Factsheet School of Education (Teacher Training)

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School of Education (Teacher Training) “Masters in education”

Succesvol studeren Om in 4 jaar met succes je Bachelor af te kunnen ronden is voor menige student een flinke uitdaging. Vooral als je wat moeite hebt met de hoge eisen die tegenwoordig aan je taal-en rekenvaardigheden worden gesteld. De Hogeschool Rotterdam heeft voor deze studenten het uitgebreide programma “Studiesucces“ ontwikkeld, met summerschools, peercoaching en bijspijkercursussen. Zo gaan we zoveel als mogelijk is, uitval van onze studenten tegen.

Course overview Bachelor’s degree courses: - Primary Education - Academic Teacher Training Secondary, Vocational and Adult Education: - Geography - General Economics - Business Economics - Biology - German - English - French - History - Social Studies - Physics - Dutch - Technical vocational education - Mathematics Master’s degree courses: - Learning and Innovation - Special Educational Needs (in cooperation with The HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht) Associate degree courses: - Educational Assistance in Technical Vocational Education Research group: - Research Centre for Urban Talent

Collaborative activities: - Training in School learning programmes - Guest lectures - Tailor-made Education - Research through the research centre (supervised by applied research professors) - Projects - Internships (from career exploration to professional preparation) - Strategic contacts and joint activities (educational policy and knowledge development)

“The best education for my child.” What parent does not want that? The Netherlands can still hold its own in the international top-10 rankings for education. It is partly a feat of our education that Dutch children are the happiest in the world. This by no means implies that we can sit back and do nothing, for however good the educational methods, school building, or principal may be, the quality of education can never surpass the quality of the teacher. The teachers are the ones who are responsible for their students’ proper education, who discover their students’ talents and then make them flourish. Well-trained teachers who continue to learn after their graduation are the key to their students’ success. This sets high expectations for teacher training courses. The School of Education is well aware of this social assignment and does its utmost to maintain the highest level of quality for its courses. We offer a clever programme that ensures that our students’ professional knowledge, practical experiences, and personal development receive equal focus. We have, furthermore, integrated Rotterdam’s metropolitan challenges so that our students are well-equipped to pursue their career at any school.

School of Education (Teacher Training) The School of Education of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences provides bachelor’s degree courses in Primary as well as Secondary, Vocational, and Adult Education. We train our students for teaching in primary education, the junior years of higher general and pre-university secondary education, and the entire curriculums of pre-vocational and vocational secondary education. The design of the various teacher training courses is quite similar but, naturally, they differ in knowledge areas, training schools (internships), instructional methods, and educational theories. After all, there is a difference between teaching toddlers and teaching adolescents; they require different qualities. We do, however, collaborate and

exchange knowledge and experiences whenever possible. All the students who complete one of the 4-year courses are awarded a bachelor’s degree and are thereby qualified as teachers. All the teacher training courses are provided both full time and part time. We also work closely together with our own university’s Research Centre for Urban Talent, the Faculty of Education of Erasmus University Rotterdam, and the College for Special Needs Education of the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. We thereby safeguard the exchange between theory, practice, and practice-focused research in all of our courses.

“As a teacher, you can make the difference”

Primary Education

Academic Teacher Training

It is primary school that literally lays the foundations for the further school career. The pressure to have children in primary school achieve the very best results is extremely high. The Department of Primary Education regards it as a great challenge to equip its students for that task. A good knowledge of the Dutch language, arithmetic/mathematics, nature and technology, geography, and history are paramount. A student graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Primary Education is qualified to teach any year in any primary school in the Netherlands. Students may distinguish themselves through a minor course like Inclusive Education, The Language Specialist, Arithmetic and Mathematics, Physical Education, Pre- and Early School Education, Urban Talent, or Early English. They can also opt for the Young Child or Older Child graduation programme. They can, moreover, take the opportunity to obtain the Montessori System Diploma as part of their course, or they can follow the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ that we have developed recently. This is a specialisation for future primary education teachers with an international outlook. Through this programme, they can pursue a career in a primary school that provides bilingual, early or foreign language education, or international schools.

In order to ride the national (and international) trend to have more academically trained teachers in the classroom, we started the Academic Teacher Training Course for Primary Education in 2011. The academic teacher training course is targeted at pre-university secondary education graduates. The course is jointly provided by the Department of Education of Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Department of Primary Education of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. It is a course for students who would not only like to teach, but also who want to have an academic education. After 4 years, they obtain a bachelor’s degree, a pre-master’s degree diploma, and an honours degree. They can then complete the master’s degree course in Pedagogy & Education at Erasmus University Rotterdam in one year.

Secondary, Vocational and Adult Education

Training in School

High-quality teaching in secondary (vocational) education sets high demands on the teacher. Apart from a good knowledge of their subject and the associated teaching methods, it requires good educational skills. The current student, especially in a major city like Rotterdam, calls for an increasingly more personal approach. The bachelor’s degree courses in Secondary/Vocational and Adult Education are fully designed to meet these requirements. Based on the maxim that “every teacher is a language teacher”, all the students enrolled in one of these courses is examined as to their level of language proficiency. Those who need it are offered the possibility of tailor-made language support throughout their studies via the university’s Language Centre.

There are various ways to become a teacher. One is the route where a great part of the course takes place in the actual educational setting: Training in School (TiS), also referred to as “work-based learning”. The (teaching) practice in an affiliated training school plays an even more important role here than in the regular full-time programme. The internships in the TiS programme are more intensive in terms of both their duration and the requirements set. The learning programme is a close cooperation between our School of Education and six certified training schools: Rotterdam Training School, Voorne Putten Rozenburg schools, Training School for Western Brabant, Training School for Dordrecht and surroundings, Zadkine Spijkenisse Training School, Haaglanden Training School, Nieuwe Waterweg Noord, and Zeeland Training School. The programme aims to allow students to become acquainted with the setting of their future profession and to safeguard the continuity of education. A particular feature of the programme is that TiS students are working in the professional practice twice as long, especially in their first two years.

