ABRAMS Fall 2011 Catalog

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ABRAMS  ■  FALL 2011

FALL 2011

115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 www.abramsbooks.com

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Abrams Abrams ComicArts 54

Stewart, Tabori & Chang STC Craft | Melanie Falick Books 86

Abrams Image 100

Distributions 5 Continents Editions • Royal Academy of Arts Publications • Tate Publishing Vendome Press • V&A Publishing

Also of Interest • 138 Photography and Art Credits • 140 Alphabetical Index • 141 Category Index • 142 Information to the Trade • 144

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he Oprah Winfrey Show will come to an end this spring after 25 years on television. Arguably the most influential television personality of all time,

Ms. Winfrey and her show have had an impact on American culture that cannot be

overstated. This beautifully illustrated book will explore and celebrate the legacy of the show using written contributions from a stellar group of public figures and images from notable photographers. The book will feature photographs from the Harpo archive, spanning the 25 years the show has been on the air, including the farewell season. Essays within the book will be dedicated to different themes (e.g., personal growth, social action, and literature) and will explore how the show has touched people’s lives and impacted the conversation around those issues. The essays will be followed by narrative text, which will guide the reader through the history of

Reflections on an American Legacy

the show’s involvement with each topic and will include stories about the events, people, and organizations that have acted as touchstones or provided insights along the way. Accompanying the essays and narrative text will be images from the show, behind-the-scenes photographs, as well as signature portraits of the contributing celebrities taken by noted photographers. The book will allow Oprah Winfrey Show fans to understand the broad cultural impact of the show, while revisiting favorite guests, episodes, and stories.


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A lavish celebration of the history and legacy of

The Oprah Winfrey Show s e lling points ■ Contributions from a stellar group of public figures ■ Created in close collaboration with Harpo, Inc. ■ Oprah Winfrey is the only person to have been included in all seven of Time magazine’s annual 100 Most Influential People in the World between 2004 and 2010 ■ Includes behind-the-scenes images of The Oprah Winfrey Show ■ Features stories dating back to the first episode as well as selections from Harpo’s vast archive of images ■ The Oprah Winfrey Show is broadcast in 145 countries internationally

s pecifications 150 color photographs


240 pages, 10½ × 13½"


Hardcover with jacket


ISBN 978-1-4197-0059-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0059-0 US $50.00 CAN $60.00 55000 9 781419 700590

12-copy display ISBN 978-1-4197-0148-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0148-1 US $600.00 CAN $690.00 90000

9 781419 701481

12-copy display + 12-copy refill ISBN 978-1-4197-0193-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0193-1 US $1,200.00 CAN9 0$1,380.00 000

9 781419 701931

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Gregory Crewdson: In a Lonely Place ■

By G R E G o Ry C R E w d S o N A N d C R A I G B u R N E T T

s e lling points ■ Publication coincides with an internationally traveling exhibition of Crewdson’s work ■ Includes important images from different periods in Crewdson’s career

s pecifications 30 color and 40 duotone photographs 160 pages, 12 × 8¼" Hardcover cloth case

A compelling collection of images from three of Crewdson’s most acclaimed series


ISBN 978-1-4197-0110-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0110-8 US $40.00 CAN $48.00


9 781419 701108


reated to accompany a traveling exhibition, this volume features work from three of world-

renowned artist Gregory Crewdson’s photographic series: “Beneath the Roses,” “Sanctuary,” and “Fireflies.”

also avail ab le

Although these series illustrate distinct subject matter, they share Crewdson’s unique preoccupations and compelling aesthetic. “Fireflies” is the result of two solitary summer months spent photographing the fireflies that came alive at dusk each evening. “Beneath the Roses” depicts the homes, streets, and forests of

Beneath the Roses ISBN 978-0-8109-9380-8 ISBN 978-0-8109-9380-8 US $65.00 CAN $75.00 56500 9 780810 993808

unnamed small towns, revealing emotionally charged moments in the lives of seemingly ordinary individuals. In “Sanctuary,” haunting images of the legendary Italian film studio Cinecittà capture the beauty of the decaying film sets. Texts from curators of the exhibition and Crewdson himself offer fresh insight and examine the parallels between these seemingly disparate subjects. Celebrating some of the artist’s greatest work, this volume is a must-have for any Crewdson fan and the perfect introduction to those discovering him for the first time.

Sanctuary ISBN 978-0-8109-9199-6 ISBN 978-0-8109-9199-6

US $60.00 9

CAN $72.00 56000

780810 991996


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Gregory Crewdson is an internationally exhibited artist. He teaches at the Yale University School of Art and lives in New York City. Craig Burnett is a writer and gallerist. He lives in London.

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Sagmeister: Another Book… A B O U T P R O M OT I O N A N d S A L E S M AT E R I A L ■

E d I T E d By S T E FA N S AG M E I S T E R A N d C h A N TA l P R o d ’ h o M

d E S I G N E d By M A R T I N w o o dT l I

s e lling points ■ Sagmeister’s books have enormous appeal to designers and laypeople ■ Text in both English and German,

Über designer Stefan Sagmeister (Things I have learned in my life so far and Sagmeister: Made You Look) is back!

Sagmeister’s native language ■ designed by the acclaimed Swiss designer Martin Woodtli ■ None of the work included in this book has appeared in Sagmeister’s previous books

s pecifications 135 color illustrations 176 pages, 6¾ × 9½" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: WorlD ENGlISH/ GErMAN ExClUDING GErMANy, AUSTrIA, CHINA, FrANCE, BElGIUM, QUEBEC,


SoUTH KorEA PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr reated to accompany an international traveling


exhibition, Another Book about Promotion and

Sales Material explores the work of one of the world’s

ISBN 978-1-4197-0139-9

most famous graphic designers—Stefan Sagmeister.

ISBN 978-1-4197-0139-9 US $40.00 CAN $48.00


Divided into four sections, and including commissioned work from ten years of graphic design, this book explores

9 781419 701399

how Sagmeister creates greater awareness for corporations, his friends, his own work, and cultural events

also avail ab le

and products. Showcasing a wide range of work, from a Talking Heads boxed set, to print ads for Levi’s, to a wedding invitation for close friends, this book includes exclusive images from the studio archive as well as Sagmeister’s commentary on his work, which contains his characteristic

Sagmeister: Made You Look

wit and insight. The result is a funny, revealing, and intimate

ISBN 978-0-8109-0597-9

look at the cutting-edge work of a graphic design master. Stefan Sagmeister is one of the most influential graphic designers working today. In 1993, he formed his design firm, Sagmeister Inc. He lives in New York. Chantal Prod’Hom is the director of mudac (Museum of Design and Contemporary Applied Arts) in Lausanne, Switzerland. Martin Woodtli is an award-winning graphic designer. He lives in Zurich, Switzerland.


CAN $44.00 54000

780810 905979

Things I have learned in my life so far ISBN 978-0-8109-9529-1 ISBN 978-0-8109-9529-1 US $40.00 CAN $51.99


9 780810 995291

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ISBN 978-0-8109-0597-9

US $40.00

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g r e at e st h i ts ■

By G l E N dA B A I l E y

C R E AT I V E d I R E C T I o N By S T E P h E N G A N

d E S I G N E d By E l I z A B E T h h u M M E R


arper’s Bazaar is America’s longest-running fashion magazine, revered for its style-setting contributions to fashion, photography,

and graphic design. Under the direction of Glenda Bailey in this decade, the magazine has maintained its position as a prominent cultural icon. Bailey is known for commissioning dazzling visual features that frame fashion in the context of contemporary pop culture and aesthetics. Shot by well-known photographers and featuring supermodels and supercelebrities, Bazaar’s fashion photography is always beautiful—and entertaining. Harper’s Bazaar:

Greatest Hits is a collection of more than 300 photographs that chronicle the best fashion of our time. A celebration of fashion, a romp through a riotous and eventful decade, and a banquet of contemporary imagery, Harper’s Bazaar: Greatest Hits is also a glamorous object in itself. Glenda Bailey has been the editor in chief of Harper’s Bazaar since 2001. She was born in Derbyshire, England, and was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 2008. Stephen Gan is the creative director of Harper’s Bazaar and a founder and creative director of the cutting-edge fashion magazine Visionaire. Elizabeth Hummer is the design director of Harper’s Bazaar.


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A DECADE OF FASHION & STYLE s e lling points ■ Features bold-faced fashion and entertainment industry insiders: Marc Jacobs, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Moss, and more ■ Showcases the premier work of noted fashion photographers Peter Lindbergh, Patrick demarchelier, Mario Sorrenti, Terry Richardson, Hiro, and more ■ Published with the full support of Harper’s Bazaar (circ. 745,000) and Hearst Magazines

s pecifications 300 color photographs 320 pages, 99⁄16 × 13" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD ENGlISH PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr FASHIoN ISBN 978-1-4197-0070-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-0070-5 US $65.00 CAN $75.00


9 781419 700705

also avail ab le

Vanity Fair: The Portraits ISBN 978-0-8109-7298-8 ISBN 978-0-8109-7298-8

US $65.00 9

CAN $84.00 56500

780810 972988

Avedon Fashion 1944–2000 ISBN 978-0-8109-8389-2 ISBN 978-0-8109-8389-2

US $100.00 9

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CAN $130.00 10000

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PS Magazine T h E B E S T O F T h E P R E v E N T I v E M A I N T E N A N C E M O N T h Ly ■

By W I l l E I S n E R

By E d d I E C A M P B E l l ■

S E l E C T E d A n d W I T h A n oV E R V I E W ■

P R E FAC E By A n n E I S n E R

I n T R o d u C T I o n By G E n E R A l P E T E R J . S C h o o M A k E R , u S A ( R E T. )

s e lling points ■ Published to coincide with the 60th anniversary of PS magazine ■ The perfect gift for veterans, comics fans, military and history

The missing link in legendary artist Will Eisner’s career, this collection is a testament to the teaching power of comics

buffs, and Father’s Day ■ Will Eisner is one of the most beloved and important creators in comics, and his work continues to be relevant and influential ■ Eddie Campbell is an awardwinning comics writer and artist whose work includes From Hell with Alan Moore, the autobiographical Alec: The Years Have Pants, and The Playwright with Daren White

“Eisner understood comics’ potential

■ Introduction by General Peter

for education decades before his

J. Schoomaker, USA (Ret.), who

peers, and PS magazine was his

served from 1969 to 2000 and

first laboratory. This thoughtful new

was recalled to active duty as

collection is an essential addition to

the 35th Army Chief of Staff from

the Eisner library.” —Scott McCloud,

2003 to 2007

s pecifications 270 color illustrations 272 pages, 5⅝ × 7⅞" Hardcover with round corners RIGHTS: WorlD


author of Understanding Comics ill Eisner—best known for his influential comic book series The Spirit and his groundbreak-

ing graphic novel A Contract with God—believed in

the teaching power of comics, and from 1951 to 1971 he produced PS magazine for the U.S. Army. This Preventive Maintenance Monthly (called PS because


it was a postscript to the standard technical manuals)


was aimed at teaching American soldiers everything

ISBN 978-0-8109-9748-6

about weapons safety for vehicles, aircraft, firearms,

ISBN 978-0-8109-9748-6 US $21.95 CAN $24.95

and electronics. Eisner illustrated these vital lessons in


drawings, pinups, step-by-step guides, and comic strips. This collection contains the best of Eisner’s 227 issues of

9 780810 997486

6-copy counter display

PS, reproduced in a portable digest format. This relatively

ISBN 978-1-4197-0149-8

unknown work by Eisner is finally explored—the missing

ISBN 978-1-4197-0149-8 US $131.70 CAN $149.70

link between his comic books and his later, more mature


graphic novel style.

9 781419 701498

Will Eisner (1917–2005) is one of the most beloved and important creators in comics. His work includes the comic book The Spirit and more than two dozen graphic novels, including A Contract with God. The comics industry’s most prestigious award, the Eisner, was created in his honor.


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Rock Seen ■

By B o B G R u E N

I N T R o d u C T I o N By d E B B I E h A R R y

s e lling points ■ Features amazing images of some of the greatest rock acts of all time ■ Introduction by debbie Harry of

The official monograph of rock and roll’s most famous photographer

Blondie ■ Includes legendary photographs of John Lennon, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Kiss, and more

s pecifications 500 color and black-and-white photographs 288 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr PHoToGrAPHy • MUSIC ISBN 978-0-8109-9772-1 ISBN 978-0-8109-9772-1 US $45.00 CAN $52.00


9 780810 997721


also avail ab le or 40 years, Bob Gruen’s name has been synonymous with rock and roll. From taking early

photos on tour with Ike and Tina Turner, to capturing the

early CBGB/Max’s Kansas City scene to covering current stadium rockers such as Green Day, Gruen has always

John Lennon: The New York

been at the right place at the right time—and he’s always


gotten the shot. In this lavish monograph, Gruen has

ISBN 978-1-58479-432-5

curated his favorite photographs from his career, with

ISBN$29.95 978-1584794325 US CAN $41.95


intimate captions and behind-the-scenes anecdotes. Featuring such illustrious acts as the Clash, Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones, Sex Pistols, Ramones, and more, and

9 781584 794325


including an introduction by the legendary Debbie Harry

ISBN 978-0-8109-5786-2

of Blondie, this collection is a must-have for all fans of

ISBN 978-0-8109-5786-2

US $24.95

rock and roll. Bob Gruen is one of the most well-known rock-and-roll photographers of all time. For 40 years his images have appeared worldwide in every form—from T-shirts to postage stamps. He is the author of John Lennon: The New York Years and New York Dolls. He lives in New York.

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CAN $27.50 52495

780810 957862

Rock and Roll ISBN 978-0-8109-9405-8 ISBN$50.00 978-0810994058 US CAN $60.00


9 780810 994058

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Living in the Material World George H arrison By Olivia Harrison

Edited by Mark Holborn


rawing on George Harrison’s personal

archive of photographs, letters, diaries, and

memorabilia, Olivia Harrison reveals the arc of his life, from his guitar-obsessed boyhood in Liverpool, to the astonishment of the Beatles years, to his days as

an independent musician and bohemian squire. Here too is the record of Harrison’s lifelong commitment to Indian music, and his adventures as a movie producer, Traveling Wilbury, and Formula One racing fan. The book is filled with stories and reminiscences from Harrison’s friends, including Eric Clapton, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and many, many others. Among its previously unpublished riches are photographs taken by Harrison himself beginning in the mid-1960s. It is a rich tribute to a man who died far too young, but who touched the lives of millions. Olivia Harrison is a producer and philanthropist. She has received a Grammy Award for her video of the 2002 Concert for George, which she organized to benefit the Material World Charitable Foundation in memory of her husband, George Harrison; and a UNICEF Spirit of Compassion Award in recognition of her family’s assistance to the children of Bangladesh. Mark Holborn is a distinguished editor of illustrated books, who has worked with numerous photographers and artists, from Annie Leibovitz to Lucian Freud.

s e lling points ■ Many never-before-seen photographs from Harrison’s personal archive, including images from the height of Beatlemania ■ Features reminiscences from Harrison’s family and fellow musicians and artists, including Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and Terry Gilliam, organized by his widow, Olivia Harrison ■ Coincides with the Martin Scorsese documentary Living in the Material World: George Harrison, to be broadcast worldwide in September

s pecifications 260 illustrations 400 pages, 9½ × 10¾" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: SepteMBer MUSIc • BIOgrapHy


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ISBN 978-1-4197-0220-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-0220-4 US $40.00 CAN $45.00


9 781419 702204

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George Living Harrison in the Material World

The life of George Harrison as seen through his own

personal archive of photographs, letters, diaries, and memorabilia, and the testimony of his friends and fellow musicians

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Yiddishkeit J E w I S H V E R N AC U L A R A N d T H E N E w L A N d ■

E d i t E d by H a r v E y P E k a r a n d Pau l b u H l E

An illustrated anthology tracing the influence of Yiddish on popular culture s e lling points ■ A collection of comics, stories, and a full-length play about the influence of Yiddish ■ The last fully realized project by Harvey Pekar before his death ■ The perfect gift for the Jewish holidays

s pecifications 180 color illustrations 240 pages, 6⅝ × 10³⁄₁₆" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: SepteMBer cOMIcS • JeWISH


iddish is everywhere. We hear words like nosh, schlep, and schmutz all the time, but how did these

words come to pepper American English? In Yiddishkeit:

ISBN 978-0-8109-9749-3

Jewish Vernacular and the New Land, Harvey Pekar and

ISBN 978-0-8109-9749-3 US $29.95 CAN $32.95

Paul Buhle trace the influence of Yiddish from medieval


9 780810 997493

Europe to the tenements of New York’s Lower East Side. This comics anthology contains original stories by notable writers and artists such as Barry Deutsch, Peter Kuper, Spain Rodriguez, and Sharon Rudahl. Through illustrations, comics art, and a full-length play, four major themes are explored: culture, performance, assimilation, and the revival of the language. The last fully realized work by Harvey Pekar, this book is a thoughtful compilation that

also aVail aB le

reveals the far-reaching influences of Yiddish. paul Buhle, retired from Brown University, has written and edited 42 books, including the award-winning Art of Harvey Kurtzman, Jews and American Comics, and the three-volume Jews and American Popular Culture. He lives in Madison, Wisconsin. Harvey pekar (1939–2010)

Hereville ISBN 978-0-8109-8422-6 ISBN 978-0-8109-8422-6

US $15.95 9

CAN $18.95 51595

780810 984226


is best known for his autobiographical comic book series American Splendor, which was made into an Academy Award–nominated film of the same name starring Paul Giamatti in 2003, and Our Cancer Year (1994).

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Cats, dogs, Men, Women, Ninnies & Clowns T H E LO S T A R T O F W I L L I A M S T E I G ■

By J E A N N E S T E I G w I T h I l lu S T R AT I o N S By w I l l I A M S T E I G

I N T R o d u C T I o N By R oz C h A S T

A F T E R w o R d By J u l E S F E I F F E R s e lling points ■ Includes more than 450 never-

The definitive collection of this master cartoonist’s art, selected by Jeanne Steig

before-published cartoons ■ These cartoons were created for Steig’s family and his own amusement ■ Includes text by famed cartoonists Roz Chast and Jules Feiffer ■ All images reproduced from the original art

s pecifications 450 color illustrations 352 pages, 7½ × 10¼" Hardcover RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr ArT • HUMor ISBN 978-0-8109-9577-2 ISBN 978-0-8109-9577-2 US $40.00 CAN $45.00



9 780810 995772

hildren, octogenarians, and everyone in between know the work of William Steig, the beloved car-

also avail ab le

toonist and award-winning children’s book author whose

work graced the covers and pages of the New Yorker for more than 70 years. In Cats, Dogs, Men, Women, Ninnies & Clowns: The Lost Art of William Steig, Jeanne Steig uncovers more than 450 never-before-published cartoons by her husband and provides personal insight and anecdotes about his work and her relationship with Bill, shedding new light on this celebrated genius. William Steig (1907–2003) was an artist and writer best known for Shrek! (the basis of the blockbuster film series).

Steinberg at the New Yorker ISBN 978-0-8109-5901-9 ISBN$50.00 978-0810959019 US CAN $72.50


9 780810 959019

He received the Caldecott Medal and the Newbery Honor. Jeanne Steig is the author of A Handful of Beans and A Gift from Zeus. She is also a self-taught artist, working almost exclusively with found materials. She lives in Boston. roz Chast is a cartoonist whose work regularly appears in the New Yorker. She lives in Connecticut. Jules Feiffer is an award-winning writer, illustrator, screenwriter, playwright, children’s book author, and cartoonist. He lives in New York City.

About Dogs ISBN 978-0-8109-8361-8 ISBN$14.95 978-0810983618 US CAN $16.95


9 780810 983618

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Baseball’s Golden Age T h E P h OTO G R A P h S O F C h A R L E S M . C O N LO N ■

By n E A l M c C A B E A n d

C o n S TA n C E M c C A B E

s e lling points ■ Previous editions have sold more than 65,000 combined ■ Returning to a hardcover format and identically sized to The Big Show, these two books are a beautiful matching pair with more than 400 Conlon images between them ■ Foreword by Roger Angell

s pecifications 205 black-and-white photographs 198 pages, 11 × 10¾" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr SPorTS • PHoTogrAPHy ISBN 978-1-4197-0197-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0197-9 US $35.00 CAN $40.00


9 781419 701979


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The Big Show C h A R L E S M . C O N LO N ’ S G O L D E N AG E B A S E B A L L P h OTO G R A P h S ■

By n E A l M c C A B E A n d C o n S TA n C E M c C A B E

F o R E W o R d By R o G E R k A h n

s e lling points ■ 2011 is the 125th anniversary of

The definitive collection of the work of one of America’s greatest baseball photographers

the Sporting News, where these photographs are archived ■ Includes rare and never-beforepublished masterpieces of the greats from baseball’s golden age ■ Contains colorful stories from baseball’s glory years ■ The long-awaited follow up to Conlon’s acclaimed Baseball’s Golden Age ■ Foreword by Roger Kahn, author of Boys of Summer

s pecifications 210 tritone photographs 224 pages, 11 × 10¾"


Hardcover with jacket harles M. Conlon created iconic images of


baseball’s glorious heyday, taking about 30,000


photographs of the sport from 1904 to 1942. In The

SPorTS • PHoTogrAPHy

Big Show: Charles M. Conlon’s Golden Age Baseball Photographs, soulful, striking shots of Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, and hundreds of other major leaguers are

ISBN 978-1-4197-0069-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0069-9 US $35.00 CAN $42.00


paired with captions meticulously based on contemporary reports and quotes from the players themselves. In

9 781419 700699

their own words, colorful characters spill the beans about famous scandals, divulge quirky characteristics, and tell little-known stories. In 1993, Abrams’ acclaimed Baseball’s Golden Age first celebrated Conlon’s photographs. Research in the Conlon Collection of the Sporting News later uncovered a cache of brilliant, rare photographs. Showcasing this windfall, the book—a must-have for baseball fans young and old—is the definitive collection of America’s best baseball photographer’s work, offering a moving depiction of past baseball greats. Neal McCabe is a baseball historian and the author, with Constance McCabe, of Baseball’s Golden Age. Neal also edited and coproduced the audio version of The Glory of Their Times and adapted it for the stage. roger Kahn is a beloved sportswriter and author of the bestseller Boys of Summer.

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Wolf Kahn ■

By J u S T I N S P R I N G

E S S Ay S By k A R E N w I l k I N A N d lo u I S F I N k E l S T E I N

An updated edition of the definitive monograph s e lling points ■ Now includes the past 15 years of Kahn’s career and an informative essay by noted art critic Karen Wilkin ■ Kahn’s art is represented by dealers from coast to coast

s pecifications 131 color illustrations 196 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr ArT ISBN 978-0-8109-9790-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-9790-5 US $55.00 CAN $62.00


9 780810 997905

also avail ab le


his second edition of the definitive book on artist Wolf Kahn adds his achievements of the

past 15 years. A new essay by Karen Wilkin highlights the development of his late style, and a generous selection of paintings and pastels showcases his bold, freewheeling new work. The main text, by Justin Spring, traces Khan’s art and life to 1993. An insightful essay by Louis Finkelstein illuminates the fusion of abstraction and

Wolf Kahn Pastels ISBN 978-0-8109-6707-6 ISBN$45.00 978-0810967076 US CAN $48.95


representation in the work. Kahn’s landscapes evoke a particular sense of place and season, yet they are also universal. His radiant hues, tangy color contrasts, and pervasive sense of

9 780810 967076

light have placed him at the forefront of American representational artists. Justin Spring is a novelist and art critic. His work has been published in Art Forum, the New York Times, and

Wolf Kahn’s America ISBN 978-0-8109-6796-0 ISBN$45.00 978-0810967960 US CAN $70.00


9 780810 967960


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the Village Voice. Karen Wilkin is a curator and critic. She is a contributor to the New Criterion, Art in America, and the Wall Street Journal. The late louis Finkelstein, artist and critic, was a professor emeritus at Queens College, City University of New York.

z Abrams 4/4/11 1:55 PM

New york from the Air A S TO Ry O F A R C h I T E C T U R E ■

P h oTo G R A P h S By yA n n A R T h u S - B E R T R A n d

T E x T A n d M A P S By J o h n TAu R A n AC

s e lling points ■ The New york skyline, captured by the world’s most renowned aerial photographer ■ Completely updated with additional photographs and text

The bestselling book on New York, now fully updated and expanded

■ An up-to-date glimpse of New york’s ever-changing landscape ■ More than 70 maps put photographs in context

s pecifications 180 color photographs 216 pages, 12½ × 17" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD ENglISH PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr


PHoTogrAPHy • TrAvEl ompletely updated with new photographs and

ISBN 978-0-8109-9384-6

text, New York from the Air is a lush, romantic, and

ISBN 978-0-8109-9384-6 US $60.00 CAN $69.00


ultimately hopeful tribute to one of the most thrilling cities in history. World-renowned bestselling photographer

Yann Arthus-Bertrand—shooting from vantage points

9 780810 993846

few people ever attain—presents the power and beauty

also aVail aB le

of Manhattan’s amazing skyscrapers, the bucolic joys of Central Park, the majesty of the Upper West Side’s castlelike apartment buildings, and much, much more. This new edition includes unpublished photographs of landmarks built since the 2003 edition. New York historian and cartographer John Tauranac’s lively commentaries lead readers on a truly spectacular tour from above the city

Earth from Above

that never sleeps.

Tenth Anniversary Edition ISBN 978-0-8109-9693-9 ISBN 978-0-8109-9693-9

US $60.00

yann Arthus-Bertrand’s many books include the multimillion-copy international bestseller Earth from Above. He is based in Paris. John Tauranac is a native


New Yorker who has written for the New York Times, New

365 Days ISBN 978-0-8109-8461-5

He was the design chief of the 1979 New York City

ISBN 978-0-8109-8461-5

US $29.95

subway map, and his street atlas, Manhattan Block by 9

z Abrams Revised adult_1-53-7.indd 19

780810 996939

The New Earth from Above:

York Magazine, Travel & Leisure, and other publications.

Block, is in its fifth edition.

CAN $70.00 56000

CAN $38.95 52995

780810 984615

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4/8/11 3:24 PM

The official Tie-in book To The groundbreaking hiT aMc TV show ■

By PAu l R u d I T I S

I n T R o d u C T I o n By R o B E R T k I R k M A n


he Walking Dead Chronicles: The Official Companion Book is the only authorized, behind-the-scenes

guide to season one of the white-hot new AMC television series, The Walking Dead, which tells the story of a sheriff’s deputy leading a band of survivors in a post-

apocalyptic world overrun by the undead. Focusing on the making of the first season of the Golden Globe–nominated TV show, as well as the creation of the New York Times bestselling comic book on which the series is based, The Walking Dead Chronicles is lavishly illustrated with never-before-seen unit photography, storyboards, set designs, makeup and visual effects shots, and page-to-screen comparisons of the comic and TV show. Featuring new interviews with series creator Robert kirkman and executive producer Frank darabont, as well as the cast and crew, the book also includes sidebars that serve as a detailed episode guide, reproducing excerpts from early drafts and final scripts, and revealing new direc-

s e lling points

tions for the second season and beyond.

■ Filled with 200 illustrations, behind-the-

200 color illustrations

scenes photographs, and ZOMBIES!

208 pages, 8¼ × 11"

Paul ruditis has written or contributed to over a dozen

■ Features interviews with creator Robert

s pecifications


official companion books to TV shows, including Bones,

Kirkman, showrunner Frank Darabont,


Prison Break, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and The West

cast, crew, and more


Wing. he also writes novels for teens and adults and is currently writer and coeditor of a comic book series based on the TV show Charmed. he lives in Burbank, California.

■ The Walking Dead comic books worldwide ■ Timed to the hotly anticipated Season

All images © 2010 AMC Film holdings llC, except opposite page top left and top center © 2010 Robert kirkman


FA L L 2 0 1 1

Revised adult_1-53-7.indd 20

T v •• P PE E rfor rforMIN MINg MIN g Ar ArTS TS

have sold more than 2 million copies

Two premiere scheduled for October 2011, on AMC

ISBN 978-1-4197-0119-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0119-1 US $19.95 CAN $22.95


9 781419 701191

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Wall ■

P h oTo G R A P h S By A n dy G o l d S W o R T h y A n d J E R Ry l . T h o M P S o n

E S S Ay By k E n n E T h B A k E R

s pecifications 100 color illustrations 92 pages, 9⅞ × 10⅞" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: NorTH AMErICA PUB MONTH: oCToBEr

One of Goldsworthy’s seminal works, now available in paperback

ArT ISBN 978-1-4197-0096-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-0096-5 US $32.50 CAN $37.50


9 781419 700965

also aVail aB le

Time (paperback) ISBN 978-0-8109-7146-2 ISBN 978-0-8109-7146-2 US $40.00 CAN $45.00


9 780810 971462


ritish artist Andy Goldsworthy, known for creating art outdoors and from natural materials, has now

built a 2,278-foot stone wall at Storm King Art Center, a sculpture park on the Hudson River in Mountainville, New

York. This sensitive and detailed response to the land— former farmland in an area once rich in stone walls—is one of his most impressive and important permanent artworks. The book’s stunning color photographs show the wall from every vantage point and in all four seasons,

Enclosure (hardcover) ISBN 978-0-8109-9391-4 ISBN$60.00 978-0810993914 US CAN $72.00


and document ephemeral work made around it. Kenneth Baker’s essay considers the Storm King wall in the context of Goldsworthy’s other work. Andy goldsworthy was born in 1956 in Cheshire,

9 780810 993914

England. His work is regularly exhibited in Britain, France, the United States, Japan, and elsewhere. Although commissions take him all over the world, the landscape around his home in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, remains at the heart of his work. His previous books include Abrams’ Andy Goldsworthy: A Collaboration with Nature, Hand to Earth, Stone, Wood, and Arch. Jerry l. Thompson is

Stone (hardcover) ISBN 978-0-8109-3847-2 ISBN 978-0-8109-3847-2 US $60.00 CAN $72.00


9 780810 938472


FA L L 2 0 1 1

Revised adult_1-53-7.indd 22

a highly regarded photographer who has contributed to a number of books, including Abrams’ Mark di Suvero. Kenneth Baker is an art critic at the San Francisco Chronicle.

z Abrams 4/8/11 3:24 PM

The Face of Jesus ■

By E d wA R d lu C I E - S M I T h

The life of Jesus depicted through beautiful and historical works of art s e lling points ■ Contains more than 300 full-color images illustrating the role of Jesus over time and throughout the world ■ Features art ranging from ancient to modern times by renowned artists ■ Intimate format makes this book a great gift

s pecifications 350 color illustrations 320 pages, 5¾ × 7½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WorlD ENGlISH PUB MONTH: oCToBEr rElIGIoN • ArT ISBN 978-1-4197-0080-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-0080-4 US $19.95 CAN $22.95



9 781419 700804

he most iconic face in art over the past 2,000

also avail ab le

years has been that of Jesus. As the central figure

in Christianity, he has been a source of comfort and support to followers around the world. In The Face of

Jesus, art historian Edward Lucie-Smith traces Jesus’s life through famous works of art, both ancient and modern, by such artists as Piero della Francesca, Leonardo da Vinci, El Greco, Rembrandt, Georges Rouault, and


Jean-Michel Basquiat. Covering Jesus’s life from birth

ISBN 978-0-8109-5499-1 ISBN 978-0-8109-5499-1

US $19.95

to crucifixion, and finally to resurrection, The Face of Jesus is a beautiful collection of more than 300 images gathered in an accessible and intimate format.


