The Horace Mann League’s Annual Meeting 2015
Annual Meeting Program
HML Annual Meeting Friday, February 27, 2015, San Diego Agenda (11:45 am to 1:30 pm) Welcome --------------------------------- Gary Marx Officers and Directors ----------------- Gary Marx Introduction of Past Presidents ------- Charles Fowler Corporate Sponsors -------------------- Christine Johns-Haines Invocation and Luncheon ------------- Joe Hairston Nomination and Election -------------- Laurie Barron Adoption of Revised Bylaws ---------- Charles Fowler Int’l. Indicators Project-----------Gary Marx & James Harvey Recognition of NSPRA-Rich Bagin & Carolyn Boccella Bagin Award Presentations Ambassador Awards ----------------------- by Joe Hairston Outstanding Steven Webb -‐ 4 Awards -‐ 2 Friend of the League -------- by Past Presidents Outstanding Friend of Public Education - by Charles Fowler Outstanding Public Educator -------------- by Gary Marx Past Presidents Award-Gary Marx by Charles Fowler (Pedro Noguera and Gene Carter will speak at this Annual Meeting.)
HML Outstanding Friend of Public Education—Pedro Noguera Pedro Noguera is the Peter L. Agnew Professor of Education at New York University. Dr. Noguera is a sociologist whose scholarship and research focus on ways schools are influenced by social and economic conditions, as well as by demographic trends in local, regional, and global contexts. He has published over 200 research and scholarly articles, monographs, research reports and editorials on topics such as urban school reform, education policy, conditions that promote student achievement, the role of education in community development, youth violence, and race and ethnic relations in American society. Dr. Noguera appears as a regular commentator on educational issues on CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio and other outlets.
The League’s Outstanding Public Educator – Gene Carter After 22 years as the executive director and CEO of Alexandria, VA, based ASCD, Gene Carter retired in June 2014. Prior to joining ASCD, formerly known as the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, he was superintendent of schools in Norfolk, Va., for nine years. During that time, the American Association of School Administrators selected him as the first National Superintendent of the Year. Dr. Carter has worked as a teacher, public school administrator, and university professor. He received his doctorate in instructional and curricular practice from Teachers College, Columbia University in 1973. During his tenure, Gene Carter led ASCD’s international expansion, advocating for the whole child and healthy school communities worldwide.
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The Horace Mann League of the USA
Annual Meeting Program
Officers and Directors of the Horace Mann LPraesent eague 2014-‐2015 pretium
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President: Gary Marx, Pres. Center for Public Outreach, Vienna, VA
President-‐elect: Charles Fowler, Exec. Secretary Suburban Sch. Supts., Exeter, NH
Vice President: Chris Johns-‐ Haines, Supt., Utica Comm. Schools, Sterling
1 Past President: Joe Hairston, Assoc. Professor, Howard Univ., Washington. DC
2 Past President: Mark Edwards Superintendent of Schools, Moorseville, NC
Heights, MI.
Laurie Barron, Supt. of Schools, Evergreen Schools District, Kalispell, MT
Evelyn Holman, Supt. (former) Bay Shore USD, Bay Shore, NY
Kevin Maxwell, CEO, Prince George’s County Schools, Upper Marlboro, MD
Vice President: Martha Bruckner, Supt. of Schs., Council Bluffs Comm. Schools, IA
Carol Choye, Instructor, Bank Street College, NY
James Harvey, Exec. Dir., National Supts. Roundtable Seattle, WA
Eric King, Supt. (retired) Muncie Public Schools, Muncie, IN
Stan Olson, Director, Silverback Learning, Boise, ID
Steven Webb, Supt. of Schools, Vancouver, School District, Vancouver, WA
Brent Clark, Exec Director Illinois Assoc. Sch. Admin. Springfield, IL
Steven Ladd, Supt., Elk Grove USD, Elk Grove, CA
Linda Darling-‐ Hammond, Professor, Stanford University, Palo A lto, CA.
