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Yo ho! Join Awesome Al in a musical party for pirates young at hear


Feel free to dress up as pirates, , 船 盜 海 身 音樂廳變 會! sailors or your favourite oceanic creatures! 盛 樂 音 歡 家 最好玩的合

《 我 的 音樂日記

》Good Music for Kids

© Geraint LEWIS

The Pirate 主持 Devised & Presented by Awesome


指揮 Conductor

戴維斯 Nick Davies

© H K S i n f o n i e t ta Lt d

麥萊 Alasdair Malloy


觀眾熱烈讚賞! 「又好聽、又好玩、又好睇。」 「有趣、震撼 、互動、 值回票價。」 拉近, 將觀眾與樂團 「很有活力, 」 入,很感動! 使每個人都投

「誰可以改變大會堂音樂廳的嚴肅氣氛, 讓觀眾聽得血脈沸騰?麥萊可以。」 《明報周刊》

25 & 26.1.2013 星期五及六 Fri & Sat 7:30pm

27.1.2013 星期日 Sun 3pm 香港大會堂音樂廳

HK City Hall Concert Hall $260, $200, $140 Pirate-LL.indd 1


The party playlist includes classical favourites by Mendelssohn and Johann Strauss Jr, and themes from Pirates of the Caribbean and The Little Mermaid.

英語演出 in English 適合6 歲或以上大小朋友

For ages 6+

門票由11月23日起於城市電腦售票網發售 Tickets available at all URBTIX outlets from 23.11.2012 香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助


Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall

www.HKSL.org 2012/11/16 2:11:22 PM

玩轉音樂廳!深受大小朋友歡迎的麥萊叔叔又返嚟喇!今 次他化身為海盜,邀請您參加《海盜大派對》,一起乘風破浪! 應邀出席的還有來自芬格爾山洞的蘇格蘭海盜,決戰魔盜王的 加勒比海盜,還有《小魚仙》等都紛紛趕到大會堂音樂廳湊熱 鬧,並和您分享他們的歷險故事和音樂。 歡迎各位穿上海

盜、水手或與海洋有關的服飾出席,一齊上船玩啦! Awesome Al, the cabin boy of our Pirate Ship welcomes you aboard this suitably swashbuckling seafaring adventure.

© H K S i n f o n i e t ta Lt d

From the stirring sounds of Pirate March to the spectacular finale where everyone learns The Sailor's Hornpipe , this is an unforgettable voyage through uncharted waters in search of a treasure trove of musical gems. Hear about some pirates hiding their treasure in Fingal’s Cave , head off Over the Waves to the Caribbean to meet Cap’n Jack Sparrow and his cutthroat crew. See if you know your sea-shanties in our quiz Nautical Notes and come along in your seafaring finery to join our crew.

What the audiences said: "The concert was so engaging and interactive."

"The content and presentation were fabulous and the presenter was just great. In fact, everything was perfect." "Very vivid performance. Great effort in making classical music interesting and lively."

麥萊 Alasdair Malloy︱主持 Presenter

"It's an absolute staple of sanity and good wholesome cultural fun." Scotland on Sunday

戴維斯 Nick Davies︱指揮 Conductor

麥萊本身是BBC音樂會樂團敲擊樂首席,由於天生愛玩和主意多多, 有一次樂團請他幫忙構思一個兒童音樂會,結果大受歡迎,從此麥萊 構思及主持了許多生鬼有趣的合家歡音樂會,更於2012倫敦奧運的 開幕中演出。麥萊曾多次與香港小交響樂團合作,音樂會包括《點蟲 蟲》、《海盜大派對》、《音樂運動誇啦啦》、《魔幻精靈音樂會》及《麥萊 叔叔音樂遊記》。


Tickets available at all URBTIX outlets from 23.11.2012 全日制學生、高齡人士、殘疾人士及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠 Half-price tickets available for full-time students, senior citizens, people with disabilities & Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients 凡購買正價門票4張或以上,可獲9折優惠 10% discount for group booking of 4 or more adult tickets

Pirate-LL.indd 2

門票查詢及購票 Ticketing Enquiries & Bookings : 2111 5999│www.URBTIX.hk 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries : 2836 3336│info@hksinfonietta.org 香港小交響樂團保留更改節目及表演者之權利 Hong Kong Sinfonietta reserves the right to change the programme and artists

D e e p w o r ksh o p Ill u s t r at i o n : M o k W i n g h u n g

戴維斯指揮經驗豐富,經常合作的樂團包括 哈雷樂團、倫敦市交響樂團、英國皇家愛樂 樂團、悉尼交響樂團等。他亦經常於英國各 地主持及指揮輕古典及節日音樂會,2012年於 香港小交響樂團的《最HIT音樂劇及電影名曲》 中擔任指揮,大受觀眾歡迎。 Nick Davies has regularly worked with orchestras such as The Alasdair Malloy is extremely popular with young audiences wherever he performs. He has devised and presented many original children’s Hallé, City of London Sinfonia, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, and concerts with orchestras such as The Hallé, BBC Philharmonic and Sydney Symphony Orchestra. In 2012, He conducted Hong Kong City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. He also performed in the Sinfonietta in Sounds Great: Movies & Musicals to great acclaim. opening ceremony of London 2012 Olympics.

2012/11/16 2:11:24 PM

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