Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences - International Brochure - Hogeschool van Amsterdam, HvA

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School of Design and Communication


School of Economics and Management


School of Education


School of Health Professions


School of Social Work and Law


School of Sports and Nutrition


School of Technology


Student Facilities


International programmes




INTRODUCTION BY JET BUSSEMAKER Amsterdam is a very diverse, cosmopolitan city, where people of no less than 175 different nationalities live and work alongside each other. Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS/HvA) perfectly reflects this eclectic diversity. Our identity is based on typical Amsterdam character traits such as guts, ambition, creativity, hospitality and an inexhaustible spirit of enterprise. AUAS/HvA trains the professionals of tomorrow. Our graduates have open and inquisitive minds, they thrive on diversity and they possess all of the knowledge and skills required to excel in their professional field. Amsterdam is a hotbed of education and research in all conceivable areas: culture and society, trade, logistics, aviation, shipping, ICT, sport, health care, education and many, many more. We take full advantage of this wealth of opportunities in order to provide the best possible education and produce cutting-edge research. Practically oriented research is an important component of the educational programmes offered by AUAS/HvA, each of which relates to one or more research disciplines. Our research always addresses a real-world problem from the professional field, and we conduct it in close collaboration with both academics and professionals working in this particular discipline. Our close cooperation with the University of Amsterdam is particularly valuable for these purposes. AUAS/HvA programmes offer students a clear perspective of the professional field and the working environment in which their future careers will unfold. Students gain a great deal of their knowledge from practical work, via work placements, projects, research and labs. This demands a great deal of independence, although they also receive intensive supervision throughout the programmes of their development. During this learning process, contact with lecturers, fellow students and people from their future profession is crucial, as interaction with other people is vital to education. Students participate in various

groups and networks as part of the programme, both within AUAS/HvA and in the outside world. In this way, they come in contact with new ideas and opinions, and they learn to approach problems from a variety of perspectives. After all, Amsterdam may be a world in itself, but there is more to the world than just Amsterdam. Jet Bussemaker Rector, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

QUICK FACTS - Âą 43,000 students and 3,200 employees - Seven schools, offering more than 80 bachelor and masters programmes - 250 partner institutes all over the world - Joint Executive Board with the University of Amsterdam - Competence-based and innovative education - Professional orientation and applied research - Strong links with Amsterdam and the surrounding area


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In 1993, AUAS/HvA came into existence when a number of independent schools, some of which date back to the 19th century, merged. It is currently the largest university of applied sciences in the Netherlands. AUAS/HvA’s motto is Creating Tomorrow. Our mission is to nurture our students’ talent, to help them discover their true potential, and to offer individual guidance to get the very most out of themselves.



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COOPERATION WITH BUSINESS COMMUNITY/INSTITUTIONS AUAS/HvA has close ties with many different companies in the Greater Amsterdam region. AUAS/HvA works with businesses of all shapes and sizes, from banks to care centres and from multinationals to small-scale family businesses. AUAS/HvA regularly works together with companies and organisations to provide case studies for students and to obtain research assignments. AUAS/HvA also likes to involve companies in the Excellence Programme, providing talented students with challenging real-life case studies. We also use our links with companies to arrange guest lecturers and job-application training.

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ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY CONTROL All AUAS/HvA programmes are accredited by the NVAO (Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders). AUAS/HvA endorses the Code of Conduct for International Students in Dutch Higher Education, which constitutes a pledge of quality for all students.


Some programmes focus on a specific area, for example sports, health care or the corporate sector. These can be found at other AUAS/HvA locations in Amsterdam that are specifically suited to such programmes. Regular contact and exchange of information are the central focus at each location, not only between students, lecturers and staff, but also with the local neighbourhoods and the city of Amsterdam.

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It is a dynamic and stimulating location which brings students, lecturers, staff and local residents closer together. Students will venture into the local neighbourhoods to conduct projects and research, and to make a contribution to society. At the same time, companies and institutions seek to settle in the vicinity of this research and knowledge development centre.

15% Social Work and Law

12% Tech

LOCATIONS AUAS/HvA is building a unique campus in the city centre: the Amstel campus. The Amstel campus will be a true city campus which unites education within AUAS/HvA.

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INTERNATIONAL ORIENTATION The business sector needs graduates who can work within an international context. For this reason, AUAS/HvA works hard to internationalise the curricula, offering both students and lecturers a basis to develop international and intercultural professional competences. As a result, internationalisation is integrally embedded in the educational and research activities of our schools. AUAS/HvA continually seeks collaboration with international higher education institutions who can contribute to this quality impulse. With over 250 partner institutes spread over 50 countries, AUAS/HvA contributes to all manner of educational projects, such as curriculum development, research projects, student/lecturer exchanges and work placements within the international working field. This ensures that the education provided by AUAS/HvA is truly internationally oriented.