Barry Lynn, Exec. Director Americans United. Washington DC
Jack McKay, Exec. Dir. Horace Mann League, WA
The Horace Mann League of the USA
Annual Meeting Program
Nominations for Officers and Director 2015 President
Charles Fowler, Exec. Secretary Suburban Sch. Supts., Exeter, NH
President -‐ Elect
Chris Johns-‐ Haines, Supt., Utica Community Schools, Sterling Heights, MI.
Vice President
Martha Bruckner, Supt. of Schs., Council Bluffs Comm. Schools, IA
Jeff Charbonneau, Sci. Coordinator, ESD 105 & Zillah High School, Zillah, WA
1st Past President
Gary Marx, Pres. Center for Public Outreach, Vienna, VA
2nd Past President
Joe Hairston, Assoc. Professor, Howard Univ., Washington, DC
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The Horace Mann League of the USA
Annual Meeting Program
Ambassador Awards for 2015 Awarded to Individuals contributing to the growth of the Horace Mann League during 2015.
Brent Clark, Exec. Dir., Illinois Assoc. Sch. Admin. IL
Martha Bruckner, Supt., Council Bluffs Comm. Schools, IA
Laurie Barron, Supt., Evergreen Schools,
Kalispell, MT
Chris Johns-‐ Haines, Supt., Utica Community Schools, Sterling Heights, MI.
Gary Marx, Pres. Center for Public Outreach, Vienna, VA
Evelyn Holman, Supt. (former) Bay Shore USD, Bay Shore, NY
James Harvey, Exec. Director, NSR, Seattle WA
Steven Webb, Supt., Vancouver, School District, Vancouver, WA
Friends of the Horace Mann League Award
’15 Mark Edwards, Supt. of Schools Mooresville , NC
‘14 Julie Underwood Dean, School of Ed, U. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
’12 Spike Jorgensen former Supt., Tok, Alaska
’09 Ken Underwood Supt. Search Consultant, Oregon, WI
’06 Art Stellar, Supt. of Schools, Taunton City Schools, MA
’05 Jack McKay, Prof. Emeritus, U. of Nebraska -‐ Omaha
’04 Terry Grier, Supt. of Schools, Guilford Co. Schools, NC
’03 Kenneth Bird, Supt. of Schools, Westside Comm. Schools, Omaha, NE
’02 Chad Woolery, President, Host Corp. TX
The Horace Mann League of the USA
Annual Meeting Program
The Horace Mann League Outstanding Public Educator Award Recipients
2015, Gene Carter, Emeritus Executive Director, ASCD
2005 Linda Darling-‐ Hammond, Prof., Author, Stanford U.
2014, Larry Cuban, Professor, Research, Stanford University
2004 Julie Underwood, Chief Counsel, NSBA / Dean U. of Wisconsin
2011, Ken Bird, CEO, Avenue Scholars, Omaha, NE
2013, Tom Payzant Professor, Author, Harvard University
2003 Ted Sanders, President, Education Comm. of the States
2010 Paul Schlechty, Author Speaker
‘01 Paul Houston, Bracey, Author War Executive Director, Against Public School AASA
‘02 Gerald
2009 Harry Wong, Author Effective Teaching
2000 Jane Hammond, Supt, Jeff. Co. Public Schools
2008 Carroll Johnson, Prof. Emeritus, Teachers Col, Columbia University
1999 Bob Slavin, Research, John Hopkins University
2007Linton Deck, Professor Peabody College
2006 Gerald Tirozzi, Executive Director, NASSP
1997 David Berliner, Co-‐ author The Manufactured Crisis
Donald Thomas, Supt. Salt Lake City, UT
1996 Gordon Cawelti, Exec. Dir., Alliance for Curriculum Reform
The Horace Mann League Outstanding Friend of Public Education Recipients
‘15 Pedro Noguera, Professor, author, New York University
‘14 Marian
‘04 Larry Stupski, The Stupski Foundation
‘03 Mary Fitsgerald, The Readers' Digest Fund
Wright Edelman, Pres. Children’s Defense Fund
‘12 Mark Warner, U.S. Senator, Virginia
‘02 Richard Rothstein, The New York Time
’11 Jack Jennings. CEO. Center for Public Policy,
Wash, DC
‘10 Diane Ravitch, Author, Researcher, Speaker, New York
‘01 Al Dietzel, V.P. The Limited, Columbus, OH
‘09 Michael Kirst, Prof., Pol. Sci. Stanford University
’00 Barry Lynn, Exec. Director, Americans United
‘08 John Goodlad, Author, The Place Called School
‘98 Lew Salmon The Milken Foundation
‘07 Wendy Puriefoy, Pres., Public Education Network
‘97 James Hunt, Governor of North Carolina
’06 Tom Sobol, State Comm., New York State D ept. of Educ.
