From the Hand: Drawings From the Hofstra University Museum Collection

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From the Hand: Sketch Pages Sketch Page

Drawings from the Hofstra University Museum Collection June 8-September 11, 2011

Front Cover:

ben JA min W eSt (American, 1738-1820)

Man Throwing Stone, c. 1785-1800

Red chalk on paper

10 1/4 x 12 in.

Gift of Dr. Milton M. Gardner, HU89.41

back Cover:

Ab rAHAm WAL KoW it z (American, 1880-1965)

Number 10, 1916

India ink on paper

11 1/2 x 9 in.

Gift of Gladys and Julius Reiner, HU75.16

© Courtesy of Zabriskie Gallery

Hofstra University MUse UM

June 8-September 11, 2011

David Filderman Gallery, Joan and Donald e. Axinn Library, ninth Floor, South Campus

Curated by Karen t. Albert, Associate Director of exhibitions and Collections

Kristy L. Caratzola, Collections manager Hofstra university museum

Funding for this exhibition and catalog has been provided by Hofstra university.

Drawings From the Hofstr a u niversit y m useum Collectio n

Drawings reveal the hand of the artist; often including erasures and overdrawing , they uncover the development of a composition and the working process of an artist. Drawings are one of the most accessible and immediate forms of art . unlike other media , the ac t of putting pencil to paper is one with which most people are familiar.

traditionally drawings were done as studies in support of a work in another medium such as a painting or sculpture. in this exhibition the drawings by John Flaxman , Diego rivera , George romney, and b enjamin West exemplif y this use of the medium in this manner. the exhibition also includes drawings and a sculpture by ezio martinelli, which illustrate the artist’s use of sketching as a means of exploring ideas. While artists still use drawings as studies, during the 20th century they rose to the stature of works of art in their own right. For example, the drawings by Jean Cocteau, m ax Ferguson , Wolf Kahn and Abraham Walkowitz are complete and finished pieces.

the Hofstra universit y museum collection contains approximately 142 drawings representing about 3 percent of the permanent collection American artist s created the majority of the works. the majority of the collection works were created in the 20th century; however, there are also examples representing the 18th and 19th centuries. Within these works, a wide range of media are represented: pencil, charcoal, pastel, ink, bistre, and chalk on paper. many of the works are mixed media, using a combination of traditional drawing materials in conjunction with watercolors , gouache or other pigments . Fro m the Ha nd presents 32 drawings completed in a wide variety of styles, both representational and non-objective, including figurative, landscape and abstrac t imagery


Karen T. Albert Associate Director of Exhibitions and Collections

Kristy L. Caratzola Collection s Manager

b enny A nD r eWS (American, 1930-2006)

A Man, 1970 Ink on paper

18 1/4 x 12 1/8 in.

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Weingrow, HU81.1

Art © Estate of Benny Andrews/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY

m A x FerGuS o n (American, b. 1959)

Violinist , 1982

Graphite on paper

16 1/2 x 14 3/4 in.

Gift of Mr. Michael Dinkes, HU96.29

© Max Ferguson courtesy of the Bridgeman Art Library

nAnCy Gr o S SmAn (American, b. 1940)

Untitled (Figure), 1967

Ink, pen, and gouache on paper

13 3/4 x 16 3/4 in.

Gift of Carole and Alex Rosenberg, HU88.111

© Courtesy of Michael Rosenfeld Gallery LLC, New York, NY

GeorGe romney (English, 1734-1802)

Warriors with Horses, 1783

Bistre pen and ink over pencil drawing

4 1/4 x 7 1/4 in.

Gift of Dr. Milton M. Gardner, HU78.135

JoSepH SteLLA (American, 1877-1946)

Self Portrait with Faces in a Crowd, c. 1944

Pencil, gesso and gouache on paper

28 1/2 x 36 3/4 in.

By exchange, HU92.71

From the

Exhibition Checklist

b enny AnDreWS

(American, 1930-2006)

A Man, 1970

Ink on paper

18 1/4 x 12 1/8 in.

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Weingrow, HU81.1

JeAn CoCteAu (French, 1889-1963)

Jean Marais, 1974

Pencil on paper

13 3/8 x 10 in.

Gift of Dr. Milton M. Gardner, HU80.22

HArvey DinnerStein

(American, b. 1928)

Borough Hall, Staten Island, undated

Pastel on paper

8 3/4 x 6 1/4 in.

Gift of Mr. David Levine, HU70.106

Jimmy ernSt

(American, 1920-1984)

Untitled , 1945

India ink on paper

11 1/2 x 8 3/4 in.

Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Tucker, HU79.7

mAx FerGuSon (American, b. 1959)

Violinist , 1982

Graphite on paper

16 1/2 x 14 3/4 in.

Gift of Mr. Michael Dinkes, HU96.29

JoHn FL A xmAn

(English, 1755-1826)

Reclining Classical Figures, 18th-19th century

Bistre and pencil on paper

6 1/4 x 9 1/2 in.

Gift of Dr. Milton M. Gardner, HU78.134

JeAn-LouiS ForAin (French, 1852-1931)

The French People Do Not Know

How to Make War, 1915

Charcoal, ink, and watercolor on paper

12 1/2 x 17 1/4 in.

Gift of Carole and Alex Rosenberg, HU86.172

ernSt FuCHS (Austrian, b. 1930)

Tete de Homme, 1946

Ink on paper

16 1/2 x 11 1/2 in.

Gift of Carole and Alex Rosenberg, HU86.180

CHArLeS DAnA GibSon (American, 1867-1944)

Urchins with Snowballs/Snowballing, 1920 s

Ink and pencil on board

21 1/2 x 27 1/4 in.

