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 7.7.2018 指揮 Conductor
麥米蘭 James MacMillan 鋼琴 Piano
金鎮秀 Ben Kim 小號 Trumpet
黃山 Huang Shan
Ben Kim
麥米蘭 小廣板(2017) (亞洲首演) 蕭斯達高維契 C 小調第一鋼琴協奏曲,作品35 蕭斯達高維契 F 大調第二鋼琴協奏曲,作品102 麥米蘭 《女巫高狄的自白》 (1990) (香港首演) James MacMillan Larghetto for Orchestra (2017) (Asian première) Shostakovich Piano Concerto No 1 in C minor, Op 35 Shostakovich Piano Concerto No 2 in F, Op 102 James MacMillan The Confession of Isobel Gowdie (1990) (Hong Kong première) “MacMillan conducted his own music that was ceaselessly inventive, evocative and penetrating... His estimable mastery of orchestral timbre and effect was evident throughout.” The New York Times
“This is James MacMillan, now established as a foremost internationallyacclaimed composer, with a uniquely recognisable musical language, and a canon of works that is already of lifetime proportions.” The Scotsman
James MacMillan
欣賞 Appreciate 29
小提琴的藝術 Ilya Gringolts.The Art of the Violin 22.9.2018 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 21.7.2018 指揮 Conductor
楚嘉文 Ariel Zuckermann • Music Director, Israel Chamber Orchestra 小提琴 Violin
格林高特 Ilya Gringolts
“Gringolts, one of the most inspirational violinists around today, plays with panache and sensitivity.” The Financial Times
“The phrasing was so elegant, nimble and illuminating, the intonation so squeaky-clean, the line so multi-faceted.” Der Standard
“Gringolts’ playing has a character, gesture, expression and a musical language that composers can only dream of. One can hardly play the violin more expressively and uncompromisingly than Gringolts.” Süddeutsche Zeitung
《小提琴的藝術》,作品3: D大調第12協奏曲,「和聲的迷宮」 賈雷爾 《雲與霧》(2016) (亞洲首演) 德伏扎克 G大調第八交響曲,作品88 Locatelli The Art of the Violin, Op 3: Concerto No 12 in D, “The Harmonic Labyrinth” Michael Jarrell Des Nuages et des Brouillards
Ilya Gringolts
星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380 $260 $150
(2016) (Asian première)
Symphony No 8 in G, Op 88
Ariel Zuckermann
30 欣賞 Appreciate
薩克斯管大師須川展也 Nobuya Sugawa.The Art of the Saxophone 13.10.2018 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $420 $280 $160 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 11.8.2018
“A top-class saxophone player who has superlative technique and flexible musicality.”
指揮 Conductor
佛里斯.維塞斯 Roberto Forés Veses
Bravo Magazine
• Musical & Artistic Director, Orchestre d’Auvergne, France 薩克斯管 Saxophone
須川展也 Nobuya Sugawa
Roberto Forés Veses 細川俊夫 《開花 II》 (2011) (香港首演) 德布西 薩克斯管與樂隊狂想曲 (須川展也版本) 塞伊 薩克斯管與樂隊敘事曲,作品67 (2016) (香港首演) 西貝遼士 E小調第一交響曲,作品39 Toshio Hosokawa Blossoming II (2011) (Hong Kong première) Debussy Rhapsody for Alto Saxophone & Orchestra (Sugawa Version) Fazıl Say Ballad for Alto Saxophone & Orchestra, Op 67 (2016) (Hong Kong première) Sibelius Symphony No 1 in E minor, Op 39
Nobuya Sugawa
欣賞 Appreciate 31
《最愛大提琴》:聖桑大提琴協奏曲 Cellomania: Harriet Krijgh Plays Saint-Saëns 10.11.2018 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $420 $280 $160
“Balm for the soul.” Frankfurter Neue Presse
票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 8.9.2018
“Brilliant in abundance.”
首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor
“She is not someone to obediently paint within the boxes, but a cellist with an old soul.”
Dagblad van het Noorden
柏鵬 Christoph Poppen 大提琴 Cello
NRC Handelsblad
克莉嘉 Harriet Krijgh • 1st Prize & Audience Award, Amsterdam Cello Biennale 2012 • “Rising Star” 2015/2016, ECHO (European Concert Hall Organisation)
“It was an impressive performance that will only grow more personal and deeply felt with time.” Limelight Magazine
Harriet Krijgh
Christoph Poppen
32 欣賞 Appreciate
韋特文 《伊卡洛斯的哀嘆》(1999)(香港首演) 聖桑 A小調第一大提琴協奏曲,作品33 柴可夫斯基 B小調第六交響曲,作品74,「悲愴」 Jörg Widmann Ikarische Klage (Icarian Lament) (1999) (Hong Kong première) Saint-Saëns Cello Concerto No 1 in A minor, Op 33 Tchaikovsky Symphony No 6 in B minor, Op 74, “Pathétique”
莫扎特單簧管協奏曲 Great Clarinet Concertos: Raphaël Sévère Plays Mozart 24.11.2018 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $420 $320 $200 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 22.9.2018 Raphaël Sévère
音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor
葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie
“The French virtuoso of the 21st century.”
