In 2 0 0 3 Paul u c e l o st hi s ru c ksac k i n c l u di n g p assp o rt and camera while travelling in Eas tern Europe.
Paul uce at Ji a Yu Gu an, Chi n a, 2001.
Jim C h a n Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
other chit-chats and I was thinking that the body clock idea was only a joke. Then, in the next week
A dream chaser, insightful classmate, adventur-
you started to show up in the studio at really odd
ous travelmate, true friend. You have lived a truly
hours. I ran up to you and you said, “I am exercis-
beautiful life, and inspired all of ours.
ing the 36 hours body clock schedule… how are you coping with it?” I was really stunned!
Beautiful through your pens, that made hundreds of amazing pen and ink drawings, and tortured
Chatting with you is the most enjoyable thing to
thousands of tracing paper.
do. You have such a spontaneous mind that it could stretch to the end of the universe and come back to
Beautiful through your colours, by your pink and
our studio desk in a second. Although I cannot tell
purple markers that surprised all classmates and
how much of your ideas is serious and how much
is making fun. Now, I started to grasp the essence. What is the point of doing things unseriously? And
Beautiful through your camera, that captured all
what is the point of doing things with no fun?
the places and sceneries where I have not even heard of.
Thanks for inspiring me, Pauluce.
Beautiful through your mind, that was so original
Your spirit will keep enlightening and guiding the
and free from the worldly rituals.
lives of your loved ones. May peace be with you and your family.
Beautiful through your heart, that was so generous and comforting at all times, to all friends. Beautiful through your persistence, that lasted until the final second of every deadline. There were a lot of unforgettable memories we shared. One night, really late night, perhaps early morning, we chatted in the studio while we were all rushing for the year 3 graduation project. We were talking about how to complete everything, the drawings, the renderings, the models within the remaining 2 weeks before the deadline. You suggested to adjust our body clock to 36 hours per day and sleep once every 36 hours, so that we can have additional hours to work. We ended the conversation with
Jap an, 1999.
Gradu ati o n, 2001.
To kyo, Jap an, 1999.
Nara, Jap an, 1999.
Gradu ati o n, 2001.
Th e Un i v ers i t y o f Ho n g Ko n g, De p artme n t o f Arc hi te cture, Clas s of 2001. Photo tak en in September 1998.
C hr ist y C h a n Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Pauluce was a cheerful, outstanding and wonderful man, who had a pleasing personality. He was so much fun to be around and I will miss his great wit and charm. I treasured the wonderful travel times we spent together on vacations. I will always remember him and the good times we shared.
My heartfelt condolences. Pauluce was one of the nicest people I ever know and will be missed. I share your grief at this very difficult time. I know that you will find the strength to get through this very sad and difficult time. Knowing that your friends and family are here for you will hopefully be of solace to you. Please extend my sympathy to your wonderful family. You are all in our hearts and minds.
Photos were taken during Yr 2 - British council studio at the beginning of the 1st semester. I was in the same group as Pauluce.
B ia n c a Ch e u n g Classmate, The University of Hong Kong, The Bartlett UCL, Partner, Spotperties, London
Sept 12 TH 2017, Good Bye
May 2005, Dorset Trip
It was the fourth day of our annual trip to London. We
I can’t remember how many times we said “no” to
got on the wrong train so when we arrived at the bank,
Pauluce, but of course he knew that we would thank
Pauluce was already there, sitting in the couch in the
him later hence his insistence to see yet another
center of the bank, like he owned it. It was also a rare
spot, and another spot. The trip to Dorset was one
occasion which Pauluce arrived earlier than we did....
of my most memorable trips with Pauluce. It was a 3 days road trip and we stayed in a little cottage.
He seemed a little chubbier than last year, but no less
It was not remote, not exotic, not full of uncertain-
cheerful. Even the mentally challenged teller did not
ties - not Pauluce style - but perhaps that’s why the
bother him. It was a sunny and brisk morning as we
10 of us can better enjoy each other’s companies.
walked to his new SUV, brown in colour as expected, and he drove us to see one of his targeted properties and one of his ongoing projects. In between business, the conversation topic did not depart from his upcoming Africa trip, and of course the list of impossibly long tasks that he would achieve before he takes off that evening. He was particularly excited about the fact that he would hit the target of 100 visited countries on this trip, and clearly confident that he would surmount the remaining ones promptly. His projects were planned out in an convenient manner that December would be a pause, during which he can accompany Elisa in HK when she gives birth to their first son. We looked at his bundle of dozens of keys, but never doubted that his projects would ever come between his family and his travels. December would be the next time we meet, towards which we look forward to hearing about his exciting stories in Africa.
Winter 2006, Measured Drawing of a Mansion
........ 30 min later ........
Pauluce: this one is super easy, we are gonna finish
Bianca: can we go now I’m freezing....
in no time
SHIT, the gate is locked!!! What are we gonna do?!
Bianca: you say this every time, look at this giant man-
We are gonna die here!! Didn’t I tell you to put a brick
Pauluce: trust me, this is not the skewed house we did
Pauluce: calm down let me call the landlord (no an-
last time, much easier!
Bianca: you mean the one that we spent hours to fig-
Bianca: what are we gonna do?!?!?
ure out the point of reference...
Pauluce: ok there’s a cat hole, let me try to reach the
Pauluce: but we fudged it and the drawings look good!
We got paid and that’s a job well done. Bianca: ...ya ya ya, you havent paid me yet... this one better be straight, and doesn’t have 20 rooms inside
Bianca: what are we gonna do?!?!?
Pauluce: trust me, this one is not!
Pauluce: past me that branch so I can reach Bianca: what are we gonna do?!?!? Pauluce: trust me it will take no time!