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Weingrow, HU81.50

nAnCy GroS SmAn (American, b. 1940)

Untitled (Figure), 1967

Ink, pen, and gouache on paper

13 3/4 x 16 3/4 in.

Gift of Carole and Alex Rosenberg, HU88.111

WoLF K AHn (American, b. 1927)

Two Islands, 1961

Pastel on paper

13 1/2 x 16 1/2 in.

Gift of Geoffrey Gates, HU73.4

riCHArD HAyLey Lever (American, 1876-1958)

Gloucester, Mass., 1914

Ink on paper

6 x 10 7/8 in.

Anonymous donation, HU91.18

WiLLiAm HorACe Lit tLeFieLD (American, 1902-1990)

The Awakening of the Son, Scene VII, 1934

Silver pencil and colored ink on black paper

8 1/2 x 11 1/4 in.

Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Tucker, HU79.5

mA ximiLien LuCe (French, 1858-1941)

Mother and Son, 19th-20th century

Charcoal on paper

9 x 6 1/4 in.

Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dubin, HU77.26

Knox mArtin

(American, b. 1923)

Untitled (Bull), 1953

India ink on paper

25 1/2 x 19 1/2 in.

Gift of Bernard Jacob and Phyllis Gangel-Jacob, HU2005.2

ezio mArtineLLi (American, 1913-1981)

Figure on Oval, 1963 Ste el

65 x 20 x 15 1/2 in.

Gift of Mr. Donald Gabay, HU93.23

Untitled Study for Sculpture, 1962

Pen and ink on paper

10 1/4 x 13 1/2 in.

Gift of Mr. Donald Gabay, HU93.25.7

Untitled Study for Sculpture, 1962

Pen and ink on paper

10 1/4 x 13 1/2 in.

Gift of Mr. Donald Gabay, HU93.25.13

mAx pApArt (French, 1911-1994)

Untitled (Equestrian), 1972

Pen and ink on paper

7 3/4 x 8 1/2 in.

Gift of Mr. Andrew Rosenberg, HU88.161

pHiLip peArLStein (American, b. 1924)

Two Female Models Reclining, 1963

Sepia ink on paper

20 3/4 x 27 in.

Gift of Mr. Samuel Rosenfeld, HU75.12

DieGo riverA (Mexican, 1886-1957)

Untitled (Seated Man and Woman), 1950s

Pencil on paper

3 3/4 x 5 1/8 in.

Gift of Mr. Louis Shorenstein, HU90.10

normAn roCKWeLL

(American, 1894-1978)

Study for Old Man and Boy: Halloween, c. 1945

Charcoal on paper

14 x 12 in.

Gift of Mr. James Gaboda, HU84.53

ALexAnDer roDCHenKo (Russian, 1891-1956)

Man in Tuxedo, c. 1923-25

Ink, watercolor, and gouache on paper

18 3/4 x 10 in.

Gift of Midwood Medical Services, HU92.45

GeorGe romney

(English, 1734-1802)

Warriors with Horses, 1783

Bistre pen and ink over pencil drawing

4 1/4 x 7 1/4 in.

Gift of Dr. Milton M. Gardner, HU78.135

burton SiLvermAn

(American, b. 1928)

Pensive Girl, 1965

Charcoal on paper

12 3/4 x 12 1/4 in.

Gift of Mr. Harvey Dinnerstein, HU70.77

euGene SpieCHer (American, 1883-1962)

Figure of a Woman, 19th-20th century

Charcoal and graphite on paper

13 1/4 x 7 1/2 in.

Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dubin, HU73.2

JoSepH SteLL A

(American, 1877-1946)

Self Portrait with Faces in a Crowd, c. 1944

Pencil, gesso and gouache on paper

28 1/2 x 36 3/4 in.

By exchange, HU92.71

pAveL tCHeLitCHeW (American, 1898-1957)

Untitled (Dancers), 1932

Ink on paper

10 1/4 x 8 in.

Gift of Dr. Milton M. Gardner, HU89.42

AntHony toney

(American, 1913-2004)

Study for South Street Ferry, 1961

Pen and ink on paper

15 1/2 x 24 1/2 in.

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kahn, HU86.151

Ab rAHAm WALKoWitz (American, 1880-1965)

Number 10, 1916

India ink on paper

11 1/2 x 9 in.

Gift of Gladys and Julius Reiner, HU75.16

FrAnKLin C . WAtKinS (American, 1894-1972)

Figure Composition #2, undated

Pen and ink on paper

8 1/4 x 10 1/4 in.

Gift of Gladys and Julius Reiner, HU82.67

b enJAmin WeSt (American, 1738-1820)

Man Throwing Stone, c. 1785-1800

Red chalk on paper

10 1/4 x 12 in.

Gift of Dr. Milton M. Gardner, HU89.41


St uA rt r A bin oW it z


Andrew m. boas and mark L. Claster Distinguished professor of Law

Her mA n A . b erL iner

provost and Senior vice president for Academic Affairs

Lawrence Herber t Distinguished professor


b e tH e . Levin t HA L

e xecutive Director

KA ren t. AL bert

Associate Director of exhibitions and Collections

CA r oL in e biGeLoW

Senior Assistant to the executive Director

Kr iSty L . CArAtzo L A Collection s m ana ger

ti FFA n y m . Jo r DAn

Development and m embership Coordinator

m ArJ ori e pi LL Ar

museum education outreach Coordinator

n AnCy ri C H ner

museum education Director

Graduate Assistants

JAmie bAbCoCK

KAroLyn b roSnAn

yuJie DAi

CAroLyn Domino

undergraduate Assistant s

JAmie AtKinSon

CHriS bLAu

m ArCeLLo Loverm e

m ereD itH nADeAu

vALerie roGerS

JASpinDer SinGH

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