1 minute read


Being stuck at home can be challenging. Isolation, boredom and living in a small place with a limited amount of people are only a few of the challenges each of us is facing at the moment. The students were given the task to create a short video documenting their personal experience during the COVID-19 shutdown. They were asked to critically reflect their self-isolation expierence from an architects‘ perspective.


What are / have been the biggest challenges for you?

How did you overcome them?

Which ones couldn’t you handle?

And what do you think would help in terms of Architecture and Design?

Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger Studio Director

TU Vienna, HB2

Dr. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger is Senior lecturer at the Institute for Architecture and Design. Her teachings include design courses in space architecture and extreme environment architecture and a regular course on ‘Emerging Fields in Architecture’. Sandra is also director of the Space course at the Science Academy in Lower Austria. She is an architect at space-craft Architektur and expert in habitability design solutions for extreme environments.Over the last 15 years, she has worked and collaborated on several architecture and aerospace design projects. Sandra is Vice-chair of the AIAA Space Architecture Technical Commitee, and Co-chair of the IAA History Committee. She is author of several scientific papers and books, her latest is co-authored with Shery Bishop; Space Habitats and Habitability (Springer 2020) .

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