N O V E M B E R 2 0 17
PMREMS newsletter
regionalresource CommunicationCalls Interaction and a collective ap-
Sharing how and why we rely on proach to acquiring the latest tech- these items with the community is nology to best serve our community of equal relevance. remains an important part of Pocono Mountain Regional Emergen- Learn about our latest equipment cy Medical Services. Thanks to the buy, then watch for details and generosity of likeminded individuals descriptives by our professionals illustrating the role of equipment and organizations, our nonprofit that we will share through our mecontinues to achieve this goal. dia, community associations,mmunicipal partners, now even in our video views!
Stay connected
for videos, photos and up to the minute news facebook.com/ PoconoMountainRegionalEmergencyMedicalSer vices
2 Radio Communication Plus grant appreciation
3 Take a Video View
Advanced Communications
4 An Ounce of Prevention Fire Safety Tips
5 LVHN Ask the Doctor
Points for before & after cleanup
6 Life is Good
ALCA invigorating suggestions
7 Invitation for our Holiday Celebration Breakfast with Santa Benefit
8 Shop & Share
How holiday shopping helps
adio Rcommunication S
uccessfully acquiring a $10,000 grant through Monroe County Bar Foundation; Pocono Mountain Regional Emergency Medical Services recently purchased 10 Motorola XPRR3500 radios and 12 Motorola Minitor VI pagers. Each PMREMS professional is now equipped with the portable device that enables the provider to communicate with Monroe County Control Center and other emergency response teams including police and firefighters effectively assisting in situations.
Ensuring the ability to remain on-scene providing attention to those in need; the technology offers reliable and effective interaction with hospitals and doctors while providing care. As continuous pursuit of the latest state-ofthe-art medical technology remains of the utmost importance to PMREMS; the generosity and support of organizations such as MCBF is greatly appreciated. Again, thank you to Monroe County Bar Foundation and our other community minded partners.
kout c e ch a video view into the importance of our new radio equipment
(from right) Victoria Strunk and Bill Reaser of Monroe County Bar Foundation present Denise Doremus, Joyce Onsted and Nick Dewitt with a $10,000 check November 10 at MCBA offices in Stroudsburg
prevention Be prepared
firefighters across the region agree with being prepared reasoning when talking fire safety. all too often these tragedies could have been prevented. Stressing simple steps could save a life, tobyhanna township Volunteer fire Company’s assistant Chief ed tutrone tallied a few do’s and don’t’s tips to share. learn more at www.tobyhannatwpfire.com
How you measure up? Cleaning out the fireplaCe Do you:
toss ashes in a Bag
Make sure everything’s cool then metal can it
plugging in outletS Do you:
load’em up
use a ground fault power strip
outdoor firepit Burning Do you:
Set it anywhere... those marshmallows can’t wait no s’more
Steer clear of fallen leaves & twigs
outSide lighting Do you:
Situate the bulb tucked in close from the cold
face bulbs & hot hot bases away from places & clear out any critter nests
you see..Here’s THe Key
if you checked off all answers in column two, you’re right
Fall Yard Clean Up and Back Injuries Robert Garner, DPT, is a licensed physical therapist at Lehigh Valley Hospital–Pocono. Garner received his education from Saint Francis University in Pennsylvania.
I find that raking the leaves is really hard on my back. Why is that and how can I avoid causing injury?
A: Raking leaves is definitely strenuous to the back. In general, there can be a correlation between yard clean up and back pain. This is due to the repetitive nature that this activity requires over an extended period of time. With raking, this usually means lifting and bending forward. For those who already have a history of low back pain, the injury risk is increased. That being said, there are measures you can take to minimize your risk while raking.
Warm up Very few people “warm up” before they go out for an entire day of yard work, yet this can help reduce the risk of injury. I think it’s worth mentioning stretching as a preventative measure. There are many suggestions for warm
LVHN.org/pocono 888-402-LVHN
up exercises, but you don’t need an extensive program. General stretching of the legs, arms and back will help do the trick. Dedicate ten minutes to warming up. Even going for a walk before doing your yard work will help get circulation going and prepare your body for the heavier tasks ahead.
muscles a rest. The more fatigued your muscles are, the more at-risk for injury you become. Muscles are responsible for making us move, but they also help protect our joints. When fatigue sets in, our form usually deteriorates. This places additional stress on the muscles and the structures they protect.
