Part 1 - ENVISIONING THE MOON VILLAGE – Space Architecture Design Studio SS2018

Page 32

Envisioning the Moon Village Space Architecture Design Studio SS 2018 Department of Building Construction and Design Institute of Architecture and Design Vienna University of Technology

Envisioning the Moon Village

Space Architecture Design Studio SS 2018

Building Construction and Design 2

Institute of Architecture and Design

Vienna University of Technology


Envisioning the Moon Village

Space Architecture Design Studio 2018

Published by Vienna University of Technology

Institute of Architecture and Design

Building Construction and Design 2 - HB2

Prof. Gerhard Steixner (Head of Department)


Dr. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger

Editorial assistants

Sabrina Kerber, Mohammad Elzahaby, Gözde Yilmaz, Emirhan Veyseloglu, Irene Schindl

Original text and projects by students

Proofreading by Evelyn Zünd


Günes Aydar, Mohammad Elzahaby


Department HB2, authors, students, photographers

© 2018

Building Construction and Design 2 - HB2

Vienna University of Technology

Print Vica Druck

This project has received funding from the European Space Agency and the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology.

The Idea of the Moon Village 6 Design Studio Approach 8 Instructors / Lecturers 10 Students / Project Overview 16 The Moon Village Workshop 20 Space Architecture Workshop 26 Final Presentation and Panel Discussion 30 Projects 38 Content

The Idea of the MOON VILLAGE

In 2016, Director General of ESA, Jan Wörner, introduced his idea called MOON VILLAGE about future possibilities for international cooperation for human spaceflight. This idea was the starting point for the 2018 Moon Village design studio at the Vienna University of Technology. During the intensive semester course, 35 master students developed hypothetical scenarios for a future Moon Village. The studio was supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), and several space experts from space-related entities accompanied the studio with theme-specific lectures and workshops. Incorporating the technical, environmental and operational requirements of building and living on the Moon, all projects present the multi-cultural and open concept of the Moon Village.

„If I say Moon Village, it does not mean single houses, a church, a town hall and so on. No, that would be misleading. My idea only deals with the core of the concept of a village: people working and living together in the same place. And this place would be on the Moon. In the Moon Village, we would like to combine the capabilities of different spacefaring nations with the help of robots and astronauts. The participants can work in different fields, perhaps they will conduct pure science and perhaps there will even be business ventures like mining or tourism. […] A village starts with the first house.“ (ESA, Jan Wörner)

The idea of the Moon Village is not yet a real project, nor an active ESA programme. It represents an intention or rather a vision for exploring the Moon on an international level. The term ‘village’ is a synonym for a community that is open to any interested parties to join forces and share interests and capabilities. In that, it includes astronaut activities, as well as robotic endeavours for scientific, technical, commercial and touristic activities. The Moon Village idea has gained momentum and led to a number of international discussions, activities and networks (cf. Moon Village Association, etc.).


Design Studio Approach

The Moon Village design studio took place from March to June 2018 at the Vienna University of Technology. During this time, 13 concepts based on the Moon Village idea were developed and elaborated by the students with support from ESA and various space experts.

To begin with, the students had to prepare for the most important issues of lunar habitation. All lunar facilities, including habitats and transportation systems, are dependent on the lunar environment. Environmental and operational constraints include radiation, micrometeoroids, gravity, dust mitigation, temperature extremes and diurnal cycle, as well as atmospheric conditions. Other challenges related to human activities include food production, storage and recycling, hygiene and waste collection. Social constraints and challenges include intensive social interaction and isolation, personal space and territorial issues. Each student team researched and presented selected themes. Research topics encompassed: Moon Characteristics and Environmental Challenges, Lunar Missions and Science Opportunities, The Architecture of the International Space Station, Lunar Habitats and Associated Facilities and Technical Systems, Habitat Typologies and Construction Possibilities, Life Support Systems and Greenhouses, Robotics and Industrial Manufacturing, Human Factors and Habitability, as well as Lunar Bases in Science Fiction. A comprehensive list of relevant scientific papers and literature was provided in our library at the department.

