Architecture Portfolios 2018

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Portfolio. CrĂŠative content * Research and thesis * Conceptual project * On ging realisation * Design and realisation

HMIDOUCHI Youssef MArch 2017/2018 ENSAPVS Paris



Hmidouchi.Y portefolio



* Research and thesis

The Kanda (Re)creation

page 01

* Conceptual project

The Oasis The ÂŤKirigamiÂť house page 12

page 20

* On going realisation

The Charenton appartment

page 28

* Design & Workshop

The Dagmerke lanmark The Frozen trees Pavillion page 54

page 70


PART - 01

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis

Kanda (Re)creation Tokyo, one of the greatest megalopolises in the world, suffers from the consequences of the population decline. As a shrinking city, the far suburbs are abandoned while the urban cores keep attracting more and more people and activities. Yet at the heart of the bustle of Tokyo, waterways are hidden between buildings and expressways. In fact, those canals were one of the main transport networks, as well as a major commercial places in the feudal era of Edo. However, one may look for it for a while before actually seeing these waterways in the city. As the city modernised, the waterways became the supporting network for modern transportations, such as the railway and the urban expressways. As a matter of fact, the waterways are these days completely neglected and unhealthy. Yet, the waterways may be the prospective green lungs of the city, conducive to host relaxing, natural and quiet spots within the busy city.

On the right, elevation of the project highlighting the canal and the surrounding buildings.



PART - 01

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis

The forgotten waterways of Tokyo as an urban asset for a shrinking city.

Here we find the different typology of the confrontation between the canals and the transport systems in the city of Tokyo



PART - 01


longueur: 14km largeur: 10-35m 84 ponts profond

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis

The Kanda gawa river...

Map of the city of Tokyo and location of the river selected


Localisation of the site

Major subway stations around the canal

Important buildings around the canal

The different green spaces around the canal

a public amenity of health and well being. 09

PART - 01

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis


The project focuses on the Kandagawa river, on both sides of the Ochanomizu station. As the train tracks follow the river, the station becomes a connecting infrastructure between the waterbus network, the JR railway network and the street level. Thus, the station is not only a gateway to the disbursed canal, but also the starting point of a sporting and relaxing sequence along the river. Over the station, large unencumbered superimposed floor plates enable a mixture of different sports such as football, basketball and badminton in a playful spirit. Going down to the water level by the large escalator, water sports facilities are arranged on floating plates along the Kandagawa river.

Axonometry highlighting the project’s urban intentions


PART - 01

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis



PART - 01

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis

Ochanom a sport statio

These diagrams illustrate the relationship between the city and the projects, as well as its internal functioning


mizu ting on...


PART - 01

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis

and a gateway to the river. The whole mixed-use program not only intends to promote the practice of sport in the city, but also means to restructure the waterways as a public space as it used to be, and as spaces of health and well-being inside the frenetic city. In compliance with Hidetoshi Ono’s comments on Tokyo as a «Fibercity», we consider the waterways as a collection of linear segments that have to be joined in order to create a network.

Section of the project highlighting the relation with the canal.



PART - 01

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis


A linear identity

Below the ground floor plan of the project

As the linear identity of the waterways is strenghten by the bordering railtracks, the sport facility on top of the station emphasizes the linearity with its cantilevered horizontal galleries that serve the different sports courts.

As a public space Thought as a public space, all the fields are outdoor except the dojo and the fitness room. Widely open towards the canal, the galleries and the staircases intend to foster the access to the river. The whole building is raised in order to free the ground floor as a public place connecting the JR train station beneath to the water level and to the streets.


PART - 01

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis

Above plan of the higher levels


Section showing the relationship between the metro and the project.


PART - 01

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis

Reveal the Kanda river. The building is imagined as a simple combination of slabs and columns and flared concrete without facade, which merges into the urban fabric of the neighborhood.

Exploted axonometry highlighting the different programs.


This sports cathedral is a superposition of outdoor spaces surrounded by nets extending to the roof, perforated occasionally by opaque or glazed boxes dedicated to opaque or glass boxes dedicated to specific sports that require a heated atmosphere such as the Fitness room or children’s park.

