2 minute read
Mayor’s Welcome
from Council Plan 2021-25
by hobsonsbaycc
The Council Plan 2021-25 sets Council’s strategic direction for the next four years and is the roadmap to achieving the Hobsons Bay 2030 Community Vision.
Hobsons Bay has a rich and diverse community with residents from over 130 countries of origin, speaking over 100 languages and observing over 80 faiths. Through extensive community consultation, sending return-paid postcards to every household and business, 11 community facilitated workshops and a Hitting the Streets campaign, we were able to engage 1,477 people to help shape the Council Plan.
Our Hitting the Streets team visited 14 different locations across the city and spoke with nearly 500 people. With many people cautious of in-person events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we worked hard to be present in the community and ensure feedback options were accessible.
We also invited schools to take part. I enjoyed meeting students at Altona Meadows Primary School and hearing their carefully considered ideas for the future of our city and what Council should be focusing on over the next four years.
In total, the people of Hobsons Bay gave us 4,887 ideas about what Council should be focussing on over the next four years. We have used these ideas to collate the top priorities and develop five clear objectives.
Community – Council provides over 100 vital community services for residents. We will ensure Hobsons Bay is a city where all members of the community can participate equitably, feel safe, connected and maintain good health and social wellbeing.
Environment – Council is committed to environmental sustainability through major initiatives such as the Urban Forest Strategy and the Solar Program, reconstructing the Altona seawall to prevent erosion, community education and events, improving our parks, open spaces, and conservation areas. Place, Recreation and Economy – Following 18 months of uncertainty, it’s essential that over the next four years Council supports a resilient local economy that facilitates job growth and retention, promoting Hobsons Bay as a place to live, work, invest and visit.
Community Infrastructure – Council has $1.1 billion of infrastructure assets. It’s crucial we develop and maintain infrastructure to promote liveability, planning for the future needs and growth of our community, while preserving heritage, environment and neighbourhood character.
Organisation – Council is committed to deliver value for money through efficient processes, digital transformation and continuous improvement.
For the first time, Council has integrated its Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan into the Council Plan which outlines Council’s commitment to create a community where people can be as healthy and well as possible.
A big thank you to community members who have helped shape the Council Plan 2021-25. Community engagement doesn’t stop here. Through Council’s Community Engagement Policy 2021, Council commits to meaningful and effective participation to ensure that the community voice will guide how we deliver this Council Plan and respond to changing circumstances.
Thank you for being part of this journey. We all have a role to play in shaping the future of Hobsons Bay.
Cr Jonathon Marsden Mayor of Hobsons Bay 2020-21