Freeholder agenda 8-11-2011

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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS COUNTY OF HUDSON ---------------------------------------------------------------AGENDA: THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2011

1:00 P.M.


Roll Call


Salute to the Flag


Adequate notice of meeting


Approval of meeting minutes of Special Budget Workshop Meeting, May 31, 2011; Special Budget Workshop Meeting, June 2, 2011; Regular Meeting, June 9, 2011; Budget Hearing, June 13, 2011; Closed Session, June 21, 2011; Special Meeting for Adoption of Budget, June 23, 2011; Regular Meeting, June 23, 2011 and Closed Session, June 23, 2011.


Agenda Discussion


Privilege of the floor granted to members of the public on any item on the agenda only.



(Approved at Caucus Meeting held on Tuesday, August 9, 2011) - Board

of Freeholders - Recognizing and commending the donors to the Hudson County Summer Youth Employment Program for their generous contributions. CONSENT AGENDA: Consent agenda defined: All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine business by the Board of Chosen Freeholders and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Freeholder or citizens so request, in which event the item may be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. In the alternative, discussion may be entertained, but the item may remain on the consent agenda.


Finance & Administration - Resolution authorizing the provision of a cost of living adjustment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 43:10-5.5 et seq. for eligible retirees and beneficiaries in the Hudson County Employees’ Pension Fund and the Court Attendants’ Pension Fund (2011).


Finance & Administration - 2011 Budget Amendment - New Jersey Office of Justice Programs Bullet Proof Vests - $10,462.56.


Finance & Administration - 2011 Budget Amendment - Workforce Investment Act $314,055.00.


Finance & Administration - 2011 Budget Amendment - New Jersey Builders Utilization Initiative for Labor Diversity (NJBUILD) New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development - $6,500.00.


Finance & Administration - 2011 Budget Amendment - Subregional Transportation Planning Program - $8,300.00.




Roads & Public Property -Resolution authorizing the County Executive to sign and execute a Grant Agreement with the State of New Jersey as administered by the New Jersey Historic Trust for the William J. Brennan Courthouse Mural Restoration Project and appointing Robert A. Yannazzo, A.I.A. Hudson County Chief Architect to manage the agreement - $750,000.00.


Parks & Community Services - Resolution authorizing one (1) year grant extensions and reprogramming requests to Open Space Trust Fund Grantees for numerous Open Space Acquisition, Park Improvement, and Historic Preservation Projects throughout the County - $11,157,756.00.


Prosecutor - Resolution approving application for grant funds and accepting said funds if awarded, under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program administered by the Division of Criminal Justice, Department of Law and Public Safety for the Hudson County Multi-Jurisdictional Gang, Gun and Narcotics Task Force American Recovery Act of 2009 - July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 - $217,316.00.


Prosecutor - Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application with appropriate attachments and accepting grant funds if awarded and further authorizing the appropriate County Officials to negotiate and execute any shared services or other agreements relative to the subject program known as the 2011 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program - $410,429.00.


Family Services - Resolution accepting and allocating funds from the N.J. Department of Labor and Workforce Development for services provided through the New Jersey Builders Utilization Initiative for Labor Diversity (NJBUILD) - July 15, 2011 through January 15, 2013 - $6,500.00.


Health & Human Services - Resolution amending Resolution No. 124-3-2011 to award unallocated FY2011 Ryan White Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) Funding $196,960.00.


Law - Resolution amending Resolution 106-3-2011 which approved entry into an agreement for the purchase of Block 1895 Lot 23 and Block 1875 Lot 51 and 34 in the City of Jersey City commonly known as 830 Bergen Avenue - $7,980,865.00.


Administrator - Resolution of the County of Hudson, State of New Jersey making application to the Local Finance Board pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12-5 and N.J.S.A. 40A:2-26(e).

14. 15. *16.

Finance and Administration - Resolution approving non-contributory pension - Lee Flowers - $30,858.16.