‘Internationalisation is a key component of the policies, education and research at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.’ Hans de Wit, Professor of Internationalisation of Higher Education, Centre for Applied Research on Economics and Management (CAREM)

APPLIED RESEARCH The research conducted at AUAS/HvA is practical scientific research. It is practical because the research relates to real-life cases and problems in the business sector. The goal of the research is both improvement and innovation of professional practice. The research produced is of high quality, and the research structure and methodology satisfy all necessary criteria with regard to diligence, reliability, controllability, impartiality and independence. Professors (lectors) play an important role in development of the research and research policy. As part of the research programmes, professors work together with lecturers, students and external researchers to operationalise research within the discipline in question. AUAS/HvA has 37 professors spread across the seven schools. We also have more than 174 lecturer/researchers and nearly 525 students participating in AUAS/HvA research.

‘Part-time students often have a job and a family, and consequently cannot simply drop everything and go abroad. We therefore try to simulate the foreign experience via virtual mobility. We pair up AUAS/HvA students with fellow students from, for example, Denmark or the US. Via Skype and Facebook, they carry out assignments together and learn from each other. It’s great when they reach that ‘Eureka’ moment, when they finally come to realise how marketing, communication etc. is conducted in another country. It is a very effective educational tool.’ Sander Schroevers, lecturer in Cross Cultural Business Skills EXAMPLES OF RESEARCH PROGRAMMES IN THE VARIOUS SCHOOLS INCLUDE: - School of Design and Communication - IT in daily life - School of Economics and Management - Innovation and participation in the knowledge economy - School of Education - Pedagogic functions - School of Health Professions - Tailor-made health care - School of Social Work and Law - Community Care - School of Sports and Nutrition - Effective weight management - School of Technology - Airport Seaport

EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AUAS/HvA feels that it is important to discover, encourage and develop talent. Our educational system is practice-oriented and geared towards the students’ personal wishes, talents and ambitions. AUAS/HvA uses a problem solving approach that fosters and encourages innovation, individual initiatives and responsibility. Our classes have 30 or fewer students, and these students are taught in a multitude of ways. Traditional lectures are combined with more interactive tutorials and exciting project work. Foreign students will note that the approach to education in the Netherlands is very different from the practices in their own countries. By means of integrated projects, the students enjoy a great deal of freedom and responsibility in establishing their own learning process under the supervision of the lecturers. This prepares them for their future working life and maximises their talents. ECTS Each module at AUAS/HvA is worth a certain number of ECTS credits. ECTS stands for ‘European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System’, and was developed as part of European Union programmes to promote student mobility. It functions as an internationally recognised standard for describing and weighting modules, intended to facilitate exchanges of students (particularly between EU member states). The ECTS is based on the complete workload for the average student, including lecture attendance, practical work, personal study and revision for exams. In the ECTS, one credit represents 25-30 hours of work, and the standard workload for one year is 60 credits. The AUAS/HvA offers four-year bachelor programmes (240 ECTS) as well as masters programmes (60 or 90 ECTS).

‘The School of Economics and Management fully supports US Senator Fulbright’s* statement that international education “aims to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason and a little more compassion into world affairs and thereby increase the chance that nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship”. This is why we believe in international professional higher education.’ Ineke van der Linden, Dean of the School of Economics and Management *The American Senator J. William Fulbright, who sponsored legislation in 1946 aimed at promoting mutual understanding through exchange schemes for students and teachers.


SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF DESIGN AND COMMUNICATION The school runs a wide range of creative institutes suchs as the AMFI-Amsterdam Fashion Institute, Communication and Multimedia Design, Media, Information and Communication, and Information Technology and Computer Science. Our students embark on a journey to discover their own style, vision and expertise, and we show them how to turn ideas into reality. CREATE-IT Applied Research is the knowledge centre of the school of Design and Communication. Here, lecturers, students and researchers conduct practical research on behalf of the creative industry and the ICT sector, in collaboration with universities and other knowledge institutes. The results of our research greatly benefit the professional field, and they are also used to keep our educational programmes on the cutting edge.

