LUNAR OASIS – Part 5 - Architectural Visions for an Integrated Habitat - Design Studio WS 2021

Page 36


Architectural Visions for an Integrated Habitat

Research Unit of Building

Construction and Design 2 - HB2

Institute of Architecture and Design, TU Wien &

Department of Architecture and Design

College of Engineering, Abu Dhabi University



a project by


The Moon Loop lunar base aims to reuse all resources in a closed-loop system. The strategies used to realize this goal include maximizing water recycling, circulating air in a closed-loop system with the help of the greenhouse, and maximizing energy production by producing energy through the crew’s daily exercise. To protect against radiation, the base would utilize a multi-layer membrane system, preseeded with fungal bio-composites that inflates once nurtured through the structure’s circulatory system upon arrival. Covering that is a whipple shield, which protects the modules against micro-meteoroids. The Moon Loop would shelter 6 crew members, and host several functions including wardroom, galley, crew quarters, research labs, greenhouse, activity area, and a safe haven.



“The most important aspect of my idea of a garden is that it is not important to have a garden on the property itself, but a small piece of green in the city is enough to create your own garden. An Oasis is the perfect place that fits perfectly with someone who focuses the preferences and desires on one place.„


“As architects, oasis provides visual and physical comfort. The oasis‘s water provides a calm and sensual feeling. Gardens entail the creation and ornamentation of parks, back yards. Moreover, it takes out some of the pollutions, enhances the ventilation and air quality, and it creates a better mood for people. People can then enjoy going for walks in the fresh air rather than going places using transportation facilities.„

“An oasis is a garden and a treasure found in the middle of a desert. It is pleasing to the eye and soothing to the soul. It serves the human being in many different aspects. The presence of water stimulates the growth of everything surrounding it. The oasis provides shade, food, and also materials for design like woven baskets, roof thatch, and garden fencing.„

“Garden and oasis can express a place where we can breathe and take a break from the chaotic life, recharge the body and the soul, and give life and comfort to the environment.„


“As an architect, we can use the oasis and the garden as a main view for the building. Also, the fresh air from the greenery can be used as ventilation in the building. It is a place that attracts tourists and visitors because it’s a natural site and one of the most important places in the UAE’s culture and history.„

Hajar Fotos from the streets of Vienna (Image by the authors) Oasis in the Sahara Desert (Unsplash, Foto by Sandra Gabriel)
Palm Frond (Unsplash, Foto by Valentin Salj)

Gardens and oases are not only a source of inspiration for architecture designs, but also a source of great spiritual and emotional comfort, and a place of a break from the chaotic life.

Architecture shall bring life and comfort to the habitat it‘s built-in, and offer the users a space to breathe and find the strength to continue their journey.

Palm tree (Mariam)



The Moon Loop base will focus on two main targets:

1. Sustainability and self-sufficiency

• Produce sufficient energy using solar light, and using exercise machines of which the crew members have to use at least 2 hours daily.

• Utilize greenhouses to produce sufficient food for 6 crew members in the lunar base.

• Reuse all the resources in a closed-loop system, where little to no waste will be produced.

2. Fungi use on the moon

• Use fungal composites to create a biological shield that protects against radiation.

• Grow fungal composites and investigate their possible uses in the lunar base.

Greenhouse module inspiration: the water bottle symbolizes energy source. Similarly, the greenhouse will provide the crew the nutrients and energy they need to live on the moon (Stefan)


The greenhouse module will host areas for plant cultivation, gardens, and growing fungi. In order to maximize the integration of the greenhouse in the lunar base, the greenhouse modules will connect the habitat modules together; allowing the crew members to interact and connect with plants. This would support the psychological health of the crew, and allow them to feel at home.

Greenhouse module deployment process (Stefan)


Because of the pressure levels, curved structures are preferred on the moon for their pressure resistance. Keeping in mind the launcher dimensions limitation, Chuck Hoberman‘s concept of a twisting structure inspired the habitat modules of the lunar base. Hoberman‘s twisting structure unfolds a cylinder to a sphere, which allows the structure to fit in the launcher when folded, and then unfolds the structure to a sphere that would host the different habitat functions.