Finance and Administration - Resolution approving non-contributory pension - Caron Wargo - $32,439.66.


Finance and Administration - Resolution approving non-contributory pension - John Soltis - $25,624.28.




Purchasing - Approve Purchasing Agent’s Awards, purchases made under State contracts:





a. Hewlett Packard Corp. Omaha, NE

Printers and Associated Products


Prosecutor’s Office

b. Jupiter Environmental, Lincoln Park, N.J.

Asbestos Abatement


Bldgs. & Grounds

c. John’s Main Auto Body North Bergen, N.J.

Vehicle Towing


County Garage

d. Kaldor Emergency Lights Marlboro, N.J.

Emergency Lights and Siren Kits


Prosecutor’s Office

e. Kyocera/Duplitron Inc. Roselle, N.J.

Copier Maintenance $20,000.00 Repairs, Parts & Supplies


f. Lawmen Supply Egg Harbor City, N.J.

Ammunition, Body $106,358.00 Armor & Ballistic Shields

Sheriff’s Office, Prosecutor’s Office & Office of Emergency Management

g. Motorola, Inc. Montvale, N.J.

Nine (9) UHF Portable $15,138.60 Radios for the Sheriff’s Office

Office of Emergency Management

h. National Fuel Oil Inc. Newark, N.J.

Gasoline (87 Octane)


Roads & Public Property

i. National Terminal Newark, N.J.

Fuel Oil #2 (Diesel)


Roads & Public Property

j. Staples Rochester, N.Y.

Office Supplies & Equipment



k. Verizon Wireless Wallingford, CT

Cellular Telephone Service & Equipment


Prosecutor’s Office

l. WB Mason Co. Secaucus, N.J.

Office Furniture


Sheriff’s Office

m. Winner Ford Cherry Hill, N.J.

One 2012 Ford F350 Pick-Up Truck


Sheriff’s Office

n. Xerox Corp. St. Petersburg, Fl

Copier Maintenance $50,000.00 Repairs, Parts and Supplies __________________ Total $495,499.42





Purchasing - Approve Purchasing Agent’s Awards:


Printing (letterhead, envelope and business cards) - Various Departments - seven (7) replies - two (2) year period: W.B. Mason - contract shall not exceed $51,957.74; Concept Printing - contract shall not exceed $36,888.60; Composition Printing - contract shall not exceed $13,589.05; Envelopes and Printing Products - contract shall not exceed $7,074.00; Symphony Printing - contract shall not exceed $2,610.00 - Grand Total Award $112,119.39.


Food Service Operation at the Hudson County Juvenile Detention Center - three (3) replies - three (3) year period - Aramark Correctional Services, LLC Option - B: Year One - cost per meal $4.117; Year Two - cost per meal $4.241; Year Three - cost per meal $4.368 - contract shall not exceed $1,114,730.62.


Vehicle Body Repairs, Painting and Refinishing - four (4) replies - two (2) year period Diamond Auto Body - Year One - repair hours $12.95; sublet hours $18.00 - Year Two $15.60; sublet hours $17.50 - Grand total award $20,000.00.


Men’s Low Top Velcro Canvas Basketball Shoes for the Hudson County Juvenile Detention Center - three (3) replies - two (2) year period - Goaltex Corp. - contract shall not exceed $18,175.22.


To purchase two (2) New Adult Mini Busses (Transcend) - two (2) replies - Arcola Bus Sales - contract shall not exceed $113,224.00.


Maintenance of Standby Generators and Switches (Roads and Public Property) - three (3) replies - two (2) year period - Davis Carburetor and Electric Year One - regular time - cost per hour $85.00; overtime - cost per hour $95.00; Year Two - regular time - cost per hour $95.00; overtime - cost per hour $110.00 contract shall not exceed $28,000.00.


