Abrams Fall 2016 Catalog

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FALL 2016


2016 ABRAMS The Art of Books 115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 www.abramsbooks.com

FALL 2016


Art & Photography


Fashion & Style


Performing Arts & Pop Culture


Food & Drink


Interior Design






ABRAMS ComicArts


Also of Interest


ABRAMS Noterie


Distributed Publishers

104 105 Vendome 115 Tate Publishing 123 V&A Publishing 126 Royal Academy of Arts Publications 129 Booth-Clibborn Editions 131 5 Continents Editions 135 SelfMadeHero 141 Photography and Art Credits 142 Category Index 143 Alphabetical Index 144 Information to the Trade

ABRAMS The Art of Books

Dear Reader, WHAT’S IN A NAME? For many years, our books have appeared under two primary banners: Abrams (and its sub-imprints), and Stewart, Tabori & Chang (STC). Abrams has been the traditional home of books on art, photography, fashion, performing arts, pop culture, humor, and comics and graphic novels. STC, since its incorporation into Abrams in 2000, has been our lifestyle brand, led by cooking, craft, and interior design, with periodic forays into garden design, health, beauty, and other related subjects. These two imprint identities have served our publishing well, as both Abrams and STC are and have been established and well-respected names. But in today’s world, traditional boundaries between all kinds of creative fields are blurring, and we see this as an opportunity to unite and strengthen our book publishing under the single strong mark of Abrams. Starting with this Fall 2016 publishing list, all the adult books we publish carry Abrams, Abrams Image, or Abrams ComicArts on their spines and title pages. Our recently launched gift and stationery line continues as Abrams Noterie. Existing, in-print STC books will, of course, still be available. Abrams was founded in 1949 and was soon established as the pre-eminent publisher of art books in America. Over time, our mission and profile have broadened well beyond the conventional definition of art, but art remains in our DNA and informs everything we do in our approach to publishing, from subject matter to design to fine attention to detail in the selection of materials—the paper, printing, and binding of our books. This spirit carries over to the way we bring our books to market as well. We’re excited to announce that in the year ahead we will integrate the STC program fully into Abrams. Look for our campaigns around The Art of Food & Drink, The Art of Craft, The Art of Style, and more. In all we do we will honor The Art of Books. We hope you find many things here that pique your interest, and we look forward to bringing you well-written, thoughtfully edited, visually arresting, artfully made Abrams books for many years to come. And we thank you for your support and feedback. Michael Sand Vice President, Publisher, Adult Trade ABRAMS

Art & Photography



A History of Pictures F R O M T H E C AV E TO T H E C O M P U T E R S C R E E N ■ ■ BY DAV I D H O C K N E Y A N D M A R T I N G AY F O R D

A groundbreaking approach to art from a great artist


S E LLING POINTS picture, says David Hockney, is the only way that we can communicate what we see. Here, in a collabora-

tion with art critic Martin Gayford, he explores the many

ways that artists have pictured the world, sharing sparkling insights and ideas that will delight every art lover and art maker. Readers who thrilled to Hockney’s Secret Knowledge know that he has an uncanny ability to get into the minds of artists. In A History of Pictures he covers far more ground, getting at the roots of visual expression and technique through hundreds of images—from cave paintings to frames from movies—that are reproduced. It’s a joyful celebration of one of humanity’s oldest impulses.

■■ A readable and richly illustrated survey of art for all readers ■■ David Hockney is one of the world’s most popular artists, constantly in the public eye for his work and his ideas ■■ Secret Knowledge, Hockney’s previous book on art making, was published in 16 languages and has sold more than 350,000 copies

David Hockney is one of the world’s most popular painters and the author of the bestselling Secret Knowledge:


Rediscovering the Lost Techniques of the Old Masters (2001).

325 color illustrations

He lives in Los Angeles. Martin Gayford’s many books

360 pages, 8½ × 11"

include Man with a Blue Scarf: On Sitting for a Portrait by

Hardcover with jacket

Lucian Freud (2013) and Rendez-vous with Art, with Philippe


de Montebello (2014). He lives in Cambridge, England.

PUB MONTH: OCTOBER ART ISBN 978-1-4197-2275-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-2275-2 US $45.00  CAN $55.00


David Hockney: A Yorkshire Sketchbook ISBN 978-1-907533-23-5 ISBN 978-1-907533-23-5 US $25.00  CAN $30.00 52500 9 781907 533235

One Hundred Portraits: David Hockney ISBN 978-1-910350-28-7 ISBN 978-1-910350-28-7 US $45.00  CAN $55.00 54500

From left: David Hockney and Martin Gayford


9 781910 350287

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Georgia O’Keeffe ■ ■ E D I T E D BY TA N YA B A R S O N   ■   E S S AY S BY TA N YA B A R S O N , H E I K E E I P E L DAU E R , S A R A H G R E E N O U G H , C O DY H A R T L E Y, G R I S E L DA P O L LO C K , F LO R I A N S T E I N I G E R , A N D G E O R G I A N A U H LYA R I K

A dazzling new survey of the work and life of Georgia O’Keeffe S E LLING POINTS ■■ Publication will align with the 100th anniversary of O’Keeffe’s artistic debut in New York City ■■ Accompanies a major retrospective exhibition at Tate Modern in London (July–October 2016) that will travel to the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, in 2017 ■■ As America’s most prominent woman in the arts, O’Keeffe is an icon for every generation of art lovers

S PECIFICATIONS 200 color illustrations 272 pages, 9⅛ × 11¼" Hardcover RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: OCTOBER ART ISBN 978-1-4197-2274-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2274-5 US $55.00  CAN $66.00


eorgia O’Keeffe (1887–1986) was one of the foundational figures of American modern-

ism and a pioneering woman in the arts. Widely

celebrated and recognized for her flower paintings

E XHIB ITION SCHE DULE Tate Modern, London

and Southwest landscapes, O’Keeffe is revealed in full in this new book. With superb plates of more than 200 works, it ranges from well-known masterpieces

Jul 6–Oct 30, 2016

to the abstractions, nature studies, and New York

Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto

City scenes that have captivated new generations

Apr–Jun 2017

of art lovers. It includes essays from prominent art historians, among them Sarah Greenough, who explores the artist’s legendary personal and aesthetic


partnership with Alfred Stieglitz; Griselda Pollock on O’Keeffe and feminism; and Cody Hartley on O’Keeffe and the American landscape. Accompanying the first major O’Keeffe retrospective exhibition in this century, Georgia O’Keeffe is the definitive volume for our time on one of America’s most beloved and

Georgia O’Keeffe and Her Houses ISBN 978-1-4197-0394-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-0394-2 US $55.00  CAN $66.00 55500 9 781419 703942

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influential artists. Tanya Barson is curator of international art at Tate Modern. She lives in London.


Remembered Light C Y T W O M B LY I N L E X I N G TO N ■ ■ P H OTO G R A P H S BY S A L LY M A N N  ■  E S S AY BY S I M O N S C H A M A  ■  CO N V E R S AT I O N W I T H E D M U N D D E WA A L

Sally Mann’s unique window into the world of Cy Twombly S E LLING POINTS ■■ Twombly and Mann are both widely recognized and accomplished artists in their fields ■■ Simon Schama is the author of several award-winning books and a presenter for BBC, PBS, and the History Channel ■■ Edmund de Waal is an artist and author of The Hare with the Amber Eyes and The White Road ■■ Artistic process is a fascinating subject for readers and art admirers alike ■■ The book will accompany an exhibition at the Gagosian Gallery in New York City


he artists Cy Twombly and Sally Mann may at first seem an unlikely pairing. He was a leading contem-

porary artist who defied easy categorization, a painter

and sculptor whose enigmatic work often referenced mythology and epic poetry. She is a photographer with


an uncanny ability to tap raw human emotion, whether

58 duotone and 4-color

depicting members of her family or the landscape of

illustrations, intermixed

the American South. What they had in common was

112 pages, 11 × 9"

place—both grew up in rural Lexington, Virginia, where


Twombly kept a studio and produced some of his most important work until his death in 2011, and where Mann has lived and worked all her life. Over the course of several years, Mann photographed inside Twombly’s studio: the paint splatters on the floor and walls, the works in progress, the sculptures

RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PHOTOGRAPHY • ART ISBN 978-1-4197-2272-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-2272-1 US $50.00  CAN $62.50

as they caught the raking rays of light passing through Venetian blinds, the progression from order to chaos that so often characterizes an artist’s working place. The


result is a rare insider’s view of Twombly’s process—we

Gagosian Gallery, New York,

sense him in the room at every turn, although he is

Sept 2016

always just beyond the frame—and a poetic dialogue between two artistic visions. Sally Mann is one of America’s most renowned photographers. Her most recent book, Hold Still: A Memoir with Photographs, was a finalist for a National Book Award.


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Sunday Sketching ■ ■ BY C H R I S TO P H N I E M A N N

S E LLING POINTS ■■ This will be the first large-format

A charming illustrated collection that sheds light on the creative process, by one of the most inventive designers working today

monograph of Niemann’s work ■■ The focus on the creative process will appeal to the design community and a general readership ■■ Christoph’s app, Petting Zoo, was downloaded more than 1 million times. He has 93,000 Instagram followers, and is a regular contributor to the New Yorker and the New York Times Magazine

S PECIFICATIONS 350 color illustrations 272 pages, 8½ × 11" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: OCTOBER ART • DESIGN • SELF-HELP ISBN 978-1-4197-2268-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-2268-4 US $40.00  CAN $49.95


rom award-winning artist and author Christoph Niemann comes a collection of witty illustrations

and whimsical views on working creatively. Taking its cue from his New York Times column Abstract


Sunday, this book covers Niemann’s entire career and showcases brilliant observations of contemporary life through sketches, travel journals, and popular newspaper features. The narrative guides readers through Christoph’s creative process, how he built his career, and how he overcomes the internal and external

Abstract City ISBN 978-1-4197-0207-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-0207-5 US $24.95  CAN $27.95 52495 9 781419 702075

obstacles that creative people face—all presented with disarming wit and intellect. Enhanced with nearly 350 original images, this book is a tremendous inspirational and aspirational resource. Christoph Niemann is an illustrator, artist, and author. His work has appeared on the covers the New Yorker, Time, Wired, the New York Times Magazine, and American Illustration, and he has won awards from AIGA,

I LEGO N.Y. ISBN 978-0-8109-8490-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-8490-5 US $14.95  CAN $16.95 5 1 4 9 5 9

780810 984905

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the Art Directors Club, and The Lead Awards. Since July 2008, Niemann has been writing and illustrating Abstract Sunday, a New York Times blog. His work has been widely exhibited. He lives in Berlin.


The Beautiful Brain T H E D R AW I N G S O F S A N T I AG O R A M Ó N Y C A JA L ■ ■ E D I T E D W I T H C O M M E N TA R I E S BY E R I C A . N E W M A N , A L F O N S O A R AQ U E , A N D JA N E T M . D U B I N S K Y  ■  E S S AY BY L A R RY W. S WA N S O N

S E LLING POINTS ■■ The brain is the next frontier;

Art meets science in Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s remarkable drawings of the brain

President Obama’s Brain Initiative has made brain research a national priority, and neuroscience is a hot topic ■■ Scientific imaging is a focus of popular fascination and a source of inspiration to artists ■■ The first major Cajal museum exhibition will come to the United States when the book is published

S PECIFICATIONS 90 color illustrations 208 pages, 10 × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: JANUARY SCIENCE • ART


ISBN 978-1-4197-2227-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-2227-1 US $40.00  CAN $49.95 54000

antiago Ramón y Cajal (1852–1934), the father of modern neuroscience and a Nobel laureate, was

an exceptional artist. He devoted his life to the anatomy

9 781419 722271

of the brain, the body’s most complex and mysterious organ. His superhuman feats of visualization, based on fanatically precise techniques and countless hours at the microscope, resulted in some of the most remarkable illustrations in the history of science. The Beautiful Brain


presents a selection of his exquisite drawings of brain cells, brain regions, and neural circuits with accessible descriptive commentary. An art book at the crossroads of art and science, The Beautiful Brain describes Cajal’s contributions to neuroscience, explores his artistic roots and achievement, and looks at his work in relation to

Vision and Art (Updated and Expanded Edition) ISBN 978-1-4197-0692-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0692-9 US $40.00  CAN $45.00 54000

contemporary neuroscience imaging techniques. Larry W. Swanson is a neuroscientist at the University of Southern California and the author of Brain Architecture (2012). He is a past president of the Society for

9 781419 706929

Portraits of the Mind ISBN 978-0-8109-9033-3 ISBN 978-0-8109-9033-3 US $37.50  CAN $45.50 5 3 5 0 0

Neuroscience. Eric A. Newman, Alfonso Araque, and Janet Dubinsky are distinguished neuroscientists at the University of Minnesota.



780810 990333

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   9

Classic Greek Masterpieces of Sculpture ■ ■ BY P H OT I N I N . Z A P H I R O P O U LO U   ■  F O R E W O R D BY S T E L I O S LY DA K I S

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Includes up-close photographs of the works of art, focusing on each piece’s details and workmanship

A dynamic exploration of Greek sculpture from the world’s finest museum collections

■■ Features the most significant art from a number of museums with esteemed Greek art collections, including the Louvre, the British Museum, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Pergamon Museum ■■ Offers a survey of art from multiple historical periods

S PECIFICATIONS 150 duotone photographs 256 pages, 8¼ × 9⅝" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH EXCLUDING GREECE AND CYPRUS PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER ART • HISTORY ISBN 978-1-4197-2229-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2229-5 US $35.00  CAN $43.95 53500


reek sculpture was among the first art to communicate human emotions and to offer

a more realistic portrait of the individual. By working in new materials and posing the body naturally,

Greek sculptors established the foundation of a whole new art form. Classic Greek Masterpieces

9 781419 722295

of Sculpture features more than 60 of these magnificent and influential works that range in form, historical period, and subject. Organized chronologically, these works hail from the collections of top museums, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the British Museum, the Pergamon Museum, and the Louvre. Alongside dynamic photographs of each sculpture is an essay that describes the work and offers commentary on its significance in Greek art. Thought-provoking, realistic, and influential, these sculptures altered the way people viewed art. Photini N. Zaphiropoulou is an archaeologist and Honorary Ephor of Antiquities. She was the head excavator of Delos and Paros Islands. Stelios Lydakis is an honorary professor of art history at the University of Athens.

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An oversize volume of Tula Telfair’s dreamlike, large-scale landscape paintings S E LLING POINTS ■■ A large and luxurious art book that is a gorgeous presentation of Telfair’s epic-scale work ■■ Telfair is a growing presence in the academic and art worlds, and this is her first major monograph ■■ Forum Gallery in New York City will host an exhibition of Telfair’s work at the time of publication ■■ Afterword by J. Michael Fay, National Geographic explorer-in-residence

S PECIFICATIONS 111 color and black-and-white


illustrations ula Telfair’s hyper-realistic landscape paintings are at once awe-inspiring and extremely

160 pages, 14 × 10" Hardcover with jacket

personal. Although vividly detailed, the scenes


she depicts are not found in nature; they are


conjured from memory and imagination. Informed by her experiences growing up on four continents, Telfair produces fantastical visions with delicate

ART ISBN 978-1-4197-2235-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-2235-6 US $60.00  CAN $75.00 56000

brushstrokes and a breathtaking mastery of color and light. Suggestive of waterfalls in Africa, deserts of the

9 781419 722356

American Southwest, and ice floes in Antarctica, Telfair’s art draws attention to the power and fragility of nature. Essays by Henry Adams and Michael S. Roth explore the technical and aesthetic aspects of Telfair’s work, her personal history, and the interplay between realism and invention. Tula Telfair grew up in Africa, Asia, and Europe before moving to the United States. Her work is in public collections around the world. She is a professor of art at Wesleyan University and lives and works in New York City and Lyme, Connecticut. Henry Adams has written 14 books or book-length exhibition catalogs and is a professor of art history at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Michael S. Roth, president of Wesleyan University, publishes essays, book reviews, and commentaries in national media and scholarly journals.


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Slim Aarons: Women ■ ■ P H OTO G R A P H S BY S L I M A A R O N S /G E T T Y I M AG E S  ■   T E X T BY L AU R A H AW K

The fifth book in the hugely popular series celebrates the captivating women who inspired Slim Aarons’s greatest work

See Slim Aarons: Great Escapes Hardcover Journals page 103 S E LLING POINTS ■■ Impressive sales track record of the four previous books, which have sold close to 100,000 copies combined ■■ New, unpublished photographs— 75 percent of the images have not been included in previous books ■■ The ultimate gathering of legendary women and beauty icons, including Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy, Diana Vreeland, and Marilyn Monroe

S PECIFICATIONS 200 color photographs 240 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PHOTOGRAPHY ISBN 978-1-4197-2242-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-2242-4 US $85.00  CAN $105.00 58500


9 781419 722424

lim Aarons: Women explores the central subject of Slim Aarons’s career—the extraordinary women from the upper echelons of

high society, the arts, fashion, and Hollywood. The book presents the


women who most influenced Aarons’s life and work—and the other

Slim Aarons: Once Upon a Time ISBN 978-0-8109-4603-3 ISBN 978-0810946033 US $85.00  CAN $103.00 58500

remarkable personalities he photographed along the way, including Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy, Diana Vreeland, and Marilyn Monroe, all featured in unforgettable photographs. The collection contains more than 200 images, the majority of which have not appeared in previous books, along with detailed captions written by one of Aarons’s closest colleagues. Showcasing beautiful women at their most glamorous in some of the most dazzling locations across the globe, Slim Aarons: Women is a fresh look at the acclaimed photographer through the muses who inspired his most incredible photographs. Slim Aarons (1916–2006) was among his generation’s most influential photographers. His photographs have appeared in countless magazines, including Town & Country, LIFE, and Holiday. Laura Hawk is a freelance writer who worked with Slim Aarons on the road and on magazine and book projects for more than two decades.


9 780810 946033

Slim Aarons: A Place in the Sun ISBN 978-0-8109-5935-4 ISBN 978-0810959354 US $85.00  CAN $105.00 58500

9 780810 959354

Slim Aarons: La Dolce Vita ISBN 978-1-4197-0060-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0060-6 US $85.00  CAN $105.00 58500

9 781419 700606

Poolside with Slim Aarons ISBN 978-0-8109-9407-2 ISBN 978-0810994072 US $85.00  CAN $105.00 58500

9 780810 994072

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 3

Inge Morath: On Style ■ ■ I N T R O D U C T I O N BY J U S T I N E P I C A R D I E  ■  E D I T E D A N D W I T H A N A F T E R W O R D BY J O H N P. JAC O B

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Morath was one of the most

A stunning and diverse collection of Morath’s photographs, capturing the glamour and postwar style of the 1950s and 1960s

widely published photojournalists in the world; her work has been published in LIFE, Holiday, Paris Match, and Vogue, among others ■■ Features the glamour and influence of fashion’s favorite decades: the 1950s and 1960s ■■ Covers a wide range of subjects, including fashion, Hollywood, beauty, high society, and more

S PECIFICATIONS 250 black-and-white and color photographs 288 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PHOTOGRAPHY • FASHION ISBN 978-1-4197-2234-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-2234-9 US $65.00  CAN $79.00 56500


itty, playful, and effortlessly chic, Inge Morath:

On Style reveals the vital forms of fashion

and self-expression that blossomed into existence in England, France, and the United States in the postwar decades. The book follows the photojournalist Inge

9 781419 722349

Morath (1923–2002) through intimate sessions with Ingrid Bergman and Audrey Hepburn; scenes of window-shopping on Fifth Avenue; American girls discovering Paris; the frenetic splendor of society balls; and working women—from actresses to seamstresses to writers—everywhere taking their place in the world. The photographs in On Style focus on an extraordinary period of Morath’s creativity, from the early 1950s to mid1960s, with a coda of work from later years. Here are the


fundamental humanism, joy, and unerring eye for life’s brilliant theatricality that characterized her work and made her one of the most celebrated photographers of her time. Justine Picardie is the author, most recently, of the

Lartigue: Life in Color ISBN 978-1-4197-2091-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-2091-8 US $35.00  CAN $43.95 53500 9 781419 720918

1 4  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

critically acclaimed biography Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life (2010) and the editor of Harper’s Bazaar UK. John P. Jacob is the McEvoy Family Curator for Photography at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.


Power to the People T H E W O R L D O F T H E B L AC K PA N T H E R S ■ ■ S T E P H E N S H A M E S A N D B O B BY S E A L E

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Comes at a time of renewed passion for racial justice, and during an election campaign that will highlight these issues

The inside story of the Black Panther Party by its leading photographer and co-founder

■■ Shames was the leading photographer and Seale was the co-founder and chairman of the Black Panther Party ■■ October 15, 2016, is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Black Panther Party, with many events scheduled and substantial media coverage

S PECIFICATIONS 40 color and 200 black-and-white photographs 256 pages, 8½ × 11" Hardcover with jacket


RIGHTS: WORLD n words and photographs, here is the story of


the controversial Black Panther Party, founded


in 1966 by Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton. The

words are Seale’s, with contributions from Kathleen Cleaver and many others; the photographs, which

BIOGRAPHY ISBN 978-1-4197-2240-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-2240-0 US $40.00  CAN $49.95 54000

range from the party’s charismatic leaders to its daily work in African American communities, are by Stephen Shames, who also provides an introduc-

9 781419 722400

ISBN 978-1-6131-2299-0

tion. Published on the 50th anniversary of the party’s founding, Power to the People describes the struggles and celebrates the achievements of the only radical political party in America to make a difference in the struggle for civil rights. Stephen Shames is one of America’s leading photographers dealing with social issues. Describing his work, the New York Times said, “Mr. Shames follows in the honored tradition of Jacob Riis and Lewis Hine.” He lives in New York City. Bobby Seale was the chairman of the Black Panther Party during its most vital years. He is the author of Seize the Time: The Story of the Black Panther Party and Huey P. Newton (1970). He lives in Vallejo, California.


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■  F R O M LU D I O N P U B L I S H E R S

■■ Authoritative books on some of the world’s greatest painters, revealing their works as never before in stunning close-ups

Bosch in Detail

Caravaggio in Detail

■ ■ BY T I L L- H O LG E R B O R C H E R T

■ ■ BY S T E FA N O Z U F F I

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Bosch is one of the most famous and popular artists in history; Caravaggio was a rebellious, revolutionary painter ■■ Stunningly large and beautifully reproduced close-up details that show off the paintings as never before ■■ All of both Bosch’s and Caravaggio’s masterpieces and best-known paintings are included ■■ Books are written in accessible language, placing the art in historical context


ieronymus Bosch (c. 1450–1516) is one of the most famous artists in

the history of Netherlandish painting, if not the world. This new book, organized by


Bruegel in Detail ISBN 978-1-4197-0995-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0995-1 US $65.00  CAN $75.00 56500 9 781419 709951

1 6 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6


orn in 1571 and dead before he was 40, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio is consid-

ered one of the great Italian masters. He developed

a revolutionary painting style easily recognizable for

characteristic themes in Bosch’s work, such

its unprecedented realism and approachability. Here,

as faces, heaven and hell, the four elements,

nine thematic chapters, including still lifes, the five

landscapes, and creatures both fantastic

senses, arms and armor, severed heads, and gestures,

and monstrous, offers exceptional views of

offer new insights into the work of the brilliant, enig-

masterpieces including The Garden of Earthly

matic Italian painter and astonishing views of his most

Delights, The Haywain Triptych, and The

popular paintings, including Bacchus, Medusa, David

Seven Deadly Sins.

and Goliath, and The Fortune Teller.

Till-Holger Borchert, a German-born art

Stefano Zuffi has authored more than 60 books,

historian, is director of the Bruges Museums

including How to Read Italian Renaissance Painting

in Belgium.

and The Cat in Art.

200 color illustrations

200 color illustrations

320 pages, 9¾ × 12½"

280 pages, 9¾ × 12⅜"

Hardcover with jacket








ISBN 978-1-4197-1834-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-1834-2 US $65.00  CAN $79.00 56500 9 781419 718342

ISBN 978-1-4197-2264-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-2264-6 US $65.00  CAN $79.00 56500 9 781419 722646


The Private Life of Napoléon THE BRUNO LEDOUX COLLECTION ■ ■ P R E FAC E BY L AU R E N T J O F F R I N  ■  P H OTO G R A P H S BY P H I L I P P E G A R C I A

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Previously unseen collection of more than 400 objects that belonged to Napoléon I or were associated with him, published

A stunning private collection of Napoléon memorabilia

for the first time ■■ Timed for the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo ■■ Includes text by a group of experts on Napoléon and on French history ■■ Napoléon memorabilia is highly collectable and sells at very high prices

S PECIFICATIONS 400 color photographs 320 pages, 9½ × 12¼" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH PUB MONTH: OCTOBER ART • DECORATIVE ARTS • ART HISTORY ISBN 978-1-4197-2145-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-2145-8 US $50.00  CAN $61.50 55000 9 781419 721458


timeless symbol of power and ambition, Napoléon Bonaparte (1769–1821) spent decades

expanding France’s empire, enjoying magnificent success and suffering crushing defeats. Featuring more than 400 never-before-seen objects, The Private

Life of Napoléon allows a glimpse into the inner world of the French emperor. Over the course of 24 years, collector Bruno Ledoux amassed a remarkable range of manuscripts, books, gold jewelry, porcelains, miniatures, arms, and even historic souvenirs, all created in honor of Napoléon and the French empire. Written by a team of experts and historians including Michel Verge-Franceschi, Jacques-Olivier Boudon, Laetitia de Witt, Emmanuelle Papot, Xavier Aiolfi, Pierre Branda, Bernard Chevallier, and David Chanteranne.


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The Dassault Adventure A F I R S T C E N T U RY O F AV I AT I O N ■ ■ BY LU C B E R G E R


The history of a world leader in aviation

echnical know-how, quality of flight, exceptional aerodynamics, luxury,

and comfort: Dassault Aviation has created legendary aircraft—the Mystère,

S PECIFICATIONS 150 color illustrations

Mirage, Falcon, and Rafale—for 100

128 pages, 14¾ × 11¼"

years. Here is the story of that company, founded during WWI by Marcel Bloch,


later Marcel Dassault, when, at 22, he


created a new wooden propeller. Today,


Bloch’s company is an international


success, a major player in both civil


and military aeronautics. Here, 150

ISBN 978-1-4197-2281-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-2281-3 US $37.50  CAN $40.50 53750

photographs—some of them previously unpublished—from Dassault Aviation’s archives, along with stunning new

9 781419 722813

photographs, trace the major eras in the history of the brand and aviation: first flights, first jets, and today’s 3D revoluLuc Berger is a historian and expert on Dassault

tion. Throughout, Dassault has followed

and the author of three previous books on

its founder’s motto, “When a plane is

the company.

beautiful, it flies well.”

Gitana O N E H U N D R E D A N D F O R T Y Y E A R S O F R OT H S C H I L D H I G H - P E R F O R M A N C E YAC H T I N G ■ ■ T E X T BY D I A N E E L I S A B E T H P O I R I E R S PECIFICATIONS 200 color illustrations 240 pages, 9½ × 12¼" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH, EXCLUDING FRANCE PUB MONTH: OCTOBER SPORTS ISBN 978-1-4197-2280-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-2280-6 US $55.00  CAN $66.00 55500 9 781419 722806


he exciting history of the Rothschild family’s fleet of racing yachts, all named Gitana, is

recounted in this new book. Beginning on the shores

of Lake Geneva, Switzerland, in 1876, when Baroness Julie-Caroline de Rothschild christened her schooner Gitana, through to today, when Baron Benjamin de Rothschild and his Gitana Team participate in major international races, this is a tale of technological innovation and a family’s passion for excellence, aesthetics, and performance. Each generation has left its imprint on the Rothschild racing tradition, with continued success. In this book, stunning new and archival photographs, along with drawings, plans, and thrilling first-person accounts of yacht races, bring the family’s quest for excellence to life. Diane Elisabeth Poirier is an art historian and specialist in the history of fashion in sports. She has organized numerous exhibitions and contributed to biographies of photographers and women artists.

1 8 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6


Planet Golf—Modern Masterpieces T H E W O R L D ’ S G R E AT E S T M O D E R N G O L F C O U R S E S ■ ■ BY DA R I U S O L I V E R   ■  F O R E W O R D BY M I K E K E I S E R

The ultimate guide to the 100 greatest, most beautiful golf courses built around the world in the modern era

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Includes courses from more than 20 countries, spanning Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and North and Central America ■■ Author provides exclusive first reviews of spectacular brand-new courses in Canada, the United States, Scotland, and Australia ■■ Foreword by Mike Keiser, the prominent developer of the Bandon Dunes Resort, among others ■■ The two previous Planet Golf books have sold over 35,000 copies

S PECIFICATIONS 300 color photographs 352 pages, 12¾ × 10"


Hardcover with jacket et an amazing, beautifully photographed


insider’s view of the 100 greatest golf courses


built in the modern era with acclaimed golf author Darius

Oliver. A companion volume to Planet Golf and Planet Golf USA, this gorgeous book offers comments by the world’s leading golf architects and Oliver’s detailed, exclusive first reviews of modern masterpieces such

SPORTS • PHOTOGRAPHY ISBN 978-1-4197-2279-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-2279-0 US $60.00  CAN $75.00 56000 9 781419 722790

as Cabot Cliffs in Canada, Ardfin in Scotland, Cape Wickham in Australia, and Tara Iti in New Zealand. More than 20 countries are represented, with reviews from Mexico to Morocco, Sweden to South Korea, France to Vietnam—even China. Sure to generate plenty of debate,


the book includes a unique international rankings section outlining the world’s best and most spectacular golf courses and golf holes. Oversized, Planet Golf—Modern Masterpieces is a treasure trove of ideas, images, and insights for all golf lovers. A regular contributor to golf ranking panels and co-designer of the incredible new Cape Wickham Links in Australia, Darius Oliver has reviewed more than 1,500 golf courses worldwide. Renowned globally as the best-traveled and most authoritative voice on golf courses and design, Oliver has published four books and contributed to several others.

Planet Golf ISBN 978-0-8109-9403-4 ISBN 978-0810994034 US $65.00  CAN $75.00 56500 9 780810 994034

Planet Golf USA ISBN 978-0-8109-1437-7 ISBN 978-0810914377 US $60.00  CAN $78.00 56000

9 780810 914377


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 9

Fashion & Style



The Coveteur C LO S E T S + L I F E + S T Y L E ■ ■ BY S T E P H A N I E M A R K A N D JA K E R O S E N B E R G

S E LLING POINTS ■■ TheCoveteur.com has 800,000 unique visitors per month and a very substantial social media

From the wildly popular fashion website and social media powerhouse, a lavish and voyeuristic celebration of the personal styles of tastemakers and fashionable celebrities

following on Instagram (794,000), Pinterest (250,000), Facebook (206,000), and Twitter (142,000) ■■ The book features some of the most high-profile fashion and cultural figures on today’s scene ■■ Fashion and celebrity culture dominate public interest, and this book perfectly combines the two from an insider-appeal angle

S PECIFICATIONS 500 color illustrations 272 pages, 9 × 11" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: OCTOBER FASHION • PHOTOGRAPHY • INTERIOR DESIGN ISBN 978-1-4197-2199-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-2199-1 US $35.00  CAN $43.95 53500


9 781419 721991

ounded in 2001, TheCoveteur.com is one of the most


popular fashion websites on the Internet. It is swooned

over for its portraiture, profiles, and beautiful photographic excavations of the closets and homes of the stylish and celebrated jet set. The book features 45 notables, including Karlie Kloss, Jessica Alba, Tavi Gevinson, Christian Louboutin, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Tommy Hilfiger, Bobbi Brown, and Carolyn

The Selby Is in Your Place ISBN 978-0-8109-8486-8 ISBN 978-0-8109-8486-8 US $37.50  CAN $45.50 5 3 5 0 0

Murphy. Showcasing celebrities’ favorite clothes, accessories, and objects in their private, rarely seen spaces, the book is an intoxicating combination of fashion eye candy, interior design, and celebrity voyeurism. With its intimate documentation, The Coveteur examines the creative process and inspirations of 45 of the designers, models, fashion editors, and other tastemakers who are defining the fashion zeitgeist of our time. Stephanie Mark is a stylist and the co-founder of TheCoveteur.com. Jake Rosenberg is a photographer and the co-founder of TheCoveteur.com. They split their time between Toronto and New York City.


780810 984868

Edible Selby ISBN 978-0-8109-9804-9 ISBN 978-0-8109-9804-9 US $37.50  CAN $45.50 53500 9 780810 998049

Fashionable Selby ISBN 978-1-4197-0861-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0861-9 US $35.00  CAN $40.00 53500

9 781419 708619


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   2 3

agnès b. L’ H I S TO I R E ■ ■ BY AG N È S B .