‘96 Richard Riley, U.S. Secretary Dept. of Education
‘05 Jonathan Kozol, The Shame of Our Nation
‘95 Larry Lezotte, VP, Effective Schools Research
The Horace Mann League of the USA
Annual Meeting Program
Recent Past Presidents of the Horace Mann League Year 1922 1926 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1944 1946 1947 1948 1950 1951 1953 1955 1957 1958 1959 1960 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
President State Carroll C. Pearse WI Payson Smith ME George M. Child UT George M Strayer NY Fred M. Hunter OR E.E. Oberholtzer TX H. Lester Smith IN John K. Norton NY Ben G. Graham PA Millard C. Leffler NE John A. Sexton CA Willard E. Given DC Alexander Stoddard RI L. J. Nuttall UT Harold J. Benjamin MD Homer Anderson MA Howard R. Driggs NY James Edmonson MI I.E.F. Williams OH Benjamin L. Smith NC Mark A. Smith GA Virgil M. Rogers VA Selmer H. Berg CA Henry H. Hill TN Richard B. Kennan MD Edgar Fuller DC L. Stacy Weaver NC Frank W. Cyr NY John L. Buford IL M. Lynn Bennion UT Shirley Cooper WV T. Edward Rutter CT Phillip J. Weaver NC J. Chester Swanson CA Edgar W. Davis CT Walter L. Hetzel IA Eugene H. Mellon IL Milldred Reid DC George B. Brain WA Archibald B. Shaw MI Frank R. Yulo CT Charles H. Weaver NC Paul W. Rossey NJ W. J. House NC Homer O. Elseroad CO Kenneth H. Hansen CO Albert L. Ayars VA Orvin L. Plucker KS Paul A. Shelly NJ Floyd W. Parsons AR M. Anne Campbell NE
Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
President State M. Donald Thomas UT Patrick T. Hoban WA Linton Deck NC Jack K. Mawdsley MI John Prasch NE Ron E. Etheridge OH Robert Fortenberry MS Malcolm Katz GA Edna Manning OK Paul Houston VA Terry Grier CA Cleve. Hammonds MO Jane Hammond CO Beverly Reep OH Kenneth Bird NE Benjamin Canada OR Arthur Stellar MI Larry Dlugosh NE Spike Jorgensen AK John Simpson VA Walter Warfield IL Colleen Wilcox CA Fred Hartmeister TX Steven Rasmussen WA George Garcia AZ Julie Underwood MN Mark Edwards NC Joe Hairston MD Gary Marx VA
’14 Gary Marx
‘11 Julie Underwood
‘ 08 Fred Hartmeister Executive Secretary/Director 1922 John A. Smith 1923 John R. Kirk 1924 Robert H. Wright 1925-45 Carroll Pearse 1946-54 Joy Elmer Morgan 1955-59 E.I. F. Williams 1959-62 Benj. L. Smith 1963-71 William A. Early 1972-77 Clayton Hutchins 1977-91 Robert D. Fleischer 1992-93 Paul Rossey 1993- Jack McKay
’03 Larry Dlugosh
’98 Jane Hammond
’93 Malcom
’07 Colleen Wilcox
’02 Art Stellar
’97 Cleve. Hammonds
’88 Linton Deck
’13 Joe Hairston
’12 Mark Edwards
‘10 George Garcia
‘09 Steve Rasmussen
’06 Walt Warfield
’05 John Simpson
’01 Ben Canada
’00 Ken Bird
’99 Bev. Reep
’96 Terry Grier
’95 Paul Houston
94 Edna Manning
’87 Pat Hoban
’86 Don Thomas
’04 Spike Jorgensen
’73 George Brain