To purchase grass, wildflower and other seeds - (Parks) - six (6) replies - one (1) year period: Reed & Perrine - contract shall not exceed $14,064.00; Seeton Turf Warehouse - contract shall not exceed $10,880.00; Pennington Seed, Inc. - contract shall not exceed $2,512.00; Duncan Hardware - contract shall not exceed $2,066.00; John Deere Landscapes contract shall not exceed $700.00 - Grand Total Award $30,222.00.


To purchase Thermoplastic Marking Materials (Roads) - two (2) replies - two (2) year period - Swarco Industries, Inc. - contract shall not exceed $44,064.00.


CONTRACT AWARD - Mechanical Assist Mobile Systems - Family Services - contract shall not exceed $85,850.00.


CHANGE ORDER - Maintenance and Repair of HVAC Units and Systems - Roads and Public Property - Air Systems Maintenance - contract amount $637,000.00 - change order (15%) $95,550.00 (approved on 6/23/11) - change order (5%) $31,850.00 - new contract amount $764,400.00.


BID REJECTION - Towing and Roadside Services - (Garage and Sheriff).




BID REJECTION - Electronic Security and Communications System Maintenance at Hudson County Correctional Center and Hudson County Juvenile Detention Center.


EXTENSION ORDER - Electronic Security and Communication System Maintenance at the Hudson County Correctional Center and the Hudson County Juvenile Detention Center - August 26, 2011 to November 25, 2011 - Norment Security Group, Inc. $55,000.00.


Purchasing - Approve Purchasing Agent’s Awards - Construction Contracts:


Improvement to County Avenue from Paterson Plank Road to County Road, Town of Secaucus, N.J. - six (6) replies - English Paving Co., Inc. - contract shall not exceed $1,101,211.88.


The Hudson County Correctional Facility - Modular Unit Modifications, Hackensack Avenue, Kearny, N.J. - three (3) replies - William Kohl Construction - contract shall not exceed $178,400.00.


Finance and Administration - Resolution authorizing the purchase of Emergency Responder Equipment under the provisions of N.J. Local Finance Notice 2009-20 - High Security Credentialing System for First Responders - Card Data Systems Absecon, New Jersey through a contract with Bergen County, New Jersey - $98,537.66.


Finance and Administration - Emergency Responder Equipment Purchase Program using Federal Grants and Contracts Procedures Streamlined (Local Finance Notice 2004-21).





a. California Industrial Facilities Monroe, WA

Shelter tent for the Hudson County Animal Response Team


Emergency Management

b. Witt Associates Washington, DC

Continuity of Operations $90,664.95 and Continuity of Government

Emergency Management




Roads and Public Property - Resolution approving Addition No. 1 to Professional Services Contract Fair and Open - Robinson Aerial Surveys, Inc. (formerly Technical Associates) for “Juvenile Detention Center Sprinkler System” - $6,800.00.


Roads and Public Property - Resolution approving Change Order No. 2 “Juvenile Detention Center, Building 12, Sprinkler Replacement Project, Meadowview Campus, Secaucus, New Jersey” - Echelon Services, LLC - $9,458.75.


Roads and Public Property - Resolution approving Change Order No. 1 and Final “Rehabilitation of John F. Kennedy Boulevard Bridge over Conrail/PATH”- Orchard Holdings, LLC - Reduction $-496,489.69.


Roads and Public Property - Resolution approving Change Order No. 1 and Final “Rehabilitation of Passaic Avenue Bridge over Passaic River Bank and Secaucus Road Bridge over Penhorn Creek” - Sparwick Contracting - Reduction $-98,466.87.




Roads and Public Property - Resolution approving Addition No. 3 to Non-Fair and Open Professional Services Contract - Birdsall Services Group for Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) Site Environmental Phase II Services for Hudson County Building 77 Improvements, 110 South Hackensack Avenue, Kearny, New Jersey - $272,065.00.