The 3-month course was designed to include input lectures from various space experts and professionals. The first guest lecture was delivered by Piero Messina on the ESA idea of the Moon Village. He asked the students to think of new programmes. Prof. Irmgard Marboe provided an input on space policy and space law. Austrian astronaut Franz Viehböck talked with the students about his life onboard the space station Mir. With Christophe Lasseur the students had the possibility to discuss their ideas on life support system, greenhouse and in-situ-resources. Gernot Groemer shared some experiences of the analog missions by the Austrian space forum and gave additional input on moon-relevant physical facts.

Discussing the Moon Village with Piero Messina
Lecture on space law by Irmgard Marboe Meeting the Austrian astronaut Franz Viehböck Input session on moon-relevant physics with Gernot Groemer
Discussing life support with Christopher Lasseur

Studio Director, Tutors, Lecturers and Guest Critics

Tutors, lecturers and guest critics in alphabetical order

Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger

Space Architect | Habitability Researcher

TU Vienna, HB2

Studio Director

Dr. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger is senior lecturer at the Institute for Architecture and Design. Her teachings include design courses in space architecture and extreme environment architecture and a regular course on ‘Emerging Fields in Architecture’. She is an architect at space-craft Architektur and expert in habitability design solutions for extreme environments. She has worked and collaborated on several aerospace design projects. Sandra has published several scientific papers and is author of the books Architecture for Astronauts - An Activity Based Approach (Springer 2011) and Space Architecture Education for Engineers and Architects - Designing and Planning Beyond Earth (Springer 2016).



Tutor Space Architecture Workshop

Marlies Arnhof is a young graduate trainee in the field of Space Architecture and Infrastructure at ESA/ESTEC, where she is a member of the Advanced Concepts Team (ACT). She graduated from Vienna University of Technology with a MSc in Architecture. During her master’s with Dr. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger, she focussed on architecture for extreme environments. For her paper on her diploma project Design of a Human Settlement on Mars Using In-Situ Resources she received the Best Student Paper 2016 Award from the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA). At the ACT her main research interests are in-situ resource utilisation for construction on the lunar and planetary surfaces and user-architecturetechnology interaction in isolated, confined, extreme (ICE) environment research-bases.

Lecturer & Tutor Space Architecture

Miriam Dall‘Igna has experience in designing and researching complex structures for manufacturing and construction. She joined Foster+Partners in 2008 and has worked with additive manufacturing since then as one of her main design tools. Part of her tasks are the experimentation and implementation of state of the art software and hardware to architectural practice. She is currently focusing on the research of goal-oriented autonomous robotic systems and additive manufacturing for large scale construction in harsh environments. Her background is in architecture and computer science.

Lecturer Moon Village Workshop

Dr. Norbert Frischauf is currently a partner at SpaceTec Partners and co-founder and chief scientific officer of Off-World, Inc. Norbert is an accomplished technologist with a comprehensive insight in diverse industrial and scientific sectors including experimental physics, electrical engineering and aerospace engineering. As such he has worked at CERN, the European Space Agency (ESA), the German Aerospace Center (DLR), as well as several national government agencies across Europe and the European Commission (EC). Norbert is a leading member in various associations (such as IAA, OEWF), an active science communicator and a keen aerobatic pilot.

Miriam Dall‘Igna Design Systems Analyst Foster + Partners Norbert Frischauf Physicist | OffWorld Marlies Arnhof Young Graduate Trainee

Lecturer Moon Village Workshop

Prof. Foing obtained his PhD in Astrophysics and Space Techniques. In 1993, he joined ESA as staff scientist, where his varied roles have included being a co-investigator for missions such as SOHO, Mars Express, Expose-Organics on ISS and COROT. He has been a project scientist for SMART-1, the first ESA spacecraft to travel to the Moon. He serves as executive director of the International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG), is professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and member of the IAA. He coordinated ILEWG design studies and field campaigns to support the preparation to future bases on the Moon and Mars.

Tutor Moon Facts

Dr. Gernot Groemer is the director of the Austrian Space Forum; he is an alumni of the International Space University and holds a PhD in Astrobiology. He teaches at the University of Innsbruck in the field of Mars exploration and Astrobiology. Moreover, he is a lecturer at various universities and is a member of the Board of Mentors of the Space Generation Advisory Council. Gernot is an active analog astronaut at the Austrian Space Forum logging 113 simulated EVA-hours and a total of 30 min of zero-gravity. He led more 13 Mars expedition simulations and coordinates the development of the experimental spacesuit simulator Aouda.X.