Habitat modules deployment process (Stefan) Habitat module structure (Stefan)


The Moon Loop will use fungi composites creating a bioreactor shield that can protect against radiation and self-repair when needed. For future research, scientists can consider extracting the melanin pigment that the fungus uses to convert gammaradiation into chemical energy, and incorporate it into the spacesuit fabric or other materials.

Solar Power For Energy

Using available sunlight is the most common form of ISRU and has been employed on spacecraft for many decades. The Moon Loop base will use solar panels to harness sunlight to power the lunar base and its facilities.

Exercise For Energy

The Moon Loop will utilize crew’s exercises to produce energy and provide an extra power source. A device used to realize this is Free Electric Bike that can produce 200 watts per hour.

Fungi biological shield (Enaam)

Circulation of water (blue) and air (gray) throughout the module and the biological shield (Stefan)

The greenhouse uses plants to scrub carbon dioxide while providing food and oxygen (Enaam)



The first stages of the lunar base construction would be uncrewed. Exploring rovers will be sent with the first landing on the moon to explore the site and search for the optimal location to build the base. After that, rovers will start placing the power system near the site. Then rovers will level and sinter the plot area, and excavate as needed to place the habitat and greenhouse modules. At the beginning of the settlement, one habitat module and one greenhouse would be deployed and assembled. After the launcher lands, the modules would be transferred to the site, unfolded, and placed as planned. After the life support systems are validated, the temporary crew would stay at the base. As the continues to expand, other habitat and greenhouse modules will be added and functions would be distributed. The base would then be able to fully recycle waste, use full power, and provide the food required for the long-term crew of 6 that would inhabit the lunar base.

3- Excavate the lunar surface 2- Land and transfer the module to the site 1- Travel to the moon
4- Place the module and unfold it6- Expand the base Storyboard Doodle (Mayar) 5- Add the airlock and the greenhouse module
Engineer Astrophysicist
Physician Geologist Botanist Chemist 147 Engin Astro


The Moon Loop base will host several functions to support crew living on the moon. The greenhouse would occupy the largest area. Then the living area, research labs, and the accommodation. Finally, activity areas and services like life support systems and hygiene would cover the smallest space.


The habitat and greenhouse modules will differ in size according to the function inside. The activity area would be distributed around the greenhouse modules so that the crew can enjoy their surroundings while exercising. The ground floor across the modules will include airlocks, a common area, kitchen and dining area, medical room, research labs, WC and showers, greenhouse and gardens, activity area, and a control room. Also, a running track would be added where the crew can walk or jog throughout the base.

Section A-A Base functions volume diagram

The lower level would include a safe haven under the common area; a quiet room under the medical room; food storage under the kitchen and dining area; food research lab under the research lab; and life support systems under the LSS and equipment room. The upper level would include crew quarters and lounge areas above the medical room and kitchen and dining area; living/relaxing room above the common area; communication and observation room above the research lab; and technical/mechanical room above the LSS and equipment room. The upper floor would allow the crew to look under at the running track, and offer a double volume for the track area.

Section B-B -1 Floor Plan
-1 Floor 1. Food storage 2. Quiet room 3. Saven haven 4. Food research 5. Life support system (tanks)
MOON LOOP +1 Floor Plan 151
Functions Diagram

The Moon Loop‘s future expansion is inspired by the chemical bonds pattern, which allows the modules to isolate damaged modules in case of emergency. That is possible because each module is connected in two ends, allowing the crew to escape through one if the other needs to completely shut and isolate the module.However, the future expansion pattern would follow the topography of the site, so it can differ if the terrain doesn‘t allow this pattern.