A compelling visual tour through 40 years of the emblematic Paris fashion brand S E LLING POINTS ■■ First book on agnès b., an icon of the fashion world ■■ The iconic Paris fashion brand has more than 330 shops worldwide ■■ Features incredible imagery from the personal collections of agnès b. and renowned fashion photographers

S PECIFICATIONS 250 color and black-and-white photographs 288 pages, 11 × 8¼" Hardcover cloth case RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH PUB MONTH: OCTOBER FASHION ISBN 978-1-4197-1936-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-1936-3 US $45.00  CAN $55.00 54500


ince opening her first shop in Paris in

1975, agnès b. has been dedicated to

creating timeless designs. Snap cardigans, striped T-shirts, strapless dresses, mini skirts, leather pants—each of her unforgettable pieces mixes classical influences with street style. This

9 781419 719363

richly illustrated clothbound book explores her signature approach to design, the history of the brand, and her continuing influence, which extends beyond fashion to the worlds of art,


film, publishing, and music. Presenting design sketches, press clippings, photographs by agnès b., and the work of photographers such as Peter Lindbergh, Dominique Issermann, Ellen von Unwerth, Bruce Weber, Gilles Bensimon, and Jean-Baptiste Mondino, agnès b.: l'histoire

Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier ISBN 978-1-4197-0002-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0002-6 US $130.00  CAN $156.00 13000 9 781419 700026

Tory Burch ISBN 978-1-4197-0747-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0747-6 US $50.00  CAN $57.50 55000

9 781419 707476

24 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

celebrates the complexity and creativity of the agnès b. universe. agnès b. opened her first shop on rue du Jour in Paris in 1975. Today, agnès b. continues to design each collection that bears her name, including accessories, watches, jewelry, and sunglasses. The company has more than 330 retail outlets throughout the world.


Men and Style E S S AYS , I N T E R V I E W S , A N D C O N S I D E R AT I O N S ■ ■ BY DAV I D C O G G I N S  ■  F O R E W O R D BY G L E N N O ’ B R I E N

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Men’s style is a trending topic of increasing interest to the fashion and lifestyle worlds, with

A celebration of men’s personal style from one of men’s fashion’s most irreverent and witty writers

publications such as the New York Times creating a new Men’s Style section ■■ Foreword writer Glenn O’Brien is the author of the bestseller How to Be a Man and is currently editor-at-large at Maxim ■■ The book’s interviewees are editors and writers for many major media outlets, including GQ, Esquire, Town & Country, and the New York Times ■■ The book includes original interviews with iconic cultural figures, including Gay Talese, Andy Spade, Jay McInerney, Nick Sullivan, Whit Stillman, and Nick Wooster


S PECIFICATIONS en and Style reaches beyond standard “what to

150 color illustrations

wear” advice: It is equal parts style guide and

272 pages, 6 × 9"

intriguing conversation about the masculine identity within the world of fashion. David Coggins explores the history of

men’s style and learns from some of the most notable tastemakers in the industry and beyond. Its essays and interviews discuss the lessons men learned from their fathers, the mistakes they made as young men, and how they emerged to become better men. Some of the most dapper men in the world discuss bad mustaches, misguided cologne choices, and unfortunate prom tuxedos. All the men here have arrived at a place in the world and have a keen understanding about how they fit in it. Men and Style celebrates singular men

Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER FASHION • NONFICTION • CULTURAL STUDIES ISBN 978-1-4197-2232-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2232-5 US $30.00  CAN $36.00 53000 9 781419 722325

ISBN 978-1-6131-2237-2

who’ve lived well and can tell us about how they earned their worldview. They’re smart enough to absorb the wisdom that’s hidden in the world, and even smarter to wear that wisdom lightly. David Coggins is a writer and editor whose work has appeared in Esquire, Kinfolk, Man of the World, Interview, and the Wall Street Journal. He is a contributing editor at Condé Nast Traveler and a regular contributor to the men’s style website A Continuous Lean.


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   25

CHANEL: The Art of Creating Fragrance F LO W E R S O F T H E F R E N C H R I V I E R A ■ ■ BY L I O N E L PA I L L È S   ■   P H OTO G R A P H Y BY P I E R R E E V E N

This luxurious box set offers an exclusive look at the flower fields and process behind Chanel’s famous perfumes

S E LLING POINTS ■■ For the first time, the secrets and floral ingredients of the world’s most coveted Chanel perfumes are revealed ■■ Chanel No. 5 is the world’s bestselling perfume ■■ An extravagant gift book with an extraordinary format inspired by the iconic packaging of Chanel’s perfume boxes

S PECIFICATIONS 111 color photographs 316 pages, 8½ × 9⅞" 6 hardcovers with French-fold jackets in a slipcase with a magnetic closure RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER FASHION • GARDENING • PHOTOGRAPHY ISBN 978-1-4197-1938-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-1938-7 US $200.00  CAN $250.00 20000


hanel No. 5 has been made with flowers from the same picturesque patch of land

between the Alps and the Mediterranean, known as the Pégomas Valley, since the perfume was created in 1921. Every year hundreds of pounds of flowers

are cultivated, picked, and distilled, following secret 9 781419 719387

traditions. For the first time, the artisanal techniques used to create the world’s most coveted perfumes are revealed. The six-volume collection contains a book on each of the main five flowers from which all Chanel perfumes are made—centifolia rose, iris, jasmine, geranium, and tuberose—with the first book profiling


the creators and detailing the process. This beautiful and lavish gift set offers a fascinating look into the storied brand of Chanel and the art of making perfume. Lionel Paillès is a perfume expert who writes for

Chanel ISBN 978-0-8109-9694-6 ISBN 978-0-8109-9694-6 US $50.00  CAN $61.50 55000 9 780810 996946

26 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

fashion magazines, including Grazia, Vanity Fair, and Lui. He anchors a radio show dedicated to perfumes and fashion, Goûts de Luxe (BFM), and blogs at Belles molécules.


Stoppers P H OTO G R A P H S F R O M M Y L I F E AT VO G U E ■ ■ BY P H Y L L I S P O S N I C K   ■  F O R E W O R D BY A N N A W I N TO U R

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Posnick is a legendary editor

Renowned fashion editor Phyllis Posnick presents the first-ever collection of her iconic, sometimes shocking photo editorials for Vogue

in the magazine business and is beloved by a wide audience of Vogue readers, photography lovers, and the fashion industry; her first monograph is sure to garner media attention ■■ Features the work of the biggest names in fashion photography ■■ Abrams has had great success with Vogue: The Covers and Vogue: The Editor’s Eye, as well as other fashion photography books ■■ Stunning package with cover photograph by legendary photographer Irving Penn

S PECIFICATIONS 140 color photographs 256 pages, 10½ × 12¼"

he name Phyllis Posnick is synonymous with

Vogue and the extraordinary fashion and

beauty editorials the magazine’s audience loves.

Irving Penn


Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER FASHION • PHOTOGRAPHY ISBN 978-1-4197-2244-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-2244-8 US $75.00  CAN $95.00 57500

Posnick is best known for creating photo editorials to illustrate the magazine’s Beauty and Health articles, as well as iconic portraits of celebrated

9 781419 722448

personalities. Bringing together the provocative and sometimes shocking, this collection invites


readers to glimpse the complex production proeach extraordinary editorial. The book features images by a who’s who of legendary photographers: Anton Corbijn, Patrick

Tim Walker

cess—and the collaboration and creativity—behind

Demarchelier, Steven Klein, Annie Leibovitz, Helmut Newton, Irving Penn, Mario Testino,

Vogue: The Covers ISBN 978-0-8109-9768-4 ISBN 978-0-8109-9768-4 US $55.00  CAN $66.00 55500

Tim Walker, and Bruce Weber. The book includes a foreword by Anna Wintour and is punctuated with Posnick’s personal memories and irreverence.

editor of Vogue since 1987. She lives in New York City.

Steven Klein

Phyllis Posnick has been the executive fashion

9 780810 997684

Vogue: The Editor’s Eye ISBN 978-1-4197-0440-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0440-6 US $80.00  CAN $97.00 58000

9 781419 704406


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   2 7

Performing Arts & Pop Culture

Star Wars Art

Ralph McQuarrie ■ ■ E D I T E D BY B R A N D O N A L I N G E R , WA D E L AG E O S E , A N D DAV I D M A N D E L  ■  F O R E W O R D BY G E O R G E LU C A S

S E LLING POINTS ■■ The first and only complete catalog of McQuarrie’s Star Wars art ■■ Collects more than 1,500 pieces of conceptual, production, and licensing artwork

The definitive deluxe two-volume slipcase of Ralph McQuarrie’s complete artwork for Star Wars

S PECIFICATIONS 1,500 color illustrations 800 pages in 2 volumes, 14 × 12" Cloth hardcover with tip-on, cloth slipcase with tip-on RIGHTS: US/CAN/AUS/NZ/UK ENGLISH


alph McQuarrie is the most iconic artist in the history of Star Wars. He worked hand-in-hand with George

Lucas to help establish the saga’s visual aesthetic, its


inimitable look and feel. Beyond designing Darth Vader,


C-3PO, and R2-D2, McQuarrie produced hundreds of pieces

ISBN 978-1-4197-1793-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-1793-2 US $250.00  CAN $300.00 25000

of Star Wars artwork, including conceptual paintings, costume designs, storyboards, and matte paintings, as well as posters, book covers, and album covers—even Lucasfilm’s

9 781419 717932

annual holiday cards—all rescanned and rephotographed for this book. In Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie, readers will find the most definitive collection of the artist’s Star Wars work ever assembled, including hundreds of never-before-seen illustrations. Rare unpublished interviews, as well as recollections from McQuarrie’s colleagues and friends, complement and contextualize the art. Star Wars Art: Ralph


McQuarrie is a comprehensive tribute to cinema’s most beloved and influential concept artist. Brandon Alinger is the chief operations officer of the Los Angeles branch of Prop Store and the author of Star Wars Costumes: The Original Trilogy. Wade Lageose is a graphic

Star Wars: Frames ISBN 978-1-4197-0470-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-0470-3 US $175.00  CAN $210.00 17500 9 781419 704703

3 2 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

designer/artist who specializes in the entertainment field. David Mandel is an Emmy-nominated and Writers Guild Award–winning writer for Saturday Night Live (1992–95), Seinfeld, and Curb Your Enthusiasm.


The Oliver Stone Experience ■ ■ BY M AT T ZO L L E R S E I T Z  ■  F O R E W O R D BY R A H M I N B A H R A N I  ■  I N T R O D U C T I O N BY K I E S E L AY M O N

S E LLING POINTS ■■ An extremely candid and comprehensive autobiography of Stone in interview form ■■ Seitz, a bestselling author, has

Oliver Stone himself serves as guide to this no-holds-barred retrospective

established himself as one of America’s leading cultural critics ■■ From the same author and designer behind the New York Times and Los Angeles Times bestselling Wes Anderson Collection series

S PECIFICATIONS 500 color illustrations 480 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PERFORMING ARTS •


FILM • BIOGRAPHY liver Stone is one of the grand masters of American cinema. A multiple Academy Award–winning

ISBN 978-1-4197-1790-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-1790-1 US $50.00  CAN $55.00 55000

screenwriter and director (Midnight Express, Scarface, Platoon,

JFK, Natural Born Killers, Snowden), he is as well known for his outspoken, controversial political beliefs as he is for his innova-

9 781419 717901

ISBN 978-1-6131-2814-5

tive films. Here, Stone and author Matt Zoller Seitz discuss the arc of Stone’s life and work with extraordinary candor. The cinematic mastermind shares anecdotes about Vietnam, his childhood, his struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder, and his continual struggle to reinvent himself as an artist. The book includes never-before-seen material that dates back to Stone’s childhood in the 1950s, personal snapshots, private correspondence, annotated script pages and storyboards, and


behind-the-scenes photography. At once a complex analysis of a master director’s vision and a painfully honest autobiography, The Oliver Stone Experience promises to be as daring, intense, and provocative as Stone’s films. Matt Zoller Seitz is the television critic for New York magazine and the editor in chief of RogerEbert.com. He is the author of The Wes Anderson Collection and The Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel. He lives in Brooklyn.


Mad Men Carousel ISBN 978-1-4197-2063-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2063-5 US $27.50  CAN $33.50 52750 9 781419 720635

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   3 3



The Wes Anderson Collection: Bad Dads A R T I N S P I R E D BY T H E F I L M S O F W E S A N D E R S O N ■ ■ BY S P O K E A R T G A L L E RY  ■  F O R E W O R D BY W E S A N D E R S O N  ■   I N T R O D U C T I O N BY M AT T ZO L L E R S E I T Z  ■  P R E FAC E BY K E N H A R M A N

The very best Wes Anderson–inspired artwork from the annual “Bad Dads” art exhibition, curated by Spoke Art Gallery

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Includes a foreword by Wes Anderson and an introduction by TV and movie critic Matt Zoller Seitz ■■ The newest addition to Abrams’ New York Times bestselling Wes Anderson Collection series ■■ Multiple featured artists will help promote the book via their individual platforms

S PECIFICATIONS 200 color illustrations 256 pages, 8¾ × 10½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: AUGUST PERFORMING ARTS • FILM • GRAPHIC DESIGN ISBN 978-1-4197-2047-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2047-5 US $29.95  CAN $35.95 52995 9 781419 720475

ISBN 978-1-6131-2300-3



his book collects the best artwork from the first five years of “Bad

New York Times bestseller!

Dads,” an annual exhibition of art inspired by the films of Wes

Anderson. Curated by Spoke Art Gallery in San Francisco, “Bad Dads” has continued to grow and progress and has featured work from more than four hundred artists. From paintings to sculptures to limited-edition screen prints, the artworks vary greatly in style but share the imagery and beloved characters from the mind of one of Hollywood’s most noteworthy and imaginative filmmakers. The book features an original cover by graphic artist Max Dalton, a foreword by writer and director Wes Anderson himself, and an introduction by TV and movie critic Matt Zoller

The Wes Anderson Collection ISBN 978-0-8109-9741-7 ISBN 978-0-8109-9741-7 US $40.00  CAN $49.95 54000 9 780810 997417

New York Times bestseller!

Seitz, author of the bestselling Wes Anderson Collection books. Spoke Art is a San Francisco–based gallery, run by Ken Harman, that specializes in new contemporary painting, sculpture, and illustration. Matt Zoller Seitz is the television critic for New York magazine and the editor in chief of RogerEbert.com. He is the author of The Wes Anderson Collection, The Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel, and Mad Men Carousel. He lives in Brooklyn.


The Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel ISBN 978-1-4197-1571-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-1571-6 US $35.00  CAN $43.95 53500 9 781419 715716

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   3 5

Brian and Wendy Froud’s The Pressed Fairy Journal of Madeline Cottington ■ ■ BY W E N DY F R O U D  ■  I L LU S T R AT E D BY B R I A N F R O U D S E LLING POINTS ■■ The Frouds have created some of the best-known fantasy images of the late 20th and 21st centuries ■■ The Frouds’ previous titles for

Brian and Wendy Froud bring readers back into their world of bestselling books about the Cottingtons and their fairies

Abrams, including Trolls and Faeries’ Tales, have sold more than 40,000 copies; Brian also created the work for The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth books ■■ Brian and Wendy Froud’s works are popular with adults and have a large fan base among teen girls ■■ The Frouds appear regularly and are swamped by fans at faerie festivals, as well as at Comic-Con and other high-profile conferences

S PECIFICATIONS 96 color illustrations 96 pages, 9 × 12" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER FANTASY • FICTION ISBN 978-1-4197-2085-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-2085-7 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495 9 781419 720857


enowned artist/author duo Brian and Wendy Froud present, for the first time, the backstory

of Cottington Hall and its intriguing inhabitants: the

Cottington family and the faeries living among them. The rise and fall of this eccentric British family gives us humorous, and sometimes tragic, glimpses into how the Cottingtons became inexorably entwined with the faeries during the late 19th and 20th centuries. When a

ISBN 978-1-6131-2323-2

descendant, Maddi, visits the Cottingtons’s dilapidated hall, she finds herself caught up in a story of intrigue and mystery. While reading the letters and journals of her ancestors and discovering a wealth of inventions


aimed at allowing humans to visit the fairy realm

Brian Froud’s Faeries’ Tales ISBN 978-1-4197-1386-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-1386-6 US $35.00  CAN $40.00 53500

and their world.

unharmed, Maddi slowly becomes aware of the faeries

Brian Froud, one of the most respected mythic artists 9 781419 713866

Brian Froud’s Goblins 10½ Anniversary Edition ISBN 978-1-4197-1861-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-1861-8 US $27.50  CAN $33.50 52750

9 781419 718618

3 6  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

of our time, has won numerous awards, including the Hugo Award for Best Original Artwork. Wendy Froud is a sculptor, writer, and puppetmaker and is best known as the fabricator of Star Wars’ Yoda. The Frouds live in Devon, England.


The Raven A POP-UP BOOK ■ ■ BY E D G A R A L L A N P O E   ■  D E S I G N E D BY DAV I D P E L H A M  ■  I L LU S T R AT E D BY C H R I S TO P H E R W O R M E L L

S E LLING POINTS ■■“The Raven,” first published in 1845, has been studied and discussed for generations ■■ Master designer and paper

Bestselling author David Pelham and Christopher Wormell bring to life the classic poem of Edgar Allan Poe

engineer David Pelham’s creative, interactive books—including The Human Body, Dimensional Man, Sam’s Sandwich, and A Is for Animals—have sold millions worldwide ■■ The macabre tone of “The Raven” and the dark, ominous artwork make it a wonderful book for Halloween, while its upmarket appearance makes it a special gift for any occasion ■■ A great crossover title for a young audience and older literature enthusiasts alike, as well as for pop-up book collectors

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore— While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

S PECIFICATIONS 7 color pop-up illustrations 14 pages, 8½ × 10¼" Hardcover pop-up RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH PUB MONTH: AUGUST


POP-UP • INTERACTIVE • dgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” is one of


the most widely recognized poems in

ISBN 978-1-4197-2197-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-2197-7 US $27.50  CAN $33.50 52750

the English language. When it first appeared

in the New York Evening Mirror in 1845, the poem made Poe an overnight sensation. Master

9 781419 721977

paper engineer David Pelham amazes us once again with his pop-up design interpreting this haunting love story. Edgar Allan Poe, the 19th-century writer, is known for his gothic and macabre work. David Pelham, a designer and paper engineer, has created numerous bestselling children’s books. Christopher Wormell, an outstanding artist and printmaker, has written and illustrated a variety of children’s books. Pelham and Wormell reside in London.


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   3 7

Food & Drink




More than 100 fresh, market-driven, healthy, and flavorful recipes from LA’s hottest restaurant

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Sqirl is recognized by Los Angeles magazine and Eater LA as one of the best LA restaurants and recommended by Alice Waters as a go-to spot ■■ Koslow has been featured in the


Wall Street Journal, the New York hat makes a chef great is her palate,” writes Mark Bittman, “and the food [Jessica] Koslow makes is highly seasoned, both down-to-earth and luxurious.”

In fewer than five years as the chef and owner of LA’s Sqirl, Koslow has solidified her reputation as one of the country’s most influential chefs. Her food, which Bon Appétit’s

Times, Bloomberg Business, Bon Appétit, and Food & Wine ■■ Eater LA named Koslow LA’s Best Chef of the Year in 2014

Christine Muhlke describes as “healthy-meets-to-hell-with-it” is designed to surprise us and to engage every one of our senses—it looks good, tastes vibrant, and feels fortifying yet refreshing. In Everything I Want to Eat, Koslow shares more than 100 of her favorite recipes, filling her book with plenty of vegetarian and vegan offerings but, like her restaurant, offering up options for the bacon-eaters among us as well. Koslow helps readers strike a balance at home, teaching them how to make some of her most popular dishes: burnt brioche toast with ricotta and jam; sorrel-pesto rice bowl topped with a poached egg; Valrhona chocolate fleur de sel cookies; and more. The ingredients called for are a modern mash-up of vegetables, grains, and spices from the world over. The recipes are unfussy but thought provoking. They will inspire home cooks to reach beyond their comfort zones flavor-wise—to learn a new, exciting way to eat every day.

S PECIFICATIONS 100 color illustrations 240 pages, 7½ × 9¾" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: OCTOBER

Jessica Koslow is the chef and owner of Sqirl, which opened in 2011 in Silver Lake. Her restaurant has been featured in such publications as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Bon Appétit. In 2014, she was named Eater LA’s Best Chef of the Year.

FOOD & DRINK ISBN 978-1-4197-2231-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-2231-8 US $35.00  CAN $43.95 53500 9 781419 722318

ISBN 978-1-6131-2196-2


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   41

The Forest Feast Gatherings See Forest Feast Notes page 102

S I M P L E V E G E TA R I A N M E N U S F O R H O S T I N G F R I E N D S & FA M I LY ■ ■ BY E R I N G L E E S O N


The New York Times bestselling author of The Forest Feast returns with a gorgeously illustrated cookbook packed with simple, beautiful vegetarian recipes designed for relaxed entertaining

■■ The Forest Feast is a New York Times bestseller with more than 100,000 copies in print ■■ The Forest Feast Gatherings has the same beautiful aesthetic that readers loved in the first book—gorgeous photography and styling, and lush watercolor illustrations ■■ Includes new recipes—more than 100 in all—that are vegetarian, simple, and beautiful, plus the cooking and entertaining content Forest Feast fans crave

S PECIFICATIONS 200 color illustrations 256 pages, 8 × 11" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER FOOD & DRINK ISBN 978-1-4197-2245-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2245-5 US $35.00  CAN $43.95 53500


rin Gleeson is known for her visually stunning, healthy recipes—dishes that are easy enough

to prepare after a long day at work, yet impressive

enough for a party. Her food has always been ideal for entertaining, but now she offers detailed guidance

9 781419 722455

ISBN 978-1-6131-2197-9

on hosting casual yet thoughtful gatherings from start to finish—from the décor and cocktails to the perfect food pairings. In this new book, more than 100 fresh,

ALSO AVAIL AB LE New York Times bestseller!

innovative vegetarian recipes are arranged in a series of artfully designed menus tailored to specific occasions like a summer dinner party, a laid-back brunch, or a holiday cocktail party. Lushly illustrated with hundreds of watercolor drawings and photographs, The Forest Feast Gatherings is the perfect companion to the original and an inspiring reference for anyone who wants to

The Forest Feast: Simple Vegetarian Recipes from My Cabin in the Woods ISBN 978-1-61769-081-5 ISBN 978-1-61769-081-5 US $35.00  CAN $43.95 53500 9 781617 690815

The Forest Feast for Kids ISBN 978-1-4197-1886-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-1886-1 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995

9 781419 718861

42  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

share good food with good friends in Gleeson’s irresistible style. Erin Gleeson is the author, illustrator, and photographer behind the New York Times bestselling cookbook The Forest Feast, The Forest Feast for Kids, and the popular blog the forestfeast.com. She lives in a cabin in the woods in Northern California with her husband and son, where she creates simple and delicious vegetarian recipes inspired by her weekly CSA box.


The Short Stack Cookbook I N G R E D I E N T S T H AT S P E A K VO LU M E S ■ ■ BY N I C K FAU C H A L D, K A I T LY N G OA L E N , A N D T H E C O N T R I B U TO R S O F S H O R T S TAC K E D I T I O N S

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Short Stack Editions are popular, hand-bound single-ingredient booklets, and this is their big showcase edition—with original

A compendium of 150 brand-new recipes from the award-winning team behind Short Stack Editions

recipes in one beautiful book ■■ Twenty-seven of the top names in the food world provide rigorously tested recipes and will promote the book to their followers and fans ■■ Like the booklets, The Short Stack Cookbook will feature an artisan aesthetic that suggests handmade elements

S PECIFICATIONS 100 color photographs; 25 black-and-white illustrations 320 pages, 8 × 10" Hardcover


RIGHTS: WORLD he ethos behind Short Stack Editions is simple: Pair beloved ingredients with advice from trusted culi-

nary experts to create inspired recipes home cooks can’t

wait to use. For their first large-format cookbook, Short

PUB MONTH: OCTOBER FOOD & DRINK ISBN 978-1-4197-2241-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-2241-7 US $40.00  CAN $49.95 54000

Stack calls on their acclaimed contributor list—IACP and James Beard Award–winning cookbook authors, chefs, food writers, and more—to create ingenious recipes

9 781419 722417

ISBN 978-1-6131-2198-6

destined to become favorites. Organized by ingredient, The Short Stack Cookbook presents kitchen staples as you have never seen them before and offers new ways to cook with everyday items. The collection retains the original Short Stack booklets’ handmade aesthetic and beloved style, offering a colorful, covetable, must-have gift for design-minded home cooks. Nick Fauchald is a Brooklyn-based writer, editor, and co-founder of Short Stack Editions. Formerly the editorin-chief of Tasting Table, he was also an editor at Food & Wine, Wine Spectator, and Every Day with Rachael Ray magazines. Kaitlyn Goalen is a writer, editor, and cook based in Brooklyn and Raleigh, North Carolina, and co-founder of Short Stack Editions. Previously, she was an editor at Tasting Table, and she has contributed to print and digital food publications.


CONTRIBUTORS INCLUDE Ian Knauer Soa Davis Susan Spungen Angie Mosier Virginia Willis Scott Hocker Tyler Kord Rebekah Peppler Martha Holberg Jessica Battilana Andrea Albin Libbie Summers Alison Roman Sara Jenkins Sarah Baird Victoria Granof Susie Heller

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   4 3

Ritz Escoffier, Paris 1 0 0 S T E P - BY- S T E P R E C I P E S F R O M T H E R I T Z PA R I S C U L I N A RY S C H O O L ■ ■ BY É C O L E R I T Z E S C O F F I E R   ■  P H OTO G R A P H S BY M I C H E L L A N G OT

S E LLING POINTS ■■ 100 sweet and savory recipes, including traditional and contemporary dishes

Recipes and more from the world-famous Paris cooking school

■■ A thorough reference with 300 color photographs ■■ Easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions ■■ Basic recipes ■■ Includes useful glossary

S PECIFICATIONS 300 color photographs 304 pages, 7½ × 10" Hardcover with bellyband RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH EXCLUDING FRANCE PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER FOOD & DRINK ISBN 978-1-4197-2148-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-2148-9 US $40.00  CAN $48.00 54000


ood cooking is the foundation of true happiness," said Auguste Escoffier (1846–1935), the pioneer

of modern cuisine and the first executive chef of the Ritz Hotel, Paris. Today, the École Ritz Escoffier pays tribute to the great chef by teaching the art of French cooking

9 781419 721489

to amateurs and seasoned professionals alike. This book celebrates the values prized by Escoffier and by hotelier César Ritz: professionalism, creativity, and conviviality. An absolute must for anyone seeking to improve their knowledge and techniques, the book includes 100 recipes for meat, fish, vegetables, foie gras, pasta and rice, international dishes, hors d’oeuvres, and desserts. Each recipe is illustrated and includes clear explanations and a step-by-step guide. An homage to the prestigious school, which is still in its original home at the Ritz Hotel on the Place Vendôme, Paris, this beautiful book is more than a reference; it offers the savoir-faire and secrets of a gourmet chef who has inspired cooks for more than 150 years. Michel Langot is a well-known food photographer based in Paris who has published more than 20 books. He works regularly with the Michelin-starred chef Guy Martin.

4 4 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6


The Good Fork Cookbook ■ ■ BY S O H U I K I M W I T H R AC H E L W H A R TO N  ■  F O R E W O R D BY A N D R E W K N O W LTO N  ■  P H OTO G R A P H S BY B U R C U AV S A R A N D Z AC H D E S A R T


A collection of 124 recipes, plus techniques and stories that highlight the globally inspired cuisine of the acclaimed restaurant in Red Hook, Brooklyn

■■ The Good Fork received rave reviews by critics at the New York Times, the New Yorker, and GQ, among others ■■ The same team recently opened Insa, a 4,600-square-foot traditional Korean BBQ and karaoke lounge in Gowanus, Brooklyn, in December 2015 ■■ Features more than 100 color photographs, including both step-by-step photography and restaurant shots

S PECIFICATIONS 100 color photographs 224 pages, 7½ × 9" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD


PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER or more than 10 years, The Good Fork has been one of Brooklyn’s favorite restaurants. It’s a neigh-

borhood spot that offers a rare treat in the crowded, slick

FOOD & DRINK ISBN 978-1-4197-2233-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-2233-2 US $29.95  CAN $35.95 52995

New York food scene: a restaurant that feels like home. Chef Sohui Kim and her husband live down the block, blurring the lines between their kitchen at home and the

9 781419 722332

ISBN 978-1-6131-2210-5

restaurant kitchen. The Good Fork Cookbook is packed with Kim’s recipes for flavorful, globally inspired cuisine that a home cook can make any night of the week. Her influences and techniques range from French and Italian to American and Korean, but every dish is comforting, unfussy: Pork Dumplings; Korean-Style Steak and Eggs with Kimchee Rice and Fried Eggs; Buttermilk Fried Chicken and Waffles; and more. The Good Fork Cookbook shares the recipes that made The Good Fork Brooklyn’s favorite mom-and-pop shop. Sohui Kim is the chef and co-owner of The Good Fork. She trained at ICE, cooked under Dan Barber and Anita Lo, and defeated Bobby Flay in a dumpling contest on the Food Network. Rachel Wharton is a James Beard Foundation award-winning journalist and the co-author of The Di Palo’s Guide to the Essential Foods of Italy. Andrew Knowlton is the deputy editor of Bon Appétit.


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   4 5

Butter & Scotch R E C I P E S F R O M B R O O K LY N ’ S FAVO R I T E B A R A N D B A K E RY ■ ■ BY A L L I S O N K AV E A N D K E AV Y L A N D R E T H

A collection of more than 75 deliciously inventive confections and cocktails

S E LLING POINTS ■■ The bakery has been covered by

Grub Street, the TODAY show,


and more

up more than 75 recipes for incredible desserts, cocktails, and creations that

the New York Times, New York magazine, Food & Wine, Bon Appétit, Nylon, Eater, Refinery29,

■■ Butter & Scotch was voted “Best Desserts of 2013” by the Village Voice

t Brooklyn's Butter & Scotch, everything is made by hand, and inventive flavors are created to satisfy any sweet tooth—especially for those with

a penchant for spirits. In Butter & Scotch, Allison Kave and Keavy Landreth dish shake up the traditional approach to booze and sweets. From buttery, cinnamon-y Magic Buns for breakfast to gourmet Hot Toddies at evening’s end, Butter & Scotch provides recipes for any time of day. The

■■ The Butter & Scotch storefront,

book is packed with popular recipes: world-renowned S’mores Bars, Dark &

opened in 2014 in Brooklyn,

Stormy Cocktail Caramel Corn, Pie Milkshakes, Maple Bacon Cupcakes, and

continues to receive numerous

yes, even Jell‑o shots. Kave and Landreth also share the basics behind their

accolades, including being

recipes—the techniques, ingredients, and essential equipment needed to

named one of Eater’s Hot New

make everything at home. Butter & Scotch is a grown-up kid’s dream come true.

Bakeries Keavy Landreth and Allison Kave are the founders of Butter & Scotch,


Brooklyn’s only dessert and craft cocktail bar. Butter & Scotch opened in 2014.

50 color illustrations 224 pages, 7½ × 9" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER FOOD & DRINK ISBN 978-1-4197-2228-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-2228-8 US $29.95  CAN $35.95

ISBN 978-1-6131-2217-4


First Prize Pies ISBN 978-1-61769-102-7 ISBN 978-1-61769-102-7 US $29.95  CAN $35.95 52995 9 781617 691027

4 6 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6


The Crown Maple Guide to Maple Syrup H O W TO TA P A N D C O O K W I T H N AT U R E ’ S O R I G I N A L S W E E T E N E R ■ ■ BY R O B B T U R N E R W I T H J E S S I C A C A R B O N E S E LLING POINTS ■■ A favorite in gourmet food markets—including Whole

The essential guide to maple syrup, complete with the history, science, and recipes for this wild American ingredient

Foods, Sur La Table, and many more—Crown Maple’s in-demand maple syrups have become a staple in modern cooking ■■ Enticing recipes follow an in-depth look at the history and science of maple syrup (similar to The Beekeeper’s Bible) ■■ Maple syrup is paleo- and veganfriendly and is used as a natural sugar substitute in popular diets

S PECIFICATIONS 100 color illustrations 224 pages, 8 × 9" Hardcover



s the leading organic maple syrup on the market,


Crown Maple produces top-quality syrups. Its


syrups are so good that they’re not only carried by a host

of gourmet food markets, but also used in the world’s best kitchens, including NoMad, Eleven Madison Park,

SCIENCE • HOW-TO ISBN 978-1-4197-2248-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-2248-6 US $29.95  CAN $35.95 52995

Bouchon, Lincoln, and more. The Crown Maple Guide to Maple Syrup is the ultimate guide to maple syrup, with 65 sweet and savory recipes, instructions on tapping and

9 781419 722486

ISBN 978-1-6131-2232-7

evaporating, and an overview of the fascinating history of maple syrup in the United States. Crown Maple owner Robb Turner offers a comprehensive look into the world of maple syrup, complete with archival images and tutorials on the process. After you learn everything you need to know about maple syrup, move into the kitchen with recipes inspired by Robb and his wife Lydia’s home kitchen. Try the maple-pecan sticky buns, the maple-glazed duck,


or maple lemon bars. Beautifully designed, with a mix of detailed process illustrations from tap to bottle and enticingly photographed recipes, this book is the perfect reference and keepsake for every maple syrup lover. Robb Turner is owner of Madava Farms in the Hudson River Valley, home to Crown Maple Syrup. Jessica Carbone is a native New Englander and culinary writer, editor, and historian based in Washington, DC.