Guest Critic Final Presentation

Dr. Kendall is the past chair of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (2016-2017). During his career he has held senior positions with the Canadian Space Agency including as the director general of Space Science and Space Science and Technology. He is also an adjunct faculty member of the International Space University based in Strasbourg, France. He holds an undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of Swansea, UK, and masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Calgary in Atmospheric Physics. In 2002, Davidl was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal in recognition of his significant contributions and achievements to Canada.

Bernhard H. Foing Lunar Scientist | ESA Gernot Grömer Astrobiologist | Director Austrian Space Forum foto: Voggeneder

Panelist Final Presentation

Dr. Christian Köberl is director general of the Natural History Museum in Vienna. He is also full professor and chair of Impact Research and Planetary Geology at the University of Vienna. Christian Köberl is a well-known reseacher with his investigations of meteorite impact craters and the determination of extraterrestrial components in impact-related rocks. In 2006, an asteroid was named after him. He is a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and has published over 450 peer-reviewed research publications. Since his involvment, the Natural History Museum has increased the quality and visibility of scientific research at the museum.

Lecturer Life Support Systems

Dr. Christophe Lasseur is the European Space Agency coordinator of life support R&D activities, head of MELiSSA project and ESA representative of the International Space Station medical board: microbial safety. He is also an ECLSS certified instructor for European astronauts and has a PhD in BioEngineering from Compiegne University of Technology. From 2000 to 2010, he chaired the International Life Support Working Group, which involved NASA, JAXA, CSA, RSA and ESA. Since 2012 he chairs the life support sessions (F4) of COSPAR. He regularly teaches in several European engineering schools (e.g. KTH, EPFL, Agro-Paris). In March 2017, he received a Doctor Honoris Causa from Antwerpen University (Belgium).

Lecturer Space Law

Prof. Irmgard Marboe is professor of international law at the Department of European, International and Comparative Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna. She is the head of the Austrian National Point of Contact (NPOC) for Space Law of the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) and member of the Space Law Committee of the International Law Association. From 2008 to 2012, she was the chair of the Working Group on National Space Legislation of the Legal Subcommittee of UN Committee for the Peaceful Use of Outer Space. She authored and co-authored numerous books and articles on space law. She was a founding member and legal advisor of the Moon Village Association, which was established in Vienna in November 2017.

Christophe Lasseur Head of MELiSSA project | ESA Christian Köberl Scientist | Director | Natural History Museum Irmgard Marboe Professor of International Law | UNIVIE

Lecturer Moon Village Vision

Piero Messina has been working on the ESA’s space exploration programme Aurora since its inception. In 1991, he joined the European Space Agency, where he held several positions in the field of financial and project management. He served as coordinator with the director of Industrial Matters and Technology Programmes. He was responsible for education policies and relations with European higher education institutions until 2003. He holds a degree in Political Science, International Economic Relations from the University of Florence and a Master in Space Studies (MSS) from the International Space University in Strasbourg. Currently he works in the Director General’s Cabinet and ESA’s Strategy Department.

Dr. Rumi Nakamura, a group leader at the Space Research Institute (IWF), the Austrian Academy of Sciences and a docent at University of Graz, participated in a number of ESA and NASA physics missions and is currently leading the Active Spacecraft Potential Control (ASPOC) instrument for the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. She is an author of more than 360 refereed publications and was awarded the Tanakadate Award in 2005 and the Julius-Bartels Medal in 2014. In 2018, she was elected the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fellow. She currently is a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Academy of Astronautics. She worked on ideas for the Deep Space Gateway, a crewed spaceship in lunar vicinity.

David Nixon was among a handful of architects to work on the early design of the Space Station in the mid-1980s. He has worked on many space and transportation projects for clients, ranging from government agencies to cities, private companies and start-up ventures in the US and Europe, including NASA, ESA, JPL, British Aerospace, Alenia Spazio, McDonnell Douglas, Spacehab, Kistler Aerospace Corp. and Rotary Rocket Company. In 2007, he designed a physics experiment kit to boost student interest in space and flew a prototype on ESA’s Foton-3 mission and a simulated zero-g Airbus flight. He has authored many technical space papers and written a book on the design history of the ISS, titled International Space StationArchitecture beyond Earth (Circa Press, 2016).