Roads and Public Property - Resolution approving Addition No. 1 Fair and Open Professional Services Contract Construction Management for Building 77 Improvements 110 South Hackensack Avenue, Kearny, New Jersey - MAST Construction Services, Inc. - $124,000.00.


Roads and Public Property - Resolution providing authorization to the City of Union City for the installation of a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera on a Traffic Signal Pole under the County’s jurisdiction.


Roads and Public Property - Resolution providing authorization to the Town of Harrison for the installation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras on Traffic Signal Poles under the County’s jurisdiction.


Roads and Public Property - Resolution accepting title to four (4) vehicles from the Hudson County Schools of Technology.


Board of Freeholders - Resolution joining the United States Senate for a moment of remembrance beginning at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on September 11, 2011, in honor of the 10th Anniversary of the terrorist attacks committed against the United States on September 11, 2001.


(TABLED) Board of Freeholders - Resolution changing date and location of the October 11, 2011 scheduled Caucus Meeting and location of October 13, 2011 scheduled Regular Meeting of the Hudson County Board of Chosen Freeholders.


Board of Freeholders - Resolution authorizing contribution to Jersey City Puerto Rican Heritage Festival and Parade, Inc. - $1,700.00.


Board of Freeholders - Resolution authorizing contribution to the Dominican American Parade of Hudson County, Inc. - $2,300.00.


Health and Human Services - Resolution amending Resolution Nos. 123-3-2011, 234-62011 and 94-3-2011 awarding interim Ryan White Funds and approving contract extensions for Ryan White Formula Grant Funds to service providers - $185,500.00.


(Approved at Caucus Meeting held on Tuesday, August 9, 2011) Board of Chosen

Freeholders - Resolution opposing the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s proposed steep increase in the Path Rail Fare and Hudson River Crossing Tolls. *39.

Board of Chosen Freeholders - Resolution urging all parties in the Verizon Communications Labor Negotiations to bargain in good faith and to reach a fair and equitable labor agreement.


Board of Chosen Freeholders - Resolution authorizing contribution to the United Way of Hudson County - $350.00.




The following Ordinances will be Introduced:


County Administrator - An Ordinance of the County of Hudson, State of New Jersey authorizing the guaranty of the payment of the principal of and interest on not exceeding $18,000,000 aggregate principal amount of County-Guaranteed Special Acquisition Bonds issued by the Hudson County Improvement Authority for the purpose of providing additional security therefor, consenting to such financing and determining certain other matters in connection therewith.


County Administrator - Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of certain interests in real property located at 830 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City and the execution of installment purchase contracts in an aggregate amount not to exceed $15,750,000 to finance the cost thereof.


Roads and Public Property - Rescinding Ordinance No. 74-1-2002 and eliminating the reserved Handicap Parking Space at 6741 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, North Bergen, for Arduino Franco.

The following Ordinances will be considered for final adoption: 4.

County Administrator - An Ordinance of the County of Hudson, State of New Jersey authorizing the guaranty of the payment of the principal of and interest on not exceeding $12,000,000 aggregate principal amount of County-Guaranteed Special Acquisition Bonds issued by the Hudson County Improvement Authority for the purpose of providing additional security therefor, consenting to such financing and determining certain other matters in connection therewith.


County Administrator - Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of certain interests in real property located at 830 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City and the execution of installment purchase contracts in an aggregate amount not to exceed $10,500,000 to finance the cost thereof.

There will be a Public Hearing for the following Ordinance: 6.

Roads and Public Property - Rescinding Ordinance No. 116-2-2002 and eliminating the reserved Handicap Parking Space at 2610 Paterson Plank Road, North Bergen, for David Pearlstein.


Opportunity for any member of the Board of Chosen Freeholders to comment on the business of the Board.


Opportunity of the Chief of Staff to the County Executive to comment on the business of the Board.


Privilege of the floor granted to members of the public on matters of public interest.

XIII. Adjournment.

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