ISBN 978-0-8109-8285-7 ISBN 978-0-8109-8285-7

US $19.95

and historian. Lucie-Smith has written many books, including The Glory of Angels, Movements in Art Since


ISBN 978-0-8109-9436-2

US $19.95

internationally. He contributes regularly to ArtReview

FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 23

780810 982857

ISBN 978-0-8109-9436-2

acted as curator for numerous exhibits and lectures


z Abrams

CAN $25.95 51995


Hudson Dictionary of Art Terms, and Art Today. He has

magazine. He lives in London.

780810 954991


Edward lucie-Smith is a well-known author, art critic,

1945, Visual Arts in the 20th Century, The Thames and

CAN $21.95 51995

CAN $25.95 51995

780810 994362

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Star Trek® vault 40 yEARS FROM THE ARCHIvES ■

By S C oT T T I P To N

The only book to chart the entire 40-year history of Star Trek s e lling points ■ This ultimate treasure trove of Star Trek ephemera will appeal to Trekkers and casual fans alike ■ Features the most rare and coveted memorabilia from the multiple television series and films ■ 90 percent brand awareness among ages 25 to 54 ■ The last film grossed $385 million at the box office, making it the biggest Star Trek movie ever

s pecifications 350 illustrations 128 pages, 12 × 11" 14 interactive reproductions Hardcover with jacket


RIGHTS: NorTH AMErICA hen Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek was


cancelled from network television in 1969, few


could have guessed that, more than four decades later,

Star Trek would have become one of the most popular and enduring entertainment properties of all time. Yet,

ISBN 978-1-4197-0075-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0075-0 US $40.00 CAN $45.00


after finding success in syndication during the 1970s, the world of Star Trek has grown to encompass six television

9 781419 700750

series, 11 feature films, and countless novels, comic books, and video games. Star Trek Vault charts this remarkable history, covering the franchise’s first 40 years. Fully illustrated with more than 350 images, and including 14 interactive reproductions of the most fascinating memorabilia—on-set signage, concept storyboards, blueprints for Picard’s

also avail ab le

captain’s chair, and uniform badges from the original series—Star Trek Vault provides a broad perspective on the voyages of Captains Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, and Archer. The ultimate treasure trove of Star Trek imagery and memorabilia, Star Trek Vault is sure to appeal to both the casual and the die-hard fan.

Star Trek: The Original Series 365

Scott Tipton has written numerous Star Trek comics. His award-winning website, comics101.com, was named to Entertainment Weekly’s “The 100 Greatest Websites.”

z Abrams FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 25

ISBN 978-0-8109-9172-9 ISBN 978-0-8109-9172-9 US $29.95 CAN $34.95


9 780810 991729

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The Angel Tree C E L E B R AT I N G C H R I S T M A S AT T H E M E T R O P O L I TA N M U S E U M O F A R T ■

By l I N N h o wA R d A N d M A Ry JA N E P o o l

P h oTo G R A P h S By E l l I oT T E R w I T T

s e lling points

The spectacular Metropolitan Museum of Art Christmas tree in astonishing detail

■ The Metropolitan Museum of Art hosts more than one million visitors during the holiday season ■ The Angel Tree is one of the most popular exhibits at the Metropolitan Museum of Art ■ An in-depth look at the newly re-created Angel Tree ■ Photographed by renowned photojournalist Elliott Erwitt

s pecifications 125 color photographs 128 pages, 8 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: oCToBEr ArT • HolIDAy ISBN 978-0-8109-9692-2 ISBN 978-0-8109-9692-2 US $24.95 CAN $27.95



he Angel Tree: Celebrating Christmas at The Metropolitan Museum of Art showcases the

magnificent collection of Neapolitan Baroque angels and

crèche figures that has thrilled visitors from across the country each Christmas season for more than 50 years.

9 780810 996922

New fiber-optic lighting and a new tree now enhance its beauty. More than 50 angels and 100 crèche figures, many sculpted by major artists of the period, represent all who came to worship the Babe. This is a true family book, starting with the story of the Nativity and then focusing on the scene in large, gloriously reproduced pictures of the angels and of townspeople and animals, shepherds and their flocks, kings and grand ladies. loretta Hines Howard collected and donated the crèche figures to the museum. Her daughter, linn Howard, now oversees the installation. She and Mary Jane Pool, formerly editor in chief of House & Garden magazine, also collaborated on Abrams’ previous volume on the Angel Tree. Elliott Erwitt, the noted Magnum photographer, also photographed the previous book. Now, using stateof-the art digital photography, he recaptures the beauty and grandeur of the Angel Tree.


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The Art of Walt Disney F r o m m i c k e y m o u s e To T h e m Ag i c k i n g D o m s A n D B e yo n D ■

By C h r i s to p h e r F i n C h

Fore word By John L asseter

The bestselling classic, completely revised and updated with six new chapters on Pixar

s e lling points ■ A stunning package with an acetate cover over a full cloth binding ■ A must-have for fans of The Walt Disney company and animation ■ includes a new history of Pixar, with interviews with its major players ■ The Art of Walt Disney has sold over 300,000 copies in all editions

s pecifications 800 color and black-and-white illustrations 504 pages, 9⅜ × 11¾" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: oCToBEr


ArT irst published in 1973, The Art of Walt Disney is one of the most successful and influential illustrated art

books on American popular culture ever published. This book was the first to reveal the wealth of concept art,

animation drawings, and archival material created in the

ISBN 978-0-8109-9814-8 ISBN 978-0-8109-9814-8 US $85.00 CAN $98.00


9 780810 998148

course of animating films. In this newly revised edition, author Christopher Finch has thoroughly reworked every chapter to incorporate the vast achievements of The Walt Disney Company in filmmaking, theater, and theme parks, from Walt’s day to the present, including all-new exciting chapters on Pixar Animation Studio and Walt Disney Animation along with extensive interviews with their chief creative officer, John Lasseter, and president, Ed Catmull. Offering hundreds of new images and unparalleled access to leading filmmakers and artists at The Walt Disney Company, The Art of Walt Disney will once again capture the imaginations of animation fans young and old. Christopher Finch is the author of many books about art in America, including Chuck Close: Work, Chuck Close: Life, Norman Rockwell’s America, and Jim Henson: The Works.

z Abrams 001-053 F11adult_2ABR_8 copy.indd 27

FA L L 2 0 1 1


4/12/11 2:22 PM

Norman Rockwell’s spir it of a mer ica a fa mily t r e a sury


FA L L 2 0 1 1

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amea Bl 8 fr







s e lling points ■ Features beloved Rockwell illustrations, works from favorite writers, lyrics and music, and classic American holiday recipes ■ Same format as bestselling Norman Rockwell’s Christmas Book ■ Includes eight limited-edition, ready-to-frame prints ■ A great holiday gift for Norman Rockwell’s legion of fans

s pecifications

An original collection celebrating classic Rockwell art

100 color and 50 black-and-white illustrations 8 removable prints

along with poems, stories, recipes, and songs

224 pages, 8¾ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: oCToBEr


ArT orman Rockwell’s Spirit of America is an original collection of Rockwell paintings

ISBN 978-1-4197-0065-1

accompanied by classic American poems, stories, and songs that showcase the

ISBN 978-1-4197-0065-1 US $24.95 CAN $27.95


true spirit of America. In the tradition of the bestselling Norman Rockwell’s Christmas Book, this compilation features Rockwell’s beloved illustrations of American towns, families, and

9 781419 700651

more, all culled from the extensive Rockwell archive. Alongside the timeless images are works from beloved writers such as Mark Twain, O. Henry, and Laura Ingalls Wilder. This

also aVail aB le

collection also features lyrics and music for songs such as the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “My Country, ’Tis of Thee,” as well as recipes for a classic Thanksgiving dinner. The perfect gift for any Rockwell fan, young or old, this book includes eight ready-to-frame, limited-edition prints. Norman rockwell (1894–1978) was a 20th-century American painter known for his illustra-

Norman Rockwell’s

tions of everyday life. His most famous works were created for the Saturday Evening Post

Christmas Book

magazine, including Rosie the Riveter, Saying Grace, and the Four Freedoms series. The

ISBN 978-0-8109-8262-8

Norman Rockwell Museum holds more than 574 paintings and drawings by the artist,

ISBN 978-0-8109-8262-8

US $24.95

and is located in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, where Rockwell spent the last 25 years of his life.

Revised adult_1-53-7.indd 29


CAN $32.50 52495

780810 982628

4/8/11 3:25 PM

diana vreeland T H E E y E H A S TO T R Av E L ■

By l I S A I M M o R d I N o V R E E l A N d

E S S Ay S By l A l ly w E y M o u T h , J u d I T h T h u R M A N , A N d J u d I T h C l A R k

s e lling points ■ Features hundreds of legendary fashion photographs by Richard Avedon, Horst P. Horst, and

An American original whose impact on fashion is legendary

Irving Penn, as well as original magazine spreads from Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue ■ diana vreeland’s Allure was re-released in 2010 to much acclaim ■ A look at fashion as it was being invented

s pecifications 350 color and black-and-white photographs 256 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: oCToBEr FASHIoN

ISBN 978-0-8109-9743-1 ISBN 978-0-8109-9743-1 US $55.00 CAN $66.00


9 780810 997431


alled the “High Priestess of Fashion,” Diana

Vreeland (1903–1998) was an American original

whose impact on fashion and style was legendary.

Beginning in 1936, when she became a fashion editor at Harper’s Bazaar, Vreeland established herself as a controversial visionary with an astonishing ability to invent and discover fashion ideas, designers, personalities, and photographers. She was a memorable writer with a vivid personality and a talent for coining aphorisms. Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has to Travel chronicles 50 years

also avail ab le

of international fashion and Vreeland’s rich life. With more than 350 illustrations, including original magazine spreads and many famous photographs, this intensely visual book shows fashion as it was being invented, and how Vreeland shaped American taste through her superb vision.

The World of Gloria Vanderbilt ISBN 978-0-8109-9592-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-9592-5

US $40.00 9

CAN $48.00 54000

780810 995925


FA L L 2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 30

lisa Immordino vreeland runs her own fashion design and production consulting business. She is the producer of a documentary film about Diana Vreeland, and is married to Vreeland’s grandson Alexander.

z Abrams 4/4/11 1:58 PM

New york in Color ■

By B o B S h A M I S

A dazzling color portrait of New York City, from turn-of-the-century Autochromes to contemporary photographs s e lling points ■ A new look at New york City reveals a lost aspect of the world’s greatest city ■ vivid color brings New york City’s history to life ■ A photographic treasure featuring leading photographers, including André Kertész, William Klein, Nan Goldin, and more

s pecifications 235 color photographs 228 pages, 11½ × 11½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: oCToBEr PHoToGrAPHy ISBN 978-1-4197-0061-3


ISBN 978-1-4197-0061-3 US $50.00 CAN $57.50


ew York in Color presents the best color photography of New York over the last century.

9 781419 700613

From its iconic landmarks like Times Square and Coney

Island to the visual poetry of its streets and skyline, New York presents an ever-changing visual collage best seen in color. Here, neon lights define the spirit of the night, a young Bob Dylan lingers in the snows of Greenwich Village, subway trains are rolling murals, and New Yorkers of every era become dramatic actors on the world’s greatest stage. Presenting work—much of it unknown—by

also avail ab le

major photographers, including such masters as André Kertész, William Klein, Helen Levitt, and Joel Meyerowitz, New York in Color is destined to be a classic photographic survey of the world’s most visually vibrant city. Bob Shamis is a photographic historian, independent

New York: 365 Days

curator, and photographer. From 1998 to 2006 he was the

ISBN 978-0-8109-4942-3

curator of prints and photographs at the Museum of the

ISBN 978-0-8109-4942-3

US $29.95

City of New York, where he organized many exhibitions. He lives in New York City.


z Abrams FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 31

CAN $38.95 52995

780810 949423

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vogue: The Covers ■

By d o d I E k A z A N J I A N

F o R E w o R d By h A M I S h B o w l E S

The definitive cover collection from the most influential magazine in fashion s e lling points ■ Spans the life of the magazine

include s 5 fr ame able prints

from 1892 to the present day ■ Comes with five stunning readyto-frame prints ■ Vogue is one of the most popular and influential fashion magazines in the world, with a circulation of 1.2 million in the United States ■ Showcases the evolution of fashion, art, and photography

s pecifications 500 color illustrations 5 removable prints 272 pages, 9 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: oCToBEr FASHIoN ISBN 978-0-8109-9768-4 ISBN 978-0-8109-9768-4 US $50.00 CAN $57.50



9 780810 997684

ince its first cover on December 17, 1892, Vogue has had people talking. Vogue: The Covers chronicles the

extraordinary images that have reflected—and transformed— the world of style for more than 120 years. More than 300

of the most beautiful, provocative, and fashion-forward covers ever produced are highlighted alongside the history and stories behind the covers themselves. Organized in chronological order by decade, Vogue: The Covers begins with the illustrated covers from the magazine’s inception in 1892 and spans the 20th century to the present day, charting the evolution of fashion, art, culture, and photography for the past 120 years. Featuring the work of influential

also avail ab le

artists—Helmut Newton, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon, Bruce Weber, Herb Ritts, Steven Meisel, Annie Leibovitz, and Mario Testino—the book is a stunning celebration of the magazine and its unparalleled influence. Dodie Kazanjian has covered the art world for Vogue since 1989. She is also the founder and director of Gallery Met, the nonprofit contemporary art space at the Metropolitan Opera. She is married to writer Calvin Tomkins and lives in New York City.

ISBN 978-0-8109-9608-3 ISBN 978-0-8109-9608-3 US $65.00 CAN $75.00


9 780810 996083

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Yves Saint Laurent

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Tattoo World ■

E d I T E d By M A R I S A k A ko u l A S

T E x T By M I C h A E l k A P l A N

The definitive guide to contemporary tattoo art s e lling points ■ Packed with more than 1,000 full-color photographs ■ Presents the top artists working in the medium today ■ Captures the full spectrum of diverse styles of tattooing ■ 40 percent of Americans between the ages of 26 and 40 have at least one tattoo ■ Unique format with laser-cut cover design

s pecifications 1,000 color photographs 384 pages, 8⅝ × 9¼" Hardcover with laser-cut cover RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: oCToBEr CUlTUrAl STUDIES


ISBN 978-0-8109-9789-9 ISBN 978-0-8109-9789-9 US $35.00 CAN $40.00

nce considered part of the counterculture move-


ment, tattooing is now undoubtedly a mainstream

practice. Although the history of tattooing is rooted in ancient

9 780810 997899

customs and beliefs, it is a constantly evolving art form, as skilled practitioners continually reinterpret traditional motifs and experiment with new ones. With more than 1,000 illustra-

also avail ab le

tions from 125 of the most important artists working today, this book is the most comprehensive survey of tattooing ever published. Collected here are designs from around the globe, spanning a broad range of styles, including Japanese and East Asian iconography, classic Americana, and photorealism, among others. Featuring the work of tattoo legends

Body Type

alongside pieces by pioneering artists pushing the limits of

ISBN 978-0-8109-7050-2

the medium, this visually arresting survey is the essential ref-

ISBN 978-0-8109-7050-2

US $19.95

erence work for anyone interested in this exploding art form. Marisa Kakoulas is the author of Black Tattoo Art and Black and Grey Tattoo, and has written about tattoos for Inked magazine. Michael Kaplan is the author of three books and has written for publications including Wired, Details, and the New York Times.

780810 970502

Graffiti World (Updated Edition) ISBN 978-0-8109-8049-5 ISBN$35.00 978-0810980495 US CAN $45.50


9 780810 980495

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CAN $24.95 51995

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Color in Art ■

By S T E FA N o z u F F I

s e lling points ■ Scientific yet accessible: Art historian Stefano Zuffi focuses on how materials are mixed, where colors come from, their evolution in art history, and more ■ Gifty, attractive package, with color showing on page edges ■ Books on color sell as art history, applied art, interior design, and to artists

s pecifications 200 color illustrations 304 pages, 8¼ × 8¼" Hardcover RIGHTS: NorTH AMErICA PUB MONTH: oCToBEr ArT ISBN 978-1-4197-0111-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-0111-5 US $30.00 CAN $33.00


An accessible introduction to color and color theory, through masterpieces that each illustrate one aspect of one color

9 781419 701115


very color has many aspects, many variations, and many meanings. Red, for instance, can mean

passion, or suffering, or anger. How are these aspects

also avail ab le

represented in works of art from Titian and Bosch to Matisse and Warhol? Painters use colors to convey a message as much as they do for surface appeal. In design and fashion, color is omnipresent as well, but incredibly varied in its significance. This fascinating book focuses on the most important colors in art—red, blue,

Colors: What They Mean and How to Make Them ISBN 978-0-8109-9292-4 ISBN$29.95 978-0810992924 US CAN $35.95


9 780810 992924


FA L L 2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 36

yellow, black, white, green, and gold—and looks at them through some 200 beautifully printed works. Stefano Zuffi has written many books on art history, including The Cat in Art and How to Read Italian Renaissance Painting. He lives and works in Milan.

z Abrams 4/4/11 2:00 PM

Crafting Modernism M I d C E N T U Ry A M E R I C A N A R T A N d d E S I G N ■

By T h E M u S E u M o F A R T S A N d d E S I G N

s e lling points ■ Accompanies a major exhibition

A comprehensive guide to the studio craft movement in America in the decades following WWII

at the Museum of Arts and design in fall 2011 ■ Artists and designers in this book include Isamu Noguchi, Wharton Esherick, Charles and Ray Eames, Russel Wright, and many others

s pecifications 250 full-color illustrations 368 pages, 9½ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD


PUB MONTH: oCToBEr rafting Modernism: Midcentury American Art and


Design is an in-depth examination of the American

studio craft movement in the decades following World

ISBN 978-0-8109-8480-6

War II, with a focus on the major mediums (clay, wood,

ISBN 978-0-8109-8480-6 US $65.00 CAN $75.00


fiber, metal, jewelry, and glass) favored by the greatest craftspeople of the period. Published to coincide with an

9 780810 984806

exhibition opening in October 2011 at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York, this book explores the origins of the studio craft movement, the international influences that helped it grow in this country and abroad, and its convergence with the fine arts and design. This examination of the movement in the postwar years reveals how a new generation of craftspeople began to express cultural identity and artistic innovation through their work, which

also avail ab le

led to a proliferation of the craft movement in museums and exhibitions worldwide. A few of the many artists represented include Dale Chihuly, Charles and Ray Eames, Wharton Esherick, George Nakashima, and Peter Voulkos. Jeannine Falino and Jennifer Scanlan, both of the Museum of Arts and Design, are the curators of the exhibition Crafting Modernism. They are also among the many contributors of essays to the book, of which Falino is the general editor.

ISBN 978-0-8109-9584-0 ISBN$60.00 978-0810995840 US CAN $72.00


9 780810 995840

z Abrams FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 37

Artists’ Handmade Houses

FA L L 2 0 1 1


4/4/11 2:00 PM


FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 38

z Abrams 4/4/11 2:01 PM

Graffiti 365 ■

By JAy “J . S o N ” E d l I N

F o R E w o R d By A N d R E w “ z E P h y R ” w I T T E N

An international survey of the most popular and influential graffiti and street artists s e lling points ■ Features the work of over 350 leading graffiti artists ■ Represents a wide range of countries and cultures ■ Author is a longtime New york City graffiti insider

s pecifications 644 color photographs 744 pages, 9¼ × 6¼" Hardcover RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: oCToBEr ArT • PoP CUlTUrE ISBN 978-0-8109-9744-8 ISBN 978-0-8109-9744-8 US $32.50 CAN $37.50



raffiti 365 delivers the first real insider’s view

9 780810 997448

into the contemporary graffiti and street-art

scenes, as well as their antecedents. A fun, wide-ranging

also avail ab le

survey of the international graffiti movement, this book uses more than 600 rare, previously unpublished, or legendary images to introduce and describe important artists—from Blade to Banksy—and styles—from bubble to wild. Along the way, Graffiti 365 covers different eras, cities, legendary walls and crews, police and public

Graffiti New York

responses to graffiti, and more.

ISBN 978-0-8109-5146-4

The author of Graffiti 365, J.SON, has been an artist and historian of the graffiti movement for decades—he started writing graffiti in 1973 and retired in 1984. Unparalleled in its breadth and depth of coverage, Graffiti 365 is a wide-angle snapshot of an


9 780810 951464

Graffiti L.A. ISBN 978-0-8109-9298-6 ISBN$37.50 978-0-8109-9298-6 US CAN $42.00


entire movement. Jay “J.SoN” Edlin has written for The Source, Blaze, and Mass Appeal. He recently was interviewed for Jon Naar’s Birth of Graffiti. Andrew “Zephyr” Witten is the author of Dondi White: Style Master General and has written for Vibe, The Source, and Juxtapoz.

9 780810 992986

Graffiti World (Updated Edition) ISBN 978-0-8109-8049-5 ISBN$35.00 978-0810980495 US CAN $45.50


9 780810 980495

z Abrams FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 39

ISBN$35.00 978-0810951464 US CAN $45.50

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4/4/11 2:01 PM


FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 40

z Abrams 4/4/11 2:01 PM

Star Wars Art: Comics ■

I n T R o d u C T I o n By V I R G I n I A M E C k l E n B u R G

F o R E W o R d By d E n n I S o ’ n E I l

P R E FAC E By d o u G l A S W o l k

s e lling points ■ Star Wars is one of the most popular properties in entertainment today

A breathtaking collection of original Star Wars comic book art

■ Curated by George Lucas from the very best of more than 30 years of Star Wars comics publishing ■ Contributors include some of the most revered comics artists, illustrators, and painters

s pecifications 150 color illustrations 180 pages, 10½ × 12½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: oCToBEr fIlM • PoP CUlTUrE ISBN 978-1-4197-0076-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0076-7 US $40.00 CAN $45.00


9 781419 700767


lim ite d e dition 200 color illustrations 244 pages 3 gatefolds 5 hand-signed, archival giclée prints by dave dorman, Sam kieth, Mike Mignola, Frank Quitely, and Ryan Sook Hardcover cloth case, deluxe clamshell case

tar Wars and sequential art share a long history:

Star Wars debuted on the comic-book page in

1977, when Marvel Comics began publishing a six-part adaptation of the first film, which morphed into a monthly comic book. Now, more than three decades later, new series by Dark Horse Comics continue to expand the Star Wars galaxy. The second book in the Star Wars Art series, Star Wars Art: Comics brings together the very best artwork

ISBN 978-1-4197-0077-4

from the entire history of Star Wars comics publishing,

ISBN$400.00 978-1-4197-0077-4 US CAn $460.00 40000

showcasing original art from the top comics artists working in the industry. Hand-selected and curated by George Lucas, the art featured in this volume includes

9 781419 700774

also aVail aB le

interior pages and fully painted covers from artists such as Al Williamson, Howard Chaykin, Adam Hughes, Bill Sienkiewicz, Dave Dorman, and many more—as well as new work created exclusively for this book by over 20 renowned artists, including John Cassady, Sam Kieth,

Star Wars Art: Visions ISBN 978-0-8109-9589-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-9589-5 US $40.00 CAN $48.00 54000

Mike Mignola, Paul Pope, Frank Quitely, Jim Steranko, and other comics superstars. Star Wars Art: Comics is a tribute to sequential storytelling, a worthy and justly celebrated art form.


z Abrams Revised adult_1-53-7.indd 41

780810 995895

FA L L 2 0 1 1


4/8/11 3:25 PM

Sea ■

By M A R k l A I TA

Stunning photographs showcasing the creatures of the deep s e lling points ■ A unique look at the most beautiful creatures of the sea ■ A must-have for lovers of fine photography, aquatics, and nature ■ Contains an illustrated index of the creatures presented ■ Cutting-edge photographic technique reveals the beauty of these ocean inhabitants

s pecifications 84 color photographs 200 pages, 12 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD ENGlISH ExClUDING AUSTrAlIA, NEW ZEAlAND, SoUTH AFrICA PUB MONTH: oCToBEr NATUrE • PHoToGrAPHy ISBN 978-1-4197-0087-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-0087-3 US $50.00 CAN $57.50


9 781419 700873

also avail ab le


nternationally award-winning photographer Mark Laita has focused his vast technical and artistic expertise

on the creatures of the deep. In Sea, with cutting-edge photographic techniques, Laita unveils the full splendor and otherworldliness of the ocean’s inhabitants in an entirely new and thrilling way. Rippling reflections, stark backdrops, and surprising angles lay bare the astonishing beauty of the life that teems under the water’s surface. Leaping from the pages are piggybacking sea horses, iridescent jellyfish, ethereal but menacing stingrays, and deadly puffer fish. Laita’s masterful photography reveals their extraordinary colors, textures, and personalities to us as never before.

Dogs ISBN 978-0-8109-9653-3 ISBN 978-0-8109-9653-3

US $50.00 9

CAN $60.00 55000

780810 996533

A Shadow Falls ISBN 978-0-8109-5415-1 ISBN 978-0-8109-5415-1

US $50.00 9

CAN $64.99 55000

780810 954151


FA L L 2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 42

Mark laita is an esteemed photographer with studios in Los Angeles and New York. His distinctive still-life photography has been used in advertising for a long list of commercial clients, including Sony, Adidas, BMW, and Apple. His work has also been widely exhibited, and his flower images were recently featured on a series of stamps for the United States Postal Service. He is represented by Fahey/Klein Gallery.

z Abrams 4/4/11 2:02 PM

Tony Duquette/ hutton Wilkinson Jewelry ■

By h u T To n W I l k I n S o n

P h oTo G R A P h y By S T E P h A n I E h A n C h E T T

F o R E W o R d By G l E n dA B A I l E y

s e lling points ■ A lavish volume of jewelry in the tradition of “more is more”

An Aladdin’s Cave of magnificent, jaw-dropping jewels by Duquette and Wilkinson

■ Author hutton Wilkinson carries on the Duquette legacy ■ Tony Duquette designs have dazzled the world for 70 years and are experiencing a renaissance

s pecifications 175 color photographs 144 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket


RIGHTS: WorlD he magnificent one-of-a-kind necklaces, brooches,


bracelets, and rings Tony Duquette created for


friends and clients such as the Duchess of Windsor, Liza

Minnelli, Elsie de Wolfe, and Duquette’s wife, Beegle,

ISBN 978-1-4197-0071-2

instantly became highly desirable collector’s items and

ISBN 978-1-4197-0071-2 US $50.00 CAN $57.50


are found in museums and private collections around the world. Today, Duquette’s protégé and business partner,

9 781419 700712

Hutton Wilkinson, continues that remarkable legacy with his own Duquette-inspired one-of-a-kind pieces, sold

also aVail aB le

through specialty stores and jewelers. Tony Duquette/ Hutton Wilkinson Jewelry presents the most spectacular, jaw-dropping pieces by both artists, whose belief that “more is more” is reflected in pieces set in 18-karat gold and dripping with precious and semiprecious stones that recall the splendors of the great courts of Renaissance

More Is More: Tony Duquette

kings, Chinese emperors, and maharajas. This precious

ISBN 978-0-8109-5702-2

luxury edition, with its gold foil stamping and gilt-edge

ISBN$75.00 978-0810957022 US CAN $97.50


pages, itself resembles an exquisite jewelry box, tempting all to peek inside and discover untold treasures.

9 780810 957022

Tony Duquette

Hutton Wilkinson is a coauthor of Tony Duquette and

ISBN 978-0-8109-9413-3

author of More Is More. He is president of Tony Duquette,

ISBN 978-0-8109-9413-3

US $75.00

Inc., where he continues the jewelry and interior design business begun by Tony Duquette.


z Abrams Revised adult_1-53-7.indd 43

CAN $90.00 57500

780810 994133

FA L L 2 0 1 1


4/8/11 3:25 PM


Revised adult_1-53-7.indd 44

z Abrams 4/8/11 3:25 PM

Industrial Light & Magic C R E AT I N G T h E I M P O S S I B L E ■

By PA M E l A G l I n T E n k A M P

F o R E W o R d By J o n FAV R E Au

P R E FAC E By G o R E V E R B I n S k I

s e lling points ■ A candid account of the movie-making magic behind the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Transformers, Iron Man, Pirates of the Caribbean, and other films ■ Features never-before-seen images ■ Includes commentary by George Lucas, legendary visual-effects supervisors, and the wizards behind many of the great blockbuster movies of the past three decades

s pecifications 500 color photographs 360 pages, 11¼ × 10¾" Hardcover with jacket


RIGHTS: WorlD ndustrial Light & Magic is an extensively illustrated oral history of the multiple-Academy-Award®-winning

visual-effects company founded by George Lucas in

1975. A behind-the-scenes record of the state-of-the-art innovations that have driven movie-making magic, the book features candid stories from the filmmakers, artists, and technicians who were there, breaking barriers and changing the history of cinema.

A complete history of the groundbreaking and award-winning visual-effects company

PUB MONTH: NovEMBEr fIlM • PErforMINg ArTS ISBN 978-0-8109-9802-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-9802-5 US $50.00 CAN $57.50


9 780810 998025

Industrial Light & Magic recounts the company’s rapid expansion over three decades and, in particular, the

also aVail aB le

last 16 years, detailing its work on dozens of big-budget films—from optical printing to the digital and computergenerated effects era. Featuring extensive commentary by George Lucas, Dennis Murren, John Knoll, Pablo Helman, Roger Guyett, Ben Snow, Rob Coleman, Lorne Peterson, and many others, these stories and images

The Making of Avatar

focus on ILM’s breakthroughs for films from 1995 onward,

ISBN 978-0-8109-9706-6

such as the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, Transformers,

ISBN 978-0-8109-9706-6

US $40.00

Iron Man, and the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, offering a crash course on the most groundbreaking visual effects being created today.


780810 997066

The Cinema of George Lucas ISBN 978-0-8109-4968-3

Pamela glintenkamp is a writer and producer, and

ISBN 978-0-8109-4968-3

US $50.00

served as director of the Lucasfilm Archival History Project. She lives in Los Angeles and London.

z Abrams Revised adult_1-53-7.indd 45

CAN $48.00 54000


CAN $72.50 55000

780810 949683

FA L L 2 0 1 1


4/8/11 3:25 PM

Government Issue C o M I C S F o r T H e P e o P L e , 1 9 4 0 s –2 0 0 0 s ■

by R i c h a R d L . G R a h a m

F o R e w o R d by S i d Jac o b S o n

s e lling points

Your tax dollars at work!

■ Includes a code to access additional digital content ■ The first comics collection of its kind—an important survey of U.S. political and sociological perspectives ■ Foreword by Sid Jacobson, who wrote the graphic adaptation of The 9/11 Report and After 9/11: America’s War on Terror. He is a former executive editor at Marvel Comics and former editor in chief of Harvey Comics, where he created Richie Rich ■ Appeals to comics, pop-culture, and U.S. history buffs

s pecifications 300 color illustrations


ince the 1940s, federal and state government agencies have published comics to disseminate public

information. Comics legends Will Eisner and Milton Caniff

304 pages, 7¾ × 10¾"

produced comics for the army. Li’l Abner joined the navy.