David A. Nixon Space Architect | Astrocourier Tutor Space Architecture Workshop Rumi Nakamura Physicist | IWF Guest Critic Moon Village Workshop Piero Messina ESA Director General‘s Cabinet | ESA

Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu Cosmonaut | ASE Panelist Final Presentation

Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu is a Romanian cosmonaut and flew into space aboard the Soyuz 40 and Salyut 6 laboratory. He was a founding member of the Association of Space Explorers and was elected for a three year term as the president of ASE International. Since 1993, he has been the permanent representative of the Association of Space Explorers at the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) sessions. In 2004, he was elected as chairman. For his engagement in raising public awareness about the asteroid impact hazard and help protecting planet Earth, he was declared 1st Official Asteroid Day Ambassador. He has received several high-ranking awards, including the Social Sciences Award of the International Academy of Astronautics.

Lecturer Life in Space

Franz Viehböck is the assigned CEO of Berndorf AG for 2020. He is also a scientist and Austria‘s first cosmonaut. Franz Viehböck studied electrical engineering at the TU Vienna and was selected to serve as the first Austrian astronaut aboard the Austromir 91 mission. Subsequently, he worked for Rockwell as programme-Development manager of the Space-Systems-Division and for Boeing as director for international business development of the Space Systems Group. Since 2000, he is also the technology consultant of the province of Lower Austria. He has been working for the Austrian company Berndorf since 2002, where he currently is a member of the board of directors.

Additional Acknowledments

We would like to thank the following experts for supporting the work of individual students:

Manuela Aguzzi, astronaut instructor, at Space Applications Services, for her input on astronaut training activities.

For providing research input related to plant and greenhouse research: Don Barker, planetary scientist. Marc Cohen, spacearchitect. Vittori Rossetti, space engineer. Tomas Rousek, spacearchitect.

Franz Kerschbaum, professor of astronomy at the University of Vienna for his input on astronomy on the far side of the Moon.

Claudio Maccone, director for scientific space exploration, International Academy of Astronautics, for providing his papers on The Lunar Farside Telescope

Franz Viehböck Cosmonaut | CEO | Berndorf AG

The Students

Students in project order

Günes Aydar (p.38)

Gözde Ylmaz (p.38)

Emirhan Veyseloglu (p.38)

Baris Dogan (p.50)

Iuliia Oblitcova (p.50)

Sabrina Kerber (p.64)

Theresa Brock (p.64)

Mohammad Elzahaby (p.64)

Katharina Lehr Splawinski (p.78)

Alexander Garber (p.78)

Leona Asrin Palantöken (p.90)

Irina Panturu (p.90)

Marius Valente (p.90)

Bernhard Redl (p.104)

Marta Mion (p.104)

Martina Meulli (p.104)

Simon Sekereš (p.112)

Luka Slivnjak (p.112)

Esat Sehi (p.122)

Amila Imamovic (p.128)


Aleksandar Mrkahic (p.128)

Tetiana Frych (p.134)

Patrcik Rychtarik (p.134)

Polina Baliuk (p.134)

More projects (p.144)

Alexandros Ioannou-Naoum

Nadja Drageljevic

Daniel Can Wittek

Domagoy Krhen

Lovro Koncar-Gamulin

Two Aerospace Engineering students from FH Wiener Neustadt took part in the first workshop:

Kaarel Repän

César Sánchez



The aim of the two-day workshop was to discuss relevant issues prior to the design of the Moon Village architecture. In order to prepare for the workshop, students prepared posters on the topic of the Moon Village. Rumi Nakamura, scientist from OEAW, joined us for the preliminary presentation. Input lectures from ESA Moon specialist, Bernard Foing, and space systems specialist Norbert Frischauf enlivened the discussion among the students. Former diploma student of the TU Vienna and current YGT at ESA, Marlies Arnhof, supported the students with valuable input. Additionally, space engineering students from the FH Wr. Neustadt joined the workshop.

During the workshop, the students teamed up to produce reports on five key topics, which are summarised below.

