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Throughout September and October 2022, the community was invited to help ‘SHAPE’ the vision for Seabrook and Altona Meadows by providing feedback on the vision, key themes and principles outlined in Part 4 of this document. The community was also asked to share their ideas for future projects that they would like to see undertaken to bring the vision to life.
Based on the feedback received, the 6 Place Projects outlined in Part 5 of this document were put together. From mid March through to mid April 2023, the community was provided with an opportunity to provide their review and input into the proposed Place Projects, and to nominate which projects they would like to be involved with into the future.
The following section provides a summary of the consultation process and the key findings from the Stages 2 and 3 consultation.
Engagement was undertaken through a variety of channels:
Returnable Flyer Mailout
Flyers and public awareness messages were sent out for the Vision and Place Project phases. Details of the engagement process, Participate website and a language helpline were also provided.
Out + About Festival
Out and About Festival was held in Bruce Comben Reserve in September 2022. The festival included live performances, food trucks and kids entertainment. 3 marquees with giveaways were provided based around the vision themes and gave the community an opportunity to provide feedback and have face-to-face discussions.
(Stage 2 Consultation)
Dates: 15/09/2022 to 15/10/2022
Participate site visits: 887
Out + About Festival Stalls
Comments Received: 978
Participate Website

(Stage 3 Consultation)
Dates: 15/03/2023 to 15/04/2023
Participate site visits: 1336
Participate survey contributors: 133
Total number of responses: 238

A summary of the Vision and Place Projects were added to the Participate web page providing the community with an opportunity to view and give their feedback on-line.

Focus Drop-In Sessions
On-line drop-in sessions were held to the provide community with an opportunity to ask questions and provide detailed feedback.