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Destination MOON

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Summary Evaluation

Summary Evaluation

Department for Building

Construction and Design – HB2


Vienna University of Technology


Touch The Moon Slightly

Project by Petra Panna Nagy and Shi Yin

Location Moon

Year 2012

Mission Objective Habitat for research

Mission Length Long term mission

Crew members

1st phase: max. 5 people

2nd phase: 5 - 10 people (+ research tourists)

Typology Modular

Specific Characteristics


Moon tower


Moon protection


Politics fail, mega-companies gain ever increasing influence on the development of states. The gap between rich and poor continues to grow. And the Earth`s resources are running low. Something has to be done! ...

... Scientists propose to go to the Moon and beyond that, to Mars. On the Moon, they propose to mine Helium-3 and other resources to satisfy the demand on Earth. In silence they also hope to perform other research there. But for the governments the aim is not just the exploitation of the Moon - the Moon becomes an object of desire again.

In a certain way, history seems to repeat itself. The megalomaniac race to the Moon (caused by the competition market) turns out to be the biggest advertising blitz ever... fitness area sanitary medical help sleeping area private space cooking area

...To prevent the exploitation of the Moon, an underground movement starts to fight not only for the rescue of the Moon, but also for the rights and freedom of the people.

By and by this underground movement grows until politics (governed by companies) cannot ignore it anymore...

...To prevent a rebellion the governing companies agree to (re-)declare the Moon a neutral zone. Companies and people on Earth declare their aim to rescue the Moon from exploitation and promise to touch the Moon lightly...

LSS community space leisure area safe heaven storage research area communication cent working area

Concept base

luxury plants agricultural plants research plants greenhouse


Function diagram direct connection technical connection view connection base expansion

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