Timothy Keller Books

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Hodder Faith has been privileged to publish Timothy Keller’s books for 15 years. Covering a wide range of topics including grace, idolatry, forgiveness and marriage, Tim’s writing has become essential Christian reading. Seeing them brought together in this brochure makes clear the wealth of wisdom on offer. We have arranged his works into subject areas that we hope are intuitive. Whether you are familiar with his books or introducing a customer to them for the first time, this brochure is designed to refresh your knowledge of the full scope of Tim’s writing, and to help guide your customers as they encounter more of his thought. Our latest book, A Year with Timothy Keller, is the perfect introduction – daily excerpts from across Tim’s work are paired with a Bible passage for readers to reflect on during their devotional time. As ever, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me, whether you’d like to do a special promotion on the Timothy Keller collection, or have a church interested in running a bookstall, or need further information on a product.

Emily Short, Sales Manager

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A Y E A R W I T H T I M O T H Y K E L L E R .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 D I S C O V E R C H R I S T I A N I T Y ........................................3 C H A L L E N G E S A N D T O D AY ’ S I S S U E S .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 D E V O T I O N A L S ............................................................. 1 1 D I S C I P L E S H I P ............................................................... 1 3 R E A S O N S F O R C H R I S T I A N FA I T H ..................... 1 5


A Year with Timothy Keller Fix your eyes on Jesus each day with a bite-sized theological thought from beloved late pastor and theologian, Timothy Keller. Shortly before he died in May 2023, Timothy Keller had an idea for a devotional - a day-by-day quiet time companion comprised of extracts from his most well-loved books. The motivation was to create an easy way for new readers to get a taste of Tim’s writing if they weren’t sure where to start. Following his sad passing, A Year with Timothy Keller has been carefully curated to be the perfect bedside devotional for both new and long-time admirers of Tim’s words and wisdom.


Moving through the themes of Tim’s writing over the years, the devotional spends a week or a fortnight in each book, touching on subjects such as wisdom, forgiveness, the hope of the resurrection, loving our neighbour and the importance of work. Each extract begins with a Bible verse from the NIV to frame each thought for the day. 9781399814522 • £16.99 Hardback • 384pp November 2023 eBook: 9781399814553


D I SCOVER C H R IS T IA N I T Y These books look at the heart of Christian faith and are ideal for those with an interest in exploring what the gospel is all about.

The Prodigal God Discover the prodigal son as a paradigm for the central messages of Christianity: grace, hope and salvation.


In The Prodigal God, Keller argues that the parable of the prodigal son, while Jesus’ best-known parable, is also his least understood. He introduces the reader to all the characters in this timeless story, showing that it concerns not just a wayward son, but also a judgemental older brother and, most importantly, a loving father. He invites both faithful believers and curious outsiders to come to a new and totally life-changing understanding of the central message of the Christian faith. 9780340979983 • £9.99 Paperback • 160pp October 2009 eBook: 9781848948440 Audio: 9781473639522

“A fine exposition of the heart of the Christian faith... much needed at the present time.” Evangelicals Now


Encounters With Jesus Explore Jesus’ answers to life’s biggest questions through those who met him personally. What is my purpose in life? Who am I meant to be? How can I live a successful life? Why is there so much wrong with our world today? Am I part of the problem? What can I do to help change that? These are the big, seemingly unanswerable questions that everyone must ask and then answer in life. This book explores Jesus’ answers to life’s biggest questions by showing what happened to those who met Jesus personally. Jesus changed the lives of nearly every person he met in the Gospels. These were powerful experiences that can have a profound effect on us today and help explain not only different aspects of Christianity, but the deep questions of life itself. Highlighting ten of these encounters, including his meeting a sceptical student, a religious insider, an outcast, even Satan himself, Keller proves how invaluable the lessons from these encounters are for contemporary readers.

