comprehensive project

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hannah lintner

cancer directing design 5th year: comprehensive project Marlow & Motloch

For our final project within the landscape architecture program we were allowed to construct our own project focus and design ideas. I chose to design a resort master plan that caters to cancer patients’, going through treatment and post treatment, physical and psychological needs. This design was based on the benefits that nature provides in the healing process, focusing on evidence based design, research, and the implementation of therapeutic design elements. Four goals were made based on the patient group and later connected to four concepts. After the master plan was designed, focus areas and details were made showing how the design met each goal also. The site was located at the Abe Martin Lodge in Brown County State Park due to its ideal location in a secluded, natural setting within a park, a common characteristic of resorts and optimal for exposing patients to nature. The entire site analyzed was 128 acres with the designed and detailed focus area being 8 acres located around the lodge and surrounding cabins.

Evidence is showing a correlation between “exposure to nature and improved healing, less medication use, shorter hospitalization, and decreased anxiety and stress” - Mitrione “Therapeutic Responses to Natural Environments: Using Gardens to Improve Health Care”


Access to Nature

Health Benefits Physical

Patients Needs PATIENTS


Community/ Support System

Social Interaction

History/Sense of Place


Fatigue Sun/Odor Sensitivity Confusion Pain Nausea Stress/Anxiety Sense of Loss Lack of Control Social Support Depression Spiritual/Emotional

cabins cabins

Patients Needs abe martin lodge



abe martin lodge

Psychological back porch


cabins lodge back community area


family cabins historic CCC lookout

historic ramp creek bridge

lodge location & facilities

comprehensive inventory

comprehensive analysis

program This site deals with a wide range in topographic change and the accessibility of patients with varying physical and psychological abilities had to be considered. My design is broken into three programs based on slope percentages on site and their relation to patient physical ability and accessibility. These programs are zone 1: 0-5% slope, zone 2: 5-10% slope, and zone 3: 10-20% slope. Within these programs physical needs and elements are determined and then branching from this psychological needs, both individual and social, are determined as well. site determined patient determined

zone 2

5-10% slope

zone 1

0-5% slope

zone 3 10-20% slope




visual access/nature exposure




access to nature



access to nature needs



master plan concepts meeting goals After designing a final master plan concept it was necessary to compare the design to my four goals; access to nature, meeting the patients needs, connecting to the site and history, and creating a community and

final comprehensive master plan concept

socialization, to confirm the design was meeting each one. It was then necessary to take each of these layers and locate the area that best met that goal. From this it was realized the southern half of the design was meeting each goal best, thus the master plan and further design details were focused on within the southern, 8 acres of the design.

final concept goal layers

master plan


60’ N

main lodge

primary medical

walking route


secondary medical facility

design areas community area secondary community area

amphitheatre terrace area

therapy area

water & nature connection

access & wayfinding As part of meeting the goals of connecting to the site and catering to patient needs, access and wayfinding were looked at. A grading plan was completed to show the design’s intent at increasing accessibility while promoting an intuitive layout and improving wayfinding. All slopes were kept at 4% for primary routes and 5% for secondary routes. All slopes, route widths, and steps are in compliance with the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines. In relation to accessibility, physical abilities of average visitors, patients, and those in wheelchairs or with IVs were looked at. This comparison showed aspects and experiences on site that each group would experience within this 5 minutes. Physical accessibility was also looked at, linking route type to accessibility level. These routes were then paired with views and wayfinding. Primary views lead patients through major areas and wayfinding elements are placed at major points of decision making and along the primary routes as well. Wayfinding elements included signage as well as plant material that provides seasonal interest, further connecting patients to the site, design, and nature. accessibility & walking distances within 5 minutes

primary views

most accessible

secondary views


nature views least accessible

natural wayfinding elements

primary route


secondary route tertiary route

views & wayfinding

routes & wayfinding

grading plan




senses & site connection A planting plan was completed to show the design’s intent at tapping into patient senses while connecting to the site. All plants chosen are native to Indiana to enhance the sense of place and connect to the area. Plants were then chosen to provide seasonal interest, habitat, and sensory stimulation to relieve symptoms, provide distraction, or connect patients to the design and nature. Plants were also used as wayfinding elements. Plants with seasonal interest were chosen to guide and pull patients through spaces and the design overall.

wayfinding plants

prairie water plants sun plants woods edge woodland plants

native plant zones

plant links to senses

planting plan


60’ N

community area


30’ N

socialization To meet the goal of creating a community

entry plaza

for patients who suffer from sun sensitivity,

and fostering socialization the community

providing them options and opportunities as

area was designed in more detail. The area


focuses on providing choice in socialization

Overall this space is focused on creating

and support exposure to meet variations in

a community and fostering a support

patient preference. All areas are designed

system. A layer on top of this is enhancing

to be large enough for group activities and

the patients exposure to nature in order to

gatherings as well. Choices are also provided

gain the health benefits nature provides.

in routes to take and seating types. All of

Greenspace and greenery is interwoven

these elements do have the option of being

within this space while also being adjacent

within the sun or shade as well, adding

to the prairie and wood’s edge areas.


another layer of choice while accounting main areas community area


semi private community area

shade & seating seating

community area

shade areas

wayfinding & routes


15’ N

main route

natural wayfinder

secondary route



exposure & access To meet the goal of providing access to nature and the health benefits it provides a terraced area was designed in more detail. The area is oriented towards the surrounding natural area by using the change in topography to focus patients on

most accessible

the landscape. All views are oriented to look out into the landscape while enhancing


wayfinding, allowing patients to view down to other spaces.

least accessible

primary route secondary route tertiary route views & exposure

terrace area



15’ N

therapy & stress The therapy area provides choice in socialization allowing for community support or individual contemplation. Methods of exercise such as a walking path are incorporated into this area while integrating areas of rest along it. Lastly natural exposure is a major focus due to the health benefits it provides. Again spaces are oriented towards the surrounding landscape and are terraced. Methods of sensory stimulation predominantly through the use of native plants help to tap into the senses and provide symptom relief. Water is also used to enhance the senses, providing soothing sounds along with habitat for wildlife such as birds. All of these natural elements provide patients distraction and focused attention relief.

primary primary medical medical facilityfacility

secondary secondary medical medical facilities facilities main areas

community area

natural elements


semi private community area

therapy area


30’ N

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