Hempstead, NY Vol.76 | Issue 12
The Hofstra
December 2, 2010
Keeping the Hofstra Community informed since 1935
Sean M. Gates/The Chronicle
Last year’s decision to termi nate the football program was controversial, but the athletic programs, as well as the academ ics, at Hofstra University seem to !"#$%&'(#)'"*# At the time, it was a very unpop ular move made by President Stuart Rabinowitz and Hofstra’s +%,-$#%.#/-012""1*# “In the moment, did we get some very unpleasant email, especially from former football players? And were we called a bunch of names and stuff like that? Yes, and that wasn’t pleas ,'2*#+02#3,1#&2#24"#-&(42#24&'(#2%# do for the university? Absolutely,” 1,&$#5-*#6"-7,'#8*#+"-9&'"-:# provost and senior vice president
for academic affairs at Hofstra ;'&<"-1&2=* After the decision, Rabinowitz released a statement that said that The University will “reinvest those resources into new aca demic programs and needbased 1>4%9,-14&?1*@#A4&9"#1%7"#%.#24"# money is being used for scholar ships, it will take time for all of it to be reallocated; football players who chose to stay at Hofstra are having their scholarships honored !=#24"#1>4%%9*# BA"#12&99#4,<"#,#10!12,'2&,9# number of those students [football players] that are working their way through the university,” said +"-9&'"-*##B81#24,2#7%'"=#!">%7"1# available, we’re using it for other 1>4%9,-14&?1*#C""$D!,1"$#,'$# 7"-&2#1>4%9,-14&?1*@# Hofstra began increasing its
emphasis on academics by creat &'(#24"#6%'%-1#E%99"("#&'#FGGH*# Since then, Hofstra’s rankings climbed up to a “tier 1” school, number 139 overall, according to ;*I*#C"31#,'$#A%-9$#J"?%-2*#K2#&1# ,91%#7%-"#$&.)>092#2%#!"#,$7&22"$# 2%#6%.12-,*#L<"-#24"#?,12#$">,$":# the required GPAs and SAT scores of incoming students have -&1"'* “Since President Rabinowitz 4,1#!""'#&'#%.)>"#3"M<"#-,&1"$# the SATs for our students by more than a hundred points,” Berliner 1,&$*#B/4"#,<"-,("#I8/#34"'# [Rabinowitz began] was 1060, it’s HHNF#24&1#=",-*#A4"'#4"#O!"(,'P# the GPA, the average GPA, was F*Q#.%-#24"#120$"'21#>%7&'(#&'*# K21#R*S#.%-#24"#120$"'21#>%7&'(#&'# '%3*@ Although there is an extra
emphasis on academics, prospec tive students are still interested in /4"#;'&<"-1&2=M1#1?%-21#?-%(-,71*# “They always ask about athlet ics,” said Janine McElroy, assis 2,'2#$",'#%.#,$7&11&%'#,2#6%.12-,*# “They always want to know what division we are and they always want to know if we have club and &'2-,70-,9#1?%-21*@# A4&9"#6%.12-,#;'&<"-1&2=#>%'2&' ues its quest for higher academic standards, its athletic programs 3&99#'%2#!"#9".2#!"4&'$*#T,'=#%.# the programs are thriving, such as the Men’s Lacrosse team and the A%7"'M1#I%>>"-#2",7*# “Athletics is an integral part of the growth of any university and Hofstra especially,” said Stephen 8*#U%->4%<:#,11%>&,2"#$&-">2%-# of athletics for communication ,2#6%.12-,*#B/4"#?%?09,-&2=#24,2#
athletics bring to a university goes hand in hand with whatever you’re $%&'(#,2#/4"#;'&<"-1&2=*@ Hofstra continues to strive for 4&(4"-#,>,$"7&>#12,'$,-$1*#/4"# school has also continued its rich tradition in athletics despite the termination of the football ?-%(-,7*#81#24"#1>4%%9#(-%31:# academics and athletics will go together in order to maintain the ?-%7&'"'>"#%.#6%.12-,#;'&<"-1&2=*# BA4,2#3"M-"#2-=&'(#2%#)'$#&1# 24"#!"12#%.#!%24#3%-9$1*#A"M-"# continuing our push on academic standards and we’ve made the adjustments in athletics,” said +"-9&'"-*#B+02#,99#%.#&2:#&'#2"-71#%.# the students that [athletics] attract, their GPAs, the other students that are interested, I think works for The University at this point in our "V&12"'>"*@
!"#$%&'#()*&%+,"'#-%&'*+.&&%"(*/+/-%0#+*+/1%"-/&* By Jessica Lewis CWAI#W5K/LJ
Sean M. Gates/The Chronicle
The calendar for the 20122013 school year is currently in ques 2&%'*#I20$"'21#,'$#.,>092=#3"-"# given the opportunity to participate in a survey regarding the current school calendar, and any changes 24"=#3%09$#9&X"#2%#1""#7,$"*# BA"#Y012#)'&14"$#>%'$0>2&'(#,# survey for both students and facul ty about the calendar, we got over
2,000 responses and the surveys are completed but they are being analyzed by institutional research there was a lot of comments as well as data so it is currently being analyzed by the institutional research,” said Dean of Students, Z"2"-#[&!7,'*#BL'>"#24"#,',9= sis is completed it is going to be shared with the calendar com mittee who is then going to make 1%7"#-">%77"'$,2&%'1*#/4"#23%# big issues looked at are holiday
1>4"$09"1:#,'$#1?-&'(#!-",X*@ One of the proposals for the new calendar would be not clos ing The University for religious 4%9&$,=1*#BK2#&1#-"1?">2&'(#,99# %!1"-<,'>"1#!=#4%'%-&'(#'%'"*# If you start honoring some, and not others you start to alien ,2"#?"%?9":@#[&!7,'#1,&$*#B81# The University has gotten more diverse with time it is important we take in account students from vari %01#-"9&(&%'1#,'$#>0920-"1*@
The Chronicle
75 years of fashion at Destination Runway +=#E%0-2'"=#A,914 8IIKI/8C/#CWAI#W5K/LJ
In honor of Hofstra University’s 75th Anniversary, Hofstra’s fourth annual Destination Funway .",20-"$#N\#=",-1#%.#.,14&%'*### Hofstra’s Destination Runway is an event founded by Hofstra 2009 ,907'&#Z"2"-#5&1&9<&%#&'#FGG]*#/4"# fashion show is sponsored by the Student Government Association and Dean of Students, who select a different charity each year to $%',2"#24"#"<"'2M1#?-%>""$1#2%*## This year the SGA selected Save /4"#E4&9$-"'* “Since this year the topic was broad, we wanted a theme that was equally as broad,” said Dan Lebo, one of the show’s >%%-$&',2%-1*# Founded in 1932, Save The Children has reached out to over \G#>%0'2-&"1*#/4&1#=",-#%<"-#RFG# students and faculty attended Hofstra’s Destination Runway, raising over $2,000 for Save The E4&9$-"'* In previous years, the runway was an elaborate stage, complete 3&24#?-%?1*#/4&1#=",-:#4%3"<"-:# the SGA opted for a more classic >,23,9X*
“This year, we’re mainly going for a more professional fashion show in comparison to a student fashion show,” said SGA Spirit E4,&-3%7,'#^&>2%-&,#^099%* The runway itself was lowered, and the stage devoid of props was meant to “focus” the audience on 24"#>9%24"1#,'$#24"#7%$"91*## In order to accurately portray all 75 years of couture, SGA part nered up with Linda Varady and Z"-"''&,9#E9%24&'(#K'>*:#,'#W,12# K19&?#<&'2,("#>9%24&'(#!%02&_0"* “Perennial was the best option we could have chose, Linda knew everything and had done shows !".%-"*#I4"#3%09$#Y012#9%%X#,2#,# model and know what would work for them,” said coordinator Liz A""$"'* Varady worked closely with the Destination Runway executive !%,-$:#4,'$#1"9">2&'(#"<"-=#%02)2# 24,2#3,1#3,9X"$#$0-&'(#24"#"<"'2*# 82#)-12#1%7"#7%$"91#3"-"#4"1&2,'2# about the unique assortment of "'1"7!9"1* “It was hard because vintage clothing isn’t the same thing you wear for Halloween, some models 3"-"#2"'2,2&<"#,!%02#%02)21#[&'$,# chose for them, but Linda had a
3,=#%.#"V>&2&'(#24"#7%$"91*#K2#3,1# her passion backstage that really brought it to the runway,” said A""$"'* Planning for the event began in the spring of 2010 when the IU8#"9">2"$#["!%:#A""$"':# Cait Scungio, Luke Miedreich and Samantha Erikson as the Destination Runway executive !%,-$*##/4"#?9,'1#>%'2&'0"$# throughout summer and into the .,99#3&24#7%$"9#,0$&2&%'1*#L02# of the 100 or so applicants, 50 models were selected based on their walk, personal style and %<"-,99#?"-1%',9&2=*##/&>X"2#?-&>"1# this year were cheaper than prior shows and could be purchased in ,$<,'>"#.%-#`\#%-#`N#,2#24"#$%%-* “I’m really happy with what we’ve accomplished and what I’ve accomplished,” said Dan Lebo, a senior who has been on Eboard for all four of Hofstra’s Destination J0'3,=#14%31* “It’s a big time commitment, there’s always the running around the week before and the day of, but it’s always a big pay off,” said ["!%*
Michaela Papa/The Chronicle
The Chronicle
Established 1935
203 Student Center Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11549
www.HofstraChronicle.com hofstraeditor@gmail.com
Editor-in-Chief Ryan Broderick
Sean M. Gates#*****************************************Managing Editor/ Photo Editor Jessica Lewis#********************************************************************* News Editor Alexi Knock#**********************************************************Assistant News Editor Courtney Walsh#***************************************************Assistant News Editor Dani Frank#*********************************************************************** Editorial Editor Rachel Lutz#******************************************************Assistant Editorial Editor Lauren Means#******************************************************** Editorial Copy Editor Lisa DiCarlucci#****************************************************** Entertainment Editor Aaron Calvin#****************************************** Assistant Entertainment Editor Jennifer Marsh#**********************************************Entertainment Copy Editor
Max Sass#****************************************************************************Sports Editor Joe Pantorno#***************************************************** Assistant Sports Editor Jim Ausanio#**************************************************************Business Manager Cody Heintz#*********************************************** Assistant Business Manager Matt Scotto#********************************************************************** FeatuesEditor Emily Cummins#********************************************* Assistant Features Editor Marc Butcavage#****************************************************************** Video Editor Darleen Denno#**********************************************************************Copy Chief Megan Michler#**********************************************************************Web Editor Michaela Papa ..................................................... Assistant Photo Editor
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The Chronicle
?&,3%'',&*/++%8('*/@/&-* 3,&*8,%(&)*#"*A&%1/"-
Rank: 139 Established: 1935 Fall 2009 Undergraduates: 7,919 Setting:#I0!0-!,':#FSG#,>-"1
Rank: 69 Established: HQaQ Fall 2009 Undergraduates:#HF:QFa Setting: Urban, 73 acres
Tuition and Fees
Photo Courtesy Connie Roberts
English Professor Connie Roberts traveled to Ireland to accept the Kavanagh Poetry Award.