......... two hours later .........
Bianca: what are we gonna do?!?!? Pauluce: let me go around and find another exit
Bianca: are we done yet I’m hungry...
Bianca: what are we gonna do?!?!?
Pauluce: as soon as we finish the garden
Bianca: there are cctvs there, what if the police think
Bianca: what? The garden as well?! It’s freezing out-
that we are thieves?!
side Pauluce: trust me it will take no time! Bianca: this gate will lock itself, can you put a brick
Out of frustration from my questioning, Pauluce lei-
there to be safe?
surely managed to open the gate through the cat hole,
then we went for a builders’ lunch.
2011 De c Di n n e r 05
2015 Ju l Tu b e stri ke d inner at Shored itch 03
2009 Ju l Whi tsab l e O ys ter fes tival 02
May 18th 2017, Milestone What a relief it was to get your text saying we have finally sold our houses! It was a tedious procedure, we all had our doubts at different phases, but again you pulled us through. My heart was full of thanks, for all the sketchy agents to had to deal with and all the cheeky contractors you had to outsmart. It was no small feast, and I was always entertained by how you present those stories with humour, like a season of “little Britain” episodes. The laughter and tears in retrospect are much more precious than the investment gains. It’s too bad we won’t get to embark on another set of challenging projects now, it would be another great adventure. Thank you for everything you did for Spotperties. It would not have happened without you, let alone how successful it was thanks to your effort. Just realised we have known each other for nearly 19 years. Thank you for being a great companion, for all the good times in London, for all the advises, all the funny jokes, all the not so funny jokes, all the juicy gossips, and all the adventures. You will be terribly missed by all of us.
M a ggie C h i u Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Pauluce is a sincere and truthful friend. We don’t meet up often but will occasionally talk through the Internet from ICQ days to Facebook messenger over the years; Pauluce is always there to listen, to share and to support. He is able to offer views on the other side of the coin that I didn’t notice before. Back in two years ago, I was involved in a random dispute and my stalker approached you. Thank you for trusting me without any doubt right away. I enjoy and will miss chatting with you, Pauluce. Dear friend, may your soul now be at peace with our Heavenly Father.
I a m d eeply s a dd e n e d by t h e n ew s of you r l oss. I pray th at G od wi l l gr a nt yo u t he s t re n g t h . Ta ke c a re a n d s t ay stron g for e ach oth e r. Pa uluc e’ s s pirit w il l be w it h you a l way s . My most si n ce re con d olenc es . 18
C o n n ie C h ow Classmate and “Bao”mate, The University of Hong Kong
O u r f r i e n d s h i p s t a r t s i n u n i ve r s i t y, u n t i l n o w
Baby: We are proud of your daddy.
i s o v e r 1 9 y e a r s o f f r i e n d s h i p. H i s s p o n -
Elisa: Please take good care and stay strong. We are
taneous and free style is most memorable, ar-
here for you together. With love.
r i v i n g s t u dio 5pm or after and always come up w i t h m a ny a d ve n t u r o u s a d h o c i d e a s o f a c t i v i t i e s . S i n g K i s o n e o f o u r f a vo u r i t e a c t i v i t i e s w i t h h i s u n i q u e s t y l e o f t o n e : ) We w o r k t o gether on studio projects from there we share a l o t o f i n t e r e s t i n g i d e a s a n d t h o u g h t s . A l s o we are those “naughty bao mates” to create silly ideas to support our bao chu e.g. UHU ball as s t r e e t l i g h t s f o r m o d e l . . . . H e h a s a n a d ve n t u r o u s a t t i t u d e t o ex p l o r e t h e w o r l d w i t h h i s f o o t steps and I am glad to participate and witness h i s t r ave l evo l u t i o n f r o m u n i ve r s i t y t o u r j o i n ing, to backpack after graduation and current 1 2 A M m i d n i g h t t r a ve l c l u b t o g e t h e r . 19
P a u l u c e i s my c l o s e d e a r f r i e n d w h o p a r t i c i p a t e i n m a ny i m p o r t a n t s t e p s o f my l i f e : b e i n g a c r a zy ye t “ l a zy ” s t u d i o p a r t n e r w i t h m e , t r ave l m a t e, c l o s e f r i e n d , p h o t o g r a p h e r f o r my we d d i n g p h o t o s i n L o n d o n (w i t h h i s u n i q u e “ s l a n t e d a n g l e s ” p h o t o s ) , my h o n e y m o o n t r a v elmates, his wedding i n M o r o c c o . . . t h a t w e c a n s h a r e e v e r y t h i n g f r e e l y, l i k e a f a m i l y. We h a v e t r a v e l l e d t o X i a n , Tu r k e y i n u n i versity times, London, Spain, Portug a l , I t a l y, F r a n c e , N o r t h e r n A f r i c a e . g . M o r o c c o, S a h a r t d e s e r t . . . i n t i m e s o f life. Although compare to his extens i ve f o o t s t e p s o f t h e w o r l d , i o n l y s h a r e t i n y p a r t o f h i s j o u r n ey, h e a d d s a l o t o f b e a u t i f u l c o l o u r s t o my l i f e . H e i s s u c h a f r i e n d l y, w a r m , h u m o r o u s a n d c a r i n g f r i e n d w h o m w i l l f o r e ve r i n o u r h e a r t w i t h h i s s p i r i t . We m i s s y o u P a u l u c e a n d I k n ow yo u a r e b r a ve s t o f a l l t o c o n q u e r t h e r o a d i n h e a ve n f i r s t f o r u s t o m e e t y o u i n t h e c o m i n g f u t u r e. M a y yo u r e s t i n p e a c e .