單簧管 Clarinet
塞韋爾 Raphaël Sévère
• 1st Prize & eight special prizes, 2013 Young Concert Artists International Auditions, New York
“A richly colorful, textured and tangy performance.” The New York Times
“Raphaël Sévère demonstrated the full extent of his supernatural talent, as much as his virtuosity and gentleness.” Le Figaro
“His entire being demonstrates how much Mozart’s music lives inside him... He can bring out any nuance in this sublime score and he phrases the music like a poet.”
Classique News
德布西 莫扎特 拉威爾 Debussy Mozart Ravel
《牧神之午後》前奏曲 A大調單簧管協奏曲,K622 《鵝媽媽》 Prélude à L’Après-midi d’un Faune Clarinet Concerto in A, K622 Ma Mère l’Oye (Mother Goose)
Yip Wing-sie
欣賞 Appreciate 33
《最愛大提琴》:杜蒂耶大提琴協奏曲 Cellomania: Nicolas Altstaedt Plays Dutilleux 1.12.2018 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $420 $280 $160 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 8.9.2018 指揮 Conductor
格拉斯曼 David Greilsammer • Music & Artistic Director, Geneva Camerata 大提琴 Cello
阿爾斯達德 Nicolas Altstaedt • • • •
Artist in Residence 2018/2019, NDR Elbphilharmonie Hamburg Artist in Spotlight 2017/2018, Amsterdam Concertgebouw Artistic Director, Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival Artistic Director, Haydn Philharmonie
呂利 杜蒂耶 貝多芬 Lully Henri Dutilleux Beethoven
《平民貴族》:器樂組曲 《遙遠的世界⋯⋯》大提琴協奏曲 (1970) A大調第七交響曲,作品92 Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme: Instrumental Suite Tout un Monde Lointain… for Cello & Orchestra (1970) Symphony No 7 in A, Op 92
Nicolas Altstaedt
“One of the most accomplished and adventurous musicians of his generation.”
BBC Music Magazine
“An absolute revelation. One of the cello realm’s most brilliant young princes.”
The New York Times
Huffington Post
David Greilsammer
“Heart-stopping intensity.” The Telegraph
“The perfect performer for Henri Dutilleux’s difficult cello concerto Tout un Monde Lointain… the delicate tonal colours unveiled, the ethereal beauty brought forth.”
34 欣賞 Appreciate
Hamburger Abendblatt
《我的音樂日記》Good Music for Kids
麥萊叔叔玩轉音樂嘉年華 The Best Party in the Whole Wide World 11.1.2019 星期五 Fri 7:30pm
12.1.2019 星期六 Sat 7:30pm
Alasdair Malloy
13.1.2019 星期日 Sun 3pm
Ray Chan
香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380, $260, $150 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 10.11.2018 適合六歲或以上大小朋友 For ages 6+ 英語演出 In English
建議服飾 Dress code:
派對服裝 Party wear
指揮 Conductor
陳穎朗 Ray Chan 主持 Devised & Presented by
麥萊 Alasdair Malloy
麥萊叔叔將帶領我們的大小耳朵環遊世界, 玩轉全球最最最好玩的音樂嘉年華派對!樂 團將演奏德伏扎克、莫扎特、羅西尼等的精 選樂曲,以及世界不同角落別具特色的嘉年 華音樂,讓大家感受巴西的火熱動感、加州 的陽光海灘、甚至是極地的企鵝樂園。快快 換上您的派對服裝,好好盡情狂歡一番! It’s party time! Alasdair Malloy takes us to some of the best parties on the planet for fun at fiestas, carnivals, festivals and celebrations. We will travel far and wide from Hong Kong to Europe, America, South America and even join in with some penguins partying at the South Pole as we hear the music of Dvořák, Mozart, Rossini and many other festive tunes! Wear your brightest party clothes and your dancing shoes!
增值 Learn 35
《最愛小提琴》:曾宇謙的布拉姆斯 Great Violin Concertos: Tseng Yu-chien Plays Brahms 19.1.2019 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $420 $280 $160 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 17.11.2018
首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor
The Financial Times
柏鵬 Christoph Poppen
“Nothing short of brilliance.”