Tuition and Fees:
Room and Board:
Room and Board:
Acceptance Rate C07!"-#%.#,??9&>,'21b## #
C07!"-#%.#,??9&>,'21b## #
Average high school GPA:
SAT/ACT 25th75th percentile: 11001270
SAT/ACT 25th75th percentile: 12001370
Student / Faculty I20$"'2#.,>092=#-,2&%b#
Hofstra: IIII
>#""%&9 =,&(4%/'(%&"*!"#$%&'#() Graphics Assembled by Jonathan Farley Statistics Compiled by Cody Heintz I2,2&12&>1#E%0-2"1=#%.#;*I*#C"31
Connie Roberts, a Hofstra University adjunct English profes sor, has been awarded the Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award for her work Not the Delft House, a memoir in verse about growing up &'#,'#%-?4,',("#&'#K-"9,'$*# To accept the award, Roberts traveled to County Monaghan, Ireland for the Patrick Kavanagh A""X"'$:#,#.%0-D$,=#."12&<,9*#I4"# also gave a reading from her work ,2#24"#"<"'2*#I">%'$#?-&e"#3&' ners were Jim Maguire, Clonard, A"V.%-$#2%3'#,'$#6"9"',#C%9,':# I4,'X4&99:#E%0'2=#50!9&'* The judge was the poet, novel ist, screenwriter and publisher of 24"#50-,1#Z-"11:#+-&,'#[='>4*#6"# described Roberts’ work as “emo tional but objective, measured, true to experience and full of life ,'$#"'"-(=@* Roberts immigrated to the ;'&2"$#I2,2"1#&'#HaQR*#I4"# received her Master of Arts degree in English Literature and Creative A-&2&'(#.-%7#6%.12-,#;'&<"-1&2=*# Her work as appeared in journals in the United States and Ireland, ,'$#&2#,91%#(,&'"$#'%2%-&"2=*# Recently, she was a nominee for 24"#6"''"11=#f*L#[&2"-,-=#83,-$*# I4"#3,1#,#)',9&12#!%24#&'#24"# Strokestown International Poetry Competition (2001) and the Dana 83,-$1#gFGGRh*#/3&>":#14"#3,1#,#
1"7&)',9&12#&'#24"#B5&1>%<"-=@i/4"# C,2&%'#E%'2"12#&'#FGGG#,'$#FGGF*## Roberts has become even more decorated with literary awards in -">"'2#7%'241*#I4"#3,1#,3,-$"$# a place in the Poetry Ireland Introductions Series 2010 and -",$#4"-#3%-X#,2#24"#K-&14#A-&2"-1M# E"'2-":#50!9&':#24&1#?,12#T,=*# In June, the Swift Satire Competition in Ireland shortlisted 4"-* Roberts was given a presti gious award in the iYeats Poetry Competition, also in Ireland, this ?,12#j09=*# K'#L>2%!"-:#14"#3%'#)-12#?-&e"# at the 2010 Dromineer Literary d"12&<,9#Z%"2-=#E%7?"2&2&%'*#I4"# also attended the Lough Derg k,>42#E90!#&'#K-"9,'$* Also this fall, Roberts’ work appeared in the Long Island anthology Toward Forgiveness and in the Irish literary journal Boyne Berries*# At The University, Roberts 2",>4"1#&'#24"#E-",2&<"#A-&2&'(# Program within the English 5"?,-27"'2*#I4"#3&99#!"#2",>4 &'(#24"#'"39=#,''%0'>"$#T*d*8*# program, which starts in the fall of FGHH* Roberts also teaches within the Irish Studies Program, which is a new minor offered by the college %.#9&!"-,9#,-21#,'$#1>&"'>"1*#K2# focuses on events in Ireland’s past ,'$#?-"1"'2*#
Students Say Yes To: Have you ever been mentioned on an anonymous comment board like College 8E+:#SE4,'#%-#j0&>=#E,7?01m
Have you ever been insulted or harassed throigh a social networking site like Facebook?
6,<"#=%0#"<"-#!""'#)97"$# without your knowledge or consent?
Has anyone ever made a public video or article atack ing or defaming you?
The Chronicle
5)C%&C.11)#"6 /(*2,3'(&/* !"#$%&'#()*
Have you have been harassed through a message system like email?
The advancement of technology within the past couple of years has made it easier for bullying to take ?9,>"*#I&2"1#9&X"#E%99"("#8E+:#SE4,'#,'$#.%-7"-9=# Juicy Campus made it possible to post things about ?"%?9"#3&24#,'%'=7&2=*#d,>"!%%X#,99%3#?"%?9"#2%# ,22,>X#?"%?9"#$&-">29=#,'$#_0&>X9=*#k%020!"#,99%31# people to post insulting videos or to post videos of someone with out their knowledge like what hap pened to Rutgers Freshman Tyler Clementi before he >%77&2"$#10&>&$"* /4"#6%.12-,#E4-%'&>9"#3"'2#2%#)'$#%02#4%3#70>4#
students at the school were actually being harassed %-#,22,>X"$#!=#24"&-#."99%3#?""-1*#/4"#?%99#.%0'$#%02# that most have had no to little incidents of bullying, 3&24#%'9=#H\c#%.#2,X"-1#'%2#4,<&'(#,'=#2-%0!9"1#3&24# !099&"1*#/4"#?%99#14%3"$#F\c#%.#2,X"-1#%'9=#"V?"-&"'> &'(#%'"#2=?"#%.#!099=&'(*#/4"-"#&1#,#1&('&)>,'2#7&'%-&2=# 24,2#4,1#,#<&>2&7#%.#,99#)<"#2=?"1#%.#!099=&'(#3&24#HRc# %.#,'13"-&'(#="1#2%#,99#_0"12&%'1*# The most common type of harassment came from email, which is the oldest type of Internet use as email 4,1#!""'#,-%0'$#1&'>"#24"#aGM1*#d,>"!%%X:#E%99"("# ACB and Youtube have only been around for the past ."3#=",-1*
B%"/(,&*8&,8,'%'*"%@*C#11D*'4.(*-,@"*C)*'%"/(% +=#E%0-2'"=#A,914 8IIKI/8C/#CWAI#W5K/LJ
The Student Government Association (SGA) met for the last time of the Fall 2010 semester 24&1#?,12#/0"1$,=:#C%<*#RG*#/4"# 7""2&'(#>%77"'>"$#,2#]bHH#?*7*# with SGA members serenading senators who celebrated their birthdays over Thanksgiving break 3&24#!&-24$,=#3"99#3&14"1*# The SGA then saw one new club, The Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and 8>>%0'2&'(#g8[Zd8h*#8[Zd8#&1#24"# largest Latino association for busi ness professionals and students with chapters nationwide and over H\:GGG#7"7!"-1*#K21#7&11&%'#&1#2%# create opportunities for its mem bers while enriching their cultural experience; members have to pay dues of $20 a semester and must attend a national chapter meeting %'>"#,#1"7"12"-*#/4"#>90!#?,11"$# 0','&7%019=* Next the senate addressed a topic, which previously had been heavily debated by the senate, a piece of legislature by senator Liz A""$"'#?0-?%1&'(#,#1,!!,2&>,9# .%-#1"',2%-1#%'#.%-"&('#"V>4,'("* “It’s a little different, I would
9&X"#2%#?%&'2#%02#)-12#%.#,99#24,2#.%-# allow a delegate who is here to sabbatical legislation a senator take their place,” said another must request it through the vice 1"',2%-* president, however now sabbati A""$"'#3,1#&'1?&-"$#2%# cal must be passed by the senate bring about the legislation when ,1#3"99:@#1,&$#A""$"'#!".%-"# she herself faced demotion to %?"'&'(#$"!,2"* delegate upon return from her 5"1?&2"#A""$"'M1#,92"-,2&%'1# 1"7"12"-#,!-%,$#24&1#1?-&'(*# to the bill, which included a cap Despite the vocal disapprovals, at no more than two senators on 1%7"#1"',2%-1#$"."'$"$#A""$"'# sabbatical at and her purposed the same time, “We should be 9"(&19,2&%'* senators were “Liz is not taking this as 0'>%'<&'>"$* only going to a selfless job, be representing “If you’re a being a senator SGA, while she’s passionate SGA means wantmember you abroad she’ll should be willing ing to better be doing it on a to redelegate, national level,” the Hofstra someone kept 1,&$#%'"#1"',2%-* Community.”” talking about I2&99#A""$"'M1# she, she, she, !&99#.,&9"$#2%#?,11* 7",'&'(#24"#1?",X"-#%.#24"#!&99*# As the semester comes to a This should not be a personal close, SGA plans to host one last matter, the vote should be in favor "<"'2#.%>01"$#%'#,'2&D4,2"*#/4"# %.#24"#!"'")2#%.#24"#1"',2"#,1#,# "<"'2:#2&29"$#6*8*+*K*/#g6%.12-,# 34%9":@#1,&$#%'"#1"',2%-* Against Bulling, Intimidation, L24"-1#$&$'M2#7&'>"#3%-$1* and Torment), will take place on BA"#14%09$#!"#2,X&'(#24&1#,1# d-&$,=:#5">*#R#,2#SbGG#?*7*#,2#24"# ,#1"9l"11#Y%!1:#!"&'(#,#1"', E0920-,9#E"'2"-#/4",2"-*##/4"#IU8# tor means wanting to better the will also participate in Hofstra’s 6%.12-,#>%770'&2=*#K2#3%09$#!"# annual Sinterclaus with Sigma Pi 1"9)14#.%-#,#1"',2%-#34%#&1'M2# ,'$#/4"2,#/,0* present not to step down and
Courtney Walsh/The Chronicle
Senators failed to pass a new bill proposed by Senator Liz Weeden.
The Chronicle
?.C1#+*B/3%()*E&#%3' Compiled By Jessica Lewis
2,3'(&/G'*6&/-./(%*8&,6&/0*#"*H,&%"'#+* I#"6.#'(#+'*#'*(4%*3#&'(*,3*#('*J#"-*#"*(4%*!<B< By Alexi Knock
9&'(0&12#&'#24"#>%0'2-=*#I40=#4,1# served as a linguistics expert witness in over twodozen cases, An author of eight books on including impeachment trials of forensic linguistics, a former FBI ;*I*#1"',2%-1#,'$#>-&7&',9#2-&!0',9# chief of Forensic Linguistics and a 2-&,91*#/4"#24&-$#?-%."11%-#&'<%9<"$# former rock star of the 60s band, in the degree’s creation is James Sha Na Na,teamed up recently Fitzgerald, the only fully creden 2%#9,0'>4#24"#',2&%'M1#)-12#T*8*# 2&,9"$#?-%)9"-#,'$#.%-"'1&>#9&'(0&12# degree in forensic linguistics at &'#24"#4&12%-=#%.#24"#d+K*#d&2e("-,9$# /4"#;'&<"-1&2=*#/4"#$"(-""#?-% has worked as a forensic linguist gram, which has already attracted %'#4&(4#?-%)9"#>,1"1#10>4#,1#24"# students and linguistics experts ;',!%7!"-:#A,14&'(2%':#5*E*# from all over the world, applies the I'&?"-#,'$#24"#aiHH#,22,>X1* theoretical science of linguistics [&1,#k%0'(:#34%#4,1#,#+*8*# to analyze language involving in linguistics from Hofstra and is 24"#9,3*#/4&1#&'>90$"1#&'2"-?-"2&'(# currently enrolled in the forensic contracts, laws and often analyz linguistics program, described the ing the language that is connected three professors as “fabulous” and 3&24#>-&7"1* B4,9.#24"#-",1%'#KM7#4"-"*#K#4&(49=# “America is lagging behind doubt I’m the only one who would England and Spain in [forensic 1,=#24,2*@ 9&'(0&12&>1P*#K#,93,=1#("2#_0"-&"1# Sharol Hofstedt, another from all over the world asking student in the forensic linguistics ‘when are you going to have a program, also felt ?-%(-,7m#A"M<"# “We have part- that the profes read about you on the Internet nerships with sors contributed to her decision to and seen you other linguists Y%&'#24"#?-%(-,7*# %'#2"9"<&1&%'*M# and linguistic “Rob Leonard So now Hofstra departments all is a dynamic has started a pro over the U.S. and and knowledge (-,7:@#1,&$#5-*# able professor in Europe.” Robert Leonard, who genuinely program director cares about this and former con program,” said sultant for the FBI in cases involv 6%.12"$2*#B6"#&1#'%2#%'9=#,>, &'(#24"#01"#%.#.%-"'1&>#9&'(0&12&>1*# demic, but speaks from handson “I’ve already been getting queries "V?"-&"'>"#&'#24&1#)"9$*@ from Saudi Arabia, from England Z-&%-#2%#24"#%.)>&,9#,''%0'>" and from the Caribbean and the ment of the new program, sev announcement only went out a eral students were already taking 3""X#,(%*@ courses on forensic linguistics in Leonard pioneered the program hopes that it would eventually turn 3&24#24"#4"9?#%.#5-*#J%("-#I40=:# &'2%#,#9"(&2&7,2"#$"(-""*#BT%12#%.# a professor of linguistics who is my research thus far, as is that of known as the foremost forensic many other forensic linguists, is 8IIKI/8C/#CWAI#W5K/LJ