Flexibind with flaps

Walt Kelly’s Pogo told parents how much TV their kids


should watch, Bert the Turtle showed them how to survive


a nuclear attack, and Dennis the Menace took “A Poke at


Poison.” Smokey Bear had his own comic, and so did Zippy, the USPS mascot. Dozens of artists and writers, known

ISBN 978-1-4197-0078-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0078-1 US $29.95 CAN $32.95


9 781419 700781

and unknown, were recruited to create comics about every aspect of American life, from jobs and money to health and safety to sex and drugs. Whether you want the lowdown on psychological warfare or the highlights of working in the sardine industry, the government has a comic for you!

also aVail aB le

Government Issue reproduces an important selection of these official comics in full-reading format, plus a broad range of excerpts and covers, all organized chronologically in thematic chapters. Earnest, informational, and kitschy, this outstanding collection is the ultimate comics vox populi.

The Horror! The Horror! ISBN 978-0-8109-5595-0 ISBN 978-0-8109-5595-0

US $29.95 9

CAN $35.95 52995

780810 955950


Richard L. Graham is an associate professor and media services librarian at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He created and curates UNL’s digital collection of government comics.

FA L L 2 0 1 1

001-053 F11adult_2ABR_8 copy.indd 46

4/14/11 12:07 PM

Wooden: Basketball & Beyond THE OFFICIAL UCLA RETROSPECTIvE ■

I N T R o d u C T I o N By d I C k E N B E R G

F o R E w o R d By d E N N y C R u M

s e lling points ■ The one and only official commemorative supported by UCLA in participation with Coach

The definitive tribute to a man whose greatness transcended sports

Wooden’s family ■ Exclusive access to the university’s archives; 300-plus images, many never before seen or published ■ UCLA will provide extensive consumer marketing support to boosters, alumni, season ticket– holders, fans, students, etc. ■ Wooden’s reputation is farreaching and goes beyond UCLA basketball

s pecifications 350 color illustrations 256 pages, 9¼ × 12¾" Hardcover with jacket


RIGHTS: NorTH AMErICA eloved, respected, and admired for his work on


and off the basketball court, coach John Wooden


remains a source of fascination and inspiration even after

his passing in 2010 at age 99. Wooden led the UCLA Bruins to 10 NCAA championships in 12 years—a record

ISBN 978-1-4197-0114-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0114-6 US $40.00 CAN $45.00


that will likely never be equaled—but his teachings and 9 781419 701146

his impact reached far beyond basketball. As a legacy to the man who meant so much to so many, UCLA commissioned this incomparable tribute, with over 300 exclusive images from the university’s archives, photographs of Wooden’s belongings (donated to the university by his family), and contributions from Wooden’s players and protégés. This singular retrospective begins in 1948 when Wooden arrived on the UCLA campus and spans the championship era and Coach’s golden years as it chronicles his remarkable life and times. Dick Enberg is a highly respected sportscaster. His career spans five decades and every major sport. Enberg gained notoriety as the play-by-play voice of UCLA men’s basketball from 1966 to 1977. Denny Crum played for Wooden in the 1950s then joined the UCLA coaching staff, serving at Wooden’s side for three NCAA championships. In 1971, Crum became coach at Louisville, winning two NCAA championships there.

z Abrams FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 47

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4/4/11 2:03 PM


FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 48

4/4/11 2:03 PM

The Someday Funnies ■

By M I C h E l C h o Q u E T T E

F o R E w o R d By J E E T h E E R

This infamous comics collection is finally here— 40 years after it was initially conceived s e lling points ■ The tumultuous 1960s captured in comics ■ 129 never-before-published comics by 169 writers and artists from a dozen countries ■ A remarkable collection of some of the greatest comics artists in a single volume ■ Also includes work by famous non-comics contributors like William Burroughs, Federico Fellini, Red Grooms, Tom Wolfe, Frank Zappa, and many more

s pecifications 200 color illustrations 216 pages, 11½ × 15½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: NovEMBEr CoMICS ISBN 978-0-8109-9618-2


ISBN 978-0-8109-9618-2 US $55.00 CAN $62.00


he Someday Funnies is the long-awaited collection

9 780810 996182

of comic strips created in the early 1970s by

world-famous artists and writers such as C. C. Beck,

René Goscinny, Harvey Kurtzman, Jack Kirby, Moebius, Art Spiegelman, and Gahan Wilson. What started out as a special insert for Rolling Stone took on a life—and mythology—of its own as writer/editor Michel Choquette traveled the world, commissioning this visual chronicle of the 1960s, only to find himself without a publishing partner or the financial support to continue. Forty years

also avail ab le

later, readers finally get to experience this legendary anthology as Choquette celebrates the birth, death, and resurrection of The Someday Funnies—129 previously unpublished strips by 169 writers and artists. Michel Choquette is a writer and filmmaker who had a

Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead

successful career as a comedian before becoming one

ISBN 978-0-8109-8848-4

of the first contributing editors of National Lampoon.

ISBN 978-0-8109-8848-4

US $40.00

He now teaches creative writing and screenwriting at Concordia University in Montreal.


CAN $48.00 54000

780810 988484

FA L L 2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 49


4/4/11 2:03 PM

How to Read Erotic Art ■

By F l AV I o F E B B R A R o A N d A l E x A N d R A w E T z E l

Erotic fine art, from all over the world and from prehistory to the present day


s e lling points ■ Erotic art is among the most popular of art forms

roticism is a truly universal topic, a subject that has always fascinated humankind.

Erotic art is telling: It reveals much about an

■ Includes works from all periods

era, a culture, and psychology; it can be sweet,

and all over the world

aggressive, soothing, or wild. aotic Art explores

■ Excellent price, great flexibind

the history of erotic art and presents paintings,

format, very appealing package

drawings, etchings, sculptures, and more by

■ Features well-known works

Titian, Picasso, and Keith Haring, by Bernini,

such as the frescoes from the

Rodin, and Giacometti, and from ancient Greece,

villa of the Mysteries at Pompeii,

Rome, China, Japan, India, and the Middle East.

Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, Goya’s

Reproduced in lush color with close-up details,

Majas, and more

the art is accompanied by texts that offer insights into how to read the different works. In this book, erotic art gives up its secrets. Flavio Febbraro is a specialist in the connection between history and its depiction in art and pho-

s pecifications

tography. He is co-author of How to Read World

220 color illustrations

History in Art. Alexandra Wetzel is his assistant.

400 pages, 6¾ × 9½" Flexibind RIGHTS: NorTH AMErICA PUB MONTH: oCToBEr ArT

ISBN 978-1-4197-0113-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0113-9 US $35.00 CAN $40.00


9 781419 701139

also avail ab le in this s e rie s How to Read Bible Stories and How to Read a Painting

How to Read a Photograph

Myths in Art

ISBN 978-0-8109-5576-9

ISBN 978-0-8109-7297-1

ISBN 978-0-8109-8400-4

ISBN 978-0-8109-5576-9

US $35.00 9

780810 955769

US $35.00 9


780810 972971

CAN $39.00 53500

780810 984004

How to Read World History

How to Read Italian


in Art

Renaissance Painting

ISBN 978-0-8109-4944-7

ISBN 978-0-8109-9683-0

ISBN 978-0-8109-4944-7


US $35.00

CAN $39.00 53500

How to Read a Modern

US $35.00 9

ISBN 978-0-8109-8400-4

ISBN 978-0-8109-7297-1

CAN $42.00 53500

780810 949447

FA L L 2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 50

ISBN 978-0-8109-8940-5

ISBN 978-0-8109-9683-0

CAN $45.00 53500

US $35.00 9

ISBN 978-0-8109-8940-5

CAN $42.00 53500

780810 996830

US $35.00 9

CAN $42.00 53500

780810 989405

z Abrams 4/4/11 2:04 PM

The Story of de Stijl M O N d R I A N TO vA N d O E S B U R G ■

By h A N S JA N S S E N A N d M I C h A E l w h I T E

s e lling points ■ Mondrian and this movement are enormously important in the history of modern art

De Stijl—Dutch for “the style”— an important modern movement of the 1920s

■ destined to be the standard work on de Stijl and its key artist, Mondrian ■ Includes exclusive, neverbefore-published works as well as archival photographs of the members of de Stijl ■ A wide range of works is included, from painting to architecture to furniture

s pecifications 260 color illustrations 272 pages, 9½ × 10½" Hardcover RIGHTS: NorTH AMErICA PUB MONTH: oCToBEr ArT


ISBN 978-1-4197-0112-2 n the early 1920s, a group of artists and architects, influenced by some of the ideas of Dada, formed a

movement called De Stijl. The Story of De Stijl presents

ISBN 978-1-4197-0112-2 US $40.00 CAN $45.00


9 781419 701122

work by Piet Mondrian, Theo van Doesburg, Gerrit Rietveld, and the other members of this influential modern art group, as well as archival photographs of the artists. The authors, experts in this seminal abstract style that encompassed painting, sculpture, architecture, interior design, and more, explore the evolution of the movement not just through traditional art-history analysis, but also through anecdotes, conversations, articles, and other contemporary sources. Hans Janssen is a curator at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, in The Hague, Netherlands. He has published many books on Modernist painting, especially on Mondrian. Michael White has edited and written a number of books on De Stijl and Dutch modernism. He teaches at the University of York in England.

z Abrams FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 51

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4/4/11 2:04 PM

Trees and Forests: Wild Wonders of europe ■

By F Lo r i a n M ö L L e r s , a n n i C k s C h n i t z L e r ,

s ta F Fa n w i d s t r a n d, a n d B r i d g e t w i J n B e r g s e lling points ■ stunning photographs by a collective of 69 of europe’s finest nature photographers ■ 2011 is the united nations–

A photographic essay on the beauty of Europe’s forests

decreed international year of the Forests ■ same format at the successful Wild Wonders of Europe

s pecifications 240 color photographs 240 pages, 9½ × 12⅝" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World ENglISH PUB MONTH: NovEMBEr NATUrE • PHoTogrAPHy


or more than a year, 69 of the world’s best nature photographers traveled to all corners of Europe

to capture the incredibly rich natural heritage of the

ISBN 978-1-4197-0079-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0079-8 US $50.00 CAN $57.50


continent. They have created more than 200,000 images of nature, some of which were published in the popular Wild Wonders of Europe. Now, Trees and Forests: Wild

9 781419 700798

Wonders of Europe reveals even more of these stunning photographs, while paying tribute to the multihued beauty of trees. From minute arboreal details to panoramas of epic proportions, the book explores the immense diversity of Europe’s forests. Organized by climate, each chapter surveys a different habitat and its resident trees, moving from the sunny woodlands of the Mediterranean, to the

also avail ab le

frostbitten Alpine terrain, and everywhere in between. Florian Möllers and Staffan Widstrand are esteemed photographers and writers who have been recipients of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year award and the European Nature Photographer award. Ecologist and

Wild Wonders of Europe isBn 978-0-8109-9614-4 ISBN 978-0-8109-9614-4

us $50.00 9

CAN $64.99 55000

780810 996144


FA L L 2 0 1 1

001-053 F11adult_2ABR_8 copy.indd 52

temperate forest specialist Annick Schnitzler teaches at the Université de Metz and is the author of numerous books. Bridget Wijnberg is a biologist, an environmental scientist, and chief consultant in a development program for sustainable EcoAward tourism in Zambia.

z Abrams 4/12/11 2:22 PM

Chihuly Garden Installations ■

By dA l E C h I h u ly

E S S AyS By dAV I d E B o N y A N d T I M R I C h A R d S o N

F o R E w o R d By M A R k M C d o N N E l l

Dale Chihuly’s nature-inspired glass sculptures, set within some of the finest gardens in the world

s e lling points ■ dale Chihuly’s universal appeal cuts across all boundaries ■ The various garden installations featured here drew a combined 5.65 million visitors ■ Crossover appeal for both Chihuly and garden admirers ■ Most inclusive survey of Chihuly’s installation-based work in over a decade

s pecifications 260 color photographs 400 pages, 10¼ × 12¾" Hardcover RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: NovEMBEr ArT • NATUrE ISBN 978-1-4197-0103-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0103-0 US $75.00 CAN $86.00



he greatest living artist in the medium of glass,

9 781419 701030

Dale Chihuly has long been fascinated by the

colors and forms of nature. Over the years, his work

also avail ab le

has become increasingly open, using forms that show a strong relationship to the architecture of natural shapes. Here, lush illustrations showcase Chihuly’s unique glass sculptures positioned among the plants, flowers, and landscapes of some of the world’s finest gardens and conservatories, from St. Louis to Phoenix to Kew. Tracing the connection between Chihuly’s art and botanical life, Chihuly Garden Installations shows how the exchange

Chihuly: 365 Days ISBN 978-0-8109-7088-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-7088-5 US $32.50 CAN $38.95


between art and nature can shift from the harmonious and tranquil to stunning juxtapositions of scale and color.

9 780810 970885

Dale Chihuly is an icon of American art and cofounder of the renowned Pilchuck Glass School outside Seattle. His work is in the collections of over 200 museums worldwide. David Ebony is the managing editor of Art in America magazine. He lives in New York City. Tim richardson is a garden and landscape critic and historian based in London. Mark McDonnell is former chairman of the Glass Department at the California College of the Arts. He lives in San Francisco.

ISBN 978-1-4197-0000-2 ISBN-13: US $19.95978-1-4197-0000-2 CAN $23.95 51995

9 781419 700002

z Abrams FallAdCat11_001-053.indd 53

Dale Chihuly: A Celebration

FA L L 2 0 1 1


4/4/11 2:04 PM

z Abrams

James D. Smith

Chris Callies

Michael Biever

Harmann Studios/Chris Callies

Harmann Studios/Chris Callies

ONE: The Official Commemorative of the Super Bowl XLV Champion Green Bay Packers

The one and only official Super Bowl Championship commemorative book specially commissioned by the Packers

■ ■ I n t r o d u c t i o n by M i k e M c C a r t h y  ■  W r i t t e n by Pac k e r s e d i to r i a l s ta f f

s e lling points ■■ The Packers sell more merch­an­ dise than any other NFL team ■■ Packers fans are unusually devoted; the team is owned by 112,158 individual shareholders and has 85,000 fans on the season-ticket waiting list ■■ Includes never-before-published images, including photographs from the team plane on the ride home and the private Super Bowl ring ceremony ■■ Extensive consumer marketing support from the Packers: e-mail blasts, Facebook and Twitter posts, official Web site, and more

s pecifications Over 150 photographs 128 pages, 11 × 8½"


ne mind, one goal, one purpose, one heart.” That was the mantra that united the players of the 2010–11 Green Bay Packers and carried them

to victory in Super Bowl XLV. No story in recent sports memory rivals that of the

Packers’ quest to bring a Super Bowl championship and the Lombardi Trophy back to

Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: North America PUB MONTH: November SPORTS

Titletown. Green Bay may be the smallest city in America with a major pro sports fran-

ISBN 978-1-4197-0295-2

chise, but it also has the most passionate and loyal fans, key factors in overcoming a

ISBN 978-1-4197-0295-2 US$25.00 CAN$29.00


rough start to the season and achieving the improbable feat of winning three straight road games to reach the Super Bowl. That story is chronicled here, in the only official book specially commissioned by the Packers to commemorate this historic victory. This beautifully produced book features an introduction by Head Coach Mike McCarthy, new, in-depth stories from the Packers’ own writers, plus hundreds of

9 781419 702952

No minimum order required See your ABRAMS sales rep to order!

photographs of the team’s epic season, capped by their momentous and inspiring victory over the vaunted Pittsburgh Steelers. Insider insights and behind-the-scenes images, many never before published, include photos from the team plane on the ride home, the triumphant return to Lambeau Field, the jubilant parade, even inside the invitation-only ring ceremony. This story transcends football and speaks to the power of passion, commitment, and unity. ONE is the must-have keepsake for football fans looking to revel in the glory of one classic season and one truly unforgettable achievement. Mike McCarthy is Head Coach of the Green Bay Packers. He has led the team to the postseason three times in his five seasons, culminating with a victory in Super Bowl XLV.

z Abrams

FA L L 2 0 1 1  ■

FallAdCat11_.indd 54

4/4/11 1:38 PM

FallAdCat11_.indd 55

4/4/11 1:39 PM



The book This Old House fans have been waiting for!

By K e v i n O ’ C O n n O r

P h OtO g r a P h s By M i C h a e l C a s e y


his Old House is America’s most-watched and longest-running home improvement show, airing

on PBS since 1979. In this book, host Kevin O’Connor will chronicle 10 of the finest transformations rendered by the craftsmen and artists from the past decade of

filming the show. Never before have completed projects from This Old House been displayed in such detail. From interiors to exteriors, with insights from every step of the process, the works presented in this book will give devotees of This Old House something they’ve never had before—the rarely shown finished spaces. With more than 200 stunning photographs showing the before-and-after of the best houses on the show, and unique insights and stories from O’Connor and some of the well-known crew members, fans of This Old House will be clamoring for this volume. Kevin O’Connor is the Emmy-nominated host of This Old House, Ask This Old House, and This New House. He joined the cast in 2003. O’Connor lives north of Boston with his family. THIS OLD HOUSE is a registered trademark belonging to This Old House Ventures Inc. Used Under License.


FA L L 2 0 1 1

054-085 F11adult_3STC_8 copy.indd 56

4/12/11 2:29 PM

s e lling points ■  Emmy-winning This Old House is  America’s longest-running home  improvement series ■  Features profiles of the show’s most  popular craftsmen and artisans ■  This Old House, with more than  2 million viewers, will be airing new  episodes on PBS this fall, featuring  on-air book advertising ■  Advertising in This Old House  magazine, with 7 million readers, and  the website, with 14 million monthly  page views

s pecifications 200 color photographs 228 pages, 9½ × 10" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: SeptemBer INterIOr deSIgN ISBN 978-1-58479-935-1 ISBN 978-1-58479-935-1 US $35.00 CAN $40.00


9 781584 799351

also avail ab le

An Affair with a House ISBN 978-1-58479-470-7  ISBN 978-1-58479-470-7 US $60.00  CAN $77.00


9 781584 794707

Prefabulous + Sustainable ISBN 978-0-8109-8483-7  ISBN 978-0-8109-8483-7

US $25.00  CAN $32.50 52500 9

FallAdCat11_.indd 57

780810 984837

4/4/11 1:39 PM


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4/4/11 1:39 PM

The Mets A  5 0T h A N N I v E r S A ry   C E L E B r AT I o N ■   By  a n dy  M a r t i n O  a n d  a n t h O n y  M c C a r r O n  ■  F O r e w O r d  By  r O n  da r l i n g

The definitive illustrated book celebrating 50 years of the amazin’ Mets, from the New York Daily News

s e lling points ■  In time for the 50th anniversary  of the New york Mets in 2012 ■  The Daily News’s vast photo  archive provides a wealth of  stunning, exciting images ■  Foreword by ron Darling,  beloved former Mets player, now  sports announcer ■  Advertising in print and online  editions of the Daily News

s pecifications 250 color and black-and-white photographs 320 pages, 9 × 10½"


Hardcover with jacket

n honor of the upcoming 50th anniversary of the amazin’


New York Mets, the New York Daily News has created the

PUB MONTH: SeptemBer

definitive commemorative tome for fans. In 1962, the New


York Mets stepped in to fill the void left by the exodus of the New York Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers. The Mets were

ISBN 978-1-58479-914-6

embarrassingly inept in their early years, but after two World

ISBN 978-1-58479-914-6 US $40.00 CAN $50.00


Series titles (1969 and 1986), they proved their place in New York baseball history. Along the way, the cast of characters

9 781584 799146

has rarely failed to entertain. This fascinating narrative includes more than 200 of the Daily News’s greatest Mets

also avail ab le

images and a fantastic foreword by Ron Darling, making this a must-have book for fans everywhere. Ya gotta believe! Andy martino covered the Mets for the New York Daily News in 2008 and 2010. Before that, he taught high school English in Brooklyn and attended the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He lives in Brooklyn, New York. Anthony mcCarron has been writing about sports since 1989 and has worked at the Miami Herald, and Newsday. Since 1994, he’s been on staff at the New York Daily News and has reported on Major League Baseball since 1999. ron darling was a pitcher for the New York Mets, Montreal Expos, and Oakland Athletics between 1983 and 1995. He currently works as a baseball commentator on TBS.

101 Reasons to Love the Mets ISBN 978-1-58479-669-5  ISBN 978-1-58479-669-5 US $15.95  CAN $TK


9 781584 796695

Remembering Yankee Stadium ISBN 978-1-58479-716-6  ISBN 978-1584797166 US $45.00  CAN $48.95


9 781584 797166

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  59

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4/4/11 1:39 PM

My Grandmother’s Knitting FA M I Ly   S To r I E S  A N D   I N S P I r E D   K N I T S F r o M  To P   D E S I G N E r S ■   By l a r i s s a  B r O w n  ■   P h OtO g r a P h s   By   M i C h a e l   C r O u s e r

s e lling points ■  Contributors include knitting  “glitterati” like Wendy Bernard,  Meg Swansen, ysolda Teague,  and Norah Gaughan ■  Beautiful projects and charming  stories make this the perfect gift  for knitters of any age ■  Fun, celebratory style turns  the old adage “This isn’t your  grandmother’s knitting” on  its head

s pecifications 100 color and black-and-white photographs 144 pages, 8¼ × 7¾" Hardcover

If Betty White can host SNL, then it’s time we give Grandma the credit she deserves

RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: SeptemBer CrAft


hen most people think of their grandmother’s knitting, they might not immediately see

ISBN 978-1-58479-939-9

the connection to a modern knitter’s life. But in My

ISBN 978-1-58479-939-9 US $22.50 CAN $25.50

Grandmother’s Knitting, Larissa Brown shows us that


nothing could be further from the truth. Many of today’s hippest and most popular knitters found their passion for

9 781584 799399

knitting under the tutelage of their grandmother or another

also avail ab le

revered family member, and in this book, they share stories and patterns inspired by their memories and their gratitude. Among the 26 contributors to My Grandmother’s Knitting are STC Craft authors Wendy Bernard (Custom Knits series), Teva Durham (Loop-d-Loop series), Norah Gaughan (Knitting Nature), Joan McGowan-Michael (Knitting Lingerie Style), and Leigh Radford (AlterKnits

Knitalong ISBN 978-1-58479-665-7  ISBN 978-1584796657 US $22.50  CAN $24.50


9 781584 796657

A Knitter’s Home Companion ISBN 978-1-58479-916-0  ISBN 978-1584799160 US $17.95  CAN $21.95


9 781584 799160

series and One More Skein) as well as many other popular designers such as Jared Flood, Cookie A., Ysolda Teague, Anne Hanson, Kay Gardiner, and Meg Swansen. larissa Brown is the coauthor of Knitalong: Celebrating the Tradition of Knitting Together (STC Craft, 2008). Her hand-knit designs have appeared in Knit.1 magazine, Knitty, and on her blog, Stitch Marker. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

6 0  ■  FA L L  2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_.indd 60

4/4/11 1:39 PM

Weekend Handmade M o r e T H A n 4 0 P r oj e c T s A n d I d e A s F o r I n s P I r e d c r A F T I n g ■

By K e l ly W i l K i n s O n

P h OtO g r a P h s By t h ay e r a l lys O n g O W dy

s e lling points ■ Follow-up to two bestsellers: Weekend Knitting and Weekend Sewing (more than 165,000 copies in print combined) ■ Projects are quick and affordable, and will appeal to crafters of all experience levels ■ Author is well connected in the craft and design communities

s pecifications 100 color photographs 152 pages, 8½ × 9½" Hardcover with jacket

More than 40 sweet, chic, and creative projects to make in the space of a weekend and enjoy for years to come

RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: SeptemBer Craft ISBN 978-1-58479-940-5


ISBN 978-1-58479-940-5 US $27.50 CAN $31.50


ith a stretch of free time ahead, we can embark on new projects. The best weekends come

9 781584 799405

to a close with something handmade to enjoy. Therein lies the magic of Weekend Handmade: Each project in

it—from aprons, tablecloths, and marmalade to a memory

also avail ab le

box and a chandelier—can be completed in a few hours or over the course of a weekend, and is easily achievable by the average crafty dabbler. The projects in this book are divided into three chapters: Make (paper and textile crafts), Grow (crafts related to the outdoors), and Gather (projects that bring friends and family together in an

Weekend Knitting

atmosphere where creativity and coziness trump fancy

IsBn 978-1-58479-769-2

courses and matching silverware).

ISBN 978-1-58479-769-2 Us $19.95 CAN $20.95


Kelly Wilkinson is a craft designer and journalist. Her projects have appeared on Design*Sponge, Apartment

9 781584 797692

Weekend Sewing

Therapy, and on her blog, Make Grow Gather, as well as

IsBn 978-1-58479-675-6

in Sunset magazine, Country Living, the San Francisco

ISBN 978-1-58479-675-6

Us $27.50

Chronicle, and the Washington Post. She lives in San Francisco.


CAN $35.95 52750

781584 796756

FA L L 2 0 1 1

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4/12/11 2:29 PM

Saint-Émilion T h E  C h âT E AU x ,   W I N E M A K E r S ,  A N D   L A N D S C A P E S  o F   B o r D E AU x ’ S   FA M E D   W I N E r E G I o N ■   By  F r a n ç O i s   Q u e r r e ,   B é at r i C e  M a s s e n e t,   a n d  e M M a n u e l l e  P O n s a n - da n t i n   ■   P h OtO g r a P h s   By   g u i l l au M e   d e   l au B i e r

220 pages, 92⁄5 × 121⁄5"


Hardcover with jacket

world. The book features more than 70 legendary

s pecifications 387 color photographs

most popular and critically acclaimed wines in the


wineries, including Cheval Blanc, Grand Corbin,

PUB MONTH: SeptemBer

Angélus, and Magdeleine. Profiles describe the history, architecture, and wine of each château. In

fOOd & WINe ISBN 978-1-58479-944-3 ISBN 978-1-58479-944-3 US $55.00 CAN $62.00


addition, interviews with the winemakers and a rich selection of photographs give readers a taste of the colorful environment where these superior wines are produced.

9 781584 799443

also avail ab le The Heart of Bordeaux ISBN 978-1-58479-814-9  ISBN 978-1-58479-814-9

US $50.00  CAN $64.99 55000 9

aint-Émilion invites readers into the homes of the winemakers who create some of the

françois Querre is the author of several books on Bordeaux. emmanuelle ponsan-dantin is a PR and communications manager specializing in the Bordeaux wine industry. Béatrice massenet is a journalist and author. guillaume de laubier is a photographer who has worked for more than 16

781584 798149

years for Elle Décoration.

The Wines of  Michel Chapoutier ■   t e x t By  J e a n - C h a r l e s  C h a P u z e t   ■   ta s t i n g s By  M i C h e l B e t ta n e  a n d  t h i e r ry   d e s s e au v e  ■   P h OtO g r a P h s   By   Pat r i C K   l e C l e r C s pecifications


n 1989, 26-year-old Michel Chapoutier took

Richly illustrated 160 pages, 9¼ × 12⅛" Hardcover with jacket

the reins of his family’s legendary winegrowing

estate in the Rhone Valley, and within a few years

Chapoutier wines were regarded as among the


best in the world. Today, extraordinary Chapoutier


wines are produced not only in the Rhone Valley,

fOOd & WINe

but also in the Roussillon region of France and in

ISBN 978-1-58479-949-8 ISBN 978-1-58479-949-8 US $45.00 CAN $52.00


Australia. This book explores the all-consuming passion of the winemaker, the saga of his house, and the nature of his wines. The book includes lush photographs of the Chapoutier family, vineyards,

9 781584 799498

winemaking process, as well as tasting notes of

also avail ab le Bettane and Desseauve’s Guide to the Wines of France ISBN 978-1-58479-732-6  ISBN 978-1-58479-732-6 US $35.00  CAN $42.00


9 781584 797326

all the Chapoutier vintages, with comments and analysis by French wine authorities Michel Bettane and Thierry Desseauve, authors of Bettane and Desseauve’s Guide to the Wines of France. Jean-Charles Chapuzet is a historian, journalist, and well-known writer on wine.

6 2   ■  FA L L  2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_.indd 62

4/4/11 1:40 PM

home Made ■   By  y v e t t e   va n  B Ov e n

The ultimate DIY cookbook, featuring more than 200 easy recipes using simple ingredients—no special equipment needed

s e lling points ■  Profusely illustrated with  beautiful step-by-step  and finished photographs  accompanying the recipes ■  Perfect fit for the DIy foodie  crowd focusing on a natural,  from-scratch cooking philosophy ■  All recipes and projects are  accessible to the home cook—no  expensive, cumbersome  equipment or tough-to-find  ingredients

s pecifications 350 color photographs 432 pages, 8⅛ × 10¼" Hardcover RIGHTS: NOrtH AmerICA PUB MONTH: SeptemBer COOKINg


ISBN 978-1-58479-946-7

ow do you make cheese from pantry staples? Or

ISBN 978-1-58479-946-7 US $40.00 CAN $45.00


create an oven smoker from scratch in just two

minutes? Or make ice cream without a machine? In Home

Made, Yvette van Boven shows you how, complete with

9 781584 799467

an irreverent voice, step-by-step photos and illustrations,

also avail ab le

and a gorgeous photo alongside every recipe. While her recipes are rooted in a natural, from-scratch cooking philosophy, van Boven is never preachy (she doesn’t use the word “organic”); she believes that this way of cooking is fun and that the dishes simply taste better. Chapters include Preserving Vegetables, Pre-Dinner

French Feasts

Drinks, Chocolate and Cookies, After a Night Out,

ISBN 978-1-58479-794-4

Ice-Cream-You-Scream, Don’t Forget the Dog!, and more.

US $40.00  CAN $49.95 54000

ISBN 978-1-58479-794-4

Each chapter starts with a basic dish that you can make yourself, but usually don’t because you think it’s too


complicated (think again!), and includes variations—basic

ISBN 978-1-58479-864-4

bread becomes focaccia with olives and rosemary, or

ISBN 978-1-58479-864-4

US $24.95  CAN $29.95 52495

red cherry and thyme bread. This book will inspire you to make every dish at home.


781584 798644

Alabama Studio Style

Yvette van Boven is a food stylist, recipe writer, and

ISBN 978-1-58479-823-1

illustrator. She owns a café and catering company in

ISBN 978-1-58479-823-1

US $35.00  $45.505 3 5 0 0

Amsterdam. Her work appears regularly in Dutch publications. Visit her blog at www.yvettevanboven.com.

781584 797944

Canning for a New Generation


781584 798231

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  6 3

FallAdCat11_.indd 63

4/4/11 1:40 PM

Custom Knits 2 M o r E   To P - D o W N  A N D   I M P r ov I S AT I o N A L  T E C h N I q U E S ■   By w e n dy  B e r n a r d  ■   P h OtO g r a P h s   By   K i M B a l l  h a l l

s e lling points

An empowering resource that combines Bernard’s sassy-chic designs with techniques that make them fit and feel just right

■  Eagerly anticipated follow-up  to the bestselling Custom Knits  (STC Craft; 35,000 copies  in print) ■  Useful techniques, formulas,  tips, and tricks for customizing  garments worked from the top  down guarantee this will be a  go-to reference ■  Projects include designs for  women, men, and children ■  Author’s blog, KnitandTonic.net,  boasts a large, loyal, and evergrowing fan base

s pecifications 75 color photographs 160 pages, 8½ × 9½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: SeptemBer CrAft

ISBN 978-1-58479-938-2 ISBN 978-1-58479-938-2 US $27.50 CAN $31.50


9 781584 799382

also avail ab le


n Custom Knits 2, Wendy Bernard picks up where she left off in the bestselling Custom Knits (published by

STC Craft), empowering knitters to delve even further into customization. Each chapter begins with a tutorial on the featured topic—such as converting patterns to fit men, women, or children, or tricks and techniques for substituting yarn, gauge, and stitch patterns—and is followed by a selection of Bernard’s fashionable designs on which to try them. The patterns can be knit as-written or customized; specific prompts for customization are included throughout. Custom Knits 2 concludes with formulas for making garments without a pattern, using only body measurements as a guide—a graduation of

Custom Knits ISBN 978-1-58479-713-5

sorts for adventurous knitters.