The Beekeeper’s Bible ISBN 978-1-58479-918-4 ISBN 978-1584799184 US $35.00  NCR 5 3 5 0 0 9 781584 799184

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   47

The British Table A N E W LO O K AT T H E T R A D I T I O N A L C O O K I N G O F E N G L A N D, S C OT L A N D, A N D WA L E S ■ ■ BY C O L M A N A N D R E W S  ■   P H OTO G R A P H S BY H I R S H E I M E R A N D H A M I LTO N S E LLING POINTS ■■ Andrews is an esteemed food

A lavish celebration of the best of traditional and modern British cooking, with recipes, history, and lore from James Beard Award– winning food writer Colman Andrews

writer and is very well connected in the food world; his position as editorial director of The Daily Meal, with a monthly average of 14 million unique visitors, gives him a sizeable online readership ■■ This book is a natural follow-up to Andrews’s definitive The Country Cooking of Ireland, named Cookbook of the Year by the James Beard Foundation and Best International Cookbook by the IACP ■■ New British Cuisine is trending, and London is a thriving culinary hotspot

S PECIFICATIONS 100 color photographs 320 pages, 9 × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER FOOD & DRINK • HISTORY ISBN 978-1-4197-2223-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-2223-3 US $50.00  CAN $62.50 55000 9 781419 722233

ISBN 978-1-6131-2211-2


he British Table: A New Look at the Traditional

Cooking of England, Scotland, and Wales

celebrates the best of British cuisine old and new. Drawing on a vast number of sources, both historical and modern, the book includes more than 150 recipes, from traditional regional specialties to modern gastropub reinventions of rustic fare. Dishes like fish pie, braised brisket with pickled walnuts, and a pastry shop full of simple, irresistible desserts have found their way onto modern British menus—delicious reminders of the depth

and breadth of Britain’s culinary heritage. The book blends these tradition-based reinventions by some of the finest chefs in England, Scotland, and Wales with forgotten dishes of the past worthy of rediscovery. Colman Andrews is the recipient of eight James Beard Awards, including the 2010 Cookbook of the Year award for The Country Cooking of Ireland. A founding editor of Saveur, he is the author of eight previous books on food, including Catalan Cuisine, Ferran: The Inside Story of El Bulli and the Man Who Reinvented Food, and My Usual Table: A Life in Restaurants, a memoir. He lives in Connecticut.

4 8 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6


The Chef’s Library FAVO R I T E C O O K B O O K S F R O M T H E W O R L D ’ S G R E AT K I TC H E N S ■ ■ BY J E N N Y L I N F O R D

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Highlights the cookbooks beloved by the world’s most famous chefs and gathers them in one place—unlike any other

A revealing look into the cookbook libraries of some of the world’s most renowned chefs

book on the market ■■ Focuses on international chefs, cookbooks, cuisines of the world, and historic classics ■■ This book will look wonderful in the kitchen and on bookshelves, and is equal parts serious reference and collector’s item for cooks of all levels

S PECIFICATIONS 750 color illustrations 352 pages, 9¼ × 8⅝" Hardcover with jacket


RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH, ll chefs love and cherish cookbooks, and


increasingly, cookbooks have become


treasured manuals of the trade as well as beautiful art

objects. The Chef’s Library is the world’s first attempt to bring together in a single volume a comprehensive

FOOD & DRINK • REFERENCE ISBN 978-1-4197-2080-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-2080-2 US $40.00  CAN $49.95 54000

collection of cookbooks that are highly rated and actually used by more than 70 renowned chefs around the

9 781419 720802

world. Readers will discover the books that have galvanized acclaimed and brilliant culinary talents such as Daniel Humm, Jamie Oliver, Sean Brock, Michael Anthony, Tom Kerridge, Suzanne Goin, Tom Colicchio, and many others. Also featured are influential restaurant cookbooks, essential books on global cuisines and specialist culinary subjects, and historic favorites that have stood the test of time. Part reference, part culinary exploration, this book is a must-have for any cookbook collector or passionate foodie. Jenny Linford is a London-based food writer, a member of the Guild of Food Writers, and the author of several books, including Food Lovers’ London, Great British Cheeses, and The Tomato Basket. She was the general editor of 1001 Restaurants You Must Experience Before You Die, a guide to iconic restaurants around the world.


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   4 9

Interior Design

Around That Time H O R S T AT H O M E I N VO G U E ■ ■ T E X T BY VA L E N T I N E L AW F O R D  ■  P H OTO G R A P H S BY H O R S T P. H O R S T  ■  F O R E W O R D BY H A M I S H B O W L E S   ■   P R O D U C E D BY I VA N S H AW

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Iconic interior and lifestyle photographs from Horst P. Horst

An updated and renewed look at the 1968 cult-classic decorating book Vogue’s Book of Houses, Gardens, People

will introduce a new generation of design enthusiasts to his work ■■ Abrams has a great track record with Vogue publications, with more than 100,000 copies sold ■■ The book is a who’s who of society, politics, and the arts from 1938 to 1985

S PECIFICATIONS 350 color photographs 384 pages, 10 × 14" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: OCTOBER INTERIOR DESIGN • FASHION • PHOTOGRAPHY • CULTURAL STUDIES ISBN 978-1-4197-2224-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-2224-0 US $75.00  CAN $95.00 57500


ogue’s Book of Houses, Gardens, People (1968) was a landmark publication among decorating

books, and it chronicles an important chapter in the history of Vogue. Vogue’s Horst P. Horst, a leading fashion photographer of his time, developed an intense interest in seeing the world’s great homes and meeting their

9 781419 722240

owners; beginning in the early 1960s, he journeyed in an elite world that would soon be lost. With accompanying lyrical essays about homes and their occupants by the famed writer Valentine Lawford (Horst’s partner in work and life), the book is a virtual who’s who of society, politics, and the arts in the mid-20th century. Around That Time showcases much of the material featured in the original book, plus never-before-seen photographs from


those homes as well as images from additional homes Horst shot well into the 1980s. This book introduces this work to a new generation of design, decorating, and visual art professionals, academics, and enthusiasts. Horst P. Horst was a photographer known for his photo-

Elsie de Wolfe’s Paris ISBN978-1-4197-1389-7 978-1-4197-1389-7 ISBN US $50.00  CAN $57.50 55000 9 781419 713897

52  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

graphs of women, fashion, and interior architecture and for his environmental portraits. Valentine Lawford was a writer as well as the life partner of Horst P. Horst. Hamish Bowles is the international editor-at-large for Vogue.


Mr. Ken Fulk’s Magical World ■ ■ BY K E N F U L K

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Much more than a typical look at interior design, this book offers up a spectacular creative vision

A grand exploration of Ken Fulk’s breathtaking designs for interiors, parties, and events

for homes, businesses, events, and entertaining ■■ Like Fulk’s designs, the book makes an impact, with its oversized trim, hundreds of photos, and unique packaging ■■ Fulk’s profile has been broadened by his Pottery Barn collaboration, which continues into the 2016 holiday season

S PECIFICATIONS 200 color illustrations 240 pages, 10½ × 13½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: OCTOBER INTERIOR DESIGN • ART • FASHION • PHOTOGRAPHY ISBN 978-1-4197-2238-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-2238-7 US $75.00  CAN $95.00 57500


orking out of The Magic Factory, a 15,000-

9 781419 722387

square-foot think tank in San Francisco, Ken

Fulk specializes in interior design, special events, and

architecture. Whether he is creating fantastic homes, throwing the opening party of a museum show, or planning large-scale events (like the famous wedding of Facebook’s Sean Parker in a redwood forest), Fulk’s work is always remarkable and stylish and sometimes over the top. Featuring more than 200 color photos with accompanying narration by the designer, Mr. Ken Fulk’s Magical World showcases the best of his luxurious environments over the past decade: gorgeous dwellings he has designed for notable clientele; his own three homes; stunning examples of his party and event designs; and even a private jet. Originally from Virginia and now based in San Francisco and New York City, Ken Fulk is an independently trained designer who works exclusively by referral.


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   5 3



A House by the Sea ■ ■ BY B U N N Y W I L L I A M S W I T H G I L S C H A F E R , C H R I S T I A N B R E C H N E F F, A N G U S W I L K I E , PAG E D I C K E Y, JA N E G A R M E Y, A N D R OX A N A R O B I N S O N

Bunny Williams presents a luxurious design tour of her home in the tropics S E LLING POINTS ■■ The author’s three previous titles have sold more than 140,000 copies combined ■■ Bunny Williams is an established brand name whose work is a staple feature in such key shelter magazines as Elle Décor, House Beautiful, and Town & Country ■■ Like Williams’s bestselling An Affair with a House, this new book captures the interiors, gardens, and tropical setting in intimate and compelling detail

S PECIFICATIONS 140 color illustrations 256 pages, 10⅝ × 10⅝" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER INTERIOR DESIGN


ISBN 978-1-4197-2081-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-2081-9 US $60.00  CAN $75.00 56000

uthor and renowned designer Bunny Williams has been at the top of the interior design world for more than 40 years.

9 781419 720819

Her new book invites readers to explore La Colina, Williams’s lovely Caribbean retreat tucked into lush, tropical gardens by the

ISBN 978-1-6131-2958-6

sea. The book explores every facet of the property—from outdoor rooms and garden plantings and design to the delightful, islandliving luxury of the villa’s interiors, furnishings, and collections. Woven into each chapter are essays written by friends who have visited the property: Gil Schafer details the villa’s architecture; Page Dickey tours the gardens; Roxana Robinson offers a peek at a weekend stay; Angus Wilkie discusses the delights of collecting;


and Jane Garmey revels in the pleasures of cooking, food, and friends. Trailblazer and tastemaker Bunny Williams is a world-renowned interior design and garden expert. She was named to the prestigious AD 100 list, is a member of the Interior Design Hall of Fame, and was the recipient of the Giants of Design award from House Beautiful. Williams’s licensing partnerships include branded lines for Caspari, Century Furniture, Dash & Albert, Pine Cone Hill, and Ballard Designs. She lives in New York, Connecticut, and Punta Cana.

An Affair with a House ISBN 978-1-58479-470-7 ISBN 978-1-58479-470-7 US $70.00  CAN $80.00 57000 9 781584 794707


Bunny Williams On Garden Style ISBN 978-1-61769-153-9 ISBN 978-1-61769-153-9 US $50.00  CAN $57.50 55000 9 781617 691539

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   5 5




Kaffe Fassett’s Bold Blooms Q U I LT S A N D OT H E R W O R K S C E L E B R AT I N G F LO W E R S ■ ■ BY K A F F E FA S S E T T W I T H L I Z A P R I O R LU C Y  ■  P H OTO G R A P H S BY D E B B I E PAT T E R S O N S E LLING POINTS ■■ Kaffe Fassett is one of the bestknown quilt and fabric designers today; flowers are a key theme in his work, and readers will delight in learning more about his design

An inside look at the design process of textile artist Kaffe Fassett, plus new quilt patterns and needlepoints

process and inspiration ■■ The author of more than 20 books, Fassett has a top-selling track record: His works have sold more than a million copies worldwide, and he has a large and loyal fan base ■■ Fassett is a sought-after instructor; every year, he travels extensively throughout North America and Europe, teaching and lecturing to capacity audiences



125 color photographs enowned textile and fine artist Kaffe Fassett

224 pages, 8½ × 10¾"

explores flowers as a source of inspiration

Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD

for patchwork and needlepoint in this new quilting

guide and pattern collection. In Kaffe Fassett’s


Bold Blooms, for the first time ever, he shares a


behind-the-scenes look at his fascinating creative

ISBN 978-1-4197-2236-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-2236-3 US $35.00  CAN $43.95 53500

process, shedding light on how he creates the vibrant fabrics, quilts, needlepoints, ribbons, floral

9 781419 722363

displays, and paintings for which he is celebrated. He follows with a passionate ode to flowers in

ISBN 978-1-6131-2254-9

the form of 18 quilts and 7 needlepoints divided into color moods ranging from neutrals and soft pastels to rich, dark tones. Accessible to all skill levels, the designs on each page will inspire you to see how much more


colorful and alive your needlework, quilts, and creative projects can be. Kaffe Fassett is a world-renowned artist, textile designer, and author, and his use of color is widely regarded as visionary. His work has been

Kaffe Fassett’s Simple Shapes Spectacular Quilts ISBN 978-1-58479-837-8 ISBN 978-1-58479-837-8 US $35.00  CAN $42.00 5 3 5 0 0

exhibited in museums worldwide, including the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. For more information, see his biography, Kaffe Fassett: Dreaming in Color, or visit kaffefassett.com.


781584 798378


Kaffe Fassett: Dreaming in Color ISBN 978-1-58479-996-2 ISBN 978-1-58479-996-2 US $40.00  CAN $45.00 54000 9 781584 799962

Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes ISBN 978-1-61769-016-7 ISBN 978-1-61769-016-7 US $35.00  CAN $40.00 53500 9 781617 690167

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   59

You Can Knit That F O O L P R O O F I N S T R U C T I O N S F O R FA B U LO U S S W E AT E R S ■ ■ BY A M Y H E R ZO G  ■   P H OTO G R A P H S BY K A R E N P E A R S O N

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Herzog’s first two books, Knit to Flatter and Knit Wear Love, have sold more than 40,000 copies ■■ Herzog attends major knitting conferences and fairs throughout

From knitting superstar Amy Herzog, a much-anticipated guide for sweater-making success

the year ■■ Herzog’s Ravelry group has more than 5,000 members ■■ Patterns are written in 12 sizes and in 6 different styles, ensuring that no knitter will be left out

S PECIFICATIONS 100 color photographs 176 pages, 8½ × 9⅞" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER CRAFT ISBN 978-1-4197-2247-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-2247-9 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495


hen knitting superstar Amy Herzog gets complimented on her hand-knit sweaters, the

compliments are often followed by “but I could never knit that.” Now, you can! You Can Knit That is a clear,

9 781419 722479

ISBN 978-1-6131-2293-8

simple reference book and pattern collection that gives knitters the sweater-making confidence they need. Whether you’re knitting a sweater for the first time or seeking to expand your skills to knit sweaters in styles you’ve never tried before, this essential guide starts with basic sweater know-how and moves into instructions for


knitting six must-have sweater styles—vests, all-in-one construction, drop shoulders, raglans, yokes, and set-in sleeves. Each chapter offers a less-intimidating “mini” sweater sized for a child and a selection of adult women’s patterns in 12 sizes—24 sweater patterns in all, each building on the next, to ensure success with even

Knit to Flatter ISBN 978-1-61769-017-4 ISBN 978-1-61769-017-4 US $24.95  CAN $27.95 52495 9 781617 690174

Knit Wear Love ISBN 978-1-61769-139-3 ISBN 978-1-61769-139-3 US $24.95  CAN $27.95 52495

9 781617 691393

6 0  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

the most complicated sweaters. Amy Herzog is the author of Knit Wear Love and Knit to Flatter and the creator of the CustomFit sweater pattern generator. She teaches courses on Craftsy.com and in yarn shops countrywide, and her sweater designs have been featured in Rowan, Knitscene, Interweave Knits, Twist Collective, and more.


Norah Gaughan’s Knitted Cable Sourcebook A B R E A K T H R O U G H G U I D E TO K N I T T I N G W I T H C A B L E S A N D D E S I G N I N G YO U R O W N ■ ■ BY N O R A H G AU G H A N   ■  P H OTO G R A P H S BY JA R E D F LO O D S E LLING POINTS ■■ A brilliant combination of cable knitting and cable-design instruction—one of the only

The ultimate guide to creating and knitting with cables from the leading expert on the subject, with 150+ stitch patterns

knitting sourcebooks to include both ■■ The 15 featured garments can be knit as shown or used as templates for new and unique cable combinations ■■ Expert instruction from a top knitwear designer: Gaughan is an acknowledged cable knitting master, a prolific pattern designer, and a veteran of the top yarn companies in the country

S PECIFICATIONS 200 color photographs


276 pages, 7⅜ × 9⅝" his guide for the modern knitter presents more than 150 new and innovative cable

stitch patterns ranging from basic to complex and

offers enlightening insight into how cables are engineered, how knitters can design their own, and how knitters can mix and match cables in a knitting pattern. Teacher, author, and master knitter Norah Gaughan shares her design principles and offers clear cable-making instruction throughout, always

Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: OCTOBER CRAFT ISBN 978-1-4197-2239-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-2239-4 US $29.95  CAN $35.95 52995 9 781419 722394

ISBN 978-1-6131-2291-4

in a conversational, easy-to-understand voice that proceeds naturally, as one cable idea leads to the next. Master the art of cable knitting, then test your


newfound skills with the 15 garment patterns for wraps, sweaters, and accessories. Norah Gaughan has served as design director for Berroco Yarns and JCA Yarns, designed for Adrienne Vittadini, and published patterns in all the leading knitting and textile magazines. She is the author of Knitting Nature, Comfort Knitting & Crochet: Afghans, and Comfort Knitting & Crochet: Babies & Toddlers.

Up, Down, All-Around Stitch Dictionary ISBN 978-1-61769-099-0 ISBN 978-1-61769-099-0 US $29.95  CAN $32.95 52995 9 781617 690990


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   61

On the Loom A M O D E R N W E AV E R ’ S G U I D E ■ ■ BY M A RYA N N E M O O D I E  ■   P H OTO G R A P H S BY A L E X A N D R A G R A B L E W S K I

S E LLING POINTS ■■ High-impact, on-trend projects that will educate and inspire a

An everything-youneed-to-know guide to the art of weaving, one of the craft world’s hottest new trends

new generation of artisans ■■ Appeals to a wide range of DIYers—low-skill projects require only yarn and a loom that can easily be made at home ■■ By popular demand! This is the book Moodie’s students and followers have been asking for

S PECIFICATIONS 100 color photographs 160 pages, 8½ × 9⅛" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: OCTOBER CRAFT ISBN 978-1-4197-2237-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-2237-0 US $27.50  CAN $33.50 52750


n Modern Weaving, Maryanne Moodie brings the ancient art of weaving to the modern day in a compre-

hensive guide packed with step-by-step tutorials and

9 781419 722370

ISBN 978-1-6131-2297-6

beautiful photography. Learn the basics of this simple and beautiful craft with valuable information on basic stitches, tools needed, and even how to make your own looms. Split by loom type—circular, rectangular, and even found objects—24 lush, bohemian, and uniquely modern projects for the home and to wear draw deeply on the nostalgic quality of vintage textiles. In addition to the how-to, this is the ultimate resource for finding your own creativity and style through this medium, from learning which materials to use for different effects to


discovering how to use color to create vintage-inspired projects with a modern twist. Maryanne Moodie is a professional textile artist and teacher. Her work has been featured in New York Magazine, Anthology, and O, the Oprah Magazine, and

The Modern Natural Dyer ISBN 978-1-61769-175-1 ISBN 978-1-61769-175-1 US $29.95  CAN $35.95 52995 9 781617 691751

6 2 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

online on Design*Sponge and The Design Files. A finalist in the Martha Stewart American Made Awards in both 2014 and 2015, she sells her work on Etsy and through online shops and boutiques around the country.


Crochet Therapy T H E S O OT H I N G A R T O F S AVO R I N G E AC H S T I TC H ■ ■ BY B E T S A N C O R K H I L L

Find your inner Zen with 20+ crochet projects designed to encourage relaxation and mindfulness

S E LLING POINTS ■■ A creative and unique outlet for relaxing and unleashing


creativity through color and yarn indful Crochet will inspire you to pick up a hook and take some time out of your hectic day to dive into color-

ful whorls of yarn. Focus, relax, and become more mindful by making more than 20 simple and colorful projects comprised of

crocheted mandalas, soothing circles, and other beautiful motifs. Each repetitive pattern helps you engage with your materials, increase your well-being, and unlock your creativity. Mindfulness exercises accompany the patterns and complement the therapeutic effect of crocheting for achieving calm, stress relief, and

■■ A new path for exploring the wildly popular mandala and Zen coloring craze—using yarn and fiber ■■ Corkhill is an authority on the therapeutic benefits of crafts and instructs readers in using relaxation and creativity techniques at home

becoming “effortlessly present” in your craft. Clear instructions and a host of finishing techniques round out the pretty projects and crocheted bounty. Betsan Corkhill is an expert in the use of therapeutic fiber arts to improve health and wellness and manage illness. In 2005 she founded Stitchlinks, a nonprofit global support network for taking advantage of the stress-relieving benefits of crafts. Clinically trained in physiotherapy, Corkhill has conducted extensive research into the benefits of handcrafts and is a pioneer in improving well-being through therapeutic knitting and crochet.

S PECIFICATIONS 100 color photographs 144 pages, 8¾ × 8¾" Paperback RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER CRAFT ISBN 978-1-4197-2111-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-2111-3 US $21.95  CAN $26.95 52195 9 781419 721113


Rebecca Ringquist’s Embroidery Workshops ISBN 978-1-61769-141-6 ISBN 978-1-61769-141-6 US $29.95  CAN $32.95 52995 9 781617 691416


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   6 3

A Year Between Friends S H A R I N G C R A F T S , R E C I P E S , L E T T E R S , A N D S TO R I E S ■ ■ BY M A R I A A L E X A N D R A V E T T E S E A N D S T E P H A N I E C O N G D O N B A R N E S  ■  F O R E W O R D BY M O L LY W I Z E N B E R G

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Perfect for readers seeking a

Vettese and Barnes share letters, crafts, recipes, and stories of friendship that will inspire readers to live more creative, and connected, lives

more creativity-focused life ■■ Foreword by New York Times bestselling author Molly Wizenberg ■■ Aimed at the modern community of makers who connect with Vettese and Barnes’s story of close friendship and 10-year creative collaboration ■■ The authors’ blog, 3191 Miles Apart, has a significant following in the United States as well as overseas, especially in Japan, Canada, and the UK, and the pair has 26,000 Instagram followers

S PECIFICATIONS 400 color photographs


n this celebration of modern friendship, Maria

Alexandra Vettese and Stephanie Congdon Barnes

160 pages, 7 × 9"

share their secret to living a simpler, sweeter, and

Paperback with flaps

more creative life. Arranged month by month, the

RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER CRAFT • PHOTOGRAPHY • INSPIRATION ISBN 978-1-4197-2246-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-2246-2 US $22.50  CAN $27.50 52250 9 781419 722462

book features real correspondence between the bicoastal friends, who live in Portland, Maine, and Portland, Oregon, respectively, plus hundreds of their photographs documenting the everyday beauty of a year of new life, change, and loss. It also offers crafts to make, seasonal recipes to try, and inspiring ideas for filling each day with quiet luxuries based on seasonal rhythms. Learn to create fabric dyes from natural materials, make a mobile from your collections, bake a delicious batch of scones—each page is filled with creative and thoughtful ideas that remind us to slow down, cherish the ordinary, make it ourselves, and do things with care and with the people we love. Maria Alexandra Vettese is an art director and photographer who co-owns the shop More & Co. in Portland, Maine. Stephanie Congdon Barnes is a photographer and stylist in Portland, Oregon. Together, they host the blog 3191milesapart.com and are co-authors of A Year of Mornings.

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S E LLING POINTS ■■ With hilarious “advice” for the wedding-weary, this is an irresistible read not only for brides but also for the whole wedding party

A hilarious and satirical take on weddings for the bridezilla in all of us

■■ Small and nicely packaged with a cloth case, the book makes a perfect gag gift for any irreverent bride-to-be ■■ Whether their style is DIY, small and simple, or pull-out-all-thestops, readers will love this send-up, which highlights just how crazy wedding traditions can seem

S PECIFICATIONS 30 2-color illustrations 160 pages, 5⅛ × 7" Hardcover with cloth case RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: JANUARY HUMOR • WEDDINGS ISBN 978-1-4197-2220-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-2220-2 US $18.95  CAN $22.95

ISBN 978-1-6131-2330-0


AM BRIDE is a hysterical spoof of the stressful (and sometimes silly) things a bride encounters when planning her BIG

DAY. Comedian Laura Willcox takes on the voice of an outra-

geously overbearing wedding planner, offering guidance on all aspects of nuptial bliss—from the proposal (hopefully with the ring you’ve been “subtly” emailing him about for months) to the honeymoon. This humorously illustrated guide offers overthe-top “advice” for every wedding-related detail, whether it’s dreaming up the perfect wedding-weekend hashtag, creating an outrageous gift registry to flaunt your fabulous lifestyle, or strategically planning to avoid the unfortunates who didn’t make the guest list. Laura Willcox’s fresh take on all things bridal turns tradition on its head and will have you laughing your way down the aisle and reading passages out loud to your engaged (and married) friends. Laura Willcox is a writer, actress, and comedian living in New York City. She performs weekly at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre and has appeared on MTV’s Hey Girl, Comedy Central’s Inside Amy Schumer, and UCB’s Trying, and has written for Girl Code, Cosmopolitan, and more.

6 8  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

Capture Your Style H O W TO T R A N S F O R M YO U R I N S TAG R A M I M AG E S A N D B U I L D T H E U LT I M AT E P L AT F O R M ■ ■ BY A I M E E S O N G

The first stylish how-to Instagram guide and must-have reference, from Instagram superstar Aimee Song S E LLING POINTS ■■ Instagram is the fastest-growing social network, but to date, there are no lifestyle/how-to Instagram books from a major publisher ■■ This is the book Song’s audience of millions of Instagram fans have been waiting for, and Song will promote the book through strategic posts on social media ■■ Song is an Instagram superstar; @songofstyle has been featured on the Instagram landing page and she frequently participates in company events and acts as an Instagram fashion collaborator

S PECIFICATIONS 200 color photographs 208 pages, 8 × 8" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: WORLD


PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER ith 3 million Instagram fans and counting, Aimee Song knows a thing or two about taking the perfect

Instagram photo. In Capture Your Style, Song reveals the secrets behind building the ultimate feed, and breaks down

PHOTOGRAPHY • FASHION • HOW-TO ISBN 978-1-4197-2215-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-2215-8 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995

the technical and editorial essentials for creating an account that will draw thousands of followers to earn likes and brand

9 781419 722158

attention. Packed with styling tips across categories, including fashion, travel, food, décor, and more, the book presents


the best apps and filters for processing photos, finding your voice, and capturing your story on Instagram. There is also how-to information for propping and styling gorgeous lifestyle photos. Whether you’re launching a career or simply sharing a delicious meal with your friends, Capture Your Style empowers you to become a master mobile photographer and shows you how to turn everyday moments into “Instagold.” Aimee Song is the blogger behind Song of Style, a popular fashion and interior design blog. She is a sought-after consultant and collaborator with such luxury brands as Chanel, Diane von Furstenberg, Tiffany & Co., and many others. She frequently appears in national television spots for Cover Girl, E!, MTV, and more.

Cupcakes and Cashmere ISBN 978-1-4197-0210-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-0210-5 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995 9 781419 702105

Cupcakes and Cashmere at Home ISBN 978-1-4197-1583-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-1583-9 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995

9 781419 715839

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   6 9

The Zapple Diaries T H E R I S E A N D FA L L O F T H E L A S T B E AT L E S L A B E L ■ ■ BY B A R RY M I L E S

S E LLING POINTS ■■ The Beatles are an endless source of interest, and books on the band continue to sell solidly ■■ Barry Miles is a recognized authority on 1960s culture, Paul McCartney’s official biographer,

An insider account of the Beatles’ experimental record label and the counterculture figures involved

and a magnet for media ■■ The book features 75 black-andwhite photos, many previously unpublished and taken by the author, plus memorabilia from the author’s archive

S PECIFICATIONS 75 black-and-white photographs 272 pages, 6 × 9" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA


PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER his is the first full-length look at Zapple—the Beatles’ label for experimental music and

spoken word recordings and the most ambitious

expression of the group’s determination to be

MUSIC • BIOGRAPHY • POP CULTURE ISBN 978-1-4197-2221-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-2221-9 US $24.95  CAN $29.95

leading members of the counterculture movement in the late 1960s. Barry Miles, the acclaimed author, was the Zapple label manager and has

ISBN 978-1-6131-2318-8

written an engaging and slightly gossipy you-arethere review of this fascinating period in Beatles history. The book provides insight into the lives and working methods of leading literary and cultural figures of the time, including Allen Ginsberg, Charles Bukowski, Richard Brautigan, William Burroughs, and Frank Zappa. The Zapple Diaries is the fascinating story of an ill-fated experimental venture and a revealing account of the little-known last chapter of Beatles history. Barry Miles writes about the Beat Generation and 1960s culture and is the author of more than 50 books, including the authorized Paul McCartney biography. From 1975 to 1978, he was a regular writer for New Musical Express, and in 1978 he edited Time Out (UK). He lives in London.

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   7 1

Chez Moi D E C O R AT I N G YO U R H O M E A N D L I V I N G L I K E A PA R I S I E N N E ■ ■ BY S A R A H L AVO I N E


One of Paris’s most celebrated interior designers offers a fresh and personal account of what it really takes to be a Parisienne

■■ Combines two successful book categories: Paris and interior design ■■ Accessible advice for designing every space in the home, no matter your locale or budget ■■ Includes tips for how to embrace a more fulfilling lifestyle in a way that is effortlessly chic (and quintessentially French) ■■ Lists where to visit in Paris and where to shop online

S PECIFICATIONS 150 color illustrations 160 pages, 6¼ × 9½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH PUB MONTH: OCTOBER INTERIOR DESIGN • TRAVEL ISBN 978-1-4197-2282-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-2282-0 US $18.95  CAN $22.95


iving like a true Parisienne starts at home. Interior designer Sarah Lavoine sees the quintessential

Paris apartment as a stylish sanctuary from the stresses

of life. Covering each room in the home, Lavoine explains her approach to using color, highlights the indispensible elements of each space, and suggests how to add unforgettable details in order to create a restful and chic environment. With vibrant interior photographs and charming handdrawn illustrations, Chez Moi is a design handbook that introduces contemporary French style, accented by Frenchgirl-next-door advice on everything from fashion to beauty to cooking to shopping. Moreover, Lavoine’s in-the-know list of Paris addresses allows visitors to traipse through the arrondissements like locals—or even purchase items from abroad. With her original and useful advice, Lavoine reveals how to create a truly French, meaningful, fulfilling lifestyle, no matter where you live. A leading interior designer, Sarah Lavoine and her agency have become synonymous with Parisian taste, contemporary aesthetics, and craftsmanship. Her product line is available at Barney’s New York, and her work has been featured in the New York Times, Vogue, Elle Decoration, and more.

7 2 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

The 24-Hour Wine Expert ■ ■ BY JA N C I S R O B I N S O N

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Wine is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and its popularity is on the rise

A comprehensive and compact guide that will transform any novice into a wine expert overnight

■■ Robinson is very highly regarded within the wine community and has a phenomenal publishing track record ■■ Robinson’s award-winning website, JancisRobinson.com, has subscribers in more than 100 countries and she is the Financial Times’ wine correspondent ■■ Robinson’s bestselling books include The Oxford Companion to Wine, How to Taste, and Jancis Robinson’s Wine Course

S PECIFICATIONS 30 black-and-white illustrations 112 pages, 5 × 7" Hardcover RIGHTS: UNITED STATES


PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER any wine drinkers wish they knew more without having to understand every nuance or go

to expensive wine tastings. In her new book, Jancis

FOOD & DRINK ISBN 978-1-4197-2266-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-2266-0 US $12.95  NCR

Robinson, the leading international authority on wine, grants the wishes of would-be wine experts the world over. With The 24-Hour Wine Expert, anyone can learn all that is really important about wine in a single

6-copy counter dislpay ISBN 978-1-4197-2326-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-2326-1 US $77.70  NCR 5 7 7 7 0

day. In her pithy, approachable, comprehensive guide, Robinson shares her expertise with authority, wit, and approachability, tackling questions such as how to select

9 781419 723261

ISBN 978-1-6131-2957-9

the right bottle at retail, what wine labels signify, how to understand the properties of color and aroma, and how to match food and wine. Robinson’s proposition is irresistible: In just 24 hours, anyone can become a wine expert. So pour a glass and get reading! Jancis Robinson has been called “the most respected wine critic and journalist in the world” by Decanter magazine. She is the author/editor of dozens of wine books, including Wine Grapes (Allen Lane/HarperCollins), The Oxford Companion to Wine (OUP), and The World Atlas of Wine (Mitchell Beazley). She lives in London.