E urop e, 2 0 0 8.
E uro p e, 2008.
Ho n g Ko n g, 2010.
El i sa an d Pau l u c e ’s w e ddi n g, Mo ro c c o, 2013.
El i sa an d Pau l u c e ’s w e ddi n g, Mo ro c c o, 2013.
Je n n ifer C h u n g Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
實 在 是 很 久 很 久 不 見了 ! 印 象 中,我 要 說 你是-位超有智慧,心 地 善 良,搞 笑,甚 麼 也 懂 的 同 學 仔 ! 記 得 你 與我分享你買股票的 心 得,記 得 你 教 我 要 坐 巴 士 上 層 遊 車 河 温 h is to ry 同 s tructure 先 入 腦,最 記 得 你 悠 閒自若 的 w o r k i ng m o d e ......
Pau l u ce 要 遠行了,祝 願 他 的 小 寳 寳 健 康 成長,像爸爸-樣擁有 豐 盛 的 一 生!
B r e eze F u ng “Bao”mate, The University of Hong Kong
我 認 識 P a u l u c e 是 1 9 9 9 年 的 事 了 。當 年 他 剛 進 港 大 建 築 系 , 在 o r i e n t a t i o n , 我 是 他 組 爸 。當 時 的 他 還 是 個 小 夥 子 ,一 晃 眼 ,1 8 年 過 去 了 。他 的 圖 畫 得 特 別 好 ,我 們 畫 P e n & i n k 都 是 人 肉 針 p r i n t , 不 知 撞 壞 了 多 少 針 筆 。但 是 P a u l u c e 的 P e n & i n k 卻 是 與 眾 不 同 。後 來 P a u l u c e 和 A n d e r a 更 成 為 我 的 包 仔 包 女 ,感 謝你們的幫助。
聽 到 P a u l u c e 意 外 的 消 息 ,我 很 難 過 ,很 痛 惜 。多 年 沒 見 ,突 然 竟 聞 此事,我心裡有如傷口灑上鹽般痛。R e s t in Pe ace , Paul uce. 你 的孩子長大後,必能承繼你的才華,你的創意。 願 天主守護你的家人。
Ken ny K0 o Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Dear Child of Pauluce and Elisa,
Two: Be brave, adventurous and free-spirited, like your father, to live your life. A beautiful life can en-
Hi. I’m your father’s classmate in HKU Archi. To
lighten people around you.
be honest, I was not close with your father at all in school, and not to mention after graduation. He was
chasing his dreams overseas, and I stayed put in HK. I
don’t have too many moments with your Dad that I can really talk about for long. (In fact, I can share that
P.S. I hope I can live my life like what I said too, may-
every time I met him, I heard more stories or gossips
be you can check with me one day whether I could
about other classmates such as Manfred LOL)
make it or not.
But your Dad for sure was one of the most inspiring persons among all I know. From his creative sense and drawings, to his adventurous journeys in his career and travel. Every time I heard some updates about him from other classmates or I saw photos and posts on his Facebook and Instagram, they were fascinating. I really admire and envy his free-spirited life. When I knew we lost him, many archi-classmates shared their fond memories and experiences of traveling with him. I did not feel just sad and empty, but also regret I have never traveled with Pauluce for once. I expressed that regret to our classmates, Trevor joked and told me it wouldn’t be ‘enjoyable’ to travel with him since Pauluce-style of travel was something like you could only arrive the hotel after mid-night, and take off again next morning before 6. I missed something and regret forever. I am telling you this, I hope you can understand TWO things as early as possible in your life. (Most of us don’t understand this until we lose someone and something irreplaceable forever. And sadly and pathetically, we easily forget it until we lose someone and something again, human being just does not learn, again and again...) One: Treasure every moments and chances that you can spend time together with your family and good friends, time and chance gone, never return.
Cl as s reuni o n, Ho n g Ko n g, 2006.
“Ju styn a” Group, Devil’s Peak , Hong Kong, 1998.
Yan n i s Ku o Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Living in the same district during childhood, it was great to meet him again in university and be friend with him. He has a pleasant personality, and stay positive and calm all the times. I will always remember him.
Je n n ifer Kwo k Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
I remember Pauluce as a talented, helpful and positive person with high EQ. Even when we were working late and rushing for deadlines, he was still always calm and patient. I always admire his free spirit and enjoy the travel photos that he shared. Pauluce, every time I check Instagram, I will miss you and your beautiful photos.
My deepest condolences and prayers to Pauluce’s family, in particular to his dear wife Elisa. Elisa, wish you strength to carry on during this difficult time, please look after yourself and your son. 加油!
Me di te rran e an di nner @ L ond on, October 2007 (I was traveling and met up with the HKU mates that w e re i n Lo n don at that time)
Ric k L a m Classmate, Queen’s College, The University of Hong Kong, Colleague, EDGE (HK) Ltd
It would be a lie to say that I have exhausted all my compliments already in our class’ tribute; it’s just a bit embarrassing to say more in this personal paragraph, so I’m sure you would appreciate my predicament. We share the same secondary school, the same university, the same year-out jobs, and of course one of many circles of good friends. You were always one of the first people to like my facebook posts, and I have always tried to keep up with liking yours too. Trying to keep up with you is a common theme in this book, but what we really meant to say is that we look up to you. Throughout the years we have kept our distance, perhaps out of mutual respect, perhaps out of our different set of priorities, or perhaps we were just plain lazy. We may never find out, but it is adequately a regret of mine.
B e i ji n g, Chi n a, 2002.
B e i ji n g, Chi n a, 2002.
Mac au, 2000.