ISBN 978-1-58479-713-5

US $27.50  CAN $30.00 52750 9

781584 797135

Modern Top-Down Knitting ISBN 978-1-58479-861-3  ISBN 978-1-58479-861-3

US $27.50  CAN $35.95 52750 9

781584 798613

Wendy Bernard is the author of Custom Knits (STC Craft, 2008) and the creator of KnitandTonic.net. Her work has been published online by Knitty and Stitch Diva Studios, in Interweave Knits, Knitscene, and Yarn Forward magazines, and in several books, including Brave New Knits and STC Craft’s My Grandmother’s Knitting. She lives in Thousand Oaks, California.

6 4  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 1

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4/4/11 1:40 PM

Sewing Basics A L L  yo U N E E D   To   K N o W   A B o U T  M AC h I N E  A N D  h A N D   S E W I N G ■   By  s a n d r a B a r d w e l l

s e lling points ■  This timeless sewing reference  covers hundreds of techniques  from beginner to advanced ■  hundreds of clear, step-by-step  photos make every technique  easy to learn ■  Author’s friendly, accessible  writing style makes every  aspect of sewing intriguing and  approachable ■  A great value at $24.95

s pecifications 320 color photographs 272 pages, 9¾ × 8¼" paperback with flaps RIGHTS: NOrtH AmerICA PUB MONTH: SeptemBer CrAft

An essential reference for every home sewer’s bookshelf

ISBN 978-1-58479-947-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-947-4 US $24.95 CAN $27.95


9 781584 799474


ewing Basics is the ultimate encyclopedia for sewing at home. This thorough guide covers

also avail ab le

everything from choosing fabrics to operating a sewing machine to hand sewing, fitting, fine-finishing, troubleshooting, and more. Whether the sewer is trying to

decipher the symbols on a printed pattern, line a pocket, work French seams, or fit a muslin, she’ll find what she’s looking for here, all precisely explained and illustrated

Stitch Magic

with hundreds of step-by-step photos. Both for beginners

ISBN 978-1-58479-911-5

learning how to hem and for more experienced sewers

ISBN 978-1584799115 US $22.50  CAN $26.95


who need help mastering advanced techniques, Sewing Basics is an invaluable reference tool sewers will want to keep within easy reach for many years to come.

9 781584 799115

Weekend Sewing ISBN 978-1-58479-675-6

Sandra Bardwell is a master seamstress specializing in

ISBN 978-1-58479-675-6

US $27.50  CAN $35.95 52750

couture bridal dresses and costumes for theater and film. She lives in Australia.


781584 796756

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  6 5

FallAdCat11_.indd 65

4/4/11 1:40 PM



s Good Eats enjoys its 14th season on the Food Network, its popularity continues unabated. Fans can’t

get enough of Alton Brown’s wildly inventive, science-geeky, food-loving spirit. It’s no wonder, then, that the first two

volumes in STC’s Good Eats series were New York Times bestsellers. Like Volumes 1 and 2, Good Eats 3: The Later Years packs a bounty of information and entertainment between its covers. More than 200 recipes are accompanied by hundreds of photographs, drawings, and stills from the show, as well as lots of science-of-food facts, cooking tips, food trivia, behindthe-scenes glimpses—and bonus sock puppet instructions! In chapters devoted to everything from pomegranates to pretzels, mincemeat to molasses, Alton delivers delicious recipes along with fascinating background in a book that’s as fun to read as it is to cook from. Good Eats 3 will be a must-have addition to the bookshelves and kitchen counters of Alton lovers everywhere. alton Brown is the host of Good Eats (winner of a 2007 Peabody Award), and the commentator on Iron Chef America, both on Food Network. The author of six cookbooks for STC, he lives near Atlanta.

s e lling points

1,000 color illustrations

■ Includes 200 new recipes, loads

432 pages, 9 × 10"

of food science, hundreds of

Removable sock puppet

illustrations, and removable sock


puppet instructions with stickers

Hardcover with jacket

■ More than 350,000 copies in print of the first two volumes of the New

PUB MONTH: OCtOBer OC O C tOB OBer er fOOd fOO d & WINe WIN W INe IN e

series; more than 1.2 million copies

■ Good Eats, on the Food network,

Good Eats IsBn 978-1-58479-795-1 ISBN 978-1-58479-795-1 Us $37.50 CAN $48.95 53750

RIGHTS: W WO WOrld O rld

York Times bestselling good eats sold of Alton Brown titles in total

also avail ab le

s pecifications

■ national author tour


ISBN 978-1-58479-903-0 US $37.50 CAN $42.50


has more than 20 million total viewers. new episodes, to air this fall, will feature on-air book advertising


FA L L 2 0 1 1

054-085 F11adult_3STC_8 copy.indd 66

9 781584 799030

781584 797951

Good Eats 2 IsBn 978-1-58479-857-6 ISBN 978-1-58479-857-6 Us $37.50 CAN $45.00 53750

ISBN 978-1-58479-903-0


781584 798576

Good Eats Boxed Set (Vols. 1 & 2) IsBn 978-0-8109-9822-3 ISBN 978-0-8109-9822-3 Us $75.00 NCR 5 7 5 0 0 9 780810 998223

4/12/11 2:31 PM


The third volume in the New York Times bestselling Good Eats series, based on the popular Food Network show

““c cow ow”” In sheeP ’s

s clo ThInG oT

ade homem


achIn e

TIme m


really w o

FallAdCat11_.indd 67

4/4/11 1:43 PM

This Is your Book ■   By rya n   M aC O n O C h i e

s e lling points ■  A fun, modern spin on the  traditional baby book ■  Beautifully designed keepsake  journal with a hardcover,  concealed wire-o binding ■  offers prompts about current  events, fun statistics, and other  factoids at the time of the  baby’s birth

s pecifications 25 illustrations 112 pages, 8 × 8½" Hardcover concealed wire-o RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: OCtOBer pAreNtINg

ISBN 978-1-58479-948-1 ISBN 978-1-58479-948-1 US $16.95 CAN $18.95

Not your mother’s baby book— a unique fill-in baby journal for the modern parent


9 781584 799481

6-copy counter display ISBN 978-1-4197-0132-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0132-0 US $101.70 CAN $113.70 10170


hen graphic artist Ryan Maconochie became a father he searched for a baby book that

melded his design ascetic with the opportunity to

chronicle his daughter’s first year. He couldn’t find

9 781419 701320

anything—so he made one. This Is Your Book gives

also avail ab le

parents an opportunity to record more than just the vital statistics about their baby’s birth. It also offers an opportunity to reflect on the pop culture that surrounds the big day. From basic info such as baby’s height, birth hospital, and hair color, to amusing recollections of all the baby names that were ruled out, This Is Your Book utilizes current events, maps, and of-the-moment factoids to tell

Get to Know Your Kid ISBN 978-1-58479-862-0  ISBN 978-1584798620 US $16.95  CAN $19.95


9 781584 798620

Beyond the Family Tree ISBN 978-1-58479-797-5  ISBN 978-1-58479-797-5

US $15.95  CAN $20.95 51595 9

781584 797975

the story of the child’s first year and will become a fun stimulus for conversation and education with children in the years to come. ryan maconochie is a graphic artist who was inspired to create his own baby book after the birth of his daughter. His work can be seen in many Chicago galleries. He and his wife, Jennifer, live Chicago, Illinois, with their daughter and son.

6 8   ■  FA L L  2 0 1 1

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4/4/11 1:43 PM

Artistic Interiors D E S I G N I N G  W I T h   F I N E  A r T   C o L L E C T I o N S ■   By  s u z a n n e lOv e l l

s e lling points ■  Prestigious interior designer  reveals her process for designing  around art collections

Acclaimed architect and interior designer showcases homes designed with fine art collections

■  A unique approach to  interior design ■  offers a glimpse at incredible,  private art collections, some  never before seen by the public,  including art by Alexander  Calder, Dale Chihuly, Kara Walker,  Edward S. Curtis, and jack  Spencer

s pecifications 190 color photographs 256 pages, 9½ × 11½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: OCtOBer INterIOr deSIgN • Art


ISBN 978-1-58479-936-8 ISBN 978-1-58479-936-8 US $60.00 CAN $69.00

rtistic Interiors is an extraordinary volume


featuring the work of the prestigious architect

and interior designer Suzanne Lovell. Lovell is well known

9 781584 799368

as the go-to interior designer and curator for people with serious art collections. Hundreds of full-color photographs feature her unique approach toward designing

also avail ab le

environments that create an expressive home through collections of art. Exploring more than a dozen sumptuous residences, Lovell walks us through these incredible interiors, finely crafted furnishings, and exceptional art collections, and shows readers how to incorporate art pieces seamlessly into their own homes. Art collections

New Classic Interiors

range from works by Vic Muniz, Edward Lipski, and Dale

ISBN 978-1-58479-787-6

Chihuly to Native American photographs and ceramics to

ISBN 978-1-58479-787-6

US $60.00  CAN $78.00 56000

incredible sculpture and textiles. Architect and interior designer Suzanne lovell is the


owner of Chicago-based Suzanne Lovell Inc. and

ISBN 978-1-58479-865-1

co-owner of Twill Textiles. She is regularly featured in

ISBN 978-1-58479-865-1

US $65.00  CAN $84.50 56500

Architectural Digest’s “Top 100 Designers and Architects” as well as on Interiors TV and in House Beautiful.

781584 797876

Timeless Elegance


781584 798651

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  6 9

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4/4/11 1:43 PM

Dolci: Italy’s Sweets ■   By  F r a n C i n e   s e g a n  ■   P h OtO g r a P h s   By   e l l e n  s i lv e r M a n

s e lling points ■  The most comprehensive book  in English on the subject of  Italian sweets ■  Includes more than 125 recipes  for traditional favorites as well as  regional specialties ■  Segan’s Opera Lover’s Cookbook  is a james Beard and IACP award  finalist

s pecifications 35 color photographs 208 pages, 9 × 10" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: OCtOBer fOOd & WINe

ISBN 978-1-58479-898-9 ISBN 978-1-58479-898-9 US $35.00 CAN $40.00


Live la dolce vita—the sweet life—with this delicious guide to the world of Italian desserts


oin Francine Segan on a virtual tour of Italy with more than 125 recipes for cookies, cakes,

pastries, frozen confections, and more. Favorites such

9 781584 798989

as Cannoli and Zuppa Inglese are featured along with unusual regional specialties such as Licorice Granita and Chocolate Eggplant. In addition to beloved classics and traditional holiday fare, readers will find contemporary sweets enjoyed by Italians today—including a light and luscious “updated” Tiramisù that does not use raw eggs. Segan brings each recipe to life, introducing the

also avail ab le

countless cooks from whom she learned them: Italian grandmothers and young foodies, pastry chefs and bakery owners, food writers and internationally renowned sweets manufacturers. A chapter on after-dinner drinks rounds out this ultimate, comprehensive guide. francine Segan is a food historian and the author of four

Sugar Baby ISBN 978-1-58479-897-2  ISBN 978-1-58479-897-2 US $29.95  CAN $35.95


9 781584 798972

cookbooks, including The Opera Lover’s Cookbook, a James Beard and IACP award finalist. She is Food and Home editor for bettyconfidential.com. Segan lives in New York City.

70   ■  FA L L  2 0 1 1

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Cooking Without Borders ■   By  a n i ta lO   w i t h  C h a r lOt t e   d r u C K M a n  ■  P h OtO g r a P h s  By  lu C y   s C h a e F F e r

One of our country’s top chefs offers recipes celebrating the best flavors from around the globe in her first cookbook

s e lling points ■  Anita Lo is one of the most  in-demand chefs today and  has appeared on the TODAY  show, Top Chef: Masters, Iron Chef America, CNN, the Martha Stewart Show, and more ■  125 accessible, international  recipes that include easy  substitutions for the home cook

s pecifications 40 color photographs 240 pages, 9 × 10"


Hardcover with jacket o Anita Lo, all cooking is fusion cooking. Whether


it’s her slow-poached salmon, smoked paprika,


spaetzle, and savoy cabbage from annisa, or the smoked

fOOd & WINe

chanterelles with sweet corn flan that trumped Mario Batali on Iron Chef America, Anita Lo’s food can always be distinguished by its strong multicultural influence.

ISBN 978-1-58479-892-7 ISBN 978-1-58479-892-7 US $35.00 CAN $40.00


Inspired by the flavors and textures she’s tasted throughout the world, Lo creates food that breaks down

9 781584 798927

preconceived notions of what American food is and should be. In Cooking Without Borders, she offers more than 100 recipes celebrating the best flavors from around the globe, including chapters on appetizers, soups, salads, main courses, and desserts. These recipes show home cooks everywhere how easy it is to think globally and prepare creative and delicious food. Now that we have greater access than ever before to ingredients from

also avail ab le

all corners of the world, there’s no better time to enjoy these flavors at every meal, presented by one of our country’s most innovative chefs. Anito lo is the chef-owner of Michelin star-rated restaurant annisa in New York City. Lo has been featured on CNN, Top Chef: Masters, Iron Chef America, the Martha Stewart Show, and more. This is her first book. Charlotte druckman is a journalist who writes for numerous publications.

Memories of Philippine Kitchens ISBN 978-1-58479-451-6  ISBN 978-1584794516 US $35.00  CAN $42.00


9 781584 794516

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The BUST DIY GUIDe To LIfe MakInG YoUr WaY ThroUGh everY DaY

■   By  d e B B i e s tO l l e r  a n d  l au r i e   h e n z e l


hether it’s sewing clothes, making cheese, or growing a garden, the modern appeal of “do-it-yourself” projects has

a broader reach than ever. And who better to teach us how to DIY our lives than the über-crafty editors of BUST, the quirky, raw, and real magazine “for women who have something to get off their chests”?

s pecifications

In The BUST DIY Guide to Life, magazine founders Debbie Stoller (of

235 color photographs

Stitch ‘n Bitch fame) and Laurie Henzel have culled more than 250 of

368 pages, 7⅜ × 9⅝"

the best DIY and craft projects from its 15-year history. Organized by


category—beauty and health, fashion, food and entertaining, career,


finance, travel, and sex—and written in BUST’s trademark brazen and


witty style, this quintessential DIY encyclopedia from the quintessen-


also avail ab le

P.S.—I Made This… ISBN 978-0-8109-9603-8

tial DIY magazine is eclectic, empowering, hilarious, and downright practical, truly capturing the spirit of women today. debbie Stoller and laurie Henzel are the founders and publishers of BUST magazine—Stoller is the editor in chief and Henzel is the creative director. Stoller is also the co-author of the BUST Guide to

ISBN 978-0-8109-9603-8

US $18.95  CAN $22.95 51895

ISBN 978-1-58479-896-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-896-5 US $29.95 CAN $32.95



9 781584 798965

ISBN 978-1-58479-867-5  ISBN 978-1-58479-867-5

US $24.95  CAN $32.50 5 2 4 9 5

the New Girl Order and the Stitch ’n Bitch knitting book series. Stoller and Henzel both live in New York City.

780810 996038

Crafting a Meaningful Home


781584 798675

7 2   ■  FA L L  2 0 1 1

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s e lling points ■  More than 250 how-to craft projects,  health and beauty tips, recipes, and

More than 250 craft projects, recipes, and essays for today’s fierce, funny, and fabulous females

fun-to-read, practical essays ■  At the forefront of the craft and DIy  movement for over a decade, BUST  magazine is the host of wildly popular  craft fairs in New york City, Los  Angeles, and London ■  Co-author Debbie Stoller is also  the creator of the epic Stitch ’n  Bitch series and a well-known  feminist pundit ■  Bestselling author and celebrity  crafter Amy Sedaris will write a  cover blurb


FallAdCat11_.indd 73



4/4/11 1:44 PM


Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You Die IsBn 978-1-58479-356-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-356-4 Us $24.95 CAN $29.95 52495 9

781584 793564

Fifty Places to Hike Before You Die IsBn 978-1-58479-853-8 ISBN 978-1-58479-853-8 Us $24.95 CAN $32.50 52495 9

781584 798538

Fifty Places to Sail Before You Die IsBn 978-1-58479-567-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-567-4 Us $24.95 CAN $32.50 52495 9

781584 795674

Fifty Places to Dive Before You Die IsBn 978-1-58479-710-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-710-4 Us $24.95 CAN $27.50 52495 9

781584 797104

Fifty Places to Play Golf Before You Die IsBn 978-1-58479-474-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-474-5 Us $24.95 CAN $34.95 52495 9

781584 794745

Fifty More Places to Play Golf Before You Die IsBn 978-1-58479-793-7 ISBN 978-1-58479-793-7 Us $24.95 CAN $32.50 52495 9

781584 797937

Fifty Places to Go Birding Before You Die IsBn 978-1-58479-629-9 ISBN 978-1-58479-629-9 Us $24.95 CAN $29.95 52495 9

781584 796299


054-085 F11adult_3STC_8 copy.indd 74

4/12/11 2:32 PM

Fifty More Places to  Fly Fish Before you Die F Ly- F I S h I N G  E x P E r T S  S h A r E  M o r E   o F  T h E  W o r L D ’ S  G r E AT E S T  D E S T I N AT I o N S ■   By  C h r i s s a n t e l l a s e lling points ■  50 new, exciting fly-fishing  destinations ■  Giants of the fly-fishing industry  have contributed to the book,

50 stunning new destinations for fly fishers and armchair enthusiasts to tackle

including Mac McKeever from  L.L. Bean and master fly tier and  acclaimed author Gary Borger ■  Includes many newly explored  fly-fishing venues and adventures ■  Fly fishing is an age-old sport  that attracts new enthusiasts  every year, with over one million  adherents ■  The first book in the series, Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You Die, has sold more than 100,000  copies, making it the most  popular fly-fishing title in the  past decade


ifty More Places to Fly Fish Before You Die is the latest offering in the bestselling Fifty Places series. Chris

Santella’s first book, Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You Die,

s pecifications

has more than 100,000 copies in print, and Santella—now a

40 color photographs

regular fly-fishing contributor to the New York Times and many

224 pages, 7 × 8"

angling periodicals—has finally returned to the subject that

Hardcover with jacket

started it all. Santella profiles 50 more first-class fly-fishing


destinations around the world, as shared by top fishing-


expedition leaders and journalists. This volume includes


many of fly fishing’s “next big things”: fishing in San Diego for mako sharks; sight-casting in Bolivia for golden dorado;

ISBN 978-1-58479-937-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-937-5 US $24.95 CAN $27.95


flats-style striper fishing in Maine’s Casco Bay; nocturnal sea trout angling in Wales; and fishing for giant mahseer in the Himalayan foothills of India. Gorgeous photography showcases the beauty of these destinations, and the “If You Go” section enables readers to embark on the fishing trips

9 781584 799375

6-copy counter display ISBN 978-1-4197-0131-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-0131-3 US $149.70 CAN $167.70 14970

themselves. 9 781419 701313

Chris Santella is a freelance writer and marketing consultant. A regular contributor to the New York Times and Forbes.com, he has also contributed to the New Yorker, Travel & Leisure, and Golf, among many other publications. Santella is the author of seven other titles in the Fifty Places series (all published by Stewart, Tabori & Chang), as well as Fifty Favorite Fly-Fishing Tales. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  7 5

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Girl Scouts A CeLebrAtion oF 100 trAiLbLAzinG YeArS ■

By B e t t y C h r i s t i a n s e n

s e lling points ■ Girl Scouts of the USA is

Includ a letter fres o First Lad m Michelley Obama

the preeminent leadershipdevelopment organization for girls, with 3.4 million girls and adult members worldwide ■ the official book commemorating the 100th anniversary ■ book tie-in with national centennial celebration advertising, publicity, and promotions

s pecifications More than 300 color and blackand-white photographs 224 pages, 8½ × 10½" Hardcover with 3-piece binding RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: oCToBer

The official 100th-anniversary book, celebrating the unique sisterhood of Girl Scouts


WomeN’S STUdIeS ISBN 978-1-58479-942-9 ISBN 978-1-58479-942-9 US $29.95 CAN $35.95


o commemorate its 100th anniversary, Girl Scouts

9 781584 799429

of the USA is launching a yearlong celebration that

kicks off with this special look at its history. The organization has culled iconic photographs, documents, and letters from its vast archives that honor the unique sisterhood of Girl Scouts, some never before seen. Images include historical uniforms, memorabilia, and photographs

also avail ab le

with first ladies of the United States. Organized by decade, this book is the essential keepsake and gift for Girl Scouts members, alumnae, volunteers, and supporters. Betty Christiansen is the author of Knitting for Peace (STC Craft). She has an MFA in nonfiction writing from

Girl Scouts of the USA

Sarah Lawrence College and lives with her family in

100th Anniversary

La Crosse, Wisconsin, where she is editor of the regional

2012 Wall Calendar

women’s magazine Coulee Region Women. The Girl

iSbn 978-0-8109-9801-8

Scouts of the USA was founded in 1912 and is a preeminent leadership-development organization for girls, with 3.4 million girl and adult members worldwide.

The “Girl Scouts” name, mark and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including the “Trefoil Design,” are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA. Abrams is an official GSUSA licensed vendor.

ISBN$14.99 978-0810998018 US CAN $17.99


9 780810 998018

FA L L 2 0 1 1

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4/14/11 12:16 PM

spirit of the Harvest norTH AMerIcAn IndIAn cookIng ■

By B e v e r ly C Ox

s e lling points

P h OtO g r a P h s By M a r t i n JaC O B s


■ Winner of the james Beard and IAcP awards

AWA r WIn dn noW er B In P Ack rInT !

he reissued James Beard and IACP award-winner Spirit of the Harvest brings

authentic Native American recipes into the

■ Includes 150 well-researched recipes from the cherokee,

modern home kitchen. This carefully researched

navajo, sioux, and many other

cookbook presents 150 recipes from across the

north American tribes

United States, incorporating many indigenous ingredients and traditional dishes from the Cherokee, Chippewa, Navajo, Sioux, Mohegan, Iroquois, Comanche, Hopi, and many other North

s pecifications

American tribes. Each chapter is introduced by an

50 color photographs

expert on the region and discusses the cultures

256 pages, 8½ × 11"

of major tribal groups, their diets, their ceremonial

Hardcover with jacket

use of food, and the historic dishes they devel-


oped. Spirit of the Harvest celebrates the many

aVaIlaBle NOW

cooking traditions that have stood the test of time

fOOd & WINe

and are still very much alive today.

ISBN 978-1-55670-186-3

Beverly Cox is the author of several award-

ISBN 978-1556701863 US $40.00 CAN $48.00


winning cookbooks, including Eating Cuban. She lives on her family’s homestead in Colorado.

9 781556 701863

The secrets of Pistoulet, 15th Anniversary edition ■ s e lling points ■ Back in print in a new format ■ More than 150,000 copies sold worldwide and has been out of print for several years

By Ja n a KO l P e n

d e s i g n e d By M a ry t i e g r e e n


B Ac In P k r In A InT neW For M AT !

here is magic and mystery in the farmhouse known as Pistoulet, nestled

in the remote, untraveled southwestern French

countryside. Originally published in 1996, this 15th anniversary edition of The Secrets of Pistoulet tells the gentle tale of the healing power of

s pecifications 7 removable recipe cards,

magical soups and foods, while celebrating the redemptive and sustaining nature of shared meals among friends and family. With fold-out

7 pockets, 1 greeting card, 1 letter

letters, removable recipe cards and pockets, and

with envelope, 14 pages of vellum

special vellum pages, The Secrets of Pistoulet

72 pages, 7 × 7"

quickly became a bestselling gift book. There’s


no better time to rediscover its magic.


Jana Kolpen is the author of The Legend of the

fOOd & WINe • GIft

Villa della Luna and The Circle of Kindness, which

ISBN 978-1-55670-440-6 ISBN 978-1-55670-440-6 US $19.95 CAN $23.95


9 781556 704406


each illustrate her passion for fine food, wine, and travel. She lives in New york City. Designer mary tiegreen is the creator of STC’s 101 Reasons to Love series. She lives in the Hudson Valley.

FA L L 2 0 1 1

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4/12/11 2:32 PM

Drinkology Beer A  B o o K A B o U T  T h E  B r E W ■   By  Ja M e s   wa l l e r

s e lling points ■  The Drinkology series has sold  more than 80,000 copies to date

A fun, fact-filled guide to the whole wide world of beer and beer culture

■  Comprehensive, wide ranging,  and written with flair, the book  has a stay-flat binding and spillproof cover for easy use at the bar ■  Includes a host of entertaining  sidebars covering topics such as  the history of the beer can, the  truth about beer bellies, beer  songs, beer games, and more

s pecifications 60 line illustrations 352 pages, 5¼ × 6½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: OCtOBer fOOd & WINe ISBN 978-1-58479-851-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-851-4 US $22.50 CAN $25.50



9 781584 798514

o a guy or a gal walks into a bar and orders a . . .

6-copy counter display

what? A Belgian lambic? A German Hefeweizen?

ISBN 978-1-58479-887-3 ISBN 978-1-58479-887-3 US $135.00 CAN $153.00

An American barley wine? Today, with thousands of


beers being made in the U.S. and many, many imported ales and lagers available at taverns and retailers, the

9 781584 798873

once-simple decision to have a beer may feel a little like drowning. Drinkology Beer to the rescue. James Waller’s

also avail ab le

new book is written especially for beer lovers who have no idea what “sparge” or “IBU” might mean. After covering the basics of brewing, Waller provides an informative, witty, and accessible compendium of the globe’s beer styles, ranging from Abbey Ale to Zwickel. With special features including a roundup of “beer culture” (such as

Drinkology Revised and Updated

beer songs and movies about beer), notes on touring

ISBN 978-1-58479-828-6

breweries, and a selection of beer-cocktail recipes and

ISBN 978-1-58479-828-6

US $22.50  CAN $29.50 52250

food dishes you can make with beer, Drinkology Beer is a beer book completely unlike any other.


James Waller is a writer and editor who lives in

ISBN 978-1-58479-453-0

Lawrenceville, New Jersey. He is the author of Stewart,

ISBN 978-1-58479-453-0

US $22.50  CAN $31.50 52250

Tabori & Chang’s Drinkology (2003) and Drinkology Wine (2005).

781584 798286

Drinkology Wine


781584 794530

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  7 9

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The French Cat ■   By  r aC h a e l  h a l e

Gorgeous felines in the midst of spectacular French scenery s e lling points ■  rachael hale’s bestselling books  have sold over 2.8 million copies  in 20 languages ■  over 150 stunning photographs  of cats and France ■  The perfect gift for cat lovers and  Francophiles

s pecifications 179 color photographs 168 pages, 8½ × 11¼" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WOrld eNglISH exClUdINg AUStrAlIA, NeW ZeAlANd, UK, IrelANd, SOUtH AfrICA PUB MONTH: OCtOBer petS • trAVel • pHOtOgrApHY ISBN 978-1-58479-950-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-950-4 US $29.95 CAN $32.95


9 781584 799504


ne of the most successful animal photographers in

also avail ab le

the world today, Rachael Hale turns her lens toward

France—her newly adopted home—and the charismatic cats that inhabit this picturesque backdrop. The result is The French Cat, a stunning exploration of the country and its felines. Remarkable French landscapes, both urban and rural, are populated with cats brimming with personality—whether languidly


strolling in a quaint village or regally perched on the doorstep of an elegant château. Rachael also tells the story of her new life in

ISBN 978-1-58479-462-2

France with her husband and new baby in tow. This heartwarm-

US $12.95  CAN $17.95 51295

ing narrative—along with engaging quotes from famous French cat lovers and literary greats—accompanies the images, making the eclectic and lushly illustrated record of Rachael’s journey an all-around delight for Francophiles and cat lovers alike.

ISBN 978-1-58479-462-2


781584 794622

Cattitude Box Set ISBN 978-1-58479-646-6  ISBN 978-1584796466 US $29.95  CAN $35.95


rachael Hale is a photographer and bestselling author whose books—including 101 Cataclysms: For the Love of Cats and Smitten: A Kitten’s Guide to Happiness—have sold more than 2.8 million copies. Originally from New Zealand, Rachael now lives in France with her husband, Andrew, and their daughter, Charlize.

9 781584 796466

The Cat in Art ISBN 978-0-8109-9328-0  ISBN 978-0810993280 US $35.00  CAN $42.00


9 780810 993280

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have yourself a very  vintage Christmas C r A F T S ,   D E C o r AT I N G   T I P S ,  A N D  r E C I P E S ,   1 92 0 S – 1 9 6 0 S ■   By s u s a n  wag g O n e r s e lling points

A new look at holidays gone by with projects and recipes to re-create a vintage Christmas

■  Filled with vintage and retro  holiday art as well as holiday  crafts and recipes ■  Step-by-step instructions to  re-create some of the most  popular items from each decade ■  Fourth book in this bestselling  Christmas book series

s pecifications 200 color illustrations 144 pages, 7 × 9" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: NOVemBer HOlIdAY • CrAft ISBN 978-1-58479-923-8 ISBN 978-1-58479-923-8 US $19.95 CAN $22.95


9 781584 799238

6-copy counter display ISBN 978-1-4197-0133-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0133-7 US $119.70 CAN $137.70 11970

9 781419 701337

also avail ab le


n her newest volume, Susan Waggoner recaptures the magic of Christmases past with the vintage crafts

projects readers have been craving. Inspired by the most sought-after treasures from the 1920s through the 1960s,

Waggoner recreates a tempting array of decorations and provides step-by-step instructions that allow anyone to deck their halls with cellophane wreaths, glittered glass ornament balls, beaded bell garlands, and whimsical,

Under the Tree

tinsel-bedecked treat cups. Those pressed for time will

ISBN 978-1-58479-641-1

also find quick crafts for every decade, along with style

ISBN 978-1-58479-641-1

US $16.95  CAN $18.95 51695 9

781584 796411

Christmas Memories ISBN 978-1-58479-789-0  ISBN 978-1-58479-789-0

US $17.95  CAN $23.50 51795 9

781584 797890

It’s a Wonderful Christmas ISBN 978-1-58479-327-4  ISBN 978-1-58479-327-4

US $16.95  CAN $18.95 51695 9

781584 793274

notes and decorating tips to pull it all together. Nostalgic bonus art throughout provides a host of images to use in greeting cards and photo holders. And to keep spirits merry and energy flowing, Waggoner includes a sampler of easy-to-make candy recipes, from Mackinac Island Fudge to old-fashioned soft caramels. Susan Waggoner has written numerous fiction and nonfiction books, including STC’s It’s a Wonderful Christmas, Under the Tree, Christmas Memories, and, with Robert Markel, Cocktail Hour, Vintage Cocktails, and Make Mine Vodka. Waggoner lives in New York City.