“Mastership and Craftsmanship”

International collaboration Training in, and for, the international and multicultural (port) city of Rotterdam requires our future teachers to acquire specific competences. That is why we attach great value to our students and teaching staff gaining international experience and knowledge. In order to put this value into practice, we have built an international network of teacher training providers abroad, so that we all are able to exchange students and staff. Our school is, for instance, a member of the European Teacher Education Network and the Kastalia Network. We have, furthermore, signed collaboration agreements with a number of sister organisations

within and outside Europe, such as the Linköping University in Sweden, the Pedagogische Hochschule in Zürich, Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool in Antwerp, the University of Indiana in Pennsylvania, and the Institito Pedagogico Arubano at Aruba. We also jointly organise international comparisons of relevant subjects, such as examination programmes. For students from abroad, we organise an annual International Class in order to share, at the student level, all the knowledge of special education in an international context.

Master’s degree course in Learning and Innovation

S.V. GIO This is a programme that allows children in the last two years of primary schools in Rotterdam to work at their personal development like a top athlete. During a 20-week after-school sports and learning programme, children play sports and deal with whatever they find difficult in school. At S.V. GIO, they are given a good shot, so that they begin their secondary education with the proper kit. Self-confidence and self-awareness are essential here. That is why all the children at S.V. GIO are allocated their own coach – including students in the 2nd year of the bachelor’s degree course in Primary Education. Maritime Museum Project. By the assignment of the Maritime Museum in Rotterdam, students enrolled in the bachelor’s degree course in Primary Education organise a programme for large groups of 4-12-year olds. The result is a smashing five-day educational programme filled with educational activities that the children will never forget.

The School of Education offers working teachers who wish to acquire wider or more in-depth knowledge of education a master’s degree course in Learning and Innovation. This 2-year part-time course has seen a considerable number of innovative education professionals graduate over the past few years.

Collaborating with the School of Education A close working relationship with schools and educational partners is essential to our institute. After all, learning in practice comprises a major part of any of our courses. We have signed long-term collaboration agreements with various school boards. The Department of Secondary Education/Adult and Vocational Education cooperates with schools in the regions of Rotterdam and the Hague as well as in Zeeland and Western Brabant. These contracts include clear agreements about the deployment of students, our joint training, the qualities of the training schools, and knowledge exchange. Institutions of an educational nature may approach us whenever they need the active participation of students in research, or curriculum development or implementation. Our students are closely involved in a number of urban projects, such as:

Students in the bachelor’s degree courses in Secondary Education/Vocational and Adult Education can be asked for homework support for secondary school students or to get involved in youth work activities. Naturally, it will be determined in mutual consultation whether, and how, our students can meet such a request.

Research Centre for Urban Talent

Centre of Expertise for Social Innovation

Not only discovering but also developing students’ talents is currently the biggest issue in the national and international educational field. The insight that ‘educating’ is mainly about ‘the student’s learning’ implies that we should acquire more knowledge as to the potential of people and the way they learn – and, therefore, which strategies you can apply and which circumstances you should take into account as a teacher. The Research Centre for Urban Talent of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences has been established especially for this purpose. The research centre comprises a group of applied research professors and senior teachers who devote their time and attention to feeding the courses of the Schools of Education and Social Work with relevant knowledge that can, moreover, be quickly applied in practice. Four research programmes have been defined:

We collaborate with our university’s Centre of Expertise for Social Innovation. This organisation concentrates on relevant social developments in Rotterdam. In the next few years, the focus will be on the national programme for the RotterdamZuid District, of which the long-term Children’s Zone project instigated by the Rotterdam Council is of great importance to us. Within this project, we can see opportunities to learn from schools in areas where social problems are mounting up.

Parental involvement in education Community School High-Risk Youth Continuous Language Learning Programme The Research Centre for Urban Talent also provides the master’s degree course in Urban Education.

Assessment Centre We also have our very own Assessment Centre that can arrange for various educational assessments: • • • • • •

Intake assessments for lateral entry and un(der)qualified teachers Integral HRM policy assessment Assessments for new students Assessments for establishing the higher education level of educational staff Teaching trainee and starter qualification assessments for students Assessor training courses (starter course and certification course)


Facts en figures:

International coordinators, Department of Secondary Education Vocational and Adult Education / Primary Education:

Number of students: 3,733

Mr. Pieter Goudappel (SE) Ms. Janneke Verloop (SE) Mr. Gerard Reitsma (SE/PE) Ms. Mieke Hilster-Verhart (PE)

Courses: • 13 regular courses, both full-time and part-time • 1 associate degree course (part-time) • 1 master’s degree course (part-time) • Academic Teacher Training (full-time) • Concise teacher training course for students with relevant prior higher education • Lateral entry programmes for all the courses and fast-track curriculums (2 years) for various courses

p.goudappel@hr.nl j.f.verloop-meijer@hr.nl g.m.reitsma@hr.nl m.j.verhart@hr.nl

RUAS, School of Education Teacher Training Mseumpark 40 P.O. Box 25035 3001 HA Rotterdam The Netherlands

Number of staff: 317

nieke onderwijskundig model van de Hogeschool Rotterdam ,waarbij de facetten vakkennis, praktijkervaring en persoonlijke ontwikkeling in de bachelor-studie gelijk verdeeld zijn.


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