‘AMFI-Amsterdam Fashion Institute (Fashion and Technology) is part of a renowned international network of fashion schools. With the motto ‘Creativity First’, we have our own vision for education, which focuses heavily on innovation. As a result, people who want to become fashion designers, managers, or branders are given the opportunity to work together in cross-disciplinary teams. This is rarely done at fashion schools.’ Marian McLaughlin, head of the International Office at AMFI-Amsterdam Fashion Institute


‘The English language minor International Trade Publishing focuses on the book industry from an international perspective. Lots of time is spent considering cultural differences in general as well as differences in business culture and negotiating techniques in particular. The minor is run in close cooperation with a number of international partners, such as the Oxford Brookes University. University and Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart. A joint one-week teaching programme is organised with these parties, and both students and teachers take part in exchange schemes. Cooperation arrangements are also being developed with a prestigious university in the US with its own successful student publishing company.’ Bregitta Kramer, lecturer for the minor International Trade Publishing

SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT The School of Economics and Management offers a wide variety of programmes in economics, business studies and related disciplines. At the School of Economics and Management, students are trained to take up middle and upper-management positions in organisations in both the private and public sectors. The International Business School is located in the business area of Amsterdam in a new, modern building next to the Ajax football stadium, the Amsterdam Arena. Graduates are awarded a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. The Centre for Applied Research in Economics and Management (CAREM) is responsible for the school’s research programmes. The research programme ‘Innovation and Participation in the Knowledge Economy’ contains four themes: Innovation of Services, Human Resource Management and Leadership, Urban Economics and Management and Internationalisation. Teams of professors, lecturers and students work on research projects for the public and private sector and are responsible for enhancing the research component in the curriculum and faculty development.

‘I have a Dutch father and a German mother and grew up mainly in Germany. I spent my first year as a student at a university of applied sciences in Osnabrück, and now I’m already in my third year of the international IBMS programme at the AUAS/HvA. Working on a project basis and following interactive lessons suits me very well. That approach is much less popular in Germany; I think that the educational culture there is less flexible. What I really like, is that the programme is taught in English and that there are students from a great variety of different countries and cultures. Coming into contact with them is an enriching experience for me.’ Emmy de Jongste is a third-year student of International Business and Management Studies (IBMS)

‘Our programme is ideally located in the heart of Europe - in Amsterdam, the epitome of a trading city. We therefore have a good homebase and contacts with the business community. Our school has a long history as an educational institute for commerce. We offer students a challenging curriculum, in which they are thoroughly taught the necessary theory, which they can then apply in practice in the international business community. This makes them useful to a company from the very first day of their work placement. As a placement supervisor, I often hear how our students in South America or Asia, for example, can be put to work independently straight away.’ Anne-Sophie Andela, senior lecturer in International and European Law within the International Business and Management Studies programme




The School of Education offers a variety of bachelor and part-time masters programmes in the field of teacher training and pedagogy. It maintains close ties with educational partners and the city of Amsterdam and has a strong focus on urban education. The multicultural and international atmosphere of Amsterdam is therefore integral to the education provided.

This school offers seven undergraduate and two postgraduate programmes in the field of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing and Mensendieck Exercise Therapy. The international Physiotherapy bachelor programme is taught entirely in English, as is the European Master of Science in Occupational Therapy.

The School of Education provides both Dutch and international students with an international outlook on teaching. Exchange students can follow modules on international and bilingual education, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Montessori education and intercultural competences, amongst many others.

The Amsterdam School of Health Professions greatly values international student mobility as a way of raising the quality of education. The school’s strongly evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach provides a rock-solid basis for the education it provides. The Amsterdam School of Health Professions works closely together with the Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam.

The School of Education also offers the International Degree in English and Education (IDEE), aimed at students who want to become teachers of English. It combines an academic level of study with an international perspective. Students can gain the prestigious In-service Certificate in English Language Teaching (ICELT) from the University of Cambridge as part of the programme.

‘I studied at the European School of Physiotherapy (ESP) at the AUAS/HvA. This programme was special because it gave me the opportunity to achieve my lifelong dream of becoming a physiotherapist. I chose AUAS/HvA because it gave me the opportunity to study and work with a diverse range of students from different cultural backgrounds.’

‘Once they’ve got over the initial culture shock, the foreign experience is highly enriching for both the Dutch students and their international peers. You can almost see the students growing before your very eyes!’

Nekpen Eghidemwivbie, ESP alumna

Liz Savage, IDEE team leader

‘We work very intensively with the Academic Medical Centre (AMC), with the departments of Rehabilitation, Social Medicine, Cardiology and General Practice, amongst many others. The school is right next door to the AMC, so it is in an ideal location. Our cooperation is mainly related to the outpatient clinic (Polifysiek) located at the AMC/ HvA site. Approximately 1,500 innovative treatments are administered to AMC patients each year by lecturers from AUAS/HvA. Students are also involved in both the care process and the scientific research conducted here. In this way, we’ve realised a highly effective combination of patient care, education and science, of which we’re very proud.’ Raoul Engelbert, associate professor and Head of the Physiotherapy Department at the Amsterdam School of Health Professions

‘My school is internationally active because Amsterdam is an international environment and health is a global issue.’ Rien de Vos, Dean of the School of Health Professions




The first school of social work in the world was founded in Amsterdam at the end of the 19th century. As a result, social work is truly embedded in the city’s culture and traditions. The School of Social Work and Law offers bachelor programmes in legal studies, public management and applied psychology. The programmes were developed in close consultation with the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam.