8 2  ■  FA L L  2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_.indd 82

4/4/11 1:46 PM

The Fundamental Techniques  of Classic Bread Baking ■   t h e  F r e n C h  C u l i n a ry  i n s t i t u t e

s e lling points ■  Covers French, Italian, German,  Middle European, and glutenfree bread, both elementary and  classic techniques ■  The FCI is a world-renowned  brand. Their pastry book was a  james Beard Foundation Award  winner and an IACP Cookbook  Award winner ■  Follows the basic curriculum  of FCI’s 12-week bread-making  course, which costs more than  $10,000

s pecifications 300 color photographs

The essential guide to making bread, based on the French Culinary Institute’s internationally renowned curriculum


he French Culinary Institute’s international

352 pages, 10 × 9" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WOrld PUB MONTH: deCemBer fOOd & WINe

ISBN 978-1-58479-934-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-934-4 US $65.00 CAN $75.00


bread-baking course, created in 1997, is taught

by some of today’s greatest artisanal bread bakers and regarded as one of the top programs in the world. The

Fundamental Techniques of Classic Bread Baking follows the outline of the FCI’s complete 12-week bread-making

9 781584 799344

also avail ab le

course. Serving not only as a reference in the classroom, but also as a guide for professionals, amateur chefs, and home cooks who desire total immersion in the art of bread baking, this book instructs readers on French, Italian, German and Middle European, and gluten-free breads. Encyclopedic in scope and format, it is sure to become an essential item in every home cook’s library.

The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Cuisine ISBN 978-1-58479-478-3  ISBN 978-1-58479-478-3 US $80.00  CAN $90.00


For more than 25 years, the renowned french Culinary Institute at the International Culinary Center in New York City has been teaching the fundamentals of Western cuisine through its hands-on Total Immersion curriculum. With a world-class facility, a distinguished faculty, and a celebrated restaurant, the FCI is among the leading schools of its kind.

9 781584 794783

The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Pastry Arts ISBN 978-1-58479-803-3  ISBN 978-1584798033 US $75.00  CAN $97.50


9 781584 798033

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  8 3

FallAdCat11_.indd 83

4/4/11 1:46 PM


FallAdCat11_.indd 84

4/4/11 1:46 PM

Matthew robbins’  Inspired Weddings DESIG NING yoUr BIG DAy WITh FAvorITE oBjEC TS AND FAMI Ly TrE A SUrES ■   By  M at t h e w  r O B B i n s   ■   F O r e w O r d   By   M a r t h a   s t e wa r t s e lling points ■  Unique twist on traditional  wedding planning books ■  A personal, sentimental object  provides the theme—from the  invitation and floral arrangements,

Popular wedding planner Matthew Robbins walks brides through his unique process of creating personalized weddings

to the ceremony and reception ■  robbins is Martha Stewart Weddings magazine’s  contributing editor and columnist.  his designs are featured monthly  in the Martha Stewart family  of print, radio, and television  productions ■  Inspiring book with more than  150 gorgeous images

s pecifications 150 color photographs 224 pages, 8½ × 10½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NOrtH AmerICA



atthew Robbins, Martha Stewart’s right-hand wedding expert, approaches each wedding

ISBN 978-1-58479-893-4

design with an object that the couple finds meaningful,

ISBN 978-1-58479-893-4 US $35.00 CAN $40.00


and in this inspirational guide, he shows you how to do the same. In Matthew Robbins’ Inspired Weddings,

9 781584 798934

Matthew will walk brides through his process of transforming the special into the spectacular by choosing nine

also avail ab le

objects around which to base a wedding design. Along the way, he will share insider tips and industry secrets that make the difference, allowing every reader to feel that she has imbued her wedding with a bit of Matthew Robbins’ wedding magic. matthew robbins runs the New York-based events planning firm Matthew Robbins Design. Robbins is a con-

contributes to InStyle Weddings, theknot.com, Elegant

ISBN 978-1-58479-838-5

ISBN 978-1-58479-365-6 US $35.00  CAN $42.00

US $24.95  CAN $39.95 52495

9 781584 793656

Bride, Modern Bride, and New York Weddings. He writes a weekly blog for the Martha Stewart Weddings website, and is a regularly featured guest on both the Martha

ISBN 978-1-58479-838-5


Simple Stunning Wedding

Organizer—Revised Edition


ISBN 978-1-58479-902-3

ISBN 978-1-58479-539-1

ISBN 978-1-58479-902-3


781584 798385

Simple Stunning Wedding

ISBN 978-1-58479-539-1

US $22.50  CAN $26.95 52250

Stewart Show and Martha Stewart Living Radio. He lives in New York City.

Simple Stunning Bride

ISBN 978-1-58479-365-6  53500

tributing editor and pens a regular column called “Reality Check” in Martha Stewart Weddings, and regularly

Simple Stunning Weddings

781584 799023

US $22.50  CAN $28.95 52250 9

781584 795391

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  8 5

FallAdCat11_.indd 85

4/4/11 1:46 PM

FallAdCat11_086-099.indd 86

4/4/11 2:11 PM

FallAdCat11_086-099.indd 87

4/4/11 2:11 PM

The World of s f tiny o n o i t ra a c e l e b ro p o r t i o n s blue p

■ ■ By■M at t.■ M u r r ay


he Smurfs began as Les

Schtroumpfs in a Belgian comic

strip in October 1958 and quickly gained

popularity, launching comic books and classic figurines. But it wasn’t until the NBC cartoon that American audiences fell in love with the Smurfs. The show ran from 1981–1989, and fans can still watch episodes twice a day on Cartoon Network’s Boomerang channel. And now, the Smurfs are back in town, thanks to Columbia Pictures & Sony Pictures Animation’s upcoming star-filled liveaction/CGI-hybrid movie premiering in summer 2011. The World of Smurfs will delve into the history of the series’ characters and profile Smurf village residents. It includes a biography of the creator, Peyo, a look back at the popular Hanna-Barbera–produced cartoon, and behind-thescenes photos from the upcoming movie. Everything will be topped off with seven unique interactive elements,

des Inclu llage f Vi smur r, mini poste c, & comi heet! er s stick

including stickers and an original mini-comic. This will be the first and only book to chronicle Smurf history for fans of all ages. Matt. Murray is the country’s leading Smurfologist and runs smurfology.blogspot.com. He was previously the executive director of the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art. He lives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

2011 Licensed through Lafig Belgium/IMPS SMURFS & www.smurf.com. The Smurfs, the Movie © 2011 Sony Pictures Animation Inc. and Columbia Pictures Industries Inc. All rights reserved.

8 8   ■  FA L L  2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_086-099.indd 88

4/4/11 2:11 PM

f smurfs The only comprehensive (and smurfiest) history of everyone’s favorite little blue friends


s e lling points s e lling points ■  First book to combine the  comic strip, cartoon series, and  movie facts ■  Tie-in to the release of The Smurfs, a live-action/CGI-hybrid  movie premiering August 2011 ■  The Smurfs’ long history, dating  back to 1958, has never been  fully covered ■  The popular cartoon currently  airs on Cartoon Network’s  Boomerang channel ■  Hundreds of millions of Smurfs  items and comic books are sold  every year

s pecificAtions 200 color illustrations 128 pages, 11 × 8½" Poster, mini-comic, sticker sheet and other removable ephemera Hardcover RIGHTS: World ENglISH PUB MONTH: AUgUST MEdIA • FIlM ISBN 978-1-4197-0072-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0072-9 US $24.95 CAN $27.95


9 781419 700729

Also AVAil AB le

Gnomes Deluxe Collector’s Edition ISBN 978-0-8109-9846-9  ISBN 978-0810998469 US $29.95  CAN $35.95


9 780810 998469

FallAdCat11_086-099.indd 89

4/4/11 2:12 PM

Jiggle Shots 7 5  R e C I P e S   To  G e T  T H e   PA R T y   S TA R T e d ■ ■ By■ r ac h e l ■ F e d e r M a n

s e lling points ■  75 inventive, eye-catching, and  potent cocktail recipes  ■  The only cocktail book dedicated

Break out of the mold with a celebration of the wiggly, jiggly, pop culture, party phenomenon

entirely to the art of gelatin shots  ■  Popular, colorful, fun, and easy  to make!

s pecificAtions 30 color photographs 96 pages, 6 × 6" Hardcover RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr Food & WINE • ENTErTAININg


othing gets the party started quite like a tray full of jiggle shots. They’re bright, colorful, and

slightly deviant. A longtime Friday night staple for the col-

ISBN 978-0-8109-9885-8 ISBN 978-0-8109-9885-8 US $12.95 CAN $15.95


lege crowd, gelatin shots have established themselves as legitimate cocktails and have become a trendy treat based on one of the most popular desserts of all time. This whimsical book features 75 surefire recipes to spice

9 780810 998858

6-copy counter-pack ISBN 978-1-4197-0135-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0135-1 US $77.70 CAN $95.70


9 781419 701351

Also AVAil AB le

up any celebration. Easy-to-make recipes and creative presentation suggestions make the preparation fun and the taste testing even better. From Purple People Eaters and Chocolate-Lemon Coolers to Apple Mini-tinis, Jiggle Shots offers a delicious and creative recipe for nearly every occasion. Accompanied by fun facts on the history of Jell-O as well as music suggestions to add some extra wiggle to the jiggle prep, Jiggle Shots is a must-have for any party host or Jell-O fan. Products and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than use a TM trademarked name, we are using the names only in an editorial fashion to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Jell-O® is the registered trademark of Kraft Foods, which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this book.

Pot Culture ISBN 978-0-8109-9440-9  ISBN 978-0-8109-9440-9

US $19.95  CAN $25.95 51995 9

780810 994409

rachel Federman is a writer and editor whose books include 100 of the Best Curses and Insults in Spanish and Girl Drinks. She is also the lead singer and songwriter of Brooklyn-based band Dimestore Scenario.

9 0  ■  FA L L  2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_086-099.indd 90

4/4/11 2:12 PM

domo in the World P H oTo G R A P H S   A N d  H A I k U

s e lling points ■  domo appears on more than one  million fansites and web pages  ■  domo has 230,000 fans  on Facebook and his  fan-created videogame has  been downloaded more than  2 million times  ■  domo is already a huge  merchandising brand, with plush  toys, T-shirts, key-chains, and  collectible figurines ■  Small trim, rounded corners, and  boardbook binding—a package  easily merchandised with other  domo products

s pecificAtions 21 color photographs 32 pages, 7 × 5½" Board book RIGHTS: World ENglISH ExclUdINg ASIA

International phenomenon Domo finally gets his own book

PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr HUMor ISBN 978-0-8109-9815-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-9815-5 US $12.95 CAN $14.95



omo is the funny, square-ish, brown creature that

9 780810 998155

6-copy counter display

began life as a mascot for a Japanese TV network,

ISBN 978-1-4197-0140-5

but who has blown up into a beloved international

ISBN 978-1-4197-0140-5 US $77.70 CAN $89.70


phenomenon. His fuzzy, grinning mug has appeared everywhere from plush toys to figurines, T-shirts to key-chains, as well as on more than one million fansites

9 781419 701405

and on his official Facebook page, where he has made

Also AVAil AB le

over 230,000 friends. But Domo has never had his own book . . . until now. Featuring original photography and haiku, Domo in the World shows our plush hero making his way through the world, whether flying a kite (or is the kite flying him?), wooing a pillow that looks suspiciously familiar, or eating anything in sight. At last, there’s a witty and quirky love


letter to the inimitable little guy who’s dug by fans of all

ISBN 978-0-8109-8490-5

ages around the globe.

US $14.95  CAN $19.50 51495

Domo © NHK-TYP 2011. Domo Animations © Domo Production Committee.

ISBN 978-0-8109-8490-5


780810 984905

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  9 1

FallAdCat11_086-099.indd 91

4/4/11 2:12 PM


FallAdCat11_086-099.indd 92

z Abrams 4/4/11 2:12 PM

Crap at My Parents’ House ■ ■ By ■J o e l■D ov e v

And you thought your parents were the only ones with questionable taste s e lling points ■ Funny photos of the weird stuff that accumulates at every parent’s home coupled with hysterical captions ■ The Crap at My Parents’ House blog receives more than 150,000 monthly page views with thousands of Facebook and Twitter followers ■ Blog featured by the Huffington Post, ApartmentTherapy, TheAtlantic.com, TheNest.com, and Paste magazine

s pecificAtions 190 color photographs 208 pages, 7 × 7" Paperback RIGHTS: WorlD PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr HUMor


ISBN 978-1-4197-0073-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0073-6 US $14.95 CAN $16.95


rap at My Parents’ House is a laugh-out-loud celebration of all the weird, odd, and unfath-

9 781419 700736

omably tacky stuff that our moms and dads accumu-

6-copy counter-pack

late without our knowledge or consent. Comedian

ISBN 978-1-4197-0141-2

Joel Dovev has compiled and commented upon

ISBN 978-1-4197-0141-2 US $89.70 CAN $101.70


the best (or would that be worst?) items submitted 9 781419 701412

by folks from around the globe in a very funny—but fair—way, revealing all those dirty secrets that range from deer hoof bottle openers and plush Oscar Meyer

Also AVAil AB le

Wienermobiles to soccer-playing Jesus ceramics and grizzly bear toilet paper holders. Whether you’re 15 or 65 and still shaking your head at your mom and dad’s decorating choices, Crap at My Parents’ House is a reason to be thankful for parents being so unintentionally hilarious.

11,002 Things to Be

Joel Dovev, the Brooklyn, New York–based creator of the Crap at My Parents’ House blog, is a stand-up

Understand Rap

ISBN 978-0-8109-8363-2

ISBN 978-0-8109-8921-4

ISBN 978-0-8109-8363-2

US $10.95

comedian, writer, and—according to his mother—a real mensch.

Miserable About


CAN $11.95 51095

780810 983632

ISBN$12.95 978-0-8109-8921-4 US CAN $15.95


9 780810 989214

FA L L 2 0 1 1

Revisedadult_86-99 6.indd 93


4/8/11 3:38 PM

Hungover owls ■ ■ By■ J .■Pat r i c k■ B r o w n

Sometimes even the wisest creature in the forest drinks a little too much! s e lling points ■  Based on the extremely popular  Tumblr blog that receives  thousands of hits per week  ■  The blog has been featured on  MSNBC, Tosh.0, Gawker, Nerve,  and CollegeHumor.com  ■  Includes tons of new content and  images never before shown on  the blog

s pecificAtions 100 color photographs 160 pages, 5 × 7"

“No regrets. I mean other than the drinking and the fight. And the police. Several regrets.”


ISBN 978-1-4197-0083-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-0083-5 US $9.95 CAN $10.95



ho knew that owls and hangovers went together as well as rum and coke? The

Hungover Owls Tumblr took the Internet by storm as

9 781419 700835

6-copy counter-display

journalist J. Patrick Brown united the two for the first time.

ISBN 978-1-4197-0142-9

Brown’s hilarious, crude, and sometimes not-safe-for-

ISBN 978-1-4197-0142-9 US $59.70 CAN $65.70


9 781419 701429

work captions, combined with photos of owls squinting, gawking, snuggling, and sleeping make the perfect

“I am here. I am working. I am doing this. This is happening. Damn it.”

partnership. This book includes never-before-seen owl facts, parables, and a field guide for recognizing your

Also AVAil AB le

very own hungover owl. With captions like “Ugh. The good weather only makes it so much worse” and ”On a scale from zero to hungover, I am dead,” drinkers everywhere will recognize their own forgotten pain and delight in its humor. J. Patrick Brown was raised in New Orleans, where he

Yoga Dogs ISBN 978-0-8109-9682-3  ISBN 978-0810996823 US $15.95  CAN $18.95


9 780810 996823

learned the city mantra of “drink, regret, reflect, repeat.” He resides in the Greater Boston area, where he is associate editor for the local alt-weekly The Weekly Dig as well as the publisher of the Tumblr blog Hungover Owls.

“Getting a bottle of wine was less expensive, but ultimately it cost much more.”

9 4  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_086-099.indd 94

4/4/11 2:13 PM

The Great American  Cereal Book H o W B R e A k FA S T   G oT   I T S   C R U N C H ■ ■ By ■M a r t y■ G i t l i n■ a n d■ to P h e r ■ e l l i s s e lling points ■  More than 500 brands and their  packaging, from 1863 to the

The ultimate illustrated collection of the most recognizable and beloved breakfast cereal brands, memorabilia, and vintage ads

present  ■  Includes trivia and unknown facts  about cereals and their cartoon  spokescharacters  ■  Appeals to pop culture fans,  designers, and collectors

s pecificAtions 350 color illustrations 368 pages, 6 × 8" Hardcover RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: ocToBEr PoP cUlTUrE


mericans love their breakfast cereal, which is second only to milk and soda in supermarket

spending. Cereals and their cartoon spokescharacters

ISBN 978-0-8109-9799-8

are some of the most enduring pop-culture icons of the

ISBN 978-0-8109-9799-8 US $19.95 CAN $22.95


20th century. The Great American Cereal Book is the definitive compendium of breakfast cereal history and lore, celebrating the most recognizable brands and pack-

9 780810 997998

aging, such as Cheerios, Cocoa Puffs, Frosted Flakes, Grape-Nuts, and Trix. Award-winning writer Marty Gitlin and coauthor Topher Ellis provide behind-the-scenes stories about the creation of these iconic kitchen-table companions, with 350 images of cereal boxes, vintage

Also AVAil AB le

ads, and rare memorabilia. Marty gitlin is a freelance writer and the author of more than 40 books. He has won many awards for his writing, including first place for General Excellence in Journalism from the Associated Press. Gitlin lives with his wife and

Wacky Packages

three children in Cleveland, Ohio. Topher Ellis is a cereal

ISBN 978-0-8109-9531-4

expert and editor of the cereal newsletter the Boxtop, the

ISBN 978-0-8109-9531-4

US $19.95  NCR

longest continuously running publication dedicated to breakfast cereal. He lives in Matthews, North Carolina.



780810 995314

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  9 5

FallAdCat11_086-099.indd 95

4/4/11 2:13 PM

Ugly Christmas Sweater  Party Book T H e   d e F I N I T I v e   G U I d e  To  G e T T I N G yo U R   U G Ly o N ■ ■ By■ B r i a n ■M i l l e r ,■ a da M ■ Pau l s o n , ■ a n d■ k e v i n ■ w o o l s e lling points ■  Based on the popular blog  UglyChristmasSweaterParty.com  ■  Team Ugly has appeared on CBS Sunday Morning, FOX & Friends,  and many other programs  ■  Includes the history of the ugly  Christmas sweater party, how to  throw the perfect party, and what  to wear

s pecificAtions 100 color photographs 152 pages, 7 × 7" Hardcover RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: NoVEMBEr HolIdAy

The funniest, craziest, most unbelievable holiday sweaters—get ready to party!

ISBN 978-0-8109-9752-3 ISBN 978-0-8109-9752-3 US $16.95 CAN $18.95


9 780810 997523

6-copy counter display ISBN 978-1-4197-0134-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-0134-4 US $101.70 CAN $113.70 10170


efinitive in every way, Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Book includes the history of the event, how

to throw the perfect party, what to wear, and how to judge the all-important ugly Christmas sweater contest. But

9 781419 701344

Also AVAil AB le

most important, Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Book is packed with more than 100 hilarious, full-color photos of outrageously ugly Christmas sweaters, including Scarf Face, Wreath Witherspoon, and Ryan Treecrest. It’s a must-have for the millions who plan to throw or attend an ugly Christmas sweater party, and a sidesplitting look at the funniest, craziest, most unbelievable holiday sweaters you can imagine—authorized by Team Ugly, the

Chrismukkah ISBN 978-1-58479-770-8

recognized experts on ugly Christmas sweater parties.

ISBN 978-1-58479-770-8

US $10.95  CAN $14.50 51095 9

781584 797708

It’s a Wonderful Christmas ISBN 978-1-58479-327-4  ISBN 978-1-58479-327-4

US $16.95  CAN $18.95 51695 9

781584 793274

UglyChristmasSweaterParty.com was founded by Team Ugly—Brian Miller, Adam Paulson, and Kevin Wool. The team met in the fall of 2000 while attending Indiana State University. They attended their first ugly Christmas sweater party in 2006, and soon after were inspired to start a blog and online venture to bring ugly Christmas sweater joy to people all over the world.

9 6  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_086-099.indd 96

4/4/11 2:13 PM

Too Much Horror Business THe KirK HAMMeTT CoLLeCTion ■

By K i r K H a m m e t t w i t H S t e fa n C H i r a z i

s e lling points of Metallica, arguably the biggest

From a heavy metal legend, a lavishly illustrated and personalized ode to horror movies

heavy metal band in the world, with a massive, devoted fan base ■ Hammett’s cache of monstermovie posters, stills, and props is one of the largest and finest in the world ■ Horror films represent the most collectible, popular, and priciest genre of all movie memorabilia






■ Kirk Hammett is the lead guitarist

s pecifications 300 color photographs 224 pages, 9 × 12" Hardcover RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: NovemBer


mUSIc • FIlm ot only is Kirk Hammett the lead guitarist for Metallica, one of the most successful heavy metal

ISBN 978-0-8109-9659-5

bands of all time, but he’s also the curator of one of the

ISBN 978-0-8109-9659-5 US $29.95 CAN $32.95

world’s finest collections of monster-movie memorabilia,


a collection few people have ever seen. In Too Much Horror Business, Kirk finally unveils his near-mythical

9 780810 996595

treasure trove of rare posters, props, costumes, and toys from the early silent classics to more modern fare. From Bela Lugosi’s annotated Dracula script to the creepy Donnie Darko bunny suit to cool model kits from the 1960s, Hammett has amassed hundreds of items over the years, including priceless international collectibles as well as the quirkier toys of his youth. Alongside scores

also aVail aB le

of full-color, original photographs in this highly designed volume, Kirk offers up a memoir of his appreciation for all things scary and fantastic, shedding light on not only the collection of a lifetime, but the man himself. For more than 25 years, Kirk Hammett has been the lead

The Horror! The Horror!

guitarist for Metallica. With the band, he has sold 100

iSBn 978-0-8109-5595-0

million albums worldwide, won nine Grammys, and been

ISBN 978-0-8109-5595-0

US $29.95

inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He lives in San Francisco.


CAN $35.95 52995

780810 955950

FA L L 2 0 1 1

086-099 F11adult_4IMG_7 copy.indd 97


4/12/11 2:52 PM

Frank Reade A dv e N T U R e S   I N T H e   AG e   o F   I N v e N T I o N ■ ■ By■ Pau l ■ G u i n a n■ a n d■ a n i n a■ B e n n e t t

s e lling points ■  A rollicking story that follows an  eccentric family through their

The colorfully illustrated steampunk adventures of a forgotten family of 19th-century inventors and explorers

inventions and adventures  ■  Steampunk continues to grow as  a hugely popular cultural genre  ■  Includes 300 color and blackand-white images, some enriched  with clever Photoshop trickery,  and many original vintage  dime-store novel etchings with  unbelievable levels of detail and  bold color palettes

s pecificAtions 100 color and 200 black-andwhite illustrations 168 pages, 8½ × 11" Hardcover RIGHTS: World ENglISH PUB MONTH: FEBrUAry ScIENcE FIcTIoN


n this meticulously researched and fantastically pictorialized volume, Frank Reade and his peerless

progeny are brought to life in all their globetrotting

ISBN 978-0-8109-9661-8

escapades with amazing electric airships, submarines,

ISBN 978-0-8109-9661-8 US $24.95 CAN $27.95

and robots, as well as historical figures like Houdini and


Geronimo. Frank Reade did exist, but only in the pages of 19th-century dime novels. While the authors have

9 780810 996618

completely re-imagined and enriched those tales into a

Also AVAil AB le

family biography, they have also restored the incredible original engravings—most of which haven’t been seen in print in more than a century—and now present these lost pieces of Americana alongside their own creatively realized imagery. Part science fiction and part alternate history, Frank Reade is equally as imaginative as the authors’ previous

Boilerplate ISBN 978-0-8109-8950-4  ISBN 978-0810989504 US $24.95  CAN $32.50


9 780810 989504

The Steampunk Bible ISBN 978-0-8109-8958-0  ISBN 978-0810989580 US $24.95  CAN $29.95


9 780810 989580

epic volume, Boilerplate (which Publishers Weekly called “a tour de force”), and presents an even more rollicking narrative. Paul guinan and Anina Bennett have been collaborating on comics and graphic novels since 1989, including the Eisner award-nominated science-fiction comic series Heartbreakers and the critically acclaimed Boilerplate. They live in Portland, Oregon.

9 8   ■  FA L L 2 0 1 1

FallAdCat11_086-099.indd 98

4/4/11 2:13 PM

Commando T h e AU To B I o G R A p h y o F J o h N N y R A m o N e ■

By J o h n n y R a m o n e

s e lling points

The candid and brutally honest, fully illustrated autobiography by the founding member of the Ramones

■ A firsthand account from a founding Ramones member ■ The Ramones received the 2011 Grammys’ Lifetime Achievement Award ■ Features reproductions of pages from Johnny’s famous “black books”—his meticulous records and notes ■ Includes scores of photos, many candid and many of which have never before been published

s pecificAtions 60 color and black-and-white photographs 192 pages, 7 × 9" Hardcover RIGHTS: WoRld ENglISH PUB MONTH: FEBRUaRy


MEMoIR • MUSIC aised in Queens, New York, Johnny Ramone

ISBN 978-0-8109-9660-1

founded one of the most influential rock bands

ISBN 978-0-8109-9660-1 US $24.95 CAN $27.95


of all time, but he never strayed from his blue-collar roots and attitude. He was truly imbued with the angry-

young-man spirit that would characterize his persona

9 780810 996601

both on and off stage. Through it all, Johnny kept the

Also AvAil Ab le

band focused and moving forward, ultimately securing their place in music history by inventing punk rock. The Ramones were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002—two years later, Johnny died of cancer, having outlived two other founding members. Revealing, inspiring, and told on his own terms, this highly


designed memoir also features Johnny’s assessment of

ISBN 978-0-8109-5786-2

the Ramones’ albums; a number of eccentric Top Ten

ISBN 978-0-8109-5786-2

US $24.95

lists; rare historical artifacts; and scores of personal and professional photos, many of which have never before been published. John Cummings (1948–2004), aka Johnny Ramone, was ranked by Rolling Stone as #16 on its list of the “100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time.” In Time’s rating of the “10 Greatest Electric-Guitar Players,” he was named, in a fit of appropriate rebellion, #11.


CAN $27.50 52495

780810 957862

Eddie Trunk’s Essential Hard Rock and Heavy Metal ISBN 978-0-8109-9831-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-9831-5 US $19.95 CAN $23.50


9 780810 998315

FA L L 2 0 1 1

086-099 F11adult_4IMG_7 copy.indd 99


4/12/11 2:37 PM

F11adult_100-85.indd 100

4/4/11 2:19 PM

F11adult_100-85.indd 101

4/4/11 2:19 PM

5 Continents Editions ■ Royal Academy of Arts ■ Tate Publishing ■ Vendome Press ■ V&A Publishing

High Altitude P H oTo g R A P H y i N T H E M o u N TA i N S ■ ■ E d i t E d ■ by■ N at h a l i E ■ h E r s c h d o r f E r ■ ■ ■ t E x t■ by ■ to b i a ■ b E z zo l a ,■ M a r ta■c a r a i o N , ■ b E r N a r d ■ d E b a r b i E u x , ■ a N d ■E l E N a ■ f o s t E r■ ■■ F r o m 5 C o N t I N e N t S e d I t I o N S s e lling points ■ Will appeal to environmentalists and those interested in the effects of climate change ■ Nature photography is always popular ■ The catalogue of the summer 2011 Swiss mountain photography festival, Alt. +1000 (translation: Altitude above 1000 meters)

s pecifications 65 color photographs 112 pages, 11½ × 9¼" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: World exClUdINg Italy aNd FraNCe PUB MONTH: SePtemBer

Unspoiled nature versus mountains altered by man: the theme of the 2011 Swiss photography festival Alt. +1000

PHotograPHy • NatUre

ISBN 978-88-7439-588-0 ISBN 978-88-7439-588-0 US $34.95 CAN $41.95 53495 9 788874 395880


ountains have long fascinated both artists and photographers. A companion to the Swiss

photography festival Alt. +1000, held in the foothills of the Alps, High Altitude features works by contemporary photographers of mountains in their various and

continually changing states. It celebrates and challenges deeply rooted myths about Switzerland’s defining feature and, by extension, about mountains and mountain ranges worldwide. What remains of the myths linked to mountains? How do perceptions of them shift as their populations disappear, and cultural references are increasingly centered on an urban existence? What effect is climate change having on mountains? Including a new work by Olaf Otto Becker, renowned for his views of Greenland, High Altitude provides some of the answers to these questions. Nathalie Herschdorfer, curator and art historian, specializes in photography. Director of the festival Alt. +1000, she was previously a curator at the Musée de l’Elysée, Switzerland.

1 02

FA L L 2 0 1 1

F11adult_100-85.indd 102

5 Continents 4/4/11 2:20 PM

Earth Meets Spirit A P H oTo g R A P H i C J o u R N E y T H R o u g H T H E S AC R E d L A N d S C A P E ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

P h oto g r a P h s ■by■ d o u g l a s ■b E a s l E y■ i N t r o d u c t i o N ■by■g E o r g E ■ s l a d E ■ ■ ■ t E x t■ by■ W i N o N a■ l a d u k E■ a f t E r W o r d ■by■ a N s E l ■ W o o d E N k N i f E■ From 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS s e lling points ■ gorgeous environmental photography ■ Will appeal to those interested in Native American, new age, and environmental issues ■ Beasley’s work is well known and widely published; his photo workshops are immensely popular

s pecifications 87 duotone photographs 112 pages, 10½ × 10½"

Renowned photographer Douglas Beasley explores sacred spaces around the world


Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World exClUdINg Italy aNd FraNCe PUB MONTH: SePtemBer

ver a period of ten years, photographer Douglas

PHotograPHy • NatUre

Beasley set out across the plains of South

and North Dakota, and onward to the Hawaiian Islands,

ISBN 978-88-7439-600-9

Peru, and Ireland, to catch a glimpse of the sacred in the

ISBN 978-88-7439-600-9 US $34.95 CAN $41.95


beauty of these landscapes. He recorded his journey in these mesmerizing photographs, taken at sites like

9 788874 396009

Wounded Knee and Corn Creek, in ancient hallowed places like Stonehenge, and along the Oregon coast. Reproduced in stunning duotone, the photographs reveal his personal vision, one concerned with how the sacred is recognized and expressed in everyday life. Beasley’s photographic journey offers readers a departure point for

also avail ab le

their own spiritual exploration, and a chance to witness

Now back in stock!

how earth and spirit, though they exist independently, can seem to merge. douglas Beasley is the founder of Vision Quest Photo Workshops, where he helps photographers realize their creative visions. He lives in St. Paul. Winona laduke is an Anishinaabekwe (Ojibwe) who works at a national level to advocate for frontline native environmental groups. george Slade is a noted photo historian and author. ansel Woodenknife is a Native American scholar.