Below , perspective seen from the bridge opposite


PART - 01

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis


A place to live sport. The building is designed as a minimal and robust structure. It is organized vertically as a panoramic sports field open on the large landscape of the plateau.

An «urban shelf» This exterior staircase is designed as a real public space. . The building takes the form of an «urban shelf»: a vertical public space accessible to all visitors.


PART - 01

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Research Thesis



PART - 02

The Oasis Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Conceptual project

Convinced that education is the best way to address poverty and inequality, we chose to set up the school, we called L’Oasis around a slum in LomÊ, Togo. At the crossroads of the national road from the historic city center and the lagoon, the school is setting up in a wasteland where nearly 2,000 inhabitants have already found refuge. In the heart of the city, it is located in a strategic place, with a visual escape on the lagoon source of potentiality. By definition, informal settlements lack public infrastructure. The implantation of a school around this slum is a structuring gesture for the neighborhood. School and culture can become the roots of the neighborhood, thus contributing to its sustainability. The Oasis can become the place where children slum can grow and flourish, a real nursery for children.

Collage of the project highlighting its relationship with the surrounding slums



PART - 02

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Conceptual project

A project hidden in the landscape

Canisse roof

Wood structure

The school is melting at the corner of the site, at the edge of the lagoon. The project, housed under a canopy, reveals emergences and vegetative breakaways. The project respects the scale of surrounding dwellings for better integration into the landscape.

General axonometry of the project.


wooden patio to bring light

Classrooms Cafeteria Toilet Administration

landscape integration

concept diagrams of the project evolutionary process

visual breakthrough

the walls define the school

Under the canopy, in a frame of five meters by five meters, modules are integrated into green patios and skylights. Each module opens with one of these walls on a shared space spatially defined by the surrounding landscape: the monumental staircase descending to the project and the Lagoon. These open walls draw and recreate places of intimacy to study, rest or play.

the school define the walls


PART - 02

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Conceptual project


A modular principle

recycled plastic bottle

Rammed earth walls

Each module can be realized with the materials present on the site to facilitate the implementation, reduce the cost and valorize the modes of local constructions. We suggest mud bricks (made with the earth recovered for the disbursement of the site), the rammed earth, various panels of wood, the mud, the canisses or the bamboos for the roof, the wooden structure .... The waste present on the site is experiencing a second life. Plastic bottles or burlap bags can be filled with soil to become structural walls. Glass bottles create walls of light. Chains allow the flow of water. All neglected elements of daily life integrate the architecture of the Oasis.

recycled glass bottle

Bricks wall


PART - 02

Beyond the walls Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Conceptual project


meeting module 10x10m

Sanitary facilities, educational institutions and know-how sharing areas are divided into three-dimensional modules. These modules constitute both the school plan, but also cross its walls to extend to the slum. In addition to the school, the inhabitants of the region benefit from other health and cultural infrastructures in the heart of the district.

educational module 10x5m

Sanitary module 5x5m

ÂŤit wh to ch

Outside the opening hours of the school, when the walls of the modules are closed, the common space becomes a meeting place for all slum dwellers. Here, the school becomes a place of daily life, a haven of peace, an oasis in full urbanity. Thus, between the school and the neighborhood, the wall gradually fades. The Oasis, more than a school, becomes the training ground for future citizens

t takes a hole village raise a hildÂť. 35

PART - 02

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Conceptual project

Build together By the ease of construction of the project, the inhabitants of the district can integrate the construction of the project. They could both share their traditional, constructive knowledge and learn building techniques based on the recycling of materials. Naturally, these sharing of constructive knowledge will enable the reinforcement of existing dwellings to always accompany the development of this district.