B e i ji n g, Chi n a, 2002.
3/F Kn o w l e s Bu i l di n g, The Un i vers ity of Hong Kong 1998.
Si l k Ro ad, Chi n a, 2001.
Xi nji an g , Ch i n a, 2001.
Letty Lau Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Pauluce’s spontaneity and adventurous spirit added so much color to my life at HKU. That one time when we went hiking just to see the sunrise; or the time when we missed our connecting flight to Beijing were fond memories that I am going to remember forever. He was also so talented and inspiring; and you would know that he was back in studio working when you hear his roaring from across the room!
I’m blessed to have known Pauluce, and to have shared a lot of fun, adventurous moments together. Despite of his early departure, he lived his life fully and had touched and inspired so many of us. He will be truly missed.
Lan tau Isl an d, Hong Kong, 1999.
Cl ass re u n i o n, 2004.
C her ie L au Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Although Pauluce and I have not seen each other for years, I am compelled to write about him in the hopes that we can honor a great classmate and friend. When we were at HKU together, I took part in a group trip to Beijing that most memorably ended in a missed flight back home. Although I have forgotten most of the details, I do remember Pauluce leading the way, always keeping a positive and lighthearted attitude. In the years to follow, I would keep up with his travels on Facebook, and admire his journeys to hidden corners of the world and back. His posts were eye-opening, broadcast from someone who clearly walked to the beat of his own drum. Even from afar, he remained a guy who crafted big ideas, and followed through with them. I wish Pauluce’s wife, son and family peace in the knowledge that his spirit will be celebrated amongst us classmates for a long time to come.
CY Lau Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Xi nji an g , Ch i n a, 2001.
Tai w an, 1999.
Xi n ji an g , Ch i n a, 2 001.
Hon g K on g Co l i se u m, Gradu ati o n, 2001.
Tai w an, 2 0 0 0 .
Tai w an, 2 0 0 0 .
Xi n ji an g, Chi n a, 2001.
Win n ie La u Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Paulace was definitely an outstanding person in my memory. Although I was not in his circle-of-friend, his cheerful character and calmness during the presentation were impressive and unforgettable.
Stay strong. Be proud of ever having him in your life.
To n ny Le u n g Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
I still remember your messy way of line drawing perspectives, same style as Justyna. As a year one, I feel very amazed.
You should be proud of having Pauluce as your family member. He is the light tower that shines everyone with happiness and warmth.
G radu ati o n, 2001.
Xi nJi an g, Chi n a, 2001.
L e un g Yi u Fa i , Be r n a r d Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Blessed with you and your family.
L e un g Ka m S h i n g , E r i c Classmate, Queen’s College, “Bao”mate, The University of Hong Kong
Hi Pauluce,
space and advise all of us to do so for our final poster submission. You being you, there’s no single square
We studied together again after 7 years of secondary
millimetre of white space on yours. Your poster, titled
school life. How boring! But we weren’t as close as
“seven steps to be an architect”, was filled with pur-
before. We were never in the same studio group (phew
plish colour (we are still debating now whether pink or
lucky me…) or “bao” groups, and our social circles
purple is your favourite colour…) and surprisingly you
didn’t overlap except for archi. But for exactly this
were only given a score slightly above average – you
reason I got to know you even more – you became more
couldn’t care less.
interesting than before. Did you change, or you just hide it in QC? There were just too many fun moments
Oh wait, do you remember the crazy ride that you,
that I want to share here, may I?
CY and I took? We got off at Zhangye (sort of the midpoint of the Silk Road) after a 14-hour train ride
You kept calling for movies at midnight and searched
and that was 3am at night. A riot of taxi drivers came
the remaining available theatres which are often in
forward and for some reason we picked an old un-
weird places. We taxied to TST East (from Pokfulam!)
cle – he turned out driving something like a tricycle
for Saving Private Ryan do you remember? I don’t
with a hood. We boarded it anyway. Without Google/
enjoy at all movies that scare me but I went along any-
Baidu map back then, we didn’t know that it has to go
ways – ended up covering my eyes half of the time and
through highways to get to Xining. Big trucks passed
slept through the other half.
us with deafening noise (we were at their wheel level…) and the driver suddenly stop at the curb – he was
And this one is classic. You came back to the studio at
tired and hungry. We fed him with bread and water
around 6pm as usual, and you called Momo in advance
and he slept for half an hour, and finally arrived at
to suggest having a snake meal on that evening (who
the city at 8am. In any case, the Lama monastery and
has the right mind would want to have snake at the
Qinghai Lake were terrific – I would not have gone
age of 20!). Bored by work, Momo, myself and quite a
without you.
few others wanted to make fun of you. And so Momo used his miraculous hand to imitate the handwriting
Gosh! These memories are still vivid in my mind as if
of Ms C (witness protection) (details: Ms C was known
they can happen again any time. I finally understand
for using O’s to represent “mouths” in Chinese char-
what it means by 浩氣長存 – you will always be lively
acters). After quite a bit of discussion, Momo finally
in our hearts, Pauluce.
wrote “我哋可唔可以唔食蛇呀?” without names on a piece of yellow tracing paper and placed it on your desk. And you know what? You called Ms C! We were so proud of ourselves… Lastly and slightly less interestingly, we was in the same vis-com class learning computer rendering. The professor had a strong preference for leaving negative
S i l k Ro ad, Chi n a, 2001.
2/F K n o w l es B ui l di n g, The Un i ve rsi ty o f Ho n g Ko n g. R us hing for the f inal year project, 2001.
S i l k Ro ad, Chi n a, 2001.