小提琴 Violin
South China Morning Post
曾宇謙 Tseng Yu-chien Winner of • International Tchaikovsky Competition 2015 • Singapore International Violin Competition 2015 • Isang Yun Competition 2011 • Pablo Sarasate International Violin Competition 2009
“His was a calm, even-keeled reading, taking on variation after variation without undue drama, with an elegance and polish reminiscent of the late Nathan Milstein.” The Straits Times
Tseng Yu-chien
「曾宇謙表現不慍不火,和樂隊亦有很好的互動, 對琴音有很強的控制力。」 《信報》
Christoph Poppen
36 欣賞 Appreciate
韋特文 布拉姆斯 舒曼 Jörg Widmann Brahms Schumann
(亞洲首演) 音樂會序曲《朝氣蓬勃的》(2013 版本) D 大調小提琴協奏曲,作品77 C大調第二交響曲,作品61 Con Brio – Concert Overture for Orchestra (2013 version) (Asian première) Violin Concerto in D, Op 77 Symphony No 2 in C, Op 61
25.1.2019 星期五 Fri 7:30pm
26.1.2019 星期六 Sat 2:30pm & 5pm
27.1.2019 © YVONNE CHAN
星期日 Sun 2:30pm & 5pm 香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre $360, $260 3歲或以上小童及全日制學生 Children aged 3 or above & full-time students: $180, $130 3歲以下幼兒 Babies aged below 3: $80
票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 24.11.2018 適合零歲或以上大小朋友 For ages 0+ 音樂會約長1小時,不設中場休息 Approximately 1 hr with no intermission
Yip Wing-sie 音樂總監/指揮/主持 Music Director/Conductor/Presenter
葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie
音樂總監/指揮葉詠詩為0-2歲的小寶寶精選 了多首悅耳的古典樂章,爸媽可以與寶寶 一起打開音樂的天空,在美妙的音樂國度 中享受親子之樂。 Take a moment out of your busy schedules and let your little ones dance about to lively orchestral music! Specially tailored for babies aged 0-2 (and their parents), Music Director Yip Wing-sie and Hong Kong Sinfonietta will play famous classical works for a fun-filled concert!
增值 Learn 37
小號巨星納卡里亞科夫 Sergei Nakariakov.The Art of the Trumpet 16.2.2019 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $420 $280 $160
“Sergei Nakariakov plays the trumpet the way the rest of us breathe – if we are lucky.” San Francisco Chronicle
“God was looking for a trumpeter, and he chose Sergei Nakariakov.” Jean-Jacques Roth (Montreux, 1993)
票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 12.2018 指揮 Conductor
李布賴希 Alexander Liebreich • Chief Conductor & Artistic Director designate, Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra • Chief Conductor & Artistic Director, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra • Artistic Director, Richard Strauss Festival • Artistic Director, Festival Katowice Kultura Natura 小號 Trumpet
納卡里亞科夫 Sergei Nakariakov
Sergei Nakariakov
Alexander Liebreich
“He proves himself to be the Paganini of the trumpet.” Mannheimer Morgen
《吱吱嘶嘶轟轟隆隆》(世界首演) 由香港小交響樂團委約
韋特文 莫扎特 莫扎特 Steve Hui
小號協奏曲《荒謬》(2002) (香港首演) 降E大調第四圓號協奏曲,K495 (柔音小號版本) D大調第35交響曲,K385,「哈夫納」 Crackle, Hiss, Hum, and Rumble (world première)
Jörg Widmann
Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta ad absurdum – Concerto for Trumpet & Small Orchestra (2002) (Hong Kong première)
Horn Concerto No 4 in E-flat, K495 (Adapted for Flugelhorn)
Symphony No 35 in D, K385, “Haffner”
38 欣賞 Appreciate
“If there is a problem for Nakariakov‚ it comes in the form of finding repertoire worthy of his exceptional talent. This comes not just in the form of a supreme technician but his musical instincts.” Gramophone
青少年管弦樂隊指南 The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra 1.3.2019 星期五 Fri 7:30pm
2.3.2019 星期六 Sat 7:30pm 元朗劇院演藝廳 Yuen Long Theatre Auditorium $300 $220 $140 英語演出 In English
票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 6.1.2019 指揮 Conductor
葛拉達 Antoine Glatard • 2nd Prize, Hong Kong International Conducting Competition 2018 • Music Director, Orchestre des Jeunes de l’Orchestre National de Lyon • Associate Conductor, Opéra de Rouen Normandie (2016/2017) • Resident Conductor, Orchestre National de Lyon (2015/2016) 旁白 Narrator
邱歡智 Lynn Yau
• CEO, The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC)
節目包括 Programme includes
浦羅哥菲夫 布列頓 Prokofiev Britten
《彼得與狼》,作品67 《青少年管弦樂隊指南》,作品34 Peter and the Wolf, Op 67 The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, Op 34
Antoine Glatard
Lynn Yau
增值 Learn 39
貝多芬第四鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Martin Helmchen Plays Beethoven No 4 30.3.2019 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $420 $280 $160
★★★★★ BBC Music Magazine
票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 26.1.2019
★★★★★ Bachtrack
首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor
柏鵬 Christoph Poppen 鋼琴 Piano
赫姆森 Martin Helmchen • 1st Prize, 2001 Clara Haskil Competition at age 19 • Has since performed with the world’s top orchestras and conductors including the Berlin Philharmonic/Blomstedt, Vienna Philharmonic/Gergiev, London Philharmonic/Jurowski, New York Philharmonic & Boston Symphony/von Dohnányi