Axonometry roof structure


Detail of water evacuation

In order to live well, special attention has been given to ensure that each classroom has a direct light input to its entrance, that no class has visĂ -vis, and that the sound insulation is respected.The natural ventilation of each class is carried out by two perforated walls placed in the South - East according to the direction of the wind. The canopy acts as an over-roof to prevent solar radiation and overheating of the modules. The rainwater is collected by a system built into the roof and it joins the bathroom or kitchen underground.

in harmony with the climate


PART - 02

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I

Language of flowers

Conceptual project

Il maionem olupta que parum aut ut alibus eum et quam quuntion rerio. Ceat.Minveles mi, occus, quam et rat asim con re, qui comnim invendem quatiostrum dolum et eatione vent autaquiant eat ipid quae con repediae nihit, et ipsaper chictotam autatum labo. Nam, ut ommostem. Itatur rem re volores int im fugiatur? Fac-

Od priae audam Pales ponteaterte is, neria renica deferibulvit ommortis coni



PART - 02

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I

The «Kirigami» house The proposed project is in the emblematic district of Omotesando in Tokyo.Best known for its large avenue, the area is also the haunt of residential and commercial area that looks like a small village. With its changing urban fabric, this district is comparable to the «Commersidence» kind evoked by Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, where the arrival of shops bring energy to the area. In this context, we worked on a small scale project in Omotesando district, where businesses came to interact with the existing residential structure. The plot with modest dimensions will host a mixed program linking home and workspace areas.

Conceptual project collage representing the house’s elevation and its relation to the context.



PART - 02

In.. Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Conceptual project

24 sheets

The project is a stack of thin blades spaced every 45cm. This micro dimension defines a three-dimensional frame that combines the different uses within a narrow plot. Each blade has a central void that defines the living space, whereas the blade itself defines either a floor, a shelf or a furniture. Workplaces, gathering spaces and private spaces are only divided by the concept of threshold, while being connected through the central void. Wooden cubes are stuck between the blades to serve as furnitures or storage boxes.

uses within a narrow plot. Each blade has a central void that defines the living space, whereas the blade itself defines either a floor, a shelf or a furniture.



1- spaced Feuilles de 45cm d’ écart = verticalité et surfaces 45cm empilées Flux public horizontal=associer les deux rues et décaisser afin de maximiser les surfaces. urban space FluxFrom privé vertical= distribution des usages tournés vers un axe vertical majeur to domestic space



Vertical ascension by 90 ° rotation 2- from one blade to Planchers 1/4 = rotation des surfaces avec hsp another

5x45=2m25 Association des usages publics et privés par un heightcontinuel flux Ceiling de circulation = 5x45cm > Courbe centripède= fluidité connexion > Géométrie = 2m25 centripète = monde interne masqué

3Emmarchement continuel Bloc indépendant en bois massif multifonctionnels Maison ouverte > FLuidité connexion et continuité entre les usages. Le parcours privé/public n’ est plus dissocié. Scénarios de maisons/exposition

2Planchers 1/4 = rotation des surfaces avec hsp 5x45=2m25 Association des usages publics et privés par un flux de circulation continuel > Courbe centripède= fluidité connexion > Géométrie centripète = monde interne masqué

Between.. The house was designed as a polymorphic, domestic and urban space. Particular attention was paid to the interstitial continuity between the surrounding buildings with a new connection between the street and the inner garden leading to Cat street. The external language of the blades is palliated by a curvy design inside the house. A central void goes up an down to interconnect the blades.

3Emmarchement continuel Bloc indépendant en bois massif multifonctionnels Maison ouverte > FLuidité connexion et continuité entre les usages. Le parcours privé/public n’ est plus dissocié. Scénarios de maisons/exposition

4> Sortir 3D total isometrie sud-est avec poteaux et pots en facade >Porosité 1> Modules mobilier bois multifonctionnels et modulables >Porosité 2> Structure poteaux et paroies de verre >Porosité 2>Pots compris dans les lames extérieures= intimité végétale


PART - 02

Through. Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I Conceptual project


The proposal is a device of social interactions by a programmatic superposition. As the curves translate the fluidity of the course, the house adjusts to the uses. It can open to the public space. The whole house then becomes a public process and allows the exhibition of the inhabitants’ work. The whole building becomes a real showroom. The workshop is converted into a retail outlet, the kitchen becomes a cafÊ and the rooms turn into exhibition spaces. Thanks to simple but practical devices, the poly- morphous house is a multifunctional space that juggles skillfully between uses through a playful and poetic universe.