L i Fu k M i n g Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Pauluce 包仔,
初次的相見,是在你剛進大學時,由你面帶稚氣的笑 容、風 趣 幽 默 的 言 論,到 別 樹 一 格 的 設 計、豪 邁 奔 放 的演繹,一切你獨特的風彩,就如走訪世界級大師建 築一樣,深深地烙在記憶中。
能 夠 在 大 學 時 期 與 你 相 識 ,是 一 種 緣 分 ,亦 是 一 個 榮幸。你除了在建築上、學術上發岀 熾熱而燦爛的光 芒,你對朋友的承擔與關懷,更令人尊重、佩服。
想當年,在你交功課前夕碰上困難,能夠與一起碰肩 作戰、通宵苦幹,而你仍然是充滿自信、樂觀面對,那 份 氣 概 、自信 及 智 慧 ,都 有 攝 人 的 震 撼 力 。後 來 在 我 的畢業功課上得你相助,又再一次合作,給我一個難 忘的回憶。
今 天,你 潚 洒 的 離 開了 我 們,就 如 流 星 隕 落、劃 破 黑 夜 而 留 下 熣 燦 的 痕 跡 ,我 們 每 一 個 人 都 充 滿 悲 傷 地 凝望著你留下的光芒,淚水就雨水般落下。
你熟悉的微笑,彷彿仍在向我們展露你的自信;你俏 皮 的 聲 音 ,彷 彿 仍 在 向 我 們 談 笑 風 生;你 超 容 的 設 計,仍在告訴我們你對建築的熱誠與執著;你所做的 工 程,就 如 其 他 大 師 一 樣,留 在 這 個 地 球 上,成 為 世 界的一部分,讓你的朋友、親人,得以懷念。
我 們 會 以 認 識 你 為 榮 ,亦 相 信 你 的 兒 子 日 後 長 大 成 人 ,也 一 樣 會 以 你 這 個 爸 爸 而 感 到 自 豪 及 驕 傲 。 再見了,Pauluce 包仔
包主 校長 泣別
G radu ati o n, 2001.
Hon g K on g Co l i se u m, Gradu ati o n, 2001.
A l vi n Lo Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Pauluce is a genius architect with unlimited creativity and passion. He is unique and eclectic, he is brave and free. We will never forget you. May God give him eternal rest.
Prayers and fond memories are what we have to remember our dearly departed. My most heartfelt condolences.
L u i Tin Pak Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
You are genius in design and architecture. I will remember our Taiwan trip in year 2 and walking from the town to the lighthouse with wild dogs. My friend.
Grace Ng Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
I’ll always remember the days we spent in K, hiking, London and traveling.
We are so proud of Pauluce!
G race Ng’s G radu ati o n, Lo n do n, UK, 2004.
We n dy N g Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
The most impressive memory I got with Pauluce, was during the time when I went to UK for the exam of my conservation course. I was staying with Bianca and she brought me to somebody’s home where a bunch of classmates were gathered. Pauluce discussed with me about Victorian architecture and what should be the architectural features. And I remember he named bay window. There’s not many people around me who would like to talk about architectural styles with me, I’m so glad to have that duscussion with you Pauluce.
Dear Elisa, although we didn’t know each other but I enjoyed looking at the travelling pictures of you two, and I kept looking for ideas from your trips as I like travelling too. I’m sure your son is going to have Pauluce’s travelling gene who can continue the travelling with you!
It was during my yr-1 presentation for the very first project and therefore my first presentation in front of a group of audience. And Pauluce was sitting among other critics and he really looked like one of them! That made me recall that our professor Mr. Lo once said that, Pauluce should become a big boss someday as he really looks like one!
D ic k so n O i Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Pauluce was a well liked and always pushing the limits of producing beyond the minimum standards. I am honored to have known him. Pauluce Rest In Peace.
I cannot imagine the pain and void you are feeling. My sincere condolences.
Adel a Pa u l Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
It was 2015 and we were on tram to meet our classmate Connie for a coffee. We were talking about a friend who had been single for a long time (but not anymore). Pauluce said he did advise our friend not to overthink if a girl is going to be his wife before asking for a first date. I had a good laugh. Of course he was indeed right and wise. He always gave us words coated with good humour to think about. He was a giving soul and could brighten up your day with his meaningful jokes. Pauluce inspired us to be kinder and to live life softly.
To Pauluce’s mom and dad: thank you for raising your son to be a kind and happy person, I was lucky to have him as classmate and friend, even under stressful times his presence was reassuring to all of us. I am sorry for your great loss. Pauluce will always stay in our hearts. To Elisa: Even though we have never met, I want to say your husband was a really good person and I will pray for you and your baby. I hope your son will get to know his father for the great soul he was through our words. Thank you for holding up well and allow us to grieve for Pauluce. I know you are going through pain, but please remember life is beautiful, and one day you will hear Pauluce’s laughter again when your son has come to this world.
Pat ri c k Tong Ki n Friend of Li Fuk Ming
His enthusiasm and happy face every time when he came to our zone visiting principal Li Fuk Ming.
Sincere condolences to the family and Pauluce’s happy face is always in our heart.
Tr evo r To Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
I remembered when I first came to know Pauluce, his English name striked me most - I have never heard of this name before in my life. So out of interest I searched on ICQ, which was then the most popular ‘social media’ that everyone used - turned out that there were only 3 ‘Pauluce’s in the whole ICQ world. I could tell from this name that he is a person who would live his life the way he wants. Throughout our years in university and beyond, Pauluce had always been the one who surprised us with his energy and creativity. I was particularly grateful for his generosity to let me stay in his flat for weeks when I first moved to London before I could find my own place.I was also impressed to see him growing his business gradually over the years in a very traditional way by making friends and connections through gatherings in the days when everything is done online. His love of purple and pink, his karaoke singing and his generosity to friends would always be remembered.