9781444754162 • £10.99 Paperback • 240pp November 2014 eBook: 9781444754155 Audio: 9781473639461

King’s Cross A book that focuses on the very heart of faith a meditation on the life of Jesus. Unpredictable yet reliable, gentle yet powerful, authoritative yet humble, human yet divine - this book takes a deep and thought-provoking look at the life of Christ. Drawing from Mark’s Gospel, Keller explains how Jesus’ identity as king and his purpose in dying on the cross have meaning and significance on a cosmic scale as well as for the individual. It gives a captivating account of the person at the heart of it all: Jesus. Written in Keller’s trademark authoritative yet inviting style, this book will unlock new insights for believers and unbelievers alike.

9781444702149 • £10.99 Paperback • 256pp April 2013 eBook: 9781444703269 Audio: 9781473639492


Hope in Times of Fear An exploration of what Jesus’ cross and resurrection mean for us today. The resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of the Christian faith, bringing God’s power – which will some day heal and renew the world – into our lives now. That power is here only partially, but substantially; and this gives Christians a realistic, but irrepressible, hope. It is a hope for change in our lives and in our society; a hope that changes Christians in every way, shaping every aspect of our lives. But it is only together with the cross that we see the particular way resurrection hope shapes us. We are delivered by a Saviour who triumphed through weakness and loss; who came to riches through becoming poor; and to exalted life through the experience of death. And having come to new life by admitting our own weakness and inability to save ourselves, we live the rest of our lives according to this pattern: the way up is to go down; the way to true power and influence is to serve; the way to be truly rich is to give all we have; the way to real happiness is to work for the happiness of others. This book unlocks the meaning of both the cross and Jesus’ resurrection. Here the central message of the Christian faith is revealed – with unshakable belief, piercing insight and a profound message of hope for the world.

9781473690639 • £10.99 Paperback • 272pp April 2022 eBook: 9781473690622 Audio: 9781473690646

Hidden Christmas One of Keller’s most popular Christmas sermons, expanded and published in a beautiful gift edition. The New Testament begins not with a dramatic narrative or lofty poetry but with a genealogy. Provocatively, Matthew’s Gospel includes women in Jesus’ family line - something that wasn’t customary in an ancient culture, where women were largely powerless and uninfluential. In this surprising take on the Christmas story, Keller reveals how, by focusing on the women in Jesus’ birth narratives, a colourful, scandalous, and refreshing tale of grace emerges.

9781473642591 • £9.99 Paperback • 160pp November 2018 eBook: 9781473642607 Audio: 9781529361117


C H A L L E N G ES A N D TO DAY ’ S I S S U E S These books shine a spotlight on our contemporary assumptions and connects them with the wisdom of the Bible and, at its heart, God’s grace.

The Meaning of Marriage The must-read book on marriage by Tim and Kathy Keller. Co-authored with his wife, Kathy, Tim Keller turns his attention to that most complex of matters: our need for love, and its expression in marriage. Beginning with the biblical narrative, and its pictures of marriage that span from the original ideal to the broken to the redemptive, he looks at themes of friendship and commitment; the completion of men and women in each other; singleness, sex and divorce; and ministry and discipleship within the context of marriage. This is a profound and engaging work that will challenge and inspire people in all stages of life - single, newlywed and married. 9781444702163 • £10.99 Paperback • 288pp August 2013 eBook: 9781444703191 Audio: 9781473639515

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Forgive An exploration of the power and the possibility of forgiveness.


Why is it better for me to forgive someone and take on the cost of that forgiveness myself? This book grapples with that thorny question: why we should forgive those who hurt us. It is the heart of the gospel, but it’s not solely important on a religious level; the matter of forgiveness has a huge impact on social and cultural levels, in terms of how we deal with the people, and problems, in our lives. What is it like to carry around resentment and judgement, and what does it cost us to do so - as against the very real personal cost of extending forgiveness to others? These are issues that matter on a daily level, as well as a spiritual one. Writing with his trademark wisdom and deep reliance on the Bible, Keller helps readers think about these questions in a way that will help them rethink their lives, in ways that point to Jesus showing us how to live in the world - and how we can live in a spirit of forgiveness.