5 Continents F11adult_100-85.indd 103

Slash: Paper Under the Knife iSBN 978-88-7439-529-3 ISBN 978-88-7439-529-3 uS $45.00 CAN $58.50


9 788874 395293

FA L L 2 0 1 1


4/4/11 2:20 PM

Charms in Pre‑Columbian  Ecuador ■ ■ F o r E w o r d ■ by ■ C h r i s t i a n ■ M E s í a■ M o n t E n E g r o■ ■ ■ t E x t ■ by ■ i vá n ■ C r u z■ C E va l lo s ■ ■■ F r o M 5 C o N t I N e N t S e d I t I o N S


s pecifications 140 color illustrations

he charms and amulets presented in this book offer a unique opportunity to explore

148 pages, 8¼ × 8¼"

the way people in Pre-Columbian Ecuador inter-


preted their lives. The choice of material—metals, shells, fired clay, gold—reflect different meanings

RIGHTS: World exClUdINg

and religious ideas. Taken alone every artifact

Italy aNd FraNCe

tells a story; in concert they construct a narrative


about the people who made them, revealing


beliefs about fertility and death, marriage, and the origins of the universe. Stunning photos of these

ISBN 978-88-7439-591-0

artifacts, accompanied by a text examining their

ISBN 978-88-7439-591-0 CAN $41.95 53000

US $34.95

meanings, provide an intriguing introduction to an ancient world.

9 788874 395910

Christian Mesía Montenegro is the director of the Museo de Arte Precolombino Casa del Alabado in Quito, Ecuador. He has conducted archaeological research in Peru and Guatemala.

The Art of Pre‑Columbian  Ecuador ■ ■ E d i t E d ■ by ■ C h r i s t i a n ■ M E s í a■ M o n t E n E g r o■ ■■ F r o M 5 C o N t I N e N t S e d I t I o N S

s pecifications 376 color illustrations 304 pages, 6½ × 9½" Flexibind RIGHTS: World exClUdINg Italy aNd FraNCe PUB MONTH: oCtoBer art ISBN 978-88-7439-596-5

ISBN 978-88-7439-596-5 CAN $41.95 53495

US $34.95

9 788874 395965


n an elegant 17th-century house in the historic center of Quito, Ecuador, visitors can find some

5,000 archeological masterworks created in a range of raw materials by ancient peoples. The house, the Casa del Alabado, or House of Praise, passed its name to the museum, a fitting one for the space that contains a unique collection of indigenous works of art, with some 500 pieces permanently on view. This book brings the art to a wider public, explaining the worldview and philosophy of these ancient people, in particular the importance of preserving life by maintaining the flow of cosmic energy and spiritual communication between the distinct worlds that made up their universe. Christian Mesía Montenegro is the director of the Museo de Arte Precolombino Casa del

Alabado in Quito, Ecuador. He has conducted archaeological research in Peru and Guatemala.

1 0 4  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 1

Revised adult_100-137_6.indd 104

5 Continents 4/8/11 3:47 PM

Kris Hilts

African impressions


Making History

■ ■ t E x t s■by■va N N a■ g h i r i N g h E l l i■ ■■ P h oto g r a P h s■ by■M au r o M ag l i a N i ■ a N d■ b a r b a r a ■P i ova N■ ■■ F ro m 5 Co NtI N e NtS e d ItI o N S

■ ■ t E x t s ■by ■b E t t i N a ■vo N ■l i N t i g■ T H E F E M i A K i N S A N yA ■ ■ P h oto g r a P h s ■ by ■ h u g h E s■ AFRiCAN ART CoLLECTioN d u b o i s■ ■ ■ by ■ s y lv E s t E r■ o k W u N o d u■ ■■ F ro m 5 Co NtI N e NtS e d ItI o N S o g b E c h i E ■ ■ ■ P h oto g r a P h s ■ by■ k E l E c h i ■ a M a d i - o b i■ ■■ F ro m 5 Co NtI N e NtS e d ItIo N S



his book reveals the mysterious world of the kris—the hilts of the traditional

weapons of Indonesia and Malaysia, which

ncestral figures, objects of magical power, masks, and insignias of secret

societies—African objects are imbued with


his sumptuous book presents important artworks from Africa, of Yoruba, Igbo,

Urhobo, Cross River, Benin, and Benue River

have long been collector’s items. Kris are

purpose and intrigue. Their significance for

Valley origins. Sculptures from throughout Nigeria as well as Edo/Benin bronze and

objects of great beauty—daggers carved,

Westerners has changed dramatically from

chiseled, or incised by artist-craftsmen with

the time when they were viewed as anthropo-

brass sculptures are featured, all from a major

deep knowledge of the symbolism and

logical artifacts; today they are seen as works

African-owned collection of African art. The analysis of this unique collection provides

traditions of their lands. Java, Sumatra, Bali,

of art. Here, new photography records the

Madura, Sulawesi, and Malaysia—each island

movement of people, styles, and ideas that

significant insight into an unexplored aspect

has its own type of hilt, with its own symbolism

have passed through sub-Saharan Africa in

of African art and the role and relevance of

and magic. Their images range from geometric

concert with the main rivers that flow through

African collectors in shaping discourse on

abstractions to human, divine, plant and animal,

it. Those rivers played a significant role in

the subject.

and demon figures. They are made from

the shaping and spreading of the worldviews

wood, fossil, ivory, gold, and whalebone and

of the peoples who inhabited it and the art

Sylvester okwunodu ogbechie is an associ-

serve as a gateway between the visible and

they created.

ate professor of art history at the University of California Santa Barbara. He is the director

invisible worlds. Bettina von lintig writes on anthropology for

of Aachron Knowledge Systems and author

Vanna Scolari ghiringhelli is an expert in

German newspapers and magazines. She has

of Ben Enwonwu: The Making of an African

Eastern sidearms and vice president of the

lectured and published on art and ethnology in

Modernist (winner of the 2009 Melville J.

Italian-Asian Cultural Centre in Milan.

both historical and contemporary Africa.

Herskovits Award).

s pecifications

s pecifications

s pecifications

100 color illustrations

160 color illustrations

220 color illustrations

128 pages, 12 × 9½"

192 pages, 9½ × 11"

256 pages, 9½ × 12"

Hardcover with jacket

Hardcover with jacket

Hardcover with jacket

RIGHTS: World exClUdINg Italy

RIGHTS: World exClUdINg Italy

RIGHTS: World exClUdINg Italy

aNd FraNCe

aNd FraNCe

aNd FraNCe







ISBN 978-88-7439-585-9

ISBN 978-88-7439-597-2

ISBN 978-88-7439-571-2

ISBN$48.00 978-88-7439-585-9 US CAN $57.50

ISBN$68.00 978-88-7439-597-2 US CAN $81.50

ISBN$68.00 978-88-7439-571-2 US CAN $81.50


9 788874 395859


9 788874 395972

5 Continents F11adult_100-85.indd 105


9 788874 395712

FA L L 2 0 1 1


4/4/11 2:20 PM

Ancient American Art M A S T E R W o R K S o F T H E P R E - C o Lu M B i A N E R A , 3 5 0 0 B .C .– 1 5 3 2 A . d. ■ ■ i N t r o d u c t i o N ■by ■ g i l l E t■ g r i f f i N■ ■■ From 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS

s e lling points ■ A complete survey of preColumbian art ■ over 250 color illustrations ■ Coincides with growing interest in Latin culture

s pecifications 286 color illustrations 392 pages, 9½ × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World exClUdINg Italy aNd FraNCe PUB MONTH: oCtoBer art ISBN 978-88-7439-554-5 ISBN 978-88-7439-554-5 US $90.00 CAN $108.00


Hundreds of works of pre-Columbian art, most never before published

9 788874 395545


rom ancient Valdivian figurines and vessels dating back to 3500 b.c. to Incan and Aztec objects

created just before the Spanish explorers landed, this is a story of discovery that spans 50 centuries, stretches from southern Peru to northern Mexico, and is still ongoing.

This expansive survey of pre-Columbian art includes images of gods, portraits of men and women, representations of animals and plants, and objects of pure abstraction. The beautifully photographed pieces—all from the Jimmy and Leonora Belilty collection—reveal the artists’ mastery over their materials, as well as their workmanship and conceptual creativity. gillet griffen is former curator of Ancient Art of the Americas at Princeton University Art Museum.


FA L L 2 0 1 1

F11adult_100-85.indd 106

5 Continents 4/4/11 2:20 PM

VISIONS OF AFRICA SERIES ■ The Visions of Africa series is the only series to examine African art systematically, tribe by tribe, in an affordable and accessible format, with information based on field research, written by leading experts in the field, and featuring both well-known masterpieces and rare objects from museums and private collections.

s e lling points


■ For African and primitive art collectors, curators, scholars, and

■ ■ by ■b a b at u N d E ■l aWa l ■ ■■ F r o m 5 C o N t I N e N t S e d I t I o N S


students of anthropology, African, and ethnographic studies

rt features prominently in the culture of

■ New volume in successful

the Yoruba, a people numbering more

Visions of Africa series, the

than 25 million and subdivided into different

only series to examine African

kingdoms in Nigeria and adjacent regions. It

art systematically, tribe by

both enriches life and is used to venerate and

tribe, in an affordable and

influence deities. The exceptional quality of

accessible format

Yoruba art from ancient times to the present is

■ Features both well-known

an expression of the complexity of Yoruba life.

masterpieces and rare objects

This new book explores the archaeological and historical evidence that suggests that by the beginning of the second millennium, many Yoruba kingdoms had become major urban centers with

s pecifications 64 color and 15 black-and-white illustrations

highly developed economic, cultural, political, and religious institutions. Drawing on field obser-

160 pages, 6½ × 9½"

vations, contextual analyses, oral sources, and


published materials, this book offers insight into

RIGHTS: World exClUdINg

the poetics and dynamics of Yoruba art and belief

Italy aNd FraNCe

that the “beautiful” or “well-made” generates a


special power that commands attention.

art ISBN 978-88-7439-587-3

Babatunde lawal is a professor of African and

ISBN 978-88-7439-587-3 US $34.95 CAN $41.95


African diaspora art at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia.

9 788874 395873

also avail ab le in the s e rie s Bamum




iSBN 978-88-7439-573-6

iSBN 978-88-7439-404-3

iSBN 978-88-7439-350-3

iSBN 978-88-7439-293-3

ISBN$34.95 978-8874395736 uS CAN $41.95

uS $34.95

ISBN 978-88-7439-350-3 uS $34.95 CAN $38.95

uS $29.00

ISBN 978-88-7439404-3


9 788874 395736


9 788874 393503



iSBN 978-88-7439-348-0

iSBN 978-88-7439-297-1

iSBN 978-88-7439-384-8

ISBN 978-88-7439348-0

ISBN 978-88-7439-297-1

CAN $38.95 53495

788874 393480

uS $34.95 9

788874 392971


iSBN 978-88-7439-410-4

iSBN 978-88-7439-386-2

ISBN 978-88-7439-410-4

788874 394104

uS $34.95 9


CAN $32.00 52900

788874 392933

Fang iSBN 978-88-7439-295-7 ISBN 978-88-7439295-7

CAN $38.95 53495

788874 393848

uS $29.00 9

CAN $32.00 52900

788874 392957

Punu iSBN 978-88-7439-401-2 ISBN 978-88-7439401-2

CAN $38.95 53495

788874 393862

5 Continents F11adult_100-85.indd 107

uS $34.95

ISBN 978-88-7439-386-2

CAN $41.95 53495


ISBN 978-88-7439-384-8

CAN $38.95 53495

Benin uS $34.95 9

788874 394043

ISBN 978-88-7439293-3


Bamana uS $34.95 9

CAN $45.50 53495

uS $34.95 9

CAN $38.95 53495

788874 394012

FA L L 2 0 1 1

1 07

4/4/11 2:20 PM

Eyewitness H u n g A r i A n   P H oTo g r A P H y   i n  T H E  T w E n T i E T H   C E n T u ry:  B r A S S A ï ,   C A PA ,   K E r T é S z ,   M o H o Ly- n Agy,   M u n K áC S i ■ ■ by ■ P é t E r ■ b a k i , ■ C o l i n■ F o r d ■ a n d■ g E o r g E ■ s z i r t E s■ ■■ a r oya l aC a d e M y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N s e lling points

Five groundbreaking photographers who changed the face of photojournalism and art photography

■  Stunning reproductions of  major works by five stars of  international photography  ■  Explores the changes in  photography in the first half  of the 20th century and the  important role played by  Hungarian photographers in  international developments  ■  Places photographic  developments against a broad  historical backdrop, providing  a fascinating perspective on  Europe at the time  ■  These five photographers remain  among the most influential in the  history of photography ■  Accompanies major exhibition

s pecifications 200 color photographs 248 pages, 9½ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: SePteMBer PHotograPHy


t a crucial moment between two world wars, in a country destabilized by political turmoil,

five men changed the face of photojournalism and art photography, and inspired the world. With their groundbreaking shots, Brassaï, Capa, Kertész, Moholy-Nagy,

ISBN 978-1-905711-76-5

and Munkásci radically redefined photographic practice

ISBN 978-1-905711-76-5 US $65.00 CAN $78.00

and theory, giving rise to iconic images and ushering in


9 781905 711765

the modern era. In this stunning book, essays by leading authorities examine the ways in which the extraordinary activity of these five men established Hungary as

e xhibition sche dule

a crucible of art photography at the time, as well as the

royal Academy of Arts, London,

influence they have had on succeeding generations of

Jun 30–Oct 2, 2011

photographers. Illustrated with their major works and a number by their contemporaries—in many cases using archival prints—the book is a landmark study of modern photography. Péter Baki is director of the Hungarian Museum of Photography, Kecskemét. Colin Ford was the founding director of the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford, England (now the National Media Museum). george Szirtes is a Hungarian poet and translator.

1 0 8  ■  FA L L 2 0 1 1

Revised adult_100-137_6.indd 108

Royal Academy of Arts 4/8/11 3:47 PM

Henry Moore Plasters ■ ■ by■a n i ta ■ F E l d M a n , ■ M a lC o l M ■ w o o d wa r d, ■ a n t h o n y ■ C a r o,■ ■ P h i l l i P■k i n g■ ■

F o r E w o r d ■ by ■ r i C h a r d ■ C a lvo C o r E s s i■

■■ a r oya l aC a d e M y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N


s pecifications

his is the first book on Moore’s works in plas-

150 color illustrations

ter, which until recently have been regarded

160 pages, 9½ × 10½"

as preparatory works rather than finished sculp-

Hardcover with jacket

tures. But in fact the scarred surfaces of the plasters convey a sense of immediacy and a complexity of


texture that is largely absent from highly finished


works in bronze and marble. Acutely aware of the


aesthetic changes that occurred in his sculptures

ISBN 978-1-907533-11-2

once he cast them, Moore made a number in plaster

ISBN 978-1-907533-11-2 CAN $54.00 54500

US $45.00

only. This reappraisal of the significance of these beguiling creations—illustrated with plasters of all sizes from three decades of work—uncovers a little-

9 781907 533112

known aspect of Moore’s incomparable oeuvre.

also avail ab le anita Feldman is Head of Collections and

Henry Moore: Work, Theory,

Exhibitions at the Henry Moore Foundation.


Malcolm Woodward is a sculptor. anthony Caro

iSBn 978‑1‑905711‑21‑5

and Phillip King worked as studio assistants for

ISBN 978-1905711215 uS $95.00  CAN $105.00


Henry Moore in the 1950s. richard Calvocoressi is director of the Henry Moore Foundation.

9 781905 711215

Barbara rae Sketchbooks ■ ■ by■r i C h a r d ■ C o r k■ a n d ■ g a r E t h ■ wa r d E l l■ ■■ a r oya l aC a d e M y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N


s pecifications rom the remote coastline of her native

152 color illustrations

Scotland to the mountains of Andalucía,

144 pages, 9½" × 11¼"

Barbara Rae captures what she sees in her

Hardcover with jacket

sketchbooks, recording direct evocations of the


landscapes that serve as her muse. Published


here for the first time, these dynamic studies offer


insight into the themes and motifs of Rae’s paintings and prints, but also stand alone as drawings

ISBN 978-1-907533-10-5

with a sense of adventure and immediacy.

ISBN 978-1-907533-10-5 CAN $45.00 54000

US $40.00

Richard Cork draws on interviews with the artist to examine how she sketches to connect with a subject, and Gareth Wardell provides a narrative

9 781907 533105

for Rae’s particular obsessions. Following the recent publication of her prints, this book confirms the artist as one of the boldest in the contemporary scene, moved as much by emotion

also avail ab le

as by her senses to record the visible world.

Barbara Rae: Prints iSBn 978‑1‑905711‑58‑1

richard Cork is an award-winning art critic, histo-

ISBN 978-1-905711-58-1

uS $60.00  CAN $78.00 56000

rian, broadcaster, and curator. gareth Wardell is a writer and filmmaker.

Royal Academy of Arts Revised adult_100-137_6.indd 109


781905 711581

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  1 0 9

4/8/11 3:47 PM


F11adult_100-85.indd 110

Royal Academy of Arts 4/4/11 2:21 PM

degas and the Ballet P i C T u R i N g M oV E M E N T ■ ■ by■J i l l■d evo N ya r■ a N d ■ r i c h a r d ■k E N da l l■ ■■ a r oya l aC a d e m y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N

A new look at Degas and dance, revealing his use of photography and the influence of film on his enormously popular work

s e lling points ■ Accompanies an important exhibition at the Royal Academy, the first to explore this aspect of degas’ work ■ degas’ ballet dancers are among the most popular images in the history of art ■ generously illustrated with a significant number of degas’ major ballet pieces, as well as some little-known works ■ Extends the authors’ previous work on the subject by focusing on the artist’s engagement with film and photography

s pecifications 200 color illustrations 288 pages, 9½ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH amerICa


PUB MONTH: NoVemBer dgar Degas is best known for his luminous studies of dancers. He captured his young female subjects

warming up, practicing at the bar, or mid-performance

with a stunning immediacy and accuracy, on canvas, paper, and in bronze. Although Degas did not consider himself part of the Impressionist movement, he is often viewed in that context. This sumptuously illustrated book offers a new framework, establishing Degas as a thoroughly modern artist who was engaged with and influenced by the then-new mediums of photography and

art ISBN 978-1-905711-68-0 ISBN 978-1-905711-68-0 US $65.00 CAN $78.00


9 781905 711680

e xhib ition sche dule Royal Academy of Arts, London, Sept 17 –Dec 11, 2011

film. Using drawings, pastels, paintings, prints, sculpture, photographs taken by the artist and his contemporaries, and samples of film from the period, renowned Degas scholars Richard Kendall and Jill DeVonyar examine the artist’s innovative approach to the subject, from his documentary mode of the early 1870s to the sensuous and expressive manner of his late work. Jill deVonyar is an independent curator and former ballet dancer. richard Kendall is an art historian and an independent curator. They are coauthors of Degas and the Dance, which accompanied a highly popular exhibition.

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The Sketchbooks of Jocelyn Herbert ■ ■ by■s t E P h E N ■ fa r t h i N g ■ a N d ■ r i c h a r d ■ E y r E■ s pecifications 75 color illustrations 122 pages, 8¼ × 11¾" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: deCemBer FIlm • PerFormINg artS ISBN 978-1-907533-07-5

ISBN 978-1-907533-07-5 US $30.00 CAN $36.00 53000 9 781907 533075

■■ a r oya l aC a d e m y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N


rom her early work with such writers as

Samuel Beckett, Eugène Ionesco, and John

Osborne, to her time with Laurence Olivier at the National Theatre, Jocelyn Herbert (1917–2003) pioneered a simple yet atmospheric set design style that remains influential today. Britain’s leading stage designer brought her innovative approach to the big screen on such films as Lindsay Anderson’s Isadora. Published for the first time, Herbert’s sketchbooks provide an intimate portrait of her life and work. Illustrated with production stills and accompanied by commentaries from the actors, directors, and writers involved, this book brings to life a golden age of British theater and film. Stephen Farthing is an artist and Rootstein Hopkins Professor of Drawing at the University of the Arts, London. richard eyre is a well-known film and theater director.

Maurice Cockrill ■ ■ by ■N i c h o l a s■ a l f r E y, ■ a l E x■ k i d s o N , ■ a N d ■ a r t u r o ■ d i ■ s t E fa N o■ ■■ a r oya l aC a d e m y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N s pecifications 150 color illustrations 240 pages, 9½ × 11¾" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: deCemBer art


aurice Cockrill (b. 1936) is one of Britain’s most important abstract artists. This

book traces his distinguished career, from the realist and pop works he produced as a central

figure in the Liverpool art scene in the 1960s to the expressionist and abstract work he began to make after moving to London in the 1980s.

ISBN 978-1-907533-09-9

ISBN 978-1-907533-09-9 CAN $54.00 54500

US $45.00

9 781907 533099

Nicholas Alfrey provides an overview of Cockrill’s development based on the various studios he has occupied and the impact they have had on his working practice. Alex Kidson looks at Cockrill’s early realist paintings and their links with his later abstract compositions. The artist Arturo Di Stefano analyzes 12 key works in a series of short pieces that punctuate this beautifully illustrated monograph. Nicholas alfrey is associate professor in art history at the University of Nottingham. alex Kidson is curator of British art at the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. arturo di Stefano is an artist.


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Susan Hiller ■ ■ by ■a N N■g a l l ag h E r ■ ■■ F r o m tat e P U B l I S H I N g

A comprehensive look at one of the most compelling and imaginative artists at work today s e lling points ■ Published to accompany a major Tate Britain exhibition ■ Hiller, who is American-born, has had exhibitions at the Jewish Museum, New york; the israel Museum, Jerusalem; installations at dia Art Center; and has been included in numerous group exhibitions ■ Will appeal to fans of contemporary art

s pecifications 200 color illustrations 192 pages, 8½ × 10¾" Paperback RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: SePtemBer


art his book is the most thorough and up-to-date survey of the work of Susan Hiller, one of most

influential artists of her generation. Moving fluidly

ISBN 978-1-85437-888-0 ISBN 978-1-85437-888-0 US $37.95 CAN $47.95


between film, audio, video, and projection, and drawing on found materials such as wallpaper, postcards, and

9 781854 378880

audio interviews, Hiller’s large-scale installations have done much in recent decades to redefine what a work of art can be. Much of her work is centered on the subconscious mind and ideas of the paranormal, exploring close encounters, automatic writing, and extrasensory perception, among other subjects. This enthralling survey of her entire career, published to accompany a major Tate exhibition, includes a conversation between the critics Guy Brett and Yves-Alan Bois, and the artist. ann gallagher is head of collections (British Art) at Tate. yves-alain Bois is a professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, New Jersey. guy Brett is a London-based art critic, curator, and lecturer on art. Jörg Heiser is coeditor of Frieze magazine. alexandra Kokoli is a lecturer in critical and contextual studies at Gray’s School of Art. Jan Verwoert is a freelance writer and art critic.

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Expanded Cinema A R T, P E R F o R M A N C E , F i L M ■ ■ E d itE d■by■a .■l .■r E E s ,■dav i d■c u rti s ,■d u N c a N■W h itE ,■a N d■s tE v E N■ba l l■ ■■ F r o m tat e P U B l I S H I N g


s pecifications

xpanded cinema” encompasses film, video,

100 color illustrations

performance, and multiple-projection. While

320 pages, 7½ × 9¾"

video in museums has received considerable


attention, experiments beyond the exhibition

RIGHTS: NortH amerICa

space have not. Here, leading scholars trace


expanded and multiscreen cinema from its origins

FIlm • PerFormINg artS

in early abstract film and the Bauhaus era to postwar happenings and live events in Europe and the

ISBN 978-1-85437-974-0

United States, the first multimedia experiments of

ISBN 978-1-85437-974-0 CAN $37.50 53250

US $32.50

the 1960s, and the fusion of multiscreen art with sonic art and music from the 1970s onward. With

9 781854 379740

new perspectives on American pioneers such as Carolee Schneemann and Stan Vanderbeek, this thought-provoking book goes on to explore the influence of video art on new media technologies. Steven Ball, david Curtis, and duncan White are research fellows at the British Artists’ Film and Video Study Collection, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London. a. l. rees is a research tutor in Communication Art and Design at the Royal College of Art.

Miró ■ ■ by■i r i a ■ c a N d E l a ■ ■■ F r o m tat e P U B l I S H I N g s pecifications 60 color illustrations 80 pages, 6½ × 8¼" Paperback RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: SePtemBer art


he bright colors and graphic strength of Joan Miró’s paintings have made him

immensely popular, but the artist would have

been disappointed to see his work treated as little more than interior décor. This accessible survey of the artist’s life and career explores the complex roots and darker shades that lie behind

ISBN 978-1-85437-941-2

ISBN 978-1-85437-941-2 US $10.95 CAN $12.95 51095 9 781854 379412

the evolution of Miró’s work, from the culture of his Catalan homeland to his exposure to the Parisian avant-garde, and the rise of fascism in Spain. Alongside Miró’s paintings, the author studies his sculpture, prints, and murals, quoting

re l ate d e xhib ition

from the artist’s own revealing statements. For

Tate Modern, London,

anyone wanting to explore the visual legacy of

Apr 14–Sept 11, 2011

the artist who declared that he wanted to “assas-

Fundació Miró, Barcelona,

sinate painting,” this vividly illustrated book is the

Oct 13, 2011–Mar 25, 2012

perfect guide.

National gallery of Art, Washington, May 6–Aug 12, 2012


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Iria Candela is an assistant curator at Tate Modern.

Tate 4/4/11 2:21 PM

@earth ■ ■ by■P E t E r ■ k E N N a r d ■ ■■ F r o m tat e P U B l I S H I N g

A stunning testament to the artist’s role in public discourse s e lling points ■ Features both new work and iconic images from one of Britain’s best-known radical artists “Art cannot change the world but while Kennard is still working, there is at least hope.” —The London Observer “I take my hat off to you, sir. @earth looks great.” —Banksy

■ Covers timely issues such as climate change, civil liberties, poverty, and the oil industry ■ Kennard is a crossover artist with both scholarly and popular appeal ■ A purely visual format means the message will resonate globally

s pecifications 192 color illustrations 192 pages, 5 × 7" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: SePtemBer art • eNVIroNmeNt • PHotograPHy


s revolutionary in form as in content, @earth

ISBN 978-1-85437-984-9

tells its story in the language of photomontage,

ISBN 978-1-85437-984-9 US $15.95 CAN $18.95


one that requires no translation to be understood the world over. It’s also the medium long favored by radical

9 781854 379849

artists like Peter Kennard, whose work demonstrates the important role art can play in political discourse. At turns challenging, unsettling, and poignant, these seven chapters combine new works made with Tarek Salhany with iconic images from throughout Kennard’s 40-year career. Together they create a moving statement about the impending eco-crisis, the arms race, war, and the injustices of the power structures dominating today’s world. Peter Kennard was born in London in 1949 and is senior tutor in photography at the Royal College of Art, London. His work is known internationally and held in many major collections, including Tate and the V&A. It also crosses over to myriad popular outlets such as newspapers, magazines, books, and television, and even appears on the streets.

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The Hunting of the Snark ■ ■ by■l E W i s ■ c a r r o l l ■ ■ ■ i l lu s t r at E d ■by ■ tov E ■Ja N s s o N■ ■■ F r o m tat e P U B l I S H I N g

s e lling points ■ illustrations for Lewis Carroll’s much-loved nonsense poem by

Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark illustrated by Tove Jansson, Finnish creator of the Moomintrolls

the creator of the Moomintrolls ■ one of the 20th century’s greatest children’s authors illustrates one of the 19th century’s most original minds ■ unavailable for 50 years, now published in English for the first time

s pecifications 18 black-and-white illustrations 64 pages, 4¾ × 7½" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: SePtemBer PICtUre BooK • Poetry

“ ‘Just the place for a Snark!’ the Bellman cried, As he landed his crew with care;

ISBN 978-1-85437-956-6

Supporting each man on the top of the tide

ISBN 978-1-85437-956-6 US $12.95 CAN $15.95

By a finger entwined in his hair. . .”


9 781854 379566


n 1959 Tove Jansson, the creator of Moomin Valley and its magical inhabitants, illustrated a Swedish edition

of Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark. It proved an inspired choice, as the enigmatic charms of Jansson’s illustrative style bring to life the beauty and strangeness of Carroll’s tale. Remarkably, amid the success of Tove

Jannson’s Moomin books, her unique edition of The Hunting of the Snark was forgotten for over 50 years. Now, for the first time, these beautiful illustrations are matched with Carroll’s original English text, so that readers can encounter this wonderful adventure afresh. The author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, lewis Carroll (1832–1898) is the pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Finnish author and illustrator tove Jansson (1914–2001) is most famous for her much-loved Moomin characters, featured in one of the most successful children’s book series of all time, which has been translated into over 40 languages.


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John Martin A P o C A Ly P S E ■ ■ E d i t E d■ by■ M a r t i N ■ M y r o N E ■ ■■ F r o m tat e P U B l I S H I N g


ohn Martin (1789–1854) is one of the most extraordinary figures in British art. His dra-

matic paintings depicted catastrophe, war, apocalypse, and nature on an epic scale and appealed

s pecifications 120 color illustrations 192 pages, 10½ × 9" Paperback

to a wider and more diverse audience than had

RIGHTS: NortH amerICa

ever previously been engaged by art. These works


continue to reverberate, having long influenced


Hollywood directors, science fiction writers, and other artists. Martin was one of the first artists to

ISBN 978-1-85437-889-7

exploit the possibilities offered by printed reproduc-

US $34.95

ISBN 978-1-85437-889-7 CAN $39.95 53495

tions; Engravings of his paintings were widely available and hugely popular, shocking the art

9 781854 378897

establishment of his day. This first comprehensive book on Martin in many years examines the critic’s idea of the proper role of the artist, questioning Martin’s place in art history as well as our own ideas of “good” and “bad” taste, “high” and “low” art.

e xhib ition sche dule Tate Britain, London, Sep 21, 2011–Jan 15, 2012

martin myrone is curator of 18th & 19th Century British Art at Tate Britain and the author of The Blake Book and Henry Fuseli.

Barry Flanagan ■ ■ E d i t E d■ by ■ c l a r r i E ■ Wa l l i s ■ a N d■a N d r E W■ W i l s o N ,■ ■ W i t h■a■c o N t r i b u t i o N ■by■ J o■ M E lv i N■ ■■ F r o m tat e P U B l I S H I N g


arry Flanagan (1941–2009) is best known for his bronze hare sculptures that sit, walk,

or leap in museums and public spaces around the world. The success of these and other animal sculptures relatively late in his career has obscured his earlier period, which included work made in a

s pecifications 150 color illustrations 160 pages, 8⅝ × 10⅞" Paperback RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: oCtoBer art

variety of media, including cloth, plaster, and rope. Focusing on the artist’s studio practice, this book

ISBN 978-1-85437-997-9

brings together works made between 1964 and

US $32.50

1982, reevaluating Flanagan’s position as a key figure in modern sculpture. At the same time, the

ISBN 978-1-85437-997-9 CAN $37.50 53250

9 781854 379979

authors investigate Flanagan’s engagement with literature, poetry, filmmaking, dance, magazine

e xhib ition sche dule

publication, and “pataphysics,” the pseudo-

Tate Britain, London,

science derived from the writings of Alfred Jarry,

Sep 27, 2011–Jan 2, 2012

examining how each discipline inspired the others. Clarrie Wallis is curator of Contemporary British Art at Tate. andrew Wilson is curator of Modern and Contemporary British Art at Tate.

