- structure no advertising at all before videos or among the site
This opera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
students can develop (with remuneration) the site and its contents
learn about
it is not possible to connect as users of other social netwrks
user and search utilities
link to pages describing site structure and suggestions for users willing to share
menu http://techtv.mit.edu/ the site menu is always present in all pages: homepage, videos, collections and dashboard access to site, search of contents, personal playlists and and account setting
highlighting programming
feautured collections
logos and links logo e link al sito del MIT
the upper part of the site is dedicated to video programming: videos are chosen by MIT Tech TV
the site propose a series of conceptual playlist called ‘collections’, available in the site
possibility to upload own material (videos and pictures)
don’t miss possibility to upload material for logged users; link to video page and possibility to subscribe to RSS feeds
popular videos
no Facebook ‘like’ button
blog large part of home page is dedicated to most popular videos (possibility to subscribe the RSS feeds)
last article of blog MIT TechTv with related logging to RSS feeds
small window dedicated to a variable content (in this case ‘all bout MIT TechTV’)
video page
- structure
This opera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
learn about link pages that describe site structure and suggestions for posting shares
user and search utilities
http://techtv.mit.edu/ site menu is always present in every page: homepage, videos, collections e dashboards
access to site, contents searches, personal playlists and account settings
videos title and videos in viewing: possibility to choose playback quality and sharing
user owner of video, membershp categories and tags
user quality user can embed videos on another site, add it to a playlist and signal a misuse not every video can be shared on social networks
possibility of video downloading
info video
typology of licence of use, possibility of video downloading
more from
number of video viewings
video description site proposes further videos produced by same user
short description of the video being played
comments to video only textual comments can be posted and these cannot be evaluated and commented in turn
how can engineering questions find replies in links to MTI site
all comments (text) to video
posting comment
info possibility to post textual comments to video
info and contacts of the site
direct thematic connection to engineering subjects
- structure
This opera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
learn about link pages describing site structure and suggestions for posting shares
user and search utilities
http://techtv.mit.edu/ http://www.ied.tv
site menu is always present in every page: homepages, videos, collections and dashboards
access to site, contents search, personal playlists and account setting
image collection
description description of collection contents no Facebook ‘like’ button
the upper part of the page is wdominated by an mage which synthesizes the collection contents
videos collection
dettagli relativi alla collection
this part shows videos pertaining to the collection per issuing date (from most recent to oldest)
each collection can have sub-categories called sub-collection
possibility of logging to RSS feeds and to pods of iTunes
info info and contacts of the site
possibility of logging to RSS feeds and to pods of iTunes