“Pastor Keller delivers a thorough and eloquent apologetic for forgiveness... All will appreciate Keller’s lucid prose and gift for succinctly summarising biblical wisdom. The result is a thought-provoking take on how to forgive”

9781473643154 • £10.99 Paperback • 272pp October 2023 eBook: 9781473643161 Audio: 9781473674448

Publishers Weekly

Generous Justice Why look to the Bible for guidance on how to have a more just society? It is commonly thought in secular society that the Bible is one of the greatest hindrances to doing justice. Isn’t it full of regressive views? Didn’t it condone slavery? But Keller sees it another way. He explores a life of justice empowered by an experience of grace: a generous, gracious justice. Here is a book for believers who find the Bible a trustworthy guide, as well as those who suspect that Christianity is a regressive influence in the world: it offers a new understanding of modern justice and human rights.

9780340995105 • £10.99 Paperback • 256pp February 2012 eBook: 9781444702828 Audio: 9781473639485

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Every Good Endeavour Do we work to live, or live to work? In today’s increasingly competitive and insecure economic environment, we often question the reason for work: why am I doing this? Why is it so hard? And what can I do about it? Work may seem just a means to an end: we do it to earn the money to enjoy life outside the workplace. Here, Keller argues that God’s plan is radically more ambitious: he actually created us to work. We are to work together to make the world a better place, to help each other, and so to find purpose for our lives. Our faith should enhance our work, and our work should develop our faith. With deep insight, he draws on essential and relevant biblical wisdom to address our questions about work. There is grace available if we have taken the wrong attitude, idolising money and using our careers to glorify ourselves rather than God. Keller shows how through excellence, integrity, discipline, creativity and passion in the workplace we can impact society for good.

9781444702606 • £10.99 Paperback • 288pp July 2014 eBook: 9781444745122 Audio: 9781473639478

The Prodigal Prophet Discover the moving, provocative, and urgent message within the book of Jonah and at the heart of the Christian faith. Most people, even those who are non-religious, are familiar with the book of Jonah: a rebellious prophet defies God and is swallowed by a whale. Less familiar to most people is the second half of this biblical story what happens after Jonah is released from the belly of the fish. Yet it is in this second half of the story that one of the most powerful and important lessons of the Bible is hidden.

9781473690516 • £10.99 Paperback • 272pp November 2020

The famous story shows how, if we would understand the mercy of God, it will always take us in directions we would rather not go, toward people we would rather not care about, and ultimately into the deepest counsels of God. In a time of growing division, this book shows us God’s love among people, and how Christians must listen to God’s call even when it takes them to uncomfortable places.

eBook: 9781473690523 Audio: 9781473690530

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On Birth A beautiful book that explores the spiritual aspect of the birth of a new baby. There are few events as significant and life-altering as birth, marriage, and death. These are the moments in which we experience our greatest happiness and our deepest grief. And so it is profoundly important to understand these events and their religious and spiritual significance in the course of our lives. On Birth takes us on a journey into the Christian meaning of birth and baptism. With wisdom, joy and compassion, Keller teaches us to understand birth and baptism through the lessons embedded within the Bible. A short, powerful book that gives us the tools to understand the miracle and meaning of birth and baptism within God’s vision of life.

9781529325690 • £6.99 Paperback • 144pp October 2021 eBook: 9781529325706 Audio: 9781529331493

On Marriage A beautiful book that explores the spiritual meaning of marriage. There are few events as significant and life-altering as birth, marriage, and death. These are the moments in which we experience our greatest happiness and our deepest grief. And so it is profoundly important to understand these events and their religious and spiritual significance in the course of our lives. In On Marriage, Timothy Keller and his wife, Kathy, take us on a journey into the Christian meaning of marriage. With wisdom, joy and compassion, the Kellers teach us to understand marriage through the lessons embedded within the Bible. A short, powerful book that gives us the tools to understand its meaning within God’s vision of life. 9781529325720 • £6.99 Paperback • 128pp October 2021 eBook: 9781529325737 Audio: 9781529331509

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On Death A beautiful book that explores Christian ideas around death and hope beyond it. If life is a journey, there are few events as significant as birth, marriage and death. These are the moments in which we experience our greatest happiness and our deepest grief. And so, it is profoundly important to understand these events and their significance in the course of our lives. In a culture that often refuses to acknowledge death, Keller brings to light the Christian tradition of facing death and celebrating what comes after. With wisdom and compassion, he teaches us to understand death through the lessons embedded within the Bible. A short, powerful book that gives us the tools to understand the meaning of death within God’s vision of life. 9781529325775 • £6.99 Paperback • 128pp October 2021 eBook: 9781529325782 Audio: 9781529331516

10 | C H A L L E N G E S A N D T O D AY ’ S I S S U E S

D E VOT I O N A L S These books are ideal for those looking to build a new routine of Bible study and prayer.