The School of Sports and Nutrition hosts three educational programmes, namely Physical Education, Nutrition & Dietetics and Sports, Management & Business.

The Research Centre develops knowledge and expertise in close cooperation with educational organisations and professionals in the field. The expertise developed is used to improve the bachelor and masters degree programmes, ensuring that the education remains closely linked to the issues affecting professional practice. The school offers exchange programmes in English at a variety of entry levels, each having different entrance requirements. It is possible to combine a number of these programmes.

Physical Education is a programme that trains students to become physical education teachers in Dutch schools. The programme was established over eighty years ago. Within the Nutrition and Dietetics programme, the entire nutritional spectrum is covered: from dietetics and health promotion to new product management. Sports, Management and Business focuses on the management side of sport and uses sport as a tool to teach students management skills. The School of Sports and Nutrition also offers the International Sports, Management and Business (ISMB) programme. ISMB is part of Sports, Management and Business and it focuses on sport in an international context.

‘The School of Social Work offers a variety of programmes in the field of social work and law. Human Rights is an umbrella theme reflected in all of the school’s programmes. We have therefore developed a programme around this theme: the minor in Social Work and Law. This international minor, conducted in English, deals with all disciplines of the school concerned with the themes of Human Rights and Civil Society. The minor therefore offers an interesting and diverse programme.’

‘ISMB maintains an international perspective of the sports world. This is not only expressed by the objective of achieving a fifty-fifty spread of students and lecturers - which will create a truly international community - but also in the contents of the curriculum. The literature, assignments and work placements are all internationally oriented. How is sports policy conducted in other continents? How does sports marketing take shape there? We want to prepare our students for these and other issues by introducing them to such systems.’

Kees Mak, head of the international office of the School of Social Work and Law

Claudia Makumbe, programme manager of the International Sports, Management and Business (ISMB) programme


SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY The School of Technology trains its students to function effectively in different cultural contexts, and to view their own culture from the perspective of others. The school does this by means of current and future collaborations with international academic/business partners and by continuing to explore and expand all international opportunities. Only then can they offer their students the best educational experience and job prospects for the future. Many of our bachelor programmes run sections of their courses in English and others are already actively participating in international initiatives. A few examples include the ‘Field Robot Event’ - the only open-air agricultural field robot contest in the world - and ‘The Wind Turbine Race’ where several universities from all over the world participate in a race to build the best and fastest wind-powered vehicle.


‘Aviation studies is an extremely international field, so it’s natural to focus on internationalisation. This programme is unique in the Netherlands in terms of working with aircraft. It deals with all the technical aspects of aircraft, including design, maintenance and repair, as well as the commercial aspects of airline companies and the legislation in this field. In order to reinforce the international aspect of our programme, we are ensuring that more and more of the programme is conducted in English. Examples of this are the Aviation Management Honours Programme and the Maintenance Repair Overhaul minor, which involves a significant amount of applied research.’ Bob Hogervorst, aviation lecturer within the technology discipline



AUAS/HvA invests in modern study facilities to safeguard the best possible conditions for successful studies. Foreign guests are guaranteed an inspiring educational environment in which studying and recreation go hand in hand.

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS/HvA) offers a wide range of international programmes at both the bachelor and master level. These programmes are taught in English and are aimed at various professional fields.

AUAS/HvA has a wide range of facilities, including: - Extensive ICT facilities with wireless networks - Media libraries with access to catalogues, databases, books and magazines - Multimedia rooms - Bookshops - Copy shops - Restaurants To help the students to get settled in Amsterdam, they can join the International Student Network (ISN), an organisation run by students of both AUAS/HvA and the University of Amsterdam. It aims to facilitate the social and cultural integration of international students into Dutch society, with a particular focus on Amsterdam. For the most up-to-date information see

‘My school is internationally active because our society, and particularly the field in which our students are aiming to build their career, is internationally oriented. Amsterdam has a long tradition of reaching beyond its own borders and my school is a good example of this.’

1. The School of Economics and Management includes the International Business School, which offers programmes in: - International Business and Management Studies - International Business and Languages - International Financial Management and Trade Management Asia 2. The Amsterdam Fashion Institute part of the School of Design and Communication - offers an internationally recognised programme specialising in Design, Management and Branding. 3. The School of Health Professions offers a Physiotherapy programme at the European School of Physiotherapy and a master in Occupational Therapy (Msc, 90 ECTS).

Geleyn Meijer, Dean of the School of Design and Communication 4. The School of Sports and Nutrition offers an International Sports, Management and Business (ISMB) bachelor programme. Furthermore, all seven HvA schools offer a wide range of modules taught in English for exchange students from partner institutes.




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