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   7 3

Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die B E E R E X P E R T S S H A R E T H E W O R L D ’ S G R E AT E S T D E S T I N AT I O N S ■ ■ BY C H R I S S A N T E L L A S E LLING POINTS ■■ Readers love this series; the collection—with topics ranging from golfing to sailing—has sold more than 500,000 copies combined

A globe-trotting travel guide to the best and most beautiful places to drink beer around the world

■■ This book covers a mix of inter­ national and national locations and suggests a variety of activities to embark on at each locale ■■ Each chapter includes advice on when to go, where to stay, and what to do, plus helpful tips from brewers, beer experts, and veterans of the beer industry ■■ The overall US beer market was estimated at more than 101 billion dollars in 2014

S PECIFICATIONS 40 color photographs 224 pages, 7 × 8" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER TRAVEL • FOOD & DRINK ISBN 978-1-4197-2216-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2216-5 US $24.95  CAN $29.95


hat is the most unforgettable place you’ve ever taken a refreshing sip of a cold beer? In

Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die, Chris Santella explores the best destinations to crack open a cold one, reflect on the day, and take in the scenery. The book features the world’s top locations for imbibing, from beautiful landscapes to beer festivals, breweries, classic drinking establishments, and brand-new, under-the-radar

ISBN 978-1-6131-2339-3

spots. With a mix of national and international places to visit—Asheville, Denver, Prague, Munich, Vienna, and


more—as well as firsthand accounts from contributors such as Jim Koch (founder of Boston Brewing Company/ Samuel Adams) and Joe Wiebe (author of Craft Beer Revolution), this book will make you want to trek to each must-see destination. Packed with beautiful, vibrant

Fifty Places to Paddle Before You Die ISBN 978-1-61769-125-6 ISBN 978-1-61769-125-6 US $24.95  CAN $27.95 52495 9 781617 691256

Fifty Places to Camp Before You Die ISBN 978-1-4197-1826-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-1826-7 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495

9 781419 718267

74 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

photographs that bring each locale to life, Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die will leave you craving barley and hops and eagerly planning your next trip. Chris Santella is a regular contributor to the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Trout. He has also written for the New Yorker, Travel + Leisure, Golf, and Fly Rod & Reel. Santella is the author of 12 other titles in the Fifty Places series, as well as Fifty Favorite Fly-Fishing Tales, Why I Fly Fish, and The Tug Is the Drug.

Colonial Spirits A TOA S T TO O U R D R U N K E N H I S TO RY ■ ■ BY S T E V E N G R A S S E

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Author and owner of Art in the Age of Spirits Steven Grasse was

A toast to America’s drunken past, with 50 colonial era–inspired cocktails and historical recipes

named “The Punk Rock Prince of Small Batch Spirits” by Food and Wine ■■ Includes a guide to brewing at home, making it an ideal book for DIY brewers ■■ Art in the Age of Spirits will launch a new colonial-based spirit in conjunction with the book’s publication

S PECIFICATIONS 150 watercolor illustrations 256 pages, 6 × 8" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER FOOD & DRINK • HOW-TO • HISTORY


ISBN 978-1-4197-2230-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-2230-1 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495 n Colonial Spirits, Steven Grasse presents a historical manifesto on drinking, including 50 colonial era–

inspired cocktail recipes. The book features a rousing

9 781419 722301

ISBN 978-1-6131-2221-1

timeline of colonial imbibing and a cultural overview of a dizzying number of drinks: beer, rum and punch; temperance drinks; liqueurs and cordials; medicinal beverages; cider; wine, whiskey, and bourbon—all peppered with


liquored-up adages from our founding fathers. There is also expert guidance on DIY methods for home brewing. Imbibe your way through each chapter, with recipes like the Philadelphia Fish House Punch (a crowd pleaser!) and Snakebites (drink alone!). Hot beer cocktails and rattle skulls have never been so completely irresistible. Steven Grasse, founder of Art in the Age of Spirits in Old City, Philadelphia, is the owner of the Tamworth Lyceum Distillery and the man behind Hendrick’s Gin and Narragansett beer. Art in the Age’s line of heralded spirits have been featured in Vanity Fair, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and other publications.

The Kings County Distillery Guide to Urban Moonshining ISBN 978-1-4197-0990-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0990-6 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495 9 781419 709906

Dead Distillers ISBN 978-1-4197-2021-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2021-5 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495

9 781419 720215

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   7 5

Form Letters F I L L- I N -T H E - B L A N K N OT E S TO S AY A N Y T H I N G TO A N YO N E ■ ■ L AU R A O L I N

S E LLING POINTS ■■ A fresh, funny, and interactive take on the very trendy practice of journaling ■■ Interactive and fun: Readers can fill in the pages for themselves or

A funny, smart, fill-in-the-blank guide for all of life’s occasions, big and small

tear out and send selected letters ■■ With a wide range of subject matter, there’s a letter here for everyone

S PECIFICATIONS 150 letters 176 perforated pages, 6 × 8" TO A FRIEND WHO JUST GOT DUMPED

Paperback To friends, or something




Pick your poison: booze ice cream puppies a bong (in the states and municipalities where strictly legal, of course)


strippers a dartboard with his/her face on it subtle internet revenge of some kind, like gaming

ISBN 978-1-4197-2218-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-2218-9 US $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495 9 781419 722189

search results for their name to bring up: “Did you mean ‘sociopath and terrible kisser’?”


all of the above

Now, name a time for me to show up at your door: :

ave you ever wanted to tell someone you’ve


And I’ll see you soon.

been desperately in love with them for years,

or that you hate the sound of their voice, or that you’re TO A CUTE STRANGER, GENERAL USE


really, really, REALLY sorry you threw up on them last night when you were drunk? Form Letters not only offers you a way to do so, but also makes it simple and irresistible. These letters let you privately reflect on

From the


who just

handed you this note:


I think you’re cute. (If you’re single) my


[cell/handle/email] is .

all the things you wish you’d said. Or, you can tear the letters out and send them to their intended recipients. Either way, Form Letters offers cathartic, hilarious, and


much-needed moments of self-reflection. From a letter to God to a letter to that person who always leaves their dishes in the sink, Laura Olin brings her wit and intelligence to every situation, making the letters a joy



Dear everyone who ever doubted me,


























Huffington Post, and the New York Times. Olin has written for Time.com, the Awl, BBC.com, and more.

76  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6








social media program for President Obama’s 2012 campaign. She has been featured in the Atlantic, the









Laura Olin is a digital strategy consultant and ran the

















to read, fill in, or send to others.


Bad Little Children’s Books K I D L I T PA R O D I E S , S H A M E L E S S S P O O F S , A N D O F F E N S I V E LY T W E A K E D C OV E R S ■ ■ BY A R T H U R C . G AC K L E Y

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Delights readers with more than 100 hilarious politically incorrect

Uproarious visual parodies of more than 100 classic children’s book covers

book covers ■■ Fun package designed to replicate a classic children’s picture book ■■ Twisted, outlandish illustrations based on classic children’s stories are sure to appeal to readers who appreciate nostalgia and unapologetic humor ■■ Ideal gift for grown-ups with a sense of humor

S PECIFICATIONS 120 color illustrations 112 pages, 6¾ × 8" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER


HUMOR • POP CULTURE • n Bad Little Children’s Books, illustrator Arthur C.

Gackley creates hysterical parodies of children’s

book covers from more innocent times. Many of

GRAPHIC DESIGN ISBN 978-1-4197-2226-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-2226-4 US $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495

these original books focus on life’s lessons, joys, and curiosities. Gackley cleverly takes the books’ classic covers and turns them into unforgettable, edgy, politically incorrect parodies that speak to the bad

9 781419 722264

6-copy counter display ISBN 978-1-4197-2329-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-2329-2 US $89.70  CAN $107.70 58970

little kid in all of us. With a catalog of children’s book titles like Peeping Tommy Goes Cougar Hunting,

9 781419 723292

Cousin Milky Is Lactose Intolerant, and The Blind Child’s Picture Dictionary, this collection will have readers in stitches. A fun read for parents, grown-ups, and kids-at-heart everywhere, Bad Little Children’s Books leaves no bad joke unmade. Born in 1923, Arthur C. Gackley is the creator of many children’s books, none of which were ever actually published. Mysterious and hermetic by nature, he spent his life living and working in a small New England village, but was likely washed out to sea in the winter of 1962—or possibly fell penniless into an abandoned wishing well shaft around 1978. No body was ever found.

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   7 7

Holy Cow, I Sure Do Love You A L I T T L E B O O K T H AT ’ S O D D LY M O O - V I N G ■ ■ BY A M Y K R O U S E R O S E N T H A L  ■  I L LU S T R AT E D BY TO M L I C H T E N H E L D

An udderly adorable gift book devoted to the universal message of love, by two New York Times bestselling authors

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld are a sterling team with three New York Times bestselling collaborations to date (I Wish You More, Duck! Rabbit!, and Exclamation Mark) ■■ Irresistible packaging: This little book looks handmade, with its brown craft paper cover and simple black-and-white printing ■■ An uplifting gift for graduation, Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, showers, and birthdays (similar to other illustrated classics like Guess How Much I Love You and recent successes like In My Heart)

S PECIFICATIONS 64 illustrations 64 pages, 5¾ × 5½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER GIFT • HUMOR • RELATIONSHIPS • GRAPHIC DESIGN ISBN 978-1-4197-2217-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-2217-2 US $12.95  CAN $15.95


ith Holy Cow, I Sure Do Love You, revered authors Amy Krouse Rosenthal and

Tom Lichtenheld provide an illustrated love note for your nearest and dearest, filled with moo-ving declarations uttered by one endearing cow. Drawn primarily in black and white on brown craft paper, the illustrations are simple and sophisticated and

6-copy counter display ISBN 978-1-4197-2330-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-2330-8 US $77.70  CAN $95.70 57770 9 781419 723308

will appeal to all types of readers and all kinds of relationships. The perfect valentine for a sweetheart, a loving tribute to a grandparent, or a read-aloud message to a child, Holy Cow conveys deep feelings of affection and appreciation with the lighthearted

See Holy Cow stationery products page 96

humor characteristic of this author duo. Amy Krouse Rosenthal is the author of more than 30 books. Her titles for children include Little Pea, Duck! Rabbit!, I Wish You More, Spoon, and Cookies. She lives in Chicago. Tom Lichtenheld is the illustrator and author of more than 20 books, including New York Times bestsellers Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site and Steam Train, Dream Train. He lives with his wife in Nixon Township, Illinois.

7 8 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

I love sharing. . . new experiences,

bad jokes,

and popcorn at the moo-vies.

The Mommy Shorts Guide to Remarkably Average Parenting ■ ■ BY I L A N A W I L E S S E LLING POINTS ■■ A huge online reach: nearly 2 million blog views a month,

Hilarious adventures in remarkably average parenting from Ilana Wiles, creator of the popular Mommy Shorts blog

100,000 Facebook likes, and a combined 450,000 followers on Instagram ■■ The blog is sponsored by well-known brands, including American Express, Pampers, General Mills, Gymboree, and Land of Nod; it has also been featured on GMA, the TODAY show, The Ellen Show, Rachael Ray, and Jimmy Kimmel Live

S PECIFICATIONS 150 full-color illustrations 224 pages, 7 × 8" Hardcover RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PARENTING • HUMOR •


HOW-TO lana Wiles is not a good mother. She’s not a bad mother either. Like most of us, she’s normal. From the

ISBN 978-1-4197-2219-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-2219-6 US $19.95  CAN $23.95

creator of the wildly popular blog Mommy Shorts comes Ilana Wiles’s first humor book on remarkably average parenting. If you want solid advice about raising kids, this book is not for you. If you want to wallow in your own

6-copy counter display ISBN 978-1-4197-2331-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2331-5 US $119.70  CAN $143.70 11970

misery about how having kids is AWFUL, this book is not for you. This book pays homage to the every-parent and suggests that they are the people having the best

9 781419 723315

ISBN 978-1-6131-2328-7

child-rearing experience of all. Using Wiles’s signature infographics and photographs to illustrate her personal and hilarious essays on motherhood, the book is an


honest guide that celebrates the fun of being a mom. Ilana Wiles is a former advertising creative director. She worked for more than 15 years creating TV commercials and ad campaigns for international brands such as Oreo and Diet Coke before starting the blog Mommy Shorts in her spare time. By November 2013, the blog was so popular she was able to quit her day job. Aside from giving advice and sharing stories on her blog (and being an expert at creating viral content), she is the mother of two girls. Wiles lives in downtown Manhattan with her husband and children.

Sh*tty Mom ISBN 978-1-4197-0459-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0459-8 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995 9 781419 704598

Sh*tty Mom for All Seasons ISBN 978-1-4197-1404-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-1404-7 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995

9 781419 714047

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   7 9

Si Lewen’s Parade A N A R T I S T ’ S O DYS S E Y ■ ■ BY S I L E W E N  ■  E D I T E D A N D W I T H A N I N T R O D U C T I O N BY A R T S P I E G E L M A N

A hauntingly original wordless illustrated novel by forgotten master Si Lewen, with an introduction by Pulitzer Prize–winning author Art Spiegelman

S E LLING POINTS ■■ First published in 1957 in a limited edition, The Parade is a lost classic ■■ Sure to appeal to those

“Nothing can equal the psychological effect of real art. . . . Our time needs you and your work!” —Albert Einstein, from his introduction to the 1957 edition of The Parade “The Parade is a powerfully moving free-jazz dirge of a book that depicts mankind’s recurring war fever. It remains sadly urgent and relevant today.” —Art Spiegelman, from his introduction

interested in art, history, Jewish interests, and the evolution of comics and graphic novels ■■ Publication timed with a planned American Masters PBS special on Art Spiegelman, which includes Si Lewen discussing The Parade ■■ Includes an introduction by Pulitzer Prize–winning author Art Spiegelman, rare and unpublished artwork, an interview with Si Lewen conducted by Spiegelman and noted comics scholar Hillary Chute, and excerpts from Si Lewen’s unpublished memoir


i Lewen’s Parade is a timeless story told in a language that knows no country—a wordless epic that, despite its muteness, is more powerful than the written or the spoken

word. First published in 1957, The Parade is a lost classic, newly discovered, remastered, and presented by Art Spiegelman, the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Maus. Reproduced in a unique two-sided accordion-fold format with an extensive overview of the artist’s career on

S PECIFICATIONS More than 200 color and blackand-white illustrations 148 pages, 11⅛ × 8" Two-sided accordion-fold

the verso, The Parade is a celebration of art and the story of recurring war as Si Lewen experi-

hardcover with slipcase

enced it over the past 90 years, watching the joyful parades that marked the end of World War


I lead into the death marches of World War II and the Korean War. As The Parade unfolds, the


reader is taken on an unforgettable journey of sequential images.


Si Lewen was born in Lublin, Poland, on November 8, 1918. During World War II he served in the US Army as one of the Ritchie Boys (German-speaking Special Ops) from the invasion of

ISBN 978-1-4197-2161-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-2161-8 US $40.00  CAN $49.95 54000

Normandy to the liberation of Buchenwald. He resumed his career as a painter after the war. Lewen lives in Gwynedd, Pennsylvania. Art Spiegelman is an American comics writer, artist, and editor best known for his Pulitzer Prize–winning graphic novel memoir, Maus.

9 781419 721618

ISBN 978-1-6131-2967-8

150 - COPY LIMITED EDITION Includes a signed print by Spiegelman and Lewen, packaged in a deluxe slipcase ISBN 978-1-4197-2332-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-2332-2 US $250.00  CAN $300.00 25000 9 781419 723322

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   8 1

The Jedi return with this classic trading-card series from Topps, collected in one deluxe volume


Star Wars: The Original Topps Trading Card Series, Volume One ISBN 978-1-4197-1172-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-1172-5 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495 9 781419 711725


Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, The Original Topps Trading Card Series, Volume Two ISBN 978-1-4197-1914-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-1914-1 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495 9 781419 719141

Star Wars Galaxy: The Original Topps Trading Card Series ISBN 978-1-4197-1913-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-1913-4 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995 9 781419 719134

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi T H E O R I G I N A L TO P P S T R A D I N G C A R D S E R I E S , VO LU M E T H R E E ■ ■ BY T H E TO P P S C O M PA N Y  ■  I N T R O D U C T I O N A N D C O M M E N TA RY BY G A RY G E R A N I

The Force is strong in this classic trading-card series from Topps—the third and final volume celebrating the original Star Wars trilogy


S E LLING POINTS ■■ Star Wars is one of the most recognizable brands worldwide, expanding beyond movies to animated TV series, video games, toys, apparel, New York Times bestsellers, graphic novels, and more ■■ Appeals to die-hard fans and collectors, as well as to the next generation of Star Wars enthusiasts ■■ Includes four exclusive Star Wars trading cards and a wax jacket ■■ Deluxe 548-page hardcover includes the fronts and backs of all 220 cards and 55 stickers ■■ Introduction and commentary by Gary Gerani, the original editor of the trading card series for Topps

S PECIFICATIONS More than 500 full-color images 548 pages, 5½ × 7⅛" Hardcover with wax jacket RIGHTS: US/CAN/AUS/NZ/UK


ENGLISH ollowing the success of Star Wars (1977) and The Empire

Strikes Back (1980), Topps released two brand-new sets

of collectable trading cards in 1983 to coincide with Return

of the Jedi, the final installment of George Lucas’s original

PUB MONTH: AUGUST POP CULTURE • FILM ISBN 978-1-4197-2092-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2092-5 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495

Star Wars trilogy. Now, for the first time, all 220 cards and 55 stickers are reprinted in one deluxe volume. As with the

9 781419 720925

previous books in the Topps series, this collection features the fronts and backs of each card, including character profiles and puzzles featuring all of your favorite scenes from Return of the Jedi. Also included are four bonus trading cards, rare promotional images, and an introduction and commentary by Gary Gerani, the original editor of the Star Wars Topps series. Gary Gerani is the creator, editor, and writer of hundreds of Topps trading card sets and the author of Topps’s Star Wars series. He lives in Los Angeles. The Topps Company, Inc., founded in 1938, is the preeminent creator and brand marketer of sports cards, entertainment products, and distinctive confectionery.

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   8 3

Becoming Andy Warhol ■ ■ BY N I C K B E R TOZ Z I  ■  I L LU S T R AT E D BY P I E R C E H A R G A N

An original graphic novel biography of Andy Warhol, the cultural icon and Pop-art legend S E LLING POINTS ■■ Nick Bertozzi is a New York Times bestselling author and winner of several awards, including two Harvey Awards and the Ignatz Award for Promising New Talent ■■ The most famous artist of the 20th century, Andy Warhol is a perennially popular subject for readers interested in pop culture, art history, and biographies ■■ The accessible graphic novel format makes this biography perfect for museums, schools, and the general public interested in Warhol’s legacy

S PECIFICATIONS 2-color illustrations throughout 160 pages, 6½ × 9½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER BIOGRAPHY • GRAPHIC NOVEL ISBN 978-1-4197-1875-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-1875-5 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495


elebrated during his lifetime as much for his personality as for his paintings, Andy Warhol

(1928–87) is the most famous and influential of the Pop artists, who developed the notion of 15 minutes of fame, and the idea that an artist could be as illustrious as the work he creates. This graphic novel biography offers insight into the turning point of Warhol’s career and the creation of the

Thirteen Most Wanted Men mural for the 1964 World’s Fair, 9 781419 718755

ISBN 978-1-6131-2929-6

when Warhol clashed with urban planner Robert Moses, architect Philip Johnson, and Governor Nelson Rockefeller. In Becoming Andy Warhol, New York Times bestselling writer Nick Bertozzi and artist Pierce Hargan showcase the moment when, by stubborn force of personality and sheer burgeoning talent, Warhol went up against the creative establishment and emerged to become one of the most


significant artists of the 20th century. Nick Bertozzi is the award-winning and New York Times bestselling author of Shackleton and illustrator of Jerusalem. A contributor to Nickelodeon, Spin, Gourmet, and the New York Times, among other publications,

Gonzo ISBN 978-1-4197-0242-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0242-6 US $18.95  CAN $22.95 51795 9 781419 702426

8 4 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

Bertozzi teaches at the School of Visual Arts in New York. Pierce Hargan, a cartoonist and graduate of the School of Visual Arts, has collaborated on multiple films and children’s books. He lives in Brooklyn.

Kindred A G R A P H I C N OV E L A DA P TAT I O N ■ ■ BY O C TAV I A E . B U T L E R   ■  A DA P T E D BY DA M I A N D U F F Y  ■  I L LU S T R AT E D BY J O H N J E N N I N G S

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Octavia E. Butler is renowned

A graphic novel adaptation of Octavia E. Butler’s groundbreaking science-fiction classic offers an unflinching look at slavery, race, and the role of women in society

in feminist and science-fiction circles, and Kindred, considered her masterpiece, is widely regarded as a modern literary classic ■■ The 25th anniversary edition of the prose version has sold more than 200,000 copies; more than 500,000 copies of the novel are in print since 1979 ■■ Kindred was one of the thirty books selected for World Book Night in 2012 ■■ Kindred is frequently included in high school and college course syllabi on women’s studies,

PR A I S E FO R TH E O R I G I N A L N OV E L “Everything the literature of science


fiction can be.” —Walter Mosley indred, Octavia E. Butler’s literary science-fiction masterpiece first published in 1979, tells the story

of Dana, who is mysteriously transported from her home in 1970s California to the antebellum South. Dana moves

“That rare magical artifact . . . the

history, and race relations ■■ A graphic novel version widens the market for Butler’s story and introduces the work to a new generation of readers

novel one returns to again and again.” —Harlan Ellison


between worlds: one in which she is a free woman and

240 color illustrations

another where she is part of a complicated familial

240 pages, 6½ × 9½"

history on a Southern plantation, forced to interact with


and save the life of Rufus, a conflicted white slaveholder


and one of her ancestors. Kindred takes an imagined


yet unstinting look at our complicated social history.


Adapted as a graphic novel by celebrated academics


Damian Duffy and John Jennings, Kindred explores the violence, sexuality, loss of humanity, and twisted

ISBN 978-1-4197-0947-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0947-0 US $24.95  CAN $29.95

relationships engendered by slavery in a format that introduces the work to a new generation of readers. Octavia E. Butler was an award-winning author widely

ISBN 978-1-6131-2862-6

considered one of America’s most prominent sciencefiction writers. John Jennings is associate professor of Visual Studies at the University of Buffalo–SUNY and has written several works on African American comics creators. Damian Duffy is a cartoonist, writer, letterer, and PhD candidate in the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Graduate School of Library and Information Science.

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   8 5

Every Falling Star T H E T R U E S TO RY O F H O W I S U R V I V E D A N D E S C A P E D N O R T H KO R E A ■ ■ BY S U N G J U LE E A N D S U S A N E LIZ A B E T H M c C LE L L A N D

The amazing memoir of a young boy who escaped the harsh society of North Korea S E LLING POINTS ■■ The first book for young readers to depict modern-day North Korea

Also of Interest

and the horrific problems surrounding its government and society ■■ Sungju Lee has spoken across Europe, Asia, and North America about his experiences. He is dedicated to promoting this book wherever he goes ■■ Young adult memoirs have seen a huge rise in popularity recently, from Breakthrough, Brown Girl Dreaming, and Taking Flight to adult memoirs adapted for young readers such as I Am Malala

S PECIFICATIONS 320 pages, 5½ × 8¼" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER MEMOIR • YOUNG ADULT ISBN 978-1-4197-2132-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-2132-8 US $16.95  CAN $19.95 51695 9 781419 721328


very Falling Star, the first book to portray contemporary North Korea to a young audience, is the intense memoir of a North

Korean boy named Sungju who is forced at age twelve to live on the streets and fend for himself. To survive, Sungju creates a gang and

eISBN 978-1-61312-340-9

lives by thieving, fighting, begging, and stealing rides on cargo trains. Sungju richly re-creates his scabrous story, depicting what it was like for a boy alone to create a new family with his gang, his “brothers”; to be hungry and to fear arrest, imprisonment, and even execution. This riveting memoir allows young readers to learn about other cultures where freedoms they take for granted do not exist. Sungju Lee speaks across Europe, Asia, and North America about his experiences and about North Korean political social issues. He lives in South Korea but studies in England. Susan Elizabeth McClelland’s first book, Bite of the Mango, was a worldwide sensation, published in more than 30 countries. She lives in Toronto, Canada.

8 6   ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6


Pathfinders T H E J O U R N E YS O F S I X T E E N E X T R AO R D I N A RY B L AC K S O U L S ■ ■ BY TO N YA B O LD E N


Charles Darwin’s Around-theWorld Adventure ■ ■ BY J E N N I F E R T H E R M E S


Bolden offers an insightful look at some of

Fannie Sellins (1872–1919) lived during the

the most fascinating yet relatively unknown

Gilded Age of American Industrialization,

At age 22, Charles Darwin embarked on his first voyage aboard a ship called the

figures of American history, from a young

when the Carnegies and Morgans wore

Beagle. This picture book follows Charles as

boy sold into slavery in Colonial America to

jewels while their laborers wore rags. Fannie

he explores South America for the first time,

those who helped the United States land on

dreamed that America could achieve its ide-

collecting insects, galloping with gauchos,

the moon. Over the centuries untold numbers

als of equality and justice for all. She became

digging up dinosaur bones, eating armadillo

of black men and women in America have

a union activist, helping to create St. Louis,

for breakfast, and making early discoveries

achieved great things against the odds.

Missouri, Local 67 of the United Garment

related to evolution and natural selection.

Pathfinders is a collective biography of

Workers of America. She traveled the nation

He encounters a volcano, a glacier, and

sixteen American men and women of African

and eventually gave her life, calling for

an earthquake and survives a harrowing

descent who made their mark on American

fair wages and decent working and living

five-year journey before returning home to

history. Each profile includes several images,

conditions for workers. This book includes

England, determined to devote his life to the

ranging from paintings and photographs

an index, glossary, a timeline of unions in the

natural world. Complete with mesmerizing

to primary documents. The book ends with

United States, and endnotes.

an author’s note, timeline, bibliography, and index. Tonya Bolden has written a number of books

map work charting his voyage, this biography communicates Darwin’s ideas and discoveries

Mary Cronk Farrell speaks at schools, librar-

with gentle illustrations that capture his

ies, and women’s and family workshops. She

admiration for the world around him.

lives in Spokane, Washington. Jennifer Thermes is a children’s book author/

about African Americans. She lives in New

illustrator and map illustrator. She lives with

York City.

her family in Connecticut.




Archival images throughout

Color illustrations throughout

Color illustrations throughout

128 pages, 8½ × 10"

56 pages, 10 × 10"

48 pages, 9 × 11"

Hardcover with jacket

Hardcover with jacket

Hardcover with jacket










ISBN 978-1-4197-1455-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-1455-9 US $24.95  CAN $27.95 52495

ISBN 978-1-4197-1884-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-1884-7 US $19.95  CAN $23.95

ISBN 978-1-4197-2120-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2120-5 US $18.95  CAN $22.95

9 781419 714559

eISBN 978-1-61312-973-9

eISBN 978-1-61312-972-2

eISBN 978-1-61312-971-5


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   8 7

Classic Coloring: Jane Austen Coloring Book

5 5 R E M OVA B L E C O LO R I N G P L AT E S ■ ■ BY A B R A M S N OT E R I E

S E LLING POINTS ■■ The literary theme is unique within the coloring phenomenon and is perfectly suited for bookstores ■■ Austen’s work has been read passionately for generations and has been successfully

A literary coloring book based on Austen’s beloved work

reinterpreted in films, genre fiction, and merchandise; this beautiful coloring book appeals directly to the tastes of her core readership ■■ Cover features gold foil and the illustrations are printed on heavy paper suitable for colored pencils, markers, and watercolors

S PECIFICATIONS 55 line art illustrations 112 pages, 6 × 8" Paperback


RIGHTS: WORLD conic scenes and witticisms from Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility, and Jane


Austen’s other writings come to life in this intricately illustrated coloring book. It contains 55 line


drawings printed on single-sided, heavy paper stock that is suitable for colored pencils, watercolors,

and markers. Teacups, lace, ball gowns, and fans mingle with hand-lettered renderings of Austen’s wise and often deliciously sarcastic quotes. Each page is a removable work of art that can be

ACTIVITY BOOK • ART ISBN 978-1-4197-2149-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-2149-6 US $12.95  CAN $15.95 51295

colored in and displayed in a standard-size frame, perfect for adorning the walls and shelves of any Austen fan. Anita Rundles is a graduate of the Fashion Institute of Technology with a BFA in fashion illustration.

9 781419 721496


She lives in Brooklyn.

Classic Coloring: Alice in Wonderland ISBN 978-1-4197-2206-6 US $12.95  CAN $15.95

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   8 9

New additions to the top-selling coloring book series

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Previously published titles in the Vive Le Color! series









(Butterflies, Japan, and India) are top sellers in the adult coloring book category, with more than 500,000 in print ■■ Compact size makes filling the page easier and is also great for travel ■■ Top-bound pad is ideal for the left- or right-handed ■■ High-quality pages are detachable—perfect for coloring parties or displaying your work

S PECIFICATIONS FOR COLORING BOOKS 72 detachable illustrated sheets 144 pages, 6⅝ × 6⅝" Paperback, pad bound with a stiff backer-board PUB MONTH: JANUARY

Vive Le Color! Africa ISBN 978-1-4197-2252-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-2252-3 US $9.95  CAN $11.95 50995 9 781419 722523

Vive Le Color! Arabia ISBN 978-1-4197-2253-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-2253-0 US $9.95  CAN $11.95 50995


9 781419 722530

Vive Le Color! Flowers ISBN 978-1-4197-2254-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-2254-7 US $9.95  CAN $11.95 50995 9 781419 722547

Vive Le Color! Mandala ISBN 978-1-4197-2255-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-2255-4 US $9.95  CAN $11.95 50995

9 781419 722554

9 0 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

Vive Le Color!: Butterflies ISBN 978-1-4197-1980-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-1980-6 US $9.95  CAN $11.95 50995 9 781419 719806

Vive Le Color!: India ISBN 978-1-4197-1982-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-1982-0 US $9.95  CAN $11.95 50995 9 781419 719820

Vive Le Color! Japan ISBN 978-1-61769-181-2 ISBN 978-1-61769-181-2 US $9.95  CAN $11.95 50995 9 781617 691812

Whether you want to unplug completely or be creatively engaged while talking on the phone, watching TV, or


hanging out with friends, these coloring books and


kits are filled with exquisite artwork and are perfectly


formatted for coloring anywhere.








■■ Previously published titles in the Vive Le Color! kit series (Energy, Harmony, Serenity, and Vitality) total more than 300,000 copies in print ■■ Includes soft-leaded pencils in 12 vibrant hues (including neon and metallic) and a metal pencil sharpener ■■ Top-bound pad is ideal for the


left- or right-handed ■■ High-quality pages are


detachable—perfect for coloring


parties or displaying your work

S PECIFICATIONS FOR COLORING BOOK AND PE NCIL KITS 96 double-sided pages (90+ images), 7¼ × 7¼" (total kit is 10¼ × 7½") Also includes 4 colored pencils,


4 double-ended pencils, 1 pencil sharpener Coloring book with pencils and sharpener PUB MONTH: JUNE

Vive Le Color! Energy ISBN 978-1-4197-2052-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-2052-9 US $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495

Vive Le Color! Harmony ISBN 978-1-4197-2053-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-2053-6 US $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495

Vive Le Color! Meditation ISBN 978-1-4197-2286-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-2286-8 US $16.95  CAN $19.95 51695 9 781419 722868

9 781419 720529

9 781419 720536

Vive Le Color! Peace ISBN 978-1-4197-2287-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-2287-5 US $16.95  CAN $19.95 51695

9 781419 722875

Vive Le Color! Serenity ISBN 978-1-4197-2054-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-2054-3 US $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495 9 781419 720543

Vive Le Color! Vitality ISBN 978-1-4197-2055-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-2055-0 US $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495 9 781419 720550

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Color Origami

Origami Coloring Book Meditative coloring meets the art of paper folding

Botanica 60 BIRDS, BUGS, A N D F LO W E R S TO C O LO R A N D F O L D

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Combination of origami and coloring is a unique twist on the adult coloring phenomenon ■■ Cover has foil embellishment, and artwork throughout is intricate and sophisticated ■■ Contains instructions and tear-out origami papers with printed crease guidelines that make it easy to fold more than 60 projects



350 line art illustrations 176 pages, 8 × 8" Paperback RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: JUNE GIFT & STATIONERY • ACTIVITY BOOK • CRAFT

Color Origami: Botanica Origami Coloring Book ISBN 978-1-4197-2207-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-2207-3 US $12.95  CAN $15.95 51295 9 781419 722073


he Color Origami series offers a new twist on the beloved practice of meditative coloring. These books feature instructions and patterned sheets to color and fold into a gorgeous array of

origami flowers, butterflies, birds, and animals. Pad-bound with removable pages, they contain more than 60 intricately hand-drawn origami papers that are also lightly printed with folding guidelines.