“Martin Helmchen — the kind of performer who lifts his audiences up to heaven just by penetrating inside his music with nimble fingers, questing intelligence and a beating heart.” The Times
“This was Beethoven playing of great individuality and distinction.” Chicago Classical Review
Christoph Poppen
40 欣賞 Appreciate
魏本 貝多芬 莫扎特 Webern Beethoven Mozart
管弦樂變奏曲,作品30 G大調第四鋼琴協奏曲,作品58 C大調第41交響曲,K551,「朱庇特」 Variations for Orchestra, Op 30 Piano Concerto No 4 in G, Op 58 Symphony No 41 in C, K551, “Jupiter”
Martin Helmchen
伴奏節目 Accompaniment Projects 16-20.5.2018 法國五月藝術節 Le French May Arts Festival
香港歌劇院:比才《卡門》 Opera Hong Kong: Bizet’s Carmen
28-30.6.2018 英國國家芭蕾舞團 X 艾甘.漢:《吉賽爾》 English National Ballet: Akram Khan’s Giselle
26-28.10, 2-4.11.2018 香港芭蕾舞團:《吉賽爾》 Hong Kong Ballet: Giselle
14-16, 19-26.12.2018 香港芭蕾舞團:《胡桃夾子》 Hong Kong Ballet: The Nutcracker 香港小交響樂團除了在音樂廳演出,以及在不同場地舉辦室樂音樂會,還經常獲邀為本地或 訪港的歌劇、芭蕾舞和舞蹈製作提供現場伴奏。本樂季,樂團將再度與香港芭蕾舞團、香港 歌劇院和英國國家芭蕾舞團合作,在文化中心大劇院演出四套精彩節目。 In addition to presenting orchestral and chamber concerts in concert halls and unconventional venues, Hong Kong Sinfonietta is often invited to collaborate with local or visiting opera, ballet and dance companies. The accompaniment projects in 2018/2019 include four productions with Hong Kong Ballet, Opera Hong Kong and English National Ballet at Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
還有 What else... 41
票務指南 Ticketing Information 香港小交響樂團的音樂會門票,通常於演出前兩個月作公開發售。有關各音樂會的開售日期請參閱內頁。 大部份音樂會的門票均設有全日制學生、長者(60歲或以上)、殘疾人士及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士優 惠,詳情請參閱個別音樂會單張。 除特別註明外,所有音樂會的入場年齡為6歲或以上。 Tickets are typically available 2 months prior to the concerts. Please refer to the concert details pages for box office opening dates. There are concessionary tickets for full-time students, senior citizens (aged 60 or above), people with disabilities and CSSA recipients for most of the concerts. Please refer to individual concert leaflets for details . All of our concerts are for ages 6 or above unless otherwise stated.
城市售票網 URBTIX 門票查詢及購票 Ticketing Enquiries & Bookings:2111 5999 (10am – 8pm daily) 網上購票 Internet Ticketing Service: www.URBTIX.hk 手機應用程式 MY URBTIX APP
票房 Outlets
香港島 HK Island 香港大會堂、上環文娛中心、西灣河文 娛中心、伊利沙伯體育館、香港藝術中 心、通利琴行(香港仔、西環、灣仔城 市大廈、銅鑼灣 The L Square)及青年廣 場(柴灣) HK City Hall, Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Stadium, HK Arts Centre, Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Aberdeen, Western District, Wanchai City Centre, Causeway Bay The L Square) & Youth Square (Chai Wan)
九龍 Kowloon 香港文化中心、香港體育館、牛池灣文 娛中心、高山劇場、香港兆基創意書 院、通利琴行(金馬倫里、黃埔花園、 奧海城、MegaBox)及柏斯琴行(油塘) HK Cultural Centre, HK Coliseum, Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre, Ko Shan Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Cameron Lane, Whampoa Garden, Olympian City, MegaBox) & Parsons Music Ltd (Yau Tong)
新界 New Territories 葵青劇院、荃灣大會堂、沙田大會堂、 屯門大會堂、元朗劇院、北區大會堂、 大埔文娛中心及通利琴行(青衣、荃灣 綠楊坊、沙田、元朗、大埔、將軍澳、 屯門) Kwai Tsing Theatre, Tsuen Wan Town Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall, Tuen Mun Town Hall, Yuen Long Theatre, North District Town Hall, Tai Po Civic Centre & Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan Luk Yeung Galleria, Shatin, Yuen Long, Tai Po, Tseung Kwan O, Tuen Mun)
門票轉換 Ticket Exchange 客戶凡於城市售票網購買音樂會門票 後,如需轉換門票,可前往任何一間城 市售票網售票處辦理手續。轉換之門票 必需是相同節目的另一場音樂會門票, 而票價必需是相同或較高(客戶需補回 門票差價),每張門票手續費為港幣10元 (門票數量有限,如果所需門票售罄則無 法提供此服務)。 Any ticket purchased from the URBTIX can be exchanged for another performance of the same programme at the same venue and of the same or higher price (ticketholders will have to pay the price difference). A fee of HK$10 will be charged for each ticket. No ticket sold through URBTIX is refundable and this service is subject to tickets availability. Please go to any of the URBTIX outlets for this service. 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 2836 3336 / info@hksinfonietta.org 香港小交響樂團網址 Website: www.HKSL.org 香港小交響樂團保留更改節目及表演者之權利 Hong Kong Sinfonietta reserves the right to change the programmes and artists
音樂會及藝術家介紹 網上捐款 購買CD及紀念品 Concert and artist details Online donation Online shop
最新音樂會、藝術家及樂團消息 獨家台前幕後花絮
演出片段及宣傳短片 藝術家訪問
First-hand concert, artist and orchestra news Exclusive “Behind-The-Scenes” coverage
Concert videos & promos Artist interviews
立即登記收取樂團資訊 Join our mailing list for regular concert updates! www.HKSL.org/enews
「各樂師投入演奏,交織出流動、宏大而多變的音樂形態, 觀眾感受得到香港小交響樂團散發的非凡音樂魅力。」 《東周刊》
“The orchestra charmed, cajoled and astounded.”