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Picasso in Paris 1 9 0 0 – 1 9 07 ■ ■ by ■M a r i ly N ■ M c c u l ly■ ■■ F r o m t H e V e N d o m e P r e S S

s e lling points ■ Accompanies a major exhibition

A penetrating look at the most important artist of the 20th century at a crucial turning point

at the Museu Picasso, Barcelona (June 30–october 15, 2011) ■ Picasso exhibitions in the u.S.: Three Decades of Picasso’s Drawings at the Frick Collection, New york, and the National gallery of Art, Washington, d.C., 2011–12 ■ Author Marilyn McCully is a recognized expert on Picasso ■ Fascinating insights into Picasso’s early years in Paris, where he rose to fame

s pecifications 262 color and 13 black-and-white illustrations 256 pages, 9 × 11¼" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: SePtemBer art ISBN 978-0-86565-269-9 ISBN 978-0-86565-269-9 US $60.00 CAN $72.00


9 780865 652699


n 1900 Pablo Picasso went to Paris to visit the Universal Exhibition and experience life in the art capital of the

world. His training had been in provincial Spanish art schools, but in the space of just a year he was offered an

exhibition at the prestigious Vollard Gallery. A few years later he was challenging Matisse for the position of leader of the French avant-garde. This book follows Picasso’s discovery of art and life in the French capital, and examines his response to specific artists, including Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Rodin, and Cézanne. Amid the distractions of the bohemian district of Montmartre, he began to forge a personal style, which blurred the distinctions between imitation and reality, culminating in perhaps the most seminal painting of the 20th century, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. marilyn mcCully has organized numerous international exhibitions and written widely about Picasso. She is cocurator of Three Decades of Picasso’s Drawings, a 2011–12 exhibition at the Frick Collection, New York, and the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.


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Monumental Paris ■ ■ P h oto g r a P h s ■by■h E r v é ■ c h a M P o l l i o N■ ■■ t E x t■by ■au d E ■ d E■ to c q u E v i l l E■ ■■ From tHe VeNdome PreSS

s e lling points ■ Limited edition, boxed, individually numbered, with a signed print ■ Stunning oversize volume ■ With single and double gatefolds revealing panoramic spreads that measure 54" and 72" wide when extended ■ Paris is endlessly appealing

s pecifications

Colorful panoramic photographs of Paris, as monumental as the City of Light itself


218 color photographs 240 pages, 12 × 18" 6 gatefolds Signed print

panning the Seine, and spreading out beneath the heights of Montmartre and Montparnasse,

Numbered, limited edition Hardcover with jacket, slipcase

Paris is an ideal subject for the panoramic photographer

RIGHTS: NortH amerICa

Hervé Champollion, in whom the City of Light has found


a talented heir to Paris’s photographic tradition. From

PHotograPHy • traVel

the Louvre to Notre Dame to the Luxembourg Gardens and the Marais, this new volume presents breathtaking panoramic views of Paris’s famed monuments, imposing churches and abbeys, royal palaces, extravagant mansions, and grand boulevards and bridges. Champollion’s achingly beautiful photographs make it evident that

ISBN 978-0-86565-277-4 ISBN 978-0-86565-277-4 US $150.00 CAN $172.00 15000

9 780865 652774

Paris is far more than a collection of historic buildings, 19th-century cast-iron department stores, and public squares; its numerous parks, gardens, canals, and secret waterways make Paris one of the most verdant cities in

also avail ab le

Europe. From the Palais Royal to the famed brasseries to the Eiffel Tower, this limited edition, which comes with a signed print, makes age-old Paris shine anew. Hervé Champollion is a Paris-based photographer who has published books on Sicily, Greece, Scotland, Ireland, Jerusalem, Yemen, and Egypt. He is the greatgrandnephew of Jean-François Champollion, the father of modern Egyptology. aude de tocqueville is the author of numerous books on French art and culture.

Vendome F11adult_100-85.indd 119

Paris: City of Art iSBN 978-0-86565-195-1 ISBN$95.00 978-0865651951 uS CAN $105.00


9 780865 651951

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Now back in stock!

Vienna 1900 A R T, L i F E & C u LT u R E ■ ■ E d i t E d ■by■ c h r i s t i a N ■ b r a N d s tät t E r■ ■■ F r o m t H e V e N d o m e P r e S S

s pecifications


400 color and 100 black-andwhite illustrations 400 pages, 6½ × 9⅜"

t the turn of the 20th century, Vienna was one of the most exciting cities on

earth—the central gathering spot of the European

Hardcover with jacket

avant-garde in art, architecture, literature, music,

RIGHTS: NortH amerICa

journalism, philosophy, psychiatry, and theater.


The dynamic cross-pollination among the revo-

art • deCoratIVe artS

lutionary figures involved—Klimt, Kokoschka, the Wiener Werkstätte, Mahler, Freud, Wittgenstein, and many more—turned the Austrian capital into

ISBN 978-0-86565-175-3

an extraordinary laboratory for new ideas and

ISBN 978-0-86565-175-3 US $50.00 CAN $57.50


concepts. It is where modern was born. With more than 500 illustrations, Vienna 1900

9 780865 651753

is a unique, concise portrait of a vibrant world and its most important protagonists. Christian Brandstätter is a Viennese author, curator, and publisher.

Now , in a new smaller format!

s pecifications 230 color and 16 black-and-white illustrations 192 pages, 8¾ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: SePtemBer art • INterIorS • deSIgN

Artists’ Houses ■ ■ by■gérard-gEorgEs■lEMairE■ ■■ PhotograPhs■by■JEaN-cl audE■aMiEl■ ■■ F r o m t H e V e N d o m e P r e S S


he homes of some of the world’s most celebrated artists are featured in this lavishly

illustrated volume. From Frederic Church’s castle

on New York’s Hudson River to Claude Monet’s house and garden at Giverny in France to Giorgio de Chirico’s sophisticated Roman apartment and William Morris’s Arts and Crafts–style Kelmscott Manor, this book reveals each artist’s tastes and fashionable flair. Artists’ Houses is a close-up look at the intimate hideaways that 15 great European and American artists created for themselves. The

ISBN 978-0-86565-276-7

beautiful, private worlds revealed here will

ISBN 978-0-86565-276-7 US $29.95 CAN $32.95

captivate all those interested in interior design


and the lives of our most renowned artists.

9 780865 652767

gérard-georges lemaire, a writer, historian, art critic, and curator, is the author of books on the Pre-Raphaelites, Futurism, and Franz Kafka. JeanClaude amiel’s photography has been published in many magazines and books.

1 20

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F11adult_100-85.indd 120

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Chicks with guns ■ ■ by ■l i N d s ay■ M c c r u M■ ■■ i N t r o d u c t i o N ■ by■ a . d. ■c o l E M a N■ ■■ From tHe VeNdome PreSS

s e lling points ■ Full publicity and promotion campaign

Haunting photographic portraits reveal the complex world of women and guns

■ Exhibitions throughout the united States ■ Will appeal to readers interested in fine photography and firearms ■ A unique approach to celebrating women’s empowerment

s pecifications 60 color and 20 black-and-white photographs 168 pages, 9 × 11¾" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: SePtemBer


PHotograPHy hicks with Guns is a gorgeous and provocative exploration of the powerful connection between

women and their firearms. Lindsay McCrum, who knew

ISBN 978-0-86565-275-0 ISBN 978-0-86565-275-0 US $45.00 CAN $52.00


how to lock, load, and shoot before she was 12, took a photographic journey to find other women who loved

9 780865 652750

guns. The result is a captivating series of portraits that reveal an unexpected complexity behind each woman’s attachment. For some, guns represent family and belonging. For others, they symbolize rebellion. Still others find their weapons empowering. Every photo tells a story enhanced by the woman’s own words. Here are a gun-toting bride, an only daughter who received her first .22-caliber rifle as a Christmas present when she was six, and a woman whose skills at the target range far exceed her husband’s. There are policewomen and hunters, ranchers and grandmothers. Although all of these remarkable women share a fondness for guns, no two of them are alike. lindsay mcCrum received a BA from Yale University and an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute. Her work is exhibited in galleries in New York, California, and Berlin.

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F11adult_100-85.indd 122

Vendome 4/4/11 2:23 PM

The World of department Stores ■ ■ by■ Ja N■W h i ta k E r■ ■■ From tHe VeNdome PreSS s e lling points ■ Filled with hundreds of photos, photochromes, advertisements, postcards, menus, and other ephemera ■ offers a window into the world of fashion and its trendsetters

A spectacular tribute to the great temples of consumerism, where dreams are created and fulfilled

■ Author is one of the country’s leading authorities on retailing

s pecifications 192 color and 182 black-andwhite illustrations 272 pages, 9½ × 12½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH amerICa


PUB MONTH: oCtoBer ho first introduced Manolo Blahnik to

FaSHIoN • HIStory

Americans: Vogue, or a canny buyer at

Bendel’s? Where under one roof can shoppers find

ISBN 978-0-86565-264-4

Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Prada, and Hermès? Here

ISBN 978-0-86565-264-4 US $60.00 CAN $69.00


are the great retail palaces—from Harrods to Barney’s to Galeries Lafayette—where shoppers spend their day in

9 780865 652644

opulent settings, drifting from cosmetics to shoes, stopping for lunch, the hairdresser, and endless temptations along the way. With photographs and ephemera from all over the world, this lavish book goes beyond in-store extravaganzas to the history of these consumer institutions, the personalities behind them, their vast range of goods, unique architecture, advertising, and associated sociological trends. With perfumed air and chandeliers, department stores have lured millions for over a century with that enticing, dizzying sense that no matter how much you already have, there is always more. Jan Whitaker is the author of Service and Style: How the American Department Store Fashioned the Middle Class and Tea at the Blue Lantern Inn: A Social History of the Tea Room Craze in America. An expert on retailing and restaurants, she lives in Northampton, Massachusetts.

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4/4/11 2:23 PM

Exotic Taste o R i E N TA L i S T i N T E R i o R S ■ ■ by ■ E M M a N u E l l E■ g a i l l a r d■ ■ ■ P r i N c i Pa l ■P h oto g r a P h y ■by ■M a r c ■ Wa lt E r■ ■■ F r o m t H e V e N d o m e P r e S S s e lling points ■ Exotica never goes out of fashion (the 2010 San Francisco Antique Fair theme was “Chinoiserie and its influences”)

The extravagant style of Orientalism that has inspired artists, authors, and royalty for nearly 400 years

■ Creates a visual source for anyone involved with interiors, collecting, architecture, or design ■ More than 200 images showcase orientalism’s development through the 19th and into the 20th century

s pecifications 200 color illustrations 240 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: oCtoBer INterIor deSIgN • deCoratIVe artS

ISBN 978-0-86565-273-6 ISBN 978-0-86565-273-6 US $75.00 CAN $86.00



xuberant Chinese-inspired drawing rooms, Persianstyle boudoirs, bulbous Mogul domes, and Turkish

smoking rooms were once the rage in avant-garde circles

and are undergoing a resurgence in popularity today as the global economy brings attention to the styles of

9 780865 652736

the Far East, India, and the Islamic world. Emmanuelle Gaillard and Marc Walter’s lavish new book traces the Asian sources of this fashion, and its transformation in late 19th- and early 20th-century Western settings. Illustrated with extraordinary vintage and contemporary interior photography, fabrics, wallpapers, patterns, decorative

also avail ab le

objects, and costumes, this volume tours the houses of writers, thinkers, business tycoons, princesses, and even the Russian empress Catherine the Great. Exotic Taste is a rich treat for anyone drawn to the fantastic, elaborate style of Orientalism. emmanuelle gaillard is an art historian, editor, and

Empire Splendor iSBN 978-0-86565-196-8 ISBN$65.00 978-0865651968 uS CAN $72.00


9 780865 651968

1 24

FA L L 2 0 1 1

F11adult_100-85.indd 124

author of specialist books and exhibition catalogues. marc Walter, a noted graphic designer and photographer, is the author and editor of numerous books including Vendome’s Empire Splendor and Dream Palaces.

Vendome 4/4/11 2:23 PM

Temples of Cambodia T H E H E A r T o F   A n g Ko r ■ ■ Photogr aPhs■by■barry■brukoFF■ ■■ tE x t■by■hElEn■ibbitson■JEssuP■ ■■ F r o M t H e V e N d o M e P r e S S

s e lling points ■  Cambodia is an increasingly

A record of remarkable architectural and spiritual achievement

popular tourist destination;  Angkor wat is one of the world’s  greatest monuments  ■  These evocative photographs are  being published for the first time  ■  Many of the photographs record  temples that have subsequently  been destroyed or vandalized  and can’t be seen anywhere else

s pecifications 210 color and 20 sepia photographs, plus plans, maps, and elevations 256 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket


RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa he temples of Cambodia are among the most com-


plex and imposing architectural creations in the

arCHIteCtUre •

world. This book invites the reader to experience those

extraordinary sites through remarkable photographs and a text by a leading Khmer cultural historian. From modest

traVel ISBN 978-0-86565-262-0 ISBN 978-0-86565-262-0 US $65.00 CAN $75.00


brick structures in the seventh and eighth centuries, the temples became increasingly ambitious, setting the stage for the apogee of the Khmer empire and with it,

9 780865 652620

the supreme architectural creation of Cambodia, Angkor Wat. Barry Brukoff’s splendid photographs not only record temples that have been destroyed but also offer a uniquely intimate insight into the Cambodian idiom, and with Helen Ibbitson Jessup’s expert text, allow readers to penetrate to the heart of the temples’ mystery. Barry Brukoff is an award-winning photographer whose books include The Enigma of Stonehenge, Greece: Land of Light, and Machu Piccu. He has been photographing the temples of Cambodia since 1963. Helen Ibbitson Jessup is the author of Art and Architecture of Cambodia and Sculpture of Angkor and Ancient Cambodia: Millennium of Glory, and was curator of the related exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

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1 26

F11adult_100-85.indd 126

Vendome 4/4/11 2:24 PM

Katie Ridder Rooms ■ ■ by ■h E at h E r ■ s M i t h■ M a c i s a ac■ ■■ P r i N c i Pa l ■P h oto g r a P h y ■by■ E r i c ■ P i a s E c k i■ ■■ From tHe VeNdome PreSS

s e lling points ■ First book on the work of Katie Ridder, one of the most widely published young designers ■ Ridder has been named on both Elle Décor’s Top 25 A-List designers and House Beautiful’s Top 100 designers ■ organized in a useful room-byroom chapter sequence ■ Full publicity and promotion campaign with numerous appearances in major markets

s pecifications 200 color illustrations 216 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: NoVemBer INterIor deSIgN ISBN 978-0-86565-272-9


atie Ridder’s extraordinary palette, her playful mix of antiques and modern pieces, and her eye

for unusual decorative accents have established her as

a leading figure in the world of interior design. Clients from Buenos Aires to San Francisco to Nantucket

The secrets of acclaimed designer Katie Ridder’s eminently livable and remarkably stylish approach to interiors

ISBN 978-0-86565-272-9 US $50.00 CAN $57.50


9 780865 652729

have commissioned Ridder to design their lofts, pavilions, summer houses, and luxury apartments. Now everyone can derive design inspiration from her unique approach—whether it’s something as charmingly simple as a coral finial atop a table lamp or as dramatically daring as intense blue walls stenciled in an oversize paisley motif—on every page of this idea-saturated book.

also avail ab le

“Known for delicious hues in unbridled combinations, Ridder creates polished interiors that also happen to be comfortable and breezy casual.” —Elle Décor

Heather Smith macIsaac writes on design and travel for

“Traditionalist? Modernist? Iconoclast?

Elle Décor and Travel & Leisure. Formerly architecture

Don’t try to pin Katie Ridder down.

and design editor at House & Garden, creative director

Her trademark is the ease with

at Travel & Leisure, and home editor at Martha Stewart

which she bridges cultures and

Living Omnimedia, she is also the author of Lars

continents, high and low art, periods

Bolander’s Scandinavian Design.

and styles.” —New York Home

Vendome F11adult_100-85.indd 127

Lars Bolander’s Scandinavian Design iSBN 978-0-86565-258-3 ISBN 978-0-86565-258-3

uS $40.00 9

CAN $48.00 54000

780865 652583

FA L L 2 0 1 1


4/4/11 2:24 PM

The Worlds of Hunt Slonem ■ ■ by■d o M i N i q u E ■N a h a s■ ■■ F r o m t H e V e N d o m e P r e S S

s e lling points

Profuse. Profound. Transcendent. Jubilant. In life as in art, Hunt Slonem is all of these things and more

■ The ideal introduction to a popular and highly public artist, featured in multiple blogs and youTube videos ■ Perfect for fans of contemporary art or Slonem’s successful Tiffany ceramics collection, introduced in 2008 ■ Coincides with major retrospectives at several u.S. museums

s pecifications 600 color illustrations 288 pages, 11 × 14" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: oCtoBer art ISBN 978-0-86565-265-1 ISBN 978-0-86565-265-1 US $90.00 CAN $102.50



he Worlds of Hunt Slonem investigates the life and work of this fascinating American artist. Once the

enfant terrible of New York’s art world, Hunt Slonem (b. 1951) depicts both natural subjects–birds and

9 780865 652651

butterflies–and portraits—voodoo saints and Abraham Lincoln–in his jubilant, singular paintings. Using multiplicity as a governing principle, Slonem has created a body of work as inimitable—and wildly colorful—as it is recognizable. This in-depth monograph, which spans Slonem’s boyhood in Hawaii to his training at Tulane University and the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture to his life today, split between New York and New Orleans,

also avail ab le

features more than 600 vibrant illustrations. Dominique Nahas delves deep beneath the decorative surface of Slonem’s work to reveal what informs and influences this original and enigmatic artist. dominique Nahas is a curator and art critic based in

Donald Sultan iSBN 978-0-86565-192-0 ISBN 978-0-86565-192-0

uS $75.00 9

CAN $85.00 57500

780865 651920

1 28

FA L L 2 0 1 1

F11adult_100-85.indd 128

Manhattan. He is a regular reviewer for Art in America, ArtNews, Flash Art, and other publications, teaches art history at Pratt Institute, and is critic-in-residence at the Maryland Institute College of Art Hoffberger Graduate School of Painting.

Vendome 4/4/11 2:24 PM

Western illuminated Manuscripts in the Victoria and Albert Museum ■ ■ by ■r o Wa N ■ Wat s o N■ ■ ■ V& a P U B l I S H I N g

Stunning illuminated manuscripts from the 11th to the early 20th century

s e lling points ■ 800 years of exquisite manuscripts ■ Beautifully printed three-volume slipcased set ■ Authoritative, accessible, and indispensable ■ glorious one-of-a-kind collector’s item

s pecifications 3 volumes 1,200 color illustrations 1,316 pages, 10 × 11⅝" Hardcover with slipcase RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: SePtemBer art HIStory


his lush, three-volume slipcased set catalogues the V&A’s superb collection of Western illuminated

manuscripts. Providing a history of an art form spanning

eight centuries as an integral part of the decorative arts, it documents not only the practice of medieval

ISBN 978-1-85177-649-8 ISBN 978-1-85177-649-8 US $400.00 CAN $460.00 40000

9 781851 776498

Terms: 30% discount, non-returnable

and Renaissance illumination, but also the survival of medieval bookmaking crafts alongside printing in the post-Renaissance period—and their revival in the 19th century. The three volumes bring together for the first time works such as the St. Denis Missal of 1350 and the Chambord Missal of 1844, the Sanvito Petrarch of 1463–64 and William Morris’s Book of Verse of 1870. Catalogue descriptions discuss each work in detail and pay particular attention to the changing ways in which they have been evaluated and used through the centuries. rowan Watson is a senior curator in the National Art Library, part of the Word and Image Department at the V&A. He is the author of Illuminated Manuscripts and their Makers.

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F11adult_100-85.indd 130

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Postmodernism S T y L E A N d S u B V E R S i o N , 1 9 70 – 9 0 ■ ■ E d i t E d■by ■ g l E N N ■a da M s o N ■ a N d ■Ja N E■ Pav i t t■ ■■ V& a P U B l I S H I N g

s e lling points ■ Accompanies a high-profile V&A exhibition

Accompanies major V&A exhibition on postmodernism in fine and decorative art, architecture, graphic design, and more

■ Follows success of bestseller Modernism ■ Looks at the popular culture, music, fashion, and architecture of the 1970s and 1980s ■ Examines every aspect of design

s pecifications 250 color illustrations 320 pages, 9¾ × 11⅓" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: SePtemBer art • deSIgN ISBN 978-1-85177-659-7 ISBN 978-1-85177-659-7 US $75.00 CAN $86.00



9 781851 776597

he radical ideas associated with postmodernism

e xhib ition sche dule

swept through the arts in the 1970s, but have

always been hard to summarize. Postmodernism: Style

Victoria and Albert Museum,

and Subversion, 1970–90 presents the movement not as


merely an aesthetic vocabulary, but also as a subversive

Sept 24, 2011–Jan 15, 2012

attitude—a new way of looking at the world. Bringing together practitioners, theorists, and critics, this groundbreaking book assesses the impact of the phenomenon on all areas of art and design. It covers architecture,

also avail ab le

interiors, and urban planning; product, graphic, and furniture design; the fashion and style industries; and photography, film, television and video—everything from Michael Graves, Robert Venturi, and Denise Scott Brown to MTV, Grace Jones and Boy George, Bladerunner, Karl Lagerfeld, and Comme des Garçons.

Modernism (hardcover)

glenn adamson is head of course at the V&A for the V&A/RCA course in the history of design. He is coeditor of the Journal of Modern Craft, and the author of Thinking through Craft and The Craft Reader. Jane Pavitt is head of course at the Royal College of Art for the V&A/RCA course in the history of design. She has curated a number of exhibitions and edited the accompanying books for the V&A, including Brilliant and Cold War Modern.

V&A Publishing F11adult_100-85.indd 131

iSBN 978-1-85177-474-6 ISBN$85.00 978-1851774746 uS CAN $119.00


9 781851 774746

Modernism (paperback)

Cold War Modern

iSBN 978-1-85177-477-7

iSBN 978-1-85177-543-9

ISBN$49.95 978-1851774777 uS CAN $54.95

ISBN$80.00 978-1851775439 uS CAN $90.00


9 781851 774777


9 781851 775439

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4/4/11 2:25 PM

The Weddi ng Dress 300 Years of Br i da l fa sh ions

■■ by■E d W i N a ■E h r M a N■ ■■ V& a P U B l I S H I N g


rom the romance of its evolution to the splendor of its design, the wedding dress is unlike any other garment, a talisman from a fantasy

world, the manifestation of dreams coming true. This book draws on wedding

garments in the V&A’s renowned collection along with photographs, letters, memoirs, and newspaper accounts to explore the history of the white wedding dress and the traditions that have developed around it from 1700 to today, when designers from Vera Wang to Vivienne Westwood continue to challenge the aesthetic. Paintings, drawings, and wedding photos depict queens, princesses, celebrities, and everyday women—including Kate Middleton—in their gowns. The text considers the dress in the context of the commercialization of weddings that began in the Victorian era. The Wedding Dress is not only about costume, but also about the cultivation of the image of the bride. edwina ehrman is a curator of Textiles and Fashion at the V&A and of the exhibition The Wedding Dress: 300 Years of Bridal Fashions. She is coauthor of The London Look: Fashion from Street to Catwalk and a contributor to The Englishness of English Dress.


FA L L 2 0 1 1

F11adult_100-85.indd 132

V&A Publishing 4/4/11 2:25 PM

A gorgeous celebration of the enchanted wedding gown s e lling points

185 color illustrations

■  For fashionistas, fashion historians,

208 pages, 9½ × 12¼"

costume designers, and wedding


dress designers


Molyneux, norman Hartnell, Charles

■ ■ by ■ r aC h E l■ C h u r C h■ ■ ■ V& a P U B l I S H I N g

s pecifications

■  Perfect inspiration for any bride‑to‑be

■  includes dresses by worth, Fortuny,



James, zandra rhodes, Christian

ISBN 978-1-85177-506-4

Lacroix, and other well‑known

ISBN 978-1-85177-506-4 US $50.00 CAN $57.50


designers 9 781851 775064


ings are perhaps the most common and yet the most evocative pieces of jewelry. Worn as a sign

of love or as a fashion accessory, to mark weddings, remember the dead, or show religious faith, the unbroken circle—a plain band or one that is elegantly

adorned—holds a multitude of meanings for every wearer.

also avail ab le Tiaras: Past and Present iSBn 978‑1‑85177‑534‑7  ISBN 978-1851775347 uS $16.95  CAN $19.95 51695 9 781851 775347

Bags iSBn 978‑1‑85177‑536‑1  ISBN 978-1851775361 uS $16.95  CAN $19.95 51695

From simple medieval hoops worn to ward off disease, to

Shoes iSBn 978‑1‑85177‑537‑8  ISBN 978-1851775378 uS $16.95  CAN $19.95 51695 9 781851 775378

A Flower Wedding iSBn 978‑1‑85177‑639‑9  ISBN 978-1-85177-639-9 uS $14.95  CAN $17.95 51495

the glamorous rocks worn on the red carpet by Hollywood stars, to stunning works of art created by contemporary artist-jewelers, this book draws from the collections of the V&A to offer a beautifully illustrated introduction to rings. rachel Church is a curator in the Sculpture, Metalwork, Ceramics, and Glass Department of the V&A, with a special responsibility for rings. She has contributed to a

9 781851 775361

9 781851 776399

number of exhibition catalogues and wrote about gold boxes in The Gilbert Collection at the V&A.

s e lling points ■ rings are among the most popular pieces of jewelry, and often have great meaning  ■  The latest in the successful series on accessories that  includes Tiaras, Bags, and Shoes  ■  well‑priced and attractive gift book

s pecifications 175 color photographs 128 pages, 7¼ × 8¼" Paperback RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: SePteMBer FaSHIoN • JeWelry ISBN 978-1-85177-650-4 ISBN 978-1-85177-650-4 US $22.50 CAN $25.50


9 781851 776504

Revised adult_100-137_6.indd 133

4/8/11 3:47 PM

Knitting FA S H i o N , i N d u S T Ry, C R A F T ■ ■ by■ s a N dy■ b l ac k■ ■■ V& a P U B l I S H I N g

s e lling points ■ Knitting is enormously popular ■ The V&A’s collections of textiles and clothing are unparalleled ■ unique look at everything to do

From domestic handcraft to high fashion, knitting from the V&A collections

with knitting ■ Craft and folk-inspired hand-knits are back in fashion

s pecifications 195 color photographs and 30 line drawings 240 pages, 9¾ × 9¾" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH amerICa

ISBN 978-1-85177-559-0


ISBN 978-1-85177-559-0 US $60.00 CAN $69.00

versatile craft, conjuring up memories of grandmothers

PUB MONTH: SePtemBer CraFt


hipster pastime, a high-fashion showpiece, a social activity, a simple hat to keep you warm, or a

trendy bag to show off to friends—knitting is an incredibly

gathering ‘round the fire even as it has undergone a 9 781851 775590

major revival in the world of high fashion. With stunning new photography, Knitting draws on the V&A’s superlative collection to chart the development of the craft, from domestic handcraft to one of the most sophisticated computer-controlled textile production processes in use today. Commonplace articles are featured alongside masterful examples of the knitter’s craft, including finely knit and embroidered silk stockings, intricate lacewear, Victorian beaded bags, and knitted dresses from designers such as Jean Paul Gaultier and Julien Macdonald. This unique chronicle will inspire all those interested in knitting as art, craft, and thriving industry. Sandy Black is a professor of fashion and textile design and technology at the London College of Fashion. She curated the touring exhibition The New Knitting and is the author of numerous publications including Eco-Chic: The Fashion Paradox.


FA L L 2 0 1 1

F11adult_100-85.indd 134

V&A Publishing 4/4/11 2:25 PM

Queen Elizabeth ii P o R T R A i T S By C E C i L B E ATo N ■ ■ by ■s u s a N N a■b r o W N■ ■ ■ V& a P U B l I S H I N g


s pecifications hotographer, costume designer, avid diarist—Cecil Beaton was also a “romantic

royalist” whose glittering photographs of Queen

Elizabeth II were among the most widely pub-

30 color and 70 black-and-white photographs 128 pages, 8½ × 10½" Hardcover

lished portraits of the 20th century. This fascinat-

RIGHTS: NortH amerICa

ing book explores Beaton’s long relationship with


the Queen and the royal family, and describes


how his royal portraits shaped the monarchy’s public image from the 1930s to the late 1960s. It

ISBN 978-1-85177-654-2

is a celebration of Beaton, the enduring flair of his

US $35.00

portraits, and the myriad sources of inspiration that resulted in photographs so powerful that

ISBN 978-1-85177-654-2 CAN $40.00 53500

9 781851 776542

they molded the world’s perception of a mother, princess, and monarch. Susanna Brown is curator of photographs at the V&A. Her recent V&A exhibitions include The Other Britain Revisited: Photographs from New Society (2010) and Selling Dreams: One Hundred Years of Fashion Photography (2011).

Cristóbal Balenciaga THE WoRK oF THE MASTER ■ ■ by■ M i r E N ■ a r z a l lu z ■ ■ ■ P r E fac E ■by■ l E s l E y ■ E l l i s ■ M i l l E r■ ■■ V& a P U B l I S H I N g


s pecifications alenciaga is one of today’s leading luxury brands. This book presents the man behind

the label, the sophisticated, elegant Basque

Cristóbal Balenciaga (1895–1972). Set against stunning photographs of his gorgeous clothes, Miren Arzalluz’s in-depth study reveals the roots of Balenciaga’s Parisian success, unveiling his

100 color and 170 black-andwhite photographs 308 pages, 8⅓ × 10½" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: oCtoBer FaSHIoN

formative experiences and achievements in Spain against the backdrop of his social and cultural

ISBN 978-1-85177-663-4

heritage. In extraordinary detail, she examines

US $50.00

how and where his garments were made, and why some were cutting-edge while others appear

ISBN 978-1-85177-663-4 CAN $57.50 55000

9 781851 776634

conservative. Arzalluz reveals the importance of family and friends as well as patrons and employees in establishing Balenciaga’s reputation, and his sensitivity to the economic and political environment in which he worked. miren arzalluz is curator at the Balenciaga Foundation. She previously worked at the V&A.

V&A Publishing F11adult_100-85.indd 135

FA L L 2 0 1 1


4/4/11 2:25 PM

Edward Bawden’s London ■ ■ by ■ P E y to N ■ s k i P W i t h■ a N d■ b r i a N ■ W E b b■ ■■ V& a P U B l I S H I N g


s pecifications

hether he was creating book illustra-

190 color illustrations

tions, advertising posters, or college

160 pages, 9¾ × 11⅓"

murals, Edward Bawden (1903–1989), a one-time


Official War Artist who documented WWII in

RIGHTS: NortH amerICa

watercolor, found his greatest muse in the city


of London. This beautiful book, with almost 200


striking images, shows Bawden’s unique view of the city in prints, posters, drawings, paintings,

ISBN 978-1-85177-655-9

murals, and advertising material. The illustrations

ISBN 978-1-85177-655-9 CAN $45.00 54000

US $40.00

include early work executed while a student in the early 1920s; the Morley College murals carried

9 781851 776559

out in partnership with the well-known artist Eric Ravilious; advertising work for London Transport, Fortnum & Mason, Twinings Teas, Shell, and Westminster Bank; Bawden’s famous mural for the Lion & Unicorn Pavilion at the 1951 Festival of Britain; and some of his finest series of linocuts including London Monuments and London Markets. Peyton Skipwith is an independent fine art consultant. Brian Webb is a designer and lecturer.