Color Origami: Fauna Origami Coloring Book ISBN 978-1-4197-2208-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-2208-0 US $12.95  CAN $15.95 51295 9 781419 722080

Coloring the designs is a creative and soothing experience in itself. Transforming the flat sheet into a sunflower, a grasshopper, or a dove adds the element of magic that makes origami one of the most popular craft practices among people of all ages. Marc Kirschenbaum is an American origami artist, designer, and board member of OrigamiUSA. He lives in New York City. Caitlin Keegan is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design and previously worked for Sesame Workshop and Nickelodeon Magazine. She lives in Brooklyn.

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Vertical Worlds Coloring Book ■ ■ BY A L L I S O N R A E

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Unique package—a slender vertical paperback with foil stamping on the front cover ■■ The perfect gift for architecture buffs, city lovers, and people who love imaginary worlds

Explore 28 imaginary vertical realms that are illustrated with astounding detail

S PECIFICATIONS 28 line art illustrations 64 pages, 8½ × 12¾" Paperback RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER GIFT & STATIONERY • ACTIVITY BOOK ISBN 978-1-4197-2270-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-2270-7 US $15.95  CAN $19.99 51595 9 781419 722707


his stunning and original coloring book presents an array of remarkable worlds all presented in a tower of spectacular detail and intricacy. Coloring enthusiasts can loose

themselves in the Vertical City, where shops perch above parking lots that sit upon skyscrapers.

Other realms include the Carnival, the Tree House, the Natural History Museum, the Bazaar, and the Aquarium. Allison Rae is an illustrator and software developer who lives in Chicago.

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The Liberty Coloring Book ■ ■ BY L I B E R T Y

Make your mark on a stunning collection of patterns from the Liberty archive S E LLING POINTS ■■ Liberty is an internationally beloved design brand with a robust following on social media and successful product development collaborations with J.Crew, Target, Nike, and more ■■ Cover features gold foil and the designs are reproduced on heavy paper suitable for colored pencils, markers, and watercolors



he Liberty Coloring Book is a unique opportunity to reimagine Liberty’s distinctive patterns in your own personal style. It contains 55 high-quality removable coloring sheets

ISBN 978-1-4197-2278-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-2278-3 US $12.95  CAN $15.95 51295 9 781419 722783

featuring paisleys, florals, and other iconic designs produced by Liberty over the decades. Liberty was founded in 1875 by Arthur Lasenby Liberty. Today, Liberty is London’s bestloved department store and its cutting-edge design studio remains at the forefront of fashion across the world.

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Holy Cow See Holy Cow, I Sure Do Love You page 78

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Wonderful design details: the notebooks and cards are printed

■ ■ BY A M Y K R O U S E R O S E N T H A L  ■  I L LU S T R AT E D BY TO M L I C H T E N H E L D

Adorable cow-themed stationery products featuring illustrations by renowned illustrator Tom Lichtenheld

Holy Cow: Thank You So Much! T H A N K-YO U C A R D S

in black and white inks on brown craft card stock with special touches like red stitching on the notebook spines and foil stamping on the cards ■■ Amy Krouse Rosenthal is the author of a highly successful line of keepsake journals, and Tom Lichtenheld is a bestselling children’s book illustrator; together and separately they have an amazing sales track record ■■ These stationery products are being published simultaneously with the gift book Holy Cow, I Sure Do Love You

Holy Cow: Memo Books S E T O F 3 N OT E B O O K S


Holy Cow: Thank You So Much! Thank-You Cards 12 notecards, 13 envelopes, 5 × 3½" 6 each of 2 designs Boxed cards with envelopes ISBN 978-1-4197-2213-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-2213-4 US $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495 9 781419 722134

Holy Cow: Memo Books 56 pages each, 2 notebooks: 5 × 7", 1 notebook: 3½ × 5" 1 lined inside, 1 blank inside,


eaturing artwork by Tom Lichtenheld from Holy Cow, I Sure Do Love You (coauthored by Amy Krouse Rosenthal), this stationery collection is printed with striking black and white inks on brown

craft card stock. Use these adorable cow-themed notebooks to make to-do lists, to jot down notes, or in any way that suits your mooo-d, and send the cards to express how udderly grateful you feel.

1 graph paper inside Paperback notebook set

Amy Krouse Rosenthal is the author of more than 30 books. Her titles for children include Little Pea, Duck! Rabbit!, I Wish You More, Spoon, and Cookies. She lives in Chicago.

ISBN 978-1-4197-2212-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-2212-7 US $12.95  CAN $15.95 51295 9 781419 722127

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Tom Lichtenheld is the illustrator and author of more than 20 books, including New York Times bestsellers Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site and Steam Train, Dream Train. He lives with his wife in Nixon Township, Illinois.

Love Notes: 30 Cards Postcard Book


A gorgeous book of postcards featuring love poems by Tyler Knott Gregson S E LLING POINTS ■■ Author’s first book, Chasers of the Light, has sold more than 55,000 copies to date (according to Nielsen BookScan) and he has a growing fan base of 32,000 followers on Pinterest, 273,000 followers on Instagram, and 300,000 followers on Tumblr ■■ Valentine’s Day is a huge consumer holiday and people are always looking for a special pick-me-up gift for loved ones ■■ Cover of the book features gold foil stamping and the poems are printed on high-quality removable card stock with gold foil edges

S PECIFICATIONS 30 color illustrations 60 pages (30 removable cards), 3½ × 5" Paperback with gold gilded edges


RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH n 2012, Tyler Knott Gregson happened upon


a vintage Remington typewriter in an antique


shop and, while still in the store, spontaneously

typed a poem. Three years later, he has garnered a devoted online following for his

POETRY • RELATIONSHIPS ISBN 978-1-4197-2214-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-2214-1 US $12.95  CAN $15.95 51295

simple, honest, and inspiring poetry, and his published anthology, Chasers of the Light, is

9 781419 722141

a national bestseller. This beautiful book of removable poetry cards contains a selection of thirty works from Gregson’s Typewriter Series. Printed on heavy card stock with gold gilt edges, the cards can be sent by mail, included with flowers, or attached to a gift. Tyler Knott Gregson is a poet and professional photographer who lives in the mountains of Helena, Montana. His first collection of poems, Chasers of the Light, is a national bestseller.

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Draw Every Day, Draw Every Way Guided Sketchbook

S K E TC H , PA I N T, A N D D O O D L E T H R O U G H O N E C R E AT I V E Y E A R ■ ■ BY J E N N I F E R O R K I N L E W I S

A guided sketchbook with tutorials and a year’s worth of daily drawing prompts S E LLING POINTS ■■ Guided creativity is a huge trend, and this sketchbook serves a growing number of people who want to express themselves a little bit each day ■■ This unique lie-flat sketchbook includes different types of papers for different drawing techniques (black paper for gel pens, heavy paper for watercolors, and craft paper for black and white pencils) ■■ Author has a growing following on her @augustwren Instagram account (60,000 and rising), where she will promote the journal by filling out the pages and posting the entries daily

S PECIFICATIONS 46 color illustrations 240 pages, 7½ × 9" Paperback RIGHTS: WORLD


PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER mbarking on a daily creative project has become a phenomenon


in recent years. Conceived by illustrator Jennifer Orkin Lewis,


this guided journal is both a container and a cheerleader for carving

out a moment of self-expression each day. To conquer the intimidating

ISBN 978-1-4197-2014-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-2014-7 US $16.95  CAN $19.95 51695

prospect of filling 365 blank spaces, Lewis divides the journal into 12 monthly themes and provides prompts suggesting what to draw

9 781419 720147

each day. Each month begins with an inspiring tutorial that shows you how to draw with different materials: ballpoint pens, metallic gel pens, colored pencils, paints, and collage. The entries are not dated, so you can work through the journal from front to back, or jump around and draw whatever appeals to you at the moment. Jennifer Orkin Lewis is a freelance illustrator and textile designer who paints for 30 minutes every day in her sketchbook and posts the results on Instagram. She lives in Irvington, New York.

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Sketch Your Style A G U I D E D S K E TC H B O O K F O R D R AW I N G YO U R D R E A M WA R D R O B E ■ ■ BY R O BY N N E I L D

A fun introduction to the world of fashion sketching for budding fashionistas S E LLING POINTS ■■ Includes information about the fashion trends, silhouettes, and key designers of each decade—a great reference for a fashion enthusiast ■■ Provides a mix of fashion sketching tutorials, templates, and blank space for your own drawings ■■ Landscape orientation is ideal for sketching several figures side by side

S PECIFICATIONS 200 illustrations 224 pages, 811⁄16 × 913⁄16" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER GIFT & STATIONERY • ART TECHNIQUE • FASHION ISBN 978-1-4197-2211-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-2211-0 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995


ketch Your Style is a fully interactive guided sketchbook for anyone who

loves fashion and loves to doodle, sketch, and

draw. Inside, you’ll find step-by-step instructions for drawing and personalizing figures, and more than 50 inspirational exercises and prompts that will help you bring your creative vision to life! From exploring periods in fashion

9 781419 722110

history and fun trends to the work of influential designers, each exercise is introduced with lively visuals and followed by pages where you can try out your own ideas. Some pages are blank, while others have printed templates, such as figure croquis or fabric swatches, as guides. Robyn Neild is a fashion illustrator who specializes in pen and ink, watercolor, and collage. Her work has been featured in magazines such as Vogue, Elle, and Glamour, and her clients have included Victoria’s Secret, Vivienne Westwood, Givenchy, and Elizabeth Arden. She lives in London.

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Good Things Are Happening Guided Journal

A J O U R N A L F O R T I N Y M O M E N T S O F J OY ■ ■ BY L AU R E N H O M

An illustrated and guided gratitude journal to help you celebrate all of your tiny moments of joy S E LLING POINTS ■■ Gratitude journaling is a popular component of practicing mindfulness and positive thinking—a huge consumer trend ■■ Author’s first journal, I’m Over It, has sold more than 8,500 copies since its publication in February 2015 ■■ Journal has a foil-stamped cover, a ribbon marker, and vividly printed hand-lettered art throughout

S PECIFICATIONS 52 color illustrations 368 pages, 4¼ × 6¼" Hardcover journal with


ribbon marker n each of our lives there are moments that make us unabashedly happy: getting an unex-


pected compliment from a stranger, finding a


forgotten $20 in your pocket, or even getting


into a bed with clean sheets. Good Things Are Happening guides readers to reflect on

ISBN 978-1-4197-2210-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-2210-3 US $16.95  CAN $19.95 51695

these seemingly small moments, letting them become focal points in an otherwise hectic day.

9 781419 722103

This journal is illustrated with 52 hand-lettered pieces of art that will help any reader find extraordinary happiness in the ordinary. Lauren Hom is a graphic designer from Southern California. She graduated from the School of Visual Arts with a BFA in Design and Advertising. Hom’s work has been featured in Imprint and Complex magazines. She is the author of Daily Dishonesty, a hand-lettering project that began online and later became a book and a line of stationery products.

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See Forest Feast Gatherings page 42

Forest Feast Notes Journal

■ ■ BY E R I N G L E E S O N

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Gleeson’s first book was a New York Times bestseller and has 100,000 copies in print; her

A journal featuring a vibrant combination of watercolors and photographs by the author of The Forest Feast

product line with Noterie has sold more than 12,000 units combined ■■ A wonderful gift for food and art lovers alike, this hardcover journal has a lie-flat cover with foil stamping, stained text edges, and full-color artwork throughout ■■ The journal will be published in the same season as the 2017 The Forest Feast Wall Calendar and Gleeson’s next vegetarian cookbook, The Forest Feast Gatherings


orest Feast blogger, cookbook author, and stylist Erin Gleeson combines fanciful watercolors and

vibrant photographs in this artfully designed blank jour-

S PECIFICATIONS Color illustrations throughout 160 pages, 5½ × 7¾" Hardcover journal RIGHTS: WORLD

nal. The cover has textured stock, gold foil details, and a lie-flat binding, and the ruled pages feature full-color illustrations throughout. Gleeson’s depictions of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs are evocative of the rustic simplicity of locavore cooking and living in the woods of Northern California.


Erin Gleeson is the author, illustrator, and photographer


behind the New York Times bestselling cookbook The

ISBN 978-1-4197-2209-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-2209-7 US $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495

Forest Feast, The Forest Feast for Kids, and the popular blog theforestfeast.com. She lives in a cabin in the woods in Northern California with her husband and

9 781419 722097

son, where she creates simple and delicious vegetarian recipes inspired by her weekly CSA box.

ALSO AVAIL AB LE The Forest Feast Notebooks (Set of 3) ISBN 978-1-4197-1567-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-1567-9 US $12.95  CAN $13.95 51295

The Forest Feast Paper Placemats ISBN 978-1-4197-1568-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-1568-6 US $19.95  CAN $21.95 51995

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9 781419 715693

9 781419 715662

The Forest Feast Print Collection ISBN 978-1-4197-1569-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-1569-3 US $18.95  CAN $21.95 51895

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The Forest Feast Meal Planner and Shopping List ISBN 978-1-4197-1566-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-1566-2 US $14.95  CAN $16.95 51495

Slim Aarons: Great Escapes Hardcover Journals

■ ■ BY G E T T Y I M AG E S   ■  P H OTO G R A P H Y BY S L I M A A R O N S

Gorgeous journals that epitomize the good life


See Slim Aarons: Women pages 12–13

ited by tastemakers as a true original in the field of aspirational lifestyle photography,


Slim Aarons took photos decades ago that would look right at home on Instagram today. This

■■ Luxurious quality—cloth cover

collection of deluxe hardcover journals features his photographs of magnificent holiday spots of the

1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. Each one has a foil-stamped cover, a ribbon marker, and gilded page edges.

with a tip-on photo, gold foil stamping, gilt edges, high-quality paper, ribbon marker, and photos reproduced throughout ■■ Ongoing interest in Slim Aarons’s

Bright Pink

Coral Red

Mint Green

work—more than 110,000 copies of his books combined have been sold

S PECIFICATIONS 10 color photographs 192 pages, 5 × 8" Hardcover journal with cloth cover, ribbon marker RIGHTS: WORLD GIFT & STATIONERY • ART • PHOTOGRAPHY



Slim Aarons: Great Escapes Hardcover Journal: Bright Pink ISBN 978-1-4197-1984-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-1984-4 US $20.00  CAN $24.00 52000 9 781419 719844

ADDITIONAL COLORS PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER Slim Aarons: Great Escapes Hardcover Journal: Coral Red ISBN 978-1-4197-1986-8 US $20.00  CAN $24.00

Slim Aarons: Great Escapes Hardcover Journal: Mint Green ISBN 978-1-4197-2265-3 US $20.00  CAN $24.00

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DISTRIBUTED PUBLISHERS Vendome Press Tate Publishing V&A Publishing Royal Academy of Arts Publications Booth-Clibborn Editions 5 Continents Editions SelfMadeHero

Signature Spaces W E LL-TR AV E LE D I NTE R I O RS BY PAO LO M OSC H I N O A N D PH I LI P V E RG E Y LE N ■ ■ BY PAO LO M OS C H I N O A N D P H I L I P V E R G E Y L E N , W I T H A L E X A N D R A B L AC K  ■   P H OTO G R A P H S BY S I M O N U P TO N  ■   F R O M T H E V E N D O M E P R E S S / S C R I P T U M E D I T I O N S


Explore the interior design of Paolo Moschino and Philip Vergeylen, the talented duo behind the award-winning studio Paolo Moschino for Nicholas Haslam Ltd.

■■ Moschino and Vergeylen not only create inspiring home environments for elite clients, but also design their own line of furniture, lighting, fabrics, and accessories ■■ Their work has been featured in a wide range of publications, including Architectural Digest, House Beautiful, Elle Décor, the World of Interiors, and House & Garden ■■ The residential and commercial interiors of Paolo Moschino for Nicholas Haslam have garnered many awards, including Elle Décor’s 2014 A-list and the 2016 AD100 list


either Florentine-born Paolo Moschino nor Belgian Philip Vergeylen has a conventional

design background, which explains their relaxed attitude

and willingness to embrace imaginative, unexpected solutions to the challenges that each design project poses. Signature Spaces offers an insider’s view of the designers’ unique process, revealing how any room can be transformed into a space for inspired living.

S PECIFICATIONS More than 200 color photographs 240 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket

Illustrated with hundreds of stunning photographs,


drawings, and mood boards, the book explores the fasci-


nating ways in which the designers are energized by the


world around them to create chic rooms that are always


welcoming, and always contain an element of surprise.

ISBN 978-0-86565-330-6 ISBN 978-0-86565-330-6 US $60.00  CAN $75.00 56000

Paolo Moschino bought Nicholas Haslam, Ltd., in 1995 and has developed the company into one of the

9 780865 653306

most prominent firms in the world of interior design. Philip Vergeylen joined Nicholas Haslam, Ltd., six years ago, and now heads up the Interior Design Studio. Alexandra Black writes for Elle, Marie Claire and Vogue Living and has edited books on interior design and fashion. Simon Upton is a photographer with more than 25 years of published work to his credit.

Vendome Press

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Vendome Press

A House in the Country ■ ■ T E X T BY P E T E R P E N N OY E R A N D K AT I E R I D D E R W I T H A N N E WA L K E R  ■   P H OTO G R A P H S BY E R I C P I A S E C K I  ■  F R O M T H E V E N D O M E P R E S S

The inspirational story of a dream house, conceived by a creative couple, architect Peter Pennoyer and interior designer Katie Ridder

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Pennoyer and Ridder are highly respected, leading professionals in their respective fields ■■ The house was the cover story of the August 2015 Architectural Digest, eliciting raves from readers: “an architectural gem,” “smaller in scale yet structurally stunning and superbly livable” ■■ Pennoyer and Ridder’s work has been featured in Architectural Digest, House Beautiful, Elle Décor, Town & Country, Southern Living, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, 1st Dibs, among many others ■■ Since 2012, Peter Pennoyer Architects has been listed on the AD 100 lists of the greatest talents in architecture and design ■■ Author events are planned in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Palm Beach


S PECIFICATIONS estled amid the lush, gently rolling hills of cattle and horse

More than 300 color photographs

farms in Millbrook, New York, is a handsome Greek Revival

224 pages, gatefold, 10 × 12"

house that looks like it’s always been there. In fact, it is brand

Hardcover with jacket

new—the collaborative effort of architect Peter Pennoyer and his


wife, interior designer Katie Ridder. This irresistible book, exquisitely


illustrated with photographs, finely rendered plans, and hand-painted


illustrations, tells the home’s story. The design followed Pennoyer’s


conviction that historical examples are a springboard for the imagina-

ISBN 978-0-86565-329-0 ISBN 978-0-86565-329-0 US $55.00  CAN $66.00 55500

tion and offer compelling solutions for new architecture. So, though many characteristics of the house are classical, and, more specifically,

9 780865 653290

Greek Revival, it is also thoroughly contemporary and environmentally friendly, with an exuberantly colorful interior and spectacular gardens.

ALSO AVAIL AB LE Peter Pennoyer’s firm, Peter Pennoyer Architects, designs townhouses, apartments, and country houses, and restores historical houses. Katie Ridder has been included in the Top 100 lists of designers for House Beautiful, Elle Décor, and New York magazine. Her firm produces fabrics, wallpaper, and rugs of her design. Architectural historian and author Anne Walker has collaborated with Peter Pennoyer on four monographs on the history of 20th-century American architecture. Interiors photographer Eric Piasecki contributes to Elle Décor, Architectural Digest, House Beautiful, and many other publications.

Vendome Press

Katie Ridder Rooms ISBN 978-0-86565-272-9 ISBN 978-0-86565-272-9 US $55.00  CAN $62.00 55000 9 780865 652729

Peter Pennoyer Architects ISBN 978-0-86565-268-2 ISBN 978-0-86565-268-2 US $75.00  CAN $72.00 5 6 0 0 0 9

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Tropical Light T H E A R T O F A . E . B AC K U S ■ ■ T E X T BY N ATA S H A K U Z M A N OV I C   ■  F R O M T H E V E N D O M E P R E S S

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Backus played an important role in the emergence of

The definitive account of the work of A. E. Backus, Florida’s master of landscape painting

the Highwaymen, the highly collectible African-American artists of the 1940s and 1950s ■■ Appeal to nature lovers—Backus paintings are synonymous with the unspoiled Floridian landscape ■■ Features more than 175 Backus paintings, many specially photographed for this book, as well as previously unpublished documents and other photographs

S PECIFICATIONS 200 color and 20 black-and-white illustrations 272 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER ART ISBN 978-0-86565-332-0 ISBN 978-0-86565-332-0 US $75.00  CAN $95.00 57500


ainter A. E. Backus (1906–1990) portrayed an unspoiled Florida that has made his paintings

synonymous with the state: backcountry terrain is often

described as “Backus landscape,” emotive clouds as “Backus sky,” and translucent waves as “Backus water.” As more and more of the state’s wilderness is lost to

9 780865 653320

development, Backus’s paintings emerge as poetic testaments of Florida’s lost paradise. Defining his artistic roots as “part Cracker and part Monet,” Backus was drawn to tropical nature as defined by light, which he rendered using complementary colors. His avant-garde use of a palette knife to create entire compositions produced paintings that combined a sensitive observation of nature with gestural paint application. Backus excelled at capturing the essence of traditional Florida: rustic fishing camps, magnificent beaches, tidal rivers fringed with palms and mangroves, and the abrupt changes in the weather that characterize Florida’s tropical light to both natives and visitors. This is a lush celebration of the life and work of a remarkable regional painter. Natasha Kuzmanovic, an art historian and conservator, has contributed to numerous publications including African Images: Art and Ornament and The Influence of Paris: European and American Sculpture 1830–1930.

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Vendome Press

Made to Measure M E Y E R DAV I S S T U D I O, A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D I N T E R I O R S ■ ■ T E X T BY W I L L M E Y E R A N D G R AY DAV I S W I T H DA N S H AW  ■  F O R E W O R D BY DAV I D N E T TO  ■  F R O M T H E V E N D O M E P R E S S

S E LLING POINTS ■■ The first compilation of Meyer Davis Studio’s most well-known private and public projects around the country and the

The award-winning work of Meyer Davis Studio, a New York–based architecture and interior design firm specializing in tailored luxury style

world, including the prinicipals’ own homes ■■ Meyer and Davis’s work has been featured Interior Design, Architectural Digest, House Beautiful, Elle Décor, Casa Vogue, Architectural Digest Germany, Departures, and Vanity Fair ■■ Meyer Davis’s clients include high-profile restaurateurs Daniel Boulud and Tom Colicchio; J. Crew creative director Jenna Lyons; hospitality groups the Four Seasons, Le Méridien, RitzCarlton, W Hotels, Loews Hotels, and others; and businesses such as Oscar de la Renta boutiques,


DwellStudio, and SnapChat ince forming their practice in 1999, Will Meyer and Gray Davis have designed some 200 private

and public spaces that epitomize hip luxury style. Their interiors are as dazzling and dramatic as they are

S PECIFICATIONS More than 200 color illustrations 272 pages, 10 × 12"

comfortable and welcoming—a carefully calibrated

Hardcover with jacket

balancing act that has become their trademark and won


them a loyal clientele. As furniture designer David Netto


says in his foreword, “Their style—while original—seems


inevitable, and after you see a project by Meyer Davis Studio you say to yourself, ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’ ” Made to Measure tells the story of their ascent into the

INTERIOR DESIGN ISBN 978-0-86565-328-3 ISBN 978-0-86565-328-3 US $60.00  CAN $75.00 56000

upper echelon of American design and shares their firm’s philosophy and process. Illustrated with hundreds

9 780865 653283

of stunning photographs, plans, and drawings, the book explores the symbiosis between their residential and commercial projects and shows how Meyer Davis Studio has redefined modern luxury. Before founding Meyer Davis Studio, Will Meyer worked for architect Charles Gwathmey, and Gray Davis worked for designers John Saladino and Thomas O’Brien. Dan Shaw is founding editor of the New York Times Style section. Interior designer and writer David Netto is a contributing editor to T: The New York Times Style Magazine.

Vendome Press

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Vendome Press

Sunnylands A M E R I C A’ S M I D C E N T U RY M A S T E R P I E C E ■ ■ T E X T BY JA N I C E LY L E   ■   F O R E W O R D BY M I C H A E L S . S M I T H  ■   P R I N C I PA L P H OTO G R A P H Y BY M A R K DAV I D S O N  ■  FROM THE VENDOME PRESS

The definitive story of Sunnylands, the glamorous midcentury modern estate of Walter and Leonore Annenberg, in Rancho Mirage, California

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Midcentury modern style remains highly popular: Sunnylands is the undisputed masterpiece of the style in Coachella Valley, the capital of midcentury design ■■ Sunnylands’ design has never been fully seen in any book or magazine since it was built ■■ Photographs show the rich and famous in fabulous period fashions at exclusive parties at Sunnylands ■■ A “West Coast Camp David,” Sunnylands is used by the White House for State Department events and functions. President Obama entertained the President of China at Sunnylands in 2013 ■■ Author Janice Lyle is director of the Sunnylands Center & Gardens and offers her exhaustive knowledge of, and access to, the Annenberg archive, including never-before-published personal photographs and documents



250 color illustrations ith its pastel green and yellow interior, its dazzling collection of

240 pages, 10 × 12"

Impressionist paintings, and long, low sofas that look like vintage Cadillac

Hardcover with jacket

convertibles, Sunnylands was a Versailles for the Space Age. In Palm Springs, the mecca of midcentury modern architecture, this immaculately preserved estate is considered the undisputed masterpiece, envisioned by A. Quincy Jones, one of California’s most important architects, and furnished by California’s great decorator-to-the-stars, William Haines. Built by media moguls, art collectors, and diplomats Walter and Leonore Annenberg, Sunnylands became a seat of power where politicians, movie stars, and corporate leaders could meet, relax, reflect, make deals, and run the world—all with nobody watching. For four decades, an invitation

RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER INTERIOR DESIGN • ARCHITECTURE ISBN 978-0-86565-331-3 ISBN 978-0-86565-331-3 US $60.00  CAN $75.00 56000 9 780865 653313

to New Year’s Eve at Sunnylands was the ultimate social prize. Exquisitely illustrated, Sunnylands is a must-have for every fan of midcentury design. Janice Lyle, the Director of Sunnylands Center & Gardens, has been at the estate since 2008. Michael S. Smith is an American interior designer responsible for the 2010 makeover of the Oval Office and the private quarters of the Obamas. Mark Davidson photographs for the Smithsonian, Getty Museum, and Hammer Museum.

Vendome Press

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 1 1

Pierre Paulin LIFE AND WORK ■ ■ T E X T BY N A D I N E D E S C E N D R E  ■   P H OTO G R A P H S BY B E N JA M I N C H E L LY  ■  F R O M T H E V E N D O M E P R E S S  /   S C R I P T U M E D I T I O N S S E LLING POINTS

A sumptuous celebration of Pierre Paulin, the iconic postwar French designer of furniture, objects, and residential and commercial interiors

■■ Paulin’s furniture designs are undergoing a rediscovery, with major exhibitions scheduled for Paris’s Centre Pompidou in 2016, and reissues available through Ligne Roset, Artifort, Thonet, La Cividina, and Herman Miller ■■ 1st Dibs has more than 170 current listings for works by Paulin, with prices ranging up to $10,000 ■■ Azzedine Alaïa furnished his new Paris boutique with Paulin sofas and modular shelving

S PECIFICATIONS 300 color and black-and-white illustrations 240 pages, 10¼ × 11¼" Hardcover with blue edge stain, jacket


layfully rejecting the orderly restraint of midcentury design, the French avant-garde designer and archi-

tect Pierre Paulin (1927–2009) imagined sleek departure lounges for the jet set, perfume bottles for Courrèges, and


unforgettable Pop-era pieces like the Orange Slice chair,


the shell-shaped Oyster chair, and the Tongue, a wavy,

INTERIOR DESIGN ISBN 978-0-86565-335-1 ISBN 978-0-86565-335-1 US $65.00  CAN $79.00 56500

low-slung chaise. Paulin’s signature innovation was to wrap his pieces in colorful stretch jersey, softening them and concealing their inner steel and wood. In their casual, kinetic sprawl, his chairs not only offered an invitation to

9 780865 653351

relax and lounge; they also took the temperature of Paris in the late 1960s. Fascinated by the possibilities of new materials, Paulin was both a modernist and a traditionalist, a designer who took equal care designing ordinary objects such as fans, razors, and fondue pots as he did outfitting the private quarters of French presidents Pompidou and Mitterand. This vibrantly illustrated book draws from previously unpublished archives a wealth of vivid drawings, models, and photographs to reveal the restless energy of this midcentury icon, whose works are finding new popularity today. Nadine Descendre is a journalist, art critic, documentary filmmaker, and curator. She is currently the Director of l’Agence Interculturelle Européenne (A.I.E.) in Paris.

1 1 2 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

Vendome Press


■  F R O M T H E V E N D O M E P R E S S  /  S C R I P T U M E D I T I O N S

■■ Ladurée, the iconic Parisian patisserie founded in 1862, is home to the world-renowned double macaron, created by Pierre Desfontaines, grandson of the founder, in 1930. Today, with stores in more than 25 countries, Ladurée is a symbol not just of French culinary delights, but also of chic French style.

Paris by Ladurée

Ladurée Savoir Vivre



■ ■ BY S E R G E G L E I Z E S

■ ■ BY M AU D H AC K E R

■   P H OTO G R A P H S BY P I E R R E - O L I V I E R S I G N E



n Paris by Ladurée, author Serge Gleizes compiles the iconic luxury patisserie’s 200 favorite Parisian addresses and guides readers to

the best that the most elegant city in the world has to offer in cuisine,


adurée Savoir Vivre is the latest in the company’s series of entertaining and lifestyle books. Like its predecessors, it is

nestled in an irresistible box, packed just like Ladurée’s delectable

interior design, table décor, beauty, fashion, hotels, and culture—in

confections. Stunningly illustrated with specially commissioned

a book small enough to carry while traveling. Divided into four

photographs and illustrations, the book offers practical tips and

sections—“Cuisine,” “Fashion and Beauty,” “Interior Design,” and “Culture”—this chic, pocket-sized guide advises where to stay, where

inspiration on such varied topics as how to prepare and have breakfast the Ladurée way, how to be a good host and a good guest,

to eat, and where to see and be seen. Beautifully illustrated with

how to dress for the theater, and how to pack for stylish travel. It is

more than 200 color photographs and illustrations, it is the perfect

the ultimate guide to knowing how to live well, the French way.

gift for stylish Parisians and visitors alike. Maud Hacker is a historian, lecturer, and expert on Paris and the Serge Gleizes is a journalist and magazine editor who has written

art of entertaining. She works for the Louis Vuitton Foundation and

a number of books, including Bruno Moinard and Pierre Frey.

creates tours of hidden parts of Paris. Parisian Sophie Bouxom has

Pierre‑Olivier Signe is a travel and live-performance photographer,

published illustrations in a wide range of magazines, including Votre

as well as a cinematographer.

beauté, Elle, and Santé.