Moon Loop future expansion


Structure Layers

To protect against radiation, the Moon Loop base would utilize a multi-layer membrane system, pre-seeded with fungal bio-composites that inflate once nurtured through the structure’s circulatory system upon arrival. The structure is made of polyethylene, supporting the multilayer membrane that will include two membrane types. From the inside, a strong transparent membrane layer will offer the crew to view the fungal composite texture that would differ in color according to the types of fungi used; from the outside, a strong outer membrane will help contain the fungi. The membranes will be pre-seeded with fungi composites, which will inflate once the structure’s circulatory system distributes the nutrients upon arrival. When it is fully grown, the bio-reactor shield would protect against radiation.

Covering the structure and the multi-layer membrane system is the Whipple shield that is composed of multilayer Kevlar fabric, which would stop or help reduce the impact of micro-meteoroids on the modules.

Structure unfolded Structure folded Structure layers
Moon Loop lunar base cut 3D render


a project by

“Hope in a time of fear”

J. Marsden, March 2020


Where to next? ... Discovering the moon mysteries, using its obscure materials to design and build for the future with an awareness of the past.

A lunar habitation is the next aim on the jurney of exploring the space. The moon is the best first destination to be explored. Because of its hazardous environment it’s also the most challenging one. With this project we tried to explore new ideas and materials for building a self-sustainable habitation. Different ideas were evaluated and the most reasonable one was chosen for a detailed design. The main goal was to use the in-situ resources and to minimalise carriage delivered from Earth.

Mohamed Ahmed Rashad, Ibrahim Jamo, Mahmud Sani, Emonda Shefiku, Yllka Qarri


Lost in space with yourself and a little bit of hope. A light that shines as a little star but promising to grow into a galaxy.

The Lunar Oasis, the hope to a completely different life. A space to redescover life and to face the unlimited obstacles. A spot out of the comfort zone where human interactions are minimalised, where the most important thing is finding a shelter to feel protected. Far away from home with the need to feel connected and loved. A base offering all the essential needs for the life to thrive. A second home, to live, work and explore the limiteless possibilities the life out of the comfort zone has to offer.

“Start small, think big. Don’t worry about too many things at once. Take a handful of simple things to begin with, and then progress to more complex one. Think about not just tomorrow, but the future. Put a ding in the universe”

From the smallest particles to the Solar system. Our idea is based on the rotation around a base point. Every module would have different functions, all of them connected with each other with the possibility to extand in the future. Functions would be based on the human needs, such as the greenhouse or the sleeping quarters. The main function would be the Research Lab, serving for lunar exploration, in order to use the materials found on site for building shelters and creating a livable environment. The first crew members will start building and the habitation will continue growing.

The shape of an Atom


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

• Physiological needs: these are biological requirements for human survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, sleep.

• Safety needs: People want to experience order, predictability and control in their lives. These needs can be fulfilled by the family and society.

• Love and belongingness needs: refers to a human emotional need for interpersonal relationships, affiliating, connectedness, and being part of a group.

• Esteem needs: Maslow classified esteem needs into two categories: esteem for oneself and the desire for reputation or respect from others.

• Self-actualization needs: are the highest level in Maslow’s hierarchy, and refer to the realization of a person’s potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.

Functions in different modules

Working / Living spaces 159


Hydroponics refers to the technique of growing plants without soil. In hydroponic systems, the roots of plants are submerged in liquid solutions containing macronutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, Sulphur, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, as well as trace elements, including iron, chlorine, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, and molybdenum. Hydroponics offers many advantages, notably a decrease in water usage in agriculture and the plants grows very fast.


Artichoke, Arugula, Asparagus, Basil, Bean (Common), Beat root, Bok, Choy, Broad, Bean, Broccoli, Brussel, Sprout, Cabbage, Capsicum, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Endive, Fodder, Garlic, Kale, Leek, Lettuce, Marrow, Okra, Onions, Pak, Choi, Parsnip, Pea, Pea (Sugar), Pepino, Peppers, Peppers (Bell), Peppers (Hot), Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Spinach, Silver beet, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potato, Taro, Tomato, Turnip, Zucchini.

