Hao lin studio air partb

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Journal Part B Hao Lin 715958

B.1 Research Field Strip/folding is a mean of generating both aesthetic forms and structures. Through computational design, designers find ways to break away from the conventional dilemma of materials and structures. Strip/folding is one of the approaches to cross the boundaries. Forms can be decomposed into basic strip components while folding can add to the profiles. The forms can be manipulated through parameters and performance can be simulated. It simplified fabrication and construction process and maximize the potential of materials.

ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 The innovative structure demonstrates the latest developments in material-oriented computational design, simulation, and production processes in architecture. The result is a bending-active structure made entirely of extremely thin, elasticallybent plywood strips. Traditionally in the virtual processes of computational design form and force are usually treated as separate entities, as they are divided into processes of geometric form generation and subsequent simulation based on specific material properties. The research pavilion uses an alternative approach: here, the computational generation of form is driven and informed by material characteristics and behaviours. The structure is entirely based on the elastic bending behavior of plywood strips. The strips are robotically manufactured as planar elements, and subsequently connected so that elastically bent and tensioned regions alternate along their length. The force that is locally stored in each bent region of the strip, and maintained by the corresponding tensioned region of the neighboring strip, greatly increases the structural capacity of the system. In order to prevent bending moments, 80 different strip patterns constructed from more than 500 geometrically unique parts were produced. The computational design model is based on embedding the relevant material behavioral features in parametric principles. These parametric dependencies were defined through physical experiments focusing on the measurement of deflections of elastically bent thin plywood strips.



B.2 Case Study 1 Biothing - Seroussi Pavilion With ‘biothing’ the New York based architect Alisa Andrasek founded a trans-disciplinary lobratory that focuses on the generative potential of computational systems for design. The project explored in-between algorithmic states by transcoding 3 different algorithms. Electro-Magnetic Field developed through Biothing’s custom written plug-in for Rhino was initially distributed in order to develop structural trajectories for the roof condition. Resonating pattern was imprinted into the ground creating emitters for the second algorithmic logic _ radial wave interference pattern that formed global geography of the field. Finally, class 4 Cellular Automata was used to re-process wave data by imprinting micro-articulation of the ground.

SPECIES A. Division of Curves B. Radius of Circles C. Division of Circles D. Field Lines E. Spin Force F. Division of Field Lines and Multiplication G. Graph Mapper H. Combination of above




This one is basically the same as the original project, only with larger circ les. The size of the circles make this iteration clearer on structure.






This one is the best of the best four. The curvature of the field lines are elegant than natural. There are more possibilities to apply to real design.

By adding spin force and merging the field, the field lines looks much more interesting than the original project.

This one is similar to the third one but with different curves.

B.3 Case Study 2 DOUBLE AGENT WHITE Double Agent White functions to achieve a maximum degree of morphological freedom, structural continuity, visual interplay, and logistical efficiency within a minimum degree of components, and performative hierarchies. It is composed from the amalgamated intersection of 9 spheres of unique radii forming one continuous surface. The sphere primitive defines continuous double curvature across the piece for material rigidity while simultaneously allowing for larger decomposable units able to be optimally nested for efficient storage. The surface condition is composed of two parallel yet divergent sets of distributed agents. The first, a controlled macro set is describing the overall geometry into the minimum number of developable elements able to be cut within the constraints of flat sheets of aluminum. The second, higher resolution, more schizophrenic and expressive set is detailing aperture as ornament. The former informing the latter. Bound within the logic of assembly mobility, and spatial nuance, Double Agent White coheres myriad formal and technical constraints into an immersive environmental whole.


FAILED ATTEMPT: TRAVELINGSALESMAN I first tried with Traveling Salesman to repeatedly find the closest point and record the path. The result looks similar to the original project but the polyline is too messy and hard to be transformed further. So I considered it failed.


Generate spheres Arrange the spheres in the desired way Union the spheres into one

Populate points on the geometry Use Voronoi to create the pattern

Scale each polyline Loft the scaled ones w Use Cull Item to create


with the original ones e openings

Trim the resulted mesh with a surface

Use Weaverbird plugin to play with the mesh

Final outcome

B.4 Technique:

SPECIES 1 traveling salesman

SPECIES 2 Number of points/Cull index/Scale factor



: Development

This iteration of Traveling Salesman looks good to me. But the structure and buildability are problems.