Presenting the Moon Village idea

Working Group 1: Explore Together

This working group highlighted the importance of cultural diversity, tolerance and equality. Open questions include the form of responsibility and universal laws. The group proposed multifunctional shared spaces, which would not only save resources and physical space itself, but also create new lifestyles that could change the way we live our lives.

Working Group 2: Resources

This working group summarised resources available on the Moon, such as solar power or substances contained in the lunar soil, like oxygen, hydrogen, helium-3, aluminium. In particular, they highlighted potential in-situ-resource utilisation processes. In addition to open technical questions, the group was concerned about future stakeholders, environmental damages and ethical consequences of moon-mining. Considerations comprise the impact on future generations, importance of the moon’s role in human culture, stakeholders in lunar heritage and the visual impact from Earth.


MoonNET from Digital to Analog

CARGO First Phase

TEST ROBOTER with on board energy harvesting solar panel

Material tests + machine test


First test-roboters Next big solarand cameras (NASA) storm in 2018-20


CARGO Second Phase

Elements for first ONsurface station prefabricated on earth

First hub with inflatables

Regolith cover made by robots and 3D printer

ORION Missions

Manned missions for mending 2 Weeks


Regolith cover + habitat structure

CARGO Third Phase

Life support system modules: OXYGEN Production

WATER Production INTERNAL Climate Control

ENERGY: Solar Panels Nuclear Reactor Orion

First engineers to stay on moon 6 months

Before the next big SOLAR STORM:

Tube system research finished

Tube based moon station + on surface entrance module

More space for residents


Producing enough oxgen/co2 and water

Independent foodproduction Balanced recycling circle


A new orbit station

Constant solar energy

Protection from lunar dust

Gravitation simulation

Stop for other space travels (mars moon)


Developping of a industry for marsian missions


Start of the Mars Base Mission

253.B92 Großes Entwerfen Space Architecture: Envisioning the ‚Moon Village‘ x25 4 - 6 x50 MOON VILLAGE FACTS Scetch of a possible surface station Inflatable hub Tube based Moonstation Large tunneler Inflatable hub moonNET The moon village concept is a common shared ownership concept. The program that is used has to be open sourced everybody is able to connect with the robots and other given facilities. When? It is set in the near future to be the test labartory for the Mars mission and others. How? First only colonised digitally with robots. Humans will come to the moon 10 years later or only for mending. Why? It will be a Test for Missions to other Planets like Mars. We can test the procedure of colonizing other Planets without the risk having long distances. After this stage the Moon can be used as a location for a space industry. 2020 2025 2030 2050 2024 2040 2045 Leona Asrin Palantoeken; Marius Valente; Irina Panturu; Patrick Rychtarik; Günes Aydar; EmirhanVeyseloglu the MOON VILLAGE Design Studio Space Architecture: Envisioning the “Moon Village” Professor: Häuplik-Meusburger, Sandra DANIEL CAN WITTEK ALEXANDROS IOANNOU-NAOUM IVAN MATAS MARTINA MEULLI MARTA MION ESAT SEHI Technische Universität Wien Master programme Architecture Coming soon S.S. 2018 10 years 30 years 100 years Moon Village development Lunar Base timeline 6 months Mining Processing Tourism and Leisure Artificial Ecosystem Space Research Transports Moon Village vs Moon Base Moon Village Postcards

Working Group 3: Humans and Robotics

This working group dealt with the mission timelines, production processes, new technologies, robot and human relations and activities. Important considerations concern the production and storage of energy and its reliability, as well as the use of new technologies for human wellbeing. Human-robot activities include transportation systems, maintenance, life-support, wearables and medical applications. Open questions are considerations on constant monitoring and privacy requirements as well as to what extent machines should be included into the societal processes.

