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Building Type: A martian settlement has to have the opportunity to grow from a small, first habitat into a town. Expansion is easily achieved with a modular building type. We call those individual building parts units. Their shape adapts accordingly to their specific functions. Another positive affect is, that this idea increases safety for the astronauts. If one unit gets hit by meteroids or gets damaged otherwise, the crew has enough options to move the concerned function.
Materials: Ice is available under the martian surface, it protects against cosmic radiation and builds a massive building structure. The martian athmosphere mainly consists out of CO2, one of the most potent insulating materials. Because of the constant dust drift, a dust layer will automatically cover the building over time, which adds an extra protection shield against cosmic radiation.
Resources: Multiple energy sources are basic requirements, for a redundant, martian home. They offer light and power for humans and plants, to live together in an interdependent life-circle.
Location: We use naturally wind-protected areas, like valleys and troughs as building sites.
Robotic mission
- building first habitat
- energy & water suply
PHASE 2: Explorers