I believe Pauluce’s optimism and spirit would be a perpetual source we all could draw from, to face challenges in our everyday lives.
Lo n do n, UK, 2007.
Wil so n Wo n g Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
I had been enjoying Pauluce’s travelling photos from his facebook and instagram a lot. He is always liked Indiana jones or tomb raider in real life. We miss you, Paulace!
I and my wife Joyce are really sorry to hear for the loss. Our deepest condolences to Elisa and his family. Take care.
The photo was taken in summer 2015, we originally planned to meet at the Hohenzollern castle in Stuttgart, but at last we accidentally saw each other at the mountain opposite to that, we walked through a trail in forest and found this stunning view of the castle with the sunset... and there was a thunderstorm afterward and we all got thoroughly wet when we ran out the forest... the other photo was taken when we having dinner in Neckarmüller of Tübingen. We had a good time with Paulace, Elisa and his friends.
Thank you for this wonderful travelling experience, I believe Paulace has lived a life of passion and adventure. 永遠懷念! 珍重!
E dmu n d Ye u n g Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
大學一年級認識Pauluce。建築系 ASA Orientation
Year 3 我們Justyna成員又坐在一個Corner,懷念
對 於 你 的 印 象 ,是 來自傳 統 名 校 、身 材 魁 梧 、星 爺 豬
肉 佬 鬆 糕 頭 髮 型 ,再 配 襯 黑 絲 眼 鏡 ,佬 味 極 濃 。自我
播 開 著 周 杰 倫、L M F、張 立 基 和 尹 光 的 數 毛 毛,每 當
介 紹 林 紹 麟 時,卻 是 溫 文 意 雅,笑 容 可 躬,感 覺 平 易
訓,跟 著 又 繼 續 狂 畫,聽 到 你 叫 我 們 又 會 笑,當 然 最
後你又係最容個個,攪到Tonny每晚要巡視業務,驚 自己 太 青 。年 輕 的 我 們 總 愛 拼 ,無 論 之 前 點 通 頂 ,每
Year 1 我們都被編於Justyna’s Studio, 同組的同
次P re s e ntat io n後要去玩,你都會奉陪到底。唱K不
學 們 都 玩 得 很 投 契 。P a u l u c e 你 藝 術 才 華 出 眾 ,圖
枱上都是畫滿了Design Concept 的Sketch Book
一 起 輕 狂 玩 樂 的日子 ,更 懷 念 你 那 份 率 直 、認 真 、愛
你 時 通 常 都 一 起 吃 晚 飯 ,再 到 S t u d i o 出 S c h e m e 捽
容。衝Presentation大家更是盡最後努力通頂,你手 圖了得,每次都可以比我們完成更多圖紙同Mo del, 願你天國快樂,守候人你家人、妻子和即將來臨的兒 好 明 顯 是 堅・容 精!就 算 是 上 其 他 c o u r s e , 你 總 是 在 Sketch Book 不斷畫 Sketch,心裡是真正佩服你的 藝術天分和幹勁!
Year 1 暑假我們一組人到日本旅行,同行有 Manfred,Trevor,Jim,Frances,Kimmi,五個麻甩仔晚 上總是玩到凌晨時分,學架仔講日文,加插Trevor式 無 聊 笑 話,一 個 星 期 大 家 相 處 愉 快,非 常 充 實 。就 算 有時大家想去不同地方觀光和Archi朝聖,佛哥要搭 日本的士,你總會遷就大家。翻看舊相片見到我們在 窗邊裝Cool,DisneyLand遊玩,街機賽車,回味那時 我們一同的時光。
同Pauluce你唱K 應該不下十次,最難忘你那沉鬱而 沒 有 調 的 歌 聲,無 論 是 張 國 榮 的 “ 大 熱 ”,或 是 迪 克 與 牛仔的“愛如潮水”,又或是廢爆鄭伊健的“極速”,你每 次都有獨特演譯,每首歌都加插幾句Pauluce式怒火 狂 哮,所 以 同 學 們 同 你 唱 K 每 次 都 笑 聲 不 絕,盡 興 而 歸。
Jap an, 1 9 9 9 .
To k yo, Jap an, 1 9 9 9 .
To k y o, Jap an, 1 9 9 9 .
Ho n g Ko n g Co l i se u m, G radu ati on, 2001.
Ho n g K on g Co l i s eum, G radu ati o n, 2001.