aimed at proving the necessary role of the forensic linguist,” said k%0'(*#BK2#&1#&'2-&(0&'(:#?%&'21#%02# 7,'=#l,31#&'#24"#Y0$&>&,9#1=12"7:# draws on all the linguistic theories X'%3'#2%#24"#)"9$:#,'$#>,'#"<"'# teach lawyers a ton about their 3%-X#,1#3"99*@ Young believes that the study of forensic linguistics will grow at /4"#;'&<"-1&2=*#BA"#4,<"#?,-2 nerships with other linguists and linguistic departments all over the ;I#,'$#&'#W0-%?":@#1,&$#k%0'(*# “I am optimistic that we will soon be hosting international special ists and conferences to share and advance our collective knowledge &'#24"#)"9$*#K#1""#?%2"'2&,9#.%-# development at other universities !">,01"#24"#)"9$#&1#(-%3&'(*@ Leonard feels that students in 24"#?-%(-,7#3&99#!"'")2#!">,01"# forensic linguistics is a practi cal and highly demanded use of 24"#1>&"'>"#%.#9,'(0,("*#B[,3# enforcement are always interested because it’s another way of solv ing and preventing crimes,” said ["%',-$*#B[,3="-1#,'$#1%>&,9#Y01 tice advocates are very interested because it’s another way of scien 2&)>,99=#,'$#,>>0-,2"9=#,',9=e&'(# evidence, which, if you don’t do it 1>&"'2&)>,99=#>,'#!"#7&101"$*@ Leonard gave credit to The University for being open to the '"3#?-%(-,7*#BK#4,<"#2%#4,'$#&2# to Hofstra because Hofstra is an entrepreneurial school and it’s %?"'#2%#'"3#24&'(1:@#1,&$#["%',-$*# “If you can make a good case for something that nobody else in the entire country had been doing and they think that it’s a good idea, 6%.12-,#3&99#$%#&2*@
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Sean M. Gates/The Chronicle
A student reported that 1%7"2&7"#!"23""'#",-9=#L>2*#,'$# C%<*#FQ:#HGG#$%99,-1#3,1#2,X"'# .-%7#,#$"1X#$-,3"-#&'#4&1#-%%7*# He reported the money to be miss &'(#%'#24"#9,22"-#$,2"* A student was seen climb ing down from Hofstra Hall on C%<*#FQ#!=#,#ZIL#%'#?,2-%9*#/4"# 120$"'2#3,1#(&<"'#,#1077%'1*
A student reported that she put her clothes in the washer %'#C%<*#FQ:#,'$#34"'#14"#>,7"# back to put them in the dryer, they 3"-"#(%'"*#8#1",->4#3,1#>%'$0>2 "$:#3&24#'%#-"10921* An RA reported that while doing rounds in Enterprise Hall, he smelled the odor of marijuana >%7&'(#.-%7#,#-%%7*#Z0!9&>#I,."2=# responded and keyed into the room with the RA, there was a strong smell of marijuana inside 24"#-%%7*#/4"#-"1&$"'2#%.#24"#-%%7# 3,1#(&<"'#,#1077%'1*
A student was seen smok ing marijuana in front of Hampton 6%01"#!=#,'#J8#%'#C%<*#Fa*## Public Safety responded and the 120$"'2#3,1#(&<"'#,#1077%'1*# A student reported to Z0!9&>#I,."2=#24,2#%'#C%<*#RG*:# she was studying in the lobby of ^,'$"-#Z%"9#6,99#,'$#."99#,19""?*# A4"'#14"#3%X"#0?#,2#,-%0'$# R#,*7*:#14"#$&1>%<"-"$#24,2#4"-# &Z4%'"#3,1#7&11&'(*#8#1",->4#3,1# >%'$0>2"$#3&24#'%#-"10921*#CEZ5# -"1?%'$"$*
Key !" HIC- Hofstra Information Center !" PSO- Public Safety Officer !" RSR- Resident Safety representative !" RA- Resident Assistant !" NCPD- Nassau County Police Department
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The Chronicle
!"#$%&'()*+%,*&-)%.*/*(0*#%1".% 23*%+(4*%"1%-(2&"-(0%+*56.&2$ By Julia Hahn COLUMNIST
Over the past ten years, airport security has changed drastically; it’s smart to get to your airport at least 3 hours before your !"#$%&'()*)+,'-./'#)'%)'%$0'#.%0' without going through security and you have to take your shoes )11'*01)20'#)"/#'%$2)3#$'40-32"%,&' You can’t carry large amounts )1'5"63"+&'7)/8%'090/'%$"/:'.*)3%' saying “terrorist” or “bomb,” and now every person is subject to a full body scan or even a pat +);/&'<55')1'%$040'=2)-0+3204' bring a simple question to light, are all of these security measures a violation of our rights? The answer seems simple enough to >0?'/)& '7)'=0)=50'$)/04%5,'%$"/:'%$.%' airports are doing this because they feel like it or because they want to inconvenience people? @)/04%5,A'"%84'>)20';)2:'1)2'%$0>&' They are doing it in order for our country to be safer and to make sure that an event like 9/11 never $.==0/4'.#."/&'B':/);'%$.%'B'1)2' one feel a lot safer knowing that our government goes through all %$040'0C%2.'40-32"%,'>0.43204&' I realize that some people do have a problem with these full
body scans and once again say that our country is not doing well, but do they even have a clue as to what the security measures are in other countries? Plain and simple, their security measures .20'%)'=2)D50'=0)=50&'B1'<>02"-.' did anything close to that, there ;)35+'*0'./')3%2.#0&'E3*>"%%"/#' everyone to full body scans is the 1."204%';.,& </)%$02'-)/-02/'=0)=50'$.90' raised about these machines is %$0'4.10%,')1'%$0>&'F$0'.>)3/%')1' tests and trials any new invention has to go through before it reaches the public is so intense that thinking that the government would knowingly put something dangerous near the public without %055"/#'%$0>'"4'4)>0;$.%'+"1D-35%' %)'-)>=20$0/+&'G04"+04'%$.%A' <>02"-.'"4'4)'5.;'43"%'$.==,' these days that the government wouldn’t try to create any problems they could be blamed 1)2&' <54)A'4.,"/#'%$.%'%$040' procedures are a violation of our rights and that it violates unreasonable search and seizure "4'.54)'=20=)4%02)34&'H0)=50' need to be prepared for some things to change when more and more people start bringing bombs
)/%)'=5./04&'F$.%'2"#$%'"4/8%'090/' being taken away completely; the airport has the right to search 0902,)/0'1)2'%$0'=3*5"-84'4.10%,&' One issue brought to the media is also the utter humiliation of a pat down if one does not submit %)'%$0'1355'*)+,'4-./&'F$020' have been some occurrences of embarrassing situations where people with prosthetic limbs or bags full of urine have been $3>"5".%0+'"/'.'=3*5"-'."2=)2%&'F$"4'
is regrettable, but compared to the amount of people that have had to get pat downs, the ratio "4'20.55,'/)%'%022"*50&'B1',)3'.20' someone who knowingly has some kind of condition where a pat down would be embarrassing, the best choice is to opt for the *)+,'4-./& Male pat downs are done by men, and female pat downs .20'+)/0'*,';)>0/&'F$0')/5,' reason these devices have been
put into place is for the safety of %$0'=3*5"-&'B'20>0>*02';$.%'"%' was like to travel 12 years ago, it was much easier and so much more convenient, but times have -$./#0+&' Not every single person who walks through an airport can *0'%234%0+&'B'1)2')/0'1005'>3-$' safer on a plane knowing all the security measures that my fellow travelers and I have through to #0%'%$020&
7*)*2(,0*%8"69%1".%23*%:&+(-23."9&5%8"60;%<-+*.2%=3**+$%>&20*%?*.* By Michaela Papa COLUMNIST
On the list of questions I ask myself daily, among why there’s a 40-20%'*.%$2))>')/'%$0'D24%'!))2' )1'70>=4%02A'./+';$,'@)14%2.' cookies aren’t passed out for free at every Unispan, is why cheese "4'4)'+.>/'#))+&'I$"50'.'5)%')1' =0)=50'0/J),'-$0040A'B'D/+'%$020' .20'10;';$)'5)90'-$0040&'()&' Really love cheese…to the point where it’s almost a problem? Habitually joking about my addiction to cheese, my friend thought it would be funny to send >0'./'.2%"-50'0/%"%50+'K<++"-%0+'%)' L$0040M'@02084'I$,&N'F32/4')3%A' /)%'4)'13//,&'B'>.,'$.90'.'20.5' =2)*50>&'<==.20/%5,A'-$0040'$.4' %2.-04')1'>)2=$"/0&'O040.2-$024' have known since 1980: would’ve been nice to know before I *0-.>0'.'1355P!0+#0+'.++"-%& In 1981 researchers at
I055-)>0'O040.2-$'Q.*)2.%)2"04' *3%'%$.%84'>,'+23#')1'-$)"-0&' found traces of an extremely H02$.=4A'.55'%))'5"%02.55,&' addictive opiate in cheese… 730'%)'%$0'-)/-0/%2.%0+' >)2=$"/0&'B%';.4'1)3/+'%$.%' casein in cheese, the level morphine is in milk—both cow of casomorphins is likewise ./+'$3>./4&'I$"50'%$"4'>.:04' -)/-0/%2.%0+&'F$"4'.55);4'1)2' sense, as to further bond a even greater pleasure to be mother and child, derived from the I’m not sure how I consumption of “So, all you feel about playing cheese whizzes, -$0040&' %$0'2)50')1'.'-.51& Neal Barnard, how does it There is a S&7&'4%.%04A' feel to know “since cheese protein called -.40"/'"/'-$0040&' you actually is processed to have a serious express out all This protein is concentrated in the liquid, it’s problem? -$0040&'I$0/' an incredibly broken down into casomorphins concentrated source of upon digestion it has opiate casomorphins—you might call 0110-%4&'R2./:5,A'B'400'5"%%50' "%'+."2,'-2.-:&N'B'4.;'/)'#20.%' problem with cheese legitimately 432=2"40'12)>'D/+"/#')3%'-$0040' *2"#$%0/"/#',)32'+.,&'B855'.+>"%' is actually addictive…in fact, this that few things make me happier .2%"-50'J34%'9.5"+.%0+'>,'5"10'.'*"%&' than a nice slice of extra Though that may be slightly sad, 4$.2='-$0++.2&'L.55'>0'4">=50A' B'D/+'"%'=20%%,'0C-"%"/#&'E)A'.55'
you cheese whizzes, how does it feel to know you actually have a serious problem? By serious, I may just mean that you are at high risk for heart +"40.40&'G3%'$0,A'"1',)3'$.90'.' T)3+.';)2:)3%A'$.90'/)'10.2&' You’ll lead a very happy life, I’m 4320&'B%84'4."+'%$.%'%$0'.902.#0' <>02"-./'-)/43>04'.*)3%'UU' =)3/+4')1'-$0040'0.-$',0.2&' <+>"%%0+5,A'%$.%'>.,'*0'.'5"%%50' 5);'1)2'>0&'B1',)3'D#320'.'*2"-:')1' cheese is about a pound… Jake Richardson, author of K<++"-%0+'%)'L$0040M'@02084' I$,AN'4.,4'K*3%'.4'>./,':/);A' cutting back on cheese can be challenging because of the good feelings – the opiate effects of -.4)>)2=$"/4'V'"%'=2)+3-04&N'F$0' essentially euphoric feeling from eating cheese is natural, though the effects of cheese can be :"5502&'<4'4%.%0+'*01)20A'-$0040'"4'
$"#$5,'-.5)2"-'./+'1.%%0/"/#&' B%84'/)'40-20%'<>02"-./4'$.90' .'=2)*50>';"%$';0"#$%&'F$)3#$A' I believe other countries to have *0%%02'-$0040&'F$"/:'.*)3%'"%?' Swiss cheese, Muenster Cheese, *2"0M'@055A';$)'=3%4'<>02"-./' cheese on a cheese platter? F$0'<>02"-./4W%$0')/04' with the obesity problem whose “unhealthy diets and lack of exercise may kill about 300,000 %)'XYYAYYY'<>02"-./4'0.-$',0.2&N' So, the moral of the story "4'%)'0.%'-$0040'204=)/4"*5,&' I$"50'4)>0'-5.">'%$.%'"/'-3%%"/#' out cheese entirely a subtle .==20-".%")/'1)2'!.9)2'9.2".%")/'"/' )%$02'.4=0-%4')1'1))+'"4'#."/0+&'B' don’t know if I’m willing to make %$0'4.-2"D-0&'F$0'-$)"-0'"4'3='%)' ,)3&'F$)3#$A'"1'/)%$"/#'0540A'204%' assured to know you’re not crazy: cheese really is the crack in the 1))+'=,2.>"+&'
The Chronicle
Megan Sophomore
“I don’t want a stretch of school without !"#$%&'
Jared Senior
Kim Senior
“Its good, we’re a really ()*#"+#,-#.-/#&'
Brianna Senior
“Yes, we go two and a half months without a 0$//,!"#$%&'
Richard Freshman
“They should keep it the way it is so we can 0.//.1,2"$()2).3&'
Nick Senior
49,26.8:62,26#,;"+2, <$/#3($",1$+,;3#&'
!*+25("2:(#2$./$9/3'"#*$ ;.:(#$10."<(7$68$:(7*" By Katherine Yaremko COLUMNIST