Recording Britain ■ ■ by■g i l l■s au N d E r s■ ■■ V& a P U B l I S H I N g s pecifications 150 color illustrations 288 pages, 9¾ × 9¾" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: oCtoBer art HIStory


ecording Britain was an artistic documentary project sponsored by the British gov-

ernment in the late 1930s as the country faced the potentially devastating impact of a second world war. The resulting collection of more than 1,500 watercolors and drawings, by both well-known

and amateur artists, is a rich visual record of buildings, landscapes, and livelihoods perceived to be

ISBN 978-1-85177-661-0

ISBN 978-1-85177-661-0 CAN $69.00 56000

US $60.00

under threat. Recording Britain brings together highlights from this extraordinary collection at the V&A, vivid images of national and regional iden-

9 781851 776610

tity that often portray an idealized account of the country for which its audience, at the time, was fighting. The pictures are discussed in relation to contemporary British artists and photographers such as John Virtue, Conrad Atkinson, Richard Long, and Laura Oldfield Ford, whose work also reflects on a sense of place. gill Saunders is a senior curator in the Word & Image Department at the V&A.


FA L L 2 0 1 1

F11adult_100-85.indd 136

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Chanel C o u T u R E A N d i N d u S T Ry ■ ■ by ■a M y■d E ■l a■ h ay E■ ■ ■ V& a P U B l I S H I N g

Never-beforepublished images from the V&A collections offer new insight into the icon behind the fashion phenomenon

s e lling points ■ Same series as successful titles Dior and Balenciaga ■ Accessible overview of a brand that remains a household name ■ Affordable and concise resource to a groundbreaking fashion enterprise

s pecifications 55 color and 35 black-and-white illustrations 128 pages, 8¼ × 9¾" Paperback RIGHTS: NortH amerICa PUB MONTH: oCtoBer FaSHIoN ISBN 978-1-85177-643-6 ISBN 978-1-85177-643-6 US $30.00 CAN $33.00



9 781851 776436

or almost a century, the name Chanel has been inextricably linked to elegance, modernity, and

fashion innovation. It was Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel

(1883–1971) who single-handedly made striped jerseys and loose trousers chic, costume jewelry desirable, the little black dress the height of sophistication, and tweed

also avail ab le

suits a staple of every fashion-conscious woman’s wardrobe. In this beautifully illustrated book, drawing on the renowned collections of the V&A, fashion historian Amy de la Haye celebrates Chanel as the couturière who changed the way stylish women everywhere dress, then and now. She also examines the creative output of this most famous of fashion houses, from its infancy in the 1920s to the present day as it continues to prosper under

iSBN 978-1-85177-522-4 ISBN$30.00 978-1851775224 uS CAN $35.95


the direction of Karl Lagerfeld. amy de la Haye is a curator and dress historian. She holds a Readership at London College of Fashion and was formerly curator of twentieth-century fashion at the V&A. She is the author of Lucile with Valerie Mendes and editor of A to Z of Style.

9 781851 775224

Dior iSBN 978-1-85177-578-1 ISBN$30.00 978-1851775781 uS CAN $38.99


9 781851 775781

V&A Publishing F11adult_100-85.indd 137


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4/4/11 2:25 PM

Babar’s Celesteville Games ■

BY L Au R e n t d e B R u n h o f f


s pecifications

abar and his family are thrilled that

Celesteville is hosting the Games! This

Color illustrations

is their chance to see the best athletes from all

48 pages, 8¾ × 12¼"

over the world compete and to meet new people

Hardcover with jacket

from other countries. Everyone is wide-eyed as


gymnasts fly through the air, divers make a splash,


and cyclists race to the finish line!

All Ages • PIcture book

In addition, Babar and Celeste’s children are

Isbn 978-1-4197-0006-4

all grown up, and romance is in the air. Babar’s

us $18.95  CAN $22.95 51895

daughter, Flora, likes to watch the handsome

ISBN 978-1-4197-0006-4

pole-vaulter Cory, from the country of Mirza. One

9 781419 700064

day the two meet in the park, and love soon follows. When Cory asks Flora to marry him, everyone must come together to help them have a magnificent Mirzi wedding. Babar’s Celesteville Games is a grand tale about sportsmanship, love, and diversity. laurent de brunhoff has kept the spirit of Babar, who first came to life through the art of Laurent’s father, alive for more than sixty years.

My Uncle Martin’s  Words for America M A r t i n   LU t h e r   K i n G  J r .’ s n i e C e  t e L L s  h o W  h e   M A d e  A  d i F F e r e n C e ■

BY A n g e L A fA R R i s WAt k i n s

i L Lu s t R At e d BY e R i c V e L A s q u e z


s pecifications Color illustrations

n this inspirational story about Martin Luther King Jr.—told from the perspective of his niece

Angela Farris Watkins—readers learn how King

40 pages, 9 × 11⅞"

used his message of love and peace to effectively

Hardcover with jacket

fight for African Americans’ civil rights.

RIGHTS: nortH AmerIcA

Focusing on important words and phrases


from his speeches, Watkins uses King’s language

PUB MONTH: sePtember

to expose young readers to important events

Ages 5 to 9 • nonfIctIon

during the civil rights era. The simple yet striking

PIcture book

text, along with a timeline and glossary, makes

Isbn 978-1-4197-0022-4

this book an accessible tool for helping a young

us $19.95  CAN $22.95 51995

audience learn about the importance of Martin

ISBN 978-1-4197-0022-4

Luther King Jr.’s message of nonviolence. 9 781419 700224

Angela farris Watkins, PhD, is Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece. An associate professor of psychology at Spelman College, she lives in Atlanta. eric Velasquez illustrated My Friend Maya Loves to Dance and recieved the Coretta Scott King–John Steptoe Award. He lives in Hartsdale, New York.

1 3 8   ■  FA L L  2 0 1 1

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tilly the trickster ■

BY M o L LY s h A n n o n

i L Lu s t R At e d BY A R d h oY t


olly Shannon has created numerous unforgettable characters on Saturday

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Tilly the Trickster, a mischievous girl who loves causing a little trouble. From leaking cups to toothpaste-flavored cookies, Tilly has a trick for everyone. But when the tables are turned and her family does some scheming of its own, will Tilly decide to change her trickster ways? Molly Shannon and bestselling illustrator Ard Hoyt have crafted an exuberant and riotous story that is guaranteed to tickle the funny bones of readers and have them asking for more Tilly!

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us $16.95  CAN $18.95 51695 9 781419 700309

molly shannon is an actress best known for her work on Saturday Night Live as well as in numerous films. Tilly the Trickster is her first book. Ard Hoyt is the illustrator of many bestselling children’s books, including I’m a Manatee, by John Lithgow.

extraordinary  endangered Animals ■

BY s A n d R i n e s i L h o L A n d g A Ë L L e g u É R i V e

i L Lu s t R At e d BY M A R i e d o u c e dA M e


rom the puffin to the spectacled bear, the takin to the white giraffe, the tree

s pecifications More than 100 photographs and

kangaroo to the hammerhead shark, each of

color illustrations

the seventy-two two-page spreads in this book

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covers a different species and its natural habitat

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in detail, as well as its relationship with mankind. Extraordinary Endangered Animals includes large-format photographs, illustrations, maps that indicate each animal’s habitat, and in-depth text that covers each animal’s unique features and provides key figures, interesting trivia, and information on major threats to the species’ survival. sandrine silhol received her doctorate in sciences and is the scientific director of the Sables

RIGHTS: World englIsH PUB MONTH: noVember Ages 10 And uP • nonfIctIon PIcture book Isbn 978-1-4197-0034-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0034-7

us $24.95  CAN $27.95 52495 9 781419 700347

d’Olonne zoo. gaëlle guérive is in charge of sustainable-development research for the World Wildlife Fund in France. marie doucedame has illustrated several travel books.

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Front Cover George Harrison, from Living in the Material World, photograph by Barry Feinstein BACK Cover Caramel from The French Cat, photograph by Rachael Hale inside Front Cover Female spotted pufferfish from Sea, photograph by Mark Laita inside BACK Cover Grilled octopus with garlic chives and fingerling potato salad from Cooking Without Borders, photograph by Lucy Schaeffer PAGe 1 From Domo in the World, Domo © NHK-TYP

2011. Domo Animations © Domo Production Committee PAGes 2–3 Clockwise from top left: From The Big Show,

Chief Bender 1911 Philadelphia Athletics, photograph by Charles M. Conlon © Sporting News; from New York in Color, Brooklyn Bridge, 1958, photograph by Gordon Parks; from Graffiti 365, artwork by Cekis, photograph by Becki Fuller PAGes 4–5 All © Harpo Productions, Inc/ photographs by George Burns (except far left, Courtesy Harpo Productions, Inc., 1986): © 1996, © 1997, © 2004, © 2006, © 2010; large photograph: © 2003 PAGe 6 © Gregory Crewdson PAGe 7  © Sagmeister, Inc. PAGes 8–9 Clockwise from top left, photographs by: Darryl Patterson; Sølve Sundsbø; Mark Seliger; Peter Lindbergh; Douglas Friedman; Peter Lindbergh; François Dischinger; Patrick Demarchelier PAGe 10 Art by Will Eisner; the logo and signature of Will Eisner is a registered trademark of Will Eisner Studios, Inc., used with permission PAGe 11  Photographs © Bob Gruen PAGe 12–13 © Harrisongs Ltd PAGe 14 © David Lasky (cover); Dan Archer (top); Barry Deutsch (middle); Neil Kleid (bottom) PAGe 15  © The Estate of William Steig PAGe 16–17 Photographs © Sporting News PAGe 18 All images © Wolf Kahn PAGe 19 Photographs © Yann Arthus-Bertrand PAGe 20–21 All images © 2010 AMC Film Holdings LLC except those top left and top center on right page, © 2011 Robert Kirkman PAGe 22 © Andy Goldsworthy and Jerry L. Thompson PAGe 23 © ScalaGroup S.p.A. PAGes 24–25  and © 2011 CBS Studios Inc, © 2011 Paramount Pictures Corporation, STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All rights reserved; clockwise from top left: Still from “The Cage”; promotional artwork for Star Trek: The Animated Series; record album cover for “Mr. Spock’s Music From Outer Space”; the crew from Star Trek: The Next Generation; Collector Stamps for the Original Series; spacesuit concept drawing for the Star Trek: First Contact film; blueprint drawing of the captain’s chair in the Star Trek Generations film; page 31: Communicator badge from Star Trek: The Next Generation PAGe 26 Photographs by Elliott Erwitt PAGe 27 All images © 2011 Disney Enterprises, Inc./Pixar PAGe 28–29 All images courtesy of The Norman Rockwell Family Agency PAGe 31 Top: Courtesy the Library of Congress; middle: Central Park, 1986 © Len Jenshel; bottom: Untitled (Central Park Wind), 2005 © Gail Albert Halaban PAGe 30 Top: Photograph by Bert Stern/Vogue/Condé Nast Archive/© Condé Nast; middle: photograph by Louise Dahl-Wolfe for Harper’s Bazaar, April 1947; bottom: Estate of James Korales PAGes 32–33 All images courtesy of Condé Nast PAGes 34–35 From left to right: top row, © Bob Tyrell,


© Alex Binnie, © Steve Byrne, and © Guy Aitchison; middle row: © David Sena, © Joe Capobianco; bottom row: © Yann Black, © Michelle Wortman PAGe 36 Top: Irises by Vincent van Gogh; bottom: The Red Room (Harmony in Red) by Henri Matisse © Succession H. Matisse, 2011 PAGe 37 Images courtesy of the Museum of Arts and Design PAGes 38–39 Clockwise from top left: Artwork by Keith Haring (center left panels). photograph by Rainer Hosch; artwork by Banksy, photograph by Luna Park; artwork by Dondi White, photograph by Henry Chalfant; artwork by Faith 47, photograph by Rowan Phybus; artwork by Blu, photograph by Ray Mock; Dime 139 (left) and Flip I, photograph by Flint Genari; artwork by Sane, photograph by Smith; Condemned to Stress by Okuda, photograph courtesy of the artist; book cover image: artwork Adek and Shepard Fairey, photograph by Martha Cooper PAGes 40–41 © 2011 Lucasfilm Ltd. and , all rights reserved, used under authorization; left page: top left: Adam Hughes; top right: Dave Dorman; center left: Tommy Lee Edwards; center middle: David Michael Beck; center right: Bill Sienkiewicz; bottom (left and right): Al Williamson; Right page: book cover image: Star Wars: Crimson Empire, issue no. 3, cover (Dark Horse Comics, 1998), by Dave Dorman; top detail: Star Wars, issue no. 1, cover (Marvel Comics, 1977), by Howard Chaykin and Tom Palmer; bottom detail: Untitled by Mike Mignola (penciler and inker) and Dave Stewart (colorist) PAGe 42 Photographs © Mark Laita PAGe 43 Photographs by Stephanie Hanchett PAGes 44–45 Cover not final, copyright © 2011 Lucasfilm Ltd. and , all rights reserved, used under authorization; top left: © 2006 Disney Enterprises, Inc. and Jerry Bruckheimer, Inc.; top right: © 2007 Paramount Pictures; center: & © 2008 Lucasfilm Ltd., all rights reserved, used under authorization, unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable law. Bottom: © 2004 Lucasfilm Ltd. and , all rights reserved, used under authorization PAGe 46 U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government Printing Office; Smokey Bear images used with the permission of the USDA Forest Service; Consumer Comix “jam” cover by Peter Loft, Peter Poplaski, and Denis Kitchen PAGe 47  © Associated Students UCLA, all rights reserved PAGes 48–49 Clockwise from top left: © Red Grooms, Barbara Schubeck, Harvey Kurtzman, Jack Kirby, and Picha PAGe 51 Top: Theo van Doesburg with other artists, Paris, 1929, © Collection RKD, Van Doesburg Archive, The Hague; middle: Composition with Grey Lines by Piet Mondrian, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague, © Mondrian / Holtzman Trust, c/o HCR International, Virginia; bottom: Color design for apartments by Theo van Doesburg, © USA Collection Netherlands Architecture Institute, Archive Oud, Rotterdam PAGe 50 Left: Venus of Urbino by Titian; right: Garden of Earthly Delights (detail) by Hieronymus Bosch PAGe 52 Photographs courtesy Wild Wonders of Europe PAGe 53 © Dale Chihuly PAGes 54–55  Clockwise from top left: From Fifty More Places to Fly Fish Before You Die, Casco Bay, Maine, © Jim Klug; from Dolci, photograph by Ellen Silverman; from Weekend Handmade, photograph by Thayer Allison Gowdy PAGes 56–57 Photographs © Michael Casey

PAGes 58–59 Photographs © the New York Daily News PAGe 60 Photographs © Michael Crouser PAGe 61

Photographs © Thayer Allison Gowdy PAGe 63  Photographs © Oof Vershuren PAGe 64 Photographs © Kimball Hall PAGe 65 Photographs © 2011 Murdoch Books Pty Limited PAGes 66–67 All images © Be Square Productions, Inc. and © Television Food Network, G.P. PAGe 68 All images © Ryan Maconochie PAGe 69 Top: Billy Cunningham Photography/ Architectural Digest; middle: © Condé Nast; bottom: Billy Cunningham Photography; Steve Hall © Hedrich Blessing Photographers PAGe 70 Photographs by Ellen Silverman PAGe 71 Photographs by Lucy Schaeffer PAGes 72–73 Left page from left to right: Sarah Anne Ward; Andrew McCaul; Sarah Anne Ward; Amanda Bruns; right page, clockwise from top: Marcus Oakley; Adrienne Yan; Elizabeth Carey Smith; Sarah Anne Ward; Jillian McAlley; Kate Lacey; Marlena Zuber PAGes 74–75 From top to bottom: Asunta and Pluma rivers, Bolivia, © Brian Gies, www.flywatertravel.com; Los Roques, Venezuela, © Ken Morrish, www. flywatertravel.com; Turneffe Atoll, offshore Belize © Brian O’Keefe; Sustut, British Columbia, © Ken Morrish, www.flywatertravel.com PAGes 76–77 © Girl Scouts of the USA PAGe 79 Illustrations by Glenn Wolff PAGes 80–81 Photographs © Rachael Hale PAGe 82  Photographs © Jeff Elkins PAGe 83 Photographs © Matthew Septimus PAGes 84–85 Photographs © Thuss/Farrell PAGe 86–87 Clockwise from top left: From Commando © JRA, LLC All Rights Reserved; from Frank Reade © Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett; from Too Much Horror Business, courtesy of Kirk Hammett; from Hungover Owls PAGe 88–89 Clockwise from top of right page: Belvision/Dupis/I.M.P.S.; Culliford Family Archives; Courtesy of Alan Mechem; I.M.P.S./Papercutz; Courtesy of Macy’s; Eric Preau/Sygma/Corbis PAGe 90  Photographs © Carrie Jordan PAGe 91 Domo © NYKTYP 2011. Domo Animations © Domo Production Committee; photographs by Iain Browne PAGe 92–93  Images courtesy Joel Dovev PAGe 94 Top: Jeff Bouton; middle: Melody McFarland; bottom: Helena Pugsley PAGe 95 The following cereals are and ©: top: Post, General Mills; middle: Post; bottom: The Quaker Oats Company, General Mills PAGe 96 Courtesy Team Ugly of UglyChristmasSweaterParty.com PAGe 97 Courtesy of Kirk Hammett PAGe 98 All images © Paul Guinan and Anina Bennet PAGe 99 Top: photograph by Jenny Lens © JRA, LLC All Rights Reserved; middle: photograph by Danny Fields, under exclusive license to JRA, LLC. All Rights Reserved.; bottom: photograph by Stephanie Chernikowski, under license to JRA, LLC. All Rights Reserved PAGe 100–101 Clockwise from top left: from Barbara Rae Sketchbooks, Fields at Killybegs by Barbara Rae; from Queen Elizabeth II, photograph by Cecil Beaton © V&A; from Artists’ Houses, photograph © Jean-Claude Amiel, courtesy Vendome Press; from Susan Hiller, Witness 2000, original commission Artangel © Susan Hiller, photograph by Tate Photography/Sam Drake; from Earth Meets Spirit, Approaching Storm © Douglas Beasley PAGe 102 Top: © Michael Najjar; bottom: © Anne Golaz PAGe 103  Photographs © Douglas Beasley PAGe 106 © Jimmy and Leonora Belilty Collection PAGe 108 Top: Ernö

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Weisz, Factory Worker by Kata Kálmán; middle: Bank Manager at the Baths, Budapest by Károly Escher; bottom: Shepherd with His Dogs by Rudolf Balogh; all images Hungarian Museum of Photography, Kecskemét, © Hungarian Museum of Photography PAGes 110–111 Left page, clockwise from top left: Dancers, Princeton University Art Museum, bequest of Henry K. Dick, class of 1909, photograph by Bruce M. White; Deux danseuses au foyer (L’école de danse), private collection, courtesy of Halcyon Gallery, London; Before the Ballet, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Widener Collection, 1942.9.19., photograph courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington; right page: Animal Locomotion. An Electro-photographic Investigation of Consecutive Phases of Animal Movement by Eadweard Muybridge, Royal Academy of Arts, London, photograph courtesy of Royal Academy of Arts, London/Prudence Cuming PAGe 113 Monument, 1980–1, Tate © Susan Hiller, photograph by Tate Photography/ Sam Drake PAGe 115 © Peter Kennard PAGe 116 © Tove Jansson PAGe 118 Top: © Arxiu Museu Picasso/Gasull Fotografia; middle: © Bpk/Nationalgalerie, Museum Berggruen, SMB/Jens Ziehe; bottom: © The Bridgeman Art Library PAGe 119 © Hervé Champollion PAGe 121 © Lindsay McCrum PAGe 122 Clockwise from top left: © Private collection Marc Walter; © Galeria Kaufhof Archives; © William L. Bird Jr.; © Le Bon Marché, Paris PAGe 124 Top: © Marc Walter; middle © Daniel Arnaudet/RMN; bottom: © Björn Lindberg PAGe 125 © Barry Brukoff PAGe 126 Top left, top right, and bottom right: © Lucas Allen; middle left and bottom left: © Scott Frances PAGe 128 © Hunt Slonem PAGe 129  © V&A Images PAGe 130 Clockwise from top left: Hans Hollein, façade from Strada Novissima, The Presence of the Past, 1980. Biennale of Architecture, Venice; Cinzia Ruggeri, Homage to Lévi-Strauss dress, photograph by Occhiomagico, V&A Images; The Titanic by Stanley Tigerman, 1978, photomontage on paper, The Art Institute of Chicago; cover for WET magazine, 1979, April Greiman in collaboration with Jayme Odgers; Peter Shire, Bel Air chair, 1982; Garry Knox-Bennett, Unbelievably Modern Lamp (oil), 1978, brass funnel, paint, glass eye, copper and gold plate, photograph courtesy of the artist; Klaus Nomi, backstage, possibly at the New Wave Vaudeville Show, 1978, photograph by Christina Yuin PAGe 134  © V&A Images PAGe 142 First column: © Dale Chihuly; second column: (top) Art by Will Eisner; the logo and signature of Will Eisner is a registered trademark of Will Eisner Studios, Inc., used with permission, (bottom) Photograph © Michael Crouser; third column: Photograph by Camilla Akrans; fourth column: (top) © Television Food Network, G.P., (bottom) photograph © Jeff Elkins PAGe 143 First column: (top) © The Estate of William Steig; (bottom) Photograph by Stephanie Hanchett; second column: Photograph © Douglas Beasley; third column: Photograph © Sporting News; fourth column: (top) Photograph © Yann ArthusBertrand; (bottom) Courtesy of Sony Pictures Animation ComicArts is a registered trademark of Harry N. Abrams, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

African Impressions 105 Ancient American Art 106 Angel Tree, The 26 Art of Pre-Columbian Ecuador, The 104 Art of Walt Disney, The 27 Artistic Interiors 69 Artists’ Houses 120 @earth 115 Babar’s Celesteville Games 138 Barbara Rae Sketchbooks 109 Barry Flanagan 117 Baseball’s Golden Age 16 Big Show, The 17 BUST DIY Guide to Life, The 72 Cats, Dogs, Men, Women, Ninnies & Clowns 15 Chanel 137 Charms in Pre-Columbian Ecuador 104 Chicks with Guns 121 Chihuly Garden Installations 53 Color in Art 36 Commando 99 Cooking Without Borders 71 Crafting Modernism 37 Crap at My Parents’ House 92 Cristóbal Balenciaga 135 Custom Knits 2 64 Degas and the Ballet 110 Diana Vreeland 30 Dolci: Italy’s Sweets 70 Domo in the World 91 Drinkology Beer 79 Earth Meets Spirit 103 Edward Bawden’s London 136 Exotic Taste 124 Expanded Cinema 114 Extraordinary Endangered Animals 139 Eyewitness 108 Face of Jesus, The 23 Fifty More Places to Fly Fish Before You Die 74 Finest Homes from the Last Decade of This Old House, The 56 Frank Reade 98 French Cat, The 80 Fundamental Techniques of Classic Bread Baking 83 Girl Scouts 76

Good Eats 3 66 Government Issue 46 Graffiti 365 38 Great American Cereal Book, The 95 Gregory Crewdson: In a Lonely Place 6 Harper’s Bazaar Greatest Hits 8 Have Yourself a Very Vintage Christmas 82 Henry Moore Plasters 109 High Altitude 102 Home Made 63 How to Read Erotic Art 50 Hungover Owls 94 Hunting of the Snark, The 116 Industrial Light & Magic 44 Jiggle Shots 90 John Martin 117 Katie Ridder Rooms 126 Knitting 134 Kris Hilts 105 Living in the Material World: George Harrison 12 Making History 105 Matthew Robbins’ Inspired Weddings 84 Maurice Cockrill 112 Mets, The 58 Miró 114 Monumental Paris 119 My Grandmother’s Knitting 60 My Uncle Martin’s Words for America 138 New York from the Air 19 New York in Color 31 Norman Rockwell’s Spirit of America 28 Oprah Winfrey Show, The 4 Picasso in Paris 118 Postmodernism 130 PS Magazine 10 Queen Elizabeth II 135 Recording Britain 136 Rings 133 Rock Seen 11 Sagmeister: Another Book . . . 7 Saint-Émilion 62 Sea 42 Secrets of Pistoulet, The 78 Sewing Basics 65 Sketchbooks of Jocelyn Herbert, The 112 Someday Funnies, The 48

Spirit of the Harvest 78 Star Trek Vault 24 Star Wars Art: Comics 40 Story of De Stijl, The 51 Susan Hiller 113 Tattoo World 34 Temples of Cambodia 125 This Is Your Book 68 Tilly the Trickster 139 Tony Duquette/Hutton Wilkinson Jewelry 43 Too Much Horror Business 97 Trees and Forests: Wild Wonders of Europe 52 Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Book 96 Vienna 1900 120 Vogue: The Covers 32 Walking Dead Chronicles, The 20 Wall 22 Wedding Dress, The 132 Weekend Handmade 61 Western Illuminated Manuscripts in the Victoria and Albert Museum 129 Wines of Michel Chapoutier, The 62 Wolf Kahn 18 Wooden: Basketball & Beyond 47 World of Department Stores, The 122 World of Smurfs, The 88 Worlds of Hunt Slonem, The 128 Yiddishkeit 14 Yoruba 107

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  1 41

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architecture Finest Homes from the Last Decade of This Old House, The 56 Temples of Cambodia 125

art history Recording Britain 136 Western Illuminated Manuscripts in the Victoria and Albert Museum 129

art African Impressions 105 Ancient American Art 106 Angel Tree, The 26 Art of Pre-Columbian Ecuador, The 104 Art of Walt Disney, The 27 Artistic Interiors 69 Artists’ Houses 120 @earth 115 Barbara Rae Sketchbooks 109 Barry Flanagan 117 Cats, Dogs, Men, Women, Ninnies & Clowns 15 Charms in Pre-Columbian Ecuador 104

BioGraphy Living in the Material World: George Harrison 12

decorative arts Crafting Modernism 37 Exotic Taste 124 Vienna 1900 120

Food & Wine Cooking Without Borders 71 Dolci: Italy’s Sweets 70 Drinkology Beer 79 Fundamental Techniques of Classic Bread Baking, The 83

desiGn Postmodernism 130 comics Government Issue 46 entertaininG Jiggle Shots 90

environment @earth 115 Trees and Forests: Wild Wonders of Europe 52

PS Magazine 10 Someday Funnies, The 48 Yiddishkeit 14

Chihuly Garden Installations 53 Color in Art 36 Degas and the Ballet 110 Edward Bawden’s London 136 Face of Jesus, The 23 Graffiti 365 38 Henry Moore Plasters 109 How to Read Erotic Art 50 John Martin 117 Kris Hilts 105 Making History 105 Maurice Cockrill 112 Miró 114 Norman Rockwell’s Spirit of America 28 Picasso in Paris 118 Postmodernism 130 Story of De Stijl, The 51 Susan Hiller 113 Vienna 1900 120 Wall 22 Wolf Kahn 18 Worlds of Hunt Slonem, The 128 Yoruba 107

current events Oprah Winfrey Show, The 4

Fashion Chanel 137 Cristóbal Balenciaga 135 Diana Vreeland 30

cookinG Home Made 63

craFt BUST DIY Guide to Life, The 72 Custom Knits 2 64 Have Yourself a Very Vintage Christmas 82 Knitting 134

My Grandmother’s Knitting 60 Sewing Basics 65 Weekend Handmade 61

cultural studies Tattoo World 34

Good Eats 3 66 Jiggle Shots 90 Saint-Émilion 62 Secrets of Pistoulet, The 78 Spirit of the Harvest 78 Wines of Michel Chapoutier, The 62

GiFt Secrets of Pistoulet, The 78

Graphic desiGn Sagmeister: Another Book . . . 7 Vogue: The Covers 32

history World of Department Stores, The 122 Harper’s Bazaar Greatest Hits 8 Rings 133 Tony Duquette/Hutton Wilkinson Jewelry 43 Vogue: The Covers 32 Wedding Dress, The 132 World of Department Stores, The 122

Film Expanded Cinema 114 Industrial Light & Magic 44 Sketchbooks of Jocelyn Herbert, The 112 Star Trek Vault 24 Star Wars Art: Comics 40 Too Much Horror Business 97 World of Smurfs, The 88

holiday Angel Tree, The 26

Have Yourself a Very Vintage Christmas 82 Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Book 96

1 42   ■   FA L L 2 0 1 1

Revised adult_138-144_4.indd 142

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military history PS Magazine 10

music Commando 99 Living in the Material World: George Harrison 12 Rock Seen 11 Too Much Horror Business 97 Cats, Dogs, Men, Women, Ninnies & Clowns 15 Crap at My Parents’ House 92 Domo in the World 91 Hungover Owls 94

interior desiGn Artists’ Houses 120 Artistic Interiors 69 Exotic Taste 124 Finest Homes from the Last Decade of This Old House, The 56 Katie Ridder Rooms 126

JeWelry Rings 133

nature Chihuly Garden Installations 53 Earth Meets Spirit 103 High Altitude 102 Sea 42 Trees and Forests: Wild Wonders of Europe 52

parentinG This Is Your Book 68

perForminG arts Expanded Cinema 114 Industrial Light & Magic 44 Sketchbooks of Jocelyn Herbert, The 112 Walking Dead Chronicles, The 20

pets French Cat, The 80

Tony Duquette/Hutton Wilkinson Jewelry 43

photoGraphy @earth 115 Baseball’s Golden Age 16 Big Show, The 17 Chicks with Guns 121

Monumental Paris 119 New York from the Air 19 New York in Color 31 Queen Elizabeth II 135 Rock Seen 11 Sea 42 Trees and Forests: Wild Wonders of Europe 52

picture Book Babar’s Celesteville Games 138 Extraordinary Endangered Animals 139 Hunting of the Snark, The 116 My Uncle Martin’s Words for America 138 Tilly the Trickster 139

poetry Hunting of the Snark, The 116

travel French Cat, The 80 Monumental Paris 119

New York from the Air 19 Temples of Cambodia 125

tv Finest Homes from the Last Decade of This Old House, The 56 Good Eats 3 66 Oprah Winfrey Show, The 4 Star Trek Vault 24 Walking Dead Chronicles, The 20

pop culture Graffiti 365 38 Great American Cereal Book, The 95 Star Trek Vault 24 Star Wars Art: Comics 40

reliGion Face of Jesus, The 23

science Fiction Frank Reade 98

sports Baseball’s Golden Age 16

World of Smurfs, The 88

WeddinGs Matthew Robbins’ Inspired Weddings 84 Wedding Dress, The 132

Women’s studies Girl Scouts 76

JeWish Yiddishkeit 14

media Harper’s Bazaar Greatest Hits 8 Oprah Winfrey Show, The 4 Vogue: The Covers 32 World of Smurfs, The 88

memoir Commando 99

Earth Meets Spirit 103 Eyewitness 108 French Cat, The 80 Gregory Crewdson: In a Lonely Place 6 High Altitude 102

Big Show, The 17 Fifty More Places to Fly Fish Before You Die 74 Mets, The 58 Wooden: Basketball & Beyond 47

FA L L  2 0 1 1  ■  1 4 3

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