2 minute read
Seat location on any plane is serious business. The difference between one row to another, can be hundreds of dollars. Proximity to entry/exit doors and restrooms also affects flight dollars. Ease of access is also a big consideration as well as comfort level when choosing an airplane seat.
Henry would absolutely always choose the aisle seat. Until I remind him that his arm or shoulder would surely get bumped every time someone walks passed him. Not to mention that he would have to get up every time I or the 3rd person in our row, needed to get up to stretch our legs or use the restrooms.
“That bit of work you like to do and those little naps- nope!”
So we purchase the window and middle seats when we travel as a pair. The only drawback, I find is that if we need to use the facilities, we have to ask the aisle person to please excuse us. Sometimes, they want you to climb over them- uhm no, you have to get up, sorry! Or worse, they get up to use the restrooms but leave the tray-table down full of beverages and snacks. Sometimes they leave their laptops and phones on their seat- still attached to power cords. It’s like a minefield! I usually have to say, “Hiwe need to use the facilities too, do you mind clearing the way?” (internal eye-roll).
But most times we luck out and the 3rd seat in our row is unoccupied. When that happens, we lift up the arm rests in between and sit “loveseat” style on the plane- it’s really quite comfortable.
Which seat is a better bet for your money? Most people overwhelming say it’s the one near the window. I would have to totally agree.
You can control the window shade (ever try to catch a nap and have full sun in your face? – not cute.); no one is going to ask you to please get up because they need to use the facilities and no one is going to bump your side (especially that beverage / food cart) while you try to work or nap.
The only benefit to the aisle seat is that you can get in and out without having to wait on someone. However, you have to move every time someone in you row needs to get up. Plus you have all that traffic in the actual aisle.
The middle seat may be the least desirable for me- if I’m travelling alone. If I’m with Henry, it’s not too bad because we can lean in close with each other, put the arm rest up and be quite comfortable like we do at home. But if I’m travelling alone, I never book the middle seat. You get all the negatives and none of the benefits of the window & aisle seats. And you’re constantly positioning for an arm rest in that middle seat too.
So, which is the best seat- the window seat of course!