2 minute read

Is the Hoffman Process for you?

The Hoffman Process is a seven-day residential personal development course. Created by Bob Hoffman over fifty years ago, it’s now available in sixteen countries around the world. More than 100,000 people have benefited from the tools and techniques we teach on this experiential programme.

The Process is not a quick fix, or a replacement for therapy. What it offers is the opportunity to delve into your past. You will discover why certain patterns of behaviour keep coming up in your life and be offered the opportunity either to stay as you are - in a reactive way of being - or to embrace change and approach your future better-equipped.


At heart, the Process is an individual journey, taken in a safe and loving environment. Each day, our team of experienced facilitators will guide you through a series of different techniques. Sometimes you’ll find yourself sitting in silence, journalling or going out in nature. At other times, you’ll work in a group, doing guided visualisations, bio-energetic work and some Gestalt-based exercises.

People who allow themselves to commit fully to the Process emerge with a deep sense of their own resilience. They gain a greater awareness of life’s possibilities and a commitment to a better way of being.


The list below contains some common reasons why people tell us they’re drawn to doing the Hoffman Process. Do any resonate with you?

❏ I feel at a crossroads with major decisions to make. I don’t know how to move forward or which direction to take.

❏ I’m struggling to find meaning in my life. Sometimes it feels pointless. I feel numb – on automatic pilot.

❏ I’ve messed up with my children. I want to be a better parent.

❏ I often feel stressed, angry, resentful, embarrassed, or depressed. I want tochange.

❏ I work compulsively, often to avoid other aspects of my life. It impacts my relationships and happiness.

❏ There’s a lack of joy in my life.

❏ I have anger, frustration and grief stuck inside me and it’s impacting the way Irelate to people.

❏ I bounce between burnout and bursts of overactivity and can’t seem to find a way to break out of the cycle.

❏ I’ve been unsuccessful in creating meaningful relationships or have had repeated failed, unfulfilling relationships.

❏ I’ve read lots of personal development books, done retreats, courses, tried therapy and anger release work, but I still feel trapped and unhappy.

❏ I’m a compulsive people-pleaser, organiser or carer and it’s wearing me out.

❏ I have low self-esteem, which manifests as self-sabotage, insecurity or perfectionism.

❏ I’m bored, directionless and fed up with feeling fed up.

❏ I hate my job and want to change direction but feel trapped andresentful.

❏ I’m approaching retirement and dreading it.

❏ I had a really unhappy childhood and it’s still affecting me as an adult.

IF YOU HAVE TICKED ONE OR MORE OF THE BOXES ABOVE, YOU’RE DEFINITELY NOT ALONE! The first step is recognising that there are areas that could be improved in your life.

The Hoffman Process might be able to help. If you’re interested in enrolling, see our centre spread for the next steps, call the Hoffman office on (+44)1903 889 990 or email enrolment@hoffmaninstitute.co.uk. We’ll discuss whether the timing is right for you and what we can do to help.

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