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park updates

Fond farewell

After 38 years, Hoburne Bashley’s breakfast chef, Paul Traher, has retired. Paul began working for the park as a chef in March 1984, when he was just 29. At the time, the park had three touring fields and Sammy the Seahorse had yet to launch! He’s seen a lot of change over the years, burnt a lot of loaves but says he wouldn’t change it for the world. Commenting on his retirement, Paul said: “It is with a heavy heart I have decided to retire. Hoburne has looked after me immensely and I have met some great people along the way.” Paul plans to spend his retirement looking after his grandson, playing golf, and relaxing.

road Tarmacking on park

We are pleased to announce the tarmacking of the main drive has been planned. Further updates in connection with this will follow.

USER-PLUS New Team Members

We have recently welcomed Harry Studt to our Sales and Ownership Team. Harry joins us from Hoburne Park with a wealth of experience where he was Sales and Ownership Advisor for six years. Harry is looking forward to meeting our owners and guests, and we know you will join us by giving Harry a very warm welcome. Please pop into the Sales and Ownership office and say hello next time you are here but be kind to him as he’s Liverpool fan!

We have also said goodbye to Kelly from the Sales and Ownership Team. Kelly has recently taken up a new position at Hoburne Park as Sales Manager, and we all wish her well and hope to see her soon when she pops back to visit.

We will also be welcoming Samantha Dewar to the team as Hoburne Bashley’s Customer Experience Manager. Sam will be helping everyone have the best experience while holidaying here at Bashley. Also, she will be looking after the Managed Letting Scheme for owners who wish to let out their lodges and caravans through Hoburne. We are all looking forward to welcoming Sam soon.

sun Solar panels

We are excited to announce solar panels will be installed soon on the roof of our building. We are thankful for this investment and look forward to seeing the impact it will have on our green footprint.

�� Award win

We were delighted to have been awarded Outstanding Contribution to the Visitor Economy at the 2022 Brilliance in Business Awards for our work in the woodland. In the last two years, we have worked tremendously hard to maintain and create a special place for everyone to enjoy. From running handson workshops, bush craft activities, guided walks, plus our popular fairy door trail.

�� Hoburne Company Conference

Hoburne recently held its annual company conference, and the one-day conference finished with a glitzy gala awards dinner at Hoburne Park. We are very proud to announce that Simon Hemsley from our Woodlands and Ashleigh Vincent, our Spa Manager, were finalists for two awards categories. Please make sure when you next see them to congratulate them on being recognised for their hard work and contribution to Hoburne.

Hand-holding-heart Charity

Fundraising news

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported our charity fundraising during 2022. With your help, we have been able to raise £7,717.15 in the year for The Dorset Children’s Foundation, which has been gratefully received. Our chosen charity for 2023 is Oakhaven Hospice. Oakhaven provides specialist palliative care and support to those facing life-limiting illnesses and their loved ones in both a home and hospice setting. Details of our fundraising events in 2023 will be notified throughout the year. We would like to thank you in advance for your continued support.

We are very proud of our unique woodland at Hoburne Bashley, and Simon and Kamron do a fantastic job informing and entertaining our guests so they can truly appreciate our New Forest location.

We are also immensely proud of our apprentice, Kamron for being nominated as a finalist for Young Apprentice of the Year. A true vindication of his hard work and dedication.

�� Dog-friendly holiday park.

As a dog-friendly holiday park, we will be extending our pet-accessible areas during 2023. The whole café and bar area will be dog-friendly in the future, so owners with dogs are not restricted to just the front tables. As always, we ask dog owners to not allow their pets on the furniture. The restaurant, lounge bar, and venue will remain pet free areas.

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