Fr a n c e s Yu Classmate, The University of Hong Kong
Karaoke was almost the default social activity of
of any circumstances were vividly remembered. He
our studio group when we were in year 1. We were
enlightened those around him and I am honoured
a good bell curve of few good singers and more me-
to be one of them, and these endearing character
diocre, with Pauluce stood all by himself at the far
would pass on to his son. I wish, though, the baby
end of the spectrum. His lack of tone and rhythm
would be blessed with some gift of music from his
was phenomenal and with first thought you would
think he was doing it on purpose, until the truth hit you after his consistent performance across a few songs. He must had took it light-heartedly though as he was always earnest to choose the latest selections and made sure he landed a mic when they rolled out on screen. Perhaps at one point this weekly entertainment became so mundane we came up of weird ways to sing the same songs, like singing the line backwards. While I did not recall any of us really laugh at anyone of our singing, someone did suggest a partner-with-Pauluce duet singing competition and the best singer would be the one who was able to stay in tune for the longest. A couple of us attempted. End of that school year, 7 of us went to Japan. Somehow Hello Kitty Land managed to sneak in between our cool itinerary of great buildings visits (it still feel mysterious to me since 5 of us were boys/ men) but we eventually found ourselves standing in front of Japanese speaking Kitties in a dancing show. Desperate to find something (else) to do, we joint the long queue of the roller coaster. While we were waiting,Pauluce declared this was one of the most thrilling roller coaster in the area. So there we went, as the carts tumbled along the ramps in merry tunes, we heard him yelled ‘AR~~~~~’. After all these years some of the facts might be wrongly recollected, but our dear friend’s celebration of his shortcomings and making the most out
Yu Shi ng Sai Classmate, The University of Hong Kong, University College London. Colleague, EDGE (HK) Ltd, Richard Roger & Partners
九 八 年 認 識 P a u l u c e 。初 相 識 外 表 沉 穩 卻 相 當 健 談 ( 不 論 男 女 ,I C Q 則 有 待 查 證 ) 。混 熟 後 方 知 是 個 高 人:博 學 強 記 ,古 今 中 外、天 南 地 北。一 年 級 的 Pa u l u c e 與貝聿 銘 傳 內 的 大 師 年 輕 照 片 有三分相似,總隱隱覺得將是個成大器之人。
港 大 畢 業 後 一 起 工 作,一 起 考 進 倫 敦 大 學 院,一 起 旅 行( 體 力 不 支)。在私交上,我們是朋友,在學習上,Pauluce 是我的老師。碩 士畢業後為口奔馳甚少聚首,但總不時惦念這朋友。
知道Pauluce近年成家立業,闖出一片天地,很為他高興。看到他 Facebook內排山倒海的旅遊照片,就只有羨慕了。
同 輩 們 喜 歡 Pa u l u c e 的 風 趣 博 聞,敬 重 他 的 慷 慨 與 才 華。我 更 仰 慕他的瀟洒,一生我行我素。
「 成 功 只 有 一 個 - 按 照 自 己 的 方 式 ,去 度 過 人 生 。」 P a u l u c e 一 生 遊 歷 天 下 ,成 功 的 人 生 ,教 人 羡 慕 。
Z e no Yu Pauluce’s senior at The University of Hong Kong
He is a smart guy and global traveller.
M a n fr e d Yu e n Classmate, University of Hong Kong and colleague, EDGE (HK) Ltd
You have embarked on a journey at another dimension. Your life has always been a whimsical adventure, which had inspired many. We will meet again eventually, and when the time comes, I will be counting on you to be planning our trips!
Pauluce was to me, a true maverick.
either (which he could easily climbed if he chose to). He understood himself very well, and was very faith-
I was reading Pauluce’s Facebook and only to have
ful to his needs and wants. Very simply and naturally,
learned that through out these years, since we
allowing his clients to meet their needs; c ompleting
have parted from England, his enigmas had not
from one house, movingt o a no ther, earn some money,
only persisted, but radiated, to a point of mystery.
save some, go traveling, and invest i nto tangible assets (like stocks, property etc). He kept on looping this,
I was very curious of what Pauluce had went through
again and again, for 15 years, and when the pie grew
since 2002, where we have parted for different gradu-
larger, he had asked other investors to join the fun
ate schools. Shamefully, over the three years studying
with whatever money they wish to contribute, so that
together and enduring one year of the same intern-
they could share his joy, and profit.
ship, I never really learned about Pauluce. Too often, when I sat next to this friendly giant, I would be too
Not to mention that he worked mostly alone, or collab-
busy expressing my opinions, seldom listened; and his
orate with people that he had trusted, thus, team man-
reply would be his hallmark smirk; not approving, not
agement and over-heads were never serious issues to
disapproving. Evidently, he struggled, but tried, to
him. Pauluce was able to strike a work life balance, be
bear with me, and embraced me as a friend.
happy, have a life and make real friends, who genuinely enjoyed his company, because he brought them joy.
Pauluce’s Facebook page featured much on his traveling, but frankly, what intrigued me more was his busi-
Most architects, who started on their own, were sub-
ness and works, which would be both direct arrays of
jugated to a vicious cycle of pursuits: spending unnec-
his personalities and character.
essary time and resources competing, glossing up profiles, establishing shallow relationships with potential
Pauluce loved breaking dogmas, but among all others,
clients, deal brokers, societies and institutes, worrying
he had broken an important one, that was the conven-
on head counts and staff management issues. In turn,
tional status quo of architects. My inquisition did al-
we suffered, financially and spiritually. These are the
lowed me to acquire a glimpse of his deals, and I was
baggage gained: social anxiety, shallow friendships,
truly inspired by them.
and eventually, depressions and in some cases, cancers.
Pauluce had decided to leave the colosseum of, at most time, worthless competitions for fame and glory. Not
I m ay not comment on the artistic merits of Pauluce
that he felt that he was made for the cooperate ladder
works, because I have never visited them, but as an
architect with a business mind, Pauluce is probably one of the best that I have known. His achievements, I believe, were attributed b y his discipline of self reflections and perennial thirst to learn: learning about his own needs, the client needs, his friends needs; be faithful to them, and stick with them. In the light of this, I am very glad to have summoned my humility and courage to learn about Pauluce and his works. Pauluce was, and still is, the true rebel atheart. Tears remind us of lives, laughter inspire lives, and wisdom direct lives; isn’t it wonderful when you have brought us all three? Manfred Yuen. Autumn 2017
Tai w an, 2 0 0 0.
Xi an, Ch i n a, 2 0 0 0.
Xinjiang, China, 2001.
This photo was taken in Xinjiang back in July, 2001. I have actually traveled quite extensively with Pauluce, we have visited more than 5 countries together from 1998 to 2001, and he had traveled to 91 other countries​ ​ subsequently.