Working Group 4: Resilience and Sustainability

The members of this working group discussed the key components for an open modular, dynamic and flexible framework. Those included space transportation and surface systems, the technical framework and infrastructure development, power systems and waste management. Key components, discussed for achieving social resilience, comprised knowledge exchange, typologies of networks and communication, public and private partnerships and an output and share ratio.

ist unwichtig, wichtig ist nur, wie

22 Moonvillage The Visions of the Future 01. Moon Nation the mission should overcome the “leadership in space” as a purpose of the journey 05. Producing self-sustainable village: produces and recycles most of the needed supplies 02. Multiple Purposes 06. Recreation from mining to testing living in space & space tourism human scale is taken into consideration: recreation, meditation and social aspects 03. Private Business 07. Recycling investment from private companies and “non-profit” based organisations lets think about tomorrow and how to make it better 04. Long Term Missions 08. Robotic Missions creating new kind of environment for working and living together Human controlled Robots to create and build. Moonbase Results of the Past Purposes Divided by Nations Research Scientific Center Funded by the Government Short Time Missions Full Earth Support Space Junk Science Base Human Missions 01 02 03 04 07 08 06 05 Architecture What does the Moon have to offer Infrastructure Which structures do we need on the Moon Entertaiment Sport Education Common Areas Gastronomie Hobby Library Workshops Restricted Areas Science Resources Energy Research Laboratories Mining Nuclear Habitations Shelters Working Private Areas Houses Dormitories Personal Lockers Communication Social Life Areas divided by activities and interests Adaptable Structures International Development of the Project Long Term Relationships ‘’Comfort making‘' architectural approach Facilities Life Support, Green Houses, Energy. Tourism Suitable for all category, Lorem Ipsum not simply random text. Grey Areas to do with the space Construction Area Recycling and 3D printing Multifuncitional Spaces Different areas develop in modules and replaceable parts. Ideas 8 Step 01 Research on materials volatiles for human exploration, gas, energy supplies Step 03 Reduced gravity research: human body, growth, potential permanent residence in space or on other planets in the Galaxy Step 02 Potential starting point space base stop for deep space exploration Step01 Research Step02 Mining Step03 Storage/Damp Residence Mooncity RoboticConstruction moon village location Where do we build the Moonvillage Moon missions What do we do on the Moon The rim of the craters are nearly constantly illuminated, this provide sustainable solar power supply and stable temperatures of -50°C. Solar Illumination Not protected from asteroids and other cosmic objects. Meteorites and comets Poles are exposed to radiation from the Sun and the solar winds can cause electrical charges on the surface of the crater rims The south pole contains mountains such as Epsilon Peak which is taller than any mountain found on earth. Uneven terrain shadow, this saves volatiles and lunar ice from evaporation. Shaded Areas + + + Lunar Poles Skylights are not only providing natural sunlight to the tubes but also can help finding and mapping the location of the lava tubes. Skylights Placing moon village underground is desired but searching for a perfect position of big enough lava tube might be a problem. Complexity Due the shape and the pressure the lava caves could collapse and may require additional structural support. Unstable structure The regolith layer creates shield against radiation, solar winds and small meteorites. would also help provide access to geology that would otherwise require some digging to reach. Under the ground They are shielded from the variations in temperature at the lunar surface with a temperature of approximately -20°C. Human friendly temperatures + + + Lava Tubes Equatorial areas are said to have higher concentration of Helium-3 and other strong due to the angle. There is no constant sunlight and the temperatures are unstable because of the lunar day and night cycles. Equatorial Areas Far side of the Moon Protected from the Earth magnetic field which gives lot of freedom to magnet based research and technology Not well researched yet No visual connection to Earth, communication might be complicated North Pole Peary crater South Pole Shackleton crater Lava Tube Marius Hills Equator Rima Bode Lunar Map Short-term training: Pilots, Astronauts, ScapeExplorers, Crews Activities: Getting used to hard physical and psychological conditions and isolation, adopting to new environment Short term scientific missions: Scientists Activities: Collecting samples, research data, air, water, ice, ground to test the samples back on Earth Short term visits: Tourists, visitors of the residents Exploration, Learning Short term maintenance missions: Technical support or special assistance Short or long term production missions: Activities: mining and production on the Moon, maintenance of the factories, robots, post production Long term training: deep space explorers, potential space residents, astronauts Activities: Education and experience sharing with the previous participants Long-term research mission: Scientist Activities: Data and research based and tested directly on the Moon tu wien / ss18 Grosses Entwerfen Space Architecture: Envisioning the Moon Village / Betreuerin sANDRA Hauplik-Meusburger jULIA oBLITSOVA baris dogan “I am just an example of how a leisure activity could look like...” imagine 1 6 of earths gravity on a trampoline ARRIVAL DEPARTURE INBETWEEN free time: leisure or preparation meditationexploration observation selfconsciousness phase I: Arrival Leisure/Business Departure Space Tourists Robots for Research Moon-produced goods Space Tourists Robots for Research Goods from Earth 1-2 weeks vacation, rich, exploring transit, emigration to mars, new live crews, pilots workers, engineers, mars crews 1-5 months moon day ~ 28 earth days 6-12 months “The Moon Village is open to any and all interested parties and nations. There are no stipulations as to the form their participation might take: robotic and astronaut activities are equally sought after You might see not only scientific and technological activities, but also activities based on exploiting resources or even tourism.“ Johann Dietrich Wörner „Wie die Räume ohne den Menschen aussehen,
aussehen.“ ~ “How spaces look without humans ist not important. It is important how people look in it.” Bruno Taut As architects we are interested in structures for humans rather than robots. QUALITATIVE SPACIAL RESEARCH
We are interested in examining fields that focus on human experience rather than technical feasibility: Arriving on & Leaving the Moon And the Inbetween Psychological Aspects Recreational Activities Prospects for Health Resorts Preparation for further Traveling What are we space tourists to do with our time? Why did we go up there? What do we want to achieve while there? (Oberservation, Meditation, Selfconciousness, Exploration...) As assisting agents for our spacial research we identified two possible structures: a Space Haven a Lunar Hotel THE IDEA OF THE MOONVILLAGE ARCHITECTURE Being on the Moon is dangerous for human beings. The presence of human beings on the moon has become obsolet as modern technology becomes ever more sophisticated. Activities on the moon - such as research, mining or production - can be handled solely by machines. We see two possible rational reasons for human beings to be on the moon. ONE. To serve the natural human curiosity. Tourism. TWO. As a stop-over to other destinations in our solar system. Transit. PREMISE CONCLUSIO The timeframe of stays range from a few days for the crews to up to a year for the staff maintaining and living on the station. Therefore different spacial solutions are necessary. TIMEFRAME CHALLENGES No little continuous population leads to problems of social group behaviour and knowledge transfer. Interaction between distinct groups like tourists, emigrants (transit) and staff could lead to social tensions.
Space Tourists and Production Moon-produced goods Space Tourists and Production Moon-produced goods Exploration Mars and Production Exploration to Mars Robots for Research and Production Exploration to Mars phase II: Arrival Leisure/Preparation/Transfer - Departure Katharina Lehr Splawinski, Bernhard Redl, Alexander Garber

