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TU Wien, HB2
Dr. Ing. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger is Senior lecturer at the Institute for Architecture and Design. Her teachings include design courses in space architecture and extreme environment architecture and a regular course on ‘Emerging Fields in Architecture’. Sandra is also director of the Space course at the Science Academy in Lower Austria. She is an architect at space-craft Architektur and expert in habitability design solutions for extreme environments. Over the last 15 years, she has worked and collaborated on several architecture and aerospace design projects. Sandra is Chair of the AIAA Space Architecture Technical Committee, and Co-chair of the IAA History Committee. She is author of several scientific papers and books, her latest is co-authored with Shery Bishop; Space Habitats and Habitability (Springer 2020) .
Abu Dhabi University | UAE
Dr. Paolo Caratelli is Associate Professor at the College of Engineering, Department of Architecture and Design since 2011. Licensed Architect in Italy (OAPPC, Florence Chapter), researcher on architectural and urban sustainability, and investigator about social and cultural changes in architectural design. He published in several international peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. His teaching and research activity is focusing on design and technology integration into habitats in isolated confined extreme (ICE) environments, investigation of complex habitation systems as techno-theoretical resource for buildings in ordinary environments, and psycho-physiological effects of confinement in ICE environments. He is Board Member of AIAA Space Architecture Technical Committee, and Scientific Committee Member of SPSD.
Rowdha Begam Mohamed Hanifa is Architect graduated with honors at Abu Dhabi University in 2018. She collaborated with Abu Dhabi University as Teaching and Research Assistant and is currently completing her Master in Urban Planning and Design at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. She is actively collaborating with Abu Dhabi University on research and design projects for habitats in extreme environments, and integration of bioregenerative life support systems in orbital and planetary facilities. Rowdha is an Associate Member of AIAA and Board Member of the Space Architecture Technical Committee.
Olga Bannova Guest Critic
Dr. Olga Bannova is a Research Professor at the University of Houston’s Cullen College of Engineering, Director of the world’s only Master of Science in Space Architecture program and Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture. Olga conducts research and design studies of orbital and surface habitats and settlements, including inflatable structures, special design influences and requirements for different gravity conditions in space, and habitat concepts for extreme environments on Earth. She is author of the books “Space Architecture Education for Engineers and Architects” (2016) and “Space Architecture: Human Habitats beyond the Planet Earth” (2021)that received the Social Sciences Book Award of the International Academy of Astronautics in 2021.
Sheryl Bishop Guest Critic
Dr. Sheryl L. Bishop, PhD is a Social Psychologist and Professor Emeritus at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston School of Nursing. As an internationally recognized behavioral researcher in extreme environments, Dr. Bishop has investigated human performance and group dynamics involving deep cavers, mountain climbers, desert survival groups, polar expeditioners, Antarctic winter-over groups and various simulations of isolated, confined environments for space. With over 60 publications and 50 scholarly presentations in both the medical and psychological fields, she is frequently sought out as a content expert by various media and contributed to multiple documentaries on space and extreme environments. Her latest book is co-authored with Sandra HäuplikMeusburger; Space Habitats and Habitability (Springer 2020).
Daniel Inocente is currently a Senior Space Architect with Blue Origins Advanced Development Program working on LEO and Lunar Space Architecture. He is an experienced Design Architect, Space Architect and has worked with SOM, Gehry Partners, HKS, Gehry Technologies, and NASA JPL in the past. Daniel works on international projects across sectors including skyscrapers, transportation, aviation, government, culture, science, education, and research. His project experience includes Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, Battersea Development, Tour Charenton, NEOM Bay Airport, Jiuzhou Bay Zhuhai Tower, and the Guiyang World Trade Center. Daniel has played a vital role in initiating, building, and fostering Space Architecture partnerships with teams across government, industry, and academia including ESA, Lockheed Martin, and MIT, among others.
Dr. Christophe Lasseur is Head of MELiSSA project at ESA. PhD in bioengineering from University of Compiegne, he joined first MATRA space Branch (today Airbus), where he worked on the control of higher plant chamber for space missions.He became the project manager of the echograph Anthrorack that flew with success on NASA Shuttle D2 mission. In 1990, he joined ESA for a research fellow position devoted to the precursor of the MELiSSA pilot plant. In 1992, he became MELiSSA project manager, and in 1998 the coordinator of ESA R&D in the life support domain. From 2000 to 2010, he chaired, with NASA HQ, the International Life Support working Group, which involved NASA, JAXA, CSA, RSA, and ESA. He acts as well as European representative to the ISS Medical board for microbiology, and is adviser for several European Union activities. Since 2012 he chairs Life Support Sessions of COSPAR.
Dr. Cesare Lobascio graduated in Nuclear Engineering at Politecnico di Torino and then obtained a MS in Environmental Engineering at the University of California in Berkeley in 1993. He has worked for >30 years at Thales Alenia Space in Italy, in the fields of Space Environment and Life Support Systems, covering a wide range of technical and management roles. He has been involved in the International Space Station project, on scientific satellites and human and robotic space exploration studies for the Moon and Mars. He is Senior Expert in “Life Support & Habitability”, teaches at the Space Exploration Master, authored more than 70 papers, book chapters and 2 patents. As the Innovation Leader for Space Exploration and Science, within the Innovation Cluster, he coaches teams of innovation fellows through incubation of innovative ideas, ventures and start-ups.
Piero Messina is a senior policy, strategy and management support officer in the ESA Director General’s Cabinet. Among his duties he is in charge of relations with some Member States and has been working on several strategic cross-cutting projects such as space resources, the Moon Village vision as well as on the future of Europe’s role on space exploration. Piero has been working at the European Space Agency for over 30 years in several positions and in different ESA Centres in Germany, the Netherlands and Paris. Before he was, for several years, chief of staff / advisor to successive ESA Directors of human spaceflight and space exploration. Previously he was part of the managing team of the Aurora European Exploration Programme and the Secretary of its Board of participating Member States.
Gerhard Schwehm Guest Critic
Dr. Gerhard Schwehm studied Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy. He was a project scientist and study scientist for numerous ESA missions. He accompanied the Rosetta and SMART 1 project as a mission manager. As a co-investigator he is involved in many dust experiments at the MPI for nuclear physics. He was a member of the Interagency Space Debris Working Group, external member of the NASA Planetary Protection Sub-Group and the ESA Planetary Protection Working Group. He is a member of the International Academy of Astronautics and the IAU named the Asteroid Schwehm after him.
Madhu Thangavelu Guest Critic
Conductor, ASTE527
Graduate Space Concept Synthesis Studio, Astronautical Engineering Department
Viterbi School of Engineering & USC School of Architecture
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-1191
James Wise Guest Critic
Dr. James A. Wise is retired after a 40 year career in academia, private business and a US government national laboratory. After receiving his Bachelor’s and Ph.D. in Experimental+Mathematical Psychology at the UW, he focused his career on working with designers, architects and engineers of complex technical systems and environments in order to better fit them to users and organizations. He has been a university professor, research scientist, and consultant to government agencies and major corporations. He has over 140 publications, with international research awards in Industrial Design & Architecture. He is a Board Member of the Neutra Institute for Survival Through Design, and President of Sustainable TriCities. He also remains active with international research groups developing fractal design enhancements for medical wards, and improving habitability design for planned lunar and Mars bases.