56#,!$22/#,.*#",>0:6$3)+2$3, that has been waging for years has gradually gained less and less attention from the media; but even when it has, the focus has primarily been directed at troop presence on the ground or the strength or weakness of the 5$/)!$3&,M#2,.26#",083($E#32$/, issues are playing out within that region, issues that rarely are $(("#++#(,!7,3#1+,.82/#2+&, One such issue involves the fates of women and girls, who through a desire to escape abu sive homes, commonly resort to +#22)3:,26#E+#/*#+,.3,;"#&,N$37, of these girls are forced into arranged marriages by their fami lies and often subject to beatings and other forms of abuse by their 68+!$3(+,.","#/$2)*#+&,O."");<$//7G, some see their only means for -#$<#,26".8:6,.)/,$3(,E$2<6#+&, ?/##)3:,26#)",+)28$2).3+,)+,3.2, $/1$7+,$3,.-2).3&,H)!),>)+6$G,$, young woman recently featured in the National Geographic article “Veiled Rebellion,” was left with out her ears and nose after her husband caught her attempting 2.,"83,$1$7&,93,0$<2G,$<<."()3:,2., the same article, eighty percent .0,$!8+#,()"#<2#(,$2,>0:6$3, women is caused by their family E#E!#"+& @)26,$,+2$2)+2)<,+.,+2$::#" ing, the obvious question is to ask how such tragedies can be -"#*#32#(&,56#"#,$"#,<#"2$)3/7, organizations and a hospital
designed to treat selfimmolation )3,>0:6$3)+2$3G,$/26.8:6,26#, culture of the region continues to 08#/,26#+#,<"8#/2)#+&, P&=&,-./)<7,)3,2#"E+,.0, >0:6$3)+2$3,6$+,3.2,$--#$"#(, 2.,$(("#++,26)+,)++8#&,92,)+,</#$", however, that if true stability in that country is to arrive, it cannot (.,+.,)0,$,+):3);<$32,-."2).3,.0, its population continues to be so +#*#"#/7,E)+2"#$2#(&, The question of how to accom plish such a task will require much planning and coopera 2).3&,Q.3+)(#")3:,26#,38E!#", of individuals who have already died and the amount of time and money spent to further our aims within the country, it is imperative that our policymakers not ignore the discrepancies and intoler $3<#+,6$--#3)3:,1)26)3,)2&, The solution will most likely need to involve more than simply providing medical supplies and support; preventive measures would be the best way of dealing 1)26,26#,+)28$2).3&,O.1,2.,(.,26)+, while gaining the support of the E$F.")27,.0,>0:6$3+,)+,3.,+)E-/#, task; however, it is one that 3##(+,2.,!#,$(("#++#(&,56.+#, abusive individuals who have been submerged in particular beliefs all their lives may not be persuaded to give up their ideol .:7&,B(8<$2).3,E$7,-".*#,2.,!#, one of the most important tools for increasing the equality for >0:6$3)+2$3J+,<)2)K#3+G,#+-#<)$//7, 0.",26#,<.832"7J+,<6)/("#3&,
-.#/0*12*#3$4.5("+$65((7+$","2'8$*#$9:(5*1"#+ By Miles Bett =5>??,@A95BA
Operating under the assump tion that you have indeed come into contact with some form of global news in the past few weeks, I am sure you have noted the increased tensions on the C."#$3,D#3)3+8/$&,5.,+$7,26#7, have risen would be to indulge in a grotesque understatement, but 26#,:#3#"$/,2"826,)+,26#,+$E#&,56#, two halves of that wildly bifur cated bit of land haven’t been so </.+#,2.,1$",)3,6$/0,$,<#328"7& Being a group of learned and intensely mature people, my friends and I have all had
discussion on the topic ranging 0".E,0$<2+,2.,1)/(,<.3F#<28"#&, >02#",+8<6,2$/%+,9,6$*#,<.E#,2., form an idea about why exactly the North tends to lob bombs at the South and act in a manner 16.//7,831$""$32#(&,=2$7,1)26, me through this, but their actions remind me of my grandmother’s +2"##2,)3,B3:/$3(&, She has a dog, and every day I would take him for a walk in the -$"%&,5.,:#2,26#"#G,1#,1.8/(,-$++, this house that had a high fence around it, but one you could still +##,26".8:6&,@#,%3#1,3.26)3:, of the people who lived in that house besides what we could tell
from the garden, which was well %#-2&,H82,6#"#,)+,26#,E#$2,.0,26#, $3$/.:7&, They had a small, perennially yippy dog that would all but hurl itself at the fence in an attempt 2.,"#$<6,7.8&,92,1.8/(,+I8#$%, and squawk and make all kinds .0,3.)+#&,56)+,1$+3J2,26#)",.3/7, dog, they had some big labrador stashed away in their garden, but it was this little ball of irritation 26$2,$/1$7+,E$(#,)2+#/0,%3.13&, That is how the North tends to $<2&,56#7,E$%#,F8+2,#3.8:6,3.)+#, that you will never really forget 26$2,26#7,$"#,26#"#&,@6#3#*#", you step even an inch too close
to their side of the fence they will hurl themselves at you, yipping and snarling and making far too E8<6,3.)+#,0.",26#)",+E$//,+)K#&, The conundrum that such a tiny dog presents is that you want, after weeks and weeks of being !$"%#(,$2G,2.,-.%#,)2,1)26,$,+2)<%&, Just to give it a little jab to make )2,+682,8-&,L.3J2,:#2,E#,1".3:G,9, deplore animal cruelty and detest anyone who indulges in such a heinous act, but this dog all but !#:+,2.,!#,-.%#(&,H82,7.8,<$3J2, $3(,E."#.*#",1.3J2,(.,+.&, To poke it would require you going into that yard and confront ing him without a fence, and
though he may be small he still has very sharp teeth and a nasty !)2#&,=.,7.8,(.3J2,:.,)32.,26$2, yard; you don’t want to deal with 26#,-$)3,.0,26$2,!)2#&,M.8,1$/%, towards the park, ignoring the 7)--)3:,$3(,+3$"/)3:&, Therein lies the problem with the North, at least in my eyes and 26$2,.0,+.E#,.0,E7,-##"+&,M#+G, we would love to do something to rid ourselves of the worry and nuisance that is the secretive country, but they do have a bite and I am sure if you ask most people they would rather listen to those barks than deal with the $/2#"3$2)*#&
The Chronicle
!"##$%&'#($)*+,-$$.(/0,.$#(1-(0,2( 30$-(4'3('#3,(51$6/6,)1'$(7(8'3/0(16"#9 !"#$%&'"#()%%&*+ ,--.-/,0/#1$,/23$-#$4./53
678*#9::'"&*;#<=>#9#?=@#9A#9*# ,@8>B>=%@&8#C#1&AB7#+A=>8#=># corporate headquarters it is likely A79A#"=)#D&''#@8#9+E8F#G679A#F=8+# diversity mean to you?” This is a very important question these days when trying to interview future employees in an attempt to sift through the bunch to H*F#D7=#&+#F8+&>9@'8I#@)A#D79A# F=8+#,@8>B>=%@&8#C#1&AB7#H*F# F8+&>9@'8J#679A#F=8+#F&K8>+&A"# mean to them? /7&+#D88E#,':79#L9::9#M+&# planned to hold an event titled G,@8>B>=%@&8#C#1&AB7N#4&K8>+&A"# &*#A78#6=>E:'9B8OP##Q9>&+9# R9>%B7)BEI#<>=%#A78#5<HB8#=<# 4&K8>+&A"#9A#,@8>B>=%@&8#C#1&AB7I# D9+#A=#F&+B)++#A78#@8*8HA+#=<# diversity and how to hire people D&A7#F&K8>+&A"#&*#%&*FO# The event never happened A7=);7O#S)+A#9#<8D#7=)>+#@8<=>8# it was to take place; those invited were informed that the event had been cancelled and that the speaker was no longer working <=>#,@8>B>=%@&8#C#1&AB7O This is nothing against the university’s business fraternity, but this event reminded people of the various news stories about ,@8>B>=%@&8#9*F#&A+#<9&')>8+# in diversity like the 2004 case =<#T=*U9'8U#KO#,@8>B>=%@&8#C# 1&AB7#-A=>8+#D78>8#A78#:'9&*A&<<+I# comprised of a several thousand women, claimed that they were not hired by the company despite ;>89A#V)9'&HB9A&=*+O#.<#A78"#D8>8# hired they were used in less visible positions like stocking and B'89*&*;#):O#/78#B=)>A#+8AA'8F# with 40 million dollars in favor of
A78#:'9&*A&<<+O The company then had to make many changes, and now boasts that their “instore workforce, 9+#9#D7='8#&+#WXOYYZ#:8=:'8#=<# B='=>I#&*[+A=>8#%=F8'+#9>8#\]O\\Z# people of color and our instore %9*9;8>+[&*[A>9&*&*;#9>8#\^OX\Z# :8=:'8#=<#B='=>O#G ,*F#A7&+#&+#;>89AO#/78"# understand what they did wrong, they took the necessary measures and improved on it, but apparently color may be the only A":8#=<#F&K8>+&A"#,@8>B>=%@&8#C# 1&AB7#&+#D&''&*;#A=#9BB8:AO .*#YXX_I#-9%9*A79#$'9)<# +)8F#,@8>B>=%@&8#C#1&AB7#<=># F&+B>&%&*9A&=*O#,#"89>#:>&=>#+78# was turned down for employment by the company because her hijab, a Muslim headscarf, did *=A#HA#A78&>#&%9;8O#/78#B=%:9*"# claimed that her clothing was :>=7&@&A8F#@"#A78&>#GQ==E#M='&B"OP# This year they were sued again <=>#A78#+9%8#&++)8O Now it is unclear whether or not the company is attempting to change their “Look Policy” and include exceptions in regard to religious practices, but it would be the thing to do if diversity was =<#A>)8#&%:=>A9*B8O Those who work the front end of the store are called “models;” this is a position different from sales associate and it has more to do with being a representing A78#'==E#=<#,@8>B=%@&8#C#1&AB7O# Calling them models +88%+#+A>9*;8O#678*#A78"# were previously called brand representatives the job sounded as if it was their responsibility to look like the normal customers that would be buying the clothes
the only difference would be that they would have a put together '==E#A79A#"=)#D=)'F#D9*A#A=#@)"O The term model denotes something else entirely though, and so do the individuals that A78"#9>8#7&>&*;O#.<#"=)#79K8#8K8># walked around in the mall you may have noticed the chiseled and tan teen showing off his bare B78+A#9*F#HAA8F#?89*+#+A9*F&*;# F&>8BA'"#9A#A78#<>=*A#=<#A78#+A=>8O# His companions will include girls who can probably slip in and out of a size zero without fussing with A78#@)AA=*O Now there is nothing wrong with being skinny and there is nothing wrong with being muscular, but we see this imagery in advertisements all the A&%8O#.A#&+#9#B=*+A9*A#>8%&*F8>#A=# A7=+8#D7=#F=*`A#HA#A78#&%9;8#A79A# they don’t belong, that maybe A78"#*88F#A=#&%:>=K8#A78%+8'K8+O# It is one thing to have to see thousands of advertisements everyday that sell sex and objectify bodies, but it is overkill to see it again once you’re 9'>89F"#&*#A78#+A=>8O#.A#=*'"#+88%+# &*8K&A9@'8#A79A#,@8>B>=%@&8# C#1&AB7#D&''#+==*#@8#+)8F#<=># discrimination against those of a different size or shape than what &+#GF8+&>9@'8OP If they are truly honest when it comes to wanting to be diverse then they should show it, but for now it seems that their answer to G679A#F&K8>+&A"#%89*+#A=#"=)JP# is a very simple answer of dollars 9*F#B8*A+O#/78"#%9E8#B79*;8+# only to cover their previous actions and only when those actions have cost them some +8>&=)+#B9+7O
:$33$6(3,(30$(;9'3,6<(!,9$6#(=0"#&>"0(9,$.#?3(0,+9("(/"#9+$(3,(36"9'3',# By Rabbi Mitelman 20.a$3-./R#S$6.-b#(b,MQ,.0
,+#D8#9>8#B8'8@>9A&*;# Chanukah, I would like to share a few thoughts on the meaning =<#A7&+#<8+A&K8#7='&F9"O#(79*)E97# commemorates the dramatic vic tory of the Maccabees following a threeyear long rebellion against A78#>)'&*;#,++">&9*[T>88E#:=D8>+I# who set out to destroy Judaism @"#<=>@&FF&*;#&A+#=@+8>K9*B8O#/78# courage of the Maccabees to H;7A#<=>#A78&>#>8'&;&=)+#B=*K&BA&=*+# and their right to practice their