Don’t extend too far
Post-raking ache
While raking, avoid reaching out too far from where you are standing. We tend to extend that rake as far as we can so we can get as many leaves as possible. The further you reach forward, the more compromised your back becomes. You’re better off working within a smaller area around you. By doing so, you can keep your spine in a much straighter position, reducing the strain on your back. Less strain means less injuries.
Most people will feel some discomfort after doing a weekend of yard work – that’s normal. It’s likely just muscle soreness. However, if the pain gets worse or lasts more than a couple of days, you should seek some medical help. Small health issues can become lifelong ones when left unchecked. Don’t let a weekend chore become a nagging backache. It’s all about taking control of your health.
Take breaks Repetitive motions can be problematic. A break gives you a chance to change positions for a bit. Taking a break also gives your
For more information about rehabilitation at Lehigh Valley Hospital– Pocono, call 888-402-LVHN (5846).
Life is Good at the Lake What determines someone’s health and lifespan? Many people might say diet, exercise, DNA, but how many people would say your neighborhood? If you have ever heard of something called a “Blue Zone,” you may have already known the answer to that question. These Blues Zones are regions where people have longer, healthier lifespans than the rest of the world. Studies have shown that the health of our communities and neighborhoods have a much greater effect on us than we realize. As Amy Gillman notes in her article, For Healthier People, We Need Healthier Neighborhoods, “The vast majority of what affects our health is outside the doctor’s office.” While the Poconos is not a Blue Zone, there are ways to apply these practices in your life. It just so happens that these practices are best done, in our opinion, at the Lake. The study outlines nine factors that all of these “Blue Zones” have in common.
Move Naturally Social Engagement They have constant moderate physical activity. They are not taking an hour of their day to run on a treadmill or do 5 sets of 10 burpees. They incorporate physical activity into their life or just do things that they enjoy. That might include walking, hiking, boating, fishing, swimming, and biking.
These centenarians value and create lifelong friendships. The also spend a lot of time volunteering. Communities offer a lot of great social group, clubs and activities to help enjoy the company of your neighbors.
Down Shift
Loved Ones First
These cultures take time every day to relax. Some pray, some take a nap, some do happy hour. Spending some quality time at the Lake is a great way to de-stress.
The people of the Blue Zones put family first. This means staying close physically to family, especially parents and grandparents. It also means valuing the wisdom that comes with age.
You can learn about all nine at ww.bluezones.com
e r ’ You Invited
Hosted by Pocono Mt. Regional EMS
Coming s i a t n a S to Town!
Pocono Mt. Regional EMS’ Annual Breakfast with Santa event is fun for the whole family! Join Santa and his elves for breakfast, crafts, and holiday fun!
Saturday, 12/16/17 | 9am – 12pm (Snow Date Sunday, 12/17/17 12/17/17–– Check pmrems.org) at the Pocono Mt. Volunteer Fire Company 20 Murray Street (right off of Route 611) in Mt. Pocono Adults: $5 | Children under 12: FREE!! | Pictures with Santa: $5 Tricky Tray
Goody Bag for the Kids from Santa
Menu to include: Pancakes (gluten-free upon request), sausage, juice, coffee, and tea
*Please note: This function is not associated with the school district. This function is held in conjuction proceeds benefit pocono mountain regional ems with your local ambulance company and all proceeds will benefit Pocono Mountain Regional EMS*
t a g n i y u b t f i g y a d i ol h r ou Do y h t i w e ar h s & op to sh Pocono Mountain Reegriovnicaels dical s e m y c n e g Emer
t c e l e s d n a E R E H K IC L C PMREMS n of your purchase price goes to rtio po a & ty ari ch ted na sig de r as you
t or p p u s r ou y or f s k n a Th
Headquarters135 Tegawitha Road, Tobyhanna, PA 18466 WebPMREMS.org Phone570.839.8485