Working Group 5: Masterplan

The last working group addressed the potential aspects of a master scenario, which requires consideration of steps, such as finding a suitable starting point, transportation and the question of the first module and infrastructure. Furthermore, the topics of scouting, analysation and preparation, stabilisation and initialisation, as well as selfsufficient systems and potential for expansion were approached.

A Hypothetical Moon Village Scenario

After the first workshop, students started to develop a vision for a future settlement on the Moon and began to work on a hypothetical scenario, addressing the questions of what would happen and who would be involved. Each student team, which consisted of two to three people, developed their individual scenario and a timeline as part of the Moon Village. In addition, the teams tried to connect to neighboring facilities, in order to live up to the Moon Village idea.

Lecture by ESA Moon specialist Bernard Foing Input lecture with Norbert Frischauf

North Pole


Simon Sekereš, Luka Slivnjak


Alexandros Ioannou-Naoum, Daniel Can Wittek


Theresa Brock, Sabrina Kerber, Mohammad Elzahaby


Nadja Drageljevic




South Pole stationary mobile

1 4 5 2 10 6 8 9 13 25 THE MOON VILLAGE SITEPLAN
1 SUNDIAL EXPLORER THE HABITAT THAT FOLLOWS THE SUN Günes Aydar, Gözde Ylmaz, Emirhan Veyseloglu 8 MOBILE SCOUTING Esat Sehi 10 LUNAR PORT Polina Baliuk, Tetiana Frych, Patrick Rychtarik 9 SOCIALIZER LUNAR SOCIAL NETWORK Amila Imamovic, Aleksandar Mrkahic 2 ASTRO-SCIENTIST TRAINING CAMPUS Baris Dogan, Julia Oblitcova 6 LUNAR GRAVITY RESEARCH CENTER Bernhard Redl, Marta Mion, Martina Meulli 4 RESEARCH FOOD LAB Lehr Splawinski, Alexander Garber 5 PACLINGS LUNAR FACILITY Valente, Irina Panturu, Leona Asrin Palantöken 13 SPIRAL Domagoj Krhen, Lovro Koncar-Gamulin