Strawberries, Watermelon, Hydroponic Berries, Grapes, Canaloupe.

Anise, Basil, Catnip, Chamomile, Chervil, Chicory, Chives, Cilantro, Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Mint, Mustard Cress, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon, Thyme, Watercress.

Fiber is a natural or man-made substance that is significantly longer than it is wide.

Fibers are often used in the manufacture of other materials. The strongest engineering materials often incorporate fibers, for example carbon fiber and ultra-high-molecularweight polyethylene.

Based on source or origin the fibers classify into 2 types:

• Natural Fiber

• Man-made Fiber.

The fiber produced from the animal, plant, or a geographical process is called Natural fiber.

Man-made fibers are fibers that are chemically processed. In this process fibers modified during the manufacturing process to create properties and required structure. In addition, it made by synthetic fibers or regenerated natural fibers.

Man-made Fiber Calculations:

• Spinning 180 km / h

• 1gr Lunar Regolith = 2.4 km Fiber

• Fibers = 16 μm thickness

• Energy cons. = 750 W / h

• 1 Solar Panel 2094x1038x35 mm= 400 W/h

• Module (d=8m, h=5m) A= 50m2

• Fiber needed =ap. 400kg

• Spinning process: 1 day (max 15 gr per day)

• Construction process: 1kg / h = 400h (17days) 24h


Approximate power consumption of a single unit is 2 kW. Given that the Moon’s surface experiences a mean total solar irradiance value of 1363W/m² and assuming efficiency of energy conversion for GaAs photovoltaic cells of 30%, a power of 409 W/m² would minimally be available. Hence a single fibre processing unit requires 5 m² of solar panels.



Basalt fibre, very similar to fiberglass, is made of volcanic rock, mainly found in the lunar maria. It is composed of the mineral’s plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. The main components of basalt are the metal oxides SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, MgO, Fe2O3, and FeO. Possible other components in smaller amounts are K2O, Na2O, and TiO2.

Basalt is categorized, based on its main component SiO2, into alkaline (up to 42% SiO2), mildly acidic (43 to 46 % SiO2) and acidic basalts (over 46% SiO2), whereas only acidic basalts are suitable for continuous fibre production.

The main difference compared to other metal oxide fibres, such as glass fibres or ceramic fibres, is the content of iron oxides in the basalt fibres. This gives the basalt fibres the dark coloration in contrast to the white and transparent glass and ceramic fibres.


Carbon Fiber is a polymer and is sometimes known as graphite fiber. It is a very strong material but also very lightweight, five-times stronger than steel and twice as stiff. Though carbon fiber is stronger and stiffer than steel, it is lighter than steel; making it the ideal manufacturing material for many parts.

Carbon fiber is made of thin, strong crystalline filaments of carbon that is used to strengthen material. Carbon fiber can be thinner than a strand of human hair and gets its strength when twisted together like yarn.

Carbon Fiber: use for the interior walls, slabs, furniture, and the machinery needed on the moon.

The lignin should be separated from the plants since as a bio-derived alternative, has received growing interest in the production of carbon fiber due to its high carbon content of 50% to 71%.

There are two main methods to separate lignin:

• By disoolving and removing other components in plants except for lignin.

• By dissolving lignin as a soluble component from other components (such as cellulose & hemicellulose).







Photovoltaic panels should be vertical installed due the sun beams in the lunar surface are just 2 degree covering horizontally the surface.

4 Crew Members: Engineer, Scientist, Biologist, Astronaut. The Crew will be the one who’s will start the preparation for the next level of research. The inflatable structure will be set for the crew to live in a short period of time until the modules will be built by the fibers.

The robots will start building the modules one by one while the crew will use the common area to live and do the research.


• Engineer: In charge of the technical parts and issue of the spaceship. After lunar landing, he will be in charge for the first phase of accommodation.

• Astronaut: Launch and extravehicular activity and also for lunar landing. Will help for the extreme environment of the crew.

• Biologist: The extreme condition of food and growing plant. First growing phase of the plant and saving the seed through the transportation.