Jewish beliefs continues to be an &*+:&>9A&=*O The revolt culminated with A78#>8B9:A)>8#9*F#:)>&HB9A&=*#=<# the Temple of Jerusalem in 165 !O(O$O#9*F#A78#>8+A=>9A&=*#=<#&A+# A>9F&A&=*9'#+8>K&B8O#/78#b8@>8D# word Chanukah means “dedica tion” and refers to the rededica tion of the Temple after it had @88*#F8H'8F#D&A7#:9;9*#&%9;8+# 9*F#:>9BA&B8+O In discussing Chanukah, the rabbinic sages emphasized A78#+A=>"#9@=)A#9#c9+E#B=*A9&* ing a day’s worth of pure oil
that provided light for the newly cleansed Temple not just for that day, but for seven more, until new oil was found to keep the sacred H>8#@)>*&*;O#/79A#&+#D7"#D8#'&;7A# candles every night for an eight F9"#B8'8@>9A&=*O ,A#9#F88:8>#'8K8'I#=*8#=<#A78# important messages about this holiday can speak to all of us in 9#:>=<=)*F#D9"O#67"#F=#D8#'&;7A# candles in ascending order every *&;7A#d=*8#=<#A78#H>+A#*&;7A#;=&*;# up to eight on the last night) instead of descending order? The ancient rabbinic sages’
answer: to teach us that with every day of our lives, we need to do our share to bring more light, fresh hope, more holi ness, and renewed spirit into the world – by treating others with dignity and respect, doing acts of kindness, speaking out when we see injustice, being a source of warmth, caring, and hope for people whose world is dark with loneliness, disease, poverty, and F8+:9&>I#9*F#&*#=A78>#D9"+O# So, this Chanukah, may we all give ourselves a real present: the gift of hope and renewed spirit,
even as the night grows dark 8+A#&*#A78#%&F+A#=<#D&*A8>O#Q8A#)+# light a candle in our souls, let the c9%8#@8#9#+=)>B8#=<#+A>8*;A7#9*F# inspiration, and let us share the '&;7A#D&A7#=A78>+O ,+#9''#=<#9A#&*#A78#2*&K8>+&A"# community celebrate our respec tive holidays, may the light of this season bring joy, warmth, love, and peace to all of us, to our families and friends, and to :8=:'8#A7>=);7=)A#A78#D=>'FO
The Hofstra
Vol.76 Issue 12
December 2, 2010
!"#$%&'" (%))'*+,"-.",/+)/# 01-2/"%+3"45$/)"6)7,#8
Pink Friday Review
Winter Fashion
Holiday Specials
By Ryan Broderick B2
By Matt Scotto B5
By Jennifer Hillman B7 Photo Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox
The Chronicle
!"#$%&'(#)*+,&-(./01&2#$*3,1&14*+#$5&-.60( By Ryan Broderick EDITOR IN CHIEF
Pink Friday, Nicki Minaj’s debut album sold 375,000 copies in its /&$#%5))<:%=#%",-)$%1'%$)",'*% of alltime for a female rapper, losing to Lauryn Hill’s The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill. It also comes in second in sales this week to Kanye West’s power house My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. But Nicki Minaj is at a really great place in her career. She’s sitting on that precipice between being “that girl rapper from Young Money that wants her py on your sideburns” and a break through hip hop artist that could carry top 40 hits. Pink Friday is probably the album that will tip Minaj over the other side into a household name. It’s a kaleidoscope of pop arrangements, electronica and hip hop and it’s really a a great pop record. It opens with pop standard “I’m The Best,” with
Minaj boasting over synthy brass but it sets a really appropriate mood for the album. Clicky drums and electronica pads carry her as she raps about where she came from, where she is now, it’s celebratory and deserved. The album has a bevy of stand outs and all of them are both radiosingleworthy but keep their individuality. It’s a bit shocking to hear so much mainstream hip hop funneled through Minaj’s bi polar, offthewalls rapping ability. She can’t sit still; when the beats aren’t great, she still is. “Right Thru Me,” “Moment 4 Life” featuring Drake, “Check It Out” featuring will.i.am which samples “Video Killed The Radio Star,” and “Save Me” all have the same sensibilities, which is something rooted in hip hop 63#%*)/'1#)02%',#%",'/')*%#,%1#:% Sure there’s autotuner (a palat able amount) but there’s also real heart in there. She has love songs, but they’re pragmatic and realistic with a sense of humor
that keeps them from slipping into something cheesy. Pink Friday tries to dip into more gritty, or at least more traditional hip hop, on the tracks “Roman’s Revenge” featuring Eminem and “Did It On’em” Minaj brings back the no holds barred rap style she dominates the Kanye West track “Monster” with. The two aren’t a misstep, but they could be stronger, or they could be better integrated into the rest of the album. The track “Save Me” is prob ably the oddest though, bringing the mood all the way down to a ballad that sounds more like The Postal Service than anything else. The best comparison one could make to what Pink Friday sounds like is probably Kanye West’s Graduation or Kid Cudi’s Man on the Moon: The End of the Day, where pop and hip hop all mixed together so cavalierly that the two facets are indistinguishable. Minaj’s debut is important
though. It will set up a future where female rappers can be taken seriously and respected or 6)%2)#%!',#.)&%/>>0)%1'%!%0,'(%01')% of female rappers that haven’t
been able to keep up steam. If Pink Friday is any indicator though, this is not the last time we hear her.
Photo Courtesy of nickiminaj.org
Nicki Minaj’s latest album title gives a wink to its Black Friday due date.
701-#40&5..)&#$40$4#.$18&!9(4&.:&;0*<#$5,&:*<<1&1=.(4& By Aaron Calvin ASSISTANT ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR
The Art of Healing, an annual event produced by the Progressive Students Union
(PSU), was put on Tuesday night in Adams Playhouse. The event was advertised as a night of entertainment that would incorpo rate values concerning activism
and awareness. The event was free, but it was asked that you donate a certain amount of money to the Hempstead Boys and Girls Club.
Sean M. Gates/ The Chronicle
Amanda Beneway (Left) and Mary Kate Pedro (Right) hosted the “Art of Healing” event on Tuesday evening.
Throughout the program, the Long Island chapter of Food Not Bombs was also promoted. Attendance was fairly weak this year, with only a smattering of people in the audience, and prob ably less than ten warm bodies present without obligation. The !"#$%&!'()*%+&,-%$.,&#%/0-$%#,%!% comedy duo, from acoustic guitar songs to karaoke performances. The event was hosted Amanda Beneway and Mary Kate Pedro, representatives of the PSU. Despite the positive and well meaning nature of The Art of Healing, it can only be described as a dismal failure. The talent was piecemeal and came off as ill rehearsed. Each act was crippled by the allencompassing atmosphere of awkwardness perpetuated by the perfect storm of fumbling MCs, acts with little stage presence, and an overall air of disorganization. The event started off interest 1'(02%)',3(.4%51#.%!%$.,&#%/0-%62% Pedro concerning protests over the School of Americas, shed ding light on a military training camp funded by tax payers that has produced many of South
America’s most notorious des pots. The event proceeded in a fairly linear downhill manner, proceeding with the acoustic songs of Max Ross, throwing in a selfpenned tune concerning the accepting of a friend regard less of their sexuality with a few politically overt covers from Elvis 7,$#)00,%!'*%89:%;.)%/&$#%.!0+% ended with a fairly uncalled for karaoke performance. After an intermission, the program continued with another $.,&#%/0-4%#.1$%#1-)%",'")&'1'(% Food Not Bombs, a fairly basic and informative documentary, but not much more than that. The /'!0)%,+%'1(.#4%",'#1'31'(%51#.%#.)% precedent, had little continuity with the rest of the acts. Despite being admittedly a last minute call, the comedy duo was prob ably the most entertaining part of the evening. Whether that is sad or not remains unclear. The Art of Healing is an event that has a lot of potential. With some more selective talent and bit more organization, it could be a popular and wellexecuted event. This year, however, did little in the way of healing.
The Chronicle
!"#$%&'"()*+%",*#($)%-($.%+/%"#0($.%.#*,) By Cody Heintz ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER
The king of racing sims is back and is well worth the wait. Gran Turismo 5, which was !"#$%&''()'*+,%&$%-../0#%123% Electronic Entertainment Expo, has been long awaited since the showing of PS3 and Vision Gran Turismo at E3 2005. This Gran Turismo game has a large collection of cars and tracks. The game comes shipped with 72 racing tracks and a collection of over 1000 playable cars, and this edition comes with licenses from professional racing circuits, like 4&#*&"3%5("%$6+%!"#$%$78+%7'%$6+% series. As usual with the series, the visuals for the series are top notch and the attention to detail is impressive. The bad thing is that premium cars are the only cars that come with an interior view and are vastly more visu ally pleasing than the standard cars. However, the eye to detail is still fairly impressive as every
little thing about the vehicles is brought out – from the shine to the depth of the rendering done on the cars. Also what makes the visuals element even more impressive, is the damage system. The crashes and damage done to the cars use realistic physics, but they are also detailed as to what parts of the car fall off, and how the cars run after crashing. There are also many minor details that are displayed during races such as 97:6$7':%"+;+*$#%&',%$6+%<(#7$7('% of the sun to the car. Even though the details and graphics of this installment are above average, what makes this game one of the best racing games is the gameplay and driv ing controls. The uniqueness of each car and the improved racing controls are excellent elements to this game, and helps the series retain the exceptional gameplay that has become known to previ ous GT games. Each racetrack has its own unique character istics such as different lengths,
By Bryan Menegus
and a different the amount of turns. Each car handles like a real automobile, which increases the realism in the game and makes the experience even more memorable. The multiplayer mode is fan tastic as it allows up to 16 players
is a must buy. The amount of custom parts that can be added to the cars is enormous and players can spend hours trying $(%!',%$6+%?+#$%*('!:)"&$7('%5("% your car.
Photo Courtesy of granturismo.com
The Gran Turismo series of video games debuted it latest release to long awaiting fans.
