2 minute read
In Praise of Home Cooking

Reasons And Recipes
Award–winning cookbook author Liana Krissoff presents an evocatively written ode to home cooking with all the guidance you need to perfect your own easy–to–master family recipes

Selling Points
EXPERT AUTHOR: Krissoff is the author of six respected cookbooks, most notably, the bestselling and award–winning Canning for a New Generation (2010), which has sold more than 83,000 copies.
DATE: In the vein of Julia Turshen’s Small Victories and Laurie Colwin’s Home Cooking, this book is filled with beautifully written stories from Krissoff’s life and the recipes that she has perfected for decades and chooses to cook with her family, over and over again.
Trusted cookbook author Liana Krissoff is back. Previously, she showed you fresh canning recipes; modern slow–cooker recipes; and easy vegetarian dishes. Now, she brings you In Praise of Home Cooking—fit for anyone looking to perfect the staples, parents who want to whip up something tasty, curious kids who want to learn grandma’s secret recipes, and everyone who has gotten tired of labor–intensive recipes.
To Krissoff, perfecting uncomplicated recipes and kitchen habits—such as learning to roast a whole chicken and use it for several days’ worth of meals, to cook a pot of creamy beans and one of fluffy rice, or to preserve foods when they’re abundant—is essential to living hopefully and with great pleasure.
In this book, there are charming step–by–step illustrations that demystify key cooking skills, vibrant food photographs, and short essays that reveal keen insights gleaned from a life as a recipe tester, cookbook author, and mom interspersed among the recipes. The more than 85 recipes in this book are Krissoff’s essentials, perfected for your ease. From kneading your own yeasted bread dough to refining your classic tahini dressing, Krissoff brings you all the foolproof recipes you always wished you had, while offering insight into the meaning and beauty behind these simple moments.
Liana Krissoff is the author of six cookbooks, including Abrams’ Slow Cook Modern, Canning for a New Generation, Whole Grains for a New Generation, and Secrets of Slow Cooking. She has been a freelance recipe tester, editor, and writer for over a decade.
FOR COOKS OF ALL LEVELS: This book teaches core cooking skills and celebrates the beauty and meaning of this practical task. Whether you are an expert cook who wants to connect with the joy of cooking, add some essential back–pocket recipes to your repertoire, and share the joy of cooking with someone you love, or a beginner who wants to further develop your skills and learn to love your time in the kitchen, this book is an inspiring and practical guide, full of essential recipes from one of the most experienced, trusted home cooks.
*125 color illustrations and photographs
* 272 pages
* WIDTH: 7" - 178mm
* HEIGHT: 9" - 229mm
* Hardcover

ISBN 978-1-4197-4938-4
US $29.99
Slow Cook Modern
ISBN 978-1-4197-2667-5
US $24.99 CAN $29.99
UK £18.99
Secrets of Slow Cooking
ISBN 978-1-58479-441-7
US $19.95 CAN $22.95