• Scientist: Will be part of the research in the first phase for materials and the environment in lunar surface.

1. Robots will be sent to moon to analyze the site where the habitation will be built and to set the power panels.

2. The crew will arrive with a launcher and an inflatable structure in the cylinder.


1. In the first phase is the landing on the lunar surface and the accommodation on the inflatable temporary structure. Will start also to build the new and first fiber modul.

2. The inflatable temporary structure will be use as a semi privatcy because the daily work rutine wil be moved on the new modul, which will be the mein space to connect the other moduls when is needed.

3. The main Modul will be more livebale and the growing plants will start to have place on the next experimental green house. On the other side the common area and the technic space will be build up.

4. The experimental green house will be build up also the plants will be grown up to build more the station. More private room will be build to have more space.

5. More moduls will be instaled through the Air-locks. Depending on the sound area will be the funksions of the new moduls.

3. The inflatable structure will be set for the crew to live in a short period of time.


4. The robots will start building the modules one by one while the crew will use the common area to live and do the research.



The lunar south pole is of special interest to scientists because of the occurrence of water ice in permanently shadowed areas around it.

The lunar south pole region features craters that are unique in that the near-constant sunlight does not reach their interior.

Such craters are cold traps that contain a fossil record of hydrogen, water ice, and other volatiles dating from the early Solar System.

LUNAR FIBER Site plan 165

The project concludes two diferent levels. The first floor is made from three big modules, two of them including a greenhouse and two Airlocks.

The first Module is the common area consisting of a greenhouse for food production and connected with it is the bathroom and the kitchen area.

On those geometrical forms is the climbing wall that brings to training area with a gallery. Connected to the common module are three small modules; two bedrooms which can be used for two people or separated with a wall. The other room is the private room for praying which can be used from the crew members to spend some time alone and feel in touch with their home as the room has a direct earth-view.

HB2-TUW & ADU | LUNAR OASIS Lounge Kitchen / Dinning Flexible furniture from carbon fiber Sleeping Room Private / praying room AIRLOCK Greenhouse Common Area Open working space Medical room WC Tech room / Storage Experimental greenhouse Open to radiation Moso Bamboo Ficus Aloe vera Tomato, Potato, Cucumber, Garlic, Mushroom, Lettuce, Pea, Radish, Wheat, Ficus, Alow Vera. Moving tray AIRLOCK Sleeping Room View to the earth Greenhouse
Wall 166
Ground Floor.

The biggest module of the project is the Research-Lab, that has in the middle a greenhouse where the carbon fiber is being produced that serves for building. Next to it is the toilet and the medical room. The area around includes open spaces for working and also on top of the greenhouse there is place for entertainment or meeting spots. The other Airlock and the technical room are directly connected to the Research-Lab.

Part of the concept is the experimental greenhouse, which is almost open to radiation to see how the plants will grow with no protection therefore it is not covered like the other modules. From it to the Research-Lab is a moving tray to make a flexible access for the experiment for the plants. In this greenhouse the plants will serve for the production of the Carbon Fiber.

Second Floor.

Greenhouse from Carbon Fiber Lounge Meeting space Training Spot Lounge Gallery Gallery Experimental greenhouse Moso, Bamboo, Ficus, Aloe vera
to the earth 167


a project by


“The Honeycomb” is a lunar research center, located at the rim of the Shackleton crater. The study of space is an indispensable part of the human future. Through research, projects and theories we have been trying to achieve a safe environment for life on the moon. And “Honeycomb” is no different, with a mission to answer the primary question “Can humans achieve long-term stay on the moon with the knowledge that they currently have?”

The main goal is to achieve gradual, multi-directional expansion of the habitat with time, meaning a quick and automated assembly is crucial. Inspired by nature, the process began using honeycomb as a concept to inspire the feeling of community in the vastness of space.