Fo r the La m f am i ly
A sentence is usually adequate to describe a man, but
ture came to an end, but his celestial journey has just
neither a paragraph, an essay, nor a biography would
begun. Leading a few steps ahead, Pauluce’s presence
do Pauluce justice. He lives big, with a big heart, a big
will always be felt and missed.
grin, a big belly, and a big pair of glasses. He attends to the minute, ever sensitive to family, friends and col-
With envy and trust we shall look up to him to guide
leagues. He travels wide, to all corners of the globe.
our steps.
He experiences deep, into histories and cultures. And he sees far, by uncovering the hidden connections.
With cheer and ease he will watch over us on our untrodden paths.
As his classmates and his friends, we are proud and grateful to have his company throughout the years
In loving memory of our dear friend Pauluce.
through our ups and downs. We are blessed by his optimism; we are impressed by his leadership; we are entertained by his roaring frustrations; we are humbled by his generosity; we are ashamed of our fright by his fearlessness; we are suspicious of his singing voice; we are envious of his maximum output with minimal efforts; and last but not least, we are puzzled by how he manages it all while roaming the world! For those of us who had the privilege to travel with Pauluce, we can always count on him to lead the way. There is never a dull moment with him at the driver’s seat, or at least never a static one. Thanks to him we see so much more, we experience so much more, and we get to know our true selves so much more. We can count on him to drag us out of exhaustion into yet another adventure of a lifetime. We can also count on him to get us in trouble, only to find that his wit and grit are there to pull us through. From time to time, we can all use a dose of Pauluce’s perspective and spontaneity. His departure has left a hole in everyone of us - one that we can only fill with our remembrance and gratitude. If life is a summation of fond memories and beloved connections, Pauluce’s was an iridescent collage of intense colours and bright sparks. His terrestrial adven-
Pa u l a c e,一 個 段 落,一 篇 文 章,甚 至 是 一 整 本 傳 記, 剛開始。他一如以往領先我們幾步,但我們會永遠懷 都不夠。他生性豁達、心胸廣闊、常常大笑,挺著一個
大肚子,還有一副大眼鏡;他做事細心,對家人、朋友 及 同 事 都 照 顧 周 到;他 閱 歷 無 數,走 遍 世 界,對 歷 史
我 們 會 以 羨 慕 和 信 任 的 心 ,期 盼 他 在 天 上 指 引 我 們
知的線索。 我 們 也 相 信 他 會 以 歡 樂 和 輕 鬆 的 心 情 ,看 顧 我 們 邁 可 以 成 為 Pa u l u c e 的 同 學 或 朋 友,我 們 感 到 驕 傲,亦
感 激 多 年 來 有 他 相 伴 ,一 起 經 歷 人 生 的 起 跌;P a u l u c e 的 樂 觀 性 格 深 深 感 染 我 們,他 的 領 導 能 力 令 人
刮目相看;我們被他沮喪時發出的吼聲逗樂了;他的 慷慨大方讓我們敬仰;他的大無畏讓我們自愧不如, 但 倒 是 對 他 的 歌 聲 有 點 保 留;我 們 百 思 不 得 其 解 他 如 何 能 以 最 小 的 努 力 做 出 最 大 的 成 果 ,更 驚 訝 於 他 能一邊漫遊世界,一邊掌控生活中的大小事。
那 些 有 幸 與 Pa u l u c e 一 起 去 旅 行 的 人 都 知 道 可 以 仰 賴他的領導才能,只要他一坐上了駕駛座,這趟旅程 絕 對 不 會 有 片 刻 沉 悶( 至 少 不 會 安 靜 )。感 謝 他 讓 我 們看到更多,我們一起經歷了更多的事情,從中更加 了 解自己;他 更 有 本 事 將 我 們 從 無 比 疲 憊 中 帶 到 另 一場人生難得一遇的冒險;當他讓我們遇到麻煩時, 又 總 以 機 智、決 心 和 勇 氣 帶 領 我 們 脫 險。Pa u l u c e 精 彩 和 隨 性 的 人 生 觀 對 我 們 畢 生 受 用 。他 的 離 開 好 像 在 我 們 每 個 人 身 上 挖了 一 個 洞 ,我 們 只 能 以 回 憶 和 感激之情來填補。
如果人的一生是美好回憶和充滿愛的關係的總和, 那 麼 Pa u l u c e 的 一 生 就 是 一 幅 色 彩 鮮 豔 和 閃 亮 的 拼
This is his presentation board of the “House as a Home� Project in the year 1 studio shortlisted in the year portfolio 98-99.
B io g r ap hy o f Pau l u c e, La m Sh i u Lu n
– Born in Hong Kong
– Studied at Ka Man Kindergarten, Hong Kong
– Studied at SKH St.Michael’s Primary School, Hong Kong
– Studied at Queen’s College, Hong Kong
– Studied architecture at University of Hong Kong (BA Architecture)
– Studied at Bartlett School, University College London (Diploma in Architecture & MSc Urban Design - distinction)
– Qualified as a RIBA and ARB Chartered Architect
– Set up his own practice, Pauluce Lam Architect, in London
– Married Elisa Lam at the Old Marylebone Town Hall, London
–Wedding banquet with his wife Elisa, in the presence of family and friends in Essaouira, Morocco
– Set up Spotperties, a property development company, in London
– Visited Moldova, his 52nd and last European country on the list
– Visited his 94th country - Botswana
– Passed away while travelling in Botswana, Africa
– Memorial Service in London
2017.10.23-24 – Funeral at The Hong Kong Funeral Home
PA U L U C E , L A M S H I U L U N 1979 - 2017