2D COLOR USAGE The color usage for Trippy Land is fairly minimal. The logo will mostly be used in yellow
CLEAR SPACE To ensure legibility, always keep a minimum clear space around the logo. This space isolates the mark from any competing graphic elements like other logos or body copy that might conflict with, overcrowd, and lessen the impact of the mark.
This estimated minium space should always be maintained as the logo is proportionally resized.
PHOTO BACKGROUND There are a couple ways the logo can be used on photographic backgounds, but each option should be exercised with care, making sure the logo and type aren’t obstructed by the image. In most cases, you can use either a solid white or solid yellow logo on top of a background image.
TIPS: 1. Photos with shallow depths-of-field work best. 2. Avoid busy images with too much detail. 3. Applying a darker transparent overlay on a image help makes text more readable.
PROMOTIONAL COASTERS Custom coasters help prevent water marks and promote your brand at the same time. There are 2 coaster options imprinted with your logo and your brand name.
NAPKIN Napkin with 2D yellow logo printed.
BAR STAFF UNIFORM Just as consistency in service is important, so is consistency in the appearance of service. Beyond creating an attractive standard for staff presence, uniforms create a sense of unity within a space.
Front side
Back side