香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta 音樂總監 Music Director
小提琴 Violin
葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie
李海南 首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor
柏鵬 Christoph POPPEN
LE Hoai-nam Second Violin Principal
Second Violin Assistant Principal
● 金勞思 福原真美
CHAN Shaw-nan Sharon
Kiann CHOW
JIA Shu-chen
巴松管 Bassoon
● 秦慶生
(2015-2016) (2014-2015)
HUNG Chien-chun (acting) Akiyo UESUGI
雙簧管 Oboe
CAI Pak-yi
Marrie Rose KIM Mami FUKUHARA
單簧管 Clarinet ● 方曉佳 陳秋媛
FONG Hiu-kai Johnny CHEN Chiu-yuan
CHIN Hing-sang Minako TAGUCHI
Sally LAW
Ambrose LUI
圓號 Horn
LUO Wei-min
● 包文慶
PANG Hiu-wan
YANG Min-yu
SHUM Hing-cheung
YANG Yu-si
Benny KWAN
YIP Siu-hay
小號 Trumpet
(2012-2013) (2011-2013) (2010-2011) (2009-2011)
中提琴 Viola
● 陳子信
CHAN Tsz-shun Elvis
▼ 劉琛彥
LAU Sum-yin
長號 Trombone
Christina BEAN
● 羅澤基
Ringo CHAN
NGAN Sing-on
● 黃山
大提琴 Cello ● 張培節
CHANG Pei-chieh
▼ 貝樂安
Laurent PERRIN
HUANG Shan MAN Hay (acting)
Christopher RODGERS CHAN Hok-yin
KONG Tze-man Jason
大號 Tuba ● 林榮燦
HO Kwok-chee Karey
定音鼓 Timpani
PARK Si-won
● 村本曉洋
YIP Chun-hei Eric
敲擊樂 Percussion ● 周展彤 小山理惠子
● 永井雅美
Masami NAGAI
▼ 柯斯達
豎琴 Harp
HUANG Tun-pin
● 黃士倫
PAW Man-hing Hermann
低音長號 Bass Trombone
低音大提琴 Double Bass
● 首席 Principal ▼ 助理首席 Assistant Principal
● 洪健鈞(署任)
蔡柏沂 駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associates
高世章 Leon KO 陳慶恩 CHAN Hing-yan 石家豪 Wilson SHIEH 朱�� CHU Pak-him 麥淑賢 MAK Su-yin 羅詠媞 Wendy LAW 盧思泓 LOO Sze-wang 伍宇烈 Yuri NG 李嘉齡 Colleen LEE 黎志華 Jason LAI 楊嘉輝 Samson YOUNG 伍卓賢 NG Cheuk-yin
長笛 Flute James CUDDEFORD
LAM Wing-tsan
CHAU Chin-tung Rieko KOYAMA
鍵琴 Keyboard ● 朱偉恆
Alan CHU
香港小交響樂團有限公司 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited
Honorary Governors
金董建平女士 施永青先生 楊雪姬女士
Mrs Alice KING
Chief Executive Officer
Mr SHIH Wing-ching
楊惠 Margaret YANG
Board of Governors
陳鋈鋆先生(主席) 潘燊昌博士(司庫) 陳育明先生 蔡加敏女士 周莉莉女士 鍾陳碧璋女士 黃智成先生 翟紹唐先生 史泰祖醫生 陳智文先生 謝智剛教授 楊偉添先生
Mr Y K CHAN (Chairman)
Ms Serena YANG
Dr Patrick S C POON (Treasurer)
義務公司秘書 Honorary Company Secretary
卓佳登捷時有限公司 Tricor Tengis Limited
Mr Patrick CHAN Ms Carmen CHOI Ms Lily CHOW Mrs Shirley CHUNG Mr Chester HOANG
義務法律顧問 Honorary Legal Consultant
霍金路偉律師行 Hogan Lovells
Mr JAT Sew-tong
Dr SHIH Tai-Cho Louis
Honorary Orthopaedic Surgeon
Mr Stephen TAN
傅偉俊醫生 Dr Dan HOOLEY
Prof C K Michael TSE Mr Patrick YEUNG
Investing in a Cultural Tomorrow
香港小交響樂團現正參與香港政府的藝術發展配對資助試驗計劃, 這樂季籌募的捐款和贊助將獲一對一配對資助。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is participating in the Art Development Matching Grants Pilot Scheme (operated by the Hong Kong Government).