Grade: B+
Grade: A-
Atlas Sound- Bedroom Databank Vol. 4
Savage Brewtality- The Last Slice
If songwriting is like child birth, then Bedroom Databank is a handful of Bradford Cox’s (of Deerhunter fame) abor tions, posted on his blog for free consumption. A collec tion of wandering, halfawake tracks—more like ideas rather than ‘songs’—Databank mean ders and groans with ambient insincerity. Still, even Cox’s abortions are a great deal more interesting than many like minded artists’ serious efforts. The more electronic songs tend towards Joan of Arc’s heyday, while the acoustic patches liken a lilting Elliot Smith; Databank is a sleepy winter excursion recommended for fans of Cox’s previous work. RIYL: Deerhunter, Joan of Arc
to play at a time. Also, the online 8)9$7<9&=+"%7#%;&>9+##%?+*&)#+% the amount of lag is almost non existent and offers a new experi +'*+%$(%$6+%#$&',&",%@"$7!*7&9% Intelligence. in GT games. For those people that are GT fans or enjoy racing games, this
As one of practically thou sands of bands to come out of the punk rock Mecca of Gainesville, FL, Savage Brewtality set themselves aside by being louder, harder, sloppier and more irreverent than most. The Last Slice begins with a hearty chant of “let’s get drunk and have some fun” before segueing into “WWZJD”, which stands for What Would Zombie Jesus Do. Those who like the sound of old hardcore bands but detest its often omnipres +'$%#+95A"7:6$+()#'+##%>799%!',% themselves ready to mosh and laugh along with fullintensity songs about Sunday bar beques, nachos and just getting hammered. RIYL: Dillinger Four, Minor Threat
Grade: B-
Grade: C
No Trigger- Be Honest
Smashing PumpkinsTeargarden by Kaleidoscope Vol. 2: The Solstice Bare
No Trigger are among those leaping onto melodic hardcore bandwagon, but thankfully they do it well, as evidenced by their new twosong EP Be Honest, and Punknews’ erstwhile claim of their being “the best unsigned band in America”. Like a cleanthroated Shook Ones or a poppier Title Fight, No Trigger focus their efforts on a driving beat, constant shifts in melody and of course, the allimportant breakdown. Be Honest%7#%$6+%!"#$%8&$+"7&9%5"(8% No Trigger since their debut LP Canyoneer, but fans can be thankful that this most recent EP supports of a forthcoming sophomore effort schedules for 2011. RIYL: None More Black, Shook Ones
Yes, that really is the (aston ishingly selfindulgent) title of this foursong EP, one of many forthcoming Teargardens which are intended to culmi nate at a whopping 44 songs. Billy Corgan, up to his old egotistical tricks. What’s most shocking isn’t the scope of the project, but the shift in sound: for heroes of what was once “90s alt”, Teargarden seems $(%,"&>%&%9($%(5%7';)+'*+% from classic rock. What that really means is that it all feels pretty tired. Even if this project comes to fruition, Corgan will have built a Xanadu that no one cares about. RIYL: Zwan, The Beatles
The Chronicle
!"#$%&'()&*+,%-&.-/012&'++%34+1&5()6%&7#389#3 By Lisa DiCarlucci ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR
Love and Other Drugs!"#"$%&" which seems to exist solely to showcase the delightful chemis try of Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway, is an indie drama masquerading as a mass market romcom. '()"$%&!"*+,)-.)*"/0"1*2#,*" Zwick, from a screenplay by Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz and Charles Randolph, follows the same plot contrivances as any romantic comedy: Jamie, the cal lous leading man with a penchant 34,"/)#5.+35%"24&)6"$6*7".,5)" love in Maggie, a sexy, bohemian artist. But here’s the indie award bait kicker: she’s in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease Jamie is a pharmaceutical salesman, but this is yet another plot contrivance, mattering solely to set the two up. Jamie, posing as a intern with a doctor played by Hank Azaria, views her naked breast as part of a medical check 589"'()"$%&"+7"/#7)*"%447)%0"46" Jamie Reidy’s book Hard Sell: The Life of a Viagra Salesman, yet it has very little to do with pharmaceutical sales, and he
doesn’t start selling Viagra until nearly the end. This is no Up in the Air, which was both a com mentary on modern business and a romance. Hathaway will nodoubt garner another Oscar nomina tion, though she’s done much /)..),"24,:"+6"$%&7"%+:)"The Devil Wears Prada and Rachel Getting Married. Gyllenhaal is affable as ever, though not nearly sleazy enough. Azaria is wasted; so too is Oliver Platt, as Jamie’s sales man colleague. Josh Gad plays Gyllenhaal’s obnoxious internet millionaire brother who seems to come from and act in another movie entirely. Zwick and his cowriters have 64"+*)#"2(#.":+6*"43"#"$%&".()0;,)" making. It seems like they wanted to create the next Up in the Air, but the studio heads told them they didn’t want another one of those. So, no matter how many closeups there are of Maggie’s quivering hand as she tries to operate a pair of scissors or zip her coat or open a pill bottle or pour a glass of vodka or drop said glass, true love prevails, ill ness be damned.
Photo Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox
Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal fall for eachother despite challenges in Love and Other Drugs
Heather Locklear has been hospitalized in California for bacterial infection. A representative said she is doing well and on antiobiotics.
A tabloid recently reported that Britney Spears has suffered physical abuse from her current boyfriend, Jason Trawick. Spears denies all of these allegations.
Wesley Snipes is going to prison soon. The actor is going to serve a three-year sentence for failing to pay taxes.
Jon Gosselin, former dad-star of the show Jon and Kate Plus Eight, has recently found a job. It is in the technology field and not related to media or reality television in any way.
The Chronicle
6 Rules of Holiday Fashion By Matt Scotto Features Editor
3 Rule #1: Peacoats make great gifts. The one we chose from Aeropostale won’t put a huge hole in your wallet, !"#$%&!#'()*$%(+,#-#."*%(*'(/#-!#-#0$1%#1"/#-#1/$(*'2#34(#'"56+(7 breasted options give it a military look which is a huge trend this year.
Rule #2: Quirky accessories are the perfect gift for an accessories junkie. This chain belt from Zara is quirky with its lion design, but doesn’t go over the top. Plus, belts are perfect for cinching dresses at the waist, making a perfect silhouette.
Rule #3:
If you can’t decide on a color, go neutral! Many neutral colors can blend with any "5%)%8#!"#%4(#9$.4-(+#:"/!#%"%(#;(#.4"!(#$!#-#0/(-%#"<%$"*#1"/#%4(#."+"/74-%(/!2#3"%(!# -+!"#=->(#-;(!"=(#0$1%!#1"/#-#!%5'(*%8#-!#%4(,#-/(#5!5-++,#6$0#(*"504#%"#)%#,"5/#6"">!# as well as the essentials.
Rule #4: Booties are the winter shoe. They protect your feet better than opentoed shoes and come in a huge variety of styles. Shoes with embellishments, like these BCBD heels -/(#0/(-%#1"/#=->$*0#!%-%(=(*%!#-*'#-''#%4-%#(?%/-#@""=<4A#%"#,"5/#"5%)%2#
Rule #5:
A party girl and a sparkly clutch go hand in hand (no pun intended). Wanna know why we chose this one from Zara? Sequins brighten you up, and multicolored sequins are what’s hot right now, and make for an awesome statement piece.
Rule #6: Cardigans are the new turtleneck, and are essential for a winter "5%)%2#34(#6(!%#%4$*0#$!#%4-%#%4(,#."=(#$*#(B(/,#!%,+(#$=-0 inable, so the options are endless! Cozy up in this striped cardigan we chose from Old Navy!
5 1) Solid Wool Peacoat, Aeropostale ($49.75); aeropostale.com 2) Chain Belt, Zara ($29.90); zara.com 3) Item Tote in Suede, Michael Kors ($198); macys.com 4) Camina Ankle Boot, BCBG ($84.99); heels.com 5) Pailletes Billfold, Zara ($59.90); zara.com 6) Boyfriend Cardigan, Old Navy ($39.50); oldnavy.com
The Chronicle
!"#$%&'()(*+,'-".%/")'0$#1'2.%3)'4%&'+5"',+(6" By Katie Webb SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE
The songs of Pink Floyd, commonly characterized as psychedelic or progressive rock, have captivated the senses and opened the minds of music enthusiasts all over the world for decades. Band member Roger Waters wrote a screenplay based off of the lyrics of their album The Wall, which was turned into the !"#$%&'()%Pink Floyd The Wall. Merging together live action *+,%*+-(*.-/+)%.0-1%(21-3*'%&'()% directed by Alan Parker and illustrated by Gerald Scarfe, uses mixed media to portray the &3.-/+*'%'-45%/4%6'/7,8% 905%&'(%:5;/';51%*:/2+,% his character, a rock star who struggles to break down the metaphorical wall he has built up around himself, alienating himself from everyone in his life. Both .05%&'(%*+,%<-+=%6'/7,1%(21-3% profoundly inspired Hofstra stu dent Paul Tiesler, so much so that it inspired his senior practicum. The debut performance was held at the Spiegel Theater on Nov. 30. Staying true to the *:.-1.-3%5,>5%/4%.05%&'()%?-:53./:% Tiesler projected choice graphic and evocative scenes from the
&'(%*1%*%@*3=,:/A%./%.05%*3.-+>8%% The musical begins with 12 &>2:51%1-'5+.'7%B*'=-+>%/+./%.05% stage and posing in statuesque, albeit almost dejected, forms. All .05%&>2:51%*:5%,:5115,%3/(A'5.5 ly in black, with the exception of the mother who is symbolically dressed in red to stand out. In a Tarantinoesque style, the plot starts at the end with rock star Pink unresponsive, presumably passed out from a drug overdose, or even dead, in a hotel room. Then the plot jumps back to the adolescent years of Pink’s life. Chris Wentworth played Pink, a demanding role requiring him to express a range of emotions from withdrawn to psychotic to deliri ous. He played the part master fully, transforming throughout the play from a boy so suffocated by his mother’s overbearing presence that he literally falls ./%.05%>:/2+,%-+%3/2>0-+>%&.1)% to a famous singer who attacks a groupie in a deranged state. Adding to the depth of the role, Wentworth sings in a chaotic tone with disturbed bulging eyes, and even goes as far as to mockingly deride the audience. The rest of the cast also greatly enhances the drama of the story, playing small essential &>2:51%-+%<-+=C1%'-45%.0*.%'5*,%0-(%
to his psychotic break. By far, the most interesting part of the piece is the juxtaposi .-/+%/4%.05%&'(%3'-A1%*+,%.05%'-;5% acting. Anyone who has not seen .05%&'(%B/2',%(/1.%'-=5'7%@5%*% bit confused by the adaptation without the clips. However, for example, when Pink is alluding to the absence of his father, the backdrop of war combat explains to the audience his father died as a soldier. The scene of a man drowning in what looks like blood and the deformed cartoon characters, in particular, intensify the mood of the play, giving it an eccentric, almost grotesque vibe. Another high point in the musical, of course, is the music. Alltime classics like “Another Brick in the Wall,” and “Is There Anybody Out There?” are two of the most powerful songs. They are performed as Pink realizes the adults in his life are trying to control him, and that everyone has abandoned him. The recur ring themes of isolation and alien ation in his life are the key factors leading to his mental break down. All in all, this musical has an impressive cast of actors, a dedi cated production team and an exceptional selection of music.
Sean M. Gates/ The Chronicle
Chris Wentworth stars as Pink in Paul Tiesler’s senior practicum.
Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons
“It’s a Wonderful Life” is a classic holiday favorite.
The holidays are just around the bend and soon we’ll all be at
home setting up our Christmas trees or Chanukah menorah or what have you. So while you’re drinking your eggnog or hot chocolate and setting up for all
sorts of festivities, you’ll need an equally festive soundtrack. Here are a few suggestions from my personal catalog of holiday favorites: 1. “Christmas Time Is Here” A classic tune off of the Vince Guaraldi Trio soundtrack for A Charlie Brown Christmas, this song is classic Christmas. For a more modern version, look for song as done by Belle and Sebastian or Gatsby’s American Dream. 2. “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” Full of spirit of the season with a touch of John Lennon, this applies the whole “and good will to men” theme in a broad sense. 3. “Merry Christmas Baby” – A great song to play for the one you’re happy to spending Christmas with (or sad to be missing). You can go with Charles Brown ballad or the upbeat take from Bruce Springsteen and The
E Street Band. 4. “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” – Nothing wrong with a little bit of lament to break up the seasonal cheer. U2 does a heartfelt rendition of the song, but my personal favorite is Death Cab for Cutie’s take. 5. “Blue Christmas” – Low and crooning, it’s hard to beat this heartfelt song. The Elvis Presley version is classic stand by, but if you’re in the market for some thing a little bit more yearning, the band Bright Eyes does an admirable remake. 6. “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” – A fun duet remind us that everyone needs a little warmth during the holidays. The adaptation involv ing Ray Charles is both playful and musically well done. Another version worth looking into is a new interpretation from Norah Jones and Willie Nelson. 7. “I’ll Be Home For Christmas
(If Only In My Dreams) “ – It’s hard to beat Old Blue Eyes for the holidays. This Frank Sinatra classic never seems to get too old. 8. “It’s Christmas! Let’s Be Glad!” – A distillation of what Christmas should mean in today’s culture. Sufjan Stevens has penned a short and simple song about being glad, even if the year has been bad. 9. “Christmas of Love” – This jaunty song from Little Isidore & The Inquisitors is perfect for dancing around the Christmas tree or just having a good time in general. 10. “River” – Originally penned by Joni Mitchell, my favorite ver sion comes from Herbie Hancock featuring Corinne Bailey Rae on vocals. Rae’s voice brings out the beauty in this somber tune, while Hancock’s playing gives this deli cate song a tender treatment.
