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For young people

NIV text sizes

This page gives actual size samples of all the various typesettings that our Bibles use

Tiny Pocket

5.3pt / 116 x 78 mm 6.75pt / 150 x 100 mm Thinline Popular

7.25pt / 185 x 120 mm 9pt / 197 x 130 mm Cross-reference Compact larger print

9pt / 210 x 138 mm 9.5pt / 185 x 120 mm Larger print

11pt / 234 x 156 mm Large print

12pt / 234 x 156 mm Clear Lectern

14pt / 200 x 153 mm 14.5pt / 320 x 235 mm

55 The Word became flesh1 In the be gin ning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. ning. 3 through him all things were made; with out him noth ing was made that has been made. was the light of all man kind. shines in the dark ness, and the dark ness has not over come 6 there was a man sent from God whose name was John. to tes ti fy con cern ing that light, so that through him all might be lieve. self was not the light; he came only as a wit ness to the light. 9 the true light that gives light to ev eryone was com ing into the world. in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recog nise him. 11 his own, but his own did not re ceive him. 12 Yet to all who did re ceive him, to those who be lieved in his name, he gave the right to be come chil dren of God – dren born not of nat u ral de scent, nor of

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