您的每 HK$1 捐款將會令樂團雙倍受惠*! Every dollar you donate to us will be DOUBLED*!
您的支持 YOU donate
政府配對 GOVERNMENT matches
效益倍增* DOUBLE* the impact!
年度捐款HK$100 或以上? Planning to donate over HK$100? 謝謝!我們會為您準備收據作申請扣稅之用。 Thank you! We will prepare an official receipt for you for tax deduction.
年度捐款HK$1,000 或以上? Planning to donate over HK$1,000? 謝謝!我們會為您準備收據作申請扣稅之用,並在樂團一年內舉辦的主要音樂會的場刊中,鳴謝HK$1,000或以上的捐款。 Thank you so much! We will prepare an official receipt for you for tax deduction AND your name will be acknowledged for one year in house programmes of major ticketed Hong Kong Sinfonietta concerts.
其他支持方法(例如贊助或廣告形式),歡迎致電(852) 2836 3336 或 電郵至 fundraising@hksinfonietta.org查詢。 For other forms of support (e.g. sponsorship & advertising), feel free to call us at (852) 2836 3336 or email us at fundraising@hksinfonietta.org to discuss.
立即行動! MAXIMISE YOUR IMPACT TODAY! * 須受藝術發展配對資助試驗計劃之條款及細則約束 * Subject to conditions of the Government’s Art Development Matching Grants Pilot Scheme
網上捐款 ONLINE DONATION www.HKSL.org/donation 或填妥第53頁的捐款表格 or fill in the donation form on p.53
謝謝!Thank You! 香港小交響樂團對以下的捐款者及機構致以衷心謝意。 Thank you to the following donors and organisations who have supported us with a donation in the past year. 贊助人及捐款者 Patrons & Donors MegaSTAR Patron (>HK$500,000)
• • • •
陳育明先生 Mr Patrick Chan 陳鋈鋆先生 Mr Chan Yuk-kwan 潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick S C Poon 施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Limited
SuperSTAR Patrons (HK$100,000 to HK$499,999)
• • • •
亞洲保險有限公司 Asia Insurance Co Ltd 周莉莉女士 Ms Lily Chow Miss Cecilia Fok 冼為堅基金有限公司 Sin Wai Kin Foundation
STARplus Donors (HK$30,000 to HK$99,999)
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
陳嘉何醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Chan Ka Ho Lowell and Phyllis Chang Chiu Music Fund Mr Chester Hoang 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen 翟紹唐先生 Mr Jat Sew-tong 郭立成律師 Mr Chris Kok Dr Paul Lam Ruth & Sidney 史泰祖醫生 Dr Shih Tai Cho Louis 唐柏泉醫生 Dr Tong Pak Chuen Ms Yip Wing-sie 多位無名氏 Anonymous
STAR Donors (HK$10,000 to HK$29,999)
Donors (HK$1,000 to HK$9,999)
• 北山堂基金 Bei Shan Tang Foundation • 周愛琳醫生 Dr Irene Chau • 張黎慧文 Vivian W M Cheung • Dr Vivian Cheung • Mr Douglas Clark • Mr Eugene Fung • 關卓然先生 Mr William Kwan Cheuk Yin • Mr Allan Leung • Ms Florence Leung • Mrs Adeline Lui • 莫扎特迷 Mozart’s Fan • Dr Yvonne Ou
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• Poon Shing Chi and Liao E Wen • 施永青先生 Mr Shih Wing Ching • Dr Alfred Tam • Mr Mark Tong • 曹延洲教授 Prof Tsao Yen Chow • 謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael Tse • Mr Augustine Wong • 多位無名氏 Anonymous
BELIEVING MUSIC CAN 鮑美麗小姐 Miss Meli Bell 加拿大琴行 Canada Piano Co Mr & Mrs Anthony Chan Jonman, Monika & Joel Chan Family Ms Chan Ping Ting 陳燕婷 張綺華小姐 Ms Helen Cheung Mr J Chew Kenyon & Leonard Chow Ms Suzanna Chung In memory of Esther 馮新健先生 Mr John Sun-kin Fung Ms Betsy Lai Mrs Amanda Lam Ho Ms Rose Ho Mr Simon T K Leung Mr Tommy Lo Mrs Lillian Lu 大通會計事務所 Masterpoint Professional Ltd
• 喵喵 • 吳志強先生 • 吳思博先生及蕭泳欣女士 Winny & Nigel Ng • 魏玉華小姐 Miss Winnie Ngai • In loving memory of QQ’s family • Starcom Limited • John & Anthea Strickland • Ms Elsie Tam • Mr and Mrs Robert Tang • 曾作強先生 Mr Henry Tsang • Mr Paul Tsang • 曾健鵬先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Paul Tsang • Ms Twinkle Star • Ms Suzanne Yeung • Ms Wong Yuen Wa Agnes • Miss Cindy Yu • 先生BB紅耳鵯 • 多位無名氏 Anonymous
學生票資助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme Donors
Patrons of the 2017/2018 Fundraising Gala
Diamond Donors (>HK$100,000)