The Chronicle
Photo Courtesy of radiocity.com
!"#$%&&%'(#")&*)+%(#,%%-.+/(!01*"(2*&3(&-01*&*") By Briana D’Alesandro SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE
Christmas is here at Radio City Music Hall with the annual arrival of the Rockettes and the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. You can feel the holiday season approaching. There is no better way to gain a little holiday cheer than to see the Christmas Spectacular. !"#$%"&'$(%$)**#+$'(,"$,'#*-#$ different numbers that are not necessarily related directly. Each number features a small dancing ensemble, a chorus of six people,and, of course, the famous Rockettes. There is no way to describe the Rockettes
other than breathtaking. Each dancer is perfectly in sync with the other performers on stage, and each of their moves are crisp and sharp. Though some steps are frequently repeated through out the show, the dances are simply amazing and include the famous kick line. The kick line is not only a Rockette tradition, but is also amazing to watch because &.$,"#$/0(+(,1$23+$4#5.#6,$,(7(389$$ The ensemble is also very skill ful, but is perhaps overshadowed by the Rockettes. With such wonderful dancers on stage, it is hard to pay attention to the actors in the background lip sync ing. However, they add to the effect of the show and make the
scenes seem more realistic, and therefore, are an integral part of the show. The cutest ensemble members are the child actors. The “ young girl who plays Clara from the Nutcracker scene will have a bright future in the business, as displayed by her incredible ballet performances. The young boy who plays Ben seemed so excit ed to be on stage that he ador 2:*1$/0::#+$,"5&08"$"(%$*(3#%;$:0,$ with such a cheery audience it didn’t matter.
If you are looking for other reasons to see the Christmas Spectacular you should look no further than the stage ele ments. The Christmas Spectacular uses 3D effects as well as trick mirrors to bring Santa . ” to life which makes “Here Comes Santa Claus” one of the best numbers. The Rockettes’ costumes were as stunning as the women who wore them. During “Sleigh Ride” I was amazed to see their reindeer
There is no way to describe the Rockettes other than breathtaking
costumes equipped with string lights within the costumes them selves. The girls also performed a quick change during “New York at Christmas” while inside a double decker bus that maneuvers itself on stage. In addition, nothing is more surprising than watch ing live camels and sheep being guided on stage during “The Living Nativity.” The Christmas Spectacular is a fantastic show to kick off the holiday season. While those who have seen the show before will recognize almost all of the num bers, it still makes for one of the most wonderful times of the year.
4565('7%#*0/'(+',%-(*)(&,%(2,-*'&80'('%0'") By Jennifer Hillman STAFF WRITER
Photo Courtesy of rockefellercenter.com
The “78th annual Christmas Tree Lighting in Rockefeller Center” aired Tuesday
The Christmas season was rung in a little early this year with two holiday specials on TV this week. ABC gave the stars of country music their own special night to sing classic Christmas songs with a little bit of twang Monday night with “CMA Country Christmas.” Sugarland’s Jennifer Nettles hosted the hour and a half special in which Brad Paisley, Martina McBride, Reba McEntire and others sang about the season of celebrating. NBC followed in ABC’s foot steps the next night with a two hour “78th annual Christmas Tree Lighting in Rockefeller Center.” Singers like Josh Groban, Boyz II Men, Sheryl Crow and Susan Boyle sang renditions of classic Christmas songs. The Radio City Rockettes also preformed during
the special. The interesting difference between these two shows was that one was taped and the other was live. This difference was made very evident. “CMA Country Christmas” was taped and the performances were crisp and clean sounding with no errors to be found. Meanwhile, on the Tree Lighting, Charice, the Filipina teen singer made famous by Oprah, was bewildered when her prerecorded music did not play 2,$)5%,9$<"#$23+$,"#$20+(#36#$ had heard, instead, the end of the Boyz II Men music. David Foster, the piano player accom panying Charice, saved the day by announcing that it was live TV and things like that could happen. Her song started a few seconds later and the show, as they say, went on. Whether taped or live, both specials did what was most important to them: they honored
the troops serving overseas. Both played the same song, “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” in hopes that the troops would be home soon. During the “CMA Country Christmas,” Rascal Flatts sang a special rendition of “I’ll Be Home for Christmas.” The song started with a graphic of a large advent calendar. As the song 45&85#%%#+;$,"#$/24%$&4#3#+$,&$ reveal pictures of the men and women serving overseas. “The 78th annual Christmas Tree Lighting in Rockefeller Center” featured Jessica Simpson singing a special duet with Petty =.)6#5$>&"3$?5(,,9$?5(,,$'2%$4(6@#+$ to sing with Simpson during a mock “American Idol” contest with the troops during Simpson’s USO tour in the Persian Gulf. The better half of his prize was coming home three weeks early to celebrate the holidays with his wife and family.
The Chronicle
!"#$%&"#'()*)++",$"-$.)&/'%"0)1+/)"2/)+1)% By Ryan Broderick EDITOR IN CHIEF
Leslie Nielsen passed away at the age of 84 this week and left behind a legacy of comedy that few can match. In the 80s and 90s, he was the face of the parody genre. His deadpan por trayal of Dr. Rumack in Airplane! led to possibly his most famous role as Lt. Frank Drebin in the Naked Gun franchise. !"#$%"&'%(")*('+,-./,"(+"0/%1)/" Nielsen by my mother when I was in middle school. She took me to a video store (remember those?) and suggested that I might like Airplane!. I did. It was the movie for me that changed the way I looked and thought about humor. The mix of slapstick and sight gags thrown over deadpan humor was revo lutionary for me, even 20 years after it was released. He had the gift that very few comedic actors had, which was the ability to be funny regardless of the material. His aloof face, his completely straight oblivious ness— he was always spot on.
Nielsen started his career as $",'$2$()."$.(+'3")*"&12%"1)4/" Forbidden Planet and later The Poseidon Adventure. But of the chance to play comedies he once (+1,"56/"78"(6$("6/"6$,"&*$119" found his home. After his role in Airplane!, Leslie Nielsen became the face of funny. Naked Gun led to more Naked Gun movies, which led to Dracula: Dead And Loving It, which led to Wrongfully Accussed, which led to 2001: A Space Travesty. As I got older I realized the spoof movies were losing steam, but my love for seeing Nielsen’s familiar face never did. He had already ignited a love of humor in me that has never gone away. It’s strange to say, but Nielsen went before his time. He had been beaten by the end of the golden age of spoofs and his 2+%("'/./*("'+1/%")*"&12%"1)4/" Scary Movie 3, Scary Movie 4 and Superhero Movie denied him the comeback he deserved. For the man of a million one liners, he spent the end of his
career trying to carry the puerile $*,",/'):$():/";)/./%"+<"&1(6" being passed as spoofs. Movies that eventually evolved into the “blank movie” formula (Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, and the like) created by the enemies of modern comedy Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. It’s heart breaking, it’s not fair and it’s a tragedy. With every role he’d pop up in was the hope that maybe he’d turn it around and come back to comedy. Maybe the world was ready for smart parody, maybe he’d get the Bill Murray treatment and be given a second chance. =$9>/"%+2/"9+-*?"&122$4/'%" would realize he was the perfect &("<+'"$"*/#"$?/"+<";$'+,9@ But he never did. He worked steadily until the end of his life, but never in the spotlight like he had in the 80s and 90s. It’s a shame but now all we can do is celebrate the work he left behind, an astounding $2+-*(3"+:/'"ABB"&12%"$*,"A3CBB" televisions shows. Goodbye Mr. Nielsen and it’s
terrible to see you go in such a way. Of course, I think he put it better. “A parachute not open ing... that’s a way to die. Getting
caught in the gears of a com bine... having your nuts bit off by a Laplander, that’s the way I wanna go!”
Photo Courtesy of creative commons
Leslie Nielsen passed away on Sunday at the age of 84.
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The Chronicle
Celebrating 75 years
BOYS GIRLS PARTIES DRINKING DRUGS CLASS SUCKS greek life fraternities sororities greasy food late nights roommates dorms papers bars BOYS GIRLS PARTIES DRINKING DRUGS CLASS SUCKS greek life fraternities sororities greasy food late nights roommates dorms papers barsBOYS GIRLS PARTIES DRINKING DRUGS CLASS SUCKS greek life fraternities sororities greasy food late nights roommates dorms papers barsBOYS GIRLS PARTIES DRINKING DRUGS CLASS SUCKS greek life fraternities sororities greasy food late nights roommates dorms papers barsBOYS GIRLS PARTIES DRINKING DRUGS CLASS SUCKS greek life fraternities sororities greasy food late nights roommates dorms papers barsvBOYS GIRLS PARTIES DRINKING DRUGS CLASS SUCKS greek life fraternities sororities greasy food late nights roommates dorms papers barsBOYS GIRLS PARTIES DRINKING DRUGS CLASS SUCKS greek life fraternities sororities greasy food latenights roommates dorms papers barsBOYS GIRLS PARTIES DRINKING DRUGS CLASS SUCKS greek life fraternities sororities greasy food late nights roommates dorms papers barsBOYS GIRLS PARTIES DRINKING DRUGS CLASS SUCKS greek life food late nights roommates dorms papers barsBOYS GIRLS PARTIES DRINKING DRUGS CLASS SUCKS greek life fraternities sororities greasy food late nights roommates dorms papers barsBOYS GIRLS DRUGS CLASS SUCKS greek life fraternities
!"##$%&'(%')(*+',+(-"..(+/.'&((0'.$0" By Megan Walsh STAFF WRITER
The fall semester is almost over, Thanksgiving break has come and gone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12"%"'(%'345,*.6'74)0"%'8(%& By Grace Gavilanes STAFF WRITER
The Chronicle:&>+#*&,%&.)2'&3#E)'K 3,")'= Kayden:&L<3&#&M,)$)6.&3#E)'7 The Chronicle:&N)-&-)2$/&.)2& /(%5',;(&.)2'&%*.$(= Kayden: L&-)2$/&/(!",*($.&/(%5',;(&3.& style as comfortable and simple. Nothing L&-(#'&,%&*))&;#66.&)'&*))&*,6+*7 The Chronicle:&>+#*&-)2$/&.)2&5)" %,/('&*)&;(&.)2'&%,6"#*2'(&,*(3= Kayden:&L&0)52%&)"&)2*('-(#'7&H&5#'/, 6#"&)'&#&+))/,(&-)2$/&!*&*+#*&/(%5',4*,)"& perfectly. The Chronicle: >+)&,"%4,'(%&.)2'&%*.$(& #"/&-+.= Kayden: Everyone inspires my style. If L&%((&%)3()"(&*+#*&L&1")-:&)'&%)3()"(& L&%((&)"&*+(&%*'((*&-(#',"6&%)3(*+,"6& *+#*&L&*+,"1&-,$$&$))1&6))/&)"&3(:&*+("&L&6)& #"/&*'.&,*&)2*&*)&%((&,0&,*&!*%&)'&(A5((/%&3.& personal taste and comfort level. The Chronicle: >+('(&,%&.)2'&0#9)',*(& 4$#5(&*)&%+)4&#"/&-+.= Kayden:&D9('%(#%:&;(5#2%(&)0&*+(& (A5$2%,9("(%%7&L0&L&;2.&%)3(*+,"6&,"&
Photo Courtesy of Grace Gavilanes Kayden keeps it simple but stylish by wearing a cardigan and his signature pea coat. H2%*'#$,#:&+)-&3#".&4()4$(&/)&.)2&*+,"1& L&-,$$&'2"&,"*)&,"&O(-&P)'1&-,*+&*+(&%#3(& )2*!*&)'&#'*,5$(&)0&5$)*+,"6=
)"&5$)*+,"67&M2*:&*+(&3)%*&(A4("%,9(&*+,"6& *+#*&L<9(&4');#;$.&;)26+*&-)2$/&+#9(&*)& be my pea coat.