PART - 02

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I

Conceptual project



PART - 02

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I

Scenario 1 Bedroom

Scenario 2 Art gallery

Conceptual project Axonometry Interior atmosphere according to different scenarios


Facade detail


PART - 02

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I

Conceptual project


Perspective section


PART - 03

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I On going realisation

The Charenton appartment The charenton appartment is a renovation project of 60 Sq m to welcome a couple without children. The project aims to give a new lease of life to the apartment by promoting the opening of the kitchen on the living space, providing a natural light and a central position in the living space.

Collage of the relationship between the kitchen and the living space. Highlighting the kitchen that becomes a leading space



PART - 03

Before.. Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I On going realisation



HSP 2.70


HSP 2.55






HSP 2.55


+ 0,09 NIV

+ 0,09 NIV






2.9 HSP 2.3


HSP 2.50

Living room

s o y h studio

Rénovation 87 bis rue de Charenton Paris 75012

In the existing plan a wall separates the current shower room from the living room. The kitchen is disconnected from the livingroom.

Mme Christine Delelee





Tél. Olivia.S : 0603472663 Youssef.H: 0647215090 Adresse: 22, rue du faubourg du temple, 75015 Paris


1.7 1.44


01 mars 2018












Axonometry of the existing apartment. In red the walls, furniture, and door that will be demolished.


PART - 03


HSP 2.70

HSP 2.55 + 0,09 NIV


Entrance HSP 2.50

+ 0,09 NIV

HSP 2.3


Living room

s o y h studio Tél. Olivia.S : 0603472663 Youssef.H: 0647215090 Adresse: 22, rue du faubourg du temple, 75015 Paris

Rénovation 87 bis rue de Charenton

Plan proposal for the renovation, inversion of the kitchen and the shower room to enlarge the living space


HSP 2.55


Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I On going realisation


PLAN_PROJET 26 février 2018








PART - 03

Materiality Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I On going realisation For this project the soil is made of solid wood parquet and all new storages are made in birch wood For the walls and the floors of the bathrooms, green tiles are used.



PART - 03

Interventions.. Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I On going realisation


The entrance, several new storage are available

The kitchen, opening on the living room allowing a contribution of natural light

Shower room, accessible only by the bedroom with Italian shower.

Bedroom, Creation of a large piece of storage furniture in which comes nest the bed.


PART - 03

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Architecture section I On going realisation

relationship between the room and the shower room.



PART - 04

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I Design section I Design & Workshop

Dagmerke landmark Dagmerke or daymark in English is a daytime identifier of an aid to navigation.Generally, the daymark conveys to the mariner during daylight hours the same significance as does the aid’s light or reflector at night.Here the project aims to guide the students from Oslo to their new school and thus serve as a point of reference.

On the right, a collage expressing the relation with the sky of the project



PART - 04

Design.. Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I design section I Design & Workshop



Above plans and section of the project






and constru ction

Picture taken during the construction


PART - 04

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I design section I Research Thesis


Height: 12m

Isometry of the project.

Isometry exploded of the project highlighting the main wooden structure.


PART - 04


Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I design section I Design & Workshop

Pictures of a structure detail



PART - 04

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I design section I Design & Workshop

TheÂŤ frozen treesÂť Pavillion Realization of an ice pavilion in Finnish Lapland as part of a one-month workshop. The idea of the project is to create a meditation space around an ice tree forest of different heights. The more the visitor sinks into this forest of ice, the more the walls of ice bring it closer to reach the space of meditation.

On the right, a photo of the ice meditation space, only illuminated by candles.



PART - 04

Ice and fire Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I design section I Design & Workshop the pavilion was made of ice brick. The ice is cut directly on the frozen lake and then brought to the site



PART - 04

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I design section I Design & Workshop



PART - 04

Hmidouchi.Y portefolio I design section I Design & Workshop Inauguration of the project in the heart of the city of Oulu.



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