Hello Tomorrow – Overcoming Low Self Esteem For a Happier Life
• Overcoming low self esteem will help improve the total value of your life. This has been proven true by countless people from all ages and walks of life. Low self esteem can suppress us from reaching what we aim for which can be destructive to both our physical and emotional welfare.
• “The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.” ~E. E. Cummings.
• Can successful people also suffer from Low Self Esteem? I should say that I was a “lucky man” even before I went through my issues in overcoming low self esteem. I was working as head of the Finance and Accounting Division in an upscale business company. I earned a bit more than what I need to buy me anything I wanted, from high polished shoes to a remarkable car. I had everything a man of my age would die to have. I wish I could say that I was happy and contented of who I was and what I have, but I was not. I was hating and loathing myself more each day for who I had become.
• I can never forget that day I got a weird call from old family friend. It was weird because we haven’t talked to each other for many years, and she’s calling to ask if I could paint her a portrait of her and her husband for their anniversary. I was surprised! I never expected someone would bring that up, not when I almost forgot my passion in art and haven’t held a brush within the past two decades.
• “There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.” –Dr. Howard Thurman
• Overcoming low self esteem helped me get through all the negativities in my life. It helped me forgive my parents for being controlling and inconsiderate and myself for being such a coward for not telling them. It also helped me find the courage to do the things I’ve always wanted and to let go of those I was not made for (like my job). Seeing my whole life slowly molding into those dreams I have never thought was possible was the best thing that has ever happened to me.
• They say life begins when you’re ready, and here I am, ready to say hello to beautiful tomorrows. It really is amazing how life can heal the most complicated wounds in the simplest way possible. Thanks to that old formula in achieving a happier lifeovercoming low self esteem.