Opal Donors (HK$1,000 to HK$9,999)
• 鍾陳碧璋女士 Mrs Shirley Chung • 潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick S C Poon • 芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation
(in alphabetical order)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• 亞洲金融集團(控股)有限公司 Asia Financial Holdings Ltd • Mr & Mrs Anthony Chan • 陳嘉何醫生 Dr Chan Ka Ho • 陳育明先生 Mr Patrick Chan • 陳鋈鋆先生 Mr Chan Yuk-kwan • 張�昌基金有限公司 Thomas H C Cheung Foundation Limited • 周莉莉女士 Ms Lily Chow • 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen • 鍾陳碧璋女士 Mrs Shirley Chung • Ms Suzanna Chung • Mr Chester Hoang • 翟紹唐先生 Mr Jat Sew-tong • 郭立成律師 Mr Chris Kok • Dr Lam Yuk-yee Paul • 劉文文女士 Ms Lisa Lau • Ms Lau Man Kwan Julia • Mr Simon T K Leung • Mr Tommy Lo • 羅榮生先生 Mr Lo Wing Sang Vincent • 潘燊昌博士 Dr Patrick S C Poon • 史泰祖醫生 Dr Shih Tai Cho Louis • 施永青先生 Mr Shih Wing Ching • Starcom Limited • 唐柏泉醫生 Dr Tong Pak Chuen • Mr K K Tsang • 謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael Tse • Mr Tse Kam Keung • Ms Wong Yuen Wa Agnes • Mr Augustine Wong • 偉高忻先生 Mr Michael Yan • Ms Lynn Yau • Ms Yip Wing-sie • 多位無名氏 Anonymous
Jade Donors (HK$50,000 to HK$99,999)
• 陳鋈鋆先生 Mr Chan Yuk-kwan • CLP Holdings Limited • 無名氏 Anonymous Ruby Donors (HK$30,000 to HK$49,999)
• 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen • 郭立成律師 Mr Chris Kok • 史泰祖醫生 Dr Shih Tai Cho Louis Pearl Donors (HK$10,000 to HK$29,999) • • • • • • • • • • • •
陳育明先生 Mr Patrick Chan 周愛琳醫生 Dr Irene Chau 張德賢博士伉儷 Dr & Mrs Douglas Cheung 張�昌基金有限公司 Thomas H C Cheung Foundation Ltd 林定國先生夫人 Mr and Mrs Lam Ting Kwok Paul Nathaniel Foundation Limited 彭嘉碧女士 Ms Rotina Pang 施永青先生 Mr Shih Wing Ching 孫永輝及施熙德伉儷 Edith and Stephen Sun 謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael Tse 王煒東先生 Mr Wong Wai Tung 多位無名氏 Anonymous
Premium Friends • • • • • • • • • •
張�昌博士 Dr Thomas H C Cheung, MH 周莉莉女士 Ms Lily Chow 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen 李韶博士伉儷 Dr Lee Shiu & Dr Jennie Lee 羅榮生先生 Mr Vincent W S Lo 潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick Poon 冼為堅博士 Dr David Sin Wai-kin 唐柏泉醫生 Dr Tong Pak Chuen 謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael Tse Mr T L Tsim
壹頤 Amelie and Angus BELIEVING MUSIC CAN Mr Iain Bruce Mr & Mrs Anthony Chan Jonman, Monika & Joel Chan Family Mr Chan Kwan Ho Mr J Chew Mr Philip Lawrence Choy 祈大衛教授 Prof David Clarke 洪美珠女士 Ms Hung Mee Chu 席信 Mr Paul Jackson Luca, Caterina, Maurien, Joseph Jacobelli 劉文文女士 Ms Lisa Lau Ms Lau Man Kwan Julia 紀念劉葉珍女士 李樹榮博士 Dr Ernest Lee Mr Simon T K Leung 廖炳輝醫生 Dr Liu Bing Fai 陸文靜小姐 Ms Anna, Man Ching Luk 吳思博先生及蕭泳欣女士 Winny & Nigel Ng 吳榮奎先生 Mr Ng Wing Fui Nicholas 蘇國輝教授 Mr and Mrs Robert Tang Mr Tin Hing Sin Mr K K Tsang 曾健鵬先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Paul Tsang Mr Tse Kam Keung 黃乃禧先生 Mr Wong Nai Hay Mr Peterson Wong Mr Marcus Woo 偉高忻先生 Mr Michael Yan Ms Alice Yeung 多位無名氏 Anonymous
感謝以下各機構對香港小交響樂團一直的支持! Thank you to the following parties for their continued support! • Association Culturelle France Hong Kong Ltd • CASH音樂基金 CASH Music Fund • 法國駐港澳總領事館 Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao • 德國駐港總領事館 German Consulate General Hong Kong • 香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hongkong • 韓國駐港總領事館 Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong
• 民政事務局 Home Affairs Bureau • 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department • 邁騰路通有限公司 Maestro GT Limited • 香港電台 Radio Television Hong Kong • 太古地產 Swire Properties • 通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Co Ltd
