A farmer’s view on feeding to cut emissions As feed supplements to reduce enteric methane emissions become more available, what will it take for livestock producers to use them?
s the number of food companies, restaurant chains, and national organizations making commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions continues to grow, it is likely that farmers will be asked to be a bigger part of the solution. While production agriculture can certainly play a role in a sustainable future, the key is finding practices that create environmental benefits without reducing productivity and profitability for livestock and crop farmers. One potential tool in the future is the use of feed supplements that could reduce enteric greenhouse gas emissions. The opportunity to transform feed supplements from promising to a real solution was examined during a virtual panel discussion held as part of the Sustainable Agriculture Summit in Las Vegas, Nev. One of the panel members was Suzanne Vold, a dairy farmer representative on the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy’s Environmental Stewardship Committee. Vold and her family operate Dorrich Dairy near Glenwood in west central Minnesota. She emphasized their commitment to improving the environment. “Sustainability is important to all of us on our farm, because as dairy farmers, the health of our cows, the health of our land, and the health of our families is extremely important to us,” she said. “We look at sustainability from the cow side, and we protect the
land, air, and water we use because we live where we work.” Vold shared several changes they made to their farm over the years, including a drum system that composts manure into bedding. They also made the switch to an automated milking system in the fall of 2019 as a way to better care for their cows, which Vold called their most important asset. As for feed supplements, Vold said, “This topic is exciting because I think it could have a big impact on our carbon footprint without making a huge capital investment. Yes, there is a cost to using those additives, but it’s not the same as putting in large pieces of equipment.”
Proven success Before using a supplement on their farm, Vold said they would want to see a product go through plenty of research trials to be sure it achieved the desired results consistently. It is also important that the product be tested on farms comparable to theirs. “Dairy farms are very different, due to climate, soil type, and the type of feeds that are fed,” she said. “A lot changes with geography. I would like to know these additives worked in a similar climate and on farms similar to mine.” She continued, “We would rely heavily on our nutritionist and veterinarian to help us make these decisions, as they would be the ones reviewing the data with a more trained eye. They know us,
20 | Journal of Nutrient Management | February 2022
F3 20-21 Feb 2022 Greenhouse Gas.indd 1
Abby Bauer
by Abby Bauer, Managing Editor
Suzanne Vold shared insights during a panel discussion at the Sustainable Agriculture Summit in Las Vegas, Nev. they know our farm, and they know the technology we are working with.” Vold would also want to know that the product was tested on cows at various stages of lactation, and any changes to the ration would need to be done at the right pace. “Consistency is key for cows. When we make ration changes, we do it slowly and gradually,” she explained.
Safety comes first When asked what she would not be willing to give up in order to reduce enteric methane emissions, Vold said that was an easy answer. “I’m not willing to trade the health of my cows,” she said. “Cow safety, both short term and long term, is important to me.” Production is, of course, another area of consideration. jofnm.com
2/10/22 11:23 AM