My Rock; My Refuge A daily devotional through the book of Psalms. Tim Keller was known for his ability to connect a deep understanding of the Bible with contemporary thought and the practical issues we all face in our lives. This devotional offers inspiration for every day of the year, based on the book of Psalms. Keller helps readers apply the principles he laid out in his book Prayer. He walks them verse by verse through the entire Psalter, the one biblical book designed to teach us how to pray, how to spiritually handle every possible life situation, and how to actually know God. 9781473614253 • £10.99 Paperback • 384pp October 2018 eBook: 9781473614246 Audio: 9781529390995

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The Way of Wisdom A daily devotional through the book of Proverbs. In this devotional – consisting of all-new material – Keller offers inspiration for every day of the year, based on the book of Proverbs. Working through the entire book, Keller brings this ancient wisdom to life and shows how to apply it to the realities of our daily lives. Just as My Rock; My Refuge taught readers how to pray, so this inspiring new devotional teaches us how to live lives that are rooted in wisdom.

9781473647572 • £10.99 Paperback • 400pp October 2019 eBook: 9781473647589

A Seal Upon the Heart A daily devotional drawn from their bestselling book The Meaning of Marriage. Tim and Kathy Keller’s bestseller The Meaning of Marriage looked at the human need for love and its expression in marriage. This new devotional, drawing on that book but consisting of all-new material, helps couples find God’s wisdom as they navigate the complexities of married life. Each day includes a quotation from Scripture, a comment from the Kellers, and a prayer to help you ground your married life in God. Covering friendship and commitment, the completion of men and women in each other, and ministry and discipleship within the context of marriage, alongside many other themes, this is a profound resource to help you connect God’s wisdom with your marriage. 9781473690578 • £10.99 Paperback • 400pp December 2021 eBook: 9781473690585 Audio: 9781529355000

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D I SCI P LE S H IP These books are ideal for those in need of encouragement and guidance to help them walk faithfully through difficult times.

Prayer A manual on prayer for the Christian life.


Millions of people today are asking the same question. There is a sense of the necessity of prayer - we have to pray. But how? Prayer is central to Christian faith; indeed, as Timothy Keller notes in his introduction, it is the main way we experience deep change. Yet so many people struggle with prayer - a struggle that the author himself has shared. This wise and inspiring book is the fruit of those struggles, offering a real and glorious vision of what it can mean to seek God in prayer. Keller begins by giving a theological underpinning of what prayer actually is both conversation and encounter with a personal God - before describing how we can learn to pray, and then deepen that prayer. Finally he gives detailed, practical suggestions on how to make prayer a part of the reality of daily life. 9781444750171 • £10.99 Paperback • 336pp September 2016 eBook: 9781444750188 Audio: 9781473606708

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Counterfeit Gods The bestselling author of The Reason for God writes about idolatry. The issue of idolatry has been with the human race for thousands of years; the subtle temptation is always to take what is good and turn it into the ultimate good, elevating it above all other things in the search for security and meaning. In this timely and challenging book, Keller uses classic Bible stories to look at the issue of idolatry - from the worship of actual idols in the Old Testament, to the idolatry of money by the rich young ruler when he was challenged by Jesus to give up all his wealth. Keller cuts through our dependence on the glittering false idols of money, sex and power to uncover the path towards trust in the real ultimate God. Today’s idols may look different from those of the Old Testament, but Keller argues that they are no less damaging. Culturally transforming as well as biblically based, this is a powerful look at the temptation to worship what can only disappoint, and is a vital message in today’s current climate of financial and social difficulty.