In the middle of a chaotic city, a garden, a quiet place where your “other” thoughts could run free, thoughts that make you human, thoughts that separate you from the monotony of your daily life. Here, no meetings to rush to, no buses to miss, no angry drivers to yell at, just green magnetically pulling your gaze as if it were the release you have been yearning for. Come and let go.

There is a blurry line between our minds and reality, in which we don’t want to limit our imagination and visions to. We think that the reality is a limitation to our creativity, but it’s us who determine whether to see it as a push to be more realistic, or achieve the unthinkable.

The feeling of the beauty of nature that is interconnected with man-made architectural designs. How beautiful it is to have a paradise behind your house, a paradise where you only hear the wind moving the branches of the trees, the birds singing on those branches, the sound of water flowing on that pond, and a place among the grass to sit in to relieve your mind from the noise of the world.

Humans have an instinctual connection to nature, so it makes sense that we feel better when in spaces that reflect characteristics of the outdoor environment or that offer views and even access to beautiful landscaped areas, plants, and/or water features. A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, dedicated to the cultivation, and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature. As for oasis, the oasis of man-made architecture with natural elements such as trees, plants, water, etc., Can be open and clear or hidden behind a wall or inside a building. Gardens increase the aesthetics of the place in addition to psychological comfort when seeing plants and green. Maybe we will always need green and growing natural elements near us to feel comfortable and safe like oasis.


With Earth running out of resources as we speak, this development is crucial. The primary goal of this mission is a gradual, multi-directional expansion of the lunar habitat in time. Secondary goals are stability, flexibility, sustainability and durability. Building on the Moon is a challenge. Moon lacks most of the necessary resources that humankind needs in order to survive. This means that the design should incorporate new techniques and concepts compared to those used for building on Earth. Since the transportation is challenging on its own, using in-situ materials is one example of the new techniques necessary. Adding a layer of regolith over the habitat would provide sufficient radiation protection, which due to the lack of atmosphere on the Moon, is crucial to our survival. Additionally, a new collapsible greenhouse could be the key to growing fresh and healthy food to sustain future lunar habitations. Indoor farms would reduce the need for costly resupply missions while removing carbon dioxide from the air, thus replenishing the astronauts‘ breathing supply, and could produce about 500 pounds of oxygen a year. Lunar greenhouses must hold up in places where the atmospheric pressures are, at best, less than one percent of Earth-normal. A farm at the moon‘s poles could tap water ice trapped in craters. Burying the farm buildings will protect them from cosmic rays, micrometeorites and extreme temperatures. The greenhouses will be easier to construct and operate with interior low pressure. In such extreme low pressures, plants have to work hard to survive. Low pressure makes plants act as if they‘re drying out. Plants can grow on the moon, but not on moon soil, as earth plants need nutrients, minerals, moisture, and oxygen, which are not found in moon soil (regolith). Regolith is mostly very dry dust that comes from rock, meteors, and meteorites that become powder due to solar heat, solar wind, cosmic rays, meteoric collisions, and extreme heat and cold. To grow plants on the Moon is to recreate, the earth conditions necessary for plants to develop and grow. This is possible by building superficial or underground infrastructure where temperature, light, moisture, nutrients and microbes are artificially controlled.



First year = deployment of infrastructure - Initial habitat module is launched to the moon and robotically assembled prior to the crew arrival. Additionally, radiation protection using in-situ regolith is layered over the inflated habitat. After two years, four crew members arrive on site, connecting the habitat with life support systems and power supply, and constructing the interior of the habitat. In the upcoming years, the primary goal of the mission is achieved by continuous expansion of the habitat. The site location chosen for the mission is South Pole, at the rim of Shackleton crater. The location has multiple advantages such as: heavily cratered terrain, average temperature of -13°C (unlike the rest of the moon’s temperatures that vary between -173°C and +127°C), due to the constant shading, the ice in the craters are potentially a solid water source, the soil shows traces of essential resources like: hydrogen, sulfur, methane.

Regolith as radiation protection
Timeline (one arrow = one year) 171


The units are packed during transport. The diameter of each unit is 5m when packed. Once on the lunar surface, the top opens up first. The membrane is anchored on the top and the bottom of the unit. By moving up, the top releases the outer shell.