SPECIES 3 Sphere generation +species 2

This one is good in terms of the size and number of the holes. It is also easy to fabricate, either using 3D printing or H clip connection.


WB This one is the best of the three in terms of the connection to design brief. However the material choices and buildability are limited.

B.5 Techniqu

Sheet Nesting

Packing Isometric


Divide the mesh into pieces. Cut the sheets into the shap Find the angle between each piece of them and connect


METHOD 4 Casting

Using pottery plaster plaster cloth, water balloons of various sizes as molds.

Pottery Plaster also has very high strength but it is too brittle if the surface is too thin. It is very hard to achieve the desired shape. H openings if the thickness is enough.

ue: Prototype

pes. using H clip.

Divide the thickened mesh. 3D print each of them and glue them together.


However it can create good

Build the frame first and make the infill.


Plaster cloth has high strength anc can form any shapes. It is not easy to bend but after it drys it is also hard to create openings. I tryed to do openings before dip it into water and the

It turned out that plaster is very ideal in terms of the qualities of the design in B.4. However it is also hard to control the curvature, the shapes and the sizes of holes. In part C I might need to find an approach to control the plaster, or use other materials such as rubber.

B.6. Technique: Proposal My target client is the Early Learning Centre, which is a specialised research and demonstration kindergarten at the University of Melbourne. It is located besides Merri Creek. What I propose is a program for children to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future when they grow up. And I am thinking about designing a uniform for the kids in the kindergarten, that provokes their interest in natural environment, and encourages them to discover the natural environment around the kindergarten. The garment should firstly have some connections to the natural environment around the kindergarten. It also has to be interesting in the kids' perspective. As it is for children, it also has to be smooth and lightweight rather than sharp or chunky. One of the most important qualities of my prototype is that it has a curved and continuing surface, with holes of various sizes on it. One possibility is to allow children to create interesting effect using natural light. Another possibility is to have kids play with water. The prototype is thin and lightweight and should be suitable for kids. One drawback of the design is that it is not flexible enough to keep up with movement of body. This goes against the purpose to have kids exploring the environment. Possible solutions include changing the material, splitting the components and connecting them with flexible joints, or keeping the design in a proper size that avoid obstacle.

Antler/Ladybug Material: Rubber

Playing with light

B.7. Learning Objectives and Outcomes The studio aims to improve my ability to design and fabricate based on computation, and use digital design thinking instead of the traditional approach. One of the learning objectives from the subject reader is 'developing “an ability to generate a variety of design possibilities for a given situation� by introducing visual programming, algorithmic design and parametric modelling with their intrinsic capacities for extensive design-space exploration'. At the beginning of this semester I only follow the instruction from online tutorials and did not cooporate the skills in design. For part B I started to develop my own design based on casestudy and connect computational design with the brief. Another objective is to 'develop foundational understandings of computational geometry, data structures and types of programming' which I was learning and will be continuing to learn. For example I have learned about manipulating data tree in grasshopper and understanding how grasshopper programs statistics. This foundational understanding allows me to control my design better and will be helpful in the future. Also there is an objective to develop “skills in various threedimensional media', which I was practising during the semester. I have learnt to use rhino and vray, and digital fabrication to produce various form of 3D media. I also learn to 'begin developing a personalised repertoire of computational techniques'. For Casestudy 2 I was trying to reverse engineer the precedent project. In order to achieve that I not only referred to online tutorials provided by Studio Air but also did research about various algorithms and plugins.

B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches

References Biothing, 'MESONIC FABRICS', (revised March 2010) <http://www.biothing.org/?cat=10> [1 Sep 2016] Theverymany, '12-atelier-calder', <http://www.biothing.org/?cat=10> [6 Sep 2016] University Stuttgart, 'ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010', <http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=4458> [1 Sep 2016] University of Melbourne, Studio Air Subject Reader <https://app.lms.unimelb.edu.au/bbcswebdav/pid-5394014-dtcontent-rid-20499251_2/courses/ABPL30048_2016_SM2/AIR2016_S2_CourseReader%282%29.pdf> [15 Sep 2016]

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