謝謝!Thank You Partners! 2018/2019 樂季贊助機構 Sponsors of the 2018/2019 Season 主要贊助機構 Major Sponsors
商業機構贊助計劃 Corporate Members 白金會員 Platinum Member
金會員 Gold Member
捐款表格 Donation Form 我樂意支持香港小交響樂團培育文化新一代,現捐助: I would like to SUPPORT the Hong Kong Sinfonietta with: $
以支持樂團的日常經費 for its General Fund
以支持樂團的學生票計劃 for its Student Ticket Scheme
捐款性質 Donation types
□一次性 One-Off
網上捐款,方便快捷! Save time by DONATING ONLINE! www.HKSL.org/donation
□每月定期 Monthly
我亦同意參加香港政府的藝術發展配對資助試驗計劃,配對我的捐款(受條款及細則約束)。 I also agree to my donation being matched by the Government's Art Development Matching Grants Pilot Scheme (subject to conditions). •
捐款HK$100或以上可憑收據申請扣稅 (每月捐款的收據將於2019年4月發出)。 Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with a receipt (Annual receipt for monthly donations will be issued in April 2019)
樂團會在一年內舉辦的主要音樂會的場刊中,鳴謝HK$1,000或以上的捐款 Annual donations of HK$1,000 or above will be acknowledged in house programmes of major ticketed Hong Kong Sinfonietta concerts for one year
捐款人資料 DONOR DETAILS 中文姓名
先生/小姐/女士/博士/教授 名 First Name
姓 Last Name
Mr / Miss / Mrs / Ms / Dr / Prof 電話 Contact Number
(請選擇 please circle)
電郵 E-mail
郵寄地址 Postal Address (如需要捐款收據 If you need a donation receipt) 刊登於場刊之鳴謝姓名 Name to be acknowledged in house programme (如捐款港幣1,000元或以上至其中一個捐款類別 when donating HK$1,000 or above to either donation category)
□ 同上 Same as above
□ 無名氏 Anonymous
我同時希望定期收到有關香港小交響樂團的資訊 I would also like to receive promotional materials from Hong Kong Sinfonietta by: □ 電郵 Email □ 郵寄 Post
捐款方式 DONATION METHOD 信用卡 Credit Card
□匯財卡 Visa □萬事達卡 Mastercard □美國運通卡 American Express 此卡只適用於一次性捐款 This card is for one-off donation only.
信用卡號碼 Card Number 發卡銀行 Issuing Bank
本人附上劃線支票作一次性捐款予「香港小交響樂團有限公司」。 I enclose a cheque of the above stated amount as my one-off donation to the “Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited”.
銀行自動轉賬 Autopay Direct Debit 有效日期 Expiry Date
信用卡持有人姓名 Cardholder’s Name on Card 信用卡持有人簽署 Cardholder’s Signature
支票 Cheque
(只適用於每月捐款 Monthly Donation Only)
請於此頁下載表格 Please download the form at www.HKSL.org/donation 請將填妥的捐款表格交回香港小交響樂團有限公司 Please return the completed form to Hong Kong Sinfonietta Ltd
日期 Date
如選擇每月定期信用卡捐款 For monthly credit card donation: 本人授權香港小交響樂團有限公司由本人之信用卡賬戶內每月定期扣除上述之帳款,直至本人另行通知為止。本人同意此授權 書於本人之信用卡有效期後及獲續發新卡時繼續生效,並無需另寫授權書。(如需要取消或更改本授權書,請於取消或更改生 效日期十個工作天前通知香港小交響樂團有限公司。) I hereby authorize the bank to debit my credit card account to make a monthly donation of the above stated amount to the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited until further notice. I agree the validity of this agreement will continue before or after the expiry date of my credit card account. Cancellation or variation of this authorization shall be given to the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited ten working days prior to the date on which such cancellation or variation is to take effect.
香港灣仔譚臣道98號運盛大廈3摟 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong fundraising@hksinfonietta.org (852) 2783 9819
♥ 感謝您對我們的支持
Thank you for supporting Hong Kong Sinfonietta!
閣下提供的個人資料,香港小交響樂團有限公司將絕對保密,只用作郵寄收據及其他通訊之用。有關其他贊助及捐款查詢,請電郵至 fundraising@hksinfonietta.org 或致電(852) 2836 3336。 Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used for issuing official receipts and other communication purposes only. If you have any questions or comments, contact us at (852) 2836 3336 or fundraising@hksinfonietta.org.
Supporting Hong Kong Sinfonietta
International Luxury Kids Fashion
真•報道 真•內容 感謝你們的肯定!我們將繼續全心全意,作專業持平的報道,為香港730多萬市民服務! 為香港730多萬市民服務!
*根據香港中文大 *根據香港中文大學傳播與民意調查中心《市民對傳媒公 文大學傳播與 文大 學 與民意調查 民意調查中心《市 市民對傳媒 民對傳媒公 公 信力調查2016》 信 信力調查 2016》