The Chronicle: What are the least and 3)%*&(A4("%,9(&,*(3%&.)2<9(&42'5+#%(/=
The Chronicle:&>+#*&#/9,5(&-)2$/& .)2&6,9(&*)&)*+('&62.%&-+)&#'(&$))1,"6&*)& 24/#*(&*+(,'&-#'/');(=
Kayden:&L*<%&")*&#;)2*&+)-&325+&.)2& 4#.&0)'&.)2'&5$)*+(%Q&L*<%&#;)2*&-+#*&.)2& 0(($&6))/&-(#',"6&#"/&-+#*&.)2<'(&5)3 0)'*#;$(&-,*+&-(#',"67&H&;#%,5&*+,"6&3.& ;')*+('&*#26+*&3(F&%*#'*&-,*+&;#%,5&5)$)'%& and expand from there.
The Chronicle
Celebrating 75 years
!"#$%&'()"*+,)-%.(/0%!"*1$*2+%!"#$ !"#$%&'())(#*+', STAFF WRITER
-(()#)'.(#"/+#&((0#1/2(#%03(&4+5(# '&#"/+5#)'6(7#89(&#45"#:/'&'&;#</6145%=1# */>.#?)'2@'&;#?)+@A#B'49#CD#2(2@(51E# 5(;+)%5)"#1>9(0+)(0#45'F1#4/#5/>.#>)'2@'&;# ;"21#%&0#G((.)"#2((4'&;1E#"/+=))#2%.(# &(G#65'(&01E#;(4#'&#19%F(#%&0#F'>.#+F#%# &(G#9/@@"#%))#%4#/&>(A# 89(#*/>.#?)'2@'&;#?)+@#6/+&0(0#'&#49(# Spring Semester of 2010 by Josh Cohen is a fresh addition to Hofstra. Cohen, >+55(&4)"#%#1(&'/5E#14%54(0#49(#>)+@#'&# order to bring one of his favorite hobbies 4/#>%2F+1A#<(#6()4#</6145%#G%1#)%>.'&;# /+40//5#>)+@1A# 89(#>)+@#G%14(0#&/#4'2(#49'1#"(%5# 14%54'&;#49(#6+&A#H#12%))#;5/+F#/6#</6145%=1# >)'2@(51#9%3(#%)5(%0"#45(..(0#4/#I(G# J%)4,#G9(5(#49("#1F(&4#%#G((.(&0#9'.'&;E# >)'2@'&;#%&0#>%2F'&;A#I/4#4/#G/55"# 49/+;9E#2/5(#45'F1#%5(#%)5(%0"#'&#49(# G/5.1A#?/9(&#'1#>+55(&4)"#1(44'&;#+F#%# hiking trip for December. In order to help 5%'1(#6+&01E#49(#>)+@#@(;%&#49('5#9(2F# @5%>()(4#6+&05%'1'&;#F5/:(>4A#K((F#"/+5# ("(1#/F(&#6/5#G9(&#49(1(#9%&0L2%0(#
Danielle Ruiz/The Chronicle The rock climbing club is hoping to celebrate their love for the hobby with field trips. bracelets go on sale. #M6#"/+#%5(#'&4(5(14(0#'&#49(#>)+@E#@+4# >%&=4#2%.(#49(#N()0#45'F1E#0/&=4#65(4O#89(# >)+@#5(>(&4)"#;%'&(0#F5'3')(;(1#4/#+1(#
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Overheard @ Hofstra Compiled by The Chronicle Staff In class: Student: I think that all parents love their children. Teacher:#H))#F%5(&417 Student: #B())E#2/14#/6#49(2A#89("#:+14# 19/G#'4#'&#0'66(5(&4#G%"1A Teacher:#X9E#)'.(#G'49#%#;+&#%&0#&//1(7
In Bits N’ Bytes: Girl:#M#F5/2'1(E#(3(&#'6#'#9%3(#4/#+&05(11# them myself, they are having sex after formal. In the laundry room: Y+"V#$/#"/+#&((0#%&"#@)%&.#?$17 Y'5)V#M1#49%4#%#F'>.#+F#)'&(7 Outside of Enterprise Y'5)V#B'19#2(#)/41#/6#1(ZO
In the Student Center: Y+"V#X&>(#"/+#;/#4/#?%)'6/5&'%E#"/+#>/2(# back gay. In Dutch Treats: Y+"V#[/2(4'2(1#M#G%4>9#F/5&AAA:+14#4/#>5"A In Hammer Lab: Y+"V#M#%2#G5'4'&;#%#F%F(5#6/5#>)%11 Y'5)V#M=2#%)5(%0"#05+&.A
Overhear something funny? Send it to us! chroniclefeatures@ gmail.com
Find us online at: HofstraChronicle.com Facebook.com/HofstraChronicle Twitter.com/HUChronicle
A 14 December 2, 2010
The Chronicle
Sean M. Gates/The Chronicle Left: Current head coach Mo Cassara will get his first taste of conference play on Saturday against Towson. Right: Tom Pecora’s team in 2009 - 10 started CAA play 2-7.
!"#$%&%#'%()*+,(-.**(/%(+(-0"*%(#%-(+#.1+*($"&(2&.3% By Joe Pantorno ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR
!"#$%&#'%%()*#+,#,-)#./0,#012# 3+4)0#%"#,-)#5%"0,/+#4)670# 8+0(),8+''#0)+0%69#0))163#+#:;:# /)<%/*#=%&'*#6%,#/)+''$#0&/>/10)# +6$%6)?#!,#=+0#)2>)<,)*#,-+,# ,-)#0@&+*#=%&'*#-+A)#+#-+/*# ,14)#16#,-)#5%6*+#B&)/,%#C1<%# D1>#E""9#,-%&3-#1,#>&,#%6#+#0,/%63# 0-%=#+3+160,#F)0,)/6#G)6,&<($# H61A)/01,$#+",)/#8)163#,-&4>)*#8$# ,-)#H61A)/01,$#%"#I%/,-#J+/%'16+?## F-+,#0%4)#4+$#<%601*)/#,-)# 4%0,#*1".<&',#>+/,#%"#,-)#0<-)*&')# %A)/9#K+,&/*+$70#4+,<-&>#+3+160,# D%=0%6#H61A)/01,$#8/1630#+#6)=#
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Hofstra Athletics Calendar Home
THU 12/2
FRI 12/3
SAT 12/4
Vs. Towson
4:00 P.m.
@ Cliff Keen Las Vegas Invitational
@ Cliff Keen Las Vegas Invitational
12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
TUE 12/7
WED 12/8 7:00 P.m.
2:00 P.m.
MON 12/6
@Bingha mton
Vs. Fairfield
SUN 12/5
The Chronicle
!""#$%&&'%()'*+%(,-./0/(.'%12'%'321425#'+"&/)%6'7%#5+ !"'($)*+),*$"&&+-."/*$ /*,*4.&.+'$3?(&$)@+-**B$/+$A*"/$ 01"'2&3.4.'3$5./1$3.4.'3$/1"'2&6$ /+$B*"/1$*4*@($&.'3,*$K",,"&$ 7+5$&.,,($.&$/1"/8$9*&:$;$"<$/1"'2= J+5A+(&$@*,"/*B$&/+@($/1"/$(+?$ >?,$>+@$<($>"<.,(:$ B+'L/$5"'/$/+$1*"@$ A*.'3$1*",/1($ about any more. "'B$1"))($"'B$ 01.&$(*"@$5"&$ 1"4.'3$B*,.-.+?&$ &)*-.",$A*-"?&*$ food on the /1*$M*/&$5*@*$+'$ /"A,*:$A?/$@*",,($ "/$'.31/6$01*@*$ 01"'2&3.4.'3$ .&$'+/1.'3$A*//*@$ &1+?,B$A*$"&&+-.= /1"'$-+,,")&.'3$ "/*B$5./1$>++/A",,6 .'/+$"$,+?'3*$-1".@$ ;/$&/"@/&$*"@,($ ">/*@$*"/.'3$/++$ +'$/1"/$01?@&B"($ <?-1$/+$&**$N"'3$ when the NFL N@**'6$O.@&/$+>$ 3"<*&$"@*$+':$ ",,:$(+?$>**,$1+5$ by !"#$%"&& Sports Editor &/"@/.'3$"/$CDEFG$ P*#$P("'$<?&/$ +@$CEGG$H6!6$9+?$ >**,$*4*@($B"(:$ 3*/$/+$&./$"@+?'B$.'$(+?@$21"2.&$ ),?&$/1*$M*/&$1"4*$A**'$),"(.'3$ "'B$-+,,"@*B$&1.@/$"'B$,"?31$"/$ .'-@*B.A,($-,+&*$3"<*&$"&$+>$,"/*:$ 1+5$)"/1*/.-$/1*$I.+'&$"@*$51.,*$ <"2.'3$/1*<$",,$<?&/=&**&6 /1*$"''+?'-*@&$)@".&*$/1*.@$ P*",,($/1+?31:$01"'2&3.4.'3$ 1*"@/$"'B$)*@&*4*@*'-*6$I"/*@:$ .&$",,$"A+?/$3*//.'3$A"-2$/+3*/1*@$ /1*$J+5A+(&$-+<*$+'$"'B$/1*$ 5./1$>@.*'B&$"'B$),"(.'3$>++/A",,6$
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8"4-#1%'%&97(/'+%0/(.'.12%#'-9552--'/('#+2':!; Q($!"#$%"&& SPORTS EDITOR
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`?*&$J+,&/+':$51+$",@*"B($ /?@'*B$1.<&*,>$.'/+$"$/+)$@*-*.4*@$ ">/*@$A*.'3$&*,*-/*B$.'$/1*$&*4= *'/1$@+?'B6$J+,&/+'$",&+$1"&$"$ %?)*@$Q+5,$@.'3$>@+<$/1*$%".'/&$ -1"<).+'&1.)6 7+>&/@"$1"&$+/1*@$",?<'.$.'$ /1*$)@+&$.'-,?B.'3$V.,,.*$J+,+':$ /1*$.'W?@*B$@.31/$/"-2,*$>+@$/1*$ %/**,*@&$"'B$%/*)1*'$Q+5'$+>$ /1*$J+5A+(&6
Week 12: 5 Combined Tackles
N@")1.-$Q($!.-1"*,"$H")" S%%;%0ST0$H7R0R$\K;0RP
Kyle Arrington
CB New England Patriots Week 12: 6 Receptions, 105 yards
Marques Colston
Week 12: L 17-10 @ Ravens Season Record: 7-4 3rd Place in NFC South
Raheem Morris
Head Coach Tampa Bay Buccaneers
WR New Orleans Saints
A 16 December 2, 2010
The Chronicle
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The Chronicle
!"#$%&'"%'("%)&*+"& ,(#"*#%-$&(*.%"&-+/0&1"%(2 !"#$%&'()'*+#,-'.*// 01233#456175
Sean M. Gates/The Chronicle Above: Junior guard Candice Bellocchio attempts to get into the paint against St. Peter’s. Below right: Freshman guard Kate Loper (31) drives against St. Peter’s..
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The Chronicle
!"#$%&'()*+,$("*%(-'&./0(1".2$("3(.'%-(%"(4-'%(562-& !"#$%&#'%(( SPORTS EDITOR
Sean M. Gates/The Chronicle Senior guard Charles Jenkins (22) scored 19 points against Rider in Lawrenceville, NJ.
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Hofstra at. Rider The Dutchmen’s Downlow “It shows how mature our team is getting. One thing about college basketball is that when you are on the road, you have to be 10 points better no matter what happens. That’s something our young guys showed tonight.”
-Senior guard Charles Jenkins Turning Point
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Back Cover: Junior guard Dwan McMillan against Rider.
Illustration by Sean M. Gates
58 Key Number
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A 20 December 2, 2010
The Chronicle
Moving up
Pride wins two straight after three game skid What should I do?
Women’s basketball !"#!$"#%&'("&)$*"+#,-
Men’s basketball downs Rider
by Matt Napolitano
by Christian Heimall
by Max Sass
A 16
A 18
A 19