Based on the students‘ initial political and societal vision for a future Moon Village, they developed individual architectural projects, incorporating the technical, environmental and operational requirements of building and living on the Moon. The three-day space architecture workshop took place from the 23rd to the 25th of May. Miriam Dall‘Igna, design system analyst at Foster + Partners, provided a lecture on the 3D printing projects and research of Foster + Partners. The following two days consisted purely of 1-to-1 project discussions accompanied by Miriam Dall‘Igna, David Nixon, space architect, and studio director Sandra HäuplikMeusburger.

The goal of the workshop was to foster an idea and strengthen the individual concepts of the students. A checklist of typical design issues was provided to the students as a reference.


Checklist of Typical Space Architecture Design Issues

Basic Concept

Lunar Location

Human Population

Overall Configuration

Geography, topography, latitude, longitude

Size, gender, role, permanent, temporary

Functional layout, accommodation range, total volume, per-person volume, ingress/egress

Habitable Elements

Construction Methods

Payload Schedule

Architectural shapes and sizes, berthing techniques, foundation techniques

Prefabrication, deployment, assembly, manufacture, hybrid methods

Number of payloads, payload types (elements, components, equipment, materials, consumables)

Security and Safety

Pressure containment, radiation shielding, thermal range, contamination exclusion

Life Support Phasing

Atmospheric revitalisation, power supply, water recycling, waste management, ecological control

Crew visited, intermittent occupation, permanent occupation

Table 1. Checklist of typical space architecture design issues (D. Nixon, 2018)

Discussing preliminary design ideas

Workshop with David Nixon and Miriam Dall‘Igna Project discussions between students and guest critics Discussion about space architecture with David Nixon

Final Presentation

The final presentation and concluding panel discussion took place on the 26th of June in the Festsaal of the Vienna University of Technology.

David Kendall, past chair of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and adjunct faculty member of the International Space University provided valuable and straight-forward comments on each of the projects presented.

After the presentations, a walkabout through the exhibition allowed a closer look on the projects.

Festsaal, Vienna University of Technology Students presenting the Moon Village designs
... followed by questions from the audience. Walkabout through the exhibition Each group was given fifteen minutes to present ...
Exhibition of the models and design posters

Panel Discussion

A panel discussion by several space experts concluded the last day of the Moon Village design studio. Each panelist started with a fifteen minute presentation of a relevant lunar topic. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger, space architect, senior lecturer and studio director introduced the design studio and led the panel discussion.

The first short lecture was held by Piero Messina, a member of the Director General’s Cabinet and ESA’s strategy department. He talked about how the idea of the Moon Village developed and what it strives to achieve.

Christian Köberl, director general of the Natural History Museum in Vienna, covered the subject of lunar exploration by giving an overview of the scientific rationale.

Cosmonaut and founding member of the Association of Space Explorers, Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu, presented the history and future outlooks of of human exploration of the Moon.

The last panellist was Irmgard Marboe, professor of international law at the department of European, International and Comparative Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna and member of the Space Law Committee of the International Law Association. She approached the topic of legal and ethical aspects of the Moon Village.

After the presentations, the panelists were joined by Irina Panturu, a student of the design studio, for the panel discussion. Subsequently, the discussion was continued at a reception with drinks and animated conversations.

Festsaal, Vienna University of Technology Arriving guests at the Festsaal, Vienna University of Technology
Piero Messina on the idea of the Moon Village Christian Köberl on the subject of space exploration Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu on the Moon‘s history
Irmgard Marboe on the topic of space law
Christian Köberl on the scientific rationale of lunar exploration Discussing astronautics with Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu
Panel discussion following the presentations, moderated by Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger from the department HB2
After the panel discussion the exhibition continued ... A reception concluded the day
Questions from the audience completed the discussion
Group picture of the students and panelists

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