Hofstra Cultural Center, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, and the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program present
Hofstra Cultural Center, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, and the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program present
Presentation will be conductedinSpanish.
Luis Mora-Ballesteros is a renowned VenezuelanAmerican professor, editor, and novelist. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Spanish and Latin American Literature at the U.S. Naval Academy. He is the author of the books Ciudades y mundos posibles. Distopías y estados de control en la novela hispanoamericana contemporánea (2025) and Prácticas críticas: Apuntes sobre literaturas urbanas del Caribe hispánico (2022). His most recent articles include "Narrar el aciago porvenir: políticas de emergencia y excepción en dos novelas hispanoamericanas contemporáneas" and "Ciudad, distopía y estado de c ontrol en dos novelas venezolanas contemporáneas" (2024).
In the creative field, his border trilogy, which includes the novels Díptico de la frontera (2020) and La sombra del comandante (2022), has been widely reviewed. His debut work, Díptico de la frontera, was a finalist in the I Certamen de novela Martín Fierro (Spain, 2019), and was translated into English as Border Diptych (2024).
In this talk, Dr. Mora-Ballesteros will address the evolution of contemporary Latin American novels, analyzing the impact of dystopias and urban representations in current literature. Through his analysis and his own literary production, he will offer a unique perspective on the present and future landscape of Latin American narrative.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 • 2:40-4 p.m.
246 East Library Wing, Joan and Donald E Axinn Library, Second Floor, South Campus
This event is FREE and open to the public. For more information, email Dr. Osuna at alfonso.j.garcia-osuna@hofstra.edu.