More than 200 color illustrations

More than 300 color illustrations

144 pages, 5⅞ × 8¼"

304 pages, 6⅛ × 6½"


Hardcover, boxed with tissue paper packing ISBN 978-1-902686-86-8 ISBN 978-1-902686-86-8 US $19.95  CAN $26.00 51995 9 781902 686868


Vendome Press

ISBN 978-1-902686-85-1 ISBN 978-1-902686-85-1 US $39.95  CAN $55.00 53995 9 781902 686851

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 1 3

David Monn T H E A R T O F C E L E B R AT I N G ■ ■ T E X T BY DAV I D M O N N A N D S U S A N FA L E S - H I L L  ■   F O R E W O R D BY B I L L C U N N I N G H A M   ■  F R O M T H E V E N D O M E P R E S S

S E LLING POINTS ■■ The parties and events David Monn has designed are

Event planner David Monn—called “the Architect of Style,” by the New York Times— teaches you the secrets of celebrating all the important moments of your life

chronicled in the New York Times, T, the Wall Street Journal, Architectural Digest, House Beautiful, Elle Décor, and Vanity Fair, and on television ■■ David Monn’s clients include the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute, the New York Public Library, Lincoln Center, the Guggenheim Museum, the American Ballet Theatre, and other leading cultural institutions

S PECIFICATIONS More than 275 color illustrations 352 pages, 9⅝ × 13⅜" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: OCTOBER


state dinner at the White House, the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute

Gala, once-in-a-lifetime birthday celebrations—every


lucky guest knows that there is no party like a David


Monn party. Using scent, sound, sight, touch, and taste,

ISBN 978-0-86565-327-6 ISBN 978-0-86565-327-6 US $75.00  CAN $91.00 57500 9 780865 653276

Monn designs events to be “shared, lived, and felt” by everyone there. Monn’s three favorite words—authenticity, scale, and detail—inform every chapter of his book, following him from classic New York nights to events around the world and back again to the most private rites of passage, including entertaining at home. How to do this yourself? It means considering your home as not just rooms, but instead as “a living environment,” and not thinking of a birthday as a party, but rather “a milestone of accomplishment and growth.” With text by novelist Susan Fales-Hill and a rare foreword by venerable fashion photographer Bill Cunningham, in this volume Monn draws from his personal archive of 20,000 event photographs to reveal the unique beauty of each event. David Monn’s clients include social lions across the country as well as a Who’s Who of brands and institutions. Susan Fales-Hill is a novelist and contributor to major magazines. Bill Cunningham is the New York Times’ legendary fashion and social events photographer.

1 1 4  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

Vendome Press

Performing for the Camera ■ ■ E D I T E D BY S I M O N B A K E R A N D F I O N TÁ N M O R A N  ■  F R O M TAT E P U B L I S H I N G

S E LLING POINTS ■■ International in scope, the book includes some of the most compelling and experimental photographers of the last 120 years

A landmark publication exploring the relationship between performance art and photography

■■ Features works by acclaimed artists such as Cindy Sherman, Andy Warhol, Merce Cunningham, and Lee Friedlander, among others ■■ Reflects an explosion of interest in both performance and photography, and the contemporary obsession with the performative use of the camera in everyday life

S PECIFICATIONS 300 color illustrations 240 pages, 8¼ × 10⅝" Paperback with flaps


RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA erforming for the Camera examines how the


photograph has both documented and developed


our understanding of performance since the invention


of the photographic medium. It engages with both the

ISBN 978-1-84976-400-1 ISBN 978-1-84976-400-1 US $45.00  CAN $55.00 54500

serious business of art and performance and the humor and improvisation of posing for the camera. The book explores three distinct strands of photographic practice:

9 781849 764001

the documentation of performance works by artists such as Merce Cunningham; how performers and photographers, like mime Charles Deburau and French photographer Nadar, have collaborated; and the work of photographers


who have a strong performative element to their practice, such as Charles Ray. It further explores the construction of self-identity in the work of artists such as Lee Friedlander, Cindy Sherman, and Andy Warhol, as well as the playful, innovative approaches to portraiture adopted by Keith Arnatt and Masahisa Fukase. With some 300 images by more than 60 international artists, this is the definitive publication on photography and performance—two of the most popular and intriguing art forms of our time. Simon Baker has been curator of photography and international art at Tate since 2009. Fiontán Moran is an assistant curator at Tate Modern.

Art Photography ISBN 978-1-84976-224-3 ISBN 978-1-84976-224-3 US $32.50  CAN $39.50 53250 9 781849 762243

Live: Art and Performance ISBN 978-1-85437-501-8 ISBN 978-1-8543-7501-8 US $40.00  CAN $45.00 54000

9 781854 375018

Tate Publishing

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 1 5

Maria Lassnig ■ ■ E D I T E D BY K A S I A R E DZ I S Z   ■   F R O M TAT E P U B L I S H I N G

S PECIFICATIONS 100 color illustrations 128 pages, 8½ × 9½" Paperback


s she strove to express subjective bodily experience, and explore the

boundaries between the individual and the world, Austrian artist Maria Lassnig

(1919–2014) developed a singular aesthetic,


with human figures always at the center of


her boldly expressive, brightly colored oil

ART ISBN 978-1-84976-432-2 ISBN 978-1-84976-432-2 US $29.95  CAN $35.95 52995

paintings. Now, her life’s work is the subject of a book that spans her prolific career. Lassnig worked well into her 90s, producing poignant testimonies of the passing of time. Alongside

9 781849 764322

her signature self-portraits, the book features her paintings of bodies morphed with objects and mechanical devices, examples of Lassnig’s still lifes, and rarely seen paintings triggered by political events. With insightful essays from leading scholars, this important publication reveals an artist whose work continues to shock, move, and inspire. Kasia Redzisz is senior curator at Tate Liverpool.

Conceptual Art in Britain, 1964–1979 S PECIFICATIONS 90 illustrations 160 pages, 7½ × 9⅝" Paperback RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER ART ISBN 978-1-84976-368-4 ISBN 978-1-84976-368-4 US $27.50  CAN $33.50 52750 9 781849 763684

■ ■ E D I T E D BY A N D R E W W I L S O N   ■  F R O M TAT E P U B L I S H I N G


eaturing some of the most exciting artworks of the 20th century, this is the first

book to explore the rich history of conceptual

art in Britain during a key period in innovation, from the mid-1960s to the election of Margaret Thatcher in 1979. While the early works of this period challenged art’s traditional boundaries, by the mid-1970s, focus had shifted away from issues of art and individual experience toward questions of politics and identity, using the languages of documentary, propaganda, and advertising in the service of action. The result was a radical moment in British art that ignited new developments in various media: text, sculpture, photography, film, and print. With previously unpublished archival material and essays by key experts, this book reveals the origins—and legacy—of Britain’s conceptual art movement. Andrew Wilson is curator of modern and contemporary British art and archives at Tate Britain.

1 1 6 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

Tate Publishing


S E LLING POINTS ■■ New book exploring the fascinating relationship between

The first exploration of photography’s relationship with painting and sculpture in the 19th and early 20th centuries

photography, painting, and sculpture, from the 1840s to 1914 ■■ Capitalizes on the huge increase in interest in photography and its relationship with art, here given essential historical context for the first time ■■ Features stunning works by some of the most popular artists and photographers of the 19th century, from Millais and Rossetti to Henry Fox Talbot, Roger Fenton, Julia Margaret Cameron, James McNeill Whistler, and Alfred Stieglitz ■■ Includes early experimental photographs and fresh scholarship


S PECIFICATIONS hotography was entangled with art from the very

120 color photographs

moment of its invention by painter and printmaker

128 pages, 7½ × 9⅝"

Louis Daguerre in 1839. Painting with Light is the first


book to look at photography’s complex and fascinating


inter-relationship with painting and sculpture in the 19th


and early 20th centuries. Opening with the experimental beginnings of the medium in the 1830s and 40s, the book spans 75 years, from the daguerreotype to very early color photography, including the Pre-Raphaelite circle, and ravishing Symbolist and Pictorialist works, including landscapes and life studies, documentary and scientific realism, and images that experimented

PHOTOGRAPHY • ART ISBN 978-1-84976-402-5 ISBN 978-1-84976-402-5 US $22.50  CAN $27.50 52250 9 781849 764025


with atmospheric and psychological effects. It uncovers

Tate Britain, London

the issues raised by exchanges between photography

May 11–Sept 25, 2016

and other media, many of them still alive today, from the question of copying vs. creating and truth vs. lies to artist vs. machine and tradition vs. modernity. Mixing iconic and rarely seen works, Painting with Light includes over 100 reproductions and refreshing new insights. Carol Jacobi is curator of British art, 1850–1915 at Tate. Hope Kingsley is curator for education and collections at the Wilson Centre for Photography, London.

Tate Publishing

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 1 7

Tate Modern: The Handbook ■ ■ E D I T E D BY M AT T H E W G A L E  ■   F R O M TAT E P U B L I S H I N G


S PECIFICATIONS 320 color illustrations 352 pages, 5⅛ × 9⅝"

ublished to accompany the opening of the major new extension to Tate Modern

in the summer of 2016, this book discusses the


history of the collection and the current ethos


for acquiring works, offering intriguing insight


into the considerations involved in building and


shaping a national collection. With more than

ISBN 978-1-84976-315-8 ISBN 978-1-84976-315-8 US $29.95  CAN $35.95 52995

300 illustrations, the book features some of the Tate’s most popular works, including Matisse’s The Snail, Rothko’s Seagram Murals, Dalí’s

9 781849 763158

Lobster Telephone, as well as recent acquisitions by important artists such as Ai Weiwei and Abraham Cruzvillegas. More than simply a guide to one of the most important museums in its field, the book is also an invaluable tool for understanding modern art and artists. Matthew Gale is head of displays at Tate Modern.

Tate Modern B U I L D I N G A M U S E U M F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U RY ■ ■ E D I T E D BY C H R I S D E R C O N A N D N I C H O L A S S E R OTA  ■   F R O M TAT E P U B L I S H I N G S E LLING POINTS ■■ Tate Modern is the most visited museum of modern and contemporary art in the world


fter opening its doors in 2000, Tate Modern quickly became the most

popular modern and contemporary art

destination in the world, welcoming more than five million visitors a year. Architects Herzog & de Meuron created a gallery of

S PECIFICATIONS 200 color illustrations 232 pages, 8⅝ × 10⅞" Paperback with flaps

singular power and beauty, whose spaces articulate a rare affinity with contemporary art. With the second major phase of the building now complete, Tate Modern presents a striking combination of the raw and


the refined. In magnificent new photography


and texts by leading architectural writers,

ART • ARCHITECTURE ISBN 978-1-84976-401-8 ISBN 978-1-84976-401-8 US $37.50  CAN $45.50 53750

this book describes the ideas behind the Tate Modern’s conception and construction, how it was designed and built, and how it has impacted the world beyond its doors.

9 781849 764018

Conversations between Tate Modern director Chris Dercon and architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron, as well as landscape architect Günther Vogt, interior designer Jasper Morrison, and graphic designer Ian Cartlidge, present the philosophy and interchange of ideas that drove this extraordinary project. Chris Dercon is director of Tate Modern. Nicholas Serota is director of Tate.

1 1 8 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

Tate Publishing


O’Keeffe ■ ■ BY H A N N A H J O H N S TO N   ■  F R O M TAT E P U B L I S H I N G

The latest title in Tate Introductions, a series that offers concise, affordable introductions and pictorial overviews of the greatest modern artists and artistic movements


S E LLING POINTS ■■ Accessible and affordable introduction to Georgia O’Keeffe’s life and work

Chagall ISBN 978-1-84976-037-9 ISBN 978-1-84976-037-9 US $10.95  CAN $11.95 51095

■■ The first in the successful Tate Introductions series dedicated

9 781849 760379

to a female artist ■■ Fully illustrated in color ■■ Ideal for classroom use

Klee ISBN 978-1-84976-036-2 ISBN 978-1-84976-036-2 US $10.95  CAN $11.95 51095

■■ Full career biography 9 781849 760362

RE L ATE D E XHIB ITIONS Tate Modern, London Jul 6–Oct 30, 2016

Lichtenstein ISBN 978-1-84976-021-8 ISBN 978-1-84976-021-8 US $10.95  CAN $11.95 51095 9 781849 760218

Kunstforum, Vienna Nov 2016–Mar 2017 Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto Apr–Jun 2017


Matisse ISBN 978-1-84976-298-4 ISBN 978-1-84976-298-4 US $11.95  CAN $13.95 51195 9 781849 762984

eorgia O’Keeffe (1887–1986) is one of the most significant and intriguing artists of

Miró ISBN 978-1-85437-941-2 ISBN 978-1-85437-941-2 US $10.95  CAN $14.50 51095

the 20th century, known internationally for her

boldly innovative art. Her distinct paintings of flowers, dramatic cityscapes, glowing landscapes, and images of bones against the stark desert sky are iconic and original contributions to American Modernism. This essential introduction to the art-

9 781854 379412


ist explores O’Keeffe’s upbringing, education, and

60 color illustrations

early work; her relationship with photographer

80 pages, 6⅝ × 8¼"

Alfred Stieglitz and his cosmopolitan circle; the


artist’s cityscapes of New York; her still lifes,


including flower paintings; and the artist’s late


abstractions, the culmination of a lifetime’s immer-


sion in the landscape.

ISBN 978-1-84976-404-9 ISBN 978-1-84976-404-9 US $11.95  CAN $14.95 51195

Munch ISBN 978-1-84976-022-5 ISBN 978-1-84976-022-5 US $11.95  CAN $13.95 51195 9 781849 760225

Pre-Raphaelites ISBN 978-1-84976-024-9 ISBN 978-1-84976-024-9 US $10.95  CAN $11.95 51095

Hannah Johnston is assistant curator at Tate Modern.

9 781849 764049

Tate Publishing

9 781849 760249

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 1 9

Red Star Over Russia A V I S UA L H I S TO RY O F T H E S OV I E T U N I O N S PECIFICATIONS 550 color illustrations

Now in paperback!

F R O M 1 9 1 7 TO T H E D E AT H O F S TA L I N ■ ■ BY DAV I D K I N G  ■   F R O M TAT E P U B L I S H I N G

352 pages, 9½ × 11½"



ow in paperback, Red Star Over Russia is a breathtaking visual history, using posters,

photographs, paintings, magazine covers, advertise-


ments, and ephemera to illustrate the dramatic


birth and eventual decline of the Soviet Union. The book plunges the reader into the shattering events

ISBN 978-1-85437-935-1 ISBN 978-1-85437-935-1 US $45.00  CAN $55.00 54500

that brought hope, chaos, heroism, and horror to the citizens of the world’s first workers’ state. The

9 781854 379351

Russian Revolution produced some of the most important advances in art, photography, and graphic


design in the 20th century. More than 550 of these

Russian Revolutionary Posters ISBN 978-1-84976-347-9 ISBN 978-1-8497-6347-9 US $24.95  CAN $27.95 52495 9 781849 763479

The Commissar Vanishes ISBN 978-1-84976-251-9 ISBN 978-1-84976-251-9 US $35.00  CAN $40.00 53500

9 781849 762519

John Heartfield ISBN 978-1-84976-184-0 ISBN 978-1-8497-6184-0 US $50.00  CAN $62.50 55000

9 781849 761840

widely influential materials are reproduced here, accompanied by David King’s accessible text. King rescues from obscurity many lost heroes and villains through the work of the most brilliant Soviet artists, “A magnificent work of stunning emotional

many of them anonymous or long forgotten.

power” —Los Angeles Tribune “A copy of this book should be in every public library, in every secondary school

David King is the author of The Commissar Vanishes, Russian Revolutionary Posters, John Heartfield, and

and in the hands of anyone who aspires

numerous other books on Soviet subjects. He was

to understand what has made Russia the

art editor of the Sunday Times (London) from 1965 to

state it is today. . . . Buy one to keep and

1975, and is owner of one of the world’s preeminent

one to give away.” —Literary Review

collections of Russian artifacts.

Abraham Cruzvillegas S E LLING POINTS ■■ Reveals the full background behind the making of the installation as well as a broader survey of Abraham Cruzvillegas’s life and work

S PECIFICATIONS 130 color illustrations

T H E H Y U N DA I C O M M I S S I O N ■ ■ E D I T E D BY M A R K G O D F R E Y   ■   F R O M TAT E P U B L I S H I N G


mpty Lot is a new work by Mexican artist

Abraham Cruzvillegas (b. 1968), the first of the

Hyundai Commissions for Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall.

This book documents the conception and creation of this dramatic sculpture, looking at its monumental and microscopic scale. As a kind of “artist’s book” within

176 pages, 6¾ × 9¼"

the publication, Cruzvillegas contributes 60 pages


filled with artwork, poems, album covers, drawings,


and photographs of people and places that inspire


him. Created in close collaboration with the artist, this

ART ISBN 978-1-84976-342-4 ISBN 978-1-84976-342-4 US $27.95  CAN $33.95 52795

unique publication features a fully illustrated survey of Cruzvillegas’s life and work, including installations at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and The New Museum, New York, and an in-depth interview with

9 781849 763424

Tate curator Mark Godfrey.

“Empty Lot is one of the more dynamic and exciting of the Turbine

Mark Godfrey is a curator at Tate Modern and has

Hall commissions.” —Telegraph

written widely on contemporary and conceptual art.

1 20  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

Tate Publishing


S E LLING POINTS ■■ Major retrospective of this influential Cuban artist, covering six decades ■■ Dazzlingly illustrated with more

An unparalleled survey of the life and work of Cuban artist Wifredo Lam

than 300 works ■■ Accompanies a major touring exhibition ■■ Repositions Lam within the international history of modern art

S PECIFICATIONS 330 color illustrations 240 pages, 9¼ × 11" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER


ART ne of the most important figures in global modernism, Cuban artist Wifredo Lam (1902–1982)

ISBN 978-1-84976-372-1 ISBN 978-1-84976-372-1 US $45.00  CAN $55.00 54500

traveled extensively in Europe in the 1930s, where he

intersected with many of the 20th century’s greatest artists, most significantly Picasso. He returned to Cuba in 1942, where he nurtured his personal connection to Afro-Cuban iconography and spirit, combining modernism with the vitality and force of the native culture.

9 781849 763721

E XHIB ITION SCHE DULE Tate Modern, London Sept 14, 2016–Jan 18, 2017

Initially viewed as “dangerously savage,” his work is now recognized as essential viewing among his contemporaries. A major retrospective at Tate Modern showcases his singular career from the 1930s to the 1970s, with particular focus on his first encounter with Picasso in 1938 to his return to Europe in 1952. Dazzlingly illustrated with


more than 300 works, including paintings, drawings and photographs, this beautiful book celebrates the life and creative contribution of a remarkable artist. Catherine David is codirector of the Musée National d’Art Moderne. Matthew Gale is curator of modern art and head of displays at Tate Modern. Kobena Mercer is professor of History of Art and African American Studies at Yale University.

Art in Latin America ISBN 978-1-84976-070-6 ISBN 978-1-84976-070-6 US $29.95  CAN $32.95 52995 9 781849 760706

Tate Publishing

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 2 1


S PECIFICATIONS 40 color illustrations


hat Continuous Thing—a quote from the American artist Peter Voulkos—traces the changing shape of the ceramics

160 pages, 6 × 8¼"

studio over the last century. Collecting eight key texts on


ceramic practice over the last 100 years, this book is an essen-

RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER ART ISBN 978-1-84976-433-9 ISBN 978-1-84976-433-9 US $29.95  CAN $35.95 52995 9 781849 764339

tial introductory reader on an area of growing interest. The book includes texts from leading scholars such as Bernard Leach, Herbert Read, Edmund de Waal, Tanya Harrod, Glenn Adamson, and Alison Britton, with contributions from artists Aaron Angell and Jesse Wine. With an introduction by editors Sam Thorne and Sara Matson, the book takes a fresh look at the trajectory of the ceramics studio. Sam Thorne is director at Nottingham Contemporary. Sara


Matson is an exhibitions and displays curator at Tate St Ives.

Tate St Ives, May 21–Oct 2, 2016

Jessica Warboys ■ ■ E D I T E D BY S A R A M AT S O N A N D L AU R A S M I T H  ■   F R O M TAT E P U B L I S H I N G

S PECIFICATIONS 50 color illustrations


nown for her ephemeral, ethereal works informed by personal or collective memories, Jessica Warboys (b. 1977) works across a wide range of media, including performance, film, sculpture,

120 pages, 10¼ × 8¼"

and painting. Beautifully illustrated, this book investigates the artist’s use of symbolism, her

Paperback with jacket

vocabulary of forms, and her approach to landscape. Warboys often combines her materials with

RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER ART ISBN 978-1-84976-397-4 ISBN 978-1-84976-397-4 US $29.95  CAN $35.95 52995 9 781849 763974

a natural element, such as water or the sun, applying pigment directly onto large-scale canvases before submerging them into the sea and allowing the waves to distribute the color. The action is deliberately related to performance, and the resulting canvases create a physical document of her collaboration with the sea. Published to accompany a touring exhibition, this book brings the work of a rising star to a new audience. Sara Matson and Laura Smith are exhibitions and displays curators and co-curators of the Jessica Warboys exhibition at Tate St Ives.

E XHIB ITION SCHE DULE Tate St Ives, May 21–Oct 2, 2016

“[Warboys’s paintings are] a mark of time and material culture captured as an actual event. They also resonate strongly with the Western tradition of landscape painting, from Turner to Twombly.” —Tate curator Sara Matson

1 2 2  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

Tate Publishing

American Style and Spirit FA S H I O N S A N D L I V E S O F T H E R O D D I S FA M I LY, 1 8 5 0 – 1 9 9 5 ■ ■ BY JA N E B R A D B U RY A N D E D WA R D M A E D E R  ■   F O R E W O R D S BY VA L E R I E S T E E L E A N D J E A N I N E H E A D M I L L E R  ■   V& A P U B L I S H I N G S E LLING POINTS ■■ Published by the Victoria

One Midwestern family’s fantastically preserved collection of clothing and accessories, spanning 150 years

and Albert Museum, London, world-renowned for its fashion collections ■■ Includes forewords by Valerie Steele, director and chief curator of the Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, and Jeanine Head Miller, curator of domestic life at the Henry Ford, Dearborn, MI ■■ A unique collection spanning the years 1850 to 1985 and incorporating major fashion developments from the crinoline and bustle to Christian Dior’s New Look ■■ Complete with thumbnail images of the majority of the collection, this is a unique and invaluable resource for those interested in both fashion and American social


history rought to life for the first time outside the attic in which they were stored for generations, here are

more than 300 garments and accessories, beautifully preserved and complemented by archival objects, family photographs, and letters, as well as evocative descriptions

of whom the garments belonged to, when they were made

S PECIFICATIONS 425 color and black-and-white illustrations 320 pages, 8½ × 11¾" Hardcover

or bought, and even where they were worn—all by mem-


bers of the Roddis family of Marshfield, Wisconsin. Author


Jane Bradbury describes the joy of discovering the clothes when her aunt, Augusta Denton Roddis, showed her the astonishing collection. A remarkable resource, the book

FASHION ISBN 978-1-85177-889-8 ISBN 978-1-85177-889-8 US $45.00  CAN $55.00 54500

presents the garments and their designers in the context of the various eras in which they were created, from the turn

9 781851 778898

of the 20th century through the 1920s and the Depression to the mid-1980s. Beautifully designed, this is a must-have


for every fashion enthusiast.

The Henry Ford, Dearborn, MI Nov 5, 2016–Apr 3, 2017

Jane Bradbury studied at Sotheby’s Works of Art Course in London and has an MA from New York University's Institute of Fine Arts. Edward Maeder has held curatorial positions at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and was founding director of the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto.

V&A Publishing

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 2 3

1 24

V&A Publishing

You Say You Want a Revolution R E C O R D S A N D R E B E L S , 1 9 6 6 – 1 9 70 ■ ■ BY V I C TO R I A B R OAC K E S A N D G E O F F R E Y M A R S H  ■  V& A P U B L I S H I N G S E LLING POINTS ■■ Accompanies a major new exhibition from the curators of

The hopes and dreams of the late 1960s, expressed through music, fashion, film, design, and political activism, and their relevance to today

David Bowie Is, opening at the V&A, London, in September 2016 and on view in Montreal in spring 2017 ■■ Examines the legacy of 1960s hope and idealism, which underpins today’s headline issues of environmentalism, globalization, and inequality ■■ The late 1960s continue to fascinate and this book covers all the icons of the era, from Allen Ginsberg and Ken Kesey to the Beatles, the Stones, Janis Joplin, Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy ■■ Features nine essays from wellknown cultural experts, including Jon Savage, Howard Kramer, and Sean Wilentz, enhanced by 250


stunning illustrations ou Say You Want a Revolution examines the moment when


young people challenged everything. The late 1960s were

250 color illustrations

a time of rapid social and political change. Those few short years

288 pages, 9½ × 12½"

of unbridled optimism and experimentation brought to the fore


issues that continue to dominate the headlines today: inequality, globalization, and environmentalism. Examining music, fashion,


film, design, counterculture, mind-altering experiences, festivals,


and politics, this book, published to accompany a major touring


exhibition, investigates the cultural upheavals of those five


revolutionary years. Punctuated by the music that provided the

ISBN 978-1-85177-893-5 ISBN 978-1-85177-893-5 US $60.00  CAN $73.00 56000

soundtrack to the era, from Sam Cooke’s “A Change Is Gonna Come” to The Who’s “My Generation” to Jimi Hendrix’s “Purple

9 781851 778935

Haze,” and focusing on defining moments and movements such as Woodstock, communes, and the Paris protests of May


1968, this new book looks at how the revolutions of the 1960s

E XHIB ITION SCHE DULE Victoria and Albert Museum,

changed the way we live today—and shaped the way we imagine

London, Sept 10, 2016–Feb 26, 2017

the future.

Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal Spring 2017

Victoria Broackes is a curator and the head of exhibitions for the Department of Theatre and Performance at the V&A. Geoffrey Marsh is the director of the Department of Theatre of Performance at the V&A. They have produced many books and exhibitions, including the immensely popular David Bowie Is.

V&A Publishing

David Bowie Is ISBN 978-1-85177-737-2 ISBN 978-1-85177-737-2 US $55.00  CAN $62.00 55500

Additional venues to be announced

9 781851 777372

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 25

V&A Gallery of Fashion REVISED EDITION

Frank Bowling ■ ■ BY M E L G O O D I N G  ■  A R OYA L AC A D E M Y O F A R T S P U B L I C AT I O N

■ ■ E D I T E D BY C L A I R E W I LC OX A N D J E N N Y L I S T E R  ■  V& A P U B L I S H I N G Now in paperback!


panning four centuries, the V&A’s Fashion Collection is the most comprehensive in the world, housing unrivaled collec-

tions of dress, accessories, shoes and hats from the 17th century to the present day. This revised and redesigned edition perfectly


ow in paperback with superb new reproductions, this is the first comprehensive monograph on the art of Frank Bowling.

Mel Gooding explores Bowling's unique and virtuosic abstract style

and his gorgeous use of color, and establishes him as one of the

encapsulates the collection, from rare 18th-century gowns and

finest artists of his generation in a book that spans Bowling’s entire

exquisite bodices to 1930s evening wear, post-war couture, and

45-year career. Born in Guyana in 1936, Bowling arrived in England

show-stopping ensembles by contemporary designers. Among the

in his late teens, studied at the Royal College of Art alongside David

designers featured are Charles Frederick Worth, Madeleine Vionnet,

Hockney, and by the early 1960s had established himself as an

Coco Chanel, Cristóbal Balenciaga, Christian Dior, Mary Quant,

original force in the vibrant London art scene. A move to New York

Stephen Jones, Vivienne Westwood, and Alexander McQueen.

exposed Bowling to his American contemporaries and his work was

Claire Wilcox is senior curator of the Department of Furniture,

at major galleries and museums worldwide, and his work is in the

shown in the 1971 Whitney Biennial. Today, Bowling shows regularly Textiles, and Fashion at the V&A and a professor in fashion curation

permanent collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The

at the London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London.

Museum of Modern Art in New York, and Tate in London.

Jenny Lister is curator of textiles and fashion at the V&A. She cocurated the V&A exhibitions Swinging Sixties and Grace Kelly Style

Mel Gooding is an English art writer, critic, and curator.

and co-edited the accompanying books.



170 color illustrations

110 full-color illustrations

160 pages, 7⅞ × 10½"

160 pages, 9½ × 11"

impressive painting



that—no mean feat—strikes



a balance between



the African fetish and



ISBN 978-1-85177-891-1 ISBN 978-1-85177-891-1 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 55500 9 781851 778911

1 26 ■

“Bowling’s is a strange,

the dribbled images of

ISBN 978-1-910350-51-5 ISBN 978-1-910350-51-5 US $30.00  CAN $36.00 53000

Jackson Pollock.” —New York Times

9 781910 350515

V&A Publishing

Royal Academy of Arts

Abstract Expressionism ■ ■ E S S AY S BY DAV I D A N FA M , S U S A N DAV I D S O N , J E R E M Y L E W I S O N , A N D C A R T E R R ATC L I F F  ■   A R OYA L AC A D E M Y O F A R T S P U B L I C AT I O N


S E LLING POINTS bstract Expressionism will forever be associated with

■■ Accompanies a major exhibition

the energy and vibrancy of 1950s New York. Artists

of Abstract Expressionism at the

injected a new sense of confidence in painting, experimenting with improvisation, spontaneity, and color. This bold

publication and the major exhibition it accompanies seek to reevaluate the movement, making the case that far from being unified, Abstract Expressionism was in fact complex and ever-changing. This volume includes works by the most celebrated artists associated with the movement—not just Pollock, Rothko, and de Kooning, but also Kline, Newman, Still, Smith, Reinhardt, and Gorky. Sculptors such as David Smith and photographers such as Aaron Siskind are also represented. With texts by well-known experts in the field, this is a landmark publication.

Royal Academy of Arts, London,

The greatest works of Abstract Expressionism, the movement that gave New York City an artistic identity for the first time

David Anfam is author of the now-standard 1990 textbook Abstract Expressionism. Susan Davidson is a senior

in Fall 2016 ■■ Among the most important and influential movements of the 20th century, works of Abstract Expressionist art now dominate the walls of major museums around the world ■■ Major works by Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Mark Rothko, and other enormously wellknown artists associated with the movement are illustrated ■■ An impressive range of authors

curator at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.

throw new light on this most

Jeremy Lewison is former director of collections at Tate.

influential of schools

Carter Ratcliff is an art critic, writer, and poet, and the author of numerous books on art.

S PECIFICATIONS 300 color illustrations 272 pages, 11 × 11¾" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: OCTOBER ART ISBN 978-1-910350-30-0 ISBN 978-1-910350-30-0 US $65.00  CAN $79.00 56500 9 781910 350300

E XHIB ITION SCHE DULE Royal Academy of Arts, London Sept 24–Dec 11, 2016

Royal Academy of Arts

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 2 7

James Ensor T H R O U G H T H E E Y E S O F LU C T U Y M A N S ■ ■ BY LU C T U Y M A N S W I T H H E R W I G TO DT S A N D G E R R I T V E R M E I R E N  ■   A R OYA L AC A D E M Y O F A R T S P U B L I C AT I O N

S E LLING POINTS ■■ One artist curates another: The book and exhibition are curated by Luc Tuymans—one of today's most important contemporary painters ■■ James Ensor is an intriguing figure who was a major influence on Expressionism and Surrealism ■■ Accompanies a major show


ames Ensor (1860–1949) produced some of the most unusual paintings of the late 19th and early

20th centuries. Marked by psychological complexity, contradictions, and sheer eccentricity, his works— featuring such bizarre subject matter as dressed-up skeletons and macabre carnival masks—have continued to baffle and intrigue in equal measure. Ensor was born in Ostend, Belgium, and despite his success barely left his home town during his lifetime; his family’s curio shop, which was filled with exotic

on James Ensor at the Royal

objects including parrots, a monkey, and masks from

Academy of Arts, London

around the world, surely influenced the imagery of

■■ Ensor’s paintings are dramatic

his mature work. In this volume, published to accom-

and flamboyantly colored, and

pany a major exhibition, essays explore Ensor’s life

filled with bizarre imagery that

and legacy, while leading contemporary artist Luc

remains appealing more than a

Tuymans comments on his selection of Ensor’s works,

century after they were made

offering a distinctive view of Ensor, one only another artist can provide.

S PECIFICATIONS 130 color illustrations 176 pages, 9 × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA

Explore the bizarrely brilliant and surreal work of the late 19th- and early 20th-century Belgian painter James Ensor through the eyes of contemporary Belgian artist Luc Tuymans

Luc Tuymans, a Belgian painter, is a leading contemporary artist with works in major museums and collections worldwide. Herwig Todts is Conservator of Modern Art at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp. Gerrit Vermeiren is one of the authors of Luc Tuymans: I Don’t Get It.

PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER ART ISBN 978-1-910350-45-4 ISBN 978-1-910350-45-4 US $55.00  CAN $62.00 55500 9 781910 350454

E XHIB ITION SCHE DULE Royal Academy of Arts, London Oct 29, 2016–Jan 29, 2017

1 28  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

Royal Academy of Arts

Out of Season T H E VA N I S H I N G A R C H I T E C T U R E O F T H E W I L D W O O D S ■ ■ P H OTO G R A P H S BY M A R K H AV E N S  ■  T E X T BY J O S E P H G I OVA N N I N I A N D JA M E R H U N T  ■  A B O OT H - C L I B B O R N E D I T I O N S B O O K

In brilliant photographs, the exuberant midcentury motels of Wildwood, New Jersey, come to life, complete with neon signs and plastic palms

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Celebrates midcentury modern architecture and design, known in Wildwood as Doo Wop, as well as 1950s culture ■■ Capturing a unique era in American history, the book features many motels that have since been demolished ■■ Beautifully lit images reveal the bold architectural forms of the motels, devoid of people and vehicles, underscoring the feeling of isolation ■■ The Wildwood motels were named to The National Trust for Historic Preservation’s list of America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places for 2006

S PECIFICATIONS 112 color illustrations 224 pages, 11¾ × 9¼"


Hardcover ildwood, New Jersey: thanks to a combination of economics, geography, and

chance, this Jersey Shore vacation spot has, for more than four decades, been home to a wealth of immaculately preserved midcentury motels.

These jewels of neon and bright colors remained frozen in time until recently; now, more than half have been demolished and the future of the

RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER ARCHITECTURE • PHOTOGRAPHY ISBN 978-1-86154-378-3 ISBN 978-1-86154-378-3 US $55.00  CAN $66.00 55500 9 781861 543783

rest is uncertain. Determined to preserve them, photographer Mark Havens has captured their unique style over 10 years, sometimes shooting motel facades while workers were demolishing the backs. With essays by Joseph Giovannini and Jamer Hunt and evocative photographs, Out of Season celebrates the architecture of a bygone era of Jersey Shore summers. Mark Havens’s photographs have been published and exhibited internationally. Joseph Giovannini has written on architecture and design for the New York Times and Architectural Record. Jamer Hunt is director of the Transdisciplinary Design Graduate Program at Parsons.

Booth-Clibborn Editions

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 2 9

London Every Day ■ ■ BY A N D R E A H A M I LTO N   ■   I N T R O D U C T I O N BY C H A R LOT T E C OT TO N  ■  A B O OT H - C L I B B O R N E D I T I O N S B O O K S E LLING POINTS ■■ With comments on selected photographs by famous Londoners, including Mayor Boris


he quintessential urban explorer, Andrea Hamilton never leaves home without her

camera. In London Every Day, she documents daily life in the city, the beauty of its architecture,

Johnson, Sir Elton John, artist

fascinating public and private spaces, and the

Anish Kapoor, Harper’s Bazaar

diversity of its inhabitants. Hamilton’s vibrant

UK Editor Justine Picardie,

images and keen eye capture a textured, eclectic

photographer Mary McCartney,

city whose past, present, and future intersect in

and more

exciting—and surprising—ways.

S PECIFICATIONS 185 color photographs 312 pages, 7 × 10¼" Hardcover, exposed binding RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PHOTOGRAPHY ISBN 978-1-86154-379-0 ISBN 978-1-86154-379-0 US $45.00  CAN $55.00 54500

Born in Lima, Peru, Andrea Hamilton is known for her striking images of watery landscapes, particularly the frozen Arctic, and is the winner of prestigious photography awards, including the Julia Margaret Cameron Award and The Center for Fine Art Photography, Colorado, Award. Charlotte Cotton is founding curatorin-residence for the International Center of Photography’s 250 Bowery, New York, location.

9 781861 543790

Portable Studio P E R S O N A L A R C H I V E S O F YO U T H C U LT U R E VO L . 1 /  B I R M I N G H A M , U K ■ ■ BY T R E VO R A P P L E S O N  ■   A B O OT H - C L I B B O R N E D I T I O N S B O O K

S PECIFICATIONS More than 1,000 color and blackand-white illustrations


n 2014, Trevor Appleson took to the streets of Birmingham, England, photographing young

people as they shopped, partied, studied, and

608 pages, 6⅞ × 8⅝"

just hung out. Appleson invited his sitters to not


just pose for their portraits, but also to create


their own archives using what was important


to them. The result is a fascinating mix of the


physical and the digital, from crumpled diaries

ISBN 978-1-86154-380-6

ISBN 978-1-86154-380-6 US $55.00  CAN $66.00

to blog pages, from memory boxes to online search histories. Portable Studio gives unique insight into the lives of its subjects, their culture,

9 781861 543806

self-image, and talismans. Interviews and commentaries from academics and historians contextualize the project and complete these multifaceted representations of identity. Trevor Appleson has photographs in public and private collections. His previous books include Los Loss and Free Ground.

1 3 0  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

Booth-Clibborn Editions

Carlos Luna ■ ■ T E X T S BY D. B A R B A R O M A R T I N E Z- R U I Z , H E N RY D R E WA L , C A R O L DA M I A N , A N D JAC K R A S M U S S E N   ■   5 C O N T I N E N T S E D I T I O N S

The first major monograph on the work of the celebrated contemporary Cuban-American artist S E LLING POINTS ■■ Carlos Luna’s brilliantly colored, accessible work in many media is widely exhibited, in solo and group museum exhibitions in Mexico, Miami, Palm Desert, California, and elsewhere ■■ Luna has a growing reputation in the art world; he has 18,800+ followers on Facebook ■■ Luna’s work is in many major museum collections, including the Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale; New Orleans Museum of Art; El Museo del Barrio, New York; Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach; Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, California; The Palm Springs Art Museum, California; Polk


Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida; uban-born artist Carlos Luna (b. 1969) is one of today’s most exciting contemporary paint-

and the Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, Florida

ers. Thrumming with the spirit of Afro-Cuban tradition, Luna’s works range from jacquard tapestries, works


on metal sheets, and Talavera ceramic plates to

180 color illustrations

mixed media on wood and large-scale oil paintings.

180 pages, 11½ × 11¾"

This exciting new book illustrates Luna’s blend of


influences—he lived in Cuba until 1991, studied and worked in Mexico for 13 years, and has lived in Miami since 2002—in his amazing world of bright colors. Essays discuss his life and work, reproduced in large colorplates as well as close-up details. D. Barbaro Martinez-Ruiz is associate professor and section head at Michaelis School of Fine Art,

RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: FEBRUARY ART ISBN 978-88-7439-742-6 ISBN 978-88-7439-742-6 US $80.00  CAN $118.00 58000 9 788874 397426

Cape Town, and editor of Cuban Studies Magazine. Henry Drewal is the Evjue-Bascom Professor of Art History and Afro-American Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and adjunct curator of African Art at the Chazen Museum of Art, UW-Madison. Carol Damian is professor of art history in the Department of Art and Art History at Florida International University. Jack Rasmussen is the director and curator of the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center.

5 Continents Editions

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 3 1

Non-Objectivity A R T O F T H E R U S S I A N AVA N T- G A R D E ■ ■ BY A N D R É I N A KOV

The Intimate World of Josef Sudek ■ ■ T E X T BY A N N T H O M A S , I A N J E F F R E Y, V L A D I M I R

■  5 C O N T I N E N T S E D I T I O N S

B I R G U S , VOJ T Ĕ C H L A H O DA , JA N M LČ O C H , C H R I S TO P H E V I S C H I   ■  5 C O N T I N E N T S E D I T I O N S


ussian avant-garde art—the exciting art movement that flourished in Russia in the years surrounding the 1917 revolu-

tion—resulted in remarkable works of art, architecture, literature,

film, theater, dance, and graphic design. The first non-figurative


osef Sudek (1896–1976) was a Czech photographer, best known for his photographs of Prague. He was a bookbinder before turning to

photography after losing his right arm in WWI. This book, published to

art movement, it was enormously important in the development

accompany an exhibition, examines how Sudek’s photographs reflect his

of modern art. This lavishly illustrated exhibition catalog looks at

relationship to the world around him, from intimate explorations of cher-

six major works by six renowned Russian artists: Kazimir Malevich,

ished objects and views through his window to his night walks through the

Vladimir Tatlin, Ivan Kliun, Ilja Chashnik, El Lissitzky, and Lyubov

streets of Prague and its periphery, as well as excursions into the surround-

Popova. Stunning reproductions are accompanied by original docu-

ing countryside. With essays, reminiscences by two former assistants, and

ments, objects, manuscripts, and photographs from the collection

stunning illustrations, here is a compelling view of Sudek’s photographs,

of art historian Andréi Nakov. Nakov also writes on how, in the late

and the art of his friends and fellow artists. Sudek’s legacy includes some

1950s, Canadian diplomats posted to Moscow were instrumental in

of the 20th century’s most haunting images of nature, monuments, city

helping form the collection of George Costakis, who worked at the

streets, and objects—all transformed by his sensitivity to the power of light

Canadian Embassy and whose collection of Constructivist and other

to reveal and the power of darkness to render all impenetrable.

Russian avant-garde works grew to become the largest and most representative collection anywhere.

Ann Thomas is curator, photography collection, National Gallery of Canada.

Andréi Nakov is a French-Bulgarian art historian and the author

of Creative Photography. Silesian University, Opava. Vojtĕch Lahoda is

of numerous books and exhibition catalogues on the Russian

director, Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,

Ian Jeffrey is an English art historian. Vladimir Birgus is head of the Institute

avant-garde, Futurism, Dada, Constructivism, contemporary art and

Prague. Jan Mlčoch is curator, photography, at the Museum of Decorative

European abstract art.

Arts, Prague. Christophe Vischi is a photography conservator.





60 color illustrations

National Gallery of

230 color illustrations

Jeu de Paume, Paris

160 pages, 8¼ × 11"

Canada, Ottawa

288 pages, 9½ × 11¾"

Jun 7–Sept 25, 2016


Oct 20, 2016–Mar 26, 2017


National Gallery of Canada,



Ottawa, Oct 28, 2016–Mar 19, 2017





ISBN 978-88-7439-747-1 ISBN 978-88-7439-747-1 US $49.00  CAN $68.00 54900 9 788874 397471

1 3 2 ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

ISBN 978-88-7439-735-8 ISBN 978-88-7439-735-8 US $45.00  CAN $45.00 54500 9 788874 397358

5 Continents Editions



ALSO AVAIL AB LE IN THE VIS IONS OF AFRICA S E RIE S Bamana ISBN 978-88-7439-348-0 ISBN 978-88-7439-348-0 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53995

■ ■ T E X T BY A N N E - M A R I E B O U T T I AU X  9 788874 393480

■  5 C O N T I N E N T S E D I T I O N S

S E LLING POINTS ■■ The Visions of Africa series is the only series to examine African art systematically, tribe by tribe,

Bamum ISBN 978-88-7439-573-6 ISBN 978-88-7439-573-6 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53995

9 788874 395736

Baule ISBN 978-88-7439-386-2 ISBN 978-88-7439-386-2 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53995

in an affordable and accessible format ■■ Each title features many unpublished or little-known

9 788874 393862

Chokwe ISBN 978-88-7439-293-3 ISBN 978-88-7439-293-3 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53995

figurative statuettes, masks, and other objects, placing them in their context of ceremony and curative rituals

9 788874 392933

Igbo ISBN 978-88-7439-632-0 ISBN 978-88-7439-632-0 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53495

■■ African art and artifacts are growing in popularity among collectors ■■ There is no other book on the Guro tribal group alone ■■ African art and artifacts are popular; more and more exhibitions and sales are taking place


9 788874 396320

Kota ISBN 978-88-7439-607-8 ISBN 978-88-7439-607-8 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53995

9 788874 396078

Kuba ISBN 978-88-7439-404-3 ISBN 978-88-7439-404-3 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53995

9 788874 394043

Luba ISBN 978-88-7439-297-1 ISBN 978-88-7439-297-1 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53995

his is the first book on the Guro, who live in the Ivory

Coast in close contact with the neighboring Wan,

Baule, Yaure, and Bete. For the Guro, the importance

of masks goes well beyond aesthetics; they can be considered emblematic, allowing those who wear them to lay claim to their identity as Guro. Despite the effects of French colonization on the Ivory Coast, weakening the prestige of men whose power once resulted from hunting and war activities, the continuation of complex rituals utilizing masks allows these same men to preserve a form of political and religious control. By separating the categories of masks between those created for blood

S PECIFICATIONS 80 color illustrations 160 pages, 9½ × 6½" Paperback RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER ART ISBN 978-88-7439-732-7 ISBN 978-88-7439-732-7 US $39.95  CAN $47.95 53995 9 788874 397327

sacrifices to honor spiritual entities and those made for performances at funerals, political demonstrations, and even tourist events, the Guro have reinvented, galvanized, and readapted perfectly integrated rituals to a contemporary society in constant change.

9 788874 392971

Mossi ISBN 978-88-7439-700-6 ISBN 978-8-8743-9700-6 US $39.95  CAN $47.95 53995

9 788874 397006

Pende ISBN 978-88-7439-384-8 ISBN 978-88-7439-384-8 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53995

9 788874 393848

Punu ISBN 978-88-7439-401-2 ISBN 978-88-7439-401-2 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53995

9 788874 394012

Yaka ISBN 978-88-7439-515-6 ISBN 978-88-7439-515-6 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53995

9 788874 395156

Anne-Marie Bouttiaux is an anthropologist and art historian who works at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and at the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris.

5 Continents Editions

Yoruba ISBN 978-88-7439-587-3 ISBN 978-88-7439-587-3 US $39.95  CAN $44.95 53995

9 788874 395873

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 3 3

Re-envisioning Japan

Portraits of a Collection


■ ■ E D I T E D BY PAT R I C K C A P U T  ■  T E X T S BY

■ ■ BY J O H N E . VO L L M E R



■  5 C O N T I N E N T S E D I T I O N S

The first book dedicated to Japanese art textiles of the Meiji period


e-envisioning Japan is the first truly comprehensive book on Japanese export textiles of the Meiji period (1868–1912),

featuring stunning examples from all over the country. Lavishly


ffering a fascinating multi-disciplinary approach to African art, this stunning volume presents 65 works from West and

Central Africa, South Africa, and Madagascar, all from one private

illustrated, the book features fabrics that explore the craftsmanship

collection. Organized around four main themes—governance and

and remarkable talent of Meiji artists and artisans who produced

communication, protection and caring, coming together (celebrating,

goods for export markets. The makers of Meiji textiles sought to

judging, and awarding prizes) and serving and beautifying—this

modernize traditional modes of visual representation, aspiring to

book offers a general introduction to African art as well as a deeper

create “paintings in silk thread,” at times even replicating specific

understanding of the artworks’ source cultures. New photographs of

Western paintings. More often, they collaborated with contemporary

the 65 works are followed by a selection of early 20th-century avant-

Japanese painters to create dazzling new images that more than ever

garde photographs and contemporary works—by Alfred Stieglitz,

before realized the aesthetic potential of silk thread as an artistic

Man Ray, Erwin Blumenfeld, Robert Doisneau, Karl Blossfeldt, as

medium. This book showcases these spectacular ornamental textiles

well as Nicolas Bruant, Frédéric Vidal, and Louis Tirilly—showing the

in dazzling color reproductions and many close-up details.

close relationship between modern and contemporary Western art and six fascinating African pieces from the collection.

John E. Vollmer is an internationally renowned curator and scholar in the fields of Asian art, textiles and costumes, decorative arts,

Patrick Caput is senior international consultant, African and Oceanic

and design.

art, at Sotheby’s Paris. Valentine Plisnier is a researcher in art history and the author of several books.



287 color illustrations

225 color illustrations

256 pages, 9⅝ × 12⅞"

316 pages, 11 × 11"









ISBN 978-88-7439-739-6 ISBN 978-88-7439-739-6 US $80.00  CAN $97.00 58000 9 788874 397396

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ISBN 978-88-7439-744-0 ISBN 978-88-7439-744-0 US $100.00  CAN $132.00 11000 9 788874 397440

5 Continents Editions


Dalí ■ ■ BY E D M O N D B AU D O I N   ■  A S E L F M A D E H E R O B O O K

A graphic biography of the enigmatic painter and surrealist Salvador Dalí S E LLING POINTS ■■ The life of an icon: An entertaining and authoritative biography of one of the 20th century’s most mysterious,


charismatic, and talented artists ■■ New title in SelfMadeHero’s acclaimed Art Masters series and authorized by the Dalí estate ■■ Dalí was commissioned by the Pompidou Centre, the largest museum of modern art in Europe ■■ Thoroughly researched, Dalí contains a detailed chronology and bibliography

Munch ISBN 978-1-910593-12-7 ISBN 978-1-910593-12-7 US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495 9 781910 593127

S PECIFICATIONS Color and black-and-white illustrations throughout


160 pages, 6½ × 9½" enius, eccentric, exhibitionist: There is no


shortage of adjectives to describe the great


surrealist painter Salvador Dalí (1904–1989). Yet


this iconic artist and controversial thinker remains a


figure shrouded in mystery. Plunging into the Spanish


painter’s unbridled, fantastical universe, graphic novelist Edmond Baudoin takes us on the trail of a man known as much for his talent for self-promotion as for his bold and extraordinary work. He emerges

ISBN 978-1-910593-15-8 ISBN 978-1-910593-15-8 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995

Pablo ISBN 978-1-906838-94-2 ISBN 978-1-906838-94-2 US $27.50  CAN $33.50 52750 9 781906 838942

9 781910 593158

with a convincing personal vision of the man behind the artist. Commissioned by the Pompidou Centre, Paris, Dalí is a graphic novel of rare brilliance, which captures in beautifully expressive detail the life of one of the world’s most instantly recognizable painters. Edmond Baudoin is an award-winning graphic novelist. In a career spanning 40 years, he has published numerous graphic novels to broad acclaim. Baudoin abandoned a career as an accountant to become one of France’s foremost comics artists. He lives in France.

Vincent ISBN 978-1-906838-79-9 ISBN 978-1-906838-79-9 US $19.95  CAN $21.95 51995 9 781906 838799

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 3 5

Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, Vol. 1 ■ ■ BY M . R . JA M E S   ■  A DA P T E D BY L E A H M O O R E A N D J O H N R E P P I O N  ■   E D I T E D BY DA N LO C K W O O D  ■   A S E L F M A D E H E R O B O O K S E LLING POINTS ■■ In the golden age of the Victorian ghost story, M. R. James was the

M. R. James’s terrifying, atmospheric ghost stories—in graphic novel form

best storyteller of all ■■ M. R. James is enduringly popular, and has influenced writers from Ruth Rendell to Neil Gaiman ■■ These eerie and inventive supernatural tales will appeal to anyone with a love of horror and supernatural fiction, including


H. P. Lovecraft

“A literary weird fictionist of the

■■ Ghost Stories of an Antiquary,

very first rank.”

Vol. 1 is published to coincide

—H. P. Lovecraft

with the 80th anniversary of M. R. James’s death

S PECIFICATIONS Color illustrations throughout 64 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: OCTOBER GRAPHIC NOVEL • HORROR ISBN 978-1-910593-18-9 ISBN 978-1-910593-18-9 US $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495 9 781910 593189


url up by the fire and enter the sinister, supernatural world of Montague Rhodes James (1862–1936), the master of

the English ghost story. Chillingly atmospheric, quietly terrifying,

M. R. James’s stories explore the darkness just beyond the flicker of the candle, behind the creaking door. Ghost Stories of an


Antiquary, Vol. 1 comprises graphic adaptations of four of James’s most compelling and unsettling stories, plunging readers into a world of pervasive, creeping disquiet—a world populated by vengeful phantoms, disturbing visions, and spectral works of art. Published on the 80th anniversary of James’s death, this is a graphic novel to be read on a winter’s night, a book to curl up

The Lovecraft Anthology, Vol. 1 ISBN 978-1-906838-53-9 ISBN 978-1-906838-53-9 US $19.95  CAN $21.95 51995 9 781906 838539

The Lovecraft Anthology, Vol. 2 ISBN 978-1-906838-43-0 ISBN 978-1-906838-43-0 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995

9 781906 838430

1 3 6  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

with—but not a book for the fainthearted. Leah Moore and John Reppion have collaborated on Doctor Who: The Whispering Gallery, The Trial of Sherlock Holmes, and an adaptation of H. P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth for The Lovecraft Anthology, Vol. 1, among other projects. They live in Liverpool. Dan Lockwood is the editor of The Lovecraft Anthology, Vols. 1 & 2. He lives in Wiltshire, England.

One Year Wiser: A Gratitude Journal ■ ■ BY M I K E M E DAG L I A  ■  A S E L F M A D E H E R O B O O K

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Follows on the success of bestsellers One Year Wiser and One Year Wiser:

A beautiful new gratitude journal from the creator of One Year Wiser

The Coloring Book ■■ Includes wise words throughout: smart sayings from Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Maya Angelou, and many more ■■ Offers ideas for how to be grateful

PRAISE FOR ONE YEAR WISER “An inspired, gorgeous book of writings from thinkers as diverse

S PECIFICATIONS Black-and-white illustrations

as Abraham Lincoln and the

240 pages, 5½ × 7½"

Dalai Lama.” —Real Simple


In infinite gratitude, infinite hope!


ne Year Wiser and One Year Wiser: The Coloring

ISBN 978-1-910593-21-9 ISBN 978-1-910593-21-9 US $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495 9 781910 593219

Book have been widely acclaimed. Now, Mike

Medaglia brings you One Year Wiser: A Gratitude

Journal to help you record what you’re grateful for every day of the year. To get started, turn to page one, enter


today’s and tomorrow’s dates on the page’s top and bottom entries, and start being thankful for all the good in your life. Each beautifully illustrated page has a space for two days, and there are prompts to guide you through ways to feel gratitude throughout the year. At the end of every month, you can color in a beautiful drawing by Medaglia—complete with an inspirational quote—to help

One Year Wiser: 365 Illustrated Meditations ISBN 978-1-910593-01-1 ISBN 978-1-9105-9301-1 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995

you to meditate on the month gone by. 9 781910 593011

Mike Medaglia is the author of the acclaimed One Year Wiser and One Year Wiser: The Coloring Book. He blogs for The Huffington Post, The Elephant Journal, and at oneyearwiser.com. He lives in London.

One Year Wiser: The Coloring Book ISBN 978-1-910593-14-1 ISBN 978-1-910593-14-1 US $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495

9 781910 593141

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 3 7

The Can Opener’s Daughter ■ ■ BY R O B DAV I S   ■  A S E L F M A D E H E R O B O O K

Vera Pike: free thinker, troublemaker, rebel S E LLING POINTS ■■ Both a sequel to Rob Davis’s Eisner-nominated The Motherless Oven and a standalone tale


that can be enjoyed by those


unfamiliar with the original

★ “A graphic novel of incredible

■■ Brilliantly inventive and

resonance and absolute,

imaginative, this is a dark and

inscrutable beauty, at once a

compelling story of a rebellious

coming-of-age and coming-to-

schoolgirl and her teenage

terms tale.” —Library Journal


“Picking up the mantle of the

■■ Rob Davis won the British Comic Award and an Eisner nomination

defiant weirdness of underground

for The Motherless Oven

comix.” —Village Voice

S PECIFICATIONS Black-and-white illustrations throughout 136 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER GRAPHIC NOVEL ISBN 978-1-910593-17-2 ISBN 978-1-910593-17-2 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995


era’s mother is the Weather Clock; she presides over the satellite town of Head Acre, which hovers

a few hundred feet above Bear Park. Her father is a can

9 781910 593172

opener; he spends most of his time in Vera’s pocket. The Acre is a cruel and oppressive place, shaped by the dictatorship of Vera’s omnipotent, megalomaniac mother: the Prime Minister of Weather and Chance. No wonder Vera fled.


Stranded in the dark wood beyond Bear Park’s boundary fence, the teenage Vera Pike again finds herself looking for an escape route. At the police station, her friend Scarper Lee is in a pickle jar, alive for now, but only until tomorrow: his deathday. Vera hatches a plan. But with the help of Castro Smith, can she save Scarper

The Motherless Oven ISBN 978-1-906838-81-2 ISBN 978-1-906838-81-2 US $19.95  CAN $21.95 51995 9 781906 838812

The Complete Don Quixote ISBN 978-1-906838-65-2 ISBN 978-1-906838-65-2 US $27.50  CAN $33.50 52750

9 781906 838652

1 3 8  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

from his certain fate? The Can Opener’s Daughter is a dark and inventive coming-of-age tale, both a companion piece to Davis’s Eisner-nominated The Motherless Oven and an impressive standalone graphic novel. Rob Davis is an award-winning comics artist best known for his Eisner-nominated graphic novels The Complete Don Quixote and The Motherless Oven.

The Trial of Roger Casement ■ ■ BY F I O N N UA L A D O R A N   ■  A S E L F M A D E H E R O B O O K

S E LLING POINTS ■■ Brings to light the story of a remarkable man: Roger

The extraordinary life of Roger Casement: celebrated humanitarian and condemned Irish revolutionary

Casement was knighted for his humanitarian work, condemned for his commitment to an independent Ireland, and “exposed” as a homosexual ■■ Published to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Casement’s death in 1916, in the same year as the centenary of the Easter Rising ■■ Raises questions of great relevance today, including discrimination, nationalism, and an imperialist West

S PECIFICATIONS Color illustrations throughout 120 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback with flaps


RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER n 1911, Roger Casement was knighted by King George V for his humanitarian work. Five years later, he was

hanged for treason. The Trial of Roger Casement traces the astonishing downfall of an Irishman once feted for his humanitarianism but later condemned both as a revolutionary and as a homosexual. Fionnuala Doran

GRAPHIC NOVEL • BIOGRAPHY ISBN 978-1-910593-20-2 ISBN 978-1-910593-20-2 US $19.95  CAN $23.95 51995 9 781910 593202

follows Casement’s efforts to gain German support for an independent Ireland, his drive to recruit volunteers, and his subsequent arrest in County Kerry. This politically charged and enlightening graphic novel pictures Casement’s three-day interrogation at Scotland Yard, his incarceration at the Tower of London, and his time in the dock at the Old Bailey. Hopes of a reprieve begin to vanish when his private diaries are seized and circulated by police, but Casement’s defiance never wavers: there, in the courtroom, he delivers one of the greatest speeches of all time. Fionnuala Doran is a comics artist and illustrator. A graduate of the Royal College of Art, she won the British Library’s Comics Unmasked competition in 2014. She lives in Edinburgh.

FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 3 9

The Return of the Honey Buzzard ■ ■ BY A I M É E D E J O N G H  ■  A S E L F M A D E H E R O B O O K

A compelling, beautifully drawn graphic novel about overcoming trauma and starting again S E LLING POINTS ■■ A gripping, cinematic story that weaves magical realism into an emotive story of modern life ■■ New talent: De Jongh is one of today’s most talented young comics artists, and her work has been exhibited around the globe, including in New York and Los Angeles ■■ Perfect for fans of literary graphic novels, this debut sits neatly within the tradition of bestsellers such as Blankets and This One Summer ■■ Highly topical, the book tackles difficult subjects with sensitivity— including financial difficulties, bullying, and depression

S PECIFICATIONS Black-and-white illustrations throughout 160 pages, 6½ × 9½" Hardcover RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: OCTOBER GRAPHIC NOVEL ISBN 978-1-910593-16-5 ISBN 978-1-910593-16-5 US $22.95  CAN $27.95 52295


imon, a bookseller, has hit hard times. The financial crisis has struck and sales have slumped; his store

looks set to close, and he has become increasingly with-

drawn. Returning from his storage facility in the woods, he stops at an isolated railroad crossing. There, he witnesses a suicide. The moment hits him like a bomb. Withdrawing deeper into himself, Simon is haunted by memories from

9 781910 593165

his past—memories repressed, from a time he’d prefer to forget. It is only by chance that he meets Regina, a young girl who begins to provide the comfort and support he needs. But who is Regina, and can she help him come to terms with the loss of a childhood friend? A beautifully drawn and impressively crafted debut from Aimée de Jongh, The Return of the Honey Buzzard is a compelling, cinematic, and emotionally perceptive graphic novel about confronting the past and starting again. Aimée de Jongh is an award-winning animator, illustrator, and comics artist. She draws a daily strip for the Dutch newspaper Metro Holland. She lives in Rotterdam.

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Photography and Art Credits

PAGE 3 / ART & PHOTOGRAPHY OPENER From Sunday Sketching by Christoph Niemann PAGE 4 Top row, left to right: Diego Velázquez, Las Meninas, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid; Paul Gauguin, Vision of the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel), National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh. Middle row, left to right: Giuglio Parigi, Drawing of a camera obscura; Julia Margaret Cameron, Sir John Herschel, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (The Rubel Collection). Bottom row, left to right: Muqi, Six Persimmons, Daitoku-ji temple, Kyoto, Japan; J.M.W.Turner, The Blue Rigi, Sunrise, Private collection PAGE 5 David Hockney and Martin Gayford photo by Jean-Pierre Gonçalves de Lima PAGE 6 Georgia O’Keeffe Abstraction White Rose 1927, Georgia O’Keeffe Museum © 2016 Georgia O’Keeffe Museum/ DACS, London; Georgia O’Keeffe Cow’s Skull, Red, White and Blue 1931, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York © 2016 Georgia O›Keeffe Museum/ DACS, London; Georgia O’Keeffe Black Mesa Landscape, New Mexico / Out Back of Marie’s II 1930 Georgia O’Keeffe Museum © 2016 Georgia O›Keeffe Museum/ DACS, London PAGE 9 © Cajal Legacy, Instituto Cajal, Madrid PAGE 10 Aphrodite of Melos, photograph from the Louvre Museum, Paris (cover); Front Part of a Horse, photograph by Sokratis Mavrommati (top); Artemis Elaphebolos, photograph by Ellas Elladis (middle); Kore, photograph by Sokratis Mavrommatis (bottom) PAGES 12–13 Photographs © Getty Images PAGE 14 Inge Morath photographs © Rebecca Miller PAGE 15 Stephen Shames photographs © Stephen Shames PAGE 19 Top to bottom: Photograph © Larry Lambrecht; photograph © Kevin Murray; photograph © Joann Dost PAGE 21 / FASHION & STYLE OPENER From The Coveteur by Stephanie Mark and Jake Rosenberg PAGE 24 © agnès b. PAGE 26 © Pierre Even for Chanel PAGE 27 Irving Penn “Chanel Feather Headdress,” New York 1994 © Conde Nast (cover); Irving Penn “Yves Saint Laurent Blouse,” New York, 2005 © Conde Nast (top); Tim Walker “Comme des Carcons” #2, 2015 © Conde Nast (middle); Steven Kelin “Bugs,” 2013 © Conde Nast (bottom) PAGE 29 / PERFORMING ARTS & POP CULTURE OPENER From The Wes Anderson Collection: Bad Dads by Spoke Art Gallery PAGE 30 © & TM 2016 LUCASFILM LTD. PAGE 32 © & TM 2016 LUCASFILM LTD. PAGE 35 Cover illustration by Max Dalton; cover design by Martin Venezky’s Appetite Engineers PAGE 36 © Brian Froud PAGE 37 © Christopher Wormell PAGE 39 / FOOD & DRINK OPENER From The Short Stack Cookbook by Nick Fauchald, Kaitlyn Goalen, and the Contributors of Short Stack Editions PAGE 42 © Erin Gleeson PAGE 46 © 2016 Molly Landreth PAGE 47 © 2016 Tina Rupp (top and middle); Lithograph by Napoleon Sarony, based on the cartoon by Andrew Morris. © Eon Images (bottom) PAGE 51 / INTERIOR DESIGN OPENER From Mr. Ken Fulk’s Magical World by Ken Fulk PAGE 57 / CRAFT OPENER From You Can Knit That by Amy Herzog. Photograph © Karen Pearson PAGES 58–59 Photographs © Debbie Patterson PAGE 60 Photographs © Karen Pearson PAGE 61 Photographs © Jared Flood PAGE 62 Photographs © Alexandra Grablewski PAGE 63 Photographs by Simon Pask PAGE 64 Photographs © Maria Alexandra Vettese and Stephanie Congdon Barnes PAGE 65 / ABRAMS IMAGE OPENER From Capture Your Style by Aimee Song PAGE 68 Illustrations by Jason O’Malley PAGE 70 © Inter IKEA Systems B.V. PAGE 72 © Francis Amiand PAGE 74 Cover © Barry Brechesisen; McGillan’s Pub Photo by Thomas Robert Clarke (top); Munich photo courtesy of Staatliches Hofbräuhaus on München (bottom) PAGE 80 / ABRAMS COMICARTS OPENER From Si Lewen’s Parade by Si Lewen PAGES 82–83 © & TM 2016 LUCASFILM LTD. PAGE 88 / ABRAMS NOTERIE OPENER From Classic Coloring: Jane Austen by Abrams Noterie PAGE 104 / DISTRIBUTIONS OPENER From Out of Season, photograph © Mark Havens PAGE 105 Photographs © Simon Upton/ Interior Archive PAGES 106–107 Photographs © Eric Piasecki PAGE 108 All paintings © A. E. Backus Gallery & Museum, Inc. PAGE 109 Photograph © Eric Laignel (top); photographs © Michel Arnaud (middle and bottom) PAGE 110 Clockwise from top left: photograph provided by the Sunnylands Collection; official White House photo; photograph © Graydon Wood; photograph © Mark Davidson PAGE 112 Top to bottom: photograph © Archives Artifort; photograph © Benjamin Chelly; photograph © Conseil économique et social, Palais d’léna / Photo Vincent Flouret PAGE 114 Top to bottom: photograph © Danielle Alessano; photograph © Brian Dorsey; photograph © Keith King PAGE 115 Top left: Gaspard-Félix Tournachon (Nadar) & Adrien Tournachon. Pierrot Surprised (mime Charles Deburau), 1854. Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (musée d’Orsay)/Patrice Schmidt. Top right: Gaspard-Félix Tournachon (Nadar) & Adrien Tournachon. Pierrot Laughing (mime Charles Deburau), 1854. Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (musée d’Orsay)/Herve Lewandowski. Middle and bottom: Masahisa Fukase. From Window, 1974. © Masahisa Fukase Archives PAGE 117 Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Proserpine, 1874. Oil paint on canvas. Tate. PAGE 118 Tate Modern: Building a Museum © Hayes Davidson and Herzog & de Meuron 2015 PAGE 121 Top: Wifredo Lam. Self-portrait, II, 1938. The Rudman Trust. Bottom: Wifredo Lam, The Jungle. 1943. Gouache on papermounted on canvas. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Inter-American Fund, acc. n. 140.1945. © 2016 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris PAGE 122 That Continuous Thing: Peter Voulkos in Glendale Boulevard Studio, Los Angeles, c. 1959–60. Photo: Henry T. Takemoto PAGE 122 Jessica Warboys: Jessica Warboys. Sea Painting, Dunwich, 2014. Courtesy the artist and Gaudel de Stampa, Paris PAGE 123 Top to bottom: Pair of black silk shoes with elaborately tooled leather soles, c. 1830. Blue silk gauze evening dress with a chiné floral, silk taffeta under-dress, c. 1908. Collection of Sara Witter Connor. Printed chiffon evening dress worn by Catherine Roddis, c. 1929. All Courtesy of Jane Bradbury, Roddis Family Dress Collection PAGE 124 Top left: Still from Blow-Up. © MGM / The Kobal Collection. Bottom right: © Ronald Traeger. All other images © Victoria and Albert Museum, London PAGE 127 Left: Willem de Kooning. Woman as Landscape, 1955. Oil on charcoal and linen, 166.37 x 125.73 cm. Collection of Barney A. Ebsworth. Photo Collection of Barney A. Ebsworth. © 2015 The Willem de Kooning Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York and DACS, London. Right: Franz Kline, Vawdavitch, 1955. Oil on canvas, 158.1 x 204.9 cm. Collection Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. Gift of Claire B. Zeisler 1976.39. Photo Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. Photography: Joe Ziolkowski. © ARS, NY and DACS, London 2015 PAGE 128 James Ensor, The Intrigue, 1890. Oil on canvas, 90 x 150 cm. Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp. Photo © Royal Museum for Fine Arts Antwerp / www.lukasweb.be - Art in Flanders vzw. Photography: Hugo Maertens / © DACS 2016 PAGE 129 Photographs © Mark Havens PAGE 131 Top: Carlos Luna. Danzon, 2015. Middle: Carlos Luna. Heartbreaker/ Rompe Corazon, 2012. Bottom: El Gran Mambo / The Great Mambo, 2006. For all works, all rights reserved: Carlos Luna.