9780340995082 • £10.99 Paperback • 240pp September 2010 eBook: 9781848948532 Audio: 9781473639454

Walking with God through Pain and Suffering How do we deal with pain and suffering, both in our own lives and in the world around us? The problem of pain is a perennial one; and for those who undergo particular sufferings it can often be the largest obstacle for trusting in a good and loving God. If such a God exists, why is there so much suffering in the world? And how do we deal with it when it comes into our lives? In this passionately argued book, Tim Keller brings his authoritative teaching, sensitivity to contemporary culture and pastoral heart to this pressing question, offering no easy answers but giving guidance, encouragement and inspiration.

9781444750256 • £10.99 Paperback • 368pp November 2015 eBook: 9781444750263 Audio: 9781473639546

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RE A SO N S F O R C H R IS T I A N FA I T H These books are for those wanting to test the intellectual credentials of their faith, as well as a gift to those who are serious spiritual seekers.

The Reason for God


An intelligent, intellectually rigorous examination of why the Christian faith still makes sense in an age of scepticism. As the pastor of an inner-city church in New York City, Timothy Keller compiled a list of the most frequently voiced ‘doubts’ sceptics bring to his church, as well as the most important reasons for faith. In The Reason for God, he addresses each doubt and explains each reason. Keller uses literature, philosophy, real-life conversations, and reasoning to explain how faith in a Christian God is a soundly rational belief, held by thoughtful people of intellectual integrity with a deep compassion for those who truly want to know the truth. 9780340979334 • £10.99 Paperback • 320pp September 2009 eBook: 9781848948433

“Written for sceptics and the believers who love them, the book draws on the author’s encounters as founding pastor of New York’s booming Redeemer Presbyterian Church.” Publishers Weekly

Audio: 9781473639539

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Making Sense of God In an age of scepticism, can it really make sense to believe in Christianity’s claims? We live in an age of scepticism. Our society places such faith in empirical reason, historical progress, and heartfelt emotion that it’s easy to wonder: why should anyone believe in Christianity? What role can faith and religion play in our modern lives? In this thoughtful and inspiring book, Keller invites sceptics to consider that Christianity is as relevant now as ever. As human beings, we cannot live without meaning, satisfaction, freedom, identity, justice and hope - and Christianity provides us with unsurpassed resources to meet all these needs. This book shines a light on the profound value and importance of Christianity in our lives.

9781444750218 • £10.99 Paperback • 336pp September 2018 eBook: 9781444750225 Audio: 9781473642287

Preaching Lessons on preaching biblically, attractively and powerfully. In this book Keller shares his wisdom on communicating the Christian faith from the pulpit as well as from the coffee shop. Most Christians – including pastors – struggle to talk about their faith in a way that applies the power of the Christian gospel to change people’s lives. Keller is known for his insightful, down-to-earth sermons and talks that help people understand themselves, encounter Jesus and apply the Bible to their lives. In this accessible guide for pastors and laypeople alike, he helps readers learn to present the Christian message of grace in a more engaging, passionate and compassionate way. 9781444702187 • £10.99 Paperback • 320pp April 2017 eBook: 9781444702941 Audio: 9781473639508

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TIMOTHY KELLER Timothy Keller (1950-2023) was the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, which he started in 1989 with his wife, Kathy, and three young sons. For 28 years Tim Keller led a diverse congregation of young professionals that grew to a weekly attendance of over 5,000. Tim Keller was also the Co-Founder of Redeemer city to city (CTC). In 2017 Dr. Keller transitioned to CTC full time to teach and mentor church planters and seminary students. The ‘Influentials’ Issue of New York Magazine featured Dr. Keller as “the most successful Christian evangelist in the city by recognizing that young professionals and artists are ‘disproportionately influential’ in creating the country’s culture and that you have to meet this coveted demographic on its own terms.” Timothy Keller is renowned for his clear, reasoned approach to Christian apologetics and his book THE REASON FOR GOD: BELIEF IN AN AGE OF SCEPTICISM was named Book of the Year for 2008 by World Magazine. Timothy Keller died in May 2023. His wife Kathy and sons live in New York City.

Photo © Nathan Troester

Joanna Davey, Editorial Joanna.Davey@hodder.co.uk

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