These panels have dual functionality: after deployment they give the unit stability and during transport, they protect the membrane. The inflating begins, the membrane is attached to metal frames, which are pulled into place with inflation. Following the curvature of the membrane, the metal frames ensure a stable structure. The membrane contains 3 flexible airlock adapters. To ensure the metal frames fit, the max. length of each is equal to the height of the 1st floor, 273cm, which resulted into the angle and shape of the habitat.

Steps of deployment of the habitat on the lunar surface


It all began by drawing inspiration from nature. In an attempt to spark the notion of community in space, beehives were chosen as the primary concept for this project, as well as one of the main research topics on this mission. This concept offers many advantages when it comes to space. One of them, of course, being its geometrical advantages, such as: compared to a circular shape, the hexagon doesn’t leave an empty space between each hive; It has a flat surface „walls“, making it perfect for attaching additional units; allows equal expansion in multiple directions, while providing sufficient space for multiple functionalities, making it a perfect choice for our mission as the primary goal is expansion.

Radiation protection

The main design objectives are the following:

- All necessary functionalities within one module

- Multi-directional expansion ability of the module

- A fully automated deployment process.

The habitat is designed as a hybrid structure, which includes a telescopic rigid core in the middle and an inflatable. During transport, the top of the core carries interior elements, and is used as a water tank after assembly. The bottom carries waste management equipment. A cupola allows natural light to enter right in the center of the unit, the water tank around protects from radiation. Two metal frames contained within one another form the telescopic structure. The center of the unit is where the sanitary facility will be located.

Core of the habitat


The lunar surface comes with its challenges such as: heavy radiation, no breathable air, no atmospheric pressure and extreme temperatures. Therefore, a habitat should provide a comfortable and safe environment where the crew could live and work.

The inflation of the habitat gives the form and surface area of each functionality, once the metal frames are pulled into their final position of extension. Thereby, the interior follows the form of the habitat, simultaneously allowing for maximal use of space and providing comfort for the crew. The hexagonal base of the core is offset inwards to create the circular movement around the sanitary unit. The resulting space allows for a minimum movement diameter of 1 m for the crew.

Flooring plates and partitioning walls can be mounted onto the metal frames, allowing for a flexible layout of the interior. On the images is one possible configuration of the interior space and layout.

The ground floor surface area is divided in two zones: quiet and loud zone. The floor area provides the necessary space for 4 crew members, and additional space for recreational and social activities. The ceiling of the private areas provide the floor of the second level, which in this configuration, is used as a work and research area. Placed above the sanitary unit, the green house is located in the middle of the upper floor, where sunlight enters through the capula above, securing the necessary conditions for successful growth of the plants. Further on, the capula allows for the interior to be naturally lit throughout the day.

Layout Ground Floor Layout First Floor Greenhouse Circular movement Circular movement Sanitary facility
THE HONEYCOMB 1st FLOOR 0 1 2 4 8 BEEHIVES RESEARCH LAB EXPERIMENTAL LAB 1 1 SECTION 1-1 0 1 2 4 8 Section 1-1 First Floor
activities area
activities area
area 177


The main idea behind the design was to create a habitat that would be as time efficient as possible in its assembly. For this purpose, the sanitary unit was placed in the core of the packed unit, fully installed on Earth. The cupola allows for natural light to enter at the top of the unit and spread primarily through the green house and continues providing natural light across the whole interior. Since the radiation is significantly higher on the Moon compared to Earth, the water tank is placed around the cupola to ensure radiation protection. Prior to securing the habitat with a layer of regolith, the waste management compartment is connected to an outside waste recycle facility underneath the floor of the habitat.

As the habitat expands with time, each of the units could be used as a separate functionality allowing larger spaces, and with that improving the living conditions.

concepts Pre-installed sanitary unit in the core 178
Lab and Research area 179
Future expansion of the habitat

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