ComicArts is a registered trademark of Harry N. Abrams, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 41

activity book Africa: Coloring Book  90

Non-Objectivity: Art of the Russian Avant-Garde  132

Arabia: Coloring Book  90

O’Keefe: Tate Introductions  119

Botanica: 60 Birds, Bugs, and Flowers to

Painting with Light: Art and Photography

Color and Fold  93 Classic Coloring: Jane Austen Coloring Book  89

Brian and Wendy Froud’s: The Pressed Fairy Journal of Madeline Cottington  36

for the Pre-Raphaelites to the Modern


Age  117

American Style and Spirit: Fashions

Peace: Coloring Book and Pencils  91

and Lives of the Roddis Family,

Color Origami: Origami Coloring Book  93

Portraits of a Collection  134

1850–1995  123

Draw Every Day, Draw Every Way: Guided

The Private Life of Napoléon: The Bruno

Sketchbook  99 Fauna: 60 Animals and Birds to Color and Fold  93 Flowers: Coloring Book  90 The Liberty Coloring Book  95

Category Index

Mandala: Coloring Book  90 Meditation: Coloring Book and Pencils  91

Ledoux Collection  17 Red Star Over Russia: A Visual History of the Soviet Union  120 Re-envisioning Japan: Meiji Fine Art Textiles  134 Remembered Light: Cy Twombly in Lexington  7

agnès b.: L’Histoire  24 Around that Time: Horst at Home in Vogue  52 Capture Your Style: How to Transform Your Instagram Images and Build the Ultimate Platform  69 Chanel: The Art of Creating Fragrance  26 The Coveteur: Closets+Life+Style  23

Peace: Coloring Book and Pencils  91

Si Lewen’s Parade: An Artist’s Odyssey  81

Drybar: A Guide to Good Hair for All  67

Vertical Worlds: Coloring Book  94

Sketch Your Style: A Guided Sketchbook for

Inge Morath: On Style  14


Slim Aarons: Great Escapes Hardcover

Drawing Your Dream Wardrobe  100 A House in the Country  107 Made to Measure: Meyer Davis Studio, Architecture and Interiors  109 Out of Season: The Vanishing Architecture of the Wildwoods  129 Signature Spaces: Well-Traveled Interiors by Paolo Moschino & Philip Vergeylen  105 Sunnylands: America’s Midcentury Masterpieces  111 Tate Modern: Building a Museum for the 21st Century  118

Journals  103 Sunday Sketching  8 Tate Modern: Building a Museum for the 21st Century  118 Tate Modern: The Handbook  118 That Continuous Thing: Artists and the Ceramics Studio  1920–Today  122 Tropical Light: The Art of A. E. Backus  108 Tula Telfair: Invented Landscapes  11

Men & Style: Essays, Interviews, and Considerations  25 Mr. Ken Fulk’s Magical World  53 Sketch Your Style: A Guided Sketchbook for Drawing Your Dream Wardrobe  100 Stoppers: Photographs From My Life at Vogue  27 V&A Gallery of Fashion, Revised Edition  126 You Say You Want a Revolution: Records and Rebels 1966–1970  125

Visions of Africa Series  133 Wifredo Lam: The EY Exhibition  121

film The Making of Star Wars: The Force


art history

Abraham Cruzvillegas: The Hyundai

Classic Greek Masterpieces of Sculpture  10

The Oliver Stone Experience  33

The Private Life of Napoléon: The Bruno

Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie  32

Commission  120 Abstract Expressionism  127

Ledoux Collection  17

Africa: Coloring Book  90


Art Masters Series  135

Botanica: 60 Birds, Bugs, and Flowers to

Santiago Ramón y Cajal  9 Bosch in Detail  16 Caravaggio in Detail  16 Carlos Luna  131 Classic Coloring: Jane Austen Coloring Book  89 Classic Greek Masterpieces of Sculpture  10 Conceptual Art in Britain  1964-1979  116

Color and Fold  93 Color Origami: Origami Coloring Book  93 Crochet Therapy: The Soothing Art of Savoring Each Stitch  63 Fauna: 60 Animals and Birds to Color and Fold  93 Kaffe Fassett’s Bold Blooms: Quilts and Other Works Celebrating Flowers  59 Norah Gaughan’s Knitted Cable Sourcebook: A breakthrough Guide to

Draw Every Day, Draw Every Way: Guided

Knitting with Cables and Designing Your Own  61

Flowers: Coloring Book  90

On the Loom: A Modern Weaver’s Guide  62

Frank Bowling  126

Reinventing Ikea: 70 DIY Projects to

Georgia O’Keefe  6 Gitana: One Hundred and Forty Years of Rothschild High-Performance Yachting  18 Guro: Visions of Africa Series  133 A History of Pictures: From the Cave to the

Transform Ikea Essentials  70 Vertical Worlds: Coloring Book  94 A Year Between Friends: Sharing Crafts, Recipes, Letters, and Stories  64 You Can Knit That: Foolproof Instructions for Fabulous Sweaters  60

Computer Screen  5 James Ensor: Through the Eyes of Luc Tuymans  128 Jessica Warboys  122

food & drink The British Table: A New Look at the Traditional Cooking of England, Scotland, and Wales  48 Butter & Scotch: Recipes from Brooklyn’s Favorite Bar and Bakery  46 The Chef’s Library: Favorite Cookbooks from the World’s Greatest Kitchens  49 Colonial Spirits: A Toast to Our Drunken History  75 The Crown Maple Guide to Maple Syrup: How to Tap and Cook with Nature’s Original Sweetener  47 Everything I want to Eat: Sqirl and the New California Cooking  41 Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die: Beer Experts Share the World’s Greatest Destinations  74 The Forest Feast Gatherings: Simple Vegetarian Menus from My Cabin in the Woods  42

decorative arts

Forest Feast Notes  102

The Private Life of Napoléon: The Bruno

The Good Fork Cookbook  45

Ledoux Collection  17

Mandala: Coloring Book  90

Ritz Escoffier, Paris: 100 Step-by-Step Recipes from the Ritz Paris Culinary

Maria Lassnig  116


Meditation: Coloring Book and Pencils  91

Re-envisioning Japan: Meiji Fine Art

Mr. Ken Fulk’s Magical World  53

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: The Original The Wes Anderson Collection: Bad Dads  35

Dalí: Art Master Series  135 Sketchbook  99

Awakens  31

Trading Card Series, Volume Three  83

Arabia: Coloring Book  90 The Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of

School  44

Textiles  134 Sunday Sketching  8

1 42  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6



The Short Stack Cookbook: Ingredients that Speak Volumes  43 The 24-Hour Wine Expert  73

gardens Chanel: The Art of Creating Fragrance  26

The Dassault Adventure: A First Century of Aviation  18 Power to the People: The World of the

gifts Africa: Coloring Book  90 Arabia: Coloring Book  90

Black Panthers  15

Classic Coloring: Jane Austen Coloring Book  89

Red Star Over Russia: A Visual History of the Soviet Union  120

Sketchbook  99 Fauna: 60 Animals and Birds to Color and Fold  93 Flowers: Coloring Book  90 Forest Feast Notes  102 Good Things Are Happening: A Journal for Tiny Moments of Joy  101 Holy Cow, I Sure Do Love You: A Little Book That’s Oddly Moo-ving  78 Holy Cow: Memo Books  96 Holy Cow: Thank You So Much!  96

Awakens  31 Performing for the Camera  115

How to Tap and Cook with Nature’s

Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie  32

Original Sweetener  47

Dads  35

Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, Vol. 1  136 Around that Time: Horst at Home in


Vogue  52

Capture Your Style: How to Transform Your

Capture Your Style: How to Transform Your

Instagram Images and Build the Ultimate

Instagram Images and Build the Ultimate

Platform  69

Platform  69

Colonial Spirits: A Toast to Our Drunken History  75 The Crown Maple Guide to Maple Syrup: How to Tap and Cook with Nature’s Original Sweetener  47

Chanel: The Art of Creating Fragrance  26

sports Gitana: One Hundred and Forty Years

The Dassault Adventure: A First Century of Aviation  18

The World’s Greatest Modern Golf Courses  19

Average Parenting  79

Mr. Ken Fulk’s Magical World  53 Out of Season: The Vanishing Architecture of the Wildwoods  129 Painting with Light: Art and Photography

Shameless Spoofs, and Offensively

for the Pre-Raphaelites to the Modern

One Year Wiser: A Gratitude Journal  137

Tweaked Covers  77

Age  117

Form Letters: Fill-in-the-Blank Notes to Say Anything to Anyone  76

Bad Little Children’s Books: Kidlit Parodies, Shameless Spoofs, and Offensively

That’s Oddly Moo-ving  78 Holy Cow: Memo Books  96 Holy Cow: Thank You So Much!  96 Wedding, and Other Useful Advice  68 The Mommy Shorts Guide to Remarkably Average Parenting  79

That’s Oddly Moo-ving  78 Red Star Over Russia: A Visual History of the Soviet Union  120 The Wes Anderson Collection: Bad Dads  35

Living Like a Parisienne  72 The Coveteur: Closets+Life+Style  23

graphic novel

David Monn: The Art of Celebrating  114

Becoming Andy Warhol  84

A House by the Sea  55

The Can Opener’s Daughter  138

A House in the Country  107

Dalí: Art Master Series  135

Made to Measure: Meyer Davis Studio,

Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, Vol. 1  136

Architecture and Interiors  109 Pierre Paulin: Life and Work  112

The Trial of Roger Casement  139

Reinventing Ikea: 70 DIY Projects to

Red Star Over Russia: A Visual History of

Slim Aarons: Great Escapes Hardcover

Paolo Moschino & Philip Vergeylen  105 Sunnylands: America’s Midcentury Masterpieces  111

You Say You Want a Revolution: Records

Vogue  27 A Year Between Friends: Sharing Crafts,


Meditation: Coloring Book and Pencils  91 One Year Wiser: A Gratitude Journal  137 Peace: Coloring Book and Pencils  91 Drawing Your Dream Wardrobe  100 Slim Aarons: Great Escapes Hardcover Journals  103

pop culture Shameless Spoofs, and Offensively Tweaked Covers  77 The Raven: A Pop-Up Book  37

The Zapple Diaries: The Rise and Fall of the

travel Chez Moi: Decorating Your Home and Living Like a Parisienne  72 Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die: Beer Experts Share the World’s Greatest Destinations  74 Paris by Ladurée: A Chic City Guide  113

Last Beatles Label  71

and Rebels 1966–1970  125 The Zapple Diaries: The Rise and Fall of the Last Beatles Label  71

reference The Chef’s Library: Favorite Cookbooks

Sculpture  10 History  75

Holy Cow: Thank You So Much!  96 The Liberty Coloring Book  95 Love Notes: 30 Cards Postcard Book  97

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: The Original

The British Table: A New Look at the

Colonial Spirits: A Toast to Our Drunken

Tiny Moments of Joy  101 Holy Cow: Memo Books  96

Mandala: Coloring Book  90

Bad Little Children’s Books: Kidlit Parodies,

Signature Spaces: Well-Traveled Interiors by


and Wales  48

Forest Feast Notes  102 Good Things Are Happening: A Journal for

Vertical Worlds: Coloring Book  94


Classic Greek Masterpieces of

Fold  93 Flowers: Coloring Book  90

Stoppers: Photographs From My Life at

Trading Card Series, Volume Three  83

Traditional Cooking of England, Scotland,

Sketchbook  99 Fauna: 60 Animals and Birds to Color and

Slim Aarons: Women  13

The Raven: A Pop-Up Book  37

Transform Ikea Essentials  70

Drybar: A Guide to Good Hair for All  67

Black Panthers  15

Love Notes: 30 Cards Postcard Book  97

Mr. Ken Fulk’s Magical World  53

Savoring Each Stitch  63

Book  89

Sketch Your Style: A Guided Sketchbook for

Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation  85

Crochet Therapy: The Soothing Art of

Power to the People: The World of the

Recipes, Letters, and Stories  64

The Return of the Honey Buzzard  140


Culture  130

Journals  103

Chez Moi: Decorating Your Home and

Color and Fold  93 Classic Coloring: Jane Austen Coloring

Draw Every Day, Draw Every Way: Guided

Lexington  7

Vogue  52

Botanica: 60 Birds, Bugs, and Flowers to

Courses  19

Remembered Light: Cy Twombly in Around that Time: Horst at Home in

Arabia: Coloring Book  90

Color Origami: Origami Coloring Book  93

the Soviet Union  120

interior design

stationery Africa: Coloring Book  90

The World’s Greatest Modern Golf Portable Studio: Personal Archives of Youth

Tweaked Covers  77 Holy Cow, I Sure Do Love You: A Little Book

Performing for the Camera  115 Planet Golf—Modern Masterpieces:

Holy Cow, I Sure Do Love You: A Little Book

I am Bride: How to Take the We Out of

graphic design

Planet Golf—Modern Masterpieces:

London Every Day  130

Bad Little Children’s Books: Kidlit Parodies,

Vertical Worlds: Coloring Book  94

of Rothschild High-Performance Yachting  18

The Mommy Shorts Guide to Remarkably

Meditation: Coloring Book and Pencils  91

Journals  103

Sunday Sketching  8

The Coveteur: Closets+Life+Style  23

Inge Morath: On Style  14

Mandala: Coloring Book  90

Slim Aarons: Great Escapes Hardcover

Tiny Moments of Joy  101 One Year Wiser: A Gratitude Journal  137

The Intimate World of Josef Sudek  132


Drawing Your Dream Wardrobe  100

Anything to Anyone  76 Good Things Are Happening: A Journal for

Drybar: A Guide to Good Hair for All  67

Love Notes: 30 Cards Postcard Book  97

Sketch Your Style: A Guided Sketchbook for

self-help Form Letters: Fill-in-the-Blank Notes to Say


The Raven: A Pop-Up Book  37

The Liberty Coloring Book  95

Peace: Coloring Book and Pencils  91

Santiago Ramón y Cajal  9 The Crown Maple Guide to Maple Syrup:

The Wes Anderson Collection: Bad


Color Origami: Origami Coloring Book  93 Draw Every Day, Draw Every Way: Guided

science The Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of

The Oliver Stone Experience  33

Botanica: 60 Birds, Bugs, and Flowers to Color and Fold  93

performing arts The Making of Star Wars: The Force

from the World’s Greatest Kitchens  49


Ladurée Savoir Vivre: The Art of Fine

The Mommy Shorts Guide to Remarkably

Living  113

Average Parenting  79


FA L L 2 0 1 6   ■   1 4 3

A Abraham Cruzvillegas: The Hyundai Commission  120 Abstract Expressionism  127 Africa: Coloring Book  90 agnès b.: L’Histoire  24 American Style and Spirit: Fashions and Lives of the Roddis Family, 1850–1995  123 Arabia: Coloring Book  90 Around that Time: Horst at Home in Vogue  52 Art Masters Series  135


Form Letters: Fill-in-the-Blank Notes to Say Anything to Anyone  76 Frank Bowling  126

G Georgia O’Keefe  6 Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, Vol. 1  136 Gitana: One Hundred and Forty Years of Rothschild High-Performance Yachting  18 The Good Fork Cookbook  45 Good Things Are Happening: A Journal for Tiny Moments of Joy  101 Guro: Visions of Africa Series  133


Alphabetical Index

Bad Little Children’s Books: Kidlit Parodies, Shameless Spoofs, and Offensively Tweaked Covers  77 The Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of Santiago Ramón y Cajal  9 Becoming Andy Warhol  84 Bosch in Detail  16 Botanica: 60 Birds, Bugs, and Flowers to Color and Fold  93 Brian and Wendy Froud’s: The Pressed Fairy Journal of Madeline Cottington  36 The British Table: A New Look at the Traditional Cooking of England, Scotland, and Wales  48 Butter & Scotch: Recipes from Brooklyn’s Favorite Bar and Bakery  46

I am Bride: How to Take the We Out of Wedding, and Other Useful Advice  68 Inge Morath: On Style  14 The Intimate World of Josef Sudek  132



The Can Opener’s Daughter  138 Capture Your Style: How to Transform Your Instagram Images and Build the Ultimate Platform  69 Caravaggio in Detail  16 Carlos Luna  131 Chanel: The Art of Creating Fragrance  26 The Chef’s Library: Favorite Cookbooks from the World’s Greatest Kitchens  49 Chez Moi: Decorating Your Home and Living Like a Parisienne  72 Classic Coloring: Jane Austen Coloring Book  89 Classic Greek Masterpieces of Sculpture  10 Colonial Spirits: A Toast to Our Drunken History  75 Color Origami: Origami Coloring Book  93 Conceptual Art in Britain, 1964-1979  116 The Coveteur: Closets+Life+Style  23 Crochet Therapy: The Soothing Art of Savoring Each Stitch  63 The Crown Maple Guide to Maple Syrup: How to Tap and Cook with Nature’s Original Sweetener  47

James Ensor: Through the Eyes of Luc Tuymans  128 Jessica Warboys  122

D Dalí: Art Master Series  135 The Dassault Adventure: A First Century of Aviation  18 David Monn: The Art of Celebrating  114 Draw Every Day, Draw Every Way: Guided Sketchbook  99 Drybar: A Guide to Good Hair for All  67

E Everything I want to Eat: Sqirl and the New California Cooking  41

Peace: Coloring Book and Pencils  91 Performing for the Camera  115 Pierre Paulin: Life and Work  112 Planet Golf—Modern Masterpieces: The World’s Greatest Modern Golf Courses  19 Portable Studio: Personal Archives of Youth Culture  130 Portraits of a Collection  134 Power to the People: The World of the Black Panthers  15 The Private Life of Napoléon: The Bruno Ledoux Collection  17

H A History of Pictures: From the Cave to the Computer Screen  5 Holy Cow, I Sure Do Love You: A Little Book That’s Oddly Moo-ving  78 Holy Cow: Memo Books  96 Holy Cow: Thank You So Much!  96 A House by the Sea  55 A House in the Country  107


K Kaffe Fassett’s Bold Blooms: Quilts and Other Works Celebrating Flowers  59 Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation  85

L Ladurée Savoir Vivre: The Art of Fine Living  113 The Liberty Coloring Book  95 London Every Day  130 Love Notes: 30 Cards Postcard Book  97

The Raven: A Pop-Up Book  37 Red Star Over Russia: A Visual History of the Soviet Union  120 Re-envisioning Japan: Meiji Fine Art Textiles  134 Reinventing Ikea: 70 DIY Projects to Transform Ikea Essentials  70 Remembered Light: Cy Twombly in Lexington  7 The Return of the Honey Buzzard  140 Ritz Escoffier, Paris: 100 Step-by-step Recipes from the Ritz Paris Culinary School  44

S The Short Stack Cookbook: Ingredients that Speak Volumes  43 Signature Spaces: Well-Traveled Interiors by Paolo Moschino & Philip Vergeylen  105 Si Lewen’s Parade: An Artist’s Odyssey  81 Sketch Your Style: A Guided Sketchbook for Drawing Your Dream Wardrobe  100 Slim Aarons: Great Escapes Hardcover Journals  103 Slim Aarons: Women  13 Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie  32 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: The Original Trading Card Series, Volume Three  83 Stoppers: Photographs From My Life at Vogue  27 Sunday Sketching  8 Sunnylands: America’s Midcentury Masterpieces  111

M Made to Measure: Meyer Davis Studio, Architecture and Interiors  109 The Making of Star Wars: The Force Awakens  31 Mandala: Coloring Book  90 Maria Lassnig  116 Meditation: Coloring Book and Pencils  91 Men & Style: Essays, Interviews, and Considerations  25 The Mommy Shorts Guide to Remarkably Average Parenting  79 Mr. Ken Fulk’s Magical World  53

N Non-Objectivity: Art of the Russian Avant-Garde  132 Norah Gaughan’s Knitted Cable Sourcebook: A breakthrough Guide to Knitting with Cables and Designing Your Own  61

T Tate Modern: Building a Museum for the 21st Century  118 Tate Modern: The Handbook  118 That Continuous Thing: Artists and the Ceramics Studio  1920–Today  122 The Trial of Roger Casement  139 Tropical Light: The Art of A. E. Backus  108 Tula Telfair: Invented Landscapes  11 The 24-Hour Wine Expert  73

V V&A Gallery of Fashion, Revised Edition  126 Vertical Worlds: Coloring Book  94 Visions of Africa Series  133

W The Wes Anderson Collection: Bad Dads  35 Wifredo Lam: The EY Exhibition  121

O F Fauna: 60 Animals and Birds to Color and Fold  93 Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die: Beer Experts Share the World’s Greatest Destinations  74 Flowers: Coloring Book  90 The Forest Feast Gatherings: Simple Vegetarian Menus from My Cabin in the Woods  42 Forest Feast Notes  102

1 4 4  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 6

O’Keefe: Tate Introductions  119 The Oliver Stone Experience  33 One Year Wiser: A Gratitude Journal  137 On the Loom: A Modern Weaver’s Guide  62 Out of Season: The Vanishing Architecture of the Wildwoods  129

Y A Year Between Friends: Sharing Crafts, Recipes, Letters, and Stories  64 You Can Knit That: Foolproof Instructions for Fabulous Sweaters  60 You Say You Want a Revolution: Records and Rebels 1966–1970  125

P Painting with Light: Art and Photography from the Pre-Raphaelites to the Modern Age  117 Paris by Ladurée: A Chic City Guide  113


Z The Zapple Diaries: The Rise and Fall of the Last Beatles Label  71

A Abraham Cruzvillegas: The Hyundai Commission 120 Abstract Expressionism 127 Africa: Coloring Book 90 agnès b.: L’Histoire 24 American Style and Spirit: Fashions and Lives of the Roddis Family, 1850–1995 123 Arabia: Coloring Book 90 Around that Time: Horst at Home in Vogue 52 Art Masters Series 135

FALL 2016

B Bad Little Children’s Books: Kidlit Parodies, Shameless Spoofs, and Offensively Tweaked Covers 77 The Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of Santiago Ramón y Cajal 9 Becoming Andy Warhol 84 Bosch in Detail 16 Botanica: 60 Birds, Bugs, and Flowers to 2 Color and Fold 93 Brian and Wendy Froud’s: The Pressed Fairy Journal of Madeline Cottington 36 20 The British Table: A New Look at the Traditional Cooking of England, Scotland, and Wales 48 28 Butter & Scotch: Recipes from Brooklyn’s Favorite Bar and Bakery 46


Form Letters: Fill-in-the-Blank Notes to Say Anything to Anyone 76 Frank Bowling 126

G Georgia O’Keefe 6 Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, Vol. 1 136 Gitana: One Hundred and Forty Years of Rothschild High-Performance Yachting 18 The Good Fork Cookbook 45 Good Things Are Happening: A Journal for Tiny Moments of Joy 101 Guro: Visions of Africa Series 133



Alphabetical Index

A History of Pictures: From the Cave to the Computer Screen 5 Holy Cow, I Sure Do Love You: A Little Book That’s Oddly Moo-ving 78 Holy Cow: Memo Books 96 Holy Cow: Thank You So Much! 96 A House by the Sea 55 A House in the Country 107

Art & Photography Fashion & Style I

I am Bride: How to Take the We Out of Wedding, and Other Useful Advice 68 Inge Morath: On Style 14 The Intimate World of Josef Sudek 132


Food & DrinkJ

The Can Opener’s Daughter 138 Capture Your Style: How to Transform Your 50 Instagram Images and Build the Ultimate Platform 69 Caravaggio in Detail 16 56 Luna 131 Carlos Chanel: The Art of Creating Fragrance 26 The Chef’s Library: Favorite Cookbooks 65 from the World’s Greatest Kitchens 49 Chez Moi: Decorating Your Home and Living Like a Parisienne 72 80 Coloring: Jane Austen Coloring Classic Book 89 Classic Greek Masterpieces of Sculpture 10 86 Spirits: A Toast to Our Drunken Colonial History 75 Color Origami: Origami Coloring Book 93 88 Conceptual Art in Britain, 1964-1979 116 The Coveteur: Closets+Life+Style 23 Crochet Therapy: The Soothing Art of Savoring Each Stitch 63 104 The Crown Maple Guide to Maple Syrup: How to Tap and Cook with Nature’s 105 OriginalVendome Sweetener 47

James Ensor: Through the Eyes of Luc Tuymans 128 Jessica Warboys 122

Interior Design Craft

K Kaffe Fassett’s Bold Blooms: Quilts and Other Works Celebrating Flowers 59 Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation 85



Ladurée Savoir Vivre: The Art of Fine Living 113 The Liberty Coloring Book 95 London Every Day 130 Love Notes: 30 Cards Postcard Book 97

Also of Interest

Made to Measure: Meyer Davis Studio, Architecture and Interiors 109 The Making of Star Wars: The Force Awakens 31 Mandala: Coloring Book 90 Maria Lassnig 116 Meditation: Coloring Book and Pencils 91 Men & Style: Essays, Interviews, and Considerations 25 The Mommy Shorts Guide to Remarkably Average Parenting 79 Publications Mr. Ken Fulk’s Magical World 53

Distributed Publishers

115 Tate Publishing D 123 V&ASeries Publishing Dalí: Art Master 135 The Dassault Adventure: A First Century of 126 Royal Academy of Arts Aviation 18 David Monn: The Art of Celebrating Editions 114 129 Booth-Clibborn N Draw Every Day, Draw Every Way: Guided 131 5 Continents Editions Sketchbook Non-Objectivity: Art of the Russian 99 Avant-Garde 132 Drybar: A Guide to Good Hair for All 67 135 SelfMadeHero Norah Gaughan’s Knitted Cable Sourcebook: E

A breakthrough Guide to Knitting with Cables and Designing Your Own 61

Everything I want to Eat: Sqirl and the New

141 Photography and Art Credits California Cooking 41 O 142 Category Index O’Keefe: Tate Introductions 119 F The Oliver Stone Experience 33 Fauna: 60Alphabetical Animals and Birds toIndex Color and 143 Fold 93 One Year Wiser: A Gratitude Journal 137 144 Information toYou the TradeOn the Loom: A Modern Weaver’s Guide 62 Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before Die: Beer Experts Share the World’s Greatest Destinations 74 Flowers: Coloring Book 90 The Forest Feast Gatherings: Simple Vegetarian Menus from My Cabin in the Woods 42 Forest Feast Notes 102

FA L L 2 0 1 6

The Raven: A Pop-Up Book 37 Red Star Over Russia: A Visual History of the Soviet Union 120 Re-envisioning Japan: Meiji Fine Art Textiles 134 Reinventing Ikea: 70 DIY Projects to Transform Ikea Essentials 70 Remembered Light: Cy Twombly in Lexington 7 The Return of the Honey Buzzard 140 Ritz Escoffier, Paris: 100 Step-by-step Recipes from the Ritz Paris Culinary School 44

Performing Arts & Pop Culture



Peace: Coloring Book and Pencils 91 Performing for the Camera 115 Pierre Paulin: Life and Work 112 Planet Golf—Modern Masterpieces: The World’s Greatest Modern Golf Courses 19 Portable Studio: Personal Archives of Youth Culture 130 Portraits of a Collection 134 Power to the People: The World of the Black Panthers 15 The Private Life of Napoléon: The Bruno Ledoux Collection 17

Out of Season: The Vanishing Architecture of the Wildwoods 129

S The Short Stack Cookbook: Ingredients that Speak Volumes 43 Signature Spaces: Well-Traveled Interiors by Paolo Moschino & Philip Vergeylen 105 Si Lewen’s Parade: An Artist’s Odyssey 81 Sketch Your Style: A Guided Sketchbook for Drawing Your Dream Wardrobe 100 Slim Aarons: Great Escapes Hardcover Journals 103 Slim Aarons: Women 13 Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie 32 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: The Original Trading Card Series, Volume Three 83 Stoppers: Photographs From My Life at Vogue 27 Sunday Sketching 8 Sunnylands: America’s Midcentury Masterpieces 111

T Tate Modern: Building a Museum for the 21st Century 118 Tate Modern: The Handbook 118 That Continuous Thing: Artists and the Ceramics Studio 1920–Today 122 The Trial of Roger Casement 139 Tropical Light: The Art of A. E. Backus 108 Tula Telfair: Invented Landscapes 11 The 24-Hour Wine Expert 73

V V&A Gallery of Fashion, Revised Edition 126 Vertical Worlds: Coloring Book 94 Visions of Africa Series 133

W The Wes Anderson Collection: Bad Dads 35 Wifredo Lam: The EY Exhibition 121

Y A Year Between Friends: Sharing Crafts, Recipes, Letters, and Stories 64 You Can Knit That: Foolproof Instructions for Fabulous Sweaters 60 You Say You Want a Revolution: Records and Rebels 1966–1970 125

P Painting with Light: Art and Photography from the Pre-Raphaelites to the Modern Age 117 Paris by Ladurée: A Chic City Guide 113


Z The Zapple Diaries: The Rise and Fall of the Last Beatles Label 71

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FALL 2016


2016 ABRAMS The Art of Books 115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 www.abramsbooks.com

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