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Development Corner

Development Corner

Resource Management Services, LLC

Kirk L. Gadzia, Certified Educator PO Box 1100 Bernalillo, NM 87004 505-263-8677 kirk@rmsgadzia.com www.rmsgadzia.com

Pasture Scene Investigation

How can RMS, LLC help you?

On-Site Consulting: All aspects of holistic management, including financial, ecological and human resources. Training Events: Regularly scheduled and customized training sessions provided in a variety of locations. Ongoing Support: Follow-up training sessions and access to continued learning opportunities and developments. Land Health Monitoring: Biological monitoring of rangeland and riparian ecosystem health. Property Assessment: Land health and productivity assessment with recommended solutions.


By World Famous Dr. Grandin By World Famous Dr. Grandin

Originator of Curved Ranch Corrals Originator of Curved Ranch Corrals The wide curved Lane makes The wide curved Lane makes filling lling the crowding tub easy the crowding tub easy. .

Includes detailed drawings for loading Includes detailed drawings for loading ramp, V chute, round crowd pen, dip ramp, V chute, round crowd pen, dip vat, gates and hinges. Plus cell center vat, gates and hinges. Plus cell center layouts and layouts compatible with layouts and layouts compatible with electronic sorting systems. Articles on cattle behavior. 27 corral layouts. $55. electronic sorting systems. Articles on cattle behavior. 27 corral layouts. $55.

Low Stress Cattle Handling Video $59.

Low Stress Cattle Handling Video $59. Send checks/money order to: GRANDIN LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS GRANDIN LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS 2918 Silver Plume Dr., Unit C-3 Send checks/money order to: 2918 Silver Plume Dr., Unit C-3 Fort Collins, CO 80526 Fort Collins, CO 80526 970/229-0703 970/229-0703 • www.grandin.com www.grandin.com

“Bud Williams” Livestock Marketing & Proper Stockmanship

with Richard McConnell & Tina Williams

Learn how good stockmanship can make your livestock handling experiences Tracy Litlehow livestock marketing based on today’s price (no crystal ball) can help you realize Holistic Management Certified Educator

Learn the principles ofMay 25-26 — 2 Day Stockmanship

Holistic Management that only, Dickinson, ND can regenerate and sustain May 30-June 1 — 3 Day Marketing/ profitable farms, their Stockmanship, Wawota, SK families and communities. Coming also to Alberta, Wyoming, and Iowa!


tjlitle@hotmail.com www.handnhandlivestocksolutions.com Orange Grove, Texas info@handnhandlivestocksolutions.com 417-327-6500

P h i l M e t z g e r

Over 30 years of hands-on experience with individuals, farms, small businesses, and groups of all types and sizes. • Goal setting • Improved decision making • Financial planning • Grazing planning • Land assessment • Biological monitoring • Group Facilitation

HOLISTIC MANAGEMENT® CERTIFIED EDUCATOR CORRAL DESIGNS By World Famous Dr. Grandin Originator of Curved Ranch Corrals Over 35 years of hands-on experience with individuals, farms, small businesses The wide curved Lane makes filling the crowding tub easy. and groups of all types and sizes, including Includes detailed drawings for loading ramp, facilitating workshops, training, and V chute, round crowd pen, dip vat, gates one-on-one teaching. and hinges. Plus cell center layouts and • Goal setting • Improved decision making • Financial planning • Land assessment • Biological monitoring layouts compatible with electronic sorting systems. Articles on cattle behavior. 27 corral layouts. $55. Low Stress Cattle Handling Video $59. Send checks/money order to: • Land & Infrastructure Planning GRANDIN

Let me help you maximize profits, regenerate LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS your land and improve your quality of life. 2918 Silver Plume Dr., Unit C-3 Free initial phone consultation. Contact Phil at 607-334-2407 or pmetzger17@gmail.com. Free initial phone consultation. Contact Phil at 607-316-4182 or pmetzger17@gmail.com. Fort Collins, CO 80526 970/229-0703 www.grandin.com

Kids On the Land, Inc.

A unique environmental program designed to teach children about the region where they live, connecting them to the land and a more sustainable future. LarryDyerEcological Agriculture

JEFF GOEBEL Consulting Helping farms and communities through the holistic Graeme Hand Certified Educator • lens of an ecologist We make sure you can adopt Holistic

Helping People Solve Management by focusing on your barriers to adoption Kids On the Land is ready for an appearance Complex Problems ✦ Increase profitability • • • • Educational Programs • Group Process Facilitation • Group and Individual Consultation Enterprise re-design to lower risks and expenses while reducing your workload Systematic process to determine recovery and animal impact on your land Clear, unambiguous, proven definition of in your school district. Peggy Maddox can come help your host ✦ Effective conflict resolution with diverse issues • Specializing in: • Organic vegetable production perennial grass recovery that increases ecosystem function Early warning indicators of animal & ✦ landowner and school get started. • Make a donation Successful goal achievement by overcoming limiting beliefs • • Season extension • Passive solar greenhouse management land performance Including Multi Species/ Cocktail Cover Cropping in your grazing plan • Offer your land as a site for a KOL program • Become a volunteer Executive Director – Peggy Maddox 325/226-3042 peggy@kidsontheland.org http://kidsontheland.org To learn more, contact: JEFF GOEBEL • 541/610-7084 goebel@aboutlistening.com www.aboutlistening.com ✦ Large scale holistic planning and effective implementation • • Local food systems • Whole Farm Planning with Holistic Management® 1113 Klondike Ave., Petoskey, MI 49770 231-347-7162 • 231-881-2784 (cell) ldyer3913@gmail.com Our training uses the latest research on reducing barriers to adoption (www.CBSM.com) to increase your success Mobile: +61418532130 Email: graemehand9@gmail.com www.handfortheland.com

Evaluating Soil Fertility for Wine Grapes Number 162 IN PRACTICE 23

A three day advanced workshop presented by Neal Kinsey

Course features 100 new and different examples of winegrape soils from the various countries and grape-growing areas of the world including the US, Europe, Australia, New Zealand,Canada and South Africa. All samples have been analyzed using the Kinsey/Albrecht System of soil analysis; course features specific tests to establish desired nutrient levels for winegrape production. The basic foundation for determining each nutrient required to achieve excellent soil fertility is provided as a specific formula. Each formula is expressed and completely explained by subject covered, and is included as a handout in each participant’s workbook, thus providing how to calculate answers for each example used for the course.

January 20, 21 & 22, 2020 The Delta King, Sacramento, CA.

Cost: $1500/if one person per room— includes program & lunch daily, plus full breakfast and accommodations at the Delta King Riverboat Hotel ($1200 per person includes all of the above if two attendees per room.) Course only including lunch and breaks— $900 for previous clients or $1200 all others.

Soil pit demo weather permitting. Cost: (includes lunch). $150 each for course participant & family members. $350-includes tour plus one night’s lodging. $250 (tour only) for all others.

Optional “Vineyard Soils” Tour

January 23 optional tour from 8am–4pm for course participants who would like to visit area vineyards utilizing our testing and fertilization program. Soil tests showing initial fertility levels and current changes will be utilized

For consulting or educational services contact: Kinsey Agricultural Services, Inc.

297 County Highway 357 Ph: 573/683-3880, Fax: 573/683-6227 Charleston, Missouri 63834 www